Social Factors of Procrastination: Group Work Can Reduce Procrastination Among Students
Social Factors of Procrastination: Group Work Can Reduce Procrastination Among Students
Social Factors of Procrastination: Group Work Can Reduce Procrastination Among Students
Received: 13 November 2020 / Accepted: 20 November 2021 / Published online: 6 January 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Research on procrastination covers a variety of individual factors (e.g., conscien-
tiousness) and this focus is reflected in interventions against procrastination. Less
emphasis is put on situational and social factors that may help students reduce pro-
crastination, such as social interdependence. Therefore, this study investigates the
relationship between interdependence with academic procrastination and affective
variables. Two vignette studies with student samples (N1 = 320, N2 = 193) were con-
ducted and data was analyzed with regression analyses and analyses of covariance.
Results of both studies show lower state procrastination in group work with interde-
pendence compared to individual work, especially in participants with high trait pro-
crastination. This difference is more pronounced when interdependence is accom-
panied by an active commitment to finish the task on time. Further, interdependent
group work is related to increased positive affect and decreased negative affect. The
results demonstrate the relevance of situational and social factors for academic pro-
crastination, and point toward new approaches for intervention.
* Markus Koppenborg
Katrin B. Klingsieck
Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Learning, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Psychology, Educational‑Psychological
Assessment and Intervention, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany
250 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
1 Introduction
Do you remember a situation when you needed to start an important, yet unbear-
ably boring task? Chances are you may have procrastinated, putting off the task
again and again. Now imagine the same task as part of a group assignment in
which your partners depend on your contribution to do their part of the work.
Could this situation have changed the way you approached the task? This ques-
tion–can interdependence in group work help students procrastinate less–is the
focus of the present paper. Research on antecedents of procrastination and aca-
demic procrastination alike has mostly focused on individual factors (e.g., con-
scientiousness, self-control, or impulsiveness). By investigating how a situational
and social variable, namely interdependence, influences procrastination, this
research takes a different view. The results may not only inspire programs for the
reduction or even prevention of (academic) procrastination, but may also fill the
research gap concerning social aspects of procrastination (cf. Klingsieck, 2013).
Academic procrastination, the voluntary delay of an intended course of study-
related action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay (Steel & Kling-
sieck, 2016), is a common self-regulation failure (Pychyl & Flett, 2012; Steel,
2007) that seems quite prevalent among students (e.g., Day et al., 2000; Solo-
mon & Rothblum, 1984). It may be for this reason that the grand majority of
inquiries into procrastination addresses academic procrastination (however, there
are exceptions, cf. Nguyen et al., 2013; van Eerde, 2016). Typical consequences
of academic procrastination are not only lower academic achievement (Gareau
et al., 2018; Kim & Seo, 2015; Morris & Fritz, 2015), but also lower psychologi-
cal well-being (Çelik & Odaci, 2020; Krause & Freund, 2014), such as increased
anxiety and distress (Argiropoulou & Patra, 2020; Sirois & Tosti, 2012; Tice &
Baumeister, 1997).
Investigations into the antecedents and correlates of academic procrastination
have mostly focused on variables within the individual and have thus identified
a number of corresponding variables, such as personality traits and motivational
aspects (cf. Klingsieck, 2013; Steel, 2007; Steel & Klingsieck, 2016). This has
shaped the notion of academic procrastination as being predominantly rooted in
the individual. Similarly, most interventions focus on changing factors within
the individual (e.g., time-management skills, identifying and correcting dys-
functional thoughts; cf. van Eerde & Klingsieck, 2018). Only few interventions
address aspects regarding the situation (e.g., stimulus control to avoid distraction)
and the social environment (e.g., support from peers), let alone group dynamics
that may result from interdependence. However, in line with the widely accepted
notion of behavior resulting from the interaction of personal and situational fac-
tors (e.g., Blum et al., 2018; Fleeson & Noftle, 2008; Furr & Funder, 2021), situ-
ational and social aspects should receive more attention with regard to explaining
and changing procrastination (cf. Klingsieck, 2013).
Taking a closer look at social factors of academic procrastination seems all
the more important, as learning and studying in higher education typically takes
place in some form of social system and is oftentimes organized in groups of
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 251
252 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
especially when imposed by others (Milgram et al., 2001). Evidence further sug-
gests a link between procrastination and certain situational characteristics, such
as classroom climate (Corkin et al., 2014), lecturers’ teaching skills (Grunschel
et al., 2013; Patrzek et al., 2012; Schraw et al., 2007), or the degree of external
structure of the study program (Nordby et al., 2017).
