CBRE Safety Manual For Revision - Perumal Chetty
CBRE Safety Manual For Revision - Perumal Chetty
CBRE Safety Manual For Revision - Perumal Chetty
Document Control
Issue Approval
Mr. Virender Gupta
Senior Associate Director
Mr. T.R.Perumal Chetty,
Dy.General Manager(Safety)
Signature Date
Register of Amendments
This summary table will accompany amendments. Discard the previous Table and replace it with the
latest version.
EHS Environment, Health & Safety
OHS&E or HS&E Alternative common terms for Environment, Health & Safety
PM Project Manager
AM Asst. Manager – Projects
PC Project Coordinator
CBRE CB Richard Ellis
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Document control 2
Issue Approval 2
Register of Amendments 2
Abbreviations 2
1. Introduction 6
2.EHS Policy 7
3.Safety Instructions and Procedures 9
4.Roles and Responsibilities 9
5.Communication 11
6. Monitoring 12
7.Documentation 12
8.Project Safety Committee 12
9.Applicable Statutory Acts, Rules & IS Codes 13
9.1 Project Compliance Check‐list 16
10. Non‐Compliance of Safety and Health provisions 19
11. Disciplinary Action 19
12.Environment 20
12.1 Noise 20
12.2 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 21
12.3 Waste Disposal 21
12.4 House –Keeping 21
12.5 Public protection 21
13.Health 21
13.1 First‐aid 21
13.2 Contents of First‐aid box 23
13.3 Drinking Water 24
13.4 Latrines and Urinals 24
13.5 Anti‐Malarial Precaution 24
14. Safety 24
14.1 Excavation 24
14.2 Pilling 25
14.3 Mobile Plant 25
14.4 Concrete Vibrators 26
14.5 Concrete Mixture 26
14.6 Hoists, Cranes 27
14.7 Motor Vehicles 27
14.8 Trucks 28
14.9 Traffic 28
14.10 Fire Protection 28
14.11 Ladders 29
14.12 Scaffolding/Staging 29
14.13 Form Work 30
14.14 Concrete Construction 30
14.15 Barricades 31
14.16 Demolition 31
14.17 Painting 31
14.18 Welding and Gas cutting 32
14.19 Grinding 33
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14.20 Work in Radiation Area 33
14.21Work in and around Water bodies 33
14.22 Guide lines and General procedures for use of Electricity at site 33
14.23 Installation 34
14.24 Portable Electrical Equipment 36
15.General 36
15.1 EHS Trainings 36
15.1.1 EHS Induction 36
15.1.2 Periodical training programmes 36
15.2 Hazard Identification &Control measures 37
15.2.1 EHS Inspections 37
15.2.2 EHS audits 37
15.2.3 Risk Assessment 38
15.3 Safe Work Permit System 38
15.4 Blasting Permit 39
15.5 Excavation Permit 42
15.6 Work at height Permit 44
15.7 Hot‐work Permit 46
15.8 Confined space Permit 48
15.9 Isolated area Permit 50
15.10 Accident reporting & Investigation 51
15.11 Educating Labour 51
15.12 Reporting of accidents 51
15.13 Emergency Evacuation Plan 51
15.14 Personal Protective Equipment 52
15.15 Project EHS‐Status 52
15.16 Site Entry process 53
16 Formats 53
16.1 Site Safety Rules 53
16.2 EHS Responsibility & Accountability for Contractors 55
16.3 EHS Induction 56
16.4 Safety Pep‐talk 57
16.5 Incident/Accident Investigation Report 58
16.6 EHS Inspection 59
16.7 On the job safety Communications 60
16.8 EHS Status Report 61
16.9 Safety Committee meeting 62
16.10 EHS Penality 63
17. Safety Check‐Lists 64
17.1General Safety 64
17.2 Daily Inspection check‐list for Safety measures at site 66
17.3 Site‐Layout 68
17.4 Personal Protective Equipment 69
17.5 Material Handling 70
17.6 Material Storage 71
17.7 Fire Prevention & Control 72
17.8 Excavation 73
17.9 Demolition 75
17.10 Scaffoldings 76
17.11 Confined Space 77
17.12 Radiography 78
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17.13 Painting 79
17.14 Work at Height 80
17.15 Electrical 82
17.16 Hot‐work 83
17.17 Form‐work 85
17.18 Fall Prevention & Protection 86
17.19 Hand tools 87
17.20 Vehicles,Equipment & Eart moving equipment 89
17.21 Cranes 90
17.22 Tower Cranes 92
17.23 Builders Hoist 96
17.24 Transit Mixer 98
17.25 Diesel Generator 99
17.26 Motor Vehicles and Traffic 100
17.27 Plant & Mobile equipment 101
17.28 House‐Keeping 103
18. Project Safety Documents 104
18.1 List of Project Safety Documents tobe maintained by CBRE 104
18.2 List of Welfare Documents required for Inspection 105
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The meaning of safety is ‘Freedom from unacceptable risks’ or ‘Freedom from danger’. Safety in all
construction activities is a prime requisite, but is often neglected, ignored on work sites. With the
enormous growth of construction industry and the advancement of ‘Construction Technology’ the
need for proper attention to Safety aspects has become essential for human, social, economic and
other considerations. The complex techniques with wide range of construction and other activities
have lead to new challenges in Safety.
The content aims is to explain the ways and means to create a safe and healthy work environment at
our construction project sites for the protection of all personnel involved in the project construction
activities from associated risks.
The EHS plan is structured for effective implementation of EHS standards as per the Factories Act
1948, Amendment act 1987, Building and Other Construction Workers Act ‐1996 (BOCW Act‐1996) and
other relevant State and central Acts of Govt., of India.
The purpose of the EHS Plan is to make all our employees, contractors, consultants, workmen aware of
minimum safety standards to be adhered in the process of execution of construction activities for the
noble cause of accident prevention and to protect all from associated risks.
The overall objective of the plan is to ensure effective implementation of Company standards and
comply with all statutory provisions related to Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and also to meet
client’s specific EHS requirements
Proper precautions based on risk assessments should be taken to improve Safety on construction sites
to mitigate and minimize loss of limb, life, suffering and damage resulting from preventable incidents /
It is the prime responsibility of project management to prevent / control all risks involved in the
process of project construction. All contractors/Sub‐contractors and their staff and workmen must co‐
operate in implementation of EHS rules and regulations mentioned in EHS plan without any excuse in
the interest of safe guarding Environment health and safety at protect site. It is of contractual
responsibility of all concerned to maintain client’s reputation and to take care of workers safety &
welfare as a social obligation. The basic requirement of plan is to achieve EHS goals for successful
completion of project.
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Management of CB Richard Ellis South Asia Pvt Ltd is vitally interested in Safety and Health of its
employees and attaches utmost importance to safeguard the employees from injury, occupational
disease and environment. Management shall make every effort to provide a Safe, Healthy working
Environment. Ensures that the plant, machinery, equipment are safe for use in compliance with
established safe working procedures and practices.
The company has made it a requirement that all who work with us, visit us or do business with us must
comply with CBRE‐ EHS policy. It is in the best interest of practices to consider Environment, Health
and Safety in every activity. Commitment to Health and Safety forms an integral part of this
organization from management to the workers.
We shall operate our projects in such a way that the Safety and Health of our employees, contractors,
visitors local residents and Environment, are ensured and they will not be exposed to unacceptable
2.1* Company’s Health, Safety and Environment Policy is Enclosed
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* Safety Organization chart.
• Clear safety instructions and procedures are the basis for functioning of all at site. These safety
instructions and procedures are the minimum safety requirements to be followed by all always at
• Every employee, contractor and visitor is responsible for fulfilling all safety instructions and
• Report unsafe conditions, situations and handlings to the Project Manager.
• Safety instructions from Management, Safety team and site conditions, generated are to be
• First Aid, Fire section, concerning Safety and Health care are to be followed always.
The Project Manager CBRE shall be totally responsible for compliance, implementation of Health,
safety and Environment Policy.
1. Project Manager
• Responsible for the overall management of safety, safety planning and organization on this
• The Project Manager is the team leader and should be the role model for all staff and
employees to follow.
• Prepare and instigate safety policy and procedures on site, delegate responsibilities to other
competent persons, then check these roles and responsibilities are fulfilled.
• Fix the roles and responsibilities in writing and ensure they are fulfilled for each staff member
so as each person is aware of and complying with his role.
• Attend all safety meetings.
• Review Safety Plans and Workplace Risk Assessments prepared by the contractors prior to that
trade being given commitment and starting on site.
• Review preliminary design and drawings for potential safety risks and advise the Consultants
of these and remedies for same.
• Carry out informal and formal safety inspections when on site and report findings to the
Contractor for rectification.
