Design of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements
Design of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements
Design of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements
Information Series 109
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This publication is designed to provide information of interest to HMA specifiers and is not to be considered a
publication of standards or regulations. The views of the authors expressed herein does not necessarily reflect
the decision making process of NAPA with regard to advice or opinions on the merits of certain processes,
procedures or equipment.
Publications produced and published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) are copyrighted by the
Association and may not be republished or copied (including mechanical reproductions) without written consent. To obtain
this consent, contact the National Asphalt Pavement Association, NAPA Building, 5100 Forbes Boulevard, Lanham, MD
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This manual is published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) as an aid to
designers. All reasonable care has been exercised in its preparation ; however, NAPA makes
no claim as to its accuracy. It remains the responsibility of professional designers to correctly
interpret and verify the information presented.
The design procedure presented in Part Two is based on the following published methods
of pavement design ; the procedure was derived from these methods but has been modified
for the purposes of this manual : AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1986,
published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Thickness Design - Asphalt Pavements for Highways and Streets, 1984, (Manual Series MS-1),
published by the Asphalt Institute.
Membership in NAPA is a mark of leadership among firms involved in the Hot Mix Asphalt in-
dustry, and the Association 's commitment to excellence reflects the concerns of the member
firms themselves.
The authors wish to thank the engineers, architects, and management personnel of a number
of corporations and paving companies who assisted in the research forthis publication through
interviews and documents. Their experience and insights into the special needs of commercial
pavements addec much to the practical applicability of the manual. The assistance of the follow-
ing persons is gratefully acknowledged:
Max Feaster
* Ritchie Paving, Incorporated
Wichita, Kansas * Member firms of NAPA
Foreword _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iii
Acknowledgements v
Contents vi i
INTRODUCTION _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __
LA SUPPORTING LAYERS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ 5
Soil conditions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5
Obtaining soil data _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ 6
Additional sources _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 6
Data requirements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 6
Grades, slope, and drainage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7
Minimum slope - roadways _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
Minimum slope - parking areas, connectors, etc. 7
Control of grade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 7
Controlling urban runoff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8
Specifying subgrade work _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 8
Types of layer systems _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ 9
Improved subgrade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 10
T his publication presents a method for designing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavements for
parking lots, storage y.ards, low-volume roads, and other areas which are not subject to
abnormally large or frequent overloads and for which traffic counts are often estimated . It
describes alternative layer systems and construction strategies which may obtain better
quality, economy, or construction efficiency, depending on the circumstances of the project.
Fundamentals of specifying asphalt mixtures are also explained, and recommended toler-
ances and construction guidelines are provided as an aid to the specifier.
This book is intended for use by consultants , corporate engineers and architects, construc-
tion management firms, and contractors. If you are among these groups of users, it is likely
that the paved area you are designing is not a separate project, but belongs to a larger
enterprise involving one or more vertical structures and representing a major financial
venture. If so, the scheduling, construction time, and coordination of the paving with other
activities are important design considerations which affect financing and business oppor-
tunity costs.
PART ONE addresses these time -related factors in terms of their influence on the selection
of materials and construction methods. It discusses certain alternatives and techniques in
terms of their efficiency, quality, and cost, and it explains how paving mixtures should be
specified and monitored for quality assurance purposes. A checklist of items to consider
is found at the end of Part One .
PART TWO presents the structural design procedure which covers both full-depth asphalt
and multi-layer systems. It provides methods for classifying soils and traffic loads and for
determining thicknesses required for either layer system. Variables to consider in compar-
ing alternatives are discussed , and examples are used to explain and clarify the proce-
!,ART THREE contains technical guidelines for designing and specifying pavements ,
based upon concepts introduced in Parts One and Two. Utilizing the soil and traffic classi -
fications in Part Two, it covers mix design criteria, recommended test methods, and accep-
tance limits for subgrades and pavements. A glossary of technical terms and a list of
references on related subjects are also provided.
Project information. In addition to obtaining data on soil properties and projected traffic,
the designer must be cognizant of the topography and drainage plan , subsurface drainage
and groundwater, the average depth of frost penetration, and the proximity of base and
paving materials to the site.
Comparing alternatives. The design period, soil data, and projected traffic are used to
determine layer thicknesses for the alternatives considered, which may then be compar-
ed in terms of their costs and special advantages. Estimated in-place prices of Hot Mix
Asphalt and any unbound base materials or subgrade treatments being considered will
be needed for this phase. An important concept advanced in this manual is the impor-
tance of basing cost estimates and material selection on project-specific knowledge as
opposed to conditions assumed to be typical. This is because haul distances, local mate-
rials, mobilization, and other site-related variables have large effects on paving costs. The
advantages of alternate bid items and negotiated contracts are discussed, and designers
are encouraged to make early contact with local contractors to obtain valid cost data and
information on local materials.
A note on terminology Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is known by many names, both colloquial ("blacktop") and techni-
cal (see glossary.) Other terms refer to specific types of HMA, such as asphalt base , open-
graded friction course, sand asphalt, and so on. In the interest of establishing a common
term not easily confused with other paving processes or with materials which contain coal
tar, the industry and many major users have adopted "Hot Mix Asphalt" and its acronym
to identify their product. This policy has been followed in this publication , except where
a specific type of HMA is mentioned.
A shopping mall had been open less than three years when an area of closely
spaced cracks appeared in one section of the parking lot. The surrounding
pavement was unaffected, and the cracks followed no pattern related to traffic
flow or construction . Around the cracks a residue of light gray silt could be seen
where water had risen to the surface. Uphill from the affected area was a
landscaped traffic island with shrubbery irrigated by sprinklers. The subgrade
was a fine, cohesive soil, fairly strong at low moisture content but spongy when
saturated and of low permeability. The pavement design had called for three
inches of Hot Mix Asphalt over a six-inch granular base . The base layer, a
crushed granite, was the source of the silty residue.
As is true of most early pavement failures, the cause was not in the pavement
itself but in the supporting layers. The permeable base layer had become a
conduit through which a large volume of rainwater and irrigation runoff, trapped
between pavement and subgrade, migrated to the area downhill. There it was
confined, keeping the soil saturated and unstable, and damaging the pavement
during freezing cycles. A more successful design might have included a system
of subdrains, a different type of base, or both.
Design of durable, trouble-free pavements involves more than layer thicknesses. The lay-
er system must be appropriate forthe climate, soil , and drainage at the site and should also
complement other construction operations as much as possible. Whether pavement prob-
lems originate in design or during construction , they can often be prevented through de-
sign decisions. Many defects arise out of common and avoidable chains of events. For ex-
ample, a pavement will be poorly compacted if it is placed over spongy, wet soil in adverse
weather. In turn , these conditions are liable to occur when delays in other phases of the
project push back the schedule and the paving is rushed in order to open on time. In this
respect a paving alternative which reduces construction time and avoids delays due to
wet soil and bad weather is likely to improve quality. It may also yield economic benefits
from earlier use of the facility.
Designing for purposes such as these sometimes involves less familiar ways of doing
things, but past practice need not conform to a designer's thinking . Part One describes a
number of construction techniques which may be new to many designers and specifiers.
These techniques, such as site paving and stage construction, have been successful on
many projects and can be applied with confidence.
This section discusses base and subgrade materials and their preparation and
acceptance. Guidelines for classifying soils and evaluating their properties are
presented in Part Two, and recommended specification limits in Part Three.
Soil conditions
The properties of a soil are of concern to the designer in determining the thicknesses of
base and pavement, in selecting the type of base, and in deciding whether the subgrade
should be improved. Poor soils require uneconomical quantities of base and pavement to
obtain adequate bearing strength and may warrant stabilization or replacement. They
are often difficult to prepare , and their resilience also makes it more difficult to compact the
base and pavement. As the moisture content of a subgrade is subject to change, sensitive
soils undergo changes in volume and strength which are not accounted for in thickness
determinations. For these reasons, the design procedure in Part Two is not recommended
for extremely weak, moisture· sensitive, or highly plastic soils. Such materials should be sta-
bilized or replaced, and in localities where such soils occur this is generally a common pro-
cedure. Strong soils should receive special consideration for the opposite reason. As the
bearing strength of a soil comes nearer to that of crushed stone or gravel, the structural
benefit of a layer of these materials is less, so that a very good soil, or one which can be
improved at low cost compared with processed base materials, may be reason to adopt
a full-depth asphalt design.
No factor is more critical to pavement durability than the reaction of subgrade soil to changes
in moisture content over the life of the pavement. On one hand the designer seeks to hold
the moisture constant by providing good drainage and an impervious pavement free of
joints and cracks. On the other, he must consider how a particular soil will be affected by
moisture changes. Shrinkage of cohesive soils due to drying can cause a pavement to set-
tle slightly, but is accompanied by increased strength . More serious are the effects of mois-
ture saturation, which in some soils produces dramatic loss of strength sometimes
accompanied by swelling.
One soil condition which is involved in a surprising number of pavement problems is in-
truding groundwater. A building site cut into a hillside may intercept groundwater which has
been confined between impervious layers, a condition often found in laminated residual
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Often the soil data needed for a pavement design will be obtained as part of the site
investigation for a larger project in which the paving is included. If possible, the soil should
be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487) , which is
helpful in the design procedure in Part Two . Where a large volume of soil is to be removed ,
or when the pavement is to be built on borrow material, the designer must be careful that
the information obtained applies to the material which is actually to become the subgrade.
Additional sources When soil data fordesigning the pavement must be obtained as a separate study, especially
for a small project, the cost of a site investigation may be difficult to justify in terms of total
outlay, or there may be no funds allocated for this purpose. As a less costly resort, the
designer may need to rely on other ways of characterizing the soil. Basic information can
usually be obtained from studying the geology of the area, from inquiry into past experi-
ences and tests on neighboring sites, and from personal inspection ofthe site. State highway
departments, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Soil Conservation Service, and state geologic
surveys can usually provide data reflecting the types of soils in a local area, and state and
local roadbuilding agencies may be able to furnish soil data from adjoining rights-of-way. The
Department of Agriculture publishes county maps and other data which characterize the
topmost layers of soils. During visual inspection of soil at the site , penetrometer measure-
ments can be made to provide a rapid, low-cost approximation of soil strength.
Data requirements The type and amount of data to obtain should be considered carefully. The owner needs
to be aware of any risk of expense and delay for replacing or modifying a problem soil , and
the designer must have a reasonable estimate of the strength and suitability of the
subgrade, including the classification of the soil , if possible , under the Unified Soil Classi-
fication System (to be covered in Section II.B.) The architect or engineer supervising the
work must know the maximum dry density and optimum moisture of the soil in order to
measure the degree of compaction. Beyond these needs, local conditions should indicate
the need to investigate such possibilities as proximity to groundwater, frost problems,
moisture-sensitive clays, or the presence of rock or hardpan. The purpose of a soil inves-
tigation is to reduce the risk of failure , delay, and added expense caused by unknown con-
ditions and to avoid overdesign. It is these potential costs which determine the value of soil
data and to which the cost of obtaining it should be compared.
