The Waterwheel Plant
The Waterwheel Plant
The Waterwheel Plant
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Important features
ICUN status
Conservation practices
Future Plans
References / Bibliography
The Common Aldrovanda, also known as the Waterwheel
Plant is a perennial, free-floating, rootless aquatic herbaceous
plant, the only aquatic carnivorous plant with visible trap
This species occurs in a wide variety of habitats, from small fens and billabongs to lakes, lagoons and
river deltas. It is native to nutrient impoverished systems such as fishponds and rice paddies. The
stenotopic nature and reliance upon carnivory of this species yield little competitive ability, and limits
the species’ distribution to specific microhabitats dominated by loose and species-poor plant
communities and areas experiencing little variation in water level throughout the growing season such
as shallow backwaters or the littoral zone of larger lakes.
Historically, Aldrovanda vesiculosa occurred throughout western, central, southern, northern and
eastern Europe, from coastal areas in western and southern France, throughout northern and central
Italy, Austria and Germany to Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary,
Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, the Ukraine, Romania, the Caucasus, Volga, Ussuri, Amur, Lipetsk
and St Petersburg areas of Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Turkey; with several sites known throughout Asia
in Bangladesh, India, the Manchuria region of China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, North and South Korea,
and Japan; extending down to East Timor and several coastal areas in southwest, northwest, north, east
and southeast Australia. Populations have also been recorded from Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon,
Chad, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and
Zambia throughout Equatorial Africa.
Important Features:
The Waterwheel Plant consists of a simple or sparsely branched stem possessing successive whorls of
bristled, prey-catching leaves. The leaves are arranged in whorls of 4–9, measuring up to 23 mm in
diameter, and are basally fused with a swollen, dorsally flattened petiole which holds air sacks that aid
in flotation. Stem length is dependent upon water quality, prey abundance and irradiance, but is
commonly between 6–20 cm. The compact, whorled structure of the species provides the plant with an
almost cylindrical appearance, and gives rise to the species’ common name of the “Waterwheel Plant”.
The actual traps consist of two lobes which fold together to form a snap-trap similar to that of the Venus
fly trap, except that they are smaller and underwater. These traps, which are twisted so that the trap
openings point outward, are lined on the inside by a fine coating of trigger hairs, snapping shut in
response to contact with aquatic invertebrates and trapping them. The closing of this trap takes 10-
20milliseconds, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the kingdom. This trapping
is only possible in warm conditions, when water temperature is about 20°C (68°F). Each trap is
surrounded by between four and six 6–8mm (0.23-0.31 inch) long bristles which prevent triggering of
traps by debris in the water.
The small, solitary white flowers of Aldrovanda vesiculosa are supported above the water level by short
peduncles which arise from whorl axes. The flower only opens for a few hours, after which the structure
is brought back beneath the water level for seed production. The seeds are cryptocotylar, meaning that
the cotyledons remain hidden within the seed coat and serve as energy storage for the seedlings.
Flowering is however rare in temperate regions and poorly successful in terms of fruit and seed
The species is highly clonal, known to propagate strictly by vegetative means over both short and long
distances, and is capable of extremely rapid growth under optimal conditions. It can, however, persist
through unsuitable periods of winter primarily in the form of dormant or non-dormant winter buds
rather than seed.
In latitudes experiencing very mild winters, it may grow year-round with no overwintering period.
Flowering in A. vesiculosa is rare and poorly successful, highly variable between season and populations,
and yields exceedingly low numbers of viable seed even under optimum conditions. While plants from
warmer climates are known to bloom with greater profusion and regularity, particularly throughout
tropical and sub-tropical Australia, these flowers open only for brief periods and also often fail to
develop fruit. Under even the most optimal of conditions plants produce scant numbers of viable seeds,
and these are thought to originate almost entirely from self-pollination. The primary dispersive agent in
it is likely to be vegetative propagules such as stem fragments or turions, transported externally by birds
between suitable habitat.
ICUN Status
From 379 natural historical populations distributed throughout 124 regions in 43 countries, this species
has declined over the last century to only 50 confirmed extant locations. Two thirds of these are
however found in one region within Poland and the Ukraine, with the remaining 18 sites thinly spread
across four continents. The species has been confirmed extinct in Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic,
France, Germany, Italy, Bangladesh, India, Japan, Uzbekistan and East Timor, and remains unverified in
another 21 countries. The likelihood of persistence in many of these areas is slim due to extensive
wetland degradation, and it is undeniable that this species faces a potentially severe outlook if attempts
to mediate the species decline are not swiftly made.
Conservation practices:
Though generally regarded as extinct in Bangladesh, the species remains listed as Critically Endangered
in the Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh (2011)
A number of populations, though many of them remaining unverified, are located within the borders of
lands reserved for conservation purposes. The degree of protection afforded by these areas varies from
unfenced game and nature reserves to carefully monitored and well-maintained national parklands and
biosphere reserves, however all provide a degree of crucial habitat security. Managed and protected
lands known to harbour extant A. vesiculosa populations include the Srebarna Managed Nature Reserve
and the recently Ramsar listed Dragoman Marsh Complex (Bulgaria), the Zasavica Special Nature
Reserve (Serbia), the Astrakhan Reserve (Kazakhstan), and the New England Tablelands Endangered
Ecological Community (Australia). The effectiveness of conserving only small areas such as these is
however limited by landscape-scale changes to hydrology and the intrinsic biotic linkages characteristic
of wetland habitats, exemplified by the recent extinction of populations in the Obedska bara Special
Nature Reserve (Serbia). One conservation area, formed by two large adjacent reserves, harbours over
fifty per cent of the entire global distribution of A. vesiculosa and clearly supports both the need for
transboundary conservation and the management of larger scale ecological processes. Encompassing
much of the expansive Pripyat River basin, the 48,977 hectare Shatskyi Biosphere Reserve in northwest
Ukraine was designated in 2002
and provides some of the most
ecologically intact freshwater
habitat remaining in Europe,
including the Ramsar listed Shatsk
Lakes. Seventeen extant A.
vesiculosa populations are known
from the reserve, which is carefully
monitored for a number of biotic
and abiotic factors under the
authority of the Scientific-
Technical Council of the Shatskyi
National Nature Park. Bordering
Shatskyi to the west is the West
Polesie Biosphere Reserve in East
Poland, a similarly protected
139,917 hectare area maintained by the Forum of the International Biosphere Reserve "Polesie
Zachodnie". Though patches of the Polish reserve are designated for extensive economic use, the
lowland area is characterised by a mosaic of swamps, moors, lakes and rivers and eight populations
persist in the region. It must be noted however that despite the protections afforded to even large
landscapes such as these, widespread habitat degradation is not entirely avoided.
Future Plans
As the current population trend is decreasing, and there is continuous decline in the population of
mature individuals, the future of this species of Aldrovanda is unknown.