• Set a personal example of implementing the Project Safety Policy.
• Educate contractors to be fully conversant with all CB Richard Ellis safety requirements and
incorporation of safe work practices in their operations.
• Ensure contractor Safety Plans are implemented and modified as necessary on site.
In connection with Indian Standards and Regulations the tasks and responsibilities of Safety and Health
Manager as well as the Design‐engineer are defined at the design & construction phase:
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Safety Manager‐At Design Phase:
• Co‐ordination of general aspects with respect to Safety, Health and Welfare.
• Taking care of EHS plan setup in “Draft”. Putting together Safety Health &
Environment files.
• Handover EHS plan in draft and filed to the client for the construction phase.
Safety Manager—At Construction Phase:
• Organizing, coordinating and Co‐operation between contractors.
• Co‐coordinating Safety, Health, Welfare measures by the contractors.
• Co‐coordinating Supervision; to meet the joint facilities.
• To be briefed and educated by the Project team on their responsibilities with regards to
‘designing in safety’.
• To be educated and shown safety problems with their design on site so as not to make the
same mistakes again.
• To nominate, areas requiring special procedures or practices to reduce accident potential.
• To be briefed by the site team on the proposed construction methods and be subsequently
• To take a pro‐active role in safety as part of the ‘Project Team’.
Contractors and Their Employees
• Safety representative from each company to be nominated to attend safety meetings on a
weekly basis. The days of the meeting will be nominated by CB Richard Ellis.
• The nominated person for the company will be responsible for all details and safety issues of
the meeting and to be related back to fellow workers.
• Any chemicals, plant and equipment that are to be used on site the contractor must supply
Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS) and the Manager or Principal of the contractor is to
ensure his men who are using the chemical have been trained with the correct handling
procedure for the use of this chemical.
• Maintain a full safety kit on site at all times.
• The Manager or Principal of the contractor is to provide evidence that the men he has
employed have had adequate training to be able to work safely with the duties that will be
performed on site.
• Any lost time injuries the contractor is to notify CB Richard Ellis and provide all necessary
• Contractors to supply risk analysis sheets and safety plan for review before work commences
on site for critical activities identified.
• Contractor to inform CB Richard Ellis of any known hazards that may occur during their scope
of works.
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Kick‐off Meeting:
• The kick‐off meeting should be seen as a start meeting, preliminary to the general or project
oriented activities.
Prior to starting of project activities a meeting with all consultants, contractors will be organized in
order to make all concerned aware of the EHS rules & procedures to be adopted by team during the
construction of project.
The Project Manager who is In charge of the project will chair the meeting and the following take part
in the meeting.
1) Regional Manger‐EHS/Project EHS‐Coordinator
2) Site In charges of all Contractors/Sub‐contractors
3) Consultants
4) EHS coordinators of Contractors/Sub‐contractors
In the meeting the EHS plan meant for the project will be disclosed and discussed for effective
The client’s representative may also present in the meeting wherever possible
The points discussed will be recorded and minutes will be distributed to all concerned
The document which speaks the “Responsibility and Accountability “of Contractors/Sub‐ contractors
would be issued and acceptance would be obtained by duly signed and acknowledged. (Annexure‐1)
• In the kick‐off meeting beside technical relevant information pay attention to the aspects of
Health, Safety and Environment in general.
Safety Meeting:
Specific appointment e.g. Action points as result of consultation between safety technicalities related
to the project is discussed.
Weekly meeting shall be conducted by contractors for the entire work force with specific agenda
under observation from the Project Managers safety team.
Pre‐Job Meeting / PEP talks:
The Pre‐Job Meeting is meant for consultation before activities start. A part of the meeting is a review
to make detail appointment for specific plan on location directed to Health and Safety matters and
actual deviation of the normal situation. At this meeting the “pre‐job checklist” shall be handed over
and worked out with all persons involved.
• This is to be conducted at once in week by respective EHS coordinators of contractors/Sub‐
• These are meant for developing safety awareness and to remind the various safety measures
and rules to be followed by the working group
• During the talk the safety precautions for various activities and general EHS rules would be
• Ensure active participation, interaction of workmen and encourage them to share their similar
experiences of other sites
• The records of Pep talks are to be maintained and a copy of the same is to be sent to Project –
EHS coordinator
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Tool Box Meeting:
Toolbox meetings are CBRE’s internal matter. With this kind of consultation, executing employees will
be informed about the actual work. This information can be appointments, instructions, which are the
result of above‐mentioned meetings. A toolbox meeting is a medium to inform executing employees.
• The meetings will be organized by Contractors/Sub‐contractors at their respective work
locations daily .
• The meeting would be held with the concerned staff /workmen involved in the specific job. In
the meeting the safety measures and the procedures to be adopted would be conveyed to all
concerned after discussing/assessing associated risks prevailed in the work activity.
• The meeting would be held on need basis and conducted by Site Engineer/Foremen/EHS
coordinator as and when changes of procedure/machinery and for new teams.
• The records of Tool Boxes are to be maintained and a copy of the same is to be sent to Project
–EHS coordinator
Progress Meeting:
• The progress meeting is meant for the daily / weekly consultation between the client and the
main contractor
• EHS part in this meeting, should be a fixed item on the agenda and following discussed.
• Measures as a result of finding from risk analysis, which are related to interaction between
different disciplines.
• Findings as a result of inspection observation on incident.
• Explanation on procedures, instruction and special measures.
Arrangement shall be made for Safety and Health monitoring of the site on a regular basis. For
example a few of this shall include ensuring safety of scaffoldings, excavations, plant, equipment
matters such as hazardous dusts, fumes, noise etc. Project Manager shall ensure periodical inspection
by visiting the site along with Safety Manager / Officer and Engineers.
CBRE shall ensure that all state notifications, examination and inspections are carried out. Except for
plant used exclusively by individual contractor, all record shall be kept and updated by Project
As prescribed by the Building construction act, 1996 a site safety committee has to be constituted. The
Committee shall comprise of client representatives, project management representatives and equally
represented by contractors. The Project Manager shall totally be responsible for compliance with this
EHS plan and code. CBRE shall appoint a EHS Manager/Officer and form a safety committee along with
operatives from sub‐contractors. Project Manager shall chair safety Committee and report once in a
month to Project Controller. The Project Manager shall take suitable measures to ensure the effective
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co‐ordination of the works from all contractors at site. He should ensure that he is kept informed on a
day‐to‐day basis of progress and problems. Clear line of communication shall be set up between each
contractor and Safety Manager / Officer of CBRE. Operatives shall know to contact over safety, health
matters requiring action on a decision. Safety committee reports shall be submitted to Project
Controller in every project meeting.
• A Project EHS committee will be constituted for the project to discuss, review and resolve all
EHS matters of the project
• The project Manger/In charge would be the Chairman of the committee and Project EHS
coordinator would be Secretary of the committee.
• The Site In charges of contractors/Sub‐contractors and their safety coordinators would be the
members of committee
• The meeting would be held once in week/fortnight.
• In the meeting all EHS issues would be discussed and resolved for necessary measures. The
performance and effectiveness of EH&S Plan would be reviewed for achieving desired level of
• The minutes of meeting would be circulated to all concerned and to Regional EHS
CBRE and all contactors shall comply with client rules and procedures, National legislation codes etc.
Statutory Provisions
• The Factories Act 1948, Amendment Act 1947
• The Environment Act 1986
• Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1938
• Building and Other Construction Workers
• (Regulation of employment and condition of service) Act, 1996
• Buildings and Other Construction Workers Welfare Act, 1996
• Payment of wages Act, 1936
• Equal remuneration Act,
• Minimum wages Act.1948
• Employers liability Act, 1938
• Industrial dispute Act, 1947
• Maternity benefit Act, 1961
• Contractor labour Act, 1970
• (Regulation and abolition)
• Provident fund Act, 1952
• Payment of gratuity Act, 1972
• Indian Explosives Act and the explosives Rules.
• The Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981
• Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules.
• The Indian Electricity Act 1910 and Indian Electricity Rules 1956
• The Atomic Energy Act,
• The Radiation Protection Rules.
• National Building Code etc.
