A Review of Lighting Programs For Broiler Production
A Review of Lighting Programs For Broiler Production
A Review of Lighting Programs For Broiler Production
ISSN 1682-8356
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2006
H.A. Olanrewaju1, J.P. Thaxton2, W.A. Dozier III1, J. Purswell1, W.B. Roush1 and S.L. Branton1
USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Poultry Research Unit, P.O. Box 5367,
Mississippi State, MS 39762-5367, USA
Department of Poultry Science, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762-9665, USA
Abstract: Genetic selection of broilers for rapid growth has resulted in greater final BW and improved feed
conversion efficiency in reduced time increments. However, accelerated growth rates are associated with
several undesirable traits, including increased fat deposition, and higher incidence of metabolic diseases,
visual anomalies, skeletal deformities, and circulatory problems. These deficiencies, as well as the
associated financial losses, have led to increased interest in developing management techniques that will
maximize productivity while minimizing associated problems of broilers. Light is an important parameter of
poultry production. Currently, there are a wide variety of lighting programs (wavelength, intensity, and
duration) and devices available to poultry producers, each possessing its own characteristics and
applicability to rearing poultry. The potential for changing photoperiods to influence broiler productivity and
health is receiving considerable investigation. Some lighting programs have a central purpose of slowing
the early growth rate of broilers thus allowing birds to achieve physiological maturity before maximal rates
of muscle mass accretion. The aim of this review is to update research on lighting programs for broiler
production and to give direction for future lighting research.
Key words: Light intensity, light duration, constant light, intermittent lighting, light wavelength, broiler
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is soley for the purpose of providing specific
information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA.
Olanrewaju et al.: Lighting for Broilers
the grow-out period, i.e., 1-7 d post-hatch. Continuous search literature, however, portrays conflicting evidence
lighting at around 20 lx will ensure that chicks acclimate concerning the effects of light intensity on the normal
properly to their environment, as indicated by optimal activity levels of chickens. Newberry et al. (1985)
feed and water intakes. Following the early period, reported increased activity in brighter (6 to 12 lx) vs.
restriction of both light intensity and duration is usually darker (0.5 lx) areas within pens. It should be noted that
implemented. It is common for intensity to be from 3 to in this study the chicks were subjected to changes in
5 lx and duration from 2 to 6 h/d for the remainder of the light intensity over time. A subsequent study, Newberry
grow-out period. et al. (1986) used constant light intensity treatments that
This example is not meant to suggest that lighting ranged from 0. 1 to 100 lx. Results suggested that as
programs are standardized in the United States or light intensity increased, activity was decreased with
around the world. On the contrary, lighting programs vary each incremental increase in age. Charles et al. (1992)
greatly; however, researchers and producers alike observed an increase in BW when broilers were grown
recognize the need for systematic studies of lighting under a light intensity of 5 lx. Low intensities have been
programs. associated with reduced walking and standing, as well
Genetic selection has resulted in high yield broilers that as with decreased incidences of fighting, feather
can attain market weight in reduced time based on fast pecking and cannibalism (Buyse et al., 1996). Field
growth rates and improved feed conversion. However, studies have generally shown that higher light
rapid and accelerated growth has resulted in several intensities (in excess of 5 lx) decrease BW due to
health and welfare concerns. Of particular concern are increased activity. These studies indicated a reduction in
diseases and anomalies of the skeletal and circulatory the incidence of skeletal disorders such as tibial
systems. It is not uncommon for more than 2% of dyschondroplasia and enlarged hocks.
broilers to be condemned or down-graded during Most modern lighting programs begin with a high light
processing as a result of leg abnormalities (Morris, intensity (~20 lx) that is decreased to around 5 lx by 14 to
1993). The genetic potentiality of broilers would not be 21 d and then maintained at 5 lx or less for the
utilized fully due to environmental constraint. Therefore, remainder of the grow-out period. Such programs have
an improvement of the production and its efficiency been implicated in structural changes in eye
solely depends on the quality of the environmental morphology. Since broilers are commonly reared in dim
management. There is little question that light is crucial and near-continuous lighting, it is possible that a large
to incidences of diseases attributed to fast growth. number of birds in commercial production may suffer
Decreased photoperiods are reported to decrease from light-induced changes in eye morphology.
