CSE4003 Cyber-Security ETH 1 AC41
CSE4003 Cyber-Security ETH 1 AC41
CSE4003 Cyber-Security ETH 1 AC41
Subject Code:
3, 0, 0, 4 , 4
Objectives • To learn the concepts of number theory, cryptographic techniques.
• To understand integrity and authentication process
• To familiarize various cyber threats, attacks, vulnerabilities and
defensive mechanisms
• To know about security policies and practices.
Expected Course After successfully completing the course the student should be able to
1. know the fundamental mathematical concepts related to security
2. understand and implement the cryptographic techniques and know the
real time applications of various cryptographic techniques
3. comprehend the authenticated process and integrity, and its
4. know fundamentals of cybercrimes and the cyber offenses
5. understand the cyber threats, attacks and vulnerabilities and its
defensive mechanism
6. design suitable security policies
Student Learning 1, 2, 5, 9, 17
Outcomes (SLO)
Module Topics L Hrs SLO
1 Finite Fields and Number Theory: Modular arithmetic – Euclidian
Algorithm – Primality Testing – Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem –Chinese 6 1
Reminder theorem – Discrete Logarithms
2 Cryptographic Techniques:
Symmetric key cryptographic techniques: Introduction to Stream cipher
– Block cipher: DES – AES- IDEA
Asymmetric key cryptographic techniques: principles – RSA – 9 1,5
7 Recent Trends 2 2
Project # Generally a team project [5 to 10 members] 60 [Non 17
# Concepts studied in Cybersecurity course should have been used Contact
# Down to earth application and innovative idea should have been attempted hrs]
# Report in Digital format with all drawings using software package to be submitted.
# Assessment on a continuous basis with a min of 3 reviews.
The following is the sample project that can be given to students to be implemented
using appropriate tools like Cain and Abel, PhishHook, Zombie Zapper etc.
Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course
CE:SPR/CS:SP/CS:IAS CE:SPR1 Public Growth of, control of, and access to the 25
Policy / CE:SPR2 Internet – cybersecurity policies / cyber
Methods and Tools threats, attacks and defensive
of analysis / mechanism/ History and example of
CE:SPR7 cybercrime – Cracking – Prevention
Computer Crime/ Strategies
Tools/ SP/Security
Laws and
Security Policy
and Governance
Total hours 45
Where does the course fit in the curriculum?
[In what year do students commonly take the course? Is it compulsory? Does it have pre-
requisites, required following courses? How many students take it?]
This course is a
Elective Course.
Suitable from 6th semester onwards.
Knowledge of any one programming language and network and communication
are preferred.
This Course is designed with 100 minutes of in-classroom sessions per week, 30 minutes of
video/reading instructional material per week, as well as 200 minutes of non-contact time spent
on implementing course related project per week. Generally this course should have the
combination of lectures, in-class discussion, case studies, guest-lectures, mandatory off-class
reading material, quizzes.