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Indian Standard (IS) Codes related to E&HS
The main contractor and all sub‐contractors are to comply with client specific riles
and procedures, the National legislations and codes in particular the following:
IS: 4081 ‐1986 Safety code for Blasting and Related Drilling operations
IS: 3764 ‐1992 Safety code for excavation work
IS: 5121 ‐1969 Safety code for pilling and other deep foundations
IS: 2750 ‐1964 Specification for steel scaffoldings
IS: 3696 Safety code for scaffolds and Ladders: Part‐ I Scaffolds
IS: 3696 Safety code for scaffolds and Ladders: Part –II Ladders
(Part‐II) ‐1991
IS: 4082 ‐1977 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials at site (First
IS: 4130‐1976 Safety code for demolition of building (First revision)
IS: 4912‐1978 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards
(First revision)
IS: 5916‐ 1970 Safety code for constructions involving use of hot bituminous materials
IS: 7205 ‐1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel work
IS: 7969 ‐1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
IS: 8989 ‐1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
IS: 7293 ‐1974 Safety code for working with construction machinery
IS: 2212 ‐1991 Pipe lines –Identification –Colour code
IS: 5216 ‐1982 Recommendations on safety procedures &practices in Electrical works
(Part ‐I &II)
IS: 875 ‐1964 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings and loading standards
IS: 10386 ‐1983 General aspects Part‐1 ‐1983, Part‐2 ‐1982, Part‐6 ‐1983, Part‐10 ‐1983‐ Amenities,
Protective clothing and equipment, construction, storage, handling, detection and
Safety measures for gases, chemicals and flammable liquids
IS: 10500‐1991 Drinking water (Specification)
IS: 10291 ‐1982 Code of dress in civil engineering works
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IS: 2925‐1984 Safety helmets
IS: 1179‐1967 Welding helmets
IS: 7524 ‐1979 Safety goggles
IS: 9167 ‐1979 Ear muff /Ear plugs
IS: 6994 ‐1973 Canvas hand gloves, Cotton hand gloves, Chrome leather gloves
IS: 4770 ‐1991 Rubber hand gloves tested for 15,000 volts
IS: 3521 ‐1999 Full body safety harness
IS: 11057 ‐1984 Specification for Industrial safety nets
IS: 13415 ‐1992 Protective Barriers in & around buildings (Code of safety)
IS: 13416 ‐1992 Preventive measures against Hazards at work places‐Recommendations part‐I
Falling materials hazards Prevention part‐I
IS: 13416 ‐1992 Preventive measures against Hazards at work places‐Recommendations part‐II Fall
IS: 5914 ‐1970 Safety shoes
IS: 12254 ‐1993 Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) industrial boots
IS: 5557:2004 Industrial and Protective Rubber knee and Ankle boots
IS: 2878 ‐2004 Co2 Type fire extinguisher
IS: 2171 ‐1999 Dry chemical powder fire extinguisher
IS: 13849 – 1993 Fire extinguisher for ABC fires
IS: 10204‐2001 Mechanical Foam type extinguisher (Foam used shall conform to IS: 4989 ‐1974
and Co2 cartridge shall conform to IS: 4947 ‐1985)
IS: 3786 ‐1983 Methods for computation of Frequency rate and Severity rates for Industrial
injuries and classification of Industrial accidents (First revision)
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1. Under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)Act,1948
a) Obtain a Licence under the Act (Apply in Form ‐IV along with a certificate from in Form‐ V) +
Requisite fee and security deposit. A licence to be obtained by the contractor for each and every
establishment and also for each and every establishment and also for the branch offices of the
same establishment, in case if the branch officers are in more than one address.
Applicable only if employed 20 or more (per branch of) the company. Yes/No
b) Ensure that the licence is renewed at least 60 days before expiry of licence. Yes/No
The following Registers/Returns to be maintained and submitted for verification:
1 Combined Registers in Form‐ T Yes/No
2 Wage slips in Form‐ XIX Yes/No
3 Issue of employment card in Form‐XIV Yes/No
4 Send a Notice of commencement /completion of contract work in Form‐VIA Yes/No
5 Whether the half‐yearly return in Form‐XXIV is being sent every half year? Yes/No
6 Whether the leave card (in Form‐H) has been issued to the employees Yes/No
7 Whether leave with wages register in Form‐F has been maintained for those Yes/No
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2. Under Payment of Bonus Act‐Produce the following for verification
1 Bonus has to be paid to all the employees whoever has completed at least Yes/No
30 days of service with the contractor during a financial year.
2 Whether bonus is paid to all those deployed in the company in the presence Yes/No
of company’s representative
3 Whether Bonus register in Form A&B is maintained? Yes/No
4 Whether C register under Bonus Act is maintained for the those deployed in Yes/No
the company?
5 Annual return in Form –D has to be sent with in a month of paying Bonus to Yes/No
6 Whether copies of C register & annual return Form –D has been submitted Yes/No
for verification?
3. Under Employees State Insurance Act,1948
1 Whether all the coverable employee deployed in the company are covered Yes/No
under ESI?
2 Whether ESI card has been obtained for all the coverable employees? Yes/No
3 Whether ESI challans have realized before 21 st of every month? Yes/No
4 Whether Form‐6 –Half‐yearly return has been submitted in time Yes/No
(12 th May/ 11 th Nov)
5 Whether ESI challan copies are given every month? Yes/No
6 Whether the total gross wages shown in the salary register is 60% of the Yes/No
total billing last month if the services are only labour oriented?
7 Whether the total gross wages shown in the salary register is 25% of the Yes/No
total billing if the services are both labour &material?
4. Under Employees Provident Fund Act
A Whether PF number has been allotted to all those deployed in the Yes/No
B Whether PF challans have realized before 15 th of every month? Yes/No
C Whether monthly returns in Form‐5,10 &12 A are filled before 25 th of Yes/No
every month?
D Whether PF annual returns were filed by on 30 th April of every year? Yes/No
E Whether PF slips in Form ‐23 are issued to all the employees till the last Yes/No
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5 Labour Welfare Fund has been paid to all those deployed in the company? Yes/No
6 Minimum wages to be paid to all the employees Yes/No
7 Leave with wages to be extended to all the employees deployed ( AL‐15,CL‐ Yes/No
8 National &Festival holidays to be given to all those contract employees(Total Yes/No
10 days which includes 5 National holidays & 5 Festival holidays)
9 In case if the employees are required to work during National/Festival
holidays, they shall be paid in double for those days(or)shall be given
another compensatory holiday.
10 Leave with wages /NFH/Overtime/ etc to be mentioned in the Yes/No
Muster roll
11 Over time register has to be duly filled up as and when a employee works Yes/No
more than 8 hours of work. They should be paid double the wages
12 Over time has to be mentioned on the salary register and ESI must be paid
on the same. This would enable the contractor employee to get ESI benefits
such as ESI leave /Maternity leave and also pension benefits in case of fatal
accidents Yes/No
13 The employees have to be issued Wage slips at least 24 hours before the Yes/No
disbursement of payment in respective companies
14 The salaries/Bonus/Overtime to be paid in the presence of the employer Yes/No
representative and the same shall be certified by the representative.
15 Whether employees are given weekly off on the 7 th day as per Law? Yes/No
16 Whether appointment orders are given to all employees (in form Q under Yes/No
S&E Act?)
17 Whether the employees work more than 10.5 hrs including the break shift Yes/No
timing in any day?
18 Please submit the following along with Xerox copy of the current month Yes/No
bills to the HR/Admin.department every month
A Attendance register Xerox copy of the current month it was billed Yes/No
B Salary register (duly authorised by representative) copy of the previous Yes/No
month of billing
C ESI challan of the previous month Yes/No
D EPF challan of the previous month Yes/No
E Profession tax challan of the previous month, if any body paid more than Yes/No
Rs 3000/‐ per month
F Half‐yearly return under the ESI Act along with the May & November Yes/No
month bills
G Half‐yearly return under the Contract Labor Act along with the Jan.& July Yes/No
month bill
H Annual return under the EPF Act along with the April month bill Yes/No
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I A copy of Bonus annual return in Form‐D submitted to the Labour
department on or before November every year. A copy of the same to be
given to the company
J Proof of sending Labour welfare fund return by the contractor‐ copy of
Form‐D Yes/No
• All the above mentioned documents must be self attested /certified by the authorised
The compliance of the Safety and Health provisions are utmost important to CBRE. The prospective
contractors shall take note of statutory requirements. CBRE will take a serious view of any non‐
compliance report of Safety committee and EHS Manager/Officer. Based on the safety committee
report or EHS Manager/Officer, CBRE has the right to order stoppage of work till rectification is carried
out to the satisfaction of the Safety committee and EHS Manager/Officer. All stoppage on this account
will be at the entire risk cost and consequence of the erring individuals/contractors.
Non‐compliance of Safety and Health and Environmental provisions will result in disciplinarian action.
First time ‐ Oral warning
Second time ‐ Written warning
Third time ‐ Monetary fine
Fourth time ‐ Removal from site
• Immediate removal from site by all violations wherein the offender brings himself or others in
direct life threatening situations are where he/she creates a large material loss.
• The contractor who regularly, repetitively violates the provisions will be removed from the
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Noise is defined as any unwanted sound produced while working with machines,
tools (air operated/fuel operated), vehicles etc.