Minimum slope - roadways Roads and longer driveways with two or more lanes should be crowned, with a cross·slope
of 2.0 per cent except in superelevated curves. If curbs are not used for an entire section ,
it is important to add them on hills where downhill flow will be swift and may otherwise erode
the shoulder.
Minimum slope - Parking Design standards often include a minimum slope rule, typically 1.0 percent, for these areas,
areas, connectors, etc. to ensure that the surface will drain and that standing water will not seep into the soil. A
minimum total slope of 1.0 per cent is a good rule for all types of pavement, rigid or flexible.
However, proper drainage depends just as much on the adequacy of the elevation data in
the plans. There is a tendency among designers to overlook the need for grade information
at key points in intersections, cross-overs, and transitions between grade lines.
Control of grade A second factor critical to good drainage is how closely shaping and compacting the sub-
grade will be controlled and inspected. Slopes greater than 1.0 per cent may be advisable
if the surface to be paved cannot be checked to close tolerance. Grading hubs are recom-
mended when preparing subgrade and granular base for pavements as wide as 40 feet.
Where the amount of fall available is limited and slope must be minimal , the surface to be
paved should be held to within 0.05 ft. of design elevation .
In parking areas and pavements around buildings it is often necessary for the slope to vary
in both directions , which complicates the task of insuring complete drainage. Flat spots and
"bird baths" tend to occur along curbs and in transition areas, where the slope may approach
Where a curb or sidewalk zero transversely and longitudinally at the same spot. The amount of fall along curb lines
parallels the front of a building, is a drainage parameter which is sometimes overlooked. A minimum fall of 0.5 per cent in
especially an entrance ares. the flow line along the curb is recommended. Where a curb or sidewalk parallels the front
some architectural device may
of a building , especially an entrance area, some architectural device may be desirable to
be desirable to avoid a very
slight skewed appearance. avoid a very slight skewed appearance.
Incidental features such as raised crosswalks and wheelchair ramps often interfere with
pavement drainage , especially along curbs. It is important to check the drawings for
possible obstructions to flow and to provide appropriate drainage structures or other
measures. Warping the pavement to channel runoff water across traffic lanes should be
avoided. In any type of pavement, swales and irregular contours pose special construction
problems and are also a hazard to traffic. It is feasible, however, to form a crown in a traffic
lane with the paving machine or to form a shallow inverted crown to guide runoff down the
center of a lime or along the edge. Detailed notes should be included in the plans to ensure
that such special features are clearly described for both the subgrade preparers and the
pavi ng crew.
Finally, the design should not create undrainable basins in the subgrade or along the edge
of pavement. If there is no curb, the subgrade of a full-depth pavement should be as high
as the adjacent ground . Except over well-drained soil , a granular base should include a
subdrain system to remove intruding surface water. Ideally the subgrade should be shaped
and drained so that if the pavement were taken away, there would be no spots where water
would pond and saturate the soil.
Under NPDES rules, conventional closed drainage systems which collect and channel all
runoff into streams will be discouraged in favor of systems designed to increase infiltration
into the soil orto increase the time of collection. Among other techniques, the use of porous
pavements is expected to become an important means to this end . Porous pavements have
been found to perform very satisfactorily not only as infiltration systems but also as con-
cealed detention basins and as water treatment systems which remove pollutants prior to
their entry into lakes and streams. Development of such pavements to control runoff was
begun in the late 1960's at the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories under the sponsor-
ship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since that time the technique has been
used successfully on numerous projects. While alternative construction methods and mate-
rials are still evolving, design criteria based on early applications have been published. Two
excellent references on the subject will be found under "Drainage" in Section III.D.
The loss of subgrade support is the most frequent cause of premature failures in privately
constructed pavements. While the importance of subgrade strength is recognized by
experienced professionals, in practice the interests of quality often give way to pressures
to save time and reduce costs.
Many problems with subgrades are related to how the work is specified and accepted.
When specifications are incomplete and acceptance requirements are minimal , good
workmanship is put at a competitive disadvantage , and a low standard of quality is
established for the one component of the pavement which is least accessible for repair.
When a suitable soil is brought to the right moisture content, shaped to grade, compacted
to the specified density, and protected from moisture, the likelihood that it will perform
satisfactorily is excellent. The challenge, of course, is in meeting these conditions under the
pressures of a construction schedule, given adverse weather and the high costs of delay.
(a) The specifications should fully describe the work to be performed and methods of
checking it, such as setting grading stakes, proof-rolling, and testing. It is important to
state the basis of acceptance, grade and compaction tolerances, and actions to be
taken in event of deficient test results, incorrect grades, soft spots, etc. (Further treat-
ment of these topics will be found under "Controlling quantities and thickness" in
Section I.C below and in Part Three.) It should be noted that acceptance plans used
by state D.Ors are, in general, inappropriate for private contracts, since they involve
the state's testing and inspection resources and often some form of statistically-based
acceptance criteria, which are appropriate only for large-scale construction projects.
(b) Grading tolerances should be consistent with requirements for pavement thickness,
smoothness, and finished grade. It is contradictory to allow the subgrade to vary 0.1 or
0.2 ft. while specifying much closer requirements for layer thickness, finished grade,
and drainage.
(c) Testing and inspection services should be provided by the owner's representative-
the architect or engineer - who should approve the subgrade before work proceeds
on the paving phase.
(d) Final preparation of the surface to be paved should be performed by the paving
contractor whenever this is feasible. In no case should the paving contractor be asked
to pave over wet or poorly prepared soil.
(e) The contract should make provision for conditions which may appear during con-
struction , requiring stabilizing or replacing poor soil, undercutting mucky areas,
installing interceptor drains, or other necessary measures. Soil conditions which may
involve extra work include moisture intrusions from natural or man-made sources,
buried rock or old structures, and pockets of poor soil or uncompacted fill.
(f) When circumstances are favorable, site paving and other techniques described under
"Materials and Methods" in the next section should be utilized.
The selection of the type of base is one of the designer's major decisions. In the following
sections this publication provides design criteria for full-depth, granular, and stabilized
bases. A full-depth HMA pavement is constructed directly on the subgrade, eliminating the
use of unbound or stabilized material. Granular and stabilized base designs consist of a
layer of HMA over a base of suitable processed material or soils mixed in place with a
stabilizing agent.
Note: Costs of paving materials, especially HMA, are sometimes compared incorrectly,
using unit costs for areas and thicknesses substantially different from those being designed.
A better approach is discussed in Section I.B.
This refers to several procedures for treating or replacing the soil , when the improvement
is significant but does not attain the strength required of a true base course. For some soil
conditions, improving the subgrade is a necessary step ; in other cases it may be desirable
for reasons of economy and durability. Improving the soil may be advisable (1 ) to correct
frost susceptibility where the frost penetration zone is deeper than the base layer, (2) to add
bearing capacity and reduce sensitivity of very weak, expansive, or highly plastic soils, (3)
to upgrade weak soils in orderto reduce pavementthickness (as explained in section II.C),
(4) to take advantage of the closer control and inspection involved in this type of construc-
tion , and (5) to avoid construction delay brought on by soaking rains followed by uncertain
drying conditons.
Soil can be improved by many methods; especially suitable for private projects are :
Replacement with select borrow, soil-aggregate blends, and stabilization with portland
cement, fly ash , or, for sensitive clays , hydrated lime. More specialized methods include
treatment with bituminous materials, calcium chloride (to control drying), and various
proprietary stabilizing agents.
Each method , of course, has its special applications and limitations. Select borrow can be
an ideal method where very firm borrow material is alreadyon site, in a layer to be excavated
for foundations and grading. Hydrated lime is particularly effective for strengthening and
correcting sensitive clayey soils , but it may aggravate a tendency to frost heave. Sand-clay
mixtures may also be frost-sensitive. Cement or lime/fly ash treatment of subgrade differs
from cement-stabilized base in that asmaller proportion of cementing agent is used, so that
shrinkage is not a problem . These materials are mixed in place . They increase strength
significantly, but effectiveness of cement may be reduced in soils containing sulfates. Also,
in clayey soils care is required in blending the materials uniformly. SOil-aggregate blends
and sand-clays perform well in many areas, and the use of crushed concrete as the
aggregate for such blends is increasing. Low-cost quarry materials - fine screenings and
crusher runs - are also effective in soil-aggregate blends.
Stabilized soil bases. Use of stabilized subgrade as a base layer is also discussed in Section
II.B, which includes design data and information on various stabilizing materials.
Cost and availability of paving and base materials vary considerably from one location to
another. Given also differences in soil and climate, it would be unlikely for one mode of
construction to be best for all locations or for '1ypical" cost figures or costs from other areas
to be valid for comparing alternatives. The designer should search out information on local
materials utilized as base. In some regions, materials such as shell and coquina, sand-clay,
limerock, gravel, and treated soil make excellent bases and are less costly than crushed
stone shipped from distant sources. Paving contractors who serve the local area can pro-
vide detailed information and advice on material selection, since they purchase materials
for many types of public and private work.
Stage construction
The purpose of stage construction is to reduce the initial cost of a pavement and to take
advantage of the fact that HMA pavements can be structurally augmented after several
years of service, with only minor disruption of traffic. In stage construction the original
pavement is designed for a shorter period than the intended service life, and additional
thickness is scheduled to be added prior to the onset of structural distress. This has the
advantages of reducing initial cost and interest, renewing the surface, and providing an
opportunity t6 revise the design after service conditions are better known. Since traffic
predictions and design strength are necessarily conservative, actual performance of a
pavement may be better than predicted . It may be possible to postpone construction of the
second stage or reduce thickness. Conversely, if predicted traffic loads are exceeded
because of changes in use, the second layer can be strengthened. Stage construction is
The chief disadvantage of stage construction is that the second stage is in effect a second
project, involving a separate funding commitment, re-mobilization of equipment, and
possible disruption of business. Where funding would be complicated by a change of
ownership, where even brief interference with customer access is undesirable, or on small
projects where mobilization is a larger part of total cost, it may be advisable to design the
pavement for the full life of the facility with minimum maintenance.
Full-depth design
Full-depth designs also lead to other time-saving strategies, one example of which is site
paving. The term site paving refers to placing a layer of HMA as early in the project as the
grading and other operations will permit. Site paving is of special advantage in connection
with building construction, since it provides a work and storage platform for other oper-
ations. If the structure is to be founded on a slab, the subgrade for the slab and the areas
to be paved can be prepared in one operation. In all cases, contractors report a substantial
reduction in clean· up problems and improvement in overall productivity at the jobsite. Above
all, site paving protects the prepared subgrade as soon as it is shaped and compacted. It
is an excellent way to avoid the problems of weather delays and defects brought on by
paving in cool weather or on wet subgrade.