The strong focus on individual factors conveys the common understanding of
procrastination as being a phenomenon rooted mainly in the individual. Conse-
quently, procrastination is understood by many researchers as a relatively sta-
ble disposition for unnecessary delay, some even arguing it can be completely
described by the personality facet of self-control (or lack thereof; Steel, 2007).
Consistent with this view, most scales have operationalized procrastination as
a stable trait (e.g., the General Procrastination Scale; Lay, 1986). However, it
is also possible to conceptualize procrastination as a state or episode occurring
within a given time span or situation (e.g.; Hoppe et al., 2018; Krause & Freund,
2014). State procrastination can be measured, for example, with the Academic
Procrastination State Inventory (APSI; Schouwenburg, 1995) or the Ecologi-
cal Momentary Assessment of Procrastination Scale (e-MAPS; Wieland et al.,
2018). Similar to other state/trait constructs, it only seems plausible that indi-
viduals high in trait procrastination experience more episodes of state procrasti-
nation than do those low in trait procrastination. Schouwenburg (1995) reported
a strong, yet far-from-perfect correlation between measures of trait and state
procrastination, indicating the potential influence of situational and/or intrain-
dividual factors on state procrastination. Thus, individuals, whether high in trait
procrastination or low, may be influenced by situational circumstances to show
state procrastination to a higher or lower extent.
In accordance with the focus on individual antecedents, many interventions
to reduce (academic) procrastination aim at changes within the individual (e.g.,
with regard to improving planning, time management, regulation of emotions or
changing dysfunctional cognitions; van Eerde & Klingsieck, 2018). Only few
approaches include situational (e.g., stimulus control) and social aspects (e.g.,
support in study groups). In general, meta-analytic findings are promising in
that they demonstrate the general possibility of changing procrastination for the
better (cf. Rozental et al., 2018; van Eerde & Klingsieck, 2018). At the same
time, heterogeneous effects of interventions may be seen as an encouragement
to further advance interventions to become more effective. This may also imply
to put a stronger focus on situational and social aspects that may help reduce
Taken together, procrastination is regarded a self-regulation failure and, as
such, it is oftentimes understood as a phenomenon mainly rooted within the
individual. This understanding has led research to focus on antecedents and cor-
relates at the level of the individual. Correspondingly, many inventories measure
procrastination as a trait and interventions mostly aim at changing individual
aspects. Situational aspects have received much less attention, and this applies
even more to social aspects, although evidence suggests they may also play an
important role in in a procrastination episode.
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 253
Limited research exists tying aspects of the social world to academic procrastina-
tion. In their conceptual article, Harris and Sutton (1983) propose social norms to
affect procrastination in the context of business and organizations. In higher educa-
tion, norms have been shown to decrease academic procrastination, if they suggest
starting promptly (Ackerman & Gross, 2016). Further, stereotype-threat has been
related to higher procrastination in women (Deemer et al., 2014). Peers appear to
increase procrastination when distracting from academic tasks (Chen et al., 2016;
Nordby et al., 2017; Senécal et al., 2003; Sirois & Giguère, 2018), although hints
from qualitative studies also indicate that procrastination can be increased by a lack
of social networks (Patrzek et al., 2012) or lack of peer support (Schraw et al., 2007).
Qualitative research also points towards the potential relevance of significant others’
attitudes towards procrastination (Klingsieck et al., 2013). These findings show that
social aspects seem of relevance for academic procrastination; however, the poten-
tial of social interdependence, as found in settings of group work, for reducing aca-
demic procrastination, has not been considered.
254 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
has been linked to higher levels of performance and satisfaction at the group level
(Campion et al., 1996) and also at the individual level (Shaw et al., 2000). However,
inconsistencies in some findings (e.g., Campion et al., 1996) and empirical results
(Van der Vegt & Janssen, 2003; Van der Vegt et al., 2001; Wageman, 1995) show
that both, task and outcome interdependence, should be given in order to increase
performance and satisfaction. Van der Vegt and Van de Vliert (2001) conclude that
outcome interdependence without task interdependence can result in social loaf-
ing, while high levels of both task and outcome interdependence should result in
increased performance and satisfaction among group members.