susceptibility to metabolic diseases such as ascites Research indicates the extremely low light intensities
associated with pulmonary hypertension syndrome, (less than 5 lx) can cause retinal degeneration,
sudden death syndrome, tibial dyschondroplasia and
buphthalmos, myopia, glaucoma and damage to the
other skeletal disorders (Classen and Riddell, 1989;
lens leading to blindness (Buyse et al., 1996;
Classen et al., 1991; Renden et al., 1991; Petek et al.,
Cummings et al., 1986; Ashton et al., 1973; Chiu et al.,
2005). Additionally, intermittent lighting programs can
1975; Li et al., 1995).
reduce lameness and circulatory problems in broilers
Preference studies, i.e., providing birds with choices of
and roasters (Buckland, 1975; Ononiwu et al., 1979;
several lighting intensities have shown that broilers will
Simmons, 1982; Wilson et al., 1984; Renden et al.,
1991, Kritensen et al., 2004). Behavioral evaluations exhibit preference for light intensity by 6 wk of age. Young
utilizing radar equipment have revealed that broilers chick (1 to 28 d of age) generally preferred brighter light
exposed to intermittent lighting are more active during (~20 lx) (Berk, 1995). Another preference study showed
the light periods (Simmons, 1982; Simmons and Haye, that broilers preferred blue or green light over red or
1985). Finally, intermittent lighting programs have shown white light (Prayitno et al., 1997).
increased livability and decreased leg problems,
mortality and incidence of circulatory diseases (Ononiwu Light duration: Lighting duration, i.e., photoperiod, is the
et al., 1979; Classen and Riddell, 1989). second major aspect of light that will alter broiler
performance. Most research involving light management
Lighting intensity: Broiler behavior is strongly affected by has focused on this factor. Different photoperiodic
light intensity. Generally, brighter light will foster regimes have been applied and tested over the years,
increased activity, while lower intensities are effective in while almost all of them have been shown to improve
controlling aggressive acts that can lead to cannibalism. broiler welfare with conventional near-continuous
Producers regularly use modern electronic systems to lighting (Gordon, 1994). Lighting duration is largely
increase light intensity for short periods during grow-out dependent upon the age of chickens involved and type of
to increase exercise and thereby reduce skeletal and housing in use. Research and discussion continue in
metabolic disorders. an attempt to define the optimal photoperiodic regime
Olanrewaju et al.: Lighting for Broilers
suitable for broiler chickens. However, results to date explanations can be offered. Melatonin is a hormone
suggest an absolute minimum uninterrupted dark released from the pineal gland that is involved in
period of 4 hours should be given, but the requirements establishing circadian rhythms of body temperature,
for sleep may be higher at certain points of the growing several essential metabolic functions that influence
period (Blokhuis, 1983). Table 1 is representative of feed/water intake patterns and digestion, and secretion
typical lighting programs in use in environmentally of several lymphokines that are integral to normal
controlled grow out facilities, such as tunnel ventilated immune function (Apeldoorn et al., 1999). Daily dark
houses, that are in wide-spread use in the U.S. Table 2 periods are necessary to establish normal secretory
and 3 are lighting recommendations offered by primary patterns of melatonin. Melatonin, which is synthesized in
breeders for specific broiler strains. the pineal gland and retina of birds, is released during
the hours of darkness in response to the activity of
Darkness: Broiler lighting schedules can be serotonin-N-acetyltransferase, the enzyme that catalyzes
characterized in a number of ways, including the number the synthesis of melatonin in both the retina and pineal
of h of darkness and how many periods of darkness are gland (Binkley et al., 1973). Birds provided with sufficient
included in each 24 h cycle. Research has shown that dark periods have fewer health related problems,
darkness is as important to growth and health of broilers including sudden death syndrome, spiking mortality and