It is important to note that the quality advantage of site paving may be lost if scheduling
pressures tend to rush the subgrade work, if effective standards of compaction and smooth-
ness are not applied, or if a ''we'll fix it later" mentality prevails. In compacting backfill it must
not be assumed that less care is needed because weak spots can be corrected before the
final paving course. This kind of correction never does the job. Compacting the base and
subgrade in a small patch is difficult at best, involving inefficient methods and usually no
quality control. For the same reason, minor trenches for lighting conduits and communica-
tions cables should not be put off or overlooked and later saw-cut into place. Careful plan-
ning and coordination of the early site work will be repaid many times in the latter stages
of the project.
Site paving works best with a full-depth design. This is because the interval between
compacting the subgrade and protecting it wi th pavement tends to be much shorter,
reducing the risk of damage by construction traffic or heavy rains. It may also promote better
subgrade work, where there may be a tendency to cut short the shaping and compacting
of a subgrade before covering it with crushed stone. Thickness of the stone layer may vary
excessively, and a poorly compacted subgrade deforms and weakens the pavement
through consolidation and loss of support.
Single-layer construction To improve performance and reduce material costs, highway pavements are usually built
in multiple layers of specialized base, binder, and surface mixes, but this practice does not
always benefit smaller projects. For low-volume traffic and normal axle loads, a single
asphalt mixture, properly formulated, can provide both the weather resistance of a surface
mix and the stability required in a structural layer. Neither are multiple layers necessary to
achieve compaction in pavements of 6.0 in. (150 mm) or less. It is practicable, therefore, and
a considerable advantage on certain types of projects, to place the entire pavement in one
Single-layer paving also has its disadvantages. Obviously, if the pavement is installed early
in the project, damage caused by equipment, utility cuts, fuel spills, and the like would
require patching in the finished surface. Likewise, there is no second chance to correct sub-
grade defects and areas of poor drainage, which might otherwise be found and corrected
between the first and second paving courses. Single-layer construction is not recommended
for projects where construction equipment may damage the pavement. It is always a good
idea to discuss the advantages of single-layer construction with the paving contractor.
As already mentioned, the mixture must meet the requirements of a structural layer as well
as a surface mix. Mixture parameters for structural and surface layers are discussed in
Section I.C and in Part Three, Section III.B.
Likewise , paving is more difficult in confined areas. When asphalt pavement must be placed
by hand , the surface texture, finished grade, and density are not equal to that of machine-
laid mix, and the work itself is slow and labor-intensive. In these circumstances, a better
pavement will be obtained by delaying installation of obstructing features such as dumpster
pads which tend to fragment an area to be paved into time-consuming stops and starts.
Where paving is continuous, the surface will be more regular, and drainage will be greatly
An alternative method of constructing curbs is to form them on the first layer of pavement.
This is very convenient in conjunction with site paving. Concrete curb and gutter or asphalt
curb is slip-formed onto the asphalt base course, which extends slightly beyond the back
of curb. For concrete curbs, steel dowels are first driven into the pavement. In addition to
simplifying and improving compaction in the subgrade and base courses, this technique
closes the joint between curb and pavement, which removes a major threat of water
intrusion into the subgrade. Note: In climates with extreme seasonal changes in tempera-
ture or humidity, shrinkage and expansion of concrete may not be sufficiently relieved by
jointing , and this technique should not be utilized. In all cases, contraction joints in concrete
should be cut clear through and spaced not less than ten feet apart.
Drainage structures which extend into a paved area are often built in two steps, because
of the problem of matching pavement grades with grades of the tops or inlets of these
structures. Manholes and valve boxes are usually built completely prior to final grading and
paving and are adjusted in height after paving. Another, less common technique is to build
the base slabs and walls to just above the tops of the pipes, then bury them during grading.
After paving , the opening for the top of the structure is sawed into the pavement, and the
soil is re-excavated. The upper walls are then cast using the soil as the outer form , and the
inlet grade is matched to the pavement without the need to distort the cross-slope. Soil
density around the structure will be greater and more uniform than that of backfilled soil;
thus the pavement will not settle in front of the inlet.
Asphalt curb Installed quickly and without forms , asphalt curb is an economical alternative to concrete
and is better suited to some site conditions. It does not require expansion and contraction
joints, and it makes a watertight, vegetation-proof seal with the pavement. Asphalt curb
is extruded from a slipforming device which compacts and shapes the hot mixture. It pre-
sents a smooth and pleasing appearance and resists weather and de-icing salts. During
the first several weeks of service, asphalt curb becomes stiff and scuff-resistant as the
asphalt cement in the mix increases in viscosity. During this period the curb should not
be subject to accidental heavy impacts or static loads. Painting with a non-shrinking, water-
based traffic paint improves night visibility and maintains a smooth surface. Mixture
formulation is important. Some paving mixes may not be suitable for curbs or may require
minor adjustment. Special mixes for curbs, which usually include mineral filler, are general-
ly available from Hot Mix Asphalt producers.
The need for prime coat is a topic of debate among paving specialists. On subgrades and
aggregate base courses, prime coat is intended to maintain the prepared surface prior
to paving, aithough for subgrades this may be unnecessary or counterproductive. Prime
coat is effective on unbound aggregate bases and is also useful to protect the work from
rain when paving will be delayed. It should be used on cement-stabilized soils as a bar-
rier to moisture intrusion . There are several disadvantages in using prime coat, including
cost and delay. Prime coat should not be applied to a subgrade when it is wet. Highly
cemented soils which harden as they dry out may soften if prime coat is applied. Cut-
back asphalts used as prime coat have the further disadvantage of releasing hydrocar-
bons into the air, and their use has been discontinued in some areas. Both cutback and
emulsified asphalt prime coat require a curing period, usually 24 hours.
Tack coat is used to improve bonding between layers of Hot Mix Asphalt. On a freshly
placed layer which is clean and free of dust, it should be applied lightly or omitted. If a fresh-
ly laid mix slips during rolling, it is usually because the mix is either "harsh" or too hot,
because excess tack coat was applied, or because the emulsified or cutback tack coat
is not completely cured. Tack coat is applied immediately before paving, after the surface
has been cleaned of dust, debris, and oil spots. Emulsified tack coat and cutback asphalt
require a brief curing period, normally less than 30 minutes, depending on the amount
applied and on weather conditions. Emulsified asphalt tack coat cures most rapidly at its
interface with the air, changing color as it cures from brown to black. For this reason it
may appear to be ready for paving long before curing is complete.
The use of prime coat and tack coat and their rates of application should be at the discre-
tion of the engineer or architect supervising construction, who should consider the con-
tractor's recommendation. For this reason, payment based on actual quantities used is
recommended, as opposed to including this item in the price of the pavement.
As a check, any number of spot thicknesses can be obtained by taking level readings be-
fore and after paving. For calculating quantities, the compacted unit weight may be deter-
mined from the mix design data (described in Section I.e), which is adjusted for the requir-
ed degree of compaction.
If payment is to be based on weight, thickness may be specified as weight of mix per unit
of area (e. g., pounds per square yard, tonnes per meter square). In this case a reasonable
limit on quantity overruns should be established in the contract. In areas where both
porous and dense aggregates are used, unit weights and actual quantities should be ad-
justed to a standard value for purposes of estimating and payment. For example, to pave
10,000 square yards at four inches thickness requires 2130 tons of material weighing
142 Ibs per cubic foot, but only 2040 tons at 136 Ibs per cubic foot. Adjusting all quantities
to a normal weight - say, 140 Ibs per cubic foot - has the effect of pricing all mixes by
volume and avoids overrunning the estimate when a dense mix is used.
As pointed out under "Subgrade preparation", grade tolerances allowed in the subgrade or
granular base must be consistent with the tolerances for pavement thickness and finished
grade. In practical terms, it is relatively easy to check and adjust grades in the supporting
layer and quite another matter in the pavement. Holding the supporting layer to a close'
tolerance is justified many times over by the improved smoothness and drainage of the
pavement, closer control of paving quantities, and the quality of the supporting layer itself.
aring alternatives
As the preceding sections indicate , there are many possibilities to consider in deciding
how best to pave a given area, and the best approach is to explore all likely options. It is
not uncommon , after a contract is awarded, that a better and less costly alternative is
accepted from the contractor, who points out cost-saving materials or procedures of which
the designers were unaware. Ideas for reducing costs or adding to the value of the work
are always worth considering, but preferably they should be evaluated in the design stage
and included in the proposal as alternate bid items. In preparing the design, local paving
contractors and geotechnical consulting firms should not be overlooked as sources of
ideas and information on possible alternatives.
Comparing alternatives with different service lives or with costs incurred in different years
involves the time value of money. Helpful references for applying the methods of engineer-
ing economy to paving costs will be found in Part Three, Section III.C under "Life cycle
For users of this manual not acquainted with paving materials this section explains
key terms and concepts pertaining to HMA and how it is specified. It discusses:
Older parking lot pavements reveal an interesting fact about Hot Mix Asphalt. After aging,
a properly constructed parking lot will usually have more thermal cracks and a more weath-
ered appearance where there has been no passage of vehicles - evidence that a certain
amount of traffic tends to work out thermal stresses and to restore adhesion between
particles. For pavements not subject to frequent heavy loads (those which fall into Class I
of the classes defined in Section II.A), time and weather are a greater threat than traffic
loads, and mixtures for them should be designed accordingly. Unfortunately, highway
agencies generally do not specify mix types for this kind of pavement and have no criteria
by which to approve them . However, mixes designed for low-traffic pavements are available
and usually better suited for these applications than state-approved mixes formulated for
highways. Further information and suggested criteria for mix types are given in Part Three,
Section 111.8.
In specifying Hot Mix Asphalt it is also necessary to establish criteria for the ingredients
- aggregates, asphalt cement, and certain additives. State specifications are a good
source of criteria for ingredient materials. Low-traffic pavements may differ from major
roads as to which ingredients are needed, but the properties of the ingredients them-
selves should meet the same standards. Aggregates must be sound and inert to mois-
ture, with a favorable particle shape and gradation. Bonding between the asphalt cement
and the aggregates must not be affected by moisture. Loss of bonding is referred to as
"stripping", and additives to prevent it are called "anti-stripping additives". Asphalt cement
needs to be stiff in warm weather but not brittle in cold. Different climates demand differ-
ent grades and properties in asphalt cement, and there is at present no single grade which
is best for all regions. Accordingly, each state highway agency specifies the grade or
grades best suited to its own conditions. Because of the very large role of state govern-
ments in the paving market, the grades of asphalt cement available in a given area will
be appropriate for local conditions and special sampling and testing for quality assur-
ance is generally not warranted for most private projects.
As with asphalt cement, state specifications for aggregates also reflect local experience
and availability. A material which meets the state's requirements for aggregate ingredi-
ents for asphalt mixes will be acceptable in private pavements as well. Here a distinction
is made between a state's specification for the aggregates used in Hot Mix Asphalt and
other provisions which require or rule out some aggregates for certain types of mix. As
discussed under "Materials and Methods" above, a state's requirements for certain aggre-
gates in surface mixes may be unnecessary for pavements other than highways.
