Central Serous Retinopathy: Michael Colucciello, MD
Central Serous Retinopathy: Michael Colucciello, MD
Central Serous Retinopathy: Michael Colucciello, MD
Most cases of the CSR occur in individuals between 20 and 50 years of age. One study
found the age range at first diagnosis to be between 22 and 83 years old. In that study,
patients older than 50 tended to have bilateral disease, systemic hypertension, and a history
of corticosteroid use.2 The overall incidence in men vs women is approximately 6 to 1. In 1
study, mean annual age-adjusted incidences per 100000 were 9.9 for men and 1.7 for
women.3 In women, pregnancy is a known risk factor.4
CSR has been associated with stress and stress hormones (ie, corticosteroids and
epinephrine); individuals with a "type A personality" who are under stress have been shown
to be predisposed to developing the condition.5 There is extensive evidence that those
exposed to exogenous (even topical) corticosteroids (eg, those with asthma, autoimmune
disorders, dermatologic conditions, allergic rhinitis, degenerative disc disease requiring
epidural steroids, and organ transplant patients) or higher levels of endogenous
corticosteroids (Cushing syndrome) or epinephrine (obstructive sleep apnea,6 systemic
hypertension) show a higher frequency of CSR.6 In 1 series, 52% of patients with CSR had
used exogenous steroids within 1 month of presentation as compared to 18% of control
subjects.7 The incidence of CSR in persons with Cushing syndrome was 5% — far higher
than the general population — in 1 small study.8 Sildenafil (Viagra, Pfizer) usage has also
been linked to the development of CSR.9,10
The incidence of recurrence in the ipsilateral eye is approximately 30%; in 1 study the
incidence of signs of CSR in the fellow eye was 32% (symptomatic in 13%).11 One study
associated Helicobacter pylori infection with CSR;12 no further studies have corroborated
this finding.
Several hypotheses have been offered regarding the pathogenesis of CSR, but none have
been definitively proved. Hypotheses have been offered based on epidemiologic and
angiographic observations.
Patients with CSR may have an increased susceptibility to choroidal and RPE
hyperpermeability with steroids or epinephrine. Impairment in autonomic function may lead
to a focal disturbance/spasm in the choroidal circulation.13
Patients present with an acute onset of central scotoma, metamorphopsia, and micropsia
(detected by Amsler grid). Visual acuity (VA) is often improved with a small hyperopic
correction. There is an decrease in contrast sensitivity and color saturation and an increase
in macular photostresss recovery time.
Exudative AMD
Multifocal Choroiditis (eg, POHS)
Degenerative Myopia
Angioid Streaks
Macular Hole
Malignant Hypertension
Choroidal Tumors
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Figure 1 inset) demonstrates many of the signs
listed above, most notably the presence of a neurosensory macular detachment, which may
be subtle. Intravenous fluorescein angiography (IVFA) in CSR demonstrates focal leakage
at the level of the RPE. Pinpoint leakage sites are usually seen; a "classic smokestack"
configuration of fluorescein leakage (Figure 2) is seen in only 10% of cases. In chronic
CSR, a focal granular hyperfluorescence at the level of the RPE can be seen, associated with
areas of atrophy of the RPE.
Multifocal electroretinography has been used to correlate the signs of CSR with regions of
decreased retinal function and to monitor response to therapy. Microperimetry can measure
retinal-sensitivity changes in CSR. Blood studies are generally not helpful, although
elevated endogenous cortisol levels have been noted with CSR.
Approximately 30% of patients have recurrences;3 10% have 3 or more. Nearly half of those
patients who experience a recurrence have that recurrence within 1 year of the initial
presentation of CSR. Visual function may progressively decline with each recurrence.
Retinal pigment epitheliopathy (decompensation of the RPE or "sick RPE syndrome"),
cystoid macular degeneration (cystoid foveal changes on OCT without associated
intraretinal leakage of fluorescein dye on IVFA), and CNV can complicate the process,15
especially with multiple recurrences.
