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Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No.

1, May 2014


SonuDhiman 1, RavinderChaudhary2, V.K.Pandey3
Post Graduate student in Industrial And Production Engg. at SKIET, Kurukshetra.
Assistant Professor in Mechanical at SKIET, Kurukshetra.
Director at SKIET, Kurukshertra.


Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is a non conventional machining process which is widely
used in machining of conductive materials.The applications of WEDM are in automobiles, aero-space,
medical instruments, tool and die industries. in the present study analysis of effect of various control
factors like Ton,Toff,Sv,Ip,Wf,Wt on checking the cutting rate of S7 steel is studied by using wire cut EDM
and one factor time approach.S7 steels contain less carbon and higher toughness than the high carbon
types that are more wear resistant. Shock resistant steels are used where heavy cutting or forming
operations is required and chipping or breakage of high-carbon wear-resistant steels is a problem. The
other big advantage of this study is to select the range of significant control factors for final

Key words :
Wire Electric discharge machining (WEDM) , OFAT (one factor time approach),S7 steel, Control Factors
(like Pulse On-Time, pulse off time, Peak Current, servo voltage, wire feed and wire tension), Cutting rate


Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (Wire-EDM) is an electro thermal production process in

which a thin single strand metal wire in conjunction with de-ionized water (used to conduct
electricity) allows the wire to cut through metal by the use of heat from electrical sparks. Due to
the inherent properties of the process, wire EDM can easily machine complex parts and precision
components out of hard conductive materials. Electrical discharge machining is frequently used
to make dies and moulds conductive. The working principle of wedm is as shown in figure below.

Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

Fig 1.1: Mechanism Of Material Removal In Wedm

Tosun et al. voltage, wire speed and dielectric fluid pressure was experimentally investigated in
WEDM. Brass wire with 0.25 mm diameter and SAE 4140 steel with 10 mm thickness were used
as tool and work-piece materials in the experiments, respectively. It is found experimentally that
the increasing pulse duration, open circuit voltage and wire speed, increase the surface roughness
whereas the increasing dielectric fluid pressure decreases the surface roughness. The variation of
work-piece surface roughness with machining parameters is modelled by using a power function.
The level of importance of the machining parameters on the work-piece surface roughness is
determined by using analysis of variance (ANOVA).Yan and huang et al improved the
machining accuracy by a closed-loop wire tension control system for a wire-EDM. PI controller
and one-step-ahead adaptive controller are employed to investigate the dynamic performance of
the closed-loop wire tension control system. In order to reduce the vibration of wire-tension
during wire feeding, dynamic absorbers are added to the idle rollers of wire transportation
mechanism. Experimental results indicate that the geometrical contour error of corner cutting is
reduced with approximately 50% and the vertical straightness of a work-piece can be improved
significantly. scott f. Miller et al Studied the WEDM of cross-section with minimum thickness
and compliant mechanisms. Effects of EDM process parameters, particularly the spark cycle time
and spark on-time on thin cross-section cutting of Nd–Fe–B magnetic material, carbon bipolar
plate, and titanium are investigated. An envelope of feasible wire EDM process parameters is
generated for the commercially pure titanium. The application of such envelope to select suitable
EDM process parameters for micro feature generation is demonstrated. Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) analysis of EDM surface, subsurface, and debris are presented.Huang and
Chang et al displayed the surface alloying behaviour of tempered martensitic stainless steel
multi-cut with WEDM. Before machined with WEDM, the steel specimens were quenched at
1050 C and then tempered at 200 C, 400 C, and 600 C, respectively. The microstructure and
surface morphology of the multi-cut surfaces were examined with scanning and transmission
electron microscopes integrated with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer for chemical
composition analysis. N.M. Abbas and bahari et al. studied that EDM process is based on
thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. A pulse discharge occurs in a
small gap between the work piece and the electrode and removes the unwanted material from the
parent metal through melting and vaporizing. The electrode and the work piece must have
electrical conductivity in order to generate the spark. mohammadi and karimi et at. The setting
of machining parameters relies strongly on the experience of operators and machining parameter
tables provided by machine tool builders. It is difficult to utilize the optimal functions of a
machine owing to there being too many adjustable machining parameters.H.Singh and
RohitGarg et al. found that the material removal rate (MRR) directly increases with increase in
pulse on time and peak current while decreases with increase in pulse off time and servo voltage.
They used ELECTRONICA SPRINTCUT WEDM as a machine tool and hot die steel (H-11) as
work-piece. Jangrakamal et al presented the optimization of performance characteristics in
WEDM using Taguchi Grey relational analysis. Process parameters were investigated using
mixed L orthogonal array.GRA was applied to determine optimal L18 process parameters for
Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