Once it is approved, a mix design becomes the basis of acceptance for the mix itself, list-
ing the aggregate ingredients and their proportions, the asphalt cement content, the grad-
ation of the combined aggregates, and the compacted density. The process begins with
the selection of suitable aggregates by the producer. The gradation of each aggregate is
determined by a sieve analysis, and a blend of the aggregates is calculated by trial com-
binations, which will produce an even, continuous distribution of particle sizes, thereby
reducing the voids among particles and the amount of asphalt cement needed to coat
the particles and bind the mix together. (In certain types of mix the size distribution is not
continuous, and stability is obtained from the structure of the large particles.) Specimens
of the blended aggregates are then combined with asphalt cement in varied amounts.
These are compacted, analyzed, and tested to determine how the properties of the mix
vary with asphalt cement content. The optimum amount of asphalt cement is determin-
ed according to these properties. When the test results meet the design criteria, the de-
sign is approved, and the gradation of the combined aggregates, together with the opti-
mum asphalt cement content, become the target values to be met during production. In
other words, they become the Job Mix Formula (JMF).
The Job Mix Formula is the standard to which the mixture is compared for quality control
and acceptance. It lists the percentages of aggregates passing a series of standard sieves,
The Job Mix Formula is the
plus the asphalt cement content, normally expressed as a per cent of the weight of mix. For
standard to which the mixture is each of these values the specifications must define appropriate tolerances , based on 'the
compared for quality control and probable error in the test as well as the allowable variation in the material. Notice that the
JMF does not also specify exact percentages of ingredients to formulate the mix, since
the producer may need to make small adjustments in these percentages to account for
variations in the ingredients. It should be noted as well that the gradation limits for a mix
type, as found in many standard specifications, are not to be confused with the gradation
limits of a particular approved mix, as established in the mix design and the Job Mix
Formula. The specifications merely establish the upper and lower limits of the gradation
band which defines each mix type.
The term quality assurance commonly refers to inspecting and testing paving materials for
acceptance and payment, while quality control refers to inspecting and testing them during
manufacture or placement to detect variations in the process or ingredients. The latter is
usually not a specification requirement, but some state agencies require the contractor to
implement aquality control plan and to submittest results for review and verification. Usually
the contractor is given some latitude in choosing the methods and frequency of testing.
Contractors who are equipped and staffed to maintain a program of quality control testing
are clearly able to deliver a better product.
For quality assurance testing , normally the services of an engineering testing firm are
obtained . Acceptance criteria most often include the compacted density of the layer
(discussed below), the conformity of the mixture to the Job Mix Formula, and the require-
ments established for mixture ingredients.
Acceptance plans In addition to the criteria which the pavement must meet, the contract documents should
state how the work is to be tested , the extent of testing services to be furnished, and how
they will be paid for. On large public projects which go on for an extended time, work items
for paving are often divided into lots and are tested and accepted for payment lot by lot,
following statistical sampling procedures. This requires extensive laboratory and sampling
resources, and is generally inappropriate
for other categories of projects. However, even
the simplest sampling and testing plans should provide enough test data to be represen-
tative of the work covered. Testing tolerances specified should reflect the precision of the
test method, and remedies for defects should be stated , as discussed above. Since core
samples can be obtained after the work is in place if defective material is suspected, accep-
tance tests on small to medium-sized projects are often specified on a contingency basis.
Acceptance of ingredient materials is commonly based on the contractor's certification that
they meet the contract specifications. Alternatively, samples may be set aside for testing at
the discretion of the engineer or architect.
Mixture composition This is usually tested by extracting the asphalt cement with trichloroethane or a biodegradeable
solvent and performing a sieve analysis on the aggregates remaining . Standard methods
for these tests are given in ASTM D 2172 and C 136. Samples for extraction testing may
be obtained either during production and paving operations or afterward as cores from the
compacted pavement. Recommended tolerances for gradation and asphalt cement con-
tent by the extraction method are provided in Table I, Part Three .
Density and compaction Recommended standards for specifying compaction are provided in Part Three, Table J.
The compacted density of a pavement is determined from the weight and volume of core
samples (ASTM D 2726) , or it may be measured in place by the nuclear method, ASTM D
2950. The latter method requires that the testing device be calibrated with core samples
from the same material. With either method, the property actually measured is the bulk
specific gravity of the pavement; its validity as a measure of compaction depends on how
closely the mixture being tested resembles the mixture used as the density standard. If, for
example, the asphalt cement content or the amount of dust-size particles in the mixture has
varied, it is no longer comparable to the reference mix, and the compaction measurement
may be higher or lower than the correct value.
One way to reduce this type of error is to compact samples of the mix during production by
the same method used in the mix design laboratory, to obtain a new reference density.
Where '1ield Marshall (or Hveem) samples," as they are called , are being prepared to
monitor production, they provide density values which are more representative as a refer-
ence for determining the degree of compaction than the densities obtained from laboratory
specimens in the mix design procedure. Hot samples of the mix are compacted in the same
manner as the laboratory specimens. After cooling, they are tested for density and resis-
tance to deformation, and the results should match the results obtained in the mix design
within tolerances established in the specifications.
Besides providing reference values for compaction testing, field Marshall (Hveem) samples
provide a check of other mix design parameters, measuring periormance properties rather
than actual composition. Densityvalues tend to verify mix composition. Results are general-
ly available sooner than those of extraction tests and indicate whether the mix has deviated
from the design and , more significantly, how the deviation affects its quality. Field-
compacted samples provide a very suitable method of monitoring the mixture, though they
too may exceed the budget of a small project. Recommended tolerances for such samples
are given in Part Three, Table I.
Most RAP isobtained from cold milling of pavements which are being rehabilitated , although
an increasing share is produced by crushing large fragments of removed pavement.
Growing availability of equipment and increasing landfill charges are making cold milling of
distressed pavements an increasingly common and economical procedure. Compared with
conventional overlays, cold milling restores the pavement without the need to raise the
grades of curbs and drainage structures, and it affords an effective solution to the problem
known as reflective cracking - the propagation of cracks into a pavement overlay from an
old asphalt layer below. Recycling also facilitates the total removal of a pavement, which is
sometimes necessary to change the elevation of a surface orto correct a defective subgrade.
At present, RAP is most commonly used as a small percentage of the total ingredients in
a. mix - generally ten percent or less. Modern mixing facilities are capable of producing
mixtures containing 60 percent or more, and many mixes for state highways may contain
as much as 50 percent. In these cases the new asphalt cement in the mix may be a softer
grade designed to restore the recycled asphalt cement to the consistency specified for virgin
mixes. In many areas the procedures for analyzing and rejuvenating RAP are now quite
routine, and as a less costly ingredient it reduces the cost of materials as it relieves a major
solid waste problem. Best of all , it does all this without any loss of pavement quality. Some
engineers, in fact, report that RAP actually improves pavement performance. Major corpo-
rations in growing numbers are adopting the use of recycled materials as part of their
programs to become more environmentally responsible. For further information on this
aspect of recycling , references on the subject may be found in Part Three, Section III.C.
SITE CONDITIONS Do the soil conditions, climate, and topography indicate a need for:
BASE AND Do local conditions and project needs favor any of the following base materials :
OPTIONS o Local materials - sand-clay base, limerock, etc.
o Treated base
o Granular base
o Hot Mix Asphalt base
Part Two presents the methods for quantifying the effects of predicted traffic loads and
assigning a structural value to the subgrade. Layer thicknesses are then found for these
values by means of design tables. A design table is provided for each base and pavement
combination - HMA over treated or granular base, or fu ll-depth HMA. The design proce-
dure can be summarized in five steps:
• Traffic analysis - determining the traffic class and design period with which to enter
the design tables
• Materials selection - identifying the different layer systems to be evaluated and com-
pared, based on local availability and other factors, as discussed in Part One
• Thickness determination - obtaining layer thicknesses from the design tables for
each layer system
Section II.Aexplains the traffic analysis procedure, and Section II.B provides guidelines for
classifying the subgrade. The design tables are presented, with directions and examples,
in Section II.C, which also explains the procedure for upgrading the subgrade design class
through the use of improved subgrade. These steps are demonstrated by examples in
Section II.C, which include an economic comparison of alternative layer systems.
Role of the designer Determining layer thicknesses, it should be noted, involves the exercise of the designer's
judgment. Much care and effort should be given to obtaining the data with which to enter
the design tables, especially in estimating future traffic. The design tables indicate a
thickness which, based on research and experience, will ensure good performance
throughout the design period. However, this depends on how closely the entry data can be
made to represent actual project conditions, which are rarely as simple as textbook
situations. The designer may need to adjust the data based on personal appraisal of the
soil and climate, local experience , the needs olthe owner, and other intangibles. The design
procedure is not a substitute for eng'neering judgment but a basis for applying it.
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The design values in this manual should approximate the economic optimum. They are
slightly conservative in the sense that, given minor flaws in construction and somewhat
heavier traffic than predicted, a normal pavement will reach its intended design life with-
out widespread cracking or major repairs. Assessing the risk of high maintenance ex-
pense versus initial cost has a bearing on all design decisions, but especially in traffic
analysis , in selecting an appropriate value for the design period , and in obtaining ade-
quate soil data.
Analysis and estimation of future traffic is a key step in the design procedure and
should be researched as thoroughly as time will allow. There is a tendency to un-
derestimate traffic loads, neglecting the probability that construction vehicles will
operate on the pavement and that private access roads for trash pick up, delivery
trucks, and buses will receive as much heavy traffic as a residential street.
The traffic analysis procedure is based upon the following important concepts and terms:
Design period This is the length of time the pavement is designed to last before rehabilitation or major
maintenance becomes necessary. (This definition also applies to stage construction, even
though the pavement thickness will be increased before maintenance is actually needed.)
It shou ld be noted that the design period selected for a flexible pavement may be different
from that of a rigid pavement for the same use. The relative ease with which flexible pave-
ment can be rehabilitated tends to influence this decision and also the state of wear to
which it is allowed to deteriorate.
Design periods vary according to type of facility. Public highways are usually designed for
twenty years and residential pavements for shorter or longer periods, reflecting public
policy and financial resources as well as engineering decisions. Commercial establish-
ments, institutions, and industrial sites, on the other hand , are more specialized in their
needs. Retail facilities such as restaurants and filling stations are sometimes operated for
periods as brief as ten years, while the grounds of a college, church, or hospital may be
intended to remain for generations. For thickness design purposes the design period is
used to project the total number of wheel loads which will act on the pavement. Should the
designer also be called upon to prepare an economic analysis of life-cycle costs of different
design periods for the owner, the reference on this subject in Section III.C will be especially
Categories of trucks In preparing the design tables for this manual, truck traffic was divided into the following
representative categories, all considered to be operating within legal weight limits:
In some areas, it should be noted, coal and logging trucks , ore and aggregate haulers ,
construction equipment, and military vehicles sometimes exceed legal weight limits, with
and without special permits. Pavements liable to occasional minor overloads should be
designed for a higher traffic category (as defined below) than otherwise; if overloads are
either large or frequent, the pavement should be designed according to special procedures
for heavy duty pavements. References on design of heavy duty pavements are found in
Section III. C.
