MyHome Documentation
MyHome Documentation
MyHome Documentation
MyHome Documentation
Thank you for purchasing the MyHome! We hope you will be fully satisfied with our product
and that it will help you achieve all your goals! We hope this documentation will be useful for
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
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Please feel free to send us your feedback so we can keep on improving our product
Tangible Design Team
MyHome Documentation 1
1. First steps 5
1.1. Installing WordPress 5
1.2. Installing Theme 6
1. Installing theme via admin panel 6
2. Installing theme via FTP 8
1.3. Loading Demo Content 11
1.4. Translating MyHome 15
1. Translating MyHome theme 16
2. Translating MyHome Core plugin 19
2. General Customization 21
2.1. MyHome Theme 21
2.2. Setting Primary Color 23
2.3. Obtaining Google Map API key 25
2.4. Changing Active Input Style 27
2.5. Customizing Menu 28
2.6. Customizing Top Bar 31
2.7. Changing Font Family 34
2.8. Editing Blog Settings 37
2.9. Customizing Single Post Layout 41
2.10. Customizing Blog Top Title 44
2.11. Customizing Footer 46
2.12. Customizing the 404 Error Page 51
3. Managing Properties 52
3.1. Customizing Single Property Page Style 52
3.4. Using Property Video 54
3.5. Using Property Plans 56
3.6. Changing Single Property “/estate/” Slug 58
3.7. Adding a New Property (Backend) 58
4. Property Fields 63
5. Users and Payments 65
5.1. Editing User Information as an Administrator 65
5.2. Configuring User Access 66
5.3. Page Panel URL 68
5.4. Frontend Registration 70
5.5. Moderation 71
5.6. Integrating Stripe 72
5.7. Integrating PayPal 78
6. Page Building & Visual Composer 83
6.1. Changing Page Template 83
6.2. Working With Visual Composer Page Builder 85
6.3. Property Listings 90
6.4. Properties Slider 92
1. Adding "Property Slider” 93
2. Add listing 96
6.5. Revolution Slider + Search Listing 96
1. Adding Revolution Slider 97
2. Adding Property Listing 99
6.6. Client Carousel 101
6.7. Agents Carousel 102
6.8. Property Carousel 104
6.9. Attribute Carousel 107
6.10. One Property Map 109
7. How To’s 111
7.1. How To Use Multi Column Submenu? 111
7.2. How to Customize Hero Intro? 113
7.3. How to Customize Video Intro? 115
7.4. How To Use Transparent Menu? 118
7.5. How To Make Unnecessary Search Form Filters Disappear After Changing
Property Type 121
7.6. How To Enable RTL (Right To Left Text Align) 122
7.7. How To Change The Order Of Options In A Dropdown List 124
7.8. How to duplicate a page 126
7.9. How emails are working ? How to prevent emails go to spam folder? How
to use SMTP ? 129
7.10. How to update MyHome? 130
7.11. How to hide any filter (eg. bedrooms) on search form only? 132
7.12. How to integrate MyHome with WPML? 135
7.12.1. General Configuration 135
7.12.2. Translating Property Page 135
7.12.3. Translating Page 137
7.12.4. String translation 138
7.12.14. Clearing MyHome cache 139
7.13. How to update translation files (.po / .mo) after the theme update 141
7.14. How to set slider full width 142
7.15. How to add background on page breadcrumbs? 144
7.16. How to customize “Easy Social Share Buttons” ? 147
7.17. How to change unit of measure 149
7.18. How to use Revolution Slider Free Sliders 150
7.19. How to add to the menu subcategory link (e.g. City: London, Feature:
Swimming Pool) 153
7.20. How to use cache to speed up MyHome 155
8. Credits 160
8.1. Plugins 160
8.2. Photos 160
8.3. Icons 160
8.4. Video 160
8.5. Fonts 161
8.6. Other 161
1. First steps
1.3. Hover over the “Appearance” tab in the left sidebar and click “Themes”
1.6. Click the “Choose file” button. Upload myhome zip file, then click the “Install
now” button
1.8. You will receive notification in your administration panel. Click “Begin installing
1.9. Activate all plugins. Installation is finished
This is alternative method. If you already installed theme via admin panel please skip this.
2.6. You will receive notification in your administration panel. Click “Begin installing
Before you start importing demo make sure you activated all required plugins.
2. Choose the demo, then click the ”Import demo” button on its card
3. Loading demo will start, please wait
Hover over the ”Settings” tab in the left sidebar and click ”Permalinks”
2. Set default language. Hover over the "Settings" tab in the left sidebar and click
3. Change "Site Language" to your own , then click the "Save Changes" button
● Polish: myhome-core-pl_PL
● Chinese: myhome-core-zh_CN
● Irish: myhome-core-ga
● Japanese: myhome-core-ja
It will generate 2 files in this folder (.mo and .po) with your translation.