optimization of multiple performance characteristics which were investigated during rough

cutting operation in D-3 tool steel. U.Natarajan and yang et al. focuses RSM for the multiple
response optimization in micro-endmilling operation to achieve maximum metal removal rate
(MRR) and minimum surface roughness. Aluminium block of 60×40×16 mm is used as the
workpiece material and carbide endmill cutter of diameter 1 mm as the cutting tool. N.Sharma
and R. Sharma et al. optimized the process parameters for the cutting speed and dimensional
deviation for high strength low alloy steel (HSLA) on WEDM. Response surface methodology
was used for the modelling and multi-response optimization.
WEDM machine (S-35, Sparkonix) was used as the experimental machine in this study. A Brass
Wire with a diameter of 0.025 mm was used as an electrode to erode a work piece of S7 STEEL
(flat plate). The gap between work piece and electrode was flooded with a moving dielectric

Fig 1.2: pictorial view of wedmmachin

Fig.1.3 shows the arrangement of work piece during pilot experimentation

Fig 1.3: pilot experimentation

For WEDM, cutting rate is a desired characteristic and it should be as high as possible to give
minimum machine cycle time leading to increased productivity. In the present study cutting rate
and is mainly measures for a evaluation of job.the cutting which is directly displayed on the
screen of the machine and is given units is inmm/min (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4: Set Up for Cutting Rate and Measurement

The purpose of the pilot experiments is to study the various changes of the WEDM control factors
on performance measures such as Cutting Rate.
Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

The pilot experiments were performed on ELECTRONICA make SPRINTCUT 734 WEDM
machine. Various input control factors varied during the experimentation are pulse on time, pulse
off time, spark gap voltage, peak current, wire tension, wire feed. Apart from the parameters
mentioned above following parameters were kept constant at a fixed value during the
Work piece : S7 Steel
Electrode (tool) : 0.25mmØ
Work piece height : 12mm
Cutting length : 78 mm
Dielectric Conductivity : 20mho
Dielectric temperature : 20-240C

2. Experimental set up & Methodology

The purpose of this study is analysing the effect of WEDM process parameters on response
variable such as Cutting Rate. Also, it is intended to ascertain the ranges of different parameters
required for the experimental design methodology used in this work. Investigation of the working
range of the WEDM process parameters using one factor at a time approach (OFAT).i.e. fixing
some parameters and vary individual parameters one by one with the response variable (cutting

Effect of various control factors are analysed by performing various experiments with variation of
input parameters.First observation is made to check the Effect of Pulse on Time on Response
Variable as:

3. Result and Discussion

In the first set of experiment: - The pulse on time (Ton) is varied from 100 machine units to 131
machine units. The values of the other control factors are given as Toff = 31 unit; IP= 115 A SV
=50V WT = 8 machine units; WF = 8 m/min; and SF = 2100 unit. The experimentally observed
values of the response variables for different values of pulse on time are given in Table 1.1 The
scatter plots of pulse on time versus response variables are shown in Figure 1.5.

Table 1.1 Experimental value of Ton vs CR

Range: (100-131)

Pulse on Cutting
Time Rate
(µs) (mm/min)
100 0.73
104 1.03
116 2.05
120 2.09
128 2.3

Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

Figure 1.5: Effect of Pulse on Time on Cutting Rate.

The cutting rate increases with the increase in the pulse on time. This is due to the fact that with
the increase in pulse on time the discharge energy increases, due to which CS increases also with
the increase of Ton machining time increase. These findings are in agreement with some of
researchers [Tarng, Y. S., Ma, S. C., Chung, L. K. (1995)].
In the second set of experiments: the pulse off time (Toff) is varied from 0 machine units to 60
machine units. The values of the other control factors are given as Ton = 116 unit; IP= 115 A SV
=50V WT = 8 machine units; WF = 8 m/min; and SF = 2100 unit. The experimentally observed
values of the response variables for different values of pulse off time are given in Table 1.2 The
scatter plots of pulse off time versus response variables are shown in Figure 1.6.
Table 1.2:Effect of Pulse OFF Time on CR
Range (0-60)
10 2.45
15 2.33
31 2.12
40 1.44
46 0.87

Figure 1.6: Effect of Pulse off Time on Cutting Rate.