These findings are mirrored by studies from social psychology, which show
how perceived indispensability of an individual contribution to a group product
can enhance individual effort and performance (Weber & Hertel, 2007). For exam-
ple, in group tasks with a conjunctive task structure, the group’s success depends
on the contribution of the least capable member (Steiner, 1972). This member then
typically shows higher effort and performance as when working individually (Feltz
et al., 2014; Kerr & Hertel, 2011; Thürmer et al., 2017; Weber & Hertel, 2007). As
shown by Weber and Hertel (2007), this effect can partly be explained by the higher
instrumentality of the individual contribution and is moderated by the visibility of
members’ contributions, i.e., the evaluation potential. Correspondingly, a lack of
instrumentality may then encourage free riding (Kerr & Bruun, 1983), whereas a
lack of evaluation potential may encourage social loafing (Karau & Williams, 1993).
In social psychology of education, interdependence lays at the heart of cooperative
learning, which has been shown to increase, among other variables, learners’ effort and
achievement when compared to individual work (Johnson & Johnson, 2002; Springer
et al., 1999; Stevens, 2003). Building on the work of Deutsch (1960), cooperative learn-
ing and the associated Social Interdependence Theory differentiate between means and
outcome interdependence (Johnson & Johnson, 2002; Johnson et al., 2007). Means
interdependence implies that in order to reach their goal members depend on each
other’s resources, roles, or contributions (e.g., by division of labor). Positive outcome
interdependence implies that each member can only reach his/her goal if all other mem-
bers reach their goals. (In contrast, negative outcome interdependence occurs when
each member can only reach his/her goal if other members do not reach their goals).
Aside from interdependence, four other components are essential, namely individual
accountability, social skills, promotive interaction (i.e., mutual support), and group pro-
cessing (i.e., deliberation on the learning process; Johnson & Johnson, 2002; Johnson
et al., 2007). Meta-analytic findings show that learning situations with such interde-
pendence are related to higher individual effort and achievement when compared to
working individually (Johnson et al., 2007; Roseth et al., 2008; Springer et al., 1999).
With regard to affective variables, meta-analyses further indicate relationships between
cooperative (interdependent) learning and increased self-esteem (Johnson & Johnson,
2002; Springer et al., 1999). Therefore, the present study also investigates the effect of
interdependent group work on positive and negative affect.
In summary, various accounts from different fields of psychology, sociology, and
beyond indicate that interdependence between group members can positively influ-
ence individual performance and affective variables when compared to individual
work. This not only raises the question whether interdependence can help reduce
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 255
procrastination, but also whether there are other variables that may even augment
the effect of interdependence. One of these variables is commitment.
Commitment refers to the active and public confirmation to others to perform a cer-
tain behavior (Cialdini, 2009). Commitment can facilitate execution of a desired
behavior as demonstrated in such different domains as volunteering (Cioffi & Gar-
ner, 1996), weight loss (Nyer & Dellande, 2010), recycling (Bryce et al., 1997),
or use of sustainable transportation (Matthies et al., 2006). The facilitating effect
of commitment has been explained by individuals’ need for consistency (Cialdini,
2009; cf. Festinger, 1957) and by internalized and social norms to conform to one’s
promises (Kerr et al., 1997), and is thought to be especially strong when occurring
voluntarily (Cialdini, 2009). It can be argued that commitment may also positively
affect procrastination. In the present study, we assumed that commitment to other
group members that promises a timely start of a given task enhances the beneficial
effects of interdependence and thus further reduces procrastination. While the effect
of commitment on behavior change seems quite robust, research typically does not
address the relationship between commitment and affective reactions. Therefore, we
sought to also shed light on the relationship between commitment and affect.
The main goal of the present study was to investigate whether interdependence in
group work (with and without commitment) has the potential to reduce academic
procrastination as compared to individual work. Further, the study aimed to investi-
gate whether interdependent group work results in changes in positive and negative
affect. Aside from the practical relevance for intervention programs, this investiga-
tion would also contribute to the theoretical understanding of procrastination.
