Datesheet 039R - MW450
Datesheet 039R - MW450
Datesheet 039R - MW450
Scope This Data Sheet applies to seamless tube and pipe made of weldable high-strength structural steels and exhibiting the
properties listed below in their as-supplied condition. These steels are used where high hardness and/or yield strength
are required in conjunction with good weldability. Application examples include mechanical engineering components
such as rings, axles, rollers, piston rods and cylinders, conveying lines for solids, etc.
Products manufactured from these steels include hollow steel bars (MBS tubes) as per MBS-92 delivery specification
or EN 10294, machining tubes as per TLD-93, and seamless tubes as per DIN 2448 in conjunction with DIN 1629, DIN
I 17121, EN 10297-1 or EN 10210-1. The ring test is omitted for DIN 1629 tubes in the "U" (untreated) or "V" (quenched
and tempered) conditions.
The heat treated condition shall be stated in the order, unless condition U or, in the case of MW450, condition N is
required. When ordering products in the N or V condition, the appropriate letter must be appended to the material
Condition U is not available for MW450K, tubes with wall thicknesses > 50 mm, or pierced and drawn tubes.
Example: MW450 N or 20MnV6 N
For applications below room temperature and high pressure-carrying components (e.g., hydraulic cylinders), it is
necessary to use tubes with a specified notch impact strength (i.e., conditions N or V), which are supplied with a type
3.1B or C acceptance test certificate according to EN 10 204.
Tubes intended for special purposes (e.g., chrome plating) are subject to special agreement.
Tubes made of comparable steels according to EN 10210-1 can be supplied as per data sheet 268R.
For applications involving high internal pressures, comparable steels are available as per Data Sheet 270R.
The service performance of these steels is critically dependent on downstream processing and application conditions.
Fabricators shall ensure that their calculation, design and operating methods match the material, are in keeping with
state-of-the-art practices, and suitable for the intended purpose. SEW 088 shall be observed in all processing. The
selection of the steel is the customer's responsibility.
Delivery Tensile strength Rm [N/mm²] Yield strength ReH ) [N/mm²] minimum Elongation A
condi- for wall thicknesses [mm] for wall thicknesses [mm] (Lo = 5,65 So )
designation 1
at room tion ) up to >25- >50- >80- up to >12- >25- >40- >50- >65- >80- min. [%] min. [%]
temperature 25 50 80 100 12 25 40 50 65 80 100 longitidin. transv.
V A L L O U R E C & M A N N E S M A N N T U B E S
039R / July 2004
Impact Delivery Wall Min. value Cv in joule [J] on Charpy-V specimen )
Steel 2
energy condi- thickness at stated test temperature in °C (average of 3 specimens) )
tion [mm] -40 -20 0 20
long. transv. long. transv. long. transv. long. transv.
MW450 N up to 100 - - 27 - 35 - 40 -
20MnV6 up to 40 27 - 40 - 45 - 55 -
MW450M V > 40 to 65 27 - 40 - 45 -
20MnVS6 > 65 to 100 27 - 40 -
N up to 100 40 27 45 30 55 35
up to 40 30 21 45 30 55 35 65 40
20MnV6K V
> 40 to 100 - - 40 27 45 30 55 35
) An individual value can be undercut by maximum 30 % of the average value.
) The test is carried out on longitudinal test pieces at the lowest temperature for which values are indicated. A test on
transverse test pieces can be agreed upon. In addition testing at a higher temperature can be agreed upon.
Should testing be carried out at one higher temperature e.g. at -20°C, the steel will be marked with LT20.
Processing Hot forming operations should be carried out at between 1050°C and 750 °C . Operations mainly involving
compression (e.g., forging) may be performed in the upper temperature range. For processes which stretch the
material, the lower temperature range is recommended.
The mechanical properties may show a slight dropn after hot forming. Depending on the specified requirements,
normalizing (with accelerated cooling where appropriate) or a quench and temper treatment should be carried out.
Cold forming may be performed giving due consideration to the material's yield strength and elongation in the
specified heat treated condition. We recommend condition N for this purpose. The increased force requirements
due to the material's high yield strength and springback resilience must be taken into account. Depending on the
design and mechanical stresses involved, subsequent heat treatment (stress relieving, normalizing, quenching and
tempering) may be necessary
Welding These steels are weldable by all current manual and automatic methods.
Welds should be made in one heat (uninterrupted) wherever possible; fillet welding should ideally be carried out in
multiple passes.
At ambient temperatures below approx. +5°C and with wall thicknesses exceeding 12 mm, a sufficiently wide zone
should be preheated tobetween 80°C and 200°C.
When welding quenched and tempered material, the preheating and interpass temperatures should be limited to
150°C and the heat input to 14000 J/cm. Care should also be taken to avoid excessive heat input in TIG welding.
Arc-welding of MW 450 should be carried out with consumables matching the desired properties, or using basic-
coated electrodes . Electrodes should be dry to prevent hydrogen carryover. In submerged arc welding, appropriate
wire-flux combinations must be used.
Stress relieving will generally not be necessary. It should only be performed where explicitly specified, or where a
reduction of residual weld stresses appears advisable with a view to design and/or operating conditions.
Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt 088 1) contains guidelines for processing this steel type, specifically with regard to welding.
) Can be ordered from Verlag Stahleisen mbH., Postfach 105164, D-40042 Düsseldorf
The workpieces must be evenly heated to the specified temperature over their entire cross section.
No further soaking is required in normalizing and hardening.
For stress-relieving and tempering a minimum soaking time of 30 minutes is required.
Remarks This Data Sheet replaces the August 2002 edition. EN 10297-1 was added as reference, see scope.
It is further valid for all offers and purchase orders issued after October 31, 2002, unless otherwise stated.
A grade with a reduced S content has been already included in the last issue in response to requests for improved
impact energy values.
V A L L O U R E C & M A N N E S M A N N T U B E S