It's done
2. General Customization
1. "MyHome Theme" is a panel where you can customize your theme settings
You can use the "Primary color" option to change the theme color. Below you can see
purple version (#cb18a7):
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "General"
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Google Account
5. Select “Yes” below “I agree that my use of any services and related APIs is subject to my
compliance with the applicable Terms of Service.”
6. Click the "CREATE AND ENABLE API" button
7. Copy Your Google Map API Key into your “MyHome Theme” and click the “Save
Changes” button
2.4. Changing Active Input Style
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "General"
2. You can use one of two styles to highlight the active fields:
a) primary color
b) gray
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Header"
1. Logo Default
Upload your logo
Top bar is a bar above menu - you can use it to provide more information at the top of a
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Header"
2. Click "Top Bar" and you will see the options to customize the "Top bar":
This option disable top bar on mobile devices (screen smaller than 1024px)
3. Phone
You can provide numbers and signs: "-", "(", ")" for better readability
4. Email
If your font doesn't have special variation (e.g. Old Standard TT has no 400 italic), leave
it empty as below :
1. Sidebar position
a) right
b) left
a) 1 column
b) 2 columns
1. Hover over the "Theme Option" tab in the left sidebar and click "Blog"
2. Click "Single post" and you will see the following panel
3. Display an author
4. Display tags
5. Display navigation
6. Display comments
a) image
b) gray
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Footer"
a) dark background
b) light background
c) image background
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "404"
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property
a) gallery
b) slider
3. Click the "Save Changes" button
3.4. Using Property Video
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property
4. You can add plans from “Property details” section. Choose “Plans” tab.
Click the “Add Plan” button. Upload image and set a name.
3.6. Changing Single Property “/estate/” Slug
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property
1. Hover over the "Properties" tab in the left sidebar and click "Add New Property"
4. General
Enter general information about property
6. Location
Start typing an address or click on the map
7. Gallery
8. Video
9. Features
This works exactly like tagging posts. You just need to type words and separate them with
10. Set the “Featured Image”
a) text field
b) number field
Adding a New Option to Property Text Field (New City, New Property Type etc)
1. Hover over the "Properties" tab in the left sidebar and click "City"
1. Hover over the "Users" tab in the left sidebar and click "All Users".
2. Click "Edit"
3. Change information
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Users and
3. Publish page
If this option is "on", new added property by user must be accepted by admin. If it is
"off" all properties will be published without approval.
5.6. Integrating Stripe
1. Stripe is available in 25 countries (01.04.2017). Current list:
2. Visit
3. Log in / register
4. Click "API" tab. You will see 2 types of keys: “Test Keys” and “Live Keys”.
5. Let’s copy “Test Secret Key” and “Test Publishable Key” to illustrate how Stripe
integration works and test your server
6. Come back to your WordPress "MyHome Theme" and click "Users and payments"
8. Go to "Payments" tab
9. Turn on "Stripe payment". Set “Stripe Cost” (100 = $1) and paste your API keys
10. Click the “Save Changes” button
CVC: 424
It's done!
5.7. Integrating PayPal
1. Visit
2. Log in / Register
3. Click dashboard
4. Find “REST API apps” and click the “Create APP” button
5. Type “App Name” and click the “Create APP” button
7. You will have 2 mods: Sandbox (test environment) and Live. Let’s choose “Sandbox”
to illustrate how it works
8. Click the Secret “Show” button and copy Secret API Key
12. If it is working you can provide Live PayPal keys for real transactions
6. Page Building & Visual Composer
4. Save Changes
6.2. Working With Visual Composer Page Builder
8. Edit
9. Delete
6.10. Customize
"Property Listings" is Visual Composer Element. You can use it to display property
search form
2. Customize settings
b) left
c) right
4. A “Default Values” tab
You can set default value of the field eg. “Offer Type” to “For Rent”.
If you don’t want to give visitor possibility to change value of a field, hide the field in the
“Show Filters” tab.
You can hide any field you don’t want to show to your visitor
3. Choose style:
a) card
b) card short
c) transparent
4. Save Changes
1.6. Save
4. Save Changes
6.6. Client Carousel
Client carousel is Visual Composer Element. You can display clients logotypes in
carousel like below:
To add Clients:
2. Hover over the "Clients" tab in the left sidebar and click "Add New Client".
3. Visible
4. Agents limit
5. Exclude admin
6. Style
Background color
6.8. Property Carousel
4. Style
Background style
5. Properties IDs
Type IDs, and separate theme with commas e.g.
