Proofreading - means searching for and correcting errors by carefully reading and
rereading what has been written.
Written objectives
Written test items
Package test
Reproduce test
1. Try to induce positive test- taking attitude. (If you have a positive attitude towards
your exams, you increase your chances of performing well.)
2. 2. Inform the students about the purpose of the test.
3. 3. Give oral directions as early as possible before distributing the tests.
4. 4. Give test – taking hints about guessing, skipping , and the like , are strictly
5. Inform the student about the length of time allowed for the test .
( If possible write on the board the time in which they must be finished with
answering the tests. Give the students a warning before the end of the tie limit.)
6. Tell the students how to signal or call your attention if they have a question.
7. Tell the students what to do with their papers when they are done answering the test or
how papers.
8. Tell the Students what to do when they are done with the test, particularly if they are to
go on to another activity .
( also write these directions on the chalkboard so they can refer to them).
9. Rotate the method of distributing papers so you don’t always start from the left or front
10. Make sure the room is well lighted and has comfortable temperature .
11. Remind students to put their names on their papers .
12. If the test has more than one page, have each student checked to see that all pages are
After administering and scoring the test, the teacher should also analyze the quality of each
item in the test. Through this you can identify the item that is good, item that needs
improvement or items to be removed from the test. But when do we consider that the test is
good? How do we evaluate the quality of each item of the test? Why it is necessary to evaluate
each item in the test? LEWIS AIKEN (the author of psychological and educational measurement
pointed out that a “ POSTMARTEN " is just as necessary in classroom assessment as it is in
In this section , we shall introduce the technique to help teachers determine the quality of a
test item known as item analysis . One of the purpose of item analysis is to improve the quality
of the assessment tools. Through this process, we can identify the item that is to be retained ,
revised or rejected and also the content of the lesson that is mastered or not.
Item Analysis
Items analysis is a process of examining the student’s response to individual item in the test. It
consists of different procedures for assessing the quality of the test items given to the students.
Through the use of items analysis we can identify which of the given are good and defective
test items. Good items are to be retained and defective items are to be improved, to be revise
or to be rejected.