Elementary Education in India: Where Do We Stand ?

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Elementary Education in India: Where do we stand ?

Elementary Education in India: Where do we Stand ?


Primary Cycle 1-5 Upper Primary Cycle 6-8 Ratio of Pri. to Upper Primary Schools/Sections 3.02

Data Reported from Districts 27 Blocks 145 Clusters 3,416 Villages 21,833 Schools 65,894

Basic Data : 2011 Total Population (In 000's) 31,169 Urban Population 11.0 Sex Ratio 954

Decadal Growth Rate 16.9 % 0-6 Population 14.47 % SC Population 7.2 % ST Population 12.4 Area (In Sq.Km.)

Overall Literacy Rate 73.2 Male Literacy Rate 78.8 Female Literacy Rate 67.3 78,438
Key Data Primary Primary with U.P.& Upper U.P. with Pri. with U.P.with No Res. Total
Only with U.P. Sec. & H.Sec. Pri. Only Sec. & H.Sec. U.Pri. & Sec. Secondary & Oth. Cat.
Total Schools (2015-16) 48,529 2,041 248 11,410 687 1,677 1,302 0 65,894
Total Schools (2014-15) 48,478 1,886 132 11,383 662 1,297 1,303 0 65,141
Goverment Schools 40,485 957 64 6,922 641 18 1,056 0 50,143
Private Schools 972 1,024 178 3,858 41 1,598 168 0 7,839
Madarsas & Unrecognised Schools 7,072 60 6 630 5 61 78 0 7,912
Goverment Schools: Rural 38,979 895 42 6,495 487 12 854 0 47,764
Private Schools: Rural 913 949 98 3,747 36 1,123 133 0 6,999
Total Enrolment (2015-16) 3,185,019 281,337 120,028 1,086,079 151,711 422,692 185,187 0 5,432,053
Total Enrolment (2014-15) 3,602,349 296,603 71,067 1,207,107 149,463 333,629 193,060 0 5,853,278
Enrolment in Goverment Schools 2,848,826 152,124 31,361 789,956 147,710 4,142 166,073 0 4,140,192
Enrolment in Private Schools 56,286 123,647 87,127 265,756 3,730 404,925 13,978 0 955,449
Enrolment in Madarsas & Unrecog. 279,907 5,566 1,540 30,367 271 13,625 5,136 0 336,412
Enrolment In Govt. Schools: Rural 2,672,524 140,907 16,032 738,028 106,503 2,815 130,161 0 3,806,970
Enrolment in Private Schools: Rural 51,946 112,778 34,058 257,869 2,942 268,987 10,660 0 739,240
Total Teachers(2014-15) 134,790 18,999 3,395 78,889 17,989 21,053 21,494 0 296,609
Teachers in Goverment Schools 111,505 8,781 1,475 47,553 17,573 242 17,425 0 204,554
Teachers in Private Schools 5,665 10,641 4,004 25,586 704 25,099 2,173 0 73,872
Teachers in Madarsas & Unrecog. 16,730 495 135 4,319 93 898 905 0 23,575
Performance Indicators Primary Primary with U.P & Upper U.P. with Pri. with U.P.with All Schools
(in percentage) Only with U.P. Sec. & H.Sec. Pri. Only Sec. & H.Sec. U.Pri. & Sec. Secondary