To this end, two vignette studies were conducted. Using a between-subjects
design, study 1 compared state procrastination of an individual task with state pro-
crastination of a group task with interdependence between group members. Study 2
replicated this comparison in a within-subjects design, thus, allowing for the inves-
tigation of intra-individual changes of procrastination. Study 2 also included a third
condition where a group task with interdependence was accompanied by an active
commitment to finish the task on time. Finally, study 2 compared the affective reac-
tions toward the three conditions (individual vs. interdependence vs. interdepend-
ence with commitment). In both studies, trait procrastination was statistically con-
trolled in order to isolate the effect of interdependence on state procrastination. Both
studies served to test the first hypothesis and answer the first research question:
256 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
Q1 Is this relationship different for subjects with high vs. low levels of trait
Further, study 2 served to test the following hypotheses:
H3a Positive affect is higher in group work with interdependence than in individual
H3b Negative affect is lower in group work with interdependence than in individual
Study 2 also served to answer an additional research question concerning the role
of commitment with regard to affect:
Q2 How does positive and negative affect differ in group work with and without
active commitment?
2 General method
2.1 Overview
We conducted two vignette studies describing a typical academic task that was
described either as an individual task or as an interdependent group task. Partici-
pants were asked to rate their state procrastination with regard to the given scenario.
Both studies served to test hypotheses H1 and to answer question Q1, while study 2
tested hypotheses H2, H3a and H3b and answered questions Q2.
2.2.1 Interdependence
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 257
2.2.2 Trait procrastination
Participants’ general procrastination tendency was assessed with the German short
version of Lay’s (1986) General Procrastination Scale (GPS, Klingsieck & Fries,
2012; 9 Items) on a four-point rating scale ranging from very untypical (1) to very
typical (4), with Cronbach’s α ranging between 0.91 and 0.92 across the two studies.
In study 2, the score of trait procrastination was also used to divide the sample
into a group of non-procrastinators (1st quartile of GPS) and a group of procrastina-
tors (4th quartile of GPS). This dichotomization served to explore significant inter-
actions between task structure and trait procrastination.
2.2.3 State procrastination
As a dependent variable, state procrastination was assessed for each vignette using
a shortened version of the Academic Procrastination State Inventory (APSI, Schou-
wenburg, 1995; German version: Patzelt & Opitz, 2014). The APSI asks participants
to think of a given time frame, and then rate the occurrence of a number of thoughts
and actions that reflect a procrastination episode (e.g., “I did so many other things
that there was insufficient time left for studying”; five-point scale ranging from
never (1) to constantly (5)). This scale seemed suitable for the present study because
the items can also be rated with a vignette scenario in mind. For the purpose of both
studies, the first dimension of the APSI was shortened from 12 items to four items
using iterative principal component analysis with three independent student sam-
ples. Confirmatory factor analyses with two independent student samples revealed
satisfactory model fit and internal consistency (for items and results, see ESM). In
its used form, core characteristics of procrastination were operationalized by only
four items. The wording of the four items was adapted to account for the specific
task in question, with Cronbach’s α between 0.75 and 0.88 across the two studies.
2.3 Participants
Data for both studies were collected from students within regular lectures at two
German public universities using paper–pencil surveys. Participation was voluntary,
and anonymity of the data was assured. Participants were assured that they could
end their participation at any time. There was no classroom pressure to participate.
All participants were blind to the purpose of the study, and gave their informed con-
sent before filling out the material. Ethical approval (e.g., from an ethics committee)
was not necessary.
258 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
2.4 Procedure
Participants first answered items on trait procrastination, after which they were
instructed to carefully read the vignettes and try to immerse themselves into the
scenarios. Participants then rated their typical state procrastination regarding the
task described in the vignette. They were instructed to do so as accurately and as
honestly as possible.
To assess the quality of the ratings on state procrastination, two additional
items measured ease of immersion into the scenarios (“How well could you
immerse yourself into the scenario?”; five-point scale ranging from very bad (1)
to very good (5)), and accurateness of the rating of state procrastination (“Given
a real scenario, how likely is it that you would act according to your ratings in the
item block above?”; five-point scale ranging from very unlikely (1) to very likely
(5)). Participants were excluded from analysis if their rating on any of the two
items was below three. A third item asked participants to state whether they had
imagined themselves working with two males, two females, or one male and one
2.5 Statistical analyses
3 Study 1
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 259
3.1 Method
3.1.1 Participants
A total of 353 students participated in study 1, of which 320 remained after applying
inclusion criteria (260 females, Mage = 23.00, SDage = 2.79). Most were enrolled in
Bachelor programs to become special education teachers (n = 238), or regular teach-
ers (n = 78). Participants had been enrolled in their programs for a mean duration of
M = 4.80 semesters (SD = 1.73). Post-hoc analysis showed that this study was pow-
ered to have a 99% chance of detecting a small to medium main effect (f2 = 0.08).
