Data Historian: GE Industrial Systems
Data Historian: GE Industrial Systems
Data Historian: GE Industrial Systems
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor
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Section Page
Functional Description.................................................................................................2
Working with Files and Menu Commands ..................................................................3
Menu Commands..................................................................................................3
Data Historian Concepts ..............................................................................................4
Creating the Data Historian Configuration...........................................................5
Signals ................................................................................................................13
Dead Bands.........................................................................................................14
GE Industrial Systems
ARCNET is a registered trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
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Functional Description
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This document provides instructions for configuring the Data Historian using the GE
Control System Toolbox. The Data Historian records control signals from Innova-
tion Series drives and controllers and local area networks (LANs) connected to a
personal computer. Data is saved in a Data Collection and Analysis (.dca) file format
The program runs in the background as a service on the computer that is running the
Windows NT
Server computer.
If the Data Historian is running on the CIMPLICTY Server computer, then
this requires that the signals are imported into the CIMPLICITY project and
the EGD Devcom and service are installed.
The network interface can be
created and configured by us-
ing the toolbox on the Data
Historian computer.
If the Data Historian is running on a standard computer, then this requires
that a network interface is created and configured and the EGD initializa-
tion file (ICNSDB.INI) exports for this computer. The standard computer
must be on the control network Ethernet. The EGD Service must also be in-
stalled and running.
Note Any changes to the exchanges received by this computer requires re-exporting
the EGD initialization file (ICNSDB.INI) file and restarting the EGD Service.
GEI-100278B Data Historian 11
Enter the name of the
collection (also is the
name of the Data Historian
subdirectory for the data that
the Data Historian collects).
Select the name of the
network from where the
signals are collected.
Enter the rate (ms) that the
data is collected from the
data source.
Enter up to 50 characters
describing the collection.
Enter the maximum time (in hours) that the data will
remain on the disk before being automatically deleted.
Enter the maximum size (in MB) for the directory holding the collected data.
When finished, click OK.
Select the source of the
timestamp used in the
data files.
Drive Capture Buffer
Drive Capture Buffer uploads a capture buffer when the signal changes. The col-
lection's only signal, Capture Complete, must be on the EGD network.
Select the drive name from
where the data is
being collected.
Enter the name of the
collection (also is the
name of the Data Historian
subdirectory for the data that
the Data Historian collects).
Select the name of the
EGD network from where
the signals are collected.
Enter the rate (ms) that the
data is collected from the
data source.
Enter up to 50 characters
describing the collection.
Enter the maximum time (in hours) that the data will
remain on the disk before being automatically deleted.
Enter the maximum size (in MB) for the directory holding the collected data.
When finished, click OK.
12 Data Historian GEI-100278B
Trip Log
This collection also contains
alarms and events generated
through the Turbine Control
Interface (TCI) system. A menu
button is provided to automati-
cally generate the signal list for
the live data. The live data con-
sists of the signals defined in
the capture buffers.
Trip Log is a combination of live data collected at a rate of one second and multiple
capture buffers collected at a high-speed rate. The signals defined by the user for the
collection are the status signals from the capture buffers. The signals are resolved
from the controller file, if it is open in the toolbox, or from the controller directly.
Both the capture buffer status signals and the collected signals must be on the EGD
. The Trip Log creates two collections: one PC Live collection and one Trip collec-
tion. When a trip occurs (the capture buffer status transitions to capture complete),
this collection reads from the PC Live Collection 24 hours of previously collected
data alarms and events prior to the capture buffer and writes it to the trip file. Then
data from the capture buffers is written to the same file creating a single comprehen-
sive file for the trip. The last 30 trips are saved.
Select the controller name
that contains the capture
Enter the name of the unit. The Collection Name will be the <Unit Name>_TRIPLOG.
(The Collection Name is
also the name of the Data
Historian subdirectory for
the data that the Data
Historian collects).
Select the name of the EGD
network from where the
signals are collected.
Enter up to 50 characters
describing the collection.
Enter the name of the site.
When finished, click OK.
Enter name of TCI computer
(default is the Data Historian
PC name). This PC creates
the alarms and events.
GEI-100278B Data Historian 13
Once the collection is created, signals can be added. Select the desired signals from
the collections network signals.
To add signals to the collection
To add the next signal, click on
the signal you just inserted and
select Insert Next.
1. From the Outline View, click on the collection name.
2. From the Edit menu, select Insert First.
Or, click the right mouse button and select Insert First. The Signal Selector
dialog box displays.
Note The signal must be on the network chosen for collection or the get command
from the database will fail.
Signal Selector
Locate the
desired signal
from the
Regions list.
Click on the
signal to add it
to the Signal
Name list.
Click OK and
the signal
displays under
the collection
name in the
Outline View.
Tip The SDB Browser can be used to add multiple signals. The query used for
the find should include the network chosen in each Insert Collection dialog box.
Using the list of signals returned from the query, you can perform a multiple select,
and then drag-and-drop from the Browser to the collection.
A completed device configuration displays in the Outline View as follows:
14 Data Historian GEI-100278B
Dead Bands
Every signal has a parameter called a dead band. The dead band establishes a range
that the signal can vary before a new signal value is recorded. This function prevents
quantities of insignificant data from being collected. For example, a variable can
vary between 0 12 V, but sit at or drift near zero.
Also, if only changes of 0.1 V or more is desired, a dead band range of 0.1 can be set
to prevent a file of meaningless drift values from being created. A dead band of zero
indicates that all value changes, no matter how small, are recorded.
Set Dead Band
To set the dead band for a signal
From the Outline View, double-click on the signal name. The Modify Signal
dialog box displays.
Change the
signal name or
click Browse to
locate and select
the name.
Enter the
required dead
band and
click OK.
GEI-100278B Data Historian 15
When troubleshooting or re-
porting errors, refer to the Error
Number in the error message.
This number relates specific
Not receiving data or data is all zeros while running a Live PC collection on the
DLAN or CSF network.
information regarding the nature
of the encountered problem
The Data Historian computer needs an ARCNET Card installed.
The ARCNET Card requires an ARCNET driver (DLAN) or CSF driver
(CSF) loaded and configured.
Verify that drivers are working properly and receiving data.Are configured
on the DLAN of the target Controller.
Not receiving any data or data is invalid while running a PC Live collection on the
EGD network.
Verify the signal is on the target EGD.
Verify the exchange is being sent to the Data Historian computer.
Verify the Data Historian computer is on the control network Ethernet with the
other controllers. The EGD does not route exchanges.
Verify the installation, configuration and running status of the EGD service.
Verify healthy exchange received by the Data Historian computer. (Use Pro-
gram Files\GE Control System Solutions\ICN_Service\EGDStatus.exe to verify
the status of the EGD exchanges on the computer.)
A Capture Buffer Collection running from the controller or the drive is not re-
ceiving any data when the capture buffer triggers.
Verify a running status signal from the controller capture buffer on EGD or
Verify compatible firmware for capture buffer uploads. Only the Innovation Se-
ries Drives have the capture buffer upload feature.
Verify that the Data Historian is seeing the status transition by creating a PC
Live collection of status signals.
GE Industrial Systems
General Electric Company
1501 Roanoke Blvd.
Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA
Issue date: 2000-11-15
2000 by General Electric Company, USA.
All rights reserved.