14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16 14-15 15-16
Single-Classroom Schools 24.5 24.4 2.4 2.3 0.8 2.4 5.3 4.5 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.2 2.5 19.3 18.9
Single-Teacher Schools 2.7 2.7 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.1 2.0
Schools Approachable by All
Weather Road 80.9 80.4 92.2 91.2 94.7 89.9 86.3 86.1 94.0 92.7 94.4 93.2 92.9 92.1 82.8 82.5
Schools with Playground Facility 50.6 52.7 53.3 55.7 81.8 77.0 67.6 69.3 74.0 73.4 58.8 61.7 64.2 63.6 54.4 56.4
Schools with Boundary wall 24.9 25.4 51.4 53.3 87.9 86.7 21.1 21.6 79.0 78.9 77.3 78.8 58.2 59.4 27.4 28.4
Schools with Girls' Toilet 53.9 86.4 70.0 85.8 92.4 95.1 44.5 72.7 75.9 94.8 84.9 91.6 68.8 90.1 53.9 84.3
Schools with Boys' Toilet 81.4 85.8 86.8 84.1 96.9 90.9 68.0 71.1 90.8 89.7 92.9 88.3 80.5 82.8 79.7 83.4
Schools with Drinking Water 81.8 84.6 92.6 93.2 93.9 96.4 83.1 86.1 98.2 98.0 94.8 96.4 94.2 95.4 83.0 85.8
Schools Provided MDM 98.5 99.3 99.2 99.3 2.8 2.9 95.0 96.1 92.4 94.0 16.7 20.6 93.0 94.8 97.5 98.4
Schools with Electricity 9.6 10.4 53.0 53.6 90.9 91.9 29.5 30.3 85.6 93.4 75.9 78.8 72.6 83.0 17.9 19.5
Schools with Computer 1.1 1.2 30.8 29.7 75.0 78.2 18.1 18.1 82.2 82.5 50.5 53.4 61.4 64.1 8.1 8.7
Schools with Ramp, if needed 92.7 93.5 86.4 86.9 52.4 67.7 84.0 86.6 55.9 57.9 23.1 30.2 42.2 49.1 90.2 91.2
Schools Established Since 2001 12.2 12.4 37.8 42.7 32.6 41.9 5.2 5.3 3.2 3.6 46.9 48.3 4.0 4.5 12.2 12.9
Schools with Kitchen-shed 73.1 76.1 74.6 75.9 2.8 100.0 40.3 44.3 60.7 68.4 13.3 85.7 57.2 62.9 70.1 69.6
Schools with Enrolment <=50 44.5 52.5 11.7 16.1 1.5 2.8 25.7 36.8 3.8 6.0 4.0 6.3 12.3 17.6 38.3 46.1
Schools with SMC 99.9 99.9 99.5 99.6 80.6 63.8 99.6 99.7 84.0 81.3 76.7 58.8 80.1 77.4 99.2 99.1
Pupil-Teacher Ratio 27 24 16 14 21 21 15 14 8 8 16 16 9 9 20 18
Student-Classroom Ratio 28 25 22 19 34 34 29 26 34 35 27 27 31 31 28 25
Average Teachers per School 2.8 2.8 10.1 9.8 25.7 22.6 6.9 6.8 27.2 26.7 16.2 15.6 16.5 15.7 4.6 4.6
Female Teachers 37.0 37.3 41.7 42.4 55.3 55.4 24.8 25.2 35.2 36.1 54.3 55.0 34.2 34.9 35.2 36.2
Girls Enrolment 50.2 50.4 46.8 46.6 48.3 46.3 53.5 53.8 43.7 44.2 43.6 43.4 53.9 54.2 50.3 50.2

% Schools with Pre-Primary Primary 75.7 Primary U. Primary Transition Rate (Primary to U. Primary) 85.6
Total Grossness
% Enrolment in Pre-Primary 17.1 6.14 16.35 Ratio of Grade V to Grade I 74

Incentives (Previous year) : Text Books Uniforms % Schools with SCR> % Schools with PTR>
Number of Beneficiaries
All SC ST All SC ST 30 at Pr. 35 at U.P. 30 at Pr. 35 at U.P.
Level Level Level Level
Primary Level 3529709 300624 485911 2714226 243303 376190

Upper Primary Level 1430178 143250 217116 943729 105113 153044 33.72 25.02 26.52 8.03
# = Goverment + Aided MDM - Mid-day Meal SMC - School Management Commitee CWSN - Children with Special Needs

Elementary Education : State Report Cards
Elementary Education : State Report Cards


Ratio of Girls' to Boys' Enrolment: Grades I to V 0.98

Enrolment 2015-16

Grade Total Girls' CWSN Total Repetition Drop-out Nature of CWSN Enrolment
Rate Rate
Enrolment Repeater Disability

I 898,488 440,217 6541 4406 2,582 0.27 21.48 Blind 239 183 162 133 141 84 55 66

II 759,411 375,054 6566 4740 1,409 0.17 14.02 Low-vision 1,387 1,656 1,952 2,067 2,313 1,626 1,697 1,751

III 717,958 356,128 7208 5080 1,116 0.14 13.56 Hearing 1,478 1,831 2,075 2,003 2,096 1,189 1,157 1,079

IV 682,790 340,524 6709 4697 950 0.13 11.96 Speach 2,046 1,968 1,941 1,847 1,759 786 692 690
V 662,274 332,441 6810 4757 1,088 0.15 14.22 1,642 1,757 2,036 1,867 1,946 985 930 1,021
VI 604,319 309,824 3404 2708 1,885 0.30 9.93 Retared 1,670 1,605 1,662 1,417 1,378 575 459 395

VII 568,873 294,201 3185 2607 1,693 0.29 9.43 Learning 679 887 1,096 1,048 957 459 404 369
VIII 537,940 279,266 3082 2656 1,865 0.32 12.24 Palsy 956 721 675 451 416 163 167 150

I-V 3,720,921 1,844,364 33834 23680 7,145 0.18 15.36 Autism 72 77 66 46 56 31 17 18

VI-VIII 1,711,132 883,291 9671 7971 5,443 0.30 10.51 Multiple 778 618 622 522 499 211 213 196
Classrooms/Other Rooms % Enrolment by Castes Enrolment Ratio
Castes Primary U.Primary Pry. U.Pry.
School Category Average Total % Good % Minor % Major Other
Classrooms Classrooms Condition Repair Repair Rooms SC Enr. 8.2 9.5 GER 106.11 93.05

