Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Ca
Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Ca
Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Ca
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Miguel Galván-Ruiz1, Juan Hernández2, Leticia Baños3, Joaquín Noriega-Montes4 and Mario E.
Associated Professor. División de investigación y Posgrado, Facultad de Ingeniería,
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Centro Universitario Cerro de las Campanas s/n 76010,
Querétaro, México. CETIS 105-SEP, carr. a Tlacote s/n, Querétaro, Qro. 76148. Email:
Associated Professor. CETIS 105-SEP, carr. a Tlacote s/n, Querétaro, Qro. 76148 Email:
Associated Researcher. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de
Associated Professor. División de Investigación y Posgrado, Facultad de Ingeniería,
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Centro Universitario Cerro de las Campanas s/n 76010,
Abstract. In this paper a complete characterization of lime cycle transitions is described. CaCO3
was collected from a Mexican mine and was processed to obtain Ca(OH)2 trough CaO. When the
calcium hydroxide interacted with the CO2 in the air forming CaCO3, the lime cycle is
completed. Crystal structure and spectroscopy characterization was carried out to get knowledge
were described using XRD by powder to accomplish phase identification. SEM was done to
examine the morphology, topology, crystal structure and crystalline growth habit. DLS was used
to determine the particles size distribution of Ca(OH)2. FTIR was done to identify molecules and
atomic bonds. Finally, ICP-MS were done to get quantitative analyses. These results are a
contribution to the restoration and construction industry fields, as well as a starting point to new
CE Database subject headings: lime characterization, calcium carbonate, calcium oxide,
hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2). Initially limestone is extracted, crushed, and sieved; then it was fed
into a kiln for preheating and calcination at temperatures between 900-1200°C, decomposing it
into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The original CaCO3 looses 44% of its
weight during calcination; afterward, the material is cooled and crushed. That is followed by
hydratation process during slaking with the addition of an adequate water amount to satisfy the
chemical water affinity, thereby transforming the oxide into hydroxide. During hydratation, an
exothermic reaction is produced and the solid nearly doubles its volume. As a final stage, the
carbonation process where Ca(OH)2 acquires CO2 from the environment closes the cycle,
returning to the starting point (Galván-Ruiz et al., 2009). Raw material may have pollutants, or
these could be added due to the calcination of fossil fuels and addition of water during
hydratation (Galván-Ruiz et al., 2007). Boynton (1980) remarks the importance of lime for
construction which has been extensively documented. Even though lime mortars has been used
for centuries by earlier civilizations in many of the greatest structures, the Romans were the first
and creating appropriate construction techniques (Delatte, 2001). In the 18th century, Smeaton
started a scientific knowledge of the hydraulic limes which later derived in cement technology.
Since the 19th century, the appearance of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) produced significant
decreases in the use of lime because OPC offer fast setting and greater strength (Hill, Holmes
and Mather, 1992). The numerous environmental benefits to be gained to a return to more wide
range uses of lime in buildings and construction are considerable. Some of those well known
factors include: production requires lower temperatures using less energy than OPC with less
greenhouse emissions; tolerates some degree of movement in the masonry, as compared to the
stronger mortar based on OPC. The less able is it to allow the movement. The deterioration
caused by salts from the alkalis contained in OPC, however not in lime compounds. Lower
thermal conductivity, higher impermeability and better adhesion to the ordinary masonry
materials compared to OPC based products. Water retention which means that lime continues
absorbing water into their mass and holds this water in it (Holmes and Wingate, 2003).
Furthermore, mortars are dynamic materials; they continue interacting with their environment
after the hardening and carbonation processes. The structures of crystalline phases were studied
through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to obtain
(EDS) was done to ascertain a semi-quantitative elemental analysis. Dynamic light scattering
was used to determine the Ca(OH)2 particles size distribution. Atomic absorption spectroscopy
(AAS), ion chromatography (IC) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
were applied to obtain a quantitative elemental analysis and FT-IR was utilized to single out the
molecules bonds. This report presents the physicochemical and mineralogical transitions
produced during the lime manufacturing process as starting point to the improvement and return
Three different samples were studied and labeled as follow: SA1corresponds to CaCO3, SA2 to
CaO and SA3 to Ca(OH)2. Sample SA1 was obtained by collecting three samples of
approximately 250 g from 12 different positions of limestone bank and repeatedly quartered
down mixing all parts until a representative sample was derived. Sample SA2 was obtained as
representative quick lime (CaO) from the kiln. Finally, sample SA3 was acquired from the
Ca(OH)2 warehouse. All these samples were kept in a vacuum to avoid chemical reactions.