With the increase in pulse off time, the cutting rate decreases. Due to decrease in spark energy.
These findings are in agreement with some of researchers [Gwo-LianqChern and Ying-
JengEngin in 2007].
In the third set of experiments: Effect of peak Current on Response Variable is calculated by
considering following values:
The Peak Current is varied from 100 units to 200 units. The values of the other control factors are given as
Ton=116 unit; Toff=31 unit, SV =50 V, WF=8 m/min, WT=8 machine unit and SF=2100 unit. The
experimentally observed values of the response variables for different values of peak current are given in
Table 1.3 The scatter plots of Peak Current versus response variables are shown in Figure 1.7

Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

Table 1.4: Effect of Peak Current on CR

Range: (0-230)

Peak Cutting
Current Rate
100 0.63
110 1.13
120 2.52
140 2.96
180 3.2

Figure 1.7: Effect of Peak current on Cutting Rate.

It has been observed that as the Peak current increases the value of cutting rate This is in line with
one of the researcher [Gwo-LianqChern and Ying-JengEngin IN 2007].

In the fourth set of experiments: In the fourth set of experiments, the servo voltage is varied
from 30 units to 85 units. The values of the other control factors are given as Ton = 116 unit; Toff
= 31 A Ip = 115 A ;Wt = 8 machine unit ,Wf = 8 machine unit, SF = 2100 unit. The
experimentally observed values of the response variables for different values of Servo voltage are
given in Table 1.4 The scatter plots of pulse on time versus response variables are shown in
Figure 1.8.

Table 1.5: Effect of Serco voltage on CR

Range (0-99)
Servo Cutting
voltage Rate
(SV) (mm/min)
30 2.18
35 2.12
50 2.04
60 1.58
70 1.39

Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

Figure 1.8: Effect of servo voltage on Cutting Rate

It is observed that as the value of servo voltage increases, the value of cutting rate
increases[Tarang et al (1994)].

In fifth set of experiments:The wire feed is varied from 7 units to 9 units.The values of the other
control factors are given as Ton = 116 unit; Toff = 31,Ip= 115 A: SV =50V; WF= 8 machine unit
and SF = 2100 unit.The experimentally observed values of the responsevariables for
differentvaluesof Wire Feed are given in Table 1.6 The scatter plots of pulse on time versus
response variables are shown in Figure 1.

Table 1.6 : Effect of wire feed on CR

Range (0-15)
Wire Cutting
Feed Rate
7 2.15
7 2.15
8 2.15
8 2.15
9 2.15

Figure 1.9: Effect of Wire Feed on Cutting Rate

The cutting rate remains practically constant with the increase in wire feed These finding are in
line with a researcher [Hascalyk, A. and Caydas and U. (2004)]

In the sixth set of experiments: the wire tension is varied from 7 units to 9 units. The values of
the other control factors are given as Ton = 116 unit; Tofff = 31 ,Ip= 115 A: Sv =50V; Wf= 8
machine unit and Sf = 2100 unit.The experimentally observed values of the response variables for
different values of Wire Tension are given in Table 1.7 The scatter plots of Wire Tension versus
response variables are shown in Figure 1.11.

Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

Table 1.7: Effect of wire tension on CR

Range (0-15)
Wire Cutting
tension Rate
7 2.15
7 2.15
8 2.15
8 2.15
9 2.15

Figure 1.10: Effect of Wire tension on Cutting Rate

4. Conclusion
From the above study is concluded that :

a) Cutting Rate is increase with the increase in pulse on time upto a certain amount of range beyond
this limit of pulse on time MRR start decrease.
b) CR is decreased with increase of pulse duration because discharge energy reduced which reduced
cutting rate.
c) CR is increased with increase of peak current because increase in discharge energy.
d) CR decreased with increase of servo gap voltage
e) The effect of Wire feed and Wire Tension is almost constant on CR.
f) Finaly the ranges of control factors on are selected

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Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal ( MEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2014

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Authors’ Biographies:

Er. SonuDhiman passed his B.TechInMechanical Engg.fromHCTM Kaithal in 2011

and pursuing M.Tech in Industrial And Production Engg. at SKIET Kurukshetra. He
has one year of teaching experience. And it’s his first publication.


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