Modal Verbs of Obligation
Modal Verbs of Obligation
Modal Verbs of Obligation
Present Present perfect
If other tenses are required, the speaker or writer must use forms of the synonymous modal verb "have to"
. This modal auxiliary has all normal tenses, including progressive or continuous forms; these are not
common, but need to be used in some cases.
Principal tenses Present Present perfect Past Future
has to, has had to
Affirmative: had to will have to
have to have had to
does not have
to, did not have
will not have
do not have to has not had to to
Negative; to
, have not had to didn't have
won't have to
doesn't have to to *
don't have to
has been having was having
am having to
Progressive or to to will be having
is having to,
continuous have been having were having to
are having to
to to
* The form "had not to" is sometimes used, but it is generally considered to be archaic.
Got to :
In spoken English, and in the present form only, have to is often substantiated by the word got;
For example an alternative to I have to is I've got to.
For more on this, see Get and got