The X-ray diffraction patterns of SA1, SA2 and SA3 were done on a diffractometer (Siemens
The microstructure and morphology of SA1, SA2 and SA3 samples were done using a Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) (Jeol JSM 5600, Japan) using secondary electrons. The microscope
Particle size distribution of sample SA3 was determined using DLS (Brookhaven Instruments
BI-APD, USA) with 632.8 nm red laser, 90° scattering angle, 25°C ambient temperature and 5
µs step time. 0.02 g of Ca(OH)2 was mixed with 20 ml of distiller water and stirred by hand at
room temperature for 5 min. The first measurement was made immediately after stirring, the
second was done fifteen minutes later and the final one was taken 30 min after that. This was
Additional quantitative elemental analysis of the three samples was obtained by mass
spectrometry (Thermo Elemental Mass system X-series ICP-MS, Standard Sample Introduction
System, USA).
FTIR Spectra were obtained by using spectrophotometer (Bruker vector 33, USA). Sample
preparation consisted of mixing fine powders of each sample SA1, SA2 and SA3 with KBr
powder. The specific technique used in the sample analysis was that of diffuse reflectance
spectroscopy. The commercial samples were taken as references: CaCO3 (Baker analyzed
The results of the analysis are presented in the outline of X-ray diffractograms used for phase
identification. Figure 1a shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of SA1 samples produced from a
hexagonal crystal structure corresponding to calcite (CaCO3). These peaks were identified using
card No. 5-586 from International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD) (see letter C). Other peaks
from a hexagonal crystal structure corresponding to quartz (SiO2) (card No. 46-1045 ICDD)
were identified as Q. The rest of the peaks are weaker signals corresponding to muscovite
(KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2) (card No. 07-0042 ICDD)( letter M) and kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4)
(card No. 06-0221 ICDD)(letter K). The lime was obtained from a mine where quartz is a
common mineral component. Kaolinite and muscovite are also present components, but in a
lower concentration. Figure 1b shows the diffraction pattern of SA2. These pattern exhibit strong
peaks corresponding to a face centered cubic crystal structure of CaO (letter O). Other peaks
correspond to a hexagonal crystals structure from portlandite (card 44-1481 ICDD) (letter P).
The lower intensity peaks correspond to quartz and calcite. Here, quartz was collected from the
mine and it remained unchanged during calcination process because quartz fusion temperature
(2000° C) is higher than that of calcite calcination. The presence of portlandite is due to the
spontaneous reaction between CaO and moisture. Figure 1c shows the X-ray diffraction pattern
of SA3. The strong peaks correspond to a hexagonal crystal structure of portlandite (letter P). In
addition, weak peaks of calcite, quartz and monoclinic crystals of calcium silicate (card 86-0398
ICDD) (identified as CS) were also identified. Calcite in SA2 and SA3 is a remaining product
Figure 1
Figure 2a shows some rhombic-like blocks which have well define edges. Some ends are
fragmented and reveal a layer structure (see the inset) which illustrates the crystal growth habit
common to CaCO3. The crystal also have some porous and crevasses of varying length. The big
size and the well defined shape of the crystals are a consequence of a good crystal growth
process which requires a long time to take place. The crevasses could be the consequence of
natural stress or/and sample preparation. Figure 2b shows SA2 sample (CaO) which present
amorphous-like particles. Their edges were not well defined and their shape is rounded.
Furthermore, the inset exposes some relief lines on the particle surfaces (pointed to with arrows).
These lines may have originated during high temperature calcination reaction followed by a
chilling process which produces a thermal shock in the material, creating these fissures on the
surface. The material had many pores and the continuous matrix appearance like it was made of
attached particles. Their size distribution appears homogeneously dispersed around 800 nm.