3.1.2 Interdependence
There were two levels of interdependence, with the vignette describing the task
either as a non-interdependent individual task or as an interdependent task with
interdependence among group members.
A between-subjects design was used with the task as a predictor with two levels
(non-interdependence vs. interdependence), trait procrastination as a continuous pre-
dictor, and an interaction term of interdependence and trait procrastination. Partici-
pants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions. Ordinary least squares
regression analyses were used with state procrastination as criterion while control-
ling for other variables. For all analyses, the predictor trait procrastination was mean
centered to correct for multicollinearity.
3.2.1 Descriptive statistics
Table 1 shows means and standard deviations of all variables. Results of the quality
variables indicate that participants found it easy to imagine themselves experiencing
the scenarios and judged the accurateness of their ratings as high. Of the 161 par-
ticipants in the condition of interdependence, 89 participants reported that they had
260 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
imagined working with two females, 7 with two males, 28 with one female and one
male, and 37 gave no indication.
3.2.2 State procrastination
Calculation of the zero order correlation between trait procrastination and state
procrastination resulted in r = 0.51 (p < 0.001), indicating a strong but far from per-
fect relationship between both variables (r > 0.2 small effect; r > 0.3 medium-sized
effect; r > 0.5 large effect; Cohen, 1988). Results of the two regression models are
shown in Table 2. In Model 1, state procrastination was regressed on interdepend-
ence while controlling for trait procrastination, gender, and age. Trait procrastination
significantly and positively predicted state procrastination. Further and more impor-
tantly, interdependence significantly and negatively predicted state procrastination.
The β coefficient resembled a medium-sized effect of interdependence (r = 0.39;
Cohen, 1988; Peterson & Brown, 2005). In Model 2, the interaction between inter-
dependence and trait procrastination was added as a predictor. As can be seen from
Table 2, the interaction coefficient was significant and negative. The β coefficient
resembled a small effect size of the interaction (r = 0.26; Cohen, 1988; Peterson &
Brown, 2005). In Model 2, the included predictors accounted for an overall explana-
tion of variance of R2 = 0.41.
3.2.3 Short discussion
Results show that participants rated their state procrastination significantly lower
when the task involved interdependence, as compared to the non-interdependence
condition (supporting H1). This relationship was more pronounced for participants
with high trait procrastination, thus giving a first answer for research question Q1.
N = 320
Trait Procrastination (GPS) mean centered for all regression analy-
*p < 0.05. **p < 0.01. ***p < 0.001
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 261
This provides a first quantitative hint towards the beneficial effect of interdepend-
ence with regard to reducing procrastination among students.
No differences in ratings were found across gender and age of participants. This
is in line with a meta-analysis that could not substantiate correlations of procras-
tination with age and gender (Steel, 2007), although more recent studies suggest
procrastination to be lower among younger individuals and females (Beutel et al.,
2016; Steel & Ferrari, 2013). The strong relationship between trait procrastination
and state procrastination supports the general plausibility of the findings.
Although participants were randomly assigned to vignette conditions, unobserved
heterogeneity cannot be completely ruled out. Also, the between-subjects design
is not suitable to investigate intra-individual variation in state procrastination. For
these reasons, and to replicate findings of the first study, study 2 used a within-sub-
jects design.
4 Study 2
4.1 Method
4.1.1 Participants
A new sample of 223 students took part in the survey, of which 193 remained after
applying inclusion criteria (139 female, Mage = 21.5, SDage = 1.96). Most partici-
pants were enrolled in Bachelor programs (n = 176) or Master programs (n = 12)
to become regular teachers (n = 151) or special education teachers (n = 30). Par-
ticipants had been enrolled in their programs for a mean duration of 4.2 semesters
(SD = 1.71). Post-hoc analysis showed that this study was powered to have a 95%
chance of detecting a small main effect ( η2p = 0.02, based on a correlation of 0.5
between repeated measures).
4.1.2 Interdependence
The same vignettes as in study 1 were used. Interdependence was varied in three
levels by describing the task either as (1) a non-interdependent individual task, (2)
an interdependent group task, or (3) an interdependent group task with commitment.
This last condition was identical to the interdependent condition, but added one sen-
tence describing a commitment to the group members to finish the task on time (for
262 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
vignette formulation, see Appendix). Participants received and rated all three sce-
narios sequentially and order of presentation was balanced across participants.
