Unit.5 Jane Eyre
Unit.5 Jane Eyre
Unit.5 Jane Eyre
You hate me and I hate you. We'll see who hates best.
(Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys)
1 Gilber, S. M. and Gubar S., 2000, The Mad Woman in the Attic, The Woman Writer and the
Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination, Yale Nota Bene, Yale University Press, New Haven
and London
2. Stanley, T. F., Jean Rhys. 1979, A Critical Study, MacMillan Press LTD, London and
3. Galea, I., 2000, Victorianism and Literature, Dacia, Cluj-Napoca
4. Klein, M. and Riviere, J., 2001, L’amour et la haine, Editions Payot et Rivages, Paris