Study Paper Sap Plant Maintanance
Study Paper Sap Plant Maintanance
Study Paper Sap Plant Maintanance
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- SAP Plant Maintenance (SAP PM) is a software that device. A transmit must be performed to update the sap
manages all maintenance activities in an organization. Plant database with the new information. Transmit is a connection
Maintenance module consists of key activities to include between the mobile device and a component of work manager
inspection, notifications and preventive maintenance, repairs, called the server. Increasing productivity by eliminating
and other measures to maintain an ideal technical system. paperwork and reducing foot traffic.
The main issues to look out for in each of these areas are The procedure for installation of Syclo is fairly simple
discussed in this paper, as well as some remedies to improve and straight forward. The Agentry Mobile Platform makes it
maintenance management based on the SAP PM module. simple and cost-effective to deploy and manage
Potential problems to look out for when implementing the
proposed remedies are also pointed out. This paper is not multiple SMART Mobile Suite products.
intended as a cure-all or a silver bullet to slay all SAP PM Install the SMART Mobile Suite Administration
related problems, but it is intended to assist maintenance Component, SMART Server for the application, Agentry
managers and reliability engineers to better understand how Editor, Agentry Test Environment to use during testing of
and why things can go wrong with their SAP PM systems, and modifications to the mobile application and Install the
where to start looking for solutions to alleviate these problems. SMART Client for the mobile application to sample devices
that represent the device type(s) for the implementation.
A. SAP Work Manager
Work manager enables specific details such as asset,
customer, or transaction histories and other critical III. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS
information to be delivered to employees using mobile devices
including smart phones, tablets or laptop computers. In turn, In order to build the application various tools and
data is uploaded to an SAP system to generate follow-up work software were used. The application is built and tested on a I
orders, status reports, customer invoices, charge backs and phone platform .Syclo latest version 6.3
B. Workorder
Work Manager manages work orders by extending SAP The Work Manager client is the component that you will
ERP functionality through the following actions: work with. The client runs on the mobile device used to track
your work. All features described in this manual are performed
Displaying work orders and their details, Editing work on the Work Manager client.
orders and their details. Creating work orders and their details.
The work manager client is the component that you will work When new measurements are entered into the Work
with. The client runs on the mobile device used to track your Manager client, the client saves this information on the mobile
work. When new measurements are entered into the work device. A transmit must be performed to update the SAP
manager client, the client saves this information on the mobile database with the new information. A transmit is a connection