as light (Classen et al., 1991). It is hypothesized that leg problems than those maintained in continuous or
short photoperiods early in life will reduce feed intake near continuous light (Apeldoorn et al., 1999; Moore and
and limit growth. Recent research comparing 12L:12D, Siopes, 2000). Livability, average BW, feed conversion
16L:8D and 20L:4D lighting schedules demonstrated rate, and percentage condemnations were improved in
clearly that longer periods of darkness prevent regular broilers exposed to restricted photoperiods, as
access to feed and consequently reduce feed intake and compared to broilers subjected to continuous light
limit growth (Classen, 2004a). Furthermore, Classen et (Classen et al., 1991; Classen, 2004a). Broilers on
al. (2004b) also compared lighting programs with 12 h intermittent photoperiods exhibited less stress, as
of darkness per each 24 h period provided in 1, 6, or 12 measured by plasma corticosterone (Buckland et al.,
h intervals. Their study indicated that early growth rate 1974; Puvadolpirod and Thaxton, 2000a-d), than
was significantly reduced by longer periods of darkness,
counterparts on continuous light. Plasma corticosterone
but gain from 14 to 35 d, as well as final body weight
is known to be elevated in stressed broilers
were not affected by lighting programs. Feed
(Puvadolpirod and Thaxton, 2000a-d; Olanrewaju et al.,
conversions were higher for 12L:12D and two 6L:6D
2006). Increased heterophil:lymphocyte ratio is an
periods per each 24 h period than 12 (1L:1D) periods
accepted indicator of stress in chickens (Siegel, 1995).
per each 24 h period. The 12L:12D treatment resulted in
Broilers reared under continuous light had a higher
lower mortality than the 12 (1L:1D) treatment and the 2
heterophil:lymphocyte ratio and experienced greater fear
(6L:6D) was intermediate.
response, as indicated by increased tonic immobility
Gait scoring has been proposed as an indicator of leg
time, than birds reared under a 12L:12D photoperiod
health and consequently broiler welfare (Sanotra et al.,
(Zulkifli et al., 1998).
2002; Garner et al., 2005). Broilers reared under a 2
(6L:6D) until 33 d of age showed higher gait scores,
Constant light: When photoperiod is maintained at a
thus more leg problems and poorer general welfare,
constant level throughout the growth cycle of broiler
than broilers reared under a 12 (1L:1D) schedule
(Garner et al., 2005). In general, longer dark periods chickens, shorter d length is associated with slower
were associated with lower mortality and improved gait growth (Li et al., 1995). The slower growth rate is a
scores. Reduced early growth which increased leg reflection of reduced feed intake associated with shorter
strength was proposed as the rationale of this effect. d and reduced leg abnormalities (Gordon, 1994). If given
Broilers reared under longer periods of darkness are a choice, chickens prefer to eat during the photoperiod,
reported to experience better health than counterparts although they will eat during darkness if insufficient
under long daylight conditions. Several physiological periods of light are provided (Simmons, 1982). The
Olanrewaju et al.: Lighting for Broilers
Table 2: Lighting program recommendation for Ross x Ross 308* certainly the most important factor. Alternative lighting
Age (days) Light Photoperiod programs can be classified into intermittent (e.g., 1L:3D
Intensity (L = Light, D = Dark) repeated, Wilson et al., 1984), restricted (e.g.,16L:8D,
(lx) (Broiler)
Robbibs et al., 1984), combination of intermittent and
0-7 30-40 23.0L:1.0D
8-28 10-15 20.0L:4.0D
restricted (e.g., 12L followed by 15 min L:2D repeated
29-end 3-5 23.0L:1.0D over 12 h, Quarles and Kling, (1974), and increasing
*This lighting program is adopted from the art of genetic science photoperiod schedules (Classen et al., 1991; Renden et
(Ross Aviagen Brand). al., 1996). Kuhn et al. (1996) observed that male broiler
chickens raised in near continuous lighting (23L:1D)
Table 3: Lighting program recommendation for Ross x Ross 708* and intermittent lighting (1L:3D, IL) repeatedly had
Age (days) Light Photoperiod higher growth rates, higher plasma growth hormone
Intensity (L= Light, D= Dark)
levels and testosterone concentrations than birds under
(lx) Broiler
a continuous lighting (24L:0D) regimen. Charles et al.