6. Properties limit
Total number of properties in the carousel
7. Featured
10. Visible
11. Dots
Show navigation
6.9. Attribute Carousel
4. Attribute
choose what you want display e.g. Property type, offer type, city, features,
5. Visible number
Maximum number of visible properties in carousel on large screen
7. Dots
Show navigation
6.10. One Property Map
"One Property Map" is Visual Composer Element. It is used to display map of single
3. Save changes
7. How To’s
1. Hover over the "Appearance" tab in the left sidebar and click "Menus"
1. Hover over the "Slide Revolution" tab in the left sidebar and click "Slider
3. Click the "Media Library" button, then upload / choose your own background image
4. Customize texts - select layer and click pencil icon
1. Hover over the "Slide Revolution" tab in the left sidebar and click "Slider
9. Save Slide
7.4. How To Use Transparent Menu?
1. Transparent menu:
2. Transparent menu option has no influence on top bar color (look at example below):
3. When you use the transparent menu option, the submenus will have a little bit darker
background than standard submenus
Setting transparent menu:
1. Edit a page
1. Hover over the "Properties" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property type"
1. Hover over the "MyHome Theme" tab in the left sidebar and click "Typography"
2. At the bottom of the page you will see “RTL text direction” switcher
3. You may like also to change menu direction - go to “Header general” tab
4. Change “First lever item align” option to: right
7.7. How To Change The Order Of Options In A Dropdown List
Do you want to change order of options in the dropdown list like below?
Please use the “Static values” option of property field. We will explain it on the example of
1. Hover over the “Properties” tab in the left sidebar and click “City”
2. You will see panel
4. You will see Name and Slug. You will need it later
5. Hover over the “Property fields” tab in the left sidebar and click “City”
MyHome send email via default wordpress function WP_Mail. If you receive mails from your
WordPress e.g. right after WordPress installation or when you change password, it means
that your server will also work with MyHome. It is the same function.
When your page visitor fill the contact form on a single property page it will be sent directly to
assigned agent.
By default wordpress uses php mail() function which often is the reason why mails go to
Spam folder. To avoid this you can make a bit more advanced mail setup
Please do not use your private email for security reason. We recommend to create new
2. Unzip file
7. Click update
8. You will see info:
It’s done
7.11. How to hide any filter (eg. bedrooms) on search form only?
You need to edit page with Visual Composer
1. Go to page you want to edit and click “Edit with Visual Composer”
2. Hover over "Property Listings" and click the "pencil" icon (edit)
3. Go to the “Show filters” tab
4. Uncheck all unnecessary filters
5. Save changes
6. Update page
7.12. How to integrate MyHome with WPML?
Please start with translating one property to make search form / sliders works on sample
1. Go to any property page backend and check the box “Make ‘Properties’ translatable”.
Then click the “Apply” button
2. Check the “Duplicate” checkbox and click the “Duplicate” button
3. Everything will be duplicated, only featured image need to be set separately again. It is
because we do not recommend to install WPML Media Translation, because this plugin have
bug that breaks ACF Gallery and do not copy gallery if it is on. This bug is reported and we
are waiting for fix -
media/ .
4. Switch language
3. Switch language
4. Edit shortcodes and translate them e.g.
When you finish translation check “translation is complete” checkbox and click the “Save”
5. New text to translate will be available, some texts that changed may need additional
7.14. How to set slider full width
When you add slider into row you can see following screen (empty space on left).
To fix it you need to set row stretch to “Stretch row and content (now padding)”
1. Edit Page
5. Save
6. Add Heading Element inside the row
7.16. How to customize “Easy Social Share Buttons” ?
1. Hover over the “Easy Social Share Buttons” tab in the left sidebar and click “Social
2. You can change all the options / settings and labels
7.17. How to change unit of measure
We will show it on the example of “Property Size”
1. Hover over the "Property fields" tab in the left sidebar and click "Property size"
2. Go to the “Advanced” tab, change unit of measure and update the field
7.18. How to use Revolution Slider Free Sliders
1. Visit:
2. Choose your slider and click “Download” icon
8. You can Easily Add it to any page via Visual Composer. Please read - 6.5. Revolution
Slider + Search Listing or if you do not know Visual Composer start with 6. Page Building &
Visual Composer
7.19. How to add to the menu subcategory link (e.g. City: London,
Feature: Swimming Pool)
1. Go to Menus
2. Click “Screen Options” in the right top window corner (If it will not open, usually it is
because Adblock - please pause it for a moment)
A. Page Cache
Minify: enable
Minify mode: Auto
Minify Cache Method: Disk
HTML minifier: Minify (default)
JS minifier: JSMin (default)
CSS minifier: Minify (default)
C. Database Cache
Database Cache: Enable
Database Cache Method: Disk
D. Object Cache
8.1. Plugins
● Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress
● Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
● Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
● Redux Framework
● Magnific Popup
● Google Maps
● Simple PHP Wrapper for Twitter API
● jQuery
● Vue.js
● Lazysizes
● Picturefill
● PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
● Material Design Light
● OWL Carousel
● Mega Main Menu
● Bootstrap Select
● Infobox
● JS Rich Marker
● DropzoneJS
● SweetAlert2
● vue-progressbar
● vue-infinite-scroll
● vue-resource
8.2. Photos
● Unsplash
● Pixabay
8.3. Icons
● Flaticon
● Font Awesome
8.4. Video
● VideoHive: Above Modern City Skyline (3619043)
● Youtube: Envato - Bringing Ideas to Life
8.5. Fonts
8.6. Other
● Snazzy Maps