In the Figure 3c most of the particles are smaller than 1 μm, but the particle size distribution is
broad. Well formed lumps can be observed in Figure 3c were generated during dry-slaked lime
process with water to transform nearly all of the CaO to Ca(OH)2. On the other hand, calcium
hydroxide reacts spontaneously with CO2 forming CaCO3 which is the most stable compound in
the lime cycle. This is the reason some particles with similar morphology were observed in
Figures 2b and 2c. The inset in Figure 2c presents a larger amplification of a particle with some
surface lines (pointed to with arrows) that were generated during crystal growth, thus revealing a
preferential growth direction. The mechanical stress during the hydratation exothermal process
produced cracks in the material volume. The cracks propagation generated a submicron particle
Figure 2
Figure 3 shows the particle-size distribution of SA3, three different measurements were done:
one when immediately after the agitation process was completed (Figure 3a), the second 15
minutes later (Fig. 3b), and the final one 30 minutes following the first measurement (Fig. 3c)
(Parallel structure). In the first measurement, mayor size particles were identified and the results
were: 931.49nm (41 counts), 853.10 (46) and 781.31 (44counts). In the second, particle size
distribution was: 327.48nm (9 counts), 323.83(47), 320.22 (86), 316.65 (100), 313.12 (6) and
309.63 (23 counts). Here it is possible to conclude that when the second measure was made, the
heavier particles had sunk to the bottom of the reservoir and lighter particles contributed to the
size determination. Finally in the third measure, particle sizes were: 133.35nm (48 counts),
100.00 (81), 74.99 (100), 56.23 (57) and 42.17 (24 counts). In this last measure, particles lighter
than those observed in the second measure contributed to the determination of the third particle
size. The lime particle size distribution is important because it influences some properties of
stuccos and mortars such as adhesion, capillarity, porosity and thermal and acoustic diffusivity.
The particle size distribution of lime is smaller than that in OPC. When CaO was hydrated, the
energy generated for the spontaneous-exothermic reaction was realized in a short time. The
relatively short time of energy liberation caused the violent reaction and small portions of
Figure 3
Table 1 summarizes results of heavy metals content after ICP-MS analyses. Pb quantification
was established exactly by this technique, contrasting with the result obtained through AAS,
where the determination was noted just as under the quantification limit. The variation of
vanadium content between SA2 and SA3 was relevant, with less content in SA1 before the
Table 1
The usefulness of qualitative analysis from the characteristic frequencies provides information to
identify chemical constituents in a compound. Infrared spectra narrow the options to a few
specific crystals if only one or two compounds are present. Additionally, a correlation of FTIR
and XRD may be helpful. Figure 4a shows the FTIR bands of SA1. The relatively low intensity
band at 3628 cm-1 corresponded to O─H bond matching with a low concentration of Ca(OH)2 in
the sample. The hydroxide is a remaining component of the carbonation process. The bands at
1444, 877 and 713 cm-1 correspond to the three different elongation modes of C─O bonds while
the bands at 2980, 2875, 2513 and 794 cm-1are harmonic vibration of these elongation modes.
The width of this band implies that O─H groups must be forming hydrogen bridges. The minor
bands at 2875 cm-1 and the first overtone at 2990 cm-1 corresponds to C═O from carbonate ion.
The thin and intense band at 1795 cm-1 is also associated to the carbonate C═O bonds. The very
strong band at 1444 cm-1 is related to the carbonate C─O bonds. The bands at 1105, 1018 and
790 cm-1 are related to SiO2 (Quartz), confirmed by the previous XRD analyses. The band at 713
cm-1 is related to Ca─O bonds. Comparing the spectra from a CaCO3 standard (Baker analyzed
99.9%) with the SA1 spectra, the intense and sharp band at 877 cm-1 is assigned to CaCO3.
While the comparison between sample and standard spectra, confirm very close similarity.
Figure 4b shows the spectrum of SA2 and comparison with standard of CaO spectrum. The
strong band at 3643 cm-1 corresponds to the O─H bonds from the remaining hydroxide (Park et
al. [12]). The band at 1417 cm-1 band corresponds to C─O bond. The band centered at 866 cm-1
corresponds to C─O bond. The wide and strong band at around 500 cm-1 corresponds to the
Ca─O bonds. This band is the largest one in the CaO standard spectrum, but it rather smaller in
Figure 4c shows the SA3 and Ca(OH)2 standard spectra. The strong band at 3643 cm-1 is related
to the O─H bond from hydroxides. The band at 1795 cm-1 corresponds to C═O bonds from
carbonate. The intense and wide band at 1427 cm-1 corresponds to C─O bonds from carbonate.
The band at 875 cm-1 corresponds to Ca─O bonds. The weak band at 1126 cm-1 corresponding to
S─O bonds which reveals the presence of sulfur. This pollutant was possibly added by gases
from the fuel oil combustion during the calcination process. The band in the region of 500 cm-1
corresponds to Ca═O bonds, possibly derived from the partial hydratation process. The CaCO3
was collected from a Mexican mine and it was transformed to CaO through a calcination
reaction. This reaction had a low efficiency and consequently the CaO obtained had a
considerable amount of CaCO3 along with small amounts of the other minerals. These secondary
minerals were not transformed either by the calcination reaction or the subsequent reactions. Fuel
combustion produced gases during calcination reaction and this may generate sulfur
contamination depending on the fuel quality. If a fuel rich in sulfurated organic compounds was
used, the CaO produced would have more sulfur contamination. All the standard spectra closely
matched with spectra samples, demonstrating that the process produces a loop cycle.