0-7 30-40 23.0L:1.0D
8-21 10-15 23.0L:1.0D (1992) reported similar results where male broilers
22-end 3-5 23.0L:1.0D subjected to an increasing photoperiod had larger
*This lighting program is adopted from the art of genetic science testes and higher plasma androgen concentrations at 7
(Ross Aviagen Brand). wk than birds under a continuous light regimen.
Chickens reared under increasing photoperiod had
length of day required to reduce growth rate has not higher plasma androgen concentrations at 7 wk
been defined. Continuous light disrupts the diurnal compared to those under constant photoperiod, but light
rhythm and has some welfare concerns. Among those intensity had no effect (Charles et al., 1992). Charles et
are high prevalence of leg and skeletal disorders in al. (1992) concluded that a lighting program beginning
poultry (Sanotra et al., 2001, 2002) and affected birds with an extended dark period and gradually increasing
may even experience difficulty in getting to feed and the day length results in reduced early growth rate,
water (Wong-Valle et al., 1993). In addition, use of reduced feed intake, improved FCR, compensatory
continuous or near-continuous light has proved to be growth, stimulated sexual maturity as early as 7 wk, and
stressful and results in greater mortality (Freeman et al., improved chicken livability when compared with those
1981). However, introduction of a moderate day length of exposed to near continuous constant photoperiod
16 h is associated with potential welfare benefits program. Potential health benefits associated with
(Gordon, 1994; Davis et al., 1997; Rozenboim et al., increasing photoperiod may result from reduced early
1999b), including lower physiological stress, improved growth rate, increased activity, increased androgen
immune response, increased sleep, increased overall hormone production, changes in metabolism, or
activity, and improvement in bone metabolism and leg combinations of these factors (Classen and Riddell,
health (Classen et al., 2004b). Furthermore, lighting 1989). Ohtani and Lesson (2000) reported that
schedules also reduce growth-related mortality performance of broiler chickens is improved by
including sudden death syndrome and improve intermittent lighting of repeated cycles of 1 h light and 2
productivity (Classen et al., 1991; Riddell and Classen, h darkness schedules compared to continuous lighting.
1992). In addition, birds that are able to maintain an Rozenboim et al. (1999a) examined the effect of different
uninterrupted diurnal rhythm are normally able to light sources and light schedules on the growth of
organize patterns of behavior, such as eating, sleeping, commercial broilers. In their first experiment, birds were
resting and locomotion according to night and day. reared under 3 light sources: incandescent light bulb,
warm-white fluorescent light tube or warm-white mini-
Intermittent lighting: Research on intermittent lighting fluorescent light bulb. For their second experiment birds
has been extensive but complicated by a wide variety of were reared on 3 light schedules i.e. 23 h light and 1 h
light-dark cycles and management systems. However, dark (23L:1D) throughout; an increasing light schedule
intermittent lighting programs have frequently resulted in with initial 23L:1D, then 8L:16D increasing daylight
superior broiler productivity in comparison to constant gradually to 16L:8D, or an intermittently increasing
light (Classen, 2004a; Rahimi et al., 2005). In addition, daylight schedule (16:8I) where light and dark periods
intermittent lighting frequently reduces the incidence of were shorter but portioned to achieve the same total
leg disorders and has also been shown to reduce hours per day up to 16L:8D. These results revealed
sudden death syndrome (Buckland, 1975; Simmons, broilers reared under mini-fluorescent light bulbs were
1986; Classen and Riddel, 1989). Circadian (daily) heavier than those under fluorescent tubes or
rhythms in activity and metabolism are well recognized incandescent bulbs by 49 d. Furthermore, broilers
in diurnal poultry species (Classen, 2004a). Entraining reared under 16D:8L and 16L:8D regimens were
endogenous circadian rhythms can be accomplished by heavier than those under 23L:1D at 49 d. In addition,
a number of factors such as housing, but light is almost mortality was higher in groups on 23L:1D than on
Olanrewaju et al.: Lighting for Broilers
16L:8D or 16D:8L, and incidence of leg condemnation color apparatus not shared by humans. They possess
was higher in the 16D:8L group with lower skin damage three photoreceptors compared with just two (rods and
