Rezoning Application
Rezoning Application
Rezoning Application
This application should be used to petition for a change to the Official Zoning Map or for an amendment of
zoning conditions. The following application requirements are consistent with the procedures set forth in
Section 1-1015, Amendments, of the Isle of Wight County Zoning Ordinance, as amended.
Applicants/Owners Affidavit (including compliance with all deed restrictions and covenants)
This application must be signed by the owner(s) of the subject property or must have attached written
evidence of the owner’s consent, which may be in the form of a binding contract of sale with the owner’s
signature or a letter signed by the owner(s), containing written authorization to act with full authority on
the owner(s) behalf in filing this rezoning application. Signing this application shall certify the owner’s
compliance with all deed restrictions and covenants, and shall constitute the granting of authority of the
County to enter onto the property for the purpose of conducting site analyses and compliance with
Federal, State and County regulations.
County of Isle of Wight, Commonwealth of Virginia County of Isle of Wight, Commonwealth of Virginia
Subscribed and sworn to before me _________________________, Subscribed and sworn to before me _____________________,
A Notary Public in and for the County of Isle of Wight, A Notary Public in and for the County of Isle of Wight,
Commonwealth of Virginia, this ___day of ____________, 20____ Commonwealth of Virginia, this __day of ___________, 20__
_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Notary Public Notary Public
County of Isle of Wight, Commonwealth of Virginia County of Isle of Wight, Commonwealth of Virginia
Subscribed and sworn to before me _________________________, Subscribed and sworn to before me _____________________,
A Notary Public in and for the County of Isle of Wight, A Notary Public in and for the County of Isle of Wight,
Commonwealth of Virginia, this ___day of ____________, 20____ Commonwealth of Virginia, this __day of ___________, 20__
_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Notary Public Notary Public
Remit Application to: Isle of Wight County Department of Planning and Zoning, 17140 Monument
Circle, Suite 201 P. O. Box 80, Isle of Wight, Virginia 23397