Considerations for differential diagnosis in CSR include disorders that involve central vision
loss associated with exudative neurosensory retinal detachment.
A variant of wet AMD, retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP), often presents with
intraretinal hemorrhage, which is not seen in CSR. IVFA in RAP demonstrates dilated
capillaries near an area of intraretinal neovascularization that extends to the subretinal space
and leaks. ICG in RAP shows retinal-retinal anastomosis and retinal leakage with a focal
"hot spot" of leakage. Isolated serous or drusenoid RPE detachments in AMD present
without contiguous exudation clinically or on OCT and do not demonstrate leakage on
A macular neurosensory retinal detachment may be associated with other disorders that can
lead to CNV. A multifocal choroiditis, such as presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome,
may be associated with an exudative macular detachment in association with CNV. Fundus
lesions typified by multiple choroidal lesions, with or without peripapillary atrophy, are
associated with clinical and angiographic evidence of CNV. Degenerative myopia, in a
highly nearsighted eye, may be associated with exudative CNV, especially when lacquer
cracks are present. Angioid streaks may also be associated with exudative CNV. This
condition may be discerned by the characteristic radial peripapillary linear dark red
subretinal lines that represent regions of Bruch's membrane dehiscence.
Idiopathic serous RPE detachments, which typically occur in younger individuals and may
be associated with metamorphopsia, are not associated clinically with serous retinal
detachment upon examination with ophthalmoscopy or OCT and do not exhibit leakage on
Since the prognosis for CSR is good; 80% to 90% of cases resolve spontaneously within 3
months. Observation is the first option in management. Certainly, if the patient is taking
exogenous corticosteroids, these should be tapered and discontinued if possible.
If the patient is not taking exogenous steroids and the episode does not appear to be
improving after 2 months, if previous episodes have left the patient with residual deficit or
the visual symptoms are affecting the patient's activities of daily living to a significant
extent, or if the patient needs to continue exogenous steroids for treatment of a medical
condition, active treatment should be considered.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) directed at RPE leaks may hasten resolution of exudation in
CSR by reducing choroidal blood flow in those areas, thus favoring cessation of leakage.
Since there is upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) locally in areas of
PDT,17 the development of CNV after PDT treatment of CSR is not surprising.18 "Safety-
enhanced" PDT using half-dose verteporfin (Visudyne, QLT/Novartis), compared to the
AMD treatment protocol, has shown promise.19
Laser photocoagulation of RPE leakage sites in CSR can also hasten resolution of leakage,
resulting in resolution of associated serous macular detachment. Laser is only an option for
extrafoveal leakage sites because collateral retinal damage follows laser treatment in all
cases. Laser treatment was shown to be associated with a decreased CSR recurrence rate in
1 study.20 Potential complications include thermal rupture of Bruch's membrane with
hemorrhage, secondary CNV,21 and misplaced laser spots.
Medical treatments have also been investigated: Acetazolamide given in a tapering dose for
6 weeks has been shown to reduce the time for subjective and objective CSR resolution, but
it had no effect on final VA or recurrence rate.22 Most patients in the experimental group in
that study had side effects from the acetazolamide, including paresthesias, nervousness, and
gastric upset. Patients with sulfa allergies should avoid acetazolamide.
The beta adrenergic receptor blocker propranolol and the mixed alpha and beta adrenergic
receptor blocker labetalol have plausible mechanisms of action in CSR if epinephrine is
indeed involved in the pathogenesis of the disorder. Small studies have demonstrated
evidence of efficacy.23,24
Intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech) has been investigated for treatment of CSR;
theoretically, the antipermeability characteristics of this antibody to VEGF may allow for
reduced leakage, favoring resorption of the exudative retinal detachment in CSR.27
Photodynamic Therapy
Laser Photocoagulation
Medical (Investigational)
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