than in those on 23L:1D and 16L:8D at 49 d. cones) receptors in humans (King-Smith, 1971). The
Conclusions on the importance of metabolic changes additional photoreceptor is a double cone, but its
with darkness are few but research in this area holds function is not clear, though it does respond to incident
considerable promise. light. Birds have four photoreactive pigments associated
with cone cell that are responsible for photopic color
Color of light: Color is the third major aspect of light. It is vision, while humans have only three pigments
dictated by wavelength and it exerts variable effects on (Yoshizawa, 1992). The pigments in bird cones are
broiler performance. None of the commonly used types maximally sensitive at wavelengths of 415, 455, 508 and
of fluorescent light emits appreciable amounts of 571 nm, while those of humans are maximally sensitive
ultraviolet A light (UVA, ë 320-400 nm). Daylight has a to wavelengths of 419, 531 and 558 nm (Dartnall et al.,
relatively even distribution of wavelengths between 400 1983). In birds, the proportion of the different cone cell
and 700 nm. Birds sense light through their eyes types also varies on the retinal surface. Birds possess
(retinal photoreceptors) and through photosensitive cells colored oil droplets in their cone cells such that incident
in the brain (extra-retinal photoreceptors). Blue light has light is filtered before it reaches the photoreactive
a calming effect on birds, while red will enhance feather pigments. These droplets are associated with individual
pecking and cannibalism. Blue-green light stimulates cone cell species (Bowmaker and Knowles, 1977). The
growth in chickens, while orange-red stimulates ability of chickens to visualize color is similar to that of
reproduction (Rozenboim et al., 1999a,b; 2004). Light of humans, but they cannot see as well when exposed to
different wavelengths has varying stimulatory effects on short wavelengths (blue-green). Specific light
the retina and can result in behavioral changes that will wavelength may have an impact on production and
affect growth and development (Lewis and Morris, 2000). characteristics of broilers. During the early period, short
There are four kinds of lamps available to poultry wavelengths appear to stimulate growth. However, when
producers: incandescent, fluorescent, metal halide and the bird approaches the time of sexual maturity long
high-pressure sodium. All four types are in use in poultry wavelengths (orange-red) increase growth and are
facilities for laying hens, breeder flocks, broilers and effective in stimulating sexual hormonal pathways that
turkeys. The incandescent bulb is the current standard culminate in fertile egg production.
by which others are compared, especially in broiler Growth in broilers is affected by light spectra. Broilers
production. Incandescent bulbs provide light energy but under blue or green light become significantly heavier
much of it is electrical energy with a light efficiency of than those reared under red or white light (Rozenboim et
about 8-24 lumens per watt and a rated life of about 750- al., 2004). Green light accelerates muscle growth
2000 h (Darre and Rock, 1995). Fluorescent lamps may (Halevy et al., 1998) and stimulates growth at an early
last more than 20,000 h under poultry house conditions age, whereas blue light stimulates growth in older birds
and may decrease their light output by about 20-30 % (Rozenboim et al., 1999a,b; 2004). In addition,
over their lifetime (Darre, 1986). High pressure sodium circulating thyroid hormones i.e. triiodothronine (T3) and
lamps release an electric current through a high level of thyroxin (T4) are important growth promoters (McNabb
sodium vapor producing energy, but the highest intensity and King, 1993) and play a relatively important role in
is in the yellow, orange and red regions with longest growth inhibition as well as compensatory growth
rated life of all lamps at about 24,000 h (Dare and Rock, acceleration in broilers (Yahav, 1999). Research
1995; Darre, 2005). They require a warm up time of completed to date is not sufficient to permit the
between 5 and 15 min, which indicates that after a recommendation of blue light throughout the production
power outage, backup lighting may be necessary until cycle of broilers. However, recent studies show that
full illumination has been achieved. Metal halide lamps young broilers have a strong preference for bright light
have between 32 and 1,500 watts with three different (Davis et al., 1997).