4.1.3 Affective reaction
As a second dependent variable, positive and negative affect was measured using the
two subscales of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS, Watson et al.,
1988) in its German version (Krohne et al., 1996). The PANAS presents 20 adjec-
tives to measure positive affect (e.g., “happy”) and negative affect (e.g., “afraid”) on
a five-point scale ranging from not at all (1) to very much (5). Cronbach’s α of the
two subscales ranged between 0.83 and 0.89 across the three repeated measurements.
4.2.1 Descriptive statistics
Means and standard deviations of all variables are shown in Table 3. In the condi-
tion of interdependence (with commitment), 90 (86) participants reported that they
had imagined working with two females, 23 (20) with two males, 41 (44) with one
female and one male, and 39 (43) gave no indication.
4.2.2 State procrastination
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 263
Table 4 Descriptive statistics of state procrastination, positive and negative affect for non-procrastinators
(1st quartile of GPS), and procrastinators (4th quartile of GPS) in study 2
Non-procrastinators (1st quartile Procrastinators (4th
of GPS) quartile of GPS)
M (SD) M (SD)
State procrastination
No interdependence 1.70 (0.48) 3.41 (0.92)
Interdependence 1.43 (0.43) 2.26 (0.91)
Interdependence with commitment 1.36 (0.41) 1.82 (0.73)
Positive affect
No interdependence 2.85 (0.74) 2.05 (0.63)
Interdependence 2.97 (0.58) 2.36 (0.66)
Interdependence with commitment 2.99 (0.65) 2.52 (0.73)
Negative affect
No interdependence 1.54 (0.54) 1.87 (0.64)
Interdependence 1.73 (0.70) 1.77 (0.70)
Interdependence with commitment 1.62 (0.55) 1.89 (0.68)
264 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
MSE = 5.90, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.40. Following Cohen’s convention ( η2p > 0.04 small
effect; η2p > 0.09 medium-sized effect; η2p > 0.25 large effect; Cohen, 1988), the
effects can be considered quite large. As can be seen from Table 4, in the group
of non-procrastinators, mean state procrastination was higher in non-interdependent
individual work as compared to interdependent group work both with and without
For procrastinators (4th quartile in GPS; N = 48), contrasts with Bonferroni-cor-
rection revealed significant differences between non-interdependence and interde-
pendence, F(1, 42) = 65.43, MSE = 63.23, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.61, between non-inter-
dependence and interdependence with commitment, F(1, 42) = 85.86, MSE = 112.31,
p < 0.001, η2p = 0.67, and between interdependence and interdependence with com-
mitment, F(1, 42) = 14.62, MSE = 7.0, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.26. With large effect sizes
exceeding those in the group of non-procrastinators, mean state procrastination was
highest in non-interdependent individual work, lower in interdependent group work,
and lowest in interdependent group work with commitment (Table 4).
These results replicate the findings from Study 1 regarding H1 and research ques-
tion Q1. As in study 1, state procrastination was lower in the condition of inter-
dependence, and this effect was stronger for high trait procrastinators. In addition,
commitment lead to a further decrease of state procrastination in the group of pro-
crastinators, thus supporting hypothesis H2 in this group.
4.2.3 Positive affect
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 265
commitment to other group members is not related to higher or lower positive affect
(see Table 4).
4.2.4 Negative affect
4.2.5 Short discussion
Results replicate the findings of study 1, showing that state procrastination is lower
in interdependent group work compared to non-interdependent individual work. This
effect also applies to participants with low levels of trait procrastination, although it
was more pronounced in participants with high levels of trait procrastination. Further,
the latter group also showed an additional decrease of state procrastination when inter-
dependence was accompanied by commitment (thus supporting H2). These results add
to those of study 1 by showing that interdependence can lead to intra-individual varia-
tion of state procrastination and that this effect can be enhanced by an active commit-
ment to other group members.
Results also show that in comparison with non-interdependent individual work,
interdependent group work is related to higher levels of positive affect and lower lev-
els of negative affect, but only in the group of procrastinators (thus partly supporting
hypotheses H3a and H3b). This is consistent with other research showing beneficial
effects of interdependence on affective variables (cf. Section 1.3). Further, while an
active commitment to other group members is related to reduced state procrastination,
this relationship could not be found for positive or negative affect, thus giving a first
answer to our research question Q2.