Table A presents a set of criteria for selecting traffic classes. The common types of pave-
ment facilities have been grouped into four classes, designated I through IV, according to
the frequencies and sizes of axle loads typical of each class. The designer may select the
appropriate traffic class by finding the class description most closely matching the type of
facility being designed. The number of trucks per month for each class is also given and can
be matched with the number predicted for the site. This may be helpful where no descrip-
tion resembles the facility being designed.
In the design tables, which are presented in Section II.C, the four traffic classes are further
subdivided according to design periods of 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, for a total range of sixteen
traffic categories with corresponding ESAL's.
When ESAL is known As mentioned above, an alternate method may be used when a value for ESAL is given
or can be estimated. In this case it is not necessary to use the traffic classes of Table A,
since the design tables may be entered directly with the ESAL. A method of interpo-
lating between ESAL values is presented in Example Three of Section II.C.
Where routes of heavy trucks and large numbers of vehicles can be separated from park-
ing bays and other lightly trafficked areas, the designer should consider using a different
layer system for each area. In this type of project, the base and binder layers for separate
traffic zones differ in thickness and sometimes in type, and they are placed in separate
operations. The surface course is usually the same for all areas and can be placed in one
operation . Suggestions on the layout of the heavily travelled and lightly travelled zones
of a parking area are discussed and illustrated in Part Three, Section liLA Figure III.A.4.
To summarize, the traffic analysis step can be accomplished two ways:
(a) Using Table A, determine the traffic class by matching the facility being designed to the
nearest description , or find the traffic class corresponding to the estimated number of
trucks per month . Second, determine the design period, to the nearest five-year incre-
ment, according to the nature of the facility and the owner's needs.
(b) If the total number of Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL's) is given or can be estimated
from available traffic studies, it is not necessary to refer to Table A, since the design
tables can be entered with the ESAL.
1. Design for a shopping center with separate, well-delineated lanes for heavy semi-trailer
delivery trucks:
(1) Parking stalls and aisles are separated from travelled zones by traffic islands. No
trucks will use parking zones .
.j. ,~ e\'E~~e ~abI3G1 (page 31). Traffic class I is selected for parking zones.
/ ~ ~f'I (2) Light delivery trucks will make curb deliveries in front of small stores.
,.,.""" It ~r~ee~ more than five deliveries will be made per day.
GAA% 0"" c,!tOi)NO
(i'10:.<-11 \IJ\ j - Traffic class III is selected for entire rear access area.
l2. Design for a multi-use road in an industrial park compri sing warehouses and light manu-
p, \ f~bturing plants, with regular bus service and access to a major highway. It is estimated
that 25 five-axle semi-trailer trucks per day will use the road in each direction.
It should be noted here that estimating both the numbers and sizes of trucks for mixed-
use roads is uncertain , which compounds the uncertainty in ESAL's . On larger projects, the
cost of over-designing or under-designing thickness will be substantial. It is recommend-
ed that data based on traffic studies be obtained whenever possible. State and county
agencies can usually furnish traffic count maps showing nearby arterial roads as well as
projections of future growth. Estimates of numbers and types of trucks can be based on
local businesses.
Table B (page 35) is a subgrade classification method based on the Unified Soil Classifi·
cation System developed by the Corps of Engineers (also published as ASTM D 2487). The
table can be entered with the soil type designation used in the Unified system, if known, or
with the characteristics of the subgrade material. In either case, the table assigns each soil
to one of five design classes, identified as very good, good, medium , poor, and very poor.
Values of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Resilient Modulus (M,) representative ofthese
design classes are also given, which are the values which were used in preparing the
thickness design tables.
Classifying by CBR or M
If the CBR or M, of the soil is known, the design class corresponding to that value should
be selected. This will usually produce a choice between design classes with higher and
lower CBR's and M:s. In this case the design procedure is followed through with both
subgrade classes, and the designer should interpolate between the two thicknesses
obtained. The interpolation is explained in Section II .C, in the text and Example Three.
For use in determining the design class , a description of all five classes is given below,
followed by a short explanation of soil types, Unified soil classes, and the other parameters
in Table B. Selection of a design class should be based on how well the soil matches the
class description and the other parameters in the table and, for frost-susceptible soils, on
the extent to which the depth offrost penetration in the area poses a danger oflrost damage.
Very Good Subgrade Materials described as Very Good consist of clean sands and gravels, usually well-graded,
with no significant amount of particles finer than 0.02 mm. Such soils are not affected by
freezing and may be suitable for use as subbase . They are particularly good for use as
improved subgrade, or "select borrow," to replace poor soils.
Good Subgrade Soils rated Good are similar to those rated Very Good but are not as well-graded nor as
resistant to severe freezing conditions . They are also excellent as select borrow but may
not be suitable as subbase in some cases.
Medium Subgrade Soils in the Medium class include sandy or gravelly soils which contain significant amounts
of silt and clay. Silty and clayey soils vary considerably in strength and are often highly
susceptible to being weakened by freezing and by intruding moisture . They are often quite
strong at or below optimum moisture. Where depth of frost penetration extends well into the
subgrade, strong but silty sands and gravels should be classed as Medium.
Very Poor Subgrade This class consists of organic soils and clays known to swell. They are unsuitable as
pavement subgrade in all climates and should be removed and replaced.
Soil Type Soils are described as gravels, sands, silts or clays, depending on the range of particle sizes
present in greatest abundance. Gravels and sands are predominantly coarse-grained.
Gravel usually refers to soils having a predominant size larger than the No.4 sieve, and
sand usually refers to soils finer than this sieve. Silt and claysoils are composed of very fine
particles. Over half of the grains are finer than a No. 200 sieve, and individual particles are
not visible without magnification.
Unified Classification The Unified system classifies soils into groups having certain properties measured by
laboratory tests. The following table provides a general description of the prefix and suffix
code used to describe soils in this system:
The clay subgroups Land H above are distinguished from each other by their liquid limits
(LL), which is the moisture content above which a fine-grained soil behaves like a viscous
liquid . This property is a good empirical measure of the soil's compressibility. A soil with a
high liquid limit (H) is more compressible and thus a poorer subgrade material than a soil
with a relatively low liquid limit. (For more information refer to Atterburg limits in a handbook
on soil mechanics.)
Percent Finer Than O.02mm This is the percentage of clay and silt particles; it is particularly useful in describing how
susceptible a soil is to frost action. Higher percentages, especially of silts, produce weaken-
ing and frost heave where freezing temperatures reach the subgrade. Frost heave is
discussed under "Soil conditions" in Section LA.
Soli Type Unified Percent Finer Permeability Frost Typical Typical Design
Soli Class ThanO.02mm Potential' CBR' Mrl pSl2 Class
Gravels, crushed stone GW, GP 0-1.5 Excellent NFS 17 20,000 Very Good
Little or no fines <0.02mm
Sands, sand-gravel mix SW,SP 0-3 Excellent NFS 17 20,000 Very Good
Little or no fines <0.02mm
Gravels, crushed stone GW,GP 1.5 - 3 Good PFS 17 20,000 Very Good
Some fines <0.02mm
Sands, sand-gravel mix SW, SP 1.5 - 3 Good PFS 17 20,000 Very Good
Some fines <0.02mm
1 NFS = not frost susceptible 2 CBR :: California Bearing Ratios and MR = Resilient Modulus values are
PFS = possible frost susceptible minimumvalues expected for each subgrade class .
Frost Potential Frost potential is related primarily to the percentage of silt sizes present in the soil. Heavy
or '1at" clays may not be susceptible to frost damage in moderate climates, since capillary
movement and accumUlation of moisture is extremely slow in these soils. (They may,
however, be prone to swell.) Well-drained, non-cohesive soils are rarely affected by fre ezing
except in very cold climates.
Improved subgrade
Example Very Poor Subgrade: The site is marshy but not subject to hard freezing, and the native soil
is a silty clay with traces of organic matter. The plans call for raising the grade to improve
surface drainage and avoid the high water table. A source of silty gravel and sand is
available for use as borrow material , which can be considered a Good class subgrade
material since the climate is mild. In Table C it will be seen that by adding 24 inches of the
silty gravel, the Very Poor subgrade is upgraded to a Medium class subgrade for design
purposes. This will result in a reduction of pavement thickness and , in practical terms, will
provide a much more suitable working platform for construction.
Soil stabilization
Soil stabilization involves the addition of materials such as lime, lime/fly ash, fly ash, cement,
or emulsified asphalt to a subgrade soil to improve its properties. The percent of the soil
material passing the No. 200 sieve and the plasticity index are used to select the type of
stabilizer to use. Soils of the Very Good class in Table C (i.e., well-graded granular materials)
can be stabilized with cement and used for granular base if they have less than 35 percent
passing the No. 200 sieve and a plasticity index of less than 20. The Very Good class of soils
also can be stabilized with cutback asphalt or asphalt emulsions if they are nonplastic
(plasticity index of less than 6) and have less than 20 percent passing the No . 200 sieve.
Hydrated lime is an effective stabilization agent with clays, silty clays, iI,\d clayey gravels
-soil classifications CH, CL, ML, MH, CL-MH, SC , SM, GC , and GM in Table C- provided
that the plasticity index of the soil is not less than 10. Lime reduces plasticity, increases
To Upgrade Design Subgrade Class Type and Thickness of Improved Subgrade Needed to Upgrade
Medium 9 14 24
Very Poor
Good 14 22 36
Medium 6 9 18
Good 9 14 24
1 These materials will fall in the very good subgrade class in Table 2.2 and may be used as select borrow provided the liquid
limit (LL) is less than 25 and the plasticity index (PI) = O.
2These materials will fall in the good subgrade class in Table 2.2 and may be used as select borrow provided the liquid limit
is less than 30 and the plasticity index is less than 7.
3 Thickness given in inches.
workability, reduces swell , and increases the strength of clay soils. It is of little effect, there-
fore, on non-plastic soils, which should be treated by one of the other methods. Many
stabilized soils will meet the criteria below for treated bases and may be treated as such in
designing the pavement.
Treated bases For purposes of design, treated bases are divided into two classes:
Class I treated bases include asphalt bases that meet mix design requirements and accep-
tance criteria given in Part III for Hot Mix Asphalt base mixtures.
Class /I treated bases include emulsified asphalt, portl'and cement treated bases, or lime/
fly ash mixes made with semi-processed crusher-run or bank-run sands and gravels.
Emulsified asphalt treated mixes usually have lower residual asphalt contents and higher
voids than Class I bases. These bases may be mixed in place but should be carefully
controlled during construction.
Note: Cement-treated and lime/fly ash bases should be not less than six inches thick.