Noise is measured with ‘Sound Level Meter’ and the unit of noise measurement is ‘decibels’ (dB)
Permissible Exposure Limit Value (PEL) for continuous Noise exposure:
(As per Building and other Construction workers Act, 1996 and Rules made there under Schedule VI)
Average sound pressure level dB(A) Maximum exposure
90 8 hours
92 6hours
95 4 hours
97 3 hours
100 2 hours
105 1 hour
110 30 minutes
115 15 minutes
Recommended measures to control noise:
a) Enclosure of machinery using plywood boarding or steel sheets
b) By substitution of quieter machinery and equipment
c) Reducing noise at source e.g. Using bearings, Lubrication etc
d) Staggering the work to lean parts of the day i.e. when workmen are minimum
e) Regular and effective maintenance of plant and machinery.
f) Ultimately, using ear muffs and ear plugs.
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12.2‐Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
CBRE shall inform risks and dangers in handling chemicals and hazardous substances brought on the
site. MSDS shall be made available by OEM/contractor to the EHS department.
12.3‐Waste Disposal:
Arrangements for proper collection and disposal of wastes such as food drop outs, combustible and
other miscellaneous debris is to be made by respective company /contractors at their work area.
Disposal of such wastes at periodical intervals are to be ensured.
12.4‐ House‐Keeping:
• General house‐keeping in working places.
• Regular collection and disposal of waste/trash.
• Pathways/Walkways shall be clear as far as possible.
• Adequate illumination provided.
• All sanitary facilities shall be maintained and cleaned.
• Water leakages and over flows shall be contained.
• The contractor shall at all time keep his work site, site office and surroundings clean and tidy
from rubbish, scrap, surplus materials and unwanted tools and equipment.
• Welding and other electrical cables shall be so routed as to allow safe traffic by all concerned.
• No materials on any of the sites of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or the public.
• At the completion of the work, the contractor shall ensure removal from the work premises all
scaffoldings, surplus materials, rubbish and all huts and sanitary arrangements used/installed
for workmen on the site.
• The contractor shall at all time keep his work site, site office and surroundings clean and tidy
from rubbish, scrap, surplus materials and unwanted tools and equipment.
• Welding and other electrical cables shall be so routed as to allow safe traffic by all concerned.
12.5‐Public Protection
The contractor shall make all necessary provisions to protect the public. He shall be held responsible
for defense of every action of other proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury
sustained owing to neglect of any precaution required to be taken to protect the public.
13.1 First‐Aid
Trained First‐Aid person
Main contractor shall provide appropriate number of suitable trained persons in the circumstances for
rendering First‐aid to their people if they are injured or become ill at work. Provisions for medical care
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are made available for every employee covered by the regulation. Near by dispensary, clinic/hospital
in the proximity to the work site is provident.
Emergency Vehicle for transportation of injured persons to a physician or Hospital shall be provided.
In order to ensure first aid to the personnel in case of injury or suffering the first Aid kits are made
available at designated locations
It should be ensured by the all concerned In charges that the trained First Aider is always available at
their respective work area to care of first aid in case of any injury to the employees
o Electrocution – Switch off the mains/detach using non conductive material like wooden stick/
rubber material if the victim is still struck to the electrical source.
o Fire – Extinguish the fire with the help fire extinguisher available nearby.
o Fall ‐ Make the victim comfortable; raise his legs to keep the blood circulation to head.
o Chemical Injury – Use lots of water to wash off.
o Take the help of first Aiders available at site
o Maintain silence and arrange to send the victim to the hospital for further treatment.
First‐Aid Kit
Regardless of the number of people, first‐aid center shall be provided on site by main contractor.
Every trained first‐aider has easy access to first‐aid equipment and provision made for every person to
have reasonably rapid access to first‐aid. First‐aid kit is checked regularly and contains sufficient
quantity of suitable first‐aid materials.
First‐aid Centre
Suitably staffed and equipped first‐aid center shall be organized near the area of work. The first‐aid
centre shall be under the charge of an occupationally trained first‐aider.
Readily available trained first‐aider shall render first‐aid. First aid center shall be suitably illuminated,
ventilated and cleaned regularly.
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13.2Contents of a Firstaid box
(As per The Building & Contractors, Act‐1996)
1) A sufficient number of eye‐wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable liquid clearly
indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible at all times.
2) 4% xylocaine eye drops, and boric acid eye drops and soda bicarbonate eye drops.
3) 24 – Small sterilized dressings.
4) 12 – Medium size sterilized dressings.
5) 12 – Large size sterilized dressings.
6) 12 – Large size sterilized burn dressings.
7) 12 – (Fifteen cms) packets of sterilized cotton wool.
8) (200 ml) bottle of centrimide solution (1%) or suitable antiseptic solution.
9) One (200 ml) bottle of Mercurochrome solution (2%) solution in water.
10) One (120 ml) bottle of salvolatile having the doses and mode of administration indicated on
the label.
11) One pair of Scissors.
12) One roll of adhesive plaster (6 cm x 1metre).
13) Two rolls of adhesive plaster (2 cm x1 metre).
14) 12 pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.
15) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 325 mg) of aspirin or any other analgesic.
16) 12 – roller bandages 10 cms wide.
17) 12 – Roller bandages of 5 cms wide.
18) One tourniquet.
19) A supply of suitable splints.
20) 3 packets of safety pins.
21) Kidney tray.
22) A snake bite lancet.
23) One (30 ml) bottle containing potassium permanganate crystals.
24) Copy of First‐aid leaflet issued by Director General.
25) 6 – Triangular bandages.
26) 2 pairs of suitable, sterilized, latex hand gloves.
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13.3‐Drinking Water
In every work place, sufficient amount of potable drinking water shall be provided.
No drinking water supply points shall be situated within 6 meters of any washing place, urinal or
13.4 Latrines and Urinals
Latrines and Urinals shall be provided at the work places. Shall be under a cover and portioned off as
to secure privacy and shall have proper doors and fastenings.
Clear notices in regional languages / English shall be displayed to understand “For Men only” and “For
Women only” as the case may be.
These latrines and urinals shall be adequately illuminated and shall be maintained in a clean and
sanitary condition.
13.5‐Anti‐Malarial Precaution
CBRE shall conform to all anti‐malarial instructions given to by client including the filling up of any
narrow pits which might have been dug by Safety.
14. Safety
Excavation is the essential element of the construction process for making foundations, drainage work
and site re‐grading of all kinds.
In carrying out excavations the soil condition can vary widely, often in short distances. No soil
whatever its nature can be relied upon to support its own weight for any length of time. Even a small
fall of earth is capable of inflicting serious injury even if it does not kill. Unless and until the excavation
is battered, the sides need supporting to prevent the possibility of collapse.
The following safety measures are to be ensured before and during excavation.
• Check for underground utilities like electrical / telephone cables, sewage, water lines and
proper care has to be exercised to protect and prevent damage to it
• Proper and adequate slope is maintained while excavating
• Adequate shoring or sheeting is done wherever require to prevent soil sliding
• Safe access through ladder or steps for exit & entry to excavation
• No material /excavated soil is kept within one meter from the edge
• Safe way is planned and provided for movement of HEM /transport equipment near
• Safety helmet and shoes/gum boots are provided and worn by the workmen at excavation
• Barricading is provided at excavated pits
• Danger signs /Caution boards are displayed at work spot
• Dewatering arrangement is made where water seepage is prevailed.
• Stop blocks are provided to avoid vehicles reversing into the excavated trenches
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It is the first and foremost activity of construction where load bearing capacity of soil is inadequate for
foundation. The working condition of piling rig and other associated tackles is a significant
contributing factor for prevention of equipment failure during operation.
Ensure the following precautionary measures before starting piling works
• Inspection of piling equipment by responsible person for its condition before initiating piling
• Testing and its certification wire ropes, slings, D‐shackles , chain pulley blocks using in the
process of piling work by competent person
• Adequate support and secured foundation of the piling equipment to avoid toppling
• Hoses should be lashed and adequately secured
• Proper work platform is to be provided on piling frame
• Safe work procedures and close supervision to prevent unsafe acts of operators/any unsafe
conditions that may arise
• Only experienced and trained operators are engaged for the piling operation
• Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like safety shoes/gumshoes/safety
helmet/safety belt etc and its use by their workmen.
• Special care and precautions If work is near electrical live cables/ electrical equipments
• Cordoning of work area to prevent un authorized entry
• Guarding of revolving parts
• Specific measures to prevent over turning of pile driver/missing of hammer/ hammer
movement out of range
14.3‐Mobile Plant
Mobile plant including tractors, trailers, dumpers, excavators, bulldozers, road rollers etc. for
earthmoving purpose, concrete mixers, concrete transit mixtures, concrete pumps etc for concreting
purpose are extensively used in construction Industry. Due to the very nature of their function and
movement in difficult terrains, congested areas, working in tandem with manual work and other
operations the danger is inherent.
