Carbon: New Carbon Materials Abstracts 2017
Carbon: New Carbon Materials Abstracts 2017
Carbon: New Carbon Materials Abstracts 2017
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[New Carbon, Materials 2017, 32(2): 97-105] XRD. Results indicated that the acid treatment of the CC introduced more
RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF POLYSULFIDE BARRIERS FOR Li-S active functional groups on its surface, which was beneficial to the coating
BATTERIES of the b-Ni(OH)2. The b-Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes were of high purity, and their
formation mechanism on the CC was investigated by observing their
Zhao Xu 1, 2, Hui-hui You 1, 2, Lei Zhang 1, 2, Quan-hong Yang 1, 2. 1 School of morphology at different reaction times. It was revealed that the b-Ni(OH)2
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, were initially present in the form of discrete nanoparticles and nanoflakes
China; 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and and after 6h formed a continuous and well-crystallized b-Ni(OH)2 nano-
Engineering (Tianjin), Tianjin 300072, China flake with diameter and thickness of 1 mm and 10 nm, respectively.
Nanoflakes continued to form, grow and overlap and after 12 h the
Abstract: Li-S batteries have attracted great attention for their high thickness had increased to 200 nm. The sample at 6 h had the highest
theoretical specific capacity (1 675 mAh g-1) and energy density (2 600 Wh specific capacitance of 815.67 F g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1, and
Kg-1). However, their low conductivity and poor utilization efficiency of retained 98.1% of its initial capacitance after 4 000 cycles.
sulfur greatly restrict practical applications. Novel polysulfide barriers
have been designed and fabricated to overcome the shuttle effect and to [New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 123-129]
improve cycle stability. In this review, the recent development of poly- THE EFFECTS OF ACTIVATION METHOD ON THE PORE STRUCTURE AND
sulfide barrier materials for Li-S batteries is introduced, which include ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ORDERED MESOPOROUS CARBONS
carbon materials, metal oxides and conducting polymers. The develop- USED AS THE ELECTRODE MATERIALS OF SUPERCAPACITORS
ment of an integrated electrode consisting of a polysulfide barrier and
separator could be a hot research topic for Li-S batteries. Mei-jun Liu 1, Dong-mei Fu 2, Chun-lei Wang 1, Pan-pan Mi 1, Tong-hua
Wang 1. 1 State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Carbon Research
[New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 106-115] Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of
RESEARCH PROGRESS ON ELECTRODE MATERIALS AND ELECTROLYTES Technology, Dalian 116024, China; 2 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,
FOR SUPERCAPACITORS Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China
Chen Jiao 1, 2, Wei-ke Zhang 1, Fang-yuan Su 2, Hong-yan Yang 1, 2, Rui-xiang Abstract: An ordered mesoporous carbon (OMC) synthesized by the soft-
Liu 1, 2, Cheng-meng Chen 2. 1 College of Environmental Science and template method was activated by (a) CO2 at 900 C for 4 h, (b) H2O at 800
C for 20min, and (c) H O at 800 C for 20 min followed by CO at 900 C for
Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China; 2 Key 2 2
Laboratory of Carbon Materials, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese 4 h to produce three micro-mesoporous carbons, A1, A2 and A3, respec-
Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001, China tively. Their pore structures were investigated by XRD, TEM, SEM and N2
adsorption. Their electrochemical properties as the electrode materials of
Abstract: Supercapacitors have great potential applications for electronic supercapacitors were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic
devices, and energy recyling and storage areas owing to their high power charge-discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Results
density, long cycle life, high safety and excellent performance at low indicated that the highly ordered 2D hexagonal original mesostructure of
temperatures. The electrode materials and electrolytes are two key factors the OMC was well retained after activation. The increasing order of the
that influence their performance. The electrode materials used in super- extent of activation is A1<A2<A3. The specific surface area, pore volume
capacitors include carbon materials such as activated carbons, carbon and the specific capacitance of A3 compared to OMC respectively increased
nanotubes, graphene, carbon nanofibers and carbon nano-onions, metal significantly from 673 to 2404 m2/g, from 0.98 to 2.24 cm3/g and from 70 to
oxides, conductive polymers and their composites. The electrolytes are 175 F/g at a current density of 500 mA/g. The increasing order of the
aqueous electrolytes, organic electrolytes or ionic liquids. Here research capacitance retention ratios of the activated samples at high current
progress on the electrode materials and liquid electrolytes for super- densities is A1<A2<A3.
