Staghorn Ferns For Florida
Staghorn Ferns For Florida
Staghorn Ferns For Florida
1. This document is ENH36, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date June 1990. Reviewed October 2003. Visit the EDIS Web Site at 2. G. Hennen, former graduate research assistant; B. Tjia, former floriculture specialist, Environmental Horticulture Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry Arrington, Dean
place a few handfuls of growing medium on the wood slightly below center, shaping it in a circular mound. Place the fern on the medium so the bud is slightly below center of the mount and basal fronds are in contact with the medium. Using wire (not copper) or plastic stripping, secure the fern tightly to its mount. This same method is also used for tree fern fiber plaques. Wire baskets can also be used when packed with medium and hung so the top of the basket is vertical. The fern is secured to the basket using wire or plastic stripping. Clay pots can also be used if hung sideways. Remounting to larger containers will be needed periodically as the fern grows. How often these are remounted depends on the size of the original mount, rate of medium breakdown, and growth rate of the fern. When the basal fronds reach the sides of the mount, it's time to place the fern on a larger mount. If the staghorn fern becomes too large, it may become impractical to remove the fern from its mount. In this case, enlarging the original mount periodically is suggested. Staghorn ferns are rapidly increasing in popularity as plants become more widely available. They are ideally suited to south Florida's growing conditions and with some care and protection will grow beautifully in north Florida as well, provided care is given to protect them from freezing temperatures in the winter.
times per week during warm weather and reduce the frequency during cloudy or cool weather.
Water-soluble fertilizers with a 1:1:1 ratio (101010, 202020) produce excellent growth when used according to directions. Fertilize monthly during the warm months and every other month when growth slows down. The use of fish emulsion or blood meal is often recommended. However, today's commercial growers are using the more convenient and economical water-soluble type of fertilizer with great success. Some growers mix small amounts of dry fertilizer in their potting mix before mounting and then periodically supplement it with water-soluble fertilizers during the growing season.
Staghorn ferns thrive best under shade or partially shaded conditions. Light intensities of 1,000 to 2,000 fc (10.7-21.4 K lux) are ideal, but they will grow with a minimum of 600 fc (6.4 K lux). Very low light conditions produce slow growing ferns and are likely to encourage development of disease and insect problems.
Most staghorn ferns are considered tender or semi-tender and will not tolerate temperatures below 55F (12.8C). There are exceptions such as P. bifurcatum, which can withstand temperatures as low as 30F (1.1C). South Florida growers will have relatively few occasions when cold protection is needed and merely moving the ferns inside a garage will be adequate. For central and north Florida or south Florida growers with large ferns, greenhouse-like structures with some source of heat is required.
The greatest number of problems in growing staghorn ferns results from improper watering practices. Sufficient time must be allowed for the medium to dry out between waterings. Don't be misled. Outer layers of the medium may look dry while the spongy inner layers of the medium and basal fronds are still saturated with water. Many commercial growers allow the moss at the bottom of the mount to dry before watering, while others watch for signs of slight wilting. The frequency of watering is dependent on the size of the fern compared to its mount. Large overgrown ferns require less frequent watering. Generally, water thoroughly one to two
Staghorn ferns are susceptible to attack by a fungus Rhizoctonia sp., which produces black spots on the basal fronds. The black area can spread rapidly, unless treated, and may invade the growing point, thereby killing the entire plant. This disease problem is mostly brought about by overwatering the
ferns. If symptoms appear, withhold water and reduce the humidity to slow the spread. Chemical controls are available and generally effective when used as directed. For specific recommendations, consult your county extension agent.
P. vassei. Easy to grow species with upright fertile fronds, dark green. Basal fronds turn brown naturally. Pups well. Semi-hardy to 40F (4.4C). Native to Madagascar and East Africa.
Staghorn ferns have few insect pests. However, a single infection can spread rapidly. The insect pests to watch for are mealy bugs, hard-brown, and white scale. Insecticides are effective against these pests but may cause serious burns or deformities to the foliage. Generally non-oil-based insecticides are safer on staghorn ferns than oil-based compounds. Other pests such as snails or slugs can be a problem but are easily controlled. For specific insecticide recommendations, consult your county extension agent. P. hillii. Easy to grow with semi-erect dark green foliar fronds. Produces pups. Hardy, similar to P. bifurcatum. Several varieties are available. Native to Australia.
Most species of staghorn ferns grow readily in Florida although much depends on the familiarity of the grower with the different species. Beginners are advised to start with the ``easy to grow'' species which are also readily available at local nurseries. As you become accustomed to their culture and growth habits, the harder-to-grow and more expensive species can be obtained to challenge even the most experienced grower. For convenience, a partial list of species is provided below with specific cultural information and notes on their ease or difficulty in growing.
P. stemaria. More difficult to grow, requiring temperatures of 80F (26.6C) and not below 50F (10C). High humidity with frequent watering. Semi-erect large foliar fronds with a silvery case when young. Pups well. Large plant native to Africa.
P. grande. Difficult to grow. Likes high humidity but very easily overwatered. Young plants produce only basal fronds. Foliar fronds reclining, light green in color. Does not pup. Tender below 60F (15.5C). A large fern, prized by collectors. Native to Philippines.
Platycerium bifurcatum. The most common species in cultivation and also the easiest to grow. Produces large numbers of "pups" eventually forming a very large plant. Dark green color. Hardy to temperatures of 30F (1.1C) for short periods. Many varieties are available. Native to Australia and New Guinea.
P. superbum. Difficult to grow. Very similar in appearance to P. grande when young. High humidity and also easily overwatered. Large reclining foliar fronds light green in color. Does not pup. Hardy to 30F (1.1C) for short periods, although not recommended to subject them to prolonged cold temperatures. Prized by collectors. Native to Australia.
P. veitchii. Common species and easy to grow. Erect foliar fronds with silvery cast. Produces pups. Semi-hardy to temperatures of 40F (4.4C). Native to Australia.
P. wandae. Difficult to grow species. High humidity, easily overwatered. Temperatures between 80-90F (26.6-32.2C), lows of 60F (15.5C). Possibly largest Platycerium. Native to New Guinea.
P. andinum. Moderately difficult. High humidity, needs good ventilation, drying between waterings. Both fronds covered with dense silvery hairs. Pups well. Large collector's fern. Only Platycerium native to South America--Mountains of Bolivia and Peru. Temperatures between 70-80F (21.1-26.6C), low of 60F (15.5C).
P. angolense. Moderately difficult. High humidity, with frequent waterings. Thrives in warm temperatures of 80-90F (26.6-32.2C), low of 60F (15.5C). Produces large unbranched foliar fronds, dark green. Basal fronds brown in the winter. Large fern. Native to Africa.