Chemsol Emulsion WR PDF
Chemsol Emulsion WR PDF
Chemsol Emulsion WR PDF
Chemsol Emulsion WR
Water Repellent Emulsion for Facade Applications
Product Description Chemsol Emulsion WR is based on a balanced combination of
siloxane, pigments and finely dispersed emulsifying agents.
Uses Chemsol Emulsion WR is especially suitable for the following
-- As an additive for effective and economical bonding
-- For wear resistant, masonry and brick surfacing.
-- For surface coatings where higher chemical resistance is
Advantages Chemsol Emulsion WR produces the following advantages:
-- Greater bond on brick, stone, plaster and concrete surfaces.
-- More uniform surface finishing
-- Improved abrasion resistance
-- Greater water tightness and chemical resistance
-- Improved cracking behaviour
Chemsol Emulsion WR is:
-- Non corrosive
-- Non flammable
-- Easily cleaned off from tools with water
Technical Data
Form Polymer Dispersion
Colour White, brick red; other colours on demand.
Density 1.10 ± 0.01 Kg/Lit
Chloride content Nil
Service Temperature Effective upto 90°C exposure
Shelf Life & Storage 12 months minimum if stored properly in original unopened
packing in dry condition and away from sunlight.
Chemsol Emulsion WR
Packaging 25 Lit. pail; 200 Lit. drum
Application Details
Consumption Approx 0.5 Lit. per one m2 depending upon the porosity of the
Important Substrate must be well cleaned and free of dust, loose particles
Procedure --
Stir the contents of the pail thoroughly before applying the
-- Apply the liquid emulsion in two coats, either by roller or
-- Allow the applied surface coating to cure in air.
Precautions Contact with eyes, skin or mucous membrane may cause slight
irritation. In case of contact rinse with plenty of water and seek
medical help.
Toxicity Non-toxic.
Transportation Non-hazardous.