Many potentially hazardous situations and accidents could be avoided by the application of known
safety principles and procedures
Safety measures:
1. Where movement around site is involved , routes should be planned, obstruction free and well
2. Observe specified speed limits
3. Operating personnel should be aware of associated risks and its preventive measures
4. Only experienced, trained and authorized persons with valid license (wherever applicable )
should operate the mobile equipments/vehicles
5. Provide and use Warning lights and reverse horn for cautioning the people around
6. Operation should be on level and stable ground with adequate working clearance.
7. Loading of out riggers/stabilizers should be well within safe ground bearing capacity
8. No person should be on equipment or vehicle during loading and unloading of material
9. Operators should be protected by warning barriers or switching off power when working in
close proximity of over head power lines
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10. The equipment /vehicles should be well maintained and provided with effective brake system
and other safety devices (wherever require)
11. Rotating parts of equipment should be adequately guarded
12. Provide necessary personal protective appliances and ensure its use by the operating
personnel Ensure effective measures at source to control harmful emissions, dust, fumes
contaminating atmosphere and cause health hazards to the operators and people in the
13. No overloading/over stressing of vehicles/plant is allowed
14. Hoses, pipes, and receivers gauges and valves involved in carrying out hydraulic fluid/
compressed air should be checked for leaks and tested prior to operation.
15. Adequate safe clearance for swing and movement is to be judged during operation
16. Concrete mixture :
17. Setting of machine on firm and level ground with wheel locked to prevent movement of
18. Proper instructions and Special precautions are to be ensured to prevent entry in to the
danger zone of projectile of bucket while dropping bucket
19. Operator leaving work spot should ensure that the equipment/vehicle is kept in neutral
position and place on firm and level ground.
20. The hand brake should be kept in position and block road wheels as additional safety measure
21. Blades/buckets should be kept low while moving
22. The dozer blades should not be used as brakes except in emergency
23. The ground should be examined for its bearing capacity and general safety especially when
operating road roller at the edges of slopes, embankments.
24. The roller should not be moved down hill with the engine out of gear
25. If operating near excavations the following precautionary measures are to be ensured
26. Barricading, edge protection to prevent fall of persons/vehicles over running while reversing
27. Suitable support system and adequate allowance to avoid the danger of side collapsing
28. Experienced signaler /attendant should be always accompanied with operator/driver for
proper direction /signal and also to caution others in the working Zone during operation of
mobile plant
14.4‐Concrete Vibrators
• Revolving parts/belt drives should be adequately guarded and Vibrating unit shall be completely
• Electrically operated compact Vibrators is of completely enclosed type having suitable overload
relays and effectively earthed
• Ensure sufficient length of cable to the Vibrator.
• Ensure electric starters and other accessories are firmly fixed adequately supported
• Ensure locking of needle load while inserting needle in to the vibrator,
• Ensure periodical lubrication and maintenance
14.5‐Concrete mixture
• Setting of machine on firm and level ground with wheel locked to prevent movement of
• Proper instructions and Special precautions are to be ensured to prevent entry in to the
danger zone of projectile of bucket while dropping bucket
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Safety during material TRANSPORTATION
• Consider weight, dimension, capacity of the carrier, center of gravity of load, clearance required etc
while loading material for transporting
• Load is adequately packed and lashed before transportation.
• The vehicle /trailers are in good working condition especially the brakes/lights, Horns and other warning
• No overloading /projecting of material above the height of side panel or beyond the side panels. (May
be allowed maximum projection of 1 to 1.5 mts at the back of deck. Display of red caution flag or red
lamp in the nights on the projected end.
• Observe prescribed speed limits and road safety rules for railway level crossing/turnings, overtaking etc..
• No get in and down from a moving vehicle.
• No person should sit near or over the load and on side panels/top of driver’s cabin.
• Ensure survey of route, If materials are transported in wagons/trailers, preventing possible fouling
with any fixed structure/object/Overhead electrical Cable /another wagon etc.
• In case of transporting hazardous nature of materials like petroleum products/chemicals and
compressed gas cylinders the prescribed safety measures are taken as per the relevant Acts.
• Vehicle should be operated by only authorized driver having valid driving license and the vehicle
should be provided with RC and other relevant prescribed certificates and insurance coverage
14.6‐Hoist, Cranes
• Manufacturer’s recommendations on operating conditions shall be followed.
• Rated load capacities, operating speeds shall be followed
• Lifting studies shall be made in concurrence with client if the load is more than 10 tones.
• Standard hand signals shall be followed.
• Accessible areas within the swing of rotating superstructure of crane shall be cordoned off.
• For tower crane, adequate clearance shall be maintained between the moving and rotating
structures, fixed objects.
• Employees require to perform duties on horizontal booms of tower crane shall be protected
against falling by guard rails or fall protection.
• Safe Working Load (SWL) for tower crane shall be conspicuously displayed on each side.
• Only trained and authorized operator shall operate the tower crane.
14.7‐Motor Vehicles
• Control of all traffic on the site and movement of materials, parking shall be planned and
executed according to space availability.
• Motor equipment left unattended at night near areas where work is in progress shall have
appropriate light, reflectors or barricades to identify the equipment.
• JCB’s scrapper blades or similar equipment shall be either fully lowered or blocked while being
repaired or when it is not in use.
• All controls shall be in neutral position and motor stopped and brake set.
• Other standard accessories of vehicles, equipments such as seat belts, rear view mirrors and
safety latches and operating levers shall be in accordance with standard vehicle codes and
state‐inspected where appropriate.
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Trucks used on site, traffic procedures shall be taken care of. A reasonably smooth traffic surface shall
be provided. If practicable a loop road shall be provided to permit continuous operation of vehicles to
eliminate their backing. Backing operation shall be controlled by a banks man positioned so as to have
a clear view of the area behind the truck. Movement of workmen and plant shall be routed to avoid
crossings as much as possible.
The contractor shall organize operations by taking approval to use the existing roads, if any, from
The contractor shall exercise full care to ensure that no damage is caused by him or workmen, during
the operation, to the existing water supply, sewerage, power or telecommunication lines or any other
services or works. The contractor shall provide and erect before construction, substantial barricades,
guardrails, and warning signs. He shall furnish, place and maintain adequate warning lights, signage’s,
etc., as required by Project Managers.
14.10‐Fire Prevention
• Electrical wiring equipment for heating, height on power shall be installed in compliance
with statutory requirements.
• Internal combustion engine powered equipment shall be located with exhaust well away
from combustible materials.
• Smoking is prohibited on the site.
• No smoking signboards shall be posted consciously at appropriate locations
• Storage areas shall be free from accumulation of unnecessary combustible materials.
• Sufficient number of fire extinguishers shall be installed at all temporary buildings and
• All flammable liquids, gas cylinders and other inflammable materials stored properly and
• Flame cutting and welding take hot work permit.
Preventing the spread of fire:
• Waste accumulation in hoist shafts etc will be regularly removed.
• Separate metal containers for oil rags, paint rags, paint scrapings, waste flammable liquids,
wood warnings and off‐cuts provided.
• All wastes will be regularly cleaned /cleared.
Means of Escape:
• All gangways, stairs, platforms shall be free from obstructions.
• Everyone on the site shall be trained and shown the way how to escape safely in an
emergency (Emergency drills/Exercise shall be conducted periodically).
Fire Fighting:
• All fire extinguishers are checked regularly and recharged.
• Fire extinguishers shall be provided at vintage points for easy accessibility.
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• Fire fighting training shall be imparted to staff and literate contractors.
Class of Fire Suitable Type of Appliances
Chemical extinguishers of Soda – acid Gas /
A ‐ Fires in ordinary combustible (wood, vegetable
expelled water and anti – freeze types, and
fibers, paper and the like)
water buckets.
Chemical extinguishers of foam, carbon dioxide
B – Fires in flammable liquids, paints, grease, and dry powder
solvents and the like.
Types, and water buckets.
Chemical extinguishers of Dry powder &
C‐ Fires in gaseous substances under pressure
Carbon‐dioxide types
Special type of dry powder extinguishers and
D‐ Fires in reactive chemicals, Active metals etc.
sand buckets
Chemical Extinguishers of Carbon Dioxide & Dry
E‐ Fires in Electrical Equipments
Chemical Powder Sand buckets
Work activities situated above 2.5 meters from ground floor:
Precaution shall be taken to avoid from falling down. For work above 2.5 meters from ground floor
level proper scaffolding/staging shall be erected.