Selecting the designing subgrade class is reasonably straightforward if the soil is uniformly
of the same type. This may be done by matching the soil description with information
given in Table B, as explained above. IftheCBRorMrofthesoil is known, the design class
corresponding to that value should be used.
If the soil type appears to vary over the area to be paved, tests should be performed to
determine the extent of each different soil type. If the investigation shows that there are
large differences in soil types within the project area, there are several possible ways to
come up with a design that will be economical.
On small jobs, designing for the lowest soil class may be acceptable. The areas with the
higher class of soil will be somewhat conservative, and on large jobs this may not be
If the area contains poor and very poor soils that are scattered over the entire area to be
paved, the poorer soils should be removed and replaced with better soils, as explained
in the section on Improved subgrade. Alternatively, if the poor soils are confined to well-
delineated areas, separate designs can be prepared and constru~ted for each soil type.
Both conservative and unconservative designs may be produced if the poorer soils are
not replaced. For example, a poor class subgrade soil on·a site for a parking lot might re-
quire a 7.0 inch Hot Mix Asphalt pavement, but a good class subgrade soil would require
only 4.5 inches. Constructing 7.0 inches over the entire 'pavement area would be eco-
nomical only if the higher soil class is a very small proportion of the entire area, or if
replacement is not feasible for some other reason.
Constructing the entire area 4.5 inches thick would produce early failures in the poor soil
areas. In fact, the pavement on the poor soil areas would have a projected design life
equal to or less than one-tenth of the life of the pavement on the good soil areas.
Some designers may be tempted to design for an intermediate soil class. In this example,
the design using a medium subgrade class would be 6.0 inches. This would produce a
cbnservative design for the good class soil , but the poor class soil could still be in danger
of failing early; it would have a projected life equal to one-third or less of the projected life
for the good soil areas.
In other situations, where a substantial amount of soil CBR or M, test data is available, it
may be feasible to interpolate to obtain a design. However, using an average test value
should be avoided , and the possibility of underdesign , and early failures in the low
. strength areas should be considered. The Asphalt Institute recommends the use of the
85th percentile value from the lowest to the highest test value for design where there
is considerable scatter in the data for the project. An example of this procedure is given
in Section II.C. Thickness Design and Examples.
Having (1) checked the site conditions, the materials available, and the construction sched-
ule, (2) analyzed the traffic and classified the soil , and (3) identified the alternatives to be
considered, the designer is ready to enter Tables 0 (page 44), E (page 44), and F (page 45)
to determine layer thicknesses. The design tables present the basic relationship between
traffic loads, strength of supporting layers, and pavement thickness requirementsThe
reader may find it helpful to look over these tables briefly and refer to them while complet-
ing the remainder of this section .
Table 0 is for full-depth asphalt pavements (or, applying the definitions of bases above,
asphalt pavements over Class I bases.) Tables E and F are for pavements with Class II treat-
ed base and untreated granular base, respectively. With the traffic class, design period, (or
the ESAL) and subgrade class known, pavement thicknesses required for each base type
can be read directly from the tables.
Thicknesses of Hot Mix Asphalt and Class II base courses have been rounded to the near-
est half inch in the design tables provided in this section . Thicknesses of untreated granul-
ar base courses are provided in two-inch increments. For many design situations this will
be adequate. However, it may be desirable to design to closer tolerances for various
reasons, as explained in Section II.A Traffic Analysis and Section II.B Subgrade Evaluation.
Some agencies will supply the ESAL and design period to be used for design . In other
cases results of traffic predictions may be available for predicting ESAL. Results of soil
tests also may be available and used to select a design subgrade CBR or M, value. If the
specified values do not correspond to the specific values given in the design tables, an
interpolation procedure may be used to select design thicknesses. The procedures for
interpolating between design traffic ESAL or subgrade test values are given below.
Interpolate for traffic ESAL The first step in the interpolation procedure is to select the ESAL to be interpolated for.
This is called the target value. Next, determine the thickness design for the traffic ESAL
immediately below the target value and the design for the traffic ESAL above the target
value. Interpolate between the two by plotting thickness against the common logarithm
of ESAL. Example 3 shows how this is done.
There are two cases where interpolation to obtain a subgrade design value may be de-
sirable : (1) when the actual CBR or M, is known , and it falls between two classes in
Table B, or (2) when multiple test data indicates that the subgrade CBR or M, varies over
the project. In either case , refer to the discussion in Section II .B Subgrade Evaluation be-
fore interpolating to avoid producing designs which may lead to premature pavement
deterioration .
Interpolate for design sub- This procedure involves determining the 85th percentile value of all test data available.
grade value when multiple Once this value is found , the procedure above can be used to find the pavement thickness
test datas are available design. See Example 4 for an explanation of the procedure.
The nearest sources of crushed stone (untreated granular base) are sixty miles
away, but excellent sources of sand and sand-clay suitable for use as treated
base area are available near the site. Following suggestions of local builders,
the designer wishes to compare three choices of base: (1) Full-Depth Hot Mix
Asphalt, (2) Class II treated base, and (3) crushed stone base. Determine the
thickness of each layer in the system. Tables D, E, and F yield the following
Only one alternative is available for the parking area, a 3.0- inch Full-Depth Hot
Mix Asphalt. However, there are several possibilities available for the access
roadway, as shown in the following table.
1 Hot Mix Asphalt surface, binder and lor base mixes meeting the requirements given in Section I.
Hot Mix Asphalt and Section 111.8 Quality Control.
Calculate the quantities of materials required for the parking areas in the example above.
The total area of pavement may not be definite at this point in the design process; for convenience, quantities can be
calculated for some nominal unit of area. Here we will use 1000 square feet. Multiples of the results can be used later
in preparing actual estimates. Since thicknesses are given in inches, first determine the volume of a layer 1000 sq It
by one inch:
1/12 It times 1000 sq It = 83.3 cu ft.
By contacting local contractors it is determined that representative asphalt mixes from the materials in the area tend to
have design unit weights of about 140 Ibs/cu It for both bases and surface mixes. Project specifications will require
compaction to 95% of design density. We will assume an average of 97%. The average compacted unit weight of the
mix will be :
(140)(0.97) = 136 Ibsl cu It.
And 1000 sq It by one inch will weigh (83.3)(136) = 5.67 tons of HMA.
Similarily, 1000 sq It by one inch of crushed stone (124 Ibs/cu It) will weigh:
(83.3) (124) = 5.16 tons of crushed stone.
Having eliminated the treated base alternative, we compare material quantities and costs for full-depth HMA and the
granular base alternative.
The cost of crushed stone is determined to be $5.80 per ton plus thirteen cents per ton-mile of haul. ($0.13) (60 mil +
$5 .80 = $13.60, and ($13.60) (5.16) = $70. 18 per 1000 sq It of stone. The cost of placing , grading , compacting, and
testing the stone is not known at this point.
The high cost of hauling crushed stone is also reflected in the delivered price of Hot Mix Asphalt, although it is partly offset
by using locally available fine aggregates. The cost of the material at the site, excluding all installation costs, which are
assumed to be equal, is found to be $24.50 per ton.
The full-depth alternative will then cost ($24 .501T)(19.8 T) = $485. 10 (per 1000 sq It),
while the stone base alternative will cost ($24.501T)(17.0 T) + $70.18 = $486.68 (per 1000 sq It.).
Such a small difference between estimates is insignificant, since the probable error in estimated costs is much greater.
At this point the designer may elect to:
(1) assume that the stone base alternative will always cost more when the installation cost for the stone base and the
additional construction time are considered; or
(2) prepare the proposal with alternative bid items in order to compare actual bid prices rather than estimates; or
(3) prefer one alternative or the other on the basis of construction-related advantages and engineering judgment.
The owner in this case provides the designer with a target ESAL value of
350,000 for a pavementto carry Class IV heavy truck traffic. The soil is classified
as Good and a Full-Depth Hot Mix Asphalt design is selected to reduce
construction time.
The target ESAL value of 350,000 falls between ESAL values of 270,000 and
540,000 in Table D. From Table D the following thicknesses are obtained:
ESAL Thickness, Inches
270,000 5.5
350,000 to be determined
540,000 6.5
5.5 6.0
Thickness, inches
A major access road is to be designed for a target subgrade CBR value of 6, which lies between a value of 5 for
a Poor subgrade class and a value of 8 for a Medium class . The traffic class is III and a 20 year design is called
for. The following thicknesses of Hot Mix Asphalt are obtained from Table D:
Subgrade CBR Thickness, Inches
5 7.0
FIGURE II.C.2: Subgrade Interpolation
6 to be determined
8 6.0
Because of the quantity of materials required , it is decided
to design for the intermediate CBR value to effect cost
savings on the project. The design thickness is obtained
by simple straight·line interpolation.
lJ.J 6.0
solved graphically as shown in Figure 2 0
The adjustment in thickness will be:
8.0 - 6.0 4.0 I I I I
= 0.67 x 1.0 inches,
8.0 -5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Thickness, inches
or 67 percent of the difference between 6.0 and 7.0 inches.
The calculated thickne ss is:
6.0 + 0.67 x 1.0 = 6.7 inches (use 6.75 or 7.0 inches).
CBR Number Percent FIGURE II.C.3: Interpolation for Multiple subgrade tests
of Tests l of Tests l
1/4 = 25
3/4 = 75
100 ~
3.0 4 4/4 = 100
D 60
1 Equal 10 or greate r than the given CSR value. (ij
The design CBR will be between 3.0 and 4.0 . 40
Simple straight·line interpolation can be used
to determine the exact value, as was calculat·
2 20 "-
ed in Example 4, or graphically as shown in &:
Figure II. C.2. 0 I I I I
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
The design CBR in this case is 3.6. The pave· CBR
ment thickness design for 3.6 CBR can be
determined as shown in Example 4.
5 3,000 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
10 3,000 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
15 5,000 3 .0 4.0 4.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
20 7,000 3.0 4.5 4 .5 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
II 5 7,000 3.0 4.5 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 {!.
10 14,000 3.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ~
15 20,000 3.0 5.5 3.0 4.5 4.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0.:
20 27,000 3.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 4.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ..c:
III 5 27,000 3.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 4.5 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 ~
10 54,000 3.0 7.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 4.5 4.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 a
15 82,000 3.0 8.0 3 .0 6.5 3.0 5.0 4 .5 0.0 3.5 0.0 ~
20 110,000 3.5 8.0 3.0 8.0 3.0 5.5 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0:;
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
IV 5 270,000 4.0 10.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 6.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 0.0 ~
10 540,000 4.5 10.0 4.5 8.0 4.5 6.0 3.5 6.0 5.0 0.0
15 820,000 5.0 10.0 5.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 5.5 0.0
20 1,100,000 5.5 10.0 5.5 8.0 5.5 6.0 4.5 6.0 6.0 0.0
0 .0
3 .0
0 .0
0.0 t-
10 14,000 3.5 9·0 3.0 6 .0 4.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 0 .0
20 ,000
0 .0
3 .0
3 .0
0.0 .cc.