capacitors is summarized, their advantages and disadvantages are
analyzed, and new electrode materials and electrolytes are suggested. [New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 130-136]
[New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 116-122] EVOLUTION OF PAN-BASED CARBON FIBERS DURING THE PRE-
Xiao-yun Li 1, Feng Tian 1, Xue-ping Gao 2, Feng-gang Bian 1, Xiu-hong
Qian-xiu Liu 1, 2, Chun-xiang Lu 1, 3, Qian Li 1, 2. 1 CAS Key Laboratory of Li 1, Jie Wang 1. 1 Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai
Carbon Materials, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai,
Taiyuan 030001, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 201204, China; 2 Carbon Fiber Engineering Research Center, School of
100049, China; 3 National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Material Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Ji'nan, Shandong,
Technology, Taiyuan 030001, China 250061, China
Abstract: Carbon cloth (CC) coated with b-Ni(OH)2 nanoflakes was pre- Abstract: Microstructural evolution in polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers at
pared by a hydrothermal method using nickel nitrate, urea and ammonium different temperatures during pre-oxidation and carbonization under
fluoride as the reaction system, and was characterized by SEM, XPS and stretching was studied by synchrotron wide-angle X-ray diffraction
Abstracts / Carbon 124 (2017) 722e724 723
(WAXD) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Microvoids were char- flat and lower than the surrounding matrix. Heating caused by the particle
acterized by the classical SAXS method, and were compared with simu- impact increased the thermal oxidization and hence the overall ablation
lation results obtained by fitting 2D SAXS patterns to a model based on a rate of the composite.
dilute system of cylindrical microvoids randomly distributed and prefer-
entially orientated along the fiber axis and having a log-normal size dis- [New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 151-159]
tribution. The WAXD results showed that the crystal size, d-spacing and PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF GRAPHENE/CARBON FIBER/
preferred orientation decreased during pre-oxidation, and increased dur- POLY(ETHER ETHER KETONE) COMPOSITES
ing carbonization. A diffraction peak for PAN fibers at 2q¼13.6 dis-
appeared during the final stage of pre-oxidation, meanwhile a new peak at Ya-nan Su 1, 2, Shou-chun Zhang 1, Xing-hua Zhang 1, Zhen-bo
2q¼23.6 appeared, whose intensity increased during carbonization, Zhao 1, Cheng-meng Chen 1, De-qi Jing 1. 1 National Engineering Laboratory
indicating the formation of the graphite structure. The average length of for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy
the microvoids increased, and new microvoids were formed, which of Science, Taiyuan 030001, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of
became oriented along the fiber axis as the fiber manufacturing process Science, Beijing 100049, China
proceeded. The length of microvoids from simulation results is consistent
with that from the classical method, indicating that the model is valid to Abstract: Graphene/carbon fiber/poly(ether ether ketone) (GR/CF/PEEK)
describe the microvoid structure of fibers. composites were prepared by directly spraying a GR dispersion onto CF/
PEEK prepregs, followed by hot-pressing the stacked prepregs. The
[New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 137-142] structure of the prepregs and cross-section of the composites were char-
MICROSTRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PYROCARBONS acterized by SEM. The mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the
PRODUCED FROM PHENOLIC RESIN WITH ADDED Ni(NO3)2 composites were measured to evaluate the influence of GR on their per-
formance. Results showed that the addition of 0.1 wt% GR increases the
Tian-fei Ma 1, Xiao-xian Wu 2, Hong-xia Li 1, Guo-qi Liu 1, Wen-gang interlaminar shear strength, the flexural strength and flexural modulus of
Yang 1. 1 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Refractories, Sinosteel Luoyang the composites from 57.3 MPa, 1 226.2 MPa and 64.5 GPa to 77.6 MPa, 1
Institute of Refractories Research, Luoyang 471039, Henan, China; 2 Zhe 512.3 MPa and 73.6 GPa, respectively. DSC analysis showed that the crys-
Jiang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resource, Hangzhou 310007, tallinity of the composites increased with the GR content. The thermal
Zhejiang, China conductivity and electrical conductivity of the composites were increased
by 15.5 and 73.1%, respectively after 0.5 wt% GR was added. The GR/CF/
Abstract: A refractory containing graphite is commonly used in the PEEK composites have much better mechanical, thermal and electrical
metallurgical industry in locations subject to severe thermal shock performance than the CF/PEEK composites.
because of the high thermal conductivity and good thermal shock resis-
tance of graphite. However, a refractory that uses phenolic resin as the [New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 160-167]
carbon precursor is brittle, and to improve its strength and toughness, GRAPHENE OXIDE: A NOVEL ACID CATALYST FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF
Ni(NO3)2 is added to the resin to catalyze the in-situ formation of carbon 2,5-DIMETHYL-N-PHENYL PYRROLE BY THE PAALeKNORR
nanofibers/nanotubes. The microstructure and mechanical properties of CONDENSATION
the Ni(NO3)2-modified phenolic resin carbons were characterized by XRD,
SEM, TEM and mechanical tests. Results indicate that carbon nanofibers/ Chun-yan Chen 1, 2, Xiao-ya Guo 1, Guang-qiang Lu 2, Christian Marcus
nanotubes (2% by volume) were formed within the pyrocarbons as a result Pedersen 3, Yan Qiao 4, Xiang-lin Hou 2, Ying-xiong Wang 2. 1 Department
of the nickel catalyst and these are interconnected to form a network of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China;
structure. The nanocarbon fibers/tubes significantly improve the bend Shanxi Engineering Research Center of Biorefinery, Institute of Coal
strength, elastic modulus, tensile strength and fracture toughness of the Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27 South Taoyuan Road, Taiyuan,
pyrocarbons and their fracture energies are increased accordingly. 030001, China; 3 Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen,
Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark; 4 State Key
[New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 143-150] Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese
ABLATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A 4D CARBON/CARBON COMPOSITE Academy of Sciences, 27 South Taoyuan Road, Taiyuan, 030001, China
CONTENT OF PARTICULATE ALUMINA IN A SOLID ROCKET MOTOR Abstract: Graphene oxide (GO) was used as an efficient and recyclable
catalyst for the synthesis of N-substituted pyrrole using a PaaleKnorr
Yang Liu, Jing-qiu Pei, Jiang Li, Guo-qiang He. Science and Technology on condensation reaction between 2,5-hexanedione and aniline. The effects
Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermal-structure Laboratory, Northwestern of reaction time, reaction temperature, solvent, catalyst loading and molar
Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China ratio of aniline to 2,5-hexanedione on the yield of 2,5-dimethyl-N-phenyl
pyrrole were investigated. In situ NMR was used to follow the PaaleKnorr
Abstract: The ablation behavior of a four-directional carbon/carbon (C/C) reaction at the molecular level. Results revealed that the oxygen-con-
composite was examined in a lab-scale solid rocket motor under a high taining groups of GO, such as sulfonic acid and carboxyl groups, played a
flux of combustion products containing a high content of particulate key role in this catalytic reaction. Polar protic solvents were favorable for
alumina. The composite consisted of three braided carbon fiber bundles at the reaction. The catalytic activity increased with temperature without any
120 to each other in the XY plane and a hexagonal array of carbon rods in side reaction. The GO could be easily recovered and showed remarkable
the Z direction, all in a pitch carbon matrix. The rods consisted of a uni- reusability and excellent catalytic performance allowing it to be reused 5
directional array of the same carbon fibers in a pitch carbon matrix The times.
composite was placed in the rocket motor with its XY plane perpendicular
to the gas flow and its ablation rate, ablation behavior and microstructure [New Carbon Materials 2017, 32(2): 168-173]
were investigated. The flow field of the combustion products was simu- INVESTIGATION OF DEFECTS IN A MESOPHASE PITCH-BASED GRAPHITE
lated by solving the Reynolds-averaged NaviereStokes equations. A deep AT THE ATOMIC SCALE
pit was formed on the surface of the composite, the center of which co-
incides with the simulated particle accumulation area. The mechanical Ju Rong 1, 2, Yuan-yuan Zhu 1, Zhen Fan 3, Zhi-hai Feng 3, Lian-long
erosion was significantly increased when the particle impact velocity He 1. 1 Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of
exceeded 96.82m/s. The carbon rods were more susceptible to erosion Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China;
than the surrounding fiber bundles. The maximum ablation rates of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
carbon rod and bundles were increased almost by an order of magnitude National Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Composite Materials,
by increasing the particle impact velocity by a factor of two. Numerous Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology, Beijing
crater-like pores on the ends of the carbon rods were formed by alumina 100076, China
particle impaction, and the tips of the fibers in the carbon rods were almost