Use of Ladders:
• Ladder shall be fixed near the top if practicable or near the bottom and secured.
• Ladder shall be placed on a firm level base.
• Ladder shall be intermediately secured to prevent swaying and sagging.
• While working on ladder above 2.5 meters, fall protection shall be used.
• Ladders shall extend at least 1.05 meters, above any landing place beyond the highest rung
from which a person shall work or have a nearby hand hold of equivalent height.
• Ladders shall be placed so that there is space behind each rung for proper foot hold (No rung
shall coincide with scaffold/staging tubes).
14.12‐Scaffolding / Staging
Work activities above 2.5 Meters from ground floor level:
• Proper scaffolding/staging shall be erected for works above 2.5 mts .high above the floor level.
• Ladder properly secured shall be used.
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Supervision of work and inspection of material:
• Scaffolding/Staging shall be erected, altered or dismantled only under a competent supervisor
as far as possible.
• All scaffolding/staging materials shall be inspected before use.
• All inspected scaffolding/staging shall bear a sign “Ready for Use”.
Material and construction:
• Sufficient sound material shall be provided for a scaffold/staging strong enough for the job.
• Scaffolding/staging tubes and fittings shall not be bent, distorted and unduly rusted.
Defective Material:
• Scaffolding/Staging tubes, couplers, fittings bent or unduly rusted or distorted shall be
• All scaffolding/staging components shall be properly stored when not in use and kept
separately from other building materials.
Maintenance of Scaffolding/Staging:
• Scaffolding/Staging shall be kept in good condition and every effort made to prevent the
accidental displacement of any parts.
Partly erected or dismantled scaffolding/Staging:
• If any scaffolding/staging is partly erected or partly dismantled and is still capable of being
used to some extent, shall have a warning notice fixed and all access blocked/barred at the
point beyond which it cannot be safely used.
Mobile Scaffolding/Staging:
• Shall be stable, weighted at the base.
• Used only on flat and leveled surface.
• Have the wheels locked to prevent movement while in use.
• Pushed/Pulled only at the base when moved.
14.13‐Form Work
• Formwork shall be designed taking into considering spans, settling temperatures of concrete,
dead load and working load supported by safety factor for the material used.
• All timber formwork shall be carefully inspected before use and member having cracks,
excessive knots shall be discarded.
• Vertical supports shall be adequately braced or secured not to allow falling.
• All centering works shall be finally inspected for its soundness.
14.14‐Concrete Construction
Handling of Plant:
• All gears, chains and roller of mixer shall be properly guarded.
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• Railings shall be provided on the ground to prevent any one walking under the skip while it is
being lowered.
• All cables, clamps, hooks, wire ropes, gears, clutches etc. of mixer, shall be checked, cleaned,
oiled, greased and services once in a week.
• While cleaning the inside of drums and operating power shall be de‐energized, locked off and
fuses removed. A suitable notice shall be hung at the place.
• Barricades shall be erected, maintained required in connection with concerned Engineers in
order to protect people at hoisting areas.
• Contractors Supervisors shall become acquainted with Project Manager and EHS
Manager/Officer and barricading practices and shall respect the provisions there of.
Guarding of Floor Openings:
• Floor openings shall have railings or constantly attended by supervisors, appointed by
contractor/concerned site Engineer.
• Floor opening covers of adequate strength shall be in place. When the cover is not in place,
the floor opening shall be constantly attended by someone or shall be protected by a
reasonable railing.
• A railing shall guard every floor hole into which a person can accidentally fall.
• Every ladder way, floor opening or platform shall be guarded by guard railing on all exposed
• Every open sided floor or platform level shall be guarded by120 Cms high railings. All open
sides where there is entrance to ramp, stairway shall be provided with fixed ladder. The railing
shall be provided beneath the open sides wherever.
Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of the work:
• All roads and open area adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected.
Appropriate warning signs shall be displayed for cautioning approaching persons.
• Before demolition operations begin, the contractor shall ensure that the power on all electric
service lines is shut off and the lines cut or disconnected at or outside the demolition site. If it
is necessary to maintain electric power during demolition operation, the required service lines
shall be adequately protected against damage. Persons handling heavy materials/equipment
shall wear safety shoes.
• No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be overloaded with debris or materials as to
render it unsafe.
• Entries to the demolition area shall be restricted to authorized persons only.
The Contractor shall not employ women on the work of painting with products containing lead in any
form. Only men above the age of 18 years shall be employed on the work with lead paint. The
following precautions shall be taken during the work:
• Supply air respirators for use by the workers when paint is applied in the form of spray, or a
surface having lead paint is scraped.
• The workmen shall use overalls and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable the painters
to wash at the cessation of work.
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• All painting jobs, especially those in which lead paints are used shall be kept under industrial
hygiene surveillance.
Smoking, open flames or sources of ignition shall not be allowed in places where paints and other
flammable substances are stored, mixed or used. A caution board, with the instructions written in
national/regional language, “SMOKING‐STRICTLY PROHIBITED” shall be displayed in the vicinity where
painting is in progress or where paints are stored. Symbols shall also be used for caution boards.
Suitable fire extinguishers/sand buckets shall be kept available at places where flammable paints are
stored, handled or used.
When painting work is done in a closed room or in a confined space, adequate ventilation shall be
provided. If adequate ventilation cannot be provided, workers shall wear suitable respirators.
Epoxy resins and their formulations used for painting shall not be allowed to come in contact with the
skin. The workers shall use plastic gloves or suitable barrier creams.
Adequate ventilation shall be provided especially when working with hot resin mixes.
Increased personal hygiene shall be practiced to control inadvertent contact with the resin and
eliminate its effects.
Workers shall thoroughly wash hands and feet before leaving the work. Work clothes shall be
changed and laundered frequently.
14.18‐Welding And Gas Cutting
• Welding and gas cutting operations shall be done by qualified and authorized persons and as
per IS specifications and code of practice.
• Welding and gas cutting shall not be carried out in places where flammable or combustible
materials are kept and where there is danger of explosion due to presence of gaseous
• Welding and gas cutting equipment including hoses and cables shall be maintained in good
• Barriers shall be erected to protect other persons from harmful rays from the work. When
welding or gas cutting is done in elevated positions, precautions shall be taken to prevent
sparks or hot metal falling on persons or flammable materials.
• Suitable type of protective clothing consisting of fire resistant gauntlet gloves, leggings, boots
and aprons shall be provided to workers as protection from heat and hot metal splashes.
Welding shields with filter glasses of appropriate shade shall be worn as face protection.
• Adequate ventilation shall be provided while welding in confined space or while brazing,
cutting or welding zinc, brass, bronze, galvanized or lead coated materials.
• Welding and gas cutting shall not be done on drums, barrels, tanks or other containers unless
they have been emptied, cleaned thoroughly and it is made certain that no flammable
material is present.
• Fire extinguisher shall be available near the location of welding operations. Fire safety permit
shall be obtained for working at vulnerable areas and operating areas before flame
cutting/welding is taken up.
• For electric (Arc) welding the following additional safety precautions shall be taken:
1. When electrical welding is undertaken near pipelines carrying flammables, such
pipelines shall not be used as part of earth conductor, but a separate earth conductor
shall be connected to the machine directly from the job.
2. Personnel contact with the electrode or other live parts of electric welding equipment
shall be avoided.
3. Extreme caution shall be exercised to prevent accidental contact of electrodes with
4. The welding cable shall not be allowed to get entangled with power cables. It shall be
ensured that movement of materials does not damage the cables.
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• All portable grinders shall be used only with their wheel guards in position to reduce the
danger from flying fragments should the wheel break during the use.
• Grinding wheels of specified diameter only shall be used on a grinder ‐portable or pedestal
in order not to exceed the prescribed peripheral speed.
• Goggles shall be used during grinding operation.
14.20‐Work In Radiation Area
The contractor shall follow the stipulated procedure regarding work in the radiation are and other
works related with radiography.
14.21‐Work In and Around Water Bodies
When the work is done near any places where there is risk of drowning, all necessary rescue
equipment such a life buoys and life jackets shall be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary
steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provision shall be made for
prompt first‐aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work. Persons
who do not know swimming shall not be engaged alone for any work where risk of drowning exists.
Sufficient number of life buoys or life jackets shall be provided.
14.22‐Guidelines and General Procedures for Use of Electricity At Site
Following safety requirements shall be complied with before the contractor uses the power supply.
• The contractor shall submit a list of licensed electrical staff to be posted at Site.
• It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to provide and maintain complete installation on
the load side of the supply point with regard to the safety requirements at Site. All cabling and
installation shall comply with the appropriate latest statutory requirements given below and
shall be subject to approval of the Engineer‐in‐Charge:
o Indian Electricity Act.
o Electricity (Supply) Act.
o Indian Electricity Rules.
o National Electricity Code.
o Other relevant rules of Local Bodies and Electricity Boards.