III 5 27,000 4.5 6.0 3 .5 6.0 4.5 0.0 3 .0 0 .0 3.0 0 .0 ..:
0 .0
3 .5
0.0 ii
20 110,000 6 .0 6.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 3 .5 0.0 :;
IV 5 270,000 6.5 8.0 5.5 8.0 5.0 6.0 5.5 0.0 4.0 0.0 .,
10 540,000 7.5 8.0 6.5 8.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 0.0 5.0 0.0 ::> '"
15 820,000 8.0 8.0 7.0 8 .0 6.0 6 .0 7.0 0.0 5 .5 0 .0
20 1,100,000 8.5 8.0 7.5 8 .0 6.5 6 .0 7.5 0.0 6.0 0 .0
Footnotes fo r 1 Very Poor and Poor subgrades should be replaced with higher quality materials. Guidelines for improving
Tables D, E and F: these soils to a hig her classification are given in Section 11.8. Subgrade Evaluation .
2 Hot Mix Asphalt composed of 1.5 inches of Hot Mix Asphalt surface mix plus binder or base mix.
Mixes should meet requirements given in Sections I.C. Hot Mix Asphalt and III.B. Quality Control.
3 Ce ment treated and lime-fly ash base courses should not be constructed less than six inches thick.
CAUTION : Layer thi cknesses in th ese tables are not intended to account for the possibility of frost heave.
Refer to "Soil conditions" in Section LA and to Section 11.8. The designer should ensure that all lay-
ers above the depth of frost penetration consist of HMA or other materials not susceptible to frost
heave. Where this is uneconomical because frost penetration is extremely deep, recommenda-
tions of local geotechnical engineers should be followed
The task of laying out parking areas and access routes for a building complex requires
more creative effort than road design, since there are more functional requirements and
more possible solutions. Patterns of traffic routing , stormwater runoff, lighting , and land-
scaping must be tailored to the land area available, while the designer must give close
attention to user interests in matters of capacity, security, pedestrian safety, access for the
handicapped , etc. Several excellent references on the architectural aspects are available,
including Parking for Industrial and Office Parks, published by the National Association
of Industrial and Office Parks in Arlington , Virginia. Little can be contributed here on these
topics, except to point out how certain layout features are related to thickness design and
Constructabilily is greally improved when the area to be paved can be covered by the pav-
ing machine in parallel passes of constant width. Also, there is little real advantage in vary-
ing the pavement width merely to conserve small quantities of material. In fact, paving
crews sometimes trim away excess material rather than to spend time forming an irregular
edge line by hand. Tapered or irregular areas, the presence of obstacles, and the clear-
ances between them determine how much hand placement will be necessary and how
many joints there will be in the pavement. A standard paving machine lays the mix in a
minimum ten-foot width (3 m) and needs about one-half foot (O.1Sm) additional clear-
ance on each side. Eight-foot machines and smaller are sometimes available, and for
wider paving the fixed width can be extended, usually in increments of one-half foot.
However, changing the paving width requires some delay on most machines.
Layout for multiple As mentioned under ''Traffic analysis" in Section II.A, substantial cost reductions can
classes of traffic sometimes be achieved in a multi-use area by isolating zones to be used by heavy
vehicles and designing the remaining areas for a lighter class of traffic. Figure III.AA illus-
trates this concept. The concept should not be extended to using different thicknesses
within the same bounded areas, as would be true, for example, if the parking bays were
designated Class I and the aisles between them , Class II. This is because it is difficult to
compact the supporting layer and control grades properly along the joint line between
areas of different pavement thickness. The demarcation of traffic zones should follow
dividers, fences, or other boundaries where encroachment onto the thinner section is
prevented. A good rule is to keep the jOint lines between zones of different thickness as
short as possible and also transverse to the longer dimensions of the area, or the direc-
tion in which grading and paving equipment will be working.
Loading areas and other pavements subject to heavy vehicles are sometimes needless-
ly paved with portland cement concrete in the belief that HMA pavements do not with-
stand slow-moving or static heavy loads. While it is true that underdesigned and poorly
supported pavements of either material will fail under such loads, HMA pavements in
industrial yards, ports, and similar applications have been very successful. Mix types util-
ized for this type of project are designed for heavy wheel loads, and proper design , con-
struction supervision, and quality control testing also make an important difference.
For unusual loads and other extreme conditions, more sophisticated design methods
and materials have recently come into use, and studies have enlarged our working know-
ledge of materials and design methods for heavy duty pavements. Large-stone mixes, for
example, have been used in a number of pavements under extremely heavy loads and
have performed impressively. Asphalt modifiers have been shown to improve pavement
stability under heavy traffic and to benefit the pavement in other ways. An excellent struc-
tural design guide has been published by the Asphalt Institute, and a guide to mixture de-
sign for heavy-duty pavements is available from the National Asphalt Pavement Associa-
tion. These and other publications recommended for further information are listed under
"Suggested references on special topics" in Section III.C.
Layout of heavy traffic areas Layouts of truck access routes and parking and loading areas should follow published
geometric standards for radii , clearances, and parking space configurations. (See Section
III.C, under "Architectural design of parking areas.") In a multi-use facility, the area of heavy
duty pavement should not be limited to a modest rectangle in the loading or storage area
but should include the entry and exit routes of heavy vehicles and especially the entrance
from the street. The concept of separated traffic zones suggested above under "Layout for
Multiple Classes of Traffic" should be followed wherever separation is feasible.
~~ -'
H---4$ 1------1 0
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On small and medium-sized projects the risks of neglecting quality assurance tend to be
underestimated, possibly in the belief that it is less costly simply to repair any obvious de-
fects . Yet the true quality of a pavement will not become evident for several years, when
causes of distress may be difficult to establish. For a large construction item such as a pave-
ment, the costs of inspecting and testing the work properly are always a sound investment.
In Part One a number of items were discussed which need to be inspected or tested dur-
ing construction. The important items of a basic quality assurance plan are summarized in
the checklist below, which may be helpful in drafting specifications. Test methods and recom-
mended tolerances are covered later in this section and are listed in Table G (page 52) and
Table I (page 56) .
1. Subgrade preparation
Observe soil preparation and provide moisture testing as needed. Test moisture and
compacted density of the soil for acceptance. Approve soil replacement (undercutting)
if needed. Observe proof-rolling and correction of soft spots. Set or check grading stakes
and check grades. Inspect prime coat application and quantities, if applicable.
2. Treated base or subgrade
In addition to items above: Check quantities of stabilizer, borrow, or aggregates. Inspect
mixing, depth of treatment, etc. as appropriate.
3. Granular base
Approve subgrade preparation before authorizing base work. Verify quantities and layer
thickness. Observe compaction operations, inspect for segregated areas. Test compac-
tion . Check grades. Inspect prime coat application and quantities
4. Pavement and asphalt base course
Review and approve mix design. Test mixture composition and design properties. Verify
layer thicknesses and quantities of each mix type. Test compacted density of each layer.
Inspect smoothness and grades.
It is not always necessary to provide full-time inspection during the paving phase. It is im-
portant, however, that someone representing the owner should check and approve all
backfilling, subgrade, and paving work before each new phase and keep records of work
item quantities and delivered materials. The architect or engineer should be available to
approve all changes and extra work. In addition to representing the owner's interest, this
avoids many problems arising from poor communication and tardy decision making, which
are major causes of disputes and claims. Nothing helps the work go smoothly as when the
contractor knows beforehand exactly what the owner wants, but this demands foresight
and communication by both parties.
Density Recommended limits for soil density are presented in Table G. Soil classes in the table are
those of the Unified system as used in Table C, Section II.B. Density limits are express-
ed as percentages of the maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor
method , AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D 698, and the Modified Proctor method, AASHTO T -
180 or ASTM D 1557. The latter method is preferable where subgrade compaction will
be accomplished by large vibratory rollers and other heavy equipment.
The degree of compaction a soil should receive depends on the nature of the structure
it is to support, the properties of the soil, and its depth below the pavement. Pavements
are among those structures for which a very high degree of compaction is needed. As
indicated in Table G, compaction and moisture requirements should be specified differ-
ently for non-cohesive, cohesive, and clayey soils.
The depth to which the soil shou ld be prepared and tested is as follows: Native soi l in cut
areas should be worked and compacted to a depth of at least 6.0 in. (150mm), or deeper
in soils of low bearing capacity. This reworked material and the upper three feet (1m) of fill
Moisture Adjustment of moisture content is an integral part of the compaction process, and many
problems and delays result from ignorance of this fact. The correct target range for moisture
varies somewhat for different soil types. Addition of moisture is very helpful in compacting
sandy, cohesionless materials and is necessary for cemented or structured soils which
have hardened by drying. Cohesive soils are stronger and less compressible when com-
pacted to a high density at a moisture contentslightly below optimum, but in sensitive clayey
soils this could increase the potential for swelling. Attempting to compact a cohesive soil well
above optimum moisture produces "overcompact(on", as evidenced by shearing and
cracking unoer rolling equipment. This is prevented by proper mixing as much as by control
of moisture. As a general guideline, moisture content should be maintained within 2.0 per
cent of optimum , although the correct upper limit may depend on the degree of compaction
Recommendations on moisture content limits should be obtained through the soil report.
Testing compaction Density tests should be made on each lift of fill material and on the disturbed layer of native
material , which should be tested at more than one depth . By the nuclear method of density
testing (ASTM D 2922) it is practical to test at many locations and depths for more repre-
sentative results. Since the device involved also measures moisture (ASTM D 3017), it is a
very useful tool for quality control. The sand-cone method , ASTM D 1556, should be used
where the nuclear test is not feasible for some reason or as a method of verifying density
Other ways of checking the condition of the subgrade include proof-rolling (or "test-rolling")
and deflection tests. Proof-rolling is often performed with a loaded truck, which is adequate
as a rough indicator of compaction but which may not reach all points which should be
checked. A heavy pneumatic-tired roller (PTR) is more effective and can be used in
repairing areas found to be deficient. However, a pneumatic roller is not very effective in
compacting highly cohesive soils and so may not be available on site.
The chief object of proof-rolling is to locate areas of slippage and cracking, which usually
denote an incorrect moisture condition sufficient to cause shear failure near the surface.
The inspector can also observe the amount of further densification and the degree of move-
ment produced by the roller as a sign of whether consolidation has been achieved.
Although deflection testing is rarely used in private paving , the more efficient methods have
considerable potential as a means of checking both the in-place strength of the soil and the
effectiveness of compaction operations. Such methods may be useful in constructing
pavements designed for heavy loads, for instance, or in resolving questions relative to the
strength of the supporting sailor the appropriate pavement thickness. The falling-weight
deflectometer produces numerous indirect measurements of the resilient modulus of the
subgrade, relating the actual strength of the soil directly to the value used in establishing
layer thickness. Falling-weight deflectometer measurements have been used effectively
for acceptance testing of highway subgrade.