outer bulb finishes: clear, phosphor and diffuse (Darre,
2005) with light across the entire visible spectrum, they Conclusions: Light management is an important
are considered a cool light, having a lot of blue. They component of broiler production. Wavelength and
have between 80 and 100 lumens per watt and are rated intensity are important in behavioral modifications while
at about 10,000 to 20,500 h of life (Darre, 2005). These exposure of broilers to darkness is essential to bird
lamps also have a warm up period of 5 to 15 min to health. Light management is widely used to improve
achieve full illumination. production efficiency as summarized in Tables 1 to 3.
The four most important visual abilities of poultry are However, it is important to understand how light can
spectral and flicker sensitivities as well as affect bird welfare. Restricted lighting schemes use
accommodation and acuity (Prescott and Wattes, 1999). photoperiods light of 16 h and darkness periods of 8 h
Domestic fowl have a number of adaptations to their within a 24 h/d. Intermittent lighting programs often use
Olanrewaju et al.: Lighting for Broilers
1 h of light followed by 3 h of darkness repeated within Buyse, J., P.C.M. Simons, F.M.G. Boshouwers and E.
a 24 h/d, thus providing a total of 6 h of light. Both of Decuypere, 1996. Effect of intermittent lighting, light
these lighting programs are utilized mostly by broiler intensity and source on the performance and
companies today and permit the birds to experience a welfare of broilers. World's Poult. Sci. J., 52: 121-
dark period allowing rest, melatonin synthesis, and less 130.
stress. These lighting programs have a central purpose Charles, R.G., F.E. Robinson, R.T. Hardin, M.W. Yu, J.
of slowing the early growth rate of broilers which allows Feddes and H.L. Classen, 1992. Growth, body
birds to achieve physiological maturity prior to maximal composition, and plasma androgen concentration
rate of muscle mass accretion. Many broiler companies of male broiler-chickens subjected to different
may not be experiencing the full effect of restricted light
regimens of photoperiod and light-intensity. Poult.
regimes because the programs are not applied
Sci., 71: 1595-1605.
consistently. The literature indicates that restricted
Chiu, P.S., J.K. Lauber and A. Kinnear, 1975.
lighting programs enhance broiler production through
Dimensional and physiological lesions in the chick
improvements in BW, FCR, immune status, and better
health as a result. Much is known about the effects of the eye as influenced by the light environment. Proc.
lighting on production, but how the welfare of the birds Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 148: 1223-1228.
may be affected is lacking. To assess this meaningfully, Classen, H.L. and C. Riddell, 1989. Photoperiodic
it is important to understand how birds perceive their effects on performance and leg abnormalities in
environment and to quantify aspects of the physical light broiler chickens. Poult. Sci., 68: 873-879.
environment, especially illuminance and photoperiod Classen, H.L., C. Riddell and F.E. Robinson, 1991.
effects, on the functional development of the eye and Effects of increasing photoperiod length on
vision. These gaps in our understanding of poultry performance and health of broiler chickens. Br.
responses to the light environment must be bridged Poult. Sci., 32: 21-29.
before we can explore meaningfully the relationship Classen, H.L., 2004a. Day length affects performance,
between lighting in broiler chickens houses and poultry health and condemnations in broiler chickens. Proc.
well being. of the Australian Poult. Sci. Society, University of
Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
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