The power supply shall be regulated as per the terms and conditions of the supply of the respective
electricity boards.
• Where distribution boards are located at different places the contractor shall submit
schematic drawing indicating all details like size of wires, Over head and Cable feeders,
earthing etc. The position and location of all equipment and switches shall be given.
• The contractor shall make his own arrangement for main earth electrode and tapings thereof.
The existing earth points available at site can be used at the discretion of Client with prior
permission. Method of earthing, installation and earth testing results shall conform to
relevant I.S. Specifications (IS‐3043).
• All three phases’ equipment shall be provided with double earthing. All light fixtures and
portable equipment shall be effectively earthed to main earthing.
• All earth terminals shall be visible. No gas pipes and water pipes shall be used for earth
connection. Neutral conductor shall not be treated as earth wire.
• The contractor shall not connect any additional load without prior permission of Client.
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• Joints in earthing conductors shall be avoided. Loop earthing of equipment shall not be
allowed. However, tapings from an earth bus may be done.
• The entire installation shall be subjected to the following tests before energisation of
installation including portable equipment: ‐
o Insulation resistance test.
o Polarity test of switches.
o Earth continuity test.
o Earth electrode resistance.
The test procedures and their results shall conform to relevant standards.
Electrical Shock:
Flow of electric current through human body is the cause of electrical shock. On receiving electrical
shock a person may be bodily injured being thrown away on the same level or due to fall from height
as he lose his balance when working at height. If electrical path is through heart, the accident can be
• Burns are caused by electrical flashes if a body part comes with in flashing distance of high
voltage current.
• Burns may be caused due to short circuit also.
• Short circuit may lead to electrical flashes causing burns
It is therefore important to adhere to all safety measures for prevention of Electrical hazards.
• Only authorized and qualified persons should undertake electrical repairs and other electrical
• Treat all circuits are live unless ensured after testing to be DEAD
• Use Standard switches sockets and other fittings of adequate rating required for the operation
• Use double insulated 3 core cables and ensures cables are free from insulation failure
• All electrical supply is controlled through circuit breakers and the same is periodically checked
by competent person for its effective operation.
• Ensure all electrical appliances and Electrical portable tools are effectively earthed.
• Do not allow unsafe temporary connections, naked joints/wiring
• Don’t work on electrical equipments in wet environment /on wet floors
• Don’t over load electrical point/equipment
• Don’t crowd things near electrical mains /switches and keep access free from obstructions.
• Don’t make trail & errors and short cuts. Follow safe procedures
Following guidelines are provided for general observations: ‐
• Only persons having valid wireman’s license/competency certificate shall be employed for
carrying out electrical work and repair of electrical equipment, installation and maintenance at
site. A qualified licensed Supervisor shall supervise the job.
• Electrical equipment and installations shall be installed and maintained as to prevent danger
from contact with live conductors and to prevent fires originating from electrical causes like
short circuits, overheating etc. Installation shall not cause any hindrance to movement of men
and materials.
• Materials for all electrical equipment shall be selected with regard to working voltage, load
and working environment. Such equipment shall conform to the relevant standards.
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• The minimum clearance to be maintained for all overhead lines along roads and across roads
shall be as per the statutory requirements.
• Grounding conductor of wiring system shall be of copper or other corrosion‐resistant material.
An extra grounding connection shall be made in appliances/equipment where chances of
electric shock are high.
• Electric fuses and/or circuit breakers installed in equipment circuits for short circuit protection
shall be of proper rating. It is also recommended that high rupturing capacity (HRC) fuses are
used in all circuits. For load of 5 kW or more earth leakage circuit breaker shall be provided in
the circuits.
• Wherever cables or wires are laid on poles, a guard wire of adequate size shall be run along
the cables/wires and earthen effectively. Metallic poles as a general rule, shall be avoided and
if used shall be earthen individually. Anti climbing guards and danger notices shall be provided
on poles. Each equipment shall be an individual isolating switch.
• Wires and cables shall be properly supported and an approved method of fixing shall be
adopted. Loose hanging of wires and cables shall be avoided. Lighting and power circuits shall
be kept distinct and separate.
• Reinforcement rods or any metallic part of structure shall not be used for supporting wires and
cables, fixtures, equipment, earthing etc.
• All cables and wires shall be adequately protected mechanically against damages. In case the
cable is required to be laid under ground, it shall be adequately protected by covering the
same with bricks, Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) tile or any other approved means.
• Using suitable cable glands shall properly terminate all armored cables. Using cable
lugs/sockets shall connect multi‐stranded conductor cables. Cable lugs shall preferably be
crimped. They shall be of proper size and shall correspond to the current rating and size of the
cable. Twisted connections will not be allowed.
• All cable glands, armoring and sheathing of electric cable, metal circuits and their fittings,
metallic fittings and other non‐current carrying parts of electrical equipment and apparatus
shall be effectively grounded.
• All the Distribution Boards, Switch Fuse Units, Bus bar chambers, ducts, cubicles etc. shall have
MS enclosures and shall be dust, vermin and waterproof. The Distribution Boards, switches
etc. shall be so fixed that they shall be easily accessible. Changes shall be done only after the
approval of the Project Manager.
• The contractor shall provide proper enclosures/covers for protection of the entire
switchboard, equipment etc. against rain. Exposed live parts of all electrical circuits and
equipment shall be enclosed permanently. Crane trolley wires and other conductor which
cannot be completely insulated shall be placed such that they are inaccessible under normal
working conditions.
• Ironclad industrial type plug outlets are preferred for additional safety.
• Open type distribution boards shall be placed only in dry and ventilated rooms; they shall not
be placed in the vicinity of storage batteries or otherwise exposed to chemical fumes.
• Isolating switches shall be provided close to equipment for easy disconnection of electrical
equipment or conductors from the source of supply when repair or maintenance work has to
be done on them.
• In front of distribution boards a clear space of 90 cm shall be maintained in order to have easy
access during an emergency.
• Adequate working space shall be provided around electrical equipment, which requires
adjustment or examination during operation.
• As far as possible electrical switches shall be excluded from a place where there is danger of
explosion. All electrical equipment such as motors, switches and lighting fittings installed in
workroom where there is possibility of explosion hazard shall be explosion proof.
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• All connections to lighting fixtures, starters or other power supplies shall be provided with PVC
insulate, PVC sheathed twin/three/four core wires to have better mechanical protection for
preventing possible damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Taped joints shall not be
allowed and the connections may be made in looping system. Electric starter of motors,
Switches shall not be mounted on wooden boards. Only sheet steel mounting or iron
framework shall be used.
• All the lighting fixtures and lap holders shall be of good quality and in good condition. Badly
repaired or broken holders, etc. shall not be used.
• Only PVC insulated and PVC sheathed wires or armored PVC insulated and sheathed cables
shall be used for external power supply connections of temporary nature. Weatherproof
rubber wires shall not be used for any temporary power supply connections. Taped joints in
the wires shall not be used.
• The bulbs/lamps used for illumination and testing purpose shall have cover or guard to protect
them from accidental breakage. Only 24 V supply system shall be used for hand lamps etc.
while working inside metallic tanks or conducting vessels.
14.24‐Portable Electrical Equipment
• Portable electrical equipment shall be regularly examined, tested and maintained to ensure
that the equipment and its leads are in good order. Register shall be maintained for
inspection, recording the testing dates and results of the equipment.
• All portable appliances shall be provided with three‐core cable and three‐pin plug. The third
pin of the plug shall invariably be earthen. It shall be ensured that the metal part of the
equipment shall be effectively earthen.
• All connections to portable equipment or machines from the panel/distribution
board/extension board shall be taken using 3 core double insulated PVC flexible copper wires
in one length. No joints shall be allowed in this flexible wire. In case single length of wire is
not sufficient for a particular location then the supply can be tapped by providing another
extension board comprising of switch and socket.
• Flexible cables for portable lamps, tools and apparatus shall be regularly examined, tested
periodically and maintained to ensure safety.
15.1‐EHS Trainings:
15.1.2‐EHS induction:
It is mandatory to provide Induction training to each and every person working inside the project
irrespective of cadre and trade.
During induction training the project EHS rules and regulations would be highlighted and Dos and
Don’ts of EHS would be explained and made them understood the general risks and measures to be
taken by each and every one.