266 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
5 General discussion
5.1 Summary
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 267
The results of the current study may carry important implications not only for the
theoretical understanding of procrastination but also for research and for interven-
tions and programs to reduce or prevent procrastination. Current interventions
against academic procrastination mainly focus on changes within the individual
(e.g., Rozental et al., 2018; van Eerde & Klingsieck, 2018) and put less emphasis
on situational or social aspects. Heterogeneous effects, however, point towards the
potential to improve the impact of many interventions against procrastination. The
results of the current studies suggest that social aspects, such as interdependence,
offer important contributions that may be incorporated into existing interventions.
Further, taking up the position that prevention is better than the cure (i.e., interven-
tions), our results also point towards the potential to preclude academic procrastina-
tion by designing tasks to be interdependent in nature. According to the results of
the current study, this would reduce state procrastination regardless of individual
trait procrastination, but even more so for students high in trait procrastination.
For example, teachers could adapt individual assignments to become interde-
pendent group tasks. Teachers may establish outcome interdependence by introduc-
ing group level rewards, in combination with task interdependence by assembling
groups in a way that each member contributes unique skills or other types of nec-
essary input; further, they may split larger assignments into smaller subtasks that
need to be completed sequentially by group members (Brewer & Klein, 2006; John-
son & Johnson, 2002; Weber & Hertel, 2007). Teachers and counselling staff may
also promote interdependence by advising students to form study groups and organ-
ize their learning activities in an interdependent manner. Further, students may be
advised to openly formulate specific commitments regarding their intended work,
to further support their work on the assignments. It should be noted, however, that
not all assignments may be suited to be completed by an interdependent group, for
example, when the implementation of group work is too difficult, too costly, or not
compliant with rules and regulations (Johnson et al., 2007).
Our results also carry implications for the theoretical understanding of procras-
tination. Current studies mainly focus on antecedents and correlates of procrastina-
tion that are located at the personal level. This shapes a theoretical understanding of
procrastination as a self-regulation failure mainly rooted within the individual. The
current findings point towards the need to consider situational and social aspects
when explaining the genesis of procrastination. This should result in a more com-
prehensive understanding of procrastination as a product of both personal and situ-
ational variables.
Finally, such an understanding should also carry implications for the measure-
ment of procrastination. So far, most investigations of procrastination do not explic-
itly distinguish between procrastination as a trait and procrastination as a state when
quantifying procrastination. The current results show that, though closely related,
both constructs are not identical. For researchers investigating procrastination,
the results show that it may be important to clearly and deliberately differentiate
between the two.
268 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
6 Conclusion
This contribution is a first hint from a quantitative study that group work with inter-
dependence between group members can reduce state procrastination, especially for
individuals with high trait procrastination and when accompanied by commitment.
This finding indicates ways to reduce or even prevent procrastination by adapting
academic assignments. Further, it extends the common understanding of procras-
tination as being a behavior that is predominantly rooted within the individual by
showing social aspects that seem to affect procrastination. Future research should
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce… 269
replicate these results in field studies using not only self-report measures of procras-
tination but also performance measures.
Individual work Group work with interdepend- Group work with interdependence
ence and with commitment
Imagine you are taking part in an obligatory course of your program. For course credit you have to
assemble a bibliography on a given topic by using a scientific data base. [The bibliography is due
three days from now at 12 pm.a]
You have to compile the bibliog- You have to compile the bibliography with two fellow students.
raphy by yourself Each of you has to contribute a part of the work
The result of your work will be The result of your group work will be graded. The two others can
graded only begin their part once your part is finished
You intend to work on the task You intend to work on the task You intend to work on the task this
this afternoon. You want to be this afternoon. You want to be afternoon. You promised your
finished by this evening finished by this evening fellow students to send them the
results of your part this evening
Your fellow students are two of your friends that are very dedicated
to their studies
The bibliography will be graded and this grade will make up 50% of your final course grade
This sentence was omitted in study 2
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This research did not receive
any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
Consent for publication All authors gave their consent for this publication.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
mons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is
270 M. Koppenborg, K. B. Klingsieck
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Markus Koppenborg is a research assistant at the Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Learning at the Uni-
versity of Cologne, Germany. His research comprises evaluation and quality assurance in higher educa-
tion, and the interaction between individual and social factors in procrastination among students.
Katrin B. Klingsieck is a professor for educational psychology at the Paderborn University, Germany. Her
research interests focus on procrastination, motivational and volitional aspects of self-regulation, self-
development, and the diagnostic competence of teachers.