Figure 4
The aforementioned techniques offer a complete characterization of the lime cycle and this
information can be used for new applications where lime is used, such as construction,
restoration, food additives and others. It was possible to confirm how the different materials in
each cycle stage were changing to form the most stable compound CaCO3. This last stage is
evidence that the lime cycle is dynamic and transitions occur spontaneously. The process to
produce Ca(OH)2 from CaCO3 has influence in the morphological and topological features of
lime particles. According to the X-ray diffraction patterns, it was possible to identify each one of
the crystalline phases of these materials. This is important in the industry because it allow the
identification of any phase. In the construction industry, the X-ray diffraction patterns permits
the identification of these phases in mortars, stuccos and plasters. SEM images are a powerful
tool to study the crystalline growth habits, and also morphology and topology of the kinetic
phases in lime cycles. DLS for Ca(OH)2 proved that the particle size distribution is in the
submicron range, indicative of lime can be used to reduce the porosity of compound materials
used in the construction industry. FTIR allows for the determination of specific bonds of
molecules, and to identify any phase of the lime cycle in compound materials. For restoration
purposes, this technique is ideal because allows for phase identification with a small sample
which means a non-destructive sampling of historical buildings. AAS and ICP are especially
good techniques for a precise determination of chemical elements of contaminants for any stage
of the lime cycle. It can also be used in the restoration to permit reformulation of the original
materials used. It is important to take into consideration that all these techniques are fundamental
This work was developed with the generous collaboration of several people and organizations:
technical support: Carolina Muñoz, Alicia del Real, Ofelia Pérez, Genoveva Hernandez, along
with support of: CoSDAC-SEP PROJECT 022.09-P03, and FIFI-UAQ to whom we express our
sincere gratefulness.
Boynton, R.S. (1980). Chemistry and technology of lime and limestone. Ed. John Wiley & Sons,
Delatte, N. J. (2201). “Lessons from Roman Cement and Concrete”. J. Profl. Issues in Engrg.
Galván-Ruiz, M., Baños, L. and Rodríguez-García M.E. (2007). Lime characterization as a food
Galván-Ruiz, M., Velázquez-Castillo, R., Pérez-Lara, M., Arjona, J.L., Baños, L. and Rodríguez-
García M.E. (2009). Chemical and physical characterization of stuccos from a Mexican colonial
Hill, N., Holmes, S., and Mather, D. (1992). Lime and other alternative cements. Ed.
Holmes, S., and Wingate, M. (2003). Building with lime, revised edition, Ed. ITDG Publishing,
Keum, D., Naka, K., and Chujo, Y. (2003). “Unique crystal morphology of hydrophobic CaCO3
Park, J., Min, D. and Song, H. (2002). “Structural Investigation of CaO–Al2O3 and CaO–
Al2O3–CaF2 Slags viaFourier Transform Infrared Spectra”. ISIJ International, 42(1), 38–43.
Figure captions
Figure 1. XRD patters of a) SA1, b) SA2 and c) SA3. C-calcite, Q-quartz, M-muscovite, K-
Figure 2. SEM micrographs of a) SA1, b) SA2 and c) SA3. In all images, the morphology of
Figure 3. Particles size distribution of SA3. Measures were done a) immediately when dilution in
bi-distilled water was finished, b) 15 min after first measure and c) 30 min after first measure.
Figure 4. FTIR spectra of a) SA1 and CaCO3 standard; b) SA2 and CaO standard, and c) SA3
and Ca(OH)2 standard. Solid lines correspond to samples and dot lines correspond to standards.
Table Captions
Table 1. ICP-MS analyses of SA1, SA2 and SA3. Pb quantification can be done.
Table 1
Sample Be V Cr Co Ni Cu As Se Cd Tl Pb
SA1 1.3669 0.0 1.0211 0.0481 1.2674 2.3924 0.6621 0.4008 0.0 0.0 0.0536 0.8076
SA2 0.0087 0.0 1.9068 0.1066 0.0686 1.4785 0.2742 0.0290 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0012
SA3 0.3401 0.0 4.3403 0.2150 0.0884 1.1589 0.1932 0.0849 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0527
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4