15.1.2‐.Periodical training programmes:
Specific training programmes for the following activities will also be organized to promote EHS
education for respective trades/ supervisors/ technicians
1. Safety in Welding and gas cutting operation
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2. Working at height (Staging/ladders 0E
3. Safety in operation of Power and hand tools
4. Fire hazards and control
5. First Aid
6. Electrical safety
7. Personal protective Equipment
All the above specific trainings would be organized and scheduled on an average one programme in
a month
15.2‐Hazard Identification & Control Measures
The Hazard identification is basic requirement for the Accident Prevention.
The techniques which are include Inspections, Audits and Risk assessment etc.
15.2.1‐EHS inspections:
The Site safety inspection during work by EHS Coordinator and also by project coordinators in the site
play a key role in eliminating unsafe conditions and unsafe acts/unsafe practices by the workmen. Any
EHS violations during inspection should be immediately brought to the notice of concerned site in
charge for immediate corrective measures to ensure safe working. Until and unless prevailed unsafe
condition or deviation is corrected the work activity should not be allowed to continue.
EHS inspection checks (General) is to be kept in mind during inspection for hazard identification is in
15.2.2‐EHS audits:
Apart from regular site inspection by EHS coordinator, periodical EHS Audit will be done by Regional
EHS Coordinator or Project EHS personnel to assess the EHS performance and to suggest for
The techniques applied for the safety inspection/Audit can be as follows.
‐ Select areas of greatest hazard or activity to audit
‐ Use toolbox talks to set objective / standards for the workforce
‐ Set a good personal example.
‐ Take time to watch an activity or situation.
‐ Concentrate on people.
‐ Look for unsafe acts, violation of safety rules or unsafe conditions.
‐ Recognize good as well as bad practices.
‐ Discuss with the workforce how the job could be done more safely
‐ Encourage them to identify hazards & to suggest improvements
‐ Ensure that all unsafe acts & conditions are discussed
‐ Honour the good safety practices.
Follow – up
‐ Check at random for repetition of safety violations
‐ Give formal written warnings for repeated violations by individuals
‐ Contractor / Subcontractors auditors are to report their findings on a weekly basis to
principal client together with action.
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15.2.3‐Risk assessment:
Risk Assessment is an ongoing activity throughout the life of the project. It is used in developing the
Safe Work Method Statement – SWMS (or also called Job Safety Analysis).
The SWMS requires the work method to be presented in a logical sequence. The hazards / dangers
associated with each process are to be identified and person who is responsible to take remedial
measures shall be specified for controlling these hazards.
Safe work method statements must include the following provisions as a minimum.
• The sequence of activities or work tasks to be carried out (ie. Job steps involved in doing the
• Identification & assessment of the risk arising from those activities or tasks in relation to the
site and any person likely to be affected by them (ie. Identify & assess potential hazards
associated with each job step).
• The way(s) in which the identified risks will be reduced to an acceptable level ie. The
controls that will be put in place to eliminate or minimize the potential hazards identified).
• The management system used to monitor compliance with the agreed safe system of work.
• The way in which the progress of the work will be reviewed for the purpose of EHS in order
that any necessary modifications and improvements to the system of work can be identified
and introduced.
15.3‐Safe Work Permits System:
A Work permit system is used to ensure safe working by eliminating possible associated high risks
such as blasting, excavation, working at height, hot works(welding, gas cutting),confined space
,working isolated areas ,electrical shock, chemical exposure, fire hazard during the process of work.
Safe work Permit is required to be obtained for the following works
1. Blasting works
2. Excavation
3. Hot work (welding and gas cutting operations) where the risk of fire is involved
4. Height work ( for the works above 2mts height )
5. Confined space
6. Electrical works (when working on over head line/ transformers or major electrical works )
7. Any Hazardous nature of job in isolated areas where high risk is prevailed
Work permit should be obtained before starting of the activity by the designated issuing authority of
the Project after inspection and ensuring recommended safety measures given by EHS Coordinators.
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Project: Date:
No. of the Blasting:
Location of the Blasting:
Name of the Licenced Blaster/Shot Fierier:
Name of the Contractor:
Starting time of drilling operation:
The precautions & safe conditions mentioned below have been verified and blast can be carried
out. People shall be evacuated from danger zone and warning sirens shall be blown before the blast.
PERMIT IS VALID from……………hrs to……… hrs
Name & Signature of issuing authority: ………..
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Blasting Check‐list:
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19 Record
a) Quantity of explosive brought from magazine
b) Quantity of explosive used
c) Quantity of explosive returned to magazine
20 Any Electrical /Telecom line or Cables near by?
If so, specify the distance & Voltage………
21 Whether the circuit has been checked
Specify the resistance ………..
I have checked the above points and found conditions suitable to undertake the blast.
Name & Signature of the Permittee:
Check points after blasting:
Name & Signature of Permitee:
Name & Signature of Issuing Authority:
Permit Closure:
Permit is closed on:
Date& Time:
Name & Signature of Issuing Authority:
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Permit No: Date:
Project Name:
Contractor’s name:
Sub‐contractors name:
Excavation details:
Proposed date and time:
Proposed date & time of completion:
Equipment and Tools used:
Excavation length …………….. in m
Excavation width ……………… in m
Excavation depth…………….. in m
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Safety precautions:
Checked by:
Contractor’s Safety Officer:
Name& Signature:
Permit is Re‐validated for a period of:
PMG Safety Officer:
Name & Signature:
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Permit no:
Job description:
To be carried out by:
Safety Precautions:
Name & Signature of permittee:
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Permission issued from ……….. hrs to ……….hrs
Name & Signature of issuing authority:
Permit closure:
This permit is closed on ………… hrs.
Name & Signature of permittee:
Name & Signature of issuing authority:
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Permit No: Date:
Nature of the job:
The area of work has been examined, precautions checked mentioned below have been taken to
prevent fire.
Safety precautions:
a) The technician must inspect the proposed precautions taken to prevent fire.
Electrical Isolations:
a) Electrical isolation required for equipments isolated.
b) Electrical cables covered.
General Precautions:
a) Fire extinguishers are in service.
b) Cutting and welding machines are in good condition.
c) Area technician notified.
Precautions near area of work:
a) Near by area swept clear of combustibles.
b) No combustible, flammable liquids are near by.
Fire watch:
a) To be provided during operation.
b) Supplied with fire extinguishers.
c) Trained in use of equipment for fire fighting.
I, have personally examined the area and certify, precautions have been taken for the above
mentioned area.
Name & Signature of the technician:
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Permission issued for this work from ……….hrs to …… hrs.
Permit expiry date:
Name & Signature of issuing authority:
Name &Signature of the permittee:
Permit Closure:
Date & Time ………….. this permit is closed.
Name & Signature of Permittee.
Name & Signature of issuing authority:
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(To prepare safe working practices related to working inside a confined space /
A. Permitee (The person taking the permit) to fill:
1. Location of the confined space:
2. Identity of the confined space:
3. Purpose of entering the confined space:
4. Date & Time:
5. Check‐list:
6. Tests required:
1) Oxygen level (19.5% to 23.5%)
2) Explosivity (0%)
3) Carbon monoxide level (50ppm max.)
4) Carbon di‐oxide level (1200 ppm max.)
5) Temperature
6) Air‐flow
7) Others
7. List of authorised persons to work inside the confined space& the rescue team.
(List to be enclosed)
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I have checked the above points and found the conditions are suitable to undertake the work.
Name & signature of the Permitee:
(Site Engineer)
A. Permit issuing authority(The person giving permit) to fill:
The safety precautions and safe conditions mentioned above have been verified and work
can be started.
Name & signature of Safety Officer:
Name & signature of issuing authority:
(Section in‐charge)
B. Permit closure:
Date & Time …………. this permit is closed.
Name &signature of Safety Officer:
Name &signature of issuing authority:
• Note: The scope of this permit is limited to entering into confined space. Relevant work
permits shall be obtained for carrying out activities inside the confined space along with this
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Permit No:
Nature of jobs identified:
1) ……………………………………………………
2) …………………………………………………..
3) …………………………………………………..
4) …………………………………………………..
A. Safety measures to be provided and followed:
a) ………………………………………..
b) ………………………………………..
c) ………………………………………..
d) …………………………………………
I hereby authorize Mr.: …………………………………. to carry out the above work.
Name & signature of Site Engineer: …………………………….
B. Acceptance:
I have understood the hazards and safety precautions /requirements to carry out the above
mentioned work and I accept to undertake the work.
Name & signature of Contractor’s Engineer: …………………………
C. Name& signature of issuing authority:
Date& Time:
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15.10 Accident Reporting & Investigation
Recording & Reporting:
All incidents or accidents shall be recorded, investigated and reported to Project manager.
Occupation illness and all incidents of fire, explosion, implosion, release of hazardous substance or
other near‐miss incidents, which have potential to cause harm to environment, shall also to be
reported within following shift / day.
The first hand information of Accