Hakobian The Nose

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eee E Ea OOO | Music of the Soviet Era: 1917-1991 Second Edition Levon Hakobian Routledge Tomy beloved life companions ‘our son Hovhannes my wife Gayane and 60 The rise of Shschvich ras and he strings playing. union avr inant ch fhe nstent "Naps: bet the Ode to Jy tn Borves Nah Syapbory. The sm ony‘ nei ps prt fom esl’ ending. nl cera abuse of Frege texan anf monotonously Pouny hm ~ bal shorter "hid Symphony ner "To Oxo deeres to be uid a ile Tat he rota th works est to foie sth et ven, seEtance The compostona stores f te “oly” symphonies wer fret a wath woeton "Ta October nes comarscone hy the sopaanda De tnt ofthe Sate Mosel Eton, beaded ten by the Proletl. RAPNC {hu ORKIMD sctist Lev Shulgin, to commemorate he tenth sonora tf the October Revolution, The work was nade prize of be Lenard Nitoley to (Leningrad, $ November 1927 two days before the ann say) was honoured the prevance ot high State and Party ofa To (tote mas ee specimens of cotrmporary muse pale byes ftachod obo ASM ané RAPA” Iwas cade i the programe of an Iron even orarizedby ASM the preseason othe best achievements tthe newborn Soviet smaphonic musi (Moscow, 4 December 1927)" As ‘eur the st My Shesakovich omposed coho nia, a (he won's rire pefomances in nouay 190 (Lengel wit Alesana ‘Gnak condsting) pases but unneie,Thooph the sbmpton, bride ‘Some ctr work ofthe same period, bough to Sbotalanich the reputation tccloical he mat Soviet one song ontepeary competes? Sound 1980 they dapper on the Soviet repetoe fr more than tree ‘simile fate bef hs tosses ales, alan pect sore a regs thro ie cent tae 1208 a elves sere thee musa iow: De olden Age op. 2 (1930) and The Bot op. 27 (93) Both woke were commision y the principal opera ase of Leningrad the fe Maris, after he revenge Sate Academe Theat Opera sot Balt (GATOR). Their snare, dealing wth Soviet od evoke spre (nan mara Wester county vied «Sol otal ea fndin a Sov fcoryrespestney ne sda specimens of ich Soviet (opabands Shoko aide toward her, udgng by Bi ter, at [ely eal ura hi tude tars iow mas o The Ba (he found Th Golden Age more sestory) Nevers, Shstakovich- bobs thatine hdc boon alae sop the most Soi comtemporary then’ by means of msl guage. Te “postive salen Soviet ‘lene in tt bales expressed mil through signs nonsy nce ‘Spcios and stile cement ual ace ty moe orang the ts Ramo, melodie and by arabe pre," oeestaion, The rise ofShosatovich 81 Tis coatemporary borg culture general Aso the Sot dans | cn ‘Side anatomy bree ‘Sitnreny pus wer Bota ated en fest rmeon 20ers eiga samt nts lwey prrcunernkin ng Oec ery et (ioc wn wd mt ee a AT ye tm ene ean ma apt St 98, a pay ven Sonus ee xan tye my at ate at and np Sra sen rn nd tet sep a The Nose Lt ue etm, howcet 19 Ststkovkh's eat, relay wncoed years ‘on hs geist of tragic he’ ere sil ats, el upon the op ‘ow of be wate prod the opera The sr op sy bd an Nia (Gog "Petesbary ll ofthe sae mame ir phd I). deine by Therise of Shrokvich ition Step asso ek one SUS at cyt iy Sek a ‘ot his something tht resins undocumented. brigher rank wha is then caught hy dhe police abd finally returned to its right Ta eee Sita tcauhiehcee cane a Inet cm ctanea pms tenet SRE saan Nee Tar ersaaae ete reer Gala” sine wc sane oe a TheriseofShonabovih 6 erarcicl suctre, where every deal woul hve sty detained fantom. However, any mel Tat does net envisage certain minim of ‘Storey tra son nites no wonder ta esnning with Fushins The Bronze Horseman (185) an espe with Gog, Ress foetus hasoten see St Ptrsbureas bewitehd place, wher ths aso fel ofthe inital mode servos a1 background forte oe feat [unreal events, as if reminding one of he primer “arth is The ose _pethap, oa mot king gre that thers ofthe same writers Persbug Tks ~ is retest of tet’ peels “onlay, for ep {vets image ofa everett y he proces of dsigrton fis ‘Speclycharacterinlc of Gogasputormesterve and some of he ssid {Bt thefasore,whien es the unre, pssst up he hen ofthe foot a a spon ofthe romani Henrich Heine rns, et though te eo the fintonary' noo, ‘Sich ion ofthe univers fed te sin t Perso, rope speaking, already in Leningrad story air the ada! to power ofthe oithevia, nto modelo saperttaltaran sate urased een te aude ‘ons pet of eter the Great Fi tine, fo leur ws tbh wih ‘Repose. The ater sumed, input a igh speci fxm, concerto ermach withthe stalin pital ian, hs ete ‘ri ei) with th sae Kn of oneal analy, which ss care {eric of te tet of Gop rose. Hfve i sind eel the work of the ‘Sale OBERIU (Ob wknd real ozo saasvs “Uke of Real Ars vary of young Levingrad men fetes = Ober, od tl esis ~ who pases th mae in Jansary 1928 The best ona (persstes were Dil Kars (WS), Aleksandr Vwedesy (1904-14, ‘oly Zable (1905-1958 and koay Orit (108-1097), who wat sender an amember fhe rep. Al ase writers bea tos ‘Sali resins, anon Zab survived te.” some mpertn respects, the work te bers cn be eg as or ‘imiton aad development fhe tran of GogasPetorsurg Tales, though ‘Brtime inte wig ccna he ‘ra of te Octber Reve Th tex represent pen denial of he oily pond age fe wor Ye, ‘ecading tthe panies inbred specially fom Gog sucha dea tec ‘me picrophelfundemetals aes then any partclr const o he lage in quo, In ther wor, the onalogil abut ote une such" elng of the nsoheence ofthe wold tad fgienttion of tn tease Vedonsy's eloquent sain! server ashe pip there ote ‘erste In his respec they indeed, mre piu pring of Gog they had dol avatae of ving neon that provided ee {Sly craw outer fr hemos phaeamagns vison, Fer Insan, a ‘wii elope of he ides of The Nan an be fund in oo he ps ‘untaer by Khar ifn Gogol he sue hat atthe nese ey ‘paras man fom his om Karas agent the human body is id yx made of ssh sures into ner of mull acted part Ta th border betnoenexnece and nereiseac wie ou Sach an etl ict pole ned a ial pace fr anyone ving ude taltaran pews howe treatment Kham —apeal expe egy There wat on hed man, who dni eyes nore Hea ad ni he was called ee but eansenaly He even hal no hands and wo legs. He also had no stomach, no back po Stostkovh belonged hese generation atthe Obes and matin Peron or ees profesona soats wi sxe ofthe te Obes, in form wee ered Shosovch and otal ated the rem of The ‘ove! Though he coor of Shaki eo fr The Nowe wre nt nected wit ORERIU, de spe cenceqtion is sikngly congenial 0 he ‘Operate’ vision of the univers. The mode of interpretation of Goel by Shorahovich is dpenict on the existential nd rua expect wih be ‘tard withthe Ober he compost ney ecetats so Rees Gop one tat ah the aru ofthe Persarg Ts arose the date erature the aur Th Noe rin test ith elo), 0scees, rumbling te choral tan andthe ete) The wares camer ocesee (Gaon wind insrament pet prt an sever anal street) ase W carci of which only 1 cr sft fal Reval (iio) Noe (eae) and the Pie Ofer enor ain) have lately Sport iging prt At isi ch pes pods te peson on nile youth ay Te inc’ crs re stk by sails nd ers feta ad human vices in exeme eis singing with Cuhed nos and ites ‘tym song nn jp rt i ai tonality the most rai tats, inti sn syaon snus wah be ste orn a he ‘ho nappa ones and om For Us iin te sry a ‘Shnken roduc pest Rusa pk ring nants al Inasand our dorset he caer ocesra. Another mere ican, inno consti coin oe of he enlaces athe it a 2" iste emcoe of prcanson intreas wit dite pitch The work's dkoorsttie aye etogeetyancptes the nal pobaliaes Tenntory ilo the nematgrighe dec f presente eve, occu in cite pos ed at ion sent fe, a Kind of oan usiespat tn he td a, wile Fotohin (Kova spun) an ber dae ar eaing «eter frm Koval, be and i rend ae reading The rst of Soneovch 65 ye anrme® 1 setnt comport was 6 demand engine persia ay momen And edd af hh renus etapa ogo The ost of enor eating Newspaper adveriscmet nthe second ae Su uss ren omeraousy nica opine can (Begining ‘evn in ase 22, the mort exact mo ef tessa and cacpene {hone we thet altaneaing reply sce 0 mor ty ‘Siro nas macy sn tanga Thea n et p {in Cops ks pre om one ingot phrase paying rk le cepa ote po Say, amo a ar Eamets mpg reso sis mul pte se openers swt bps at sey opt Time ersten, ech chon estat, elk wo {FR serat lane second ac o wots om Dates The ‘oss Kremazr Be plnv song conn ne ping of Ahn ct Go weds om he even of Aned by the inna lass fen athaeaky, qt! by Gopal non of ier arate the rine gr hgh th opr An aps bnprnt ke ne perm flped by Be yt eof eae. From tc c,h gear e gallop be {le Sasalovats our meio fr grote er ene ete is {Eatin of the palpi ops tose Satay Sanh Mach of = cE 7 St 9 - pop ow gtr Sessa bear eph op? Suh ore crear! wml low a spe cnerctve pc, according wich peal elt this, vu came of eae Thay th dy of ie Koswas pose “st Taner Vey Sexe sot Resin stir then han en 10h et, mou guted i The Gace of Sade marking eager he Poke Oftcernthe tac played prensa ong ene A ‘awors acconpid by fala cons inn nthe male's onan ihe andr gure of scompuninet gradu Segeerting Ioan ise ec Sy“ hme oan psa ath me ciple vis Soe ad srl aed acs yet The mp ce a street oc mt et a ae ‘ae ett prt hehe mah sana asp eer tml pote pl yl ee SnZu eat snne tr nes ser dr ot eee ines eet Teme earn aes ade at cesta wes pd mene pee pe rt eee hatin et tant vat ere er ee ly, ery melo tia ton man cee | erage gear erelap reiy per| Sot Sen veteran pansies 68 The rite of Shviovich ye ined st inet Bal ene of Work (aa a and of meso Inreal acaper in the scat, some, often emphatically iuman Were Th behing The No’vosensble ‘rch; tein dete wr clk, forthe expeson of which Gog suave wat sed mete ase sppoprie Free Th cut in question i chartered espe by the see one [ology the dei to Somat the elms "is (he pr ‘ace wor esa el relate) sca aout (te anything cn pana ey mae ath ck of wl ring bth els to uns a "sa ale dred pater of he univers x rete, complementing the stay moni tonsa ated by he of sel Goin ‘Wehve seal sce hae fr amis concert the erie ig 32 2 oll tbo were revealed inthe Sth Symphony by Mash. Tha Solty Nooavsy's wok ad The Noe are saan, bah ave Boe nerdy the same faces undying he cee Sov exes ‘Sesused ine oct oth ook In other words SbosalowasPhe Nove ot ey a cnc bane. ssc’ esate betsemeting moe cnx nay Sie ine Obes, preserved nd develpes Gogol whims uncrtaey. 9 logon desaried by ance res nae of St eter. Naboo ere an hr nh tence cesripine pasa ha word, Soietimes amet adver ora pepsin (sere in sacha Wa) = orn the aralnr setnce ede wd day af niga Se tory ce the patage at hd sre na raniting soi arnt ‘Ula sudden eves thet answerer he rate | oan ‘tat sey, dor buts open Sd my wave of anne oY ‘she in only to Sse tn moo pass oF be ‘hake by me sence breaking and reverting to scones pal (-] ies ne he seneain of something ars and sane ine stl, nce betwee the cic of things, en thir ono se, depend nee teh the coe and, by extension, ao the strange, absurd, eer) aed the cor Ink side of hing, vaguely coneted coca the neha, the “Tato, he eo and th “sll nor, tasted mich of in Part I, cote the moderne aan-gare devices soled rae ssh woré ofthe ighnares he ation ad the ou wth wore tind of de ie, Shoskoch hime revere otis Kd of coms ns Foursenth Symp (589) una tof mas in etn, of cae | cient tof tin wh wi ne cl rl sore, oever, eh to pas through any ea al Pi atoms ha he subscqurt destiny of the repeatedly hamiied ul etd | guvtcompose wns rede napa by Kearms Lifes ke the afr the wind aa man ship A good san can F —gethecoary wil and even go yp stn withou ging the ous Justsoa wisaman an we lows offre and uproar i he Kn eal scone wasted to become eae, tu tan had ct oF his tren, and he bce dumb, Hower, he dd ie up isk, he ul doy mans of eal peck " sneer [Ge Only oe thing sem to be mac ole cot f Shaki hd fetietn he ein he Nose, any dain dons be elf on {Snpoury mal ngings woul bat entered rer ogee than ey ly de Ont tert. tiny of msi woul een pred ‘atnuerstve owt and hw, wit wich oe can hay asin tee "Tenge pemire f Phe Nou took pace on 1 any 1990 the Maly (Smull) Oper Thee of Leningrad (MALEGOD), rept for kr prod fom opere oes, unde te tn ofthe eae arts der Sams Shorud The pear nas unanimous n pang the aly of exun ‘ust opis wer diferen™ Then th things reahy tre the ttre, Theayrawstaken fin 93 ater perfomance tr Ser wahthe usher atta ward Shosutonch nal seal pes fies 1se, Asatyev al could harsctrz the opcre as # wor of le td tory abut deep uaky fe baer se Mle sen OF Me” nether Stasis fend Valen Bogiaov erect in an Mart could y ayn posve sou The offal ego ihe times of Sain od then of Kirsch na amos neeing Up he image of Shwthovch’ fit opern ae an embient of the mast permite Decourgeos "modernise ihe si imma Sov sal Cayo S190 The taco eal study on The Nee appeared 1963 1 ‘as only in Seneenber 197, oe sear before the ompoers death an er several productions in ly, West and East Germany, Czechoslovakia, USA Su Get tn tat Th ne could tur tthe Seve scene. This ie, ‘rs sage the Boris Pokrvshy Chane Mise Thea Movson, er the mune! ction of Gronadiy Reshdetvenhy. Ut the eaty 2003 Rovhisarvenay's balla rooring remained the oly aval version of the meron di, the Yap Que lates Corydon 7 Teg Fol te sew aes lo Soave base inci Prt’ ane er Hever. 19K 90. The perl! ee ‘i Soy Sa not Ta ey Seon ae seen en pn [Reais chmcaiay Rutan ig etn Ay aero dy The Bey op 9 athe Meyerbld Ths: Saves aii | part IT Music under Stalin

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