Recommended limits for approval of mix designs are presented in Table H (page 55),
which contains both Marshall and Hveem criteria. As pointed out in Section I.C, most mix
types are defined by highway agencies and typically do not reflect the somewhat different
requirements of low-volume pavements. The selection of mix types in Table H has been
developed to meet the needs of private construction. They are defined according to their
performance characteristics and are differentiated according to the traffic conditions they
are intended for. Mixture criteria vary for different traffic levels, and a method of establish-
ing optimum asphalt content and other criteria is specified.
The criteria set forth in Table H are performance-based and do not include a gradation
band or other aggregate properties . Gradation and other voids-related properties will be
correct when these criteria are met. Mixes based on other specifications will usually meet
the requirements of Table H with little or no adjustment, and mixes meeting the require-
ments of the table will normally conform to gradations specified elsewhere for similar mix
Mix types Mix types in Table H are identified by a two-letter designation as follows :
First letter. Mixes for use as binder courses (which are also suitable as asphalt base) are
designated as Type B mixes; those for surface courses are designated Type S.
Second letter. Mixes suitable for lightly trafficked areas - Class I traffic, as defined in
Section II.A- are given the secondary designation L (for light). Mixes for traffic Classes
II and III are designated M (medium), and those for Class IV are designated H (heavy) . Thus
the mix referred to as SL in Table H is a surface course for Class I traffic. In addition to the
requirements of Table H, the specifications should state that the Nominal Maximum
Aggregate Size of the mix may not be greater than half the design thickness of the paving
Specifying asphalt cement Generally, specifications for asphalt cement and aggregates should be based on state
and aggregates specifications for highway mixtures, except that requirements for non-polishing aggre-
gates for surface mixtures are unnecessary where average daily traffic will not exceed 500
vehicles per day (one lane) and traffic speed will be less than 30 mph. Particle shape,
friability, and percentage of particles with fractured faces are important criteria which
should be specified according to state highway requirements or other reliable sources
dealing with materials in the region.
Other ingredients Ingredients often specified for paving mixes include mineral filler, anti-stripping additive
(including hydrated lime) , and polymeric modifiers. Mineral filler is a fine aggregate which
is sometimes included to increase the fraction of dust-size particles. Anti-stripping addi-
tives are used to improve bonding of asphalt cement to particle surfaces. The need for an
anti-stripping additive is determined by special tests during the mix design process, which
should be performed where experience with local materials indicates a risk of stripping.
These tests measure both the stripping tendencies of a mixture and the effectiveness of
an additive.
Modifiers and mix design These products generally improve the properties of a mix, such as strength and durability,
but they may alter its compaction characteristics and often the absorptive ness of aggre-
gates. Design properties should be rechecked when a modifier is to be added to a
Air voids and optimum Procedures differ among specifying agencies for establishing optimum asphalt cement
asphalt cement (AC) content content and the other properties of a mix which are to meet the approval criteria. Table H
provides a single value for air void content of 4.0 per cent. The design practice recom-
mended by the National Asphalt Pavement Association (which is followed with slight vari-
ations by many agencies) is to select the optimum AC content at which the air voids meet
the specified value. Minimum Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA), stability, and Marshall
flow should be within the recommended limits at this point. Air void content is the critical
value which must be controlled to achieve a mix which is both stable and weather-resistant.
The recommended value of 4.0 percent has been found to achieve the best balance of
these two factors, based upon the experience of many authorities.
Engineering basis of mix In actual use , some reduction of air void content occurs under traffic. The different numbers
design criteria of blows recommended for the Marshall procedure approximate this effect for different
levels of traffic. When the Hveem method is used, different minimum stabilometer values
apply to mixes for light or heavy traffic, as noted at the end of Table H. Like the mix de-
sign methods themselves, criteria established for approval of mix designs are not derived
from the theories of mechanics or from controlled experimental data. They are of neces-
sity empirical and subjective in origin. Indeterminate loading conditions, support layer reac-
tions, temperatures, ingredient properties, and other factors affecting pavements are too
complex for rational analysis and experimentation. The criteria in Table H, like those estab-
lished by state highway agencies and other authorities, are based upon experience and
observation of engineers specialized in pavement materials, as supported by the findings
of others in the field. As such, they will be in reasonably close agreement with values
published elsewhere but may not coincide with other sources on all points. Designing
and specifying mixtures is a specialized subject involving many considerations which
are beyond the scope of this manual. For a fuller treatment of mix design procedures, the
two references given in Section III.D will be very useful.
Mix type BL BM BH SL SH
minimum stability, Ibs. 800 1200 1800 800 1500
No. of blows 35 50 75 50 75
flow, .01 in . 8 to 18 8 to 16 8 to 14 8 to 16 8 to 14
air voids, % 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Marshall or Hveem Highway agencies in certain states have used mix design tests on samples of production
measurements of mixes for both quality control and acceptance purposes. As stated in Section I.C, such
field samples tests are very effective in providing timely indications of changes in the mixture. However,
these measurements are subject to significant testing error and random variability and
are not, therefore, appropriate for the purpose of final acceptance of mixtures. They should
be used only as part of a quality control program, in which test results outside the normal
range lead to further checks and inspections of production and materials to identify and
correct possible sources of variability.
Test results on field samples should be considered normal when they fall within the fo llow-
ing limits:
Criterion How measured Normal limits for quality control
Asphalt content of Asphalt cement as % of total mix wt. JMF + 0.6 JMF + 0.5
mixture Extraction test or nuclear asphalt gauge
Mix type BL BM BH S SH
Minimum density as a percentage 94 95 96 95 96
of reference density
Specifying compaction Older specifications sometimes include basic requirements for the methods and equip-
methods ment to be used in compacting the pavement in other words, method specifications. Meth-
od specifications were used by most state highway departments before the introduction of
end-result acceptance testing in the 1970's. When methods are specified it is prudent to
leave reasonable latitude as to which equipment and practices are acceptable. The con-
tractor should not be required to adhere to a specified method if acceptance testing is also
specified, since choosing the method and type of equipment has the effect of assuming
some re-sponsibility for the results.
Establishing an optimum
rolling pattern with the help
of nuclear density gauge.
As we have several times suggested in these pages, the success of a Hot Mix Asphalt
pavement only begins with the design and specifications. Much also depends on pursuing
alternatives which take into account the conditions at the site -climate, soil, and materials
available - and which make allowance for all construction constraints and contingencies .
The importance of proper subgrade preparation, based on a soil investigation and timely
testing and inspection , cannot be overstated. The basis on which the contract is awarded
- whether on lowest price alone or on an appraisal of total value - is the next key decision
affecting the outcome. The best and least costly quality assurance plan is to choose a
contractor with a reputation for excellence. Finally, a cooperative approach to the work on
the parts of the contractor and the owner's representatives will go far to obtaining the high
quality and performance of which Hot Mix Asphalt is capable.
The goal of this text, and the task of most works of this nature, is to fill a void between
separate but related fields of knowledge. Persons engaged in architectural and structural
design, site planning, residential development, and related fields have little exposure to the
language and business of asphalt technology, and those who speak the jargon of mix
design, axle loads, and soil types are at best only marginally conversant with fields outside
our own. Inevitably, we will be found to have overlooked a need to define one or two esoteric
terms or to lay the right groundwork in our explanations. There are also, no doubt, some
aspects of site work we have not taken into account. As this is a first edition , we hope that
all these shortcomings will be overcome in future versions. To this end NAPA invites your
comments, stressing that you are also our best source of insights.
The GLAXO, Inc. Research Facility In Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Contractor: C.C. Mangum. Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina.
As in all technical fields, many specialized expressions are used in the Hot Mix Asphalt
industry which may be foreign to some users of this guide. Worse, a familiar term may have
a somewhat different meaning here and thereby create confusion. The following are a few
important terms not explained in the text, which it may be helpful to define according to
industry usage.
Aggregate is the crushed rock, gravel , sand, slag , dust, or other particulate matter, or
combinations ofthese, which are used as the mineral mass in HMA and in unbound
base courses. Aggregates are specified according to gradation , maximum size,
soundness, particle shape, resistance to abrasion , geologic source, and other
Asphalt usually refers to Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) but may mean asphalt cement or other
paving materials containing asphalt cement. Because of this confusion the HMA
industry prefers the term Hot Mix Asphalt, which is defined on page 61.
AASHTO (formerly AASHO) is the American Association of State Highway and Transpor-
tation Officials.
Asphalt cement (AC) is the black, viscous petroleum product which holds the particles of
HMA together. Essentially, it is the unvaporized fraction of crude oil , processed to
meetthe specifications of various standard grades and grading systems. Chemical-
ly it is very complex and naturally variable, including both polar and non-polar
compounds of high molecular weight. Asphalt cement is not to be confused with
coal tar products nor with oils, emulsions of asphalt cement and water, or cutback
asphalts (which consist of asphalt cement dissolved in a petroleum distillate such
as naphtha). In some countries asphalt cement is called bitumen.
Base refers to the layer of bound or unbound granular material between the pavement
layer and the prepared soil subgrade.
CBR (California Bearing Ratio) is a standard empirical measure of the bearing capacity
of a soil , expressed as the ratio (percentage) of the load required to produce a O. 1
inch penetration by a standard piston into the measured material , to the load re-
quired to produce the same penetration in a standard crushed stone. Soil samples
are usually tested after soaking in water. The standard test method for CBR is
published as ASTM D 1883.
Gradation of a soil, aggregate, or Hot Mix Asphalt is its particle size distribution. The grada-
tion of Hot Mix Asphalt is customarily expressed as the percentages passing a
series of standard sieves, by weight. (See Table I, page 56.)
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is a carefully controlled mixture of aggregates, asphalt cement, and
sometimes special ingredients, proportioned according to a mix design study and
combined at elevated temperature in a mixing facility designed for this purpose.
Other terms which refer to HMA or a category of HMA include asphalt, asphaltic
concrete , bituminous concrete, blacktop, hot mix, macadam, plant mix, sand
asphalt, and plant mix seal.
Resilient Modulus is a mechanical property of soils which expresses the ratio of repeated,
live -load stress to strain under a constant horizontal and vertical confining stress.
It may be compared to Young 's modulus for ideally elastic materials. Testing is
performed in a tri-axial test cell configured to measure horizontal and vertical
deformation. In mechanistic analysis of pavements the resilient modulus is used
to predict the reaction of the subgrade under applied loads.
Quality assurance is the practice of sampling , testing, and inspecting a product on behalf
of its ultimate owner to ensure its acceptability under specifications agreed upon
by contract.
Quality control is the ongoing sampling and testing of a product during manufacture for
the purpose of controlling the process and detecting deficient material.
Subgrade is the prepared soil which supports base and pavement. An upper layer of soil
which has been treated or replaced with better soil is referred to in this text as
Improved Subgrade. (The term "subbase", which is not widely used in reference
to flexible pavement systems, also refers to an improved layer under the base.)