Geh 6811 - 2
Geh 6811 - 2
Geh 6811 - 2
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GEH-6811A Contents 1
ALCC is the F-class control architecture for all future product development. Many future
software and hardware upgrades will require the application of ALCC.
This document primarily defines AutoTune 3.x. For further information on the ETS
system refer to GEH-6810, OpFlex Enhanced Transient Stability (ETS) for GE Gas
Turbines User Guide.
From a DLN perspective the design of the AutoTune 3.x and Cold Day Performance 3.x
products are identical. Therefore, all references to AutoTune technology also apply to the
Cold Day Performance product unless otherwise noted.
Mode 6 premix operation is a balance between the inputs of the GT cycle, ambient
conditions and fuel properties, and the outputs of efficiency, emissions (particularly
NOx and CO), combustion pressure dynamics, and flame blow out avoidance. Much
of this balance is set by the fundamental hardware design. To achieve the lowest
possible emissions the system is engineered past what is stable without periodic manual
intervention commonly referred to as DLN tuning. As the industry continues to evolve
and the Combined Cycle gas turbine emerges as a cyclic or even peaking generation
asset, demands for GT flexibility often come down to demands for combustor flexibility.
Additionally, as GT technology has spread around the globe, many turbines are
increasingly expected to burn natural gases of varying compositions.
When multiple manifolds are active there must be a determination of the percentage of
fuel to send to each active manifold. This percentage is referred to as the DLN split or
the fuel split.
Historically combustion fuel splits and combustion mode transfers were established based
on a modeled turbine reference temperature known as TTRF1. This was a simplistic
model of the bulk fluid stream temperature entering the turbine. The DLN fuel splits were
scheduled as fractions of the total Fuel Stroke Reference (FSR) versus the TTRF1 in a
simple look-up table. This table was tuned to be specific to the unit hardware, the fuel, and
possibly to the ambient conditions through the process known as DLN tuning.
For DLN split control and mode transfer determination the ETS product replaces TTRF1
with Combustion Reference Temperature (CRT). The GE controller signal for CRT is
CA_CRT. GE software no longer uses TTRF1, although it may be maintained in the
software for interface with distributed control system (DCS) controls for existing units.
It is recommended that any DCS process be updated to use CA_CRT or CA_TRT as
appropriate and also discontinue the use of TTRF1. TTRF1 is removed completely from
new gas turbine installations.
AutoTune contains explicit control loops for NOx, combustion dynamics, and LBO. There
are multiple control loops for each of these boundaries due to the complex interactions
within the combustor. In the case of the DLN system the fuel splits are considered the
effectors. Each effector has a hierarchy of nested control loops.
This implies that the system can go out of emissions compliance in an attempt to maintain
flame (avoid LBO). Likewise, the combustion dynamics can become elevated to maintain
emissions compliance or avoid LBO. This prioritization scheme allows combustion
hardware to run to entitlement.
Ideally the operating space of the combustor can accommodate the inlet conditions without
the need to run to a limiting boundary such as LBO or emissions. In these cases the
AutoTune product can adjust the fuel splits to optimize and lower combustion dynamics.
GEH-6811A Chapter 3 Direct Boundary Model-based Control Applied to DLN Product Description 3-1
Adaptive Real-time Engine Simulation (ARES) is the core thermodynamic cycle model
of the gas turbine that is programmed to run in the GT controller. For more information
on the ARES model, refer to GEH-6810, OpFlex Enhanced Transient Stability (ETS) for
GE Gas Turbines.
A significant amount of AutoTune development was devoted to creating these DLN system
models. These models would not be possible without the inputs from the ARES model.
The utilization of increasingly complex models as part of the operational control code
creates susceptibility to model error that is driven by sensor error. An enhanced sensor
protection scheme called Input Signal Processing (ISP) was developed to ensure critical
sensors, and therefore model outputs, are accurate. The full details of these protection
schemes are discussed in GEH-6810, OpFlex Enhanced Transient Stability (ETS) for
GE Gas Turbines.
The DLN 2.6 fuel system design is displayed in the following figure.