Primary Only 2.7 128,723 54.82 16.83 28.34 7,020 SC Girls' 49.6 50.4 NER 99.60 77.83
Primary & U.Prim. 7.1 14,504 58.69 18.06 23.25 1,396 ST Enr. 13.8 15.4 Instructional days
P.+U.P.+Sec+H.S. 14.2 3,514 90.35 6.52 3.13 1,216 ST Girls' 49.6 50.2 Pry. Level U.Pry.Level

U.Primary Only 3.6 41,269 40.58 17.09 42.33 5,016 OBC Enr. 25.9 27.3 230 234

U.Prim.+Sec.+H.S. 6.3 4,331 40.75 24.75 34.50 1,753 OBC Girls' 49.5 49.6 Non-Tch. Assignment

Prim.+U.P.+Sec. 9.4 15,752 70.51 16.99 12.51 2,496 Muslim Enr. 38.8 33.5 % Tch. Involved 2.6
No. of days
U.Primary+Sec. 4.6 5,950 31.85 27.09 41.06 2,095 Muslim Girls' 49.9 54.7 Involved 13
Teachers by Educational Qualification (Other than Contractual Teachers)* % Professionally Trained Teachers

School Category Below Secondary Higher Graduate Post M Phil/ Post No

Goverment Regular Male 51.0
Secondary Secondary Graduate Ph. D Doctoral Resp.

Primary Only 3,565 47,919 35,871 16,771 1,272 122 0 0 Goverment. Regular Female 56.8

Primary & U.Prim. 166 1,316 6,154 9,241 851 101 0 0 Goverment Regular Total 52.9

P.+U.P.+Sec+H.S. 22 115 425 2,466 2,059 100 0 0 Govt. Contractual Male 43.0

U.Primary Only 372 4,856 33,619 31,427 1,636 278 0 0 Govt. Contractual Female 48.5

U.Prim.+Sec.+H.S. 30 248 823 8,903 6,793 236 0 0 Govt. Contractual Total 45.5

Prim.+U.P.+Sec. 76 813 4,184 16,281 2,583 133 0 0 Private Male All 7.8

U.Primary+Sec. 30 418 1,796 13,852 2,028 112 0 0 Private Female All 12.0

Contractual 170 905 8,043 27,052 5,606 162 0 0 Private Total All 9.6
Teachers by Gender & Castes Regular-Teachers Contractual-Teachers SC Teachers ST Teachers OBC Teachers
No No
School Category Total Male Female response Male Female response Male Female Male Female Male Female

Primary Only 133,900 67,714 37,806 0 16,293 12,087 0 6,106 3,201 15,078 8,832 24,625 17,124

Primary & U.Prim. 19,917 10,442 7,387 0 1,031 1,057 0 622 470 1,472 1,121 3,179 2,580

P.+U.P.+Sec+H.S. 5,614 2,313 2,874 0 192 235 0 190 177 191 289 580 615

U.Primary Only 77,458 55,441 16,747 0 2,462 2,808 0 3,194 1,048 8,724 2,892 14,824 6,601

U.Prim.+Sec.+H.S. 18,370 11,016 6,017 0 728 609 0 526 296 919 567 2,823 2,011

Prim.+U.P.+Sec. 26,239 10,743 13,327 0 1,074 1,095 0 593 811 1,679 1,893 3,386 4,460

U.Primary+Sec. 20,503 12,161 6,075 0 1,192 1,075 0 607 323 1,900 892 3,685 2,401
Enrolment by Mediums of Instruction* % Tch. Received In-Service Training % Schools % Teachers by Age (In Years)
(Previous Year) Received Grant
School Category Assamese Bengali English Bodo Hindi Male Female All Tch. TLM SD Age Male Female All Tch.

Primary Only 2,496,983 466,551 59,371 106,207 37,321 21.9 23.0 22.3 0.6 63.8 55-56 4.59 3.56 4.22

Primary & U.Prim. 200,085 39,544 34,214 5,821 457 9.9 7.2 8.8 0.4 33.5 57-58 3.58 2.76 3.28

P.+U.P.+Sec+H.S. 19,408 3,227 91,441 1,393 4,559 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 59-60 0.21 0.18 0.20

U.Primary Only 861,095 141,059 17,536 45,044 16,446 16.4 18.3 16.9 1.0 60.6 % Grants Utilized

U.Prim.+Sec.+H.S. 115,780 24,829 6,349 4,054 595 0.5 0.9 0.7 3.5 29.0 TLM SD

Prim.+U.P.+Sec. 189,116 18,849 206,303 6,449 1,785 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1
92.8 97.6
U.Primary+Sec. 143,619 27,552 4,979 4,413 4,258 2.2 1.7 2.0 3.5 34.8
*Some totals may not match due to no response in classificatory data items.


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