LBO Models
Two independent control loops are used to protect against combustion LBO. The GE
combustion laboratory was used to map out LBO at various cycle conditions. This data
was then fit into a model that captures the varying conditions experienced in the combustor.
The result is a boundary model that is programmed into the controller. AutoTune does not
allow the DLN fuel splits to move past this LBO boundary. Second, there is a control loop
based on measured combustion dynamics. If combustion dynamics approach a signature
that is indicative of LBO, the system adjusts DLN splits to avoid operation in this region.
Dynamics Models
Each of the combustion dynamics tones that GE controls has its own model. These models
are programmed into the controller and calculate the combustion dynamics based on
measured unit parameters as well as ARES outputs. Similar to the NOx model, they are
tuned to be specific to the unit hardware.
The combustion dynamics models are continuously adjusted based on the inputs from the
CDM system. Similar to the emissions models, the use of a model avoids the time lag
that is associated with collecting and processing combustion dynamics levels. It also
allows the system to continue operation based on the models alone, without relying on the
secondary tuning to the CDM system in the case of a CDM system fault or failure.
Both the CDM system measured AutoTune requires a redundant CDM system to avoid single point failures. The CDM
and the model calculated system software uses various I/O health processing checks that remove bad CDM sensors
dynamics are available to from the system. Not all sensors are required to be healthy for use in AutoTune control.
the operator though the HMI The AutoTune system cannot control each combustion can, so the intent of using the CDM
AutoTune screens. feedback is to understand the average behavior of the system. This design accommodates
many faults before it is completely removed from active control in AutoTune.
Use of the AutoTune product includes the following benefits:
• Fuel flexibility
• Seasonal retune elimination
• Reduced overall dynamics
• Real-time emissions target adjustments
• Transient capability
Fuel flexibility – AutoTune enables the combustor to adapt to varying fuel constituents
to maintain acceptable parts life, output, and emissions targets. Past simulation and field
testing has demonstrated gas turbine operability under a wide range of fuel composition
conditions (as indicated using the Wobbe Index calculation). This is achieved while
observing emissions targets, and maintaining stable control of all relevant boundaries.
Heated fuel units can also recover fuel temperature to rated temperature, increasing
performance. This temperature may be lowered or varied on some GE frame sizes to
accommodate fuel variation.
Real-time emissions target adjustments – The AutoTune product includes a NOx slider
bar. This slider is a bias that allows the end user to adjust the internal AutoTune NOx
control target. The default target for the 7FA.03 DLN 2.6 GT is 8 ppm. The slider bar
allows the end user to adjust the system to account for small deviations that can exist
between the AutoTune NOx model and the site emissions reporting instrumentation.
For NOx, the allowable bias range is -1 to 5 ppm. The bias input from the slider bar
is rate limited, so any slider bar changes take 1-2 minutes to ramp to the desired bias.
Since emissions control is prioritized over dynamics control, the NOx slider bar can be
used to reduce combustion dynamics in some cases. Increasing the NOx bias potentially
allows the control loops to further minimize dynamics. This can be a worthwhile tradeoff,
especially for units with flexible NOx permits or SCR systems.
Transient capability – The AutoTune product is engineered and tested with ETS. It
offers GE’s most advanced technology to survive grid or other rapid transients that can be
imposed on the GT by operability demands or external sources.
Note If Autotune is disabled, it is possible that the unit may blow out or experience
high emissions or dynamics.
This product, combined with the NOx slider bar and real-time combustion dynamics
information displayed on the HMI allows the GT to reach cold weather output entitlement
without incurring an increase in Hot Gas Path maintenance factor.
Selecting any Combustion Can data from this screen displays the following window,
providing detailed can-level fault information. This can be useful when troubleshooting
the CDM system.
In addition, clicking the CDM Fault Tree button on the Combustion Data screen
displays the following window, illustrating how the CDM faults feed into the system
lockout/trouble alarms. This can also be useful when troubleshooting the CDM system.
Note The following screen is DLN 2.6 specific; the DLN 2.6+ screen has a different
manifold and TMR configuration.
For detailed alarm descriptions and signals, refer to the unit specific Control Specification
provided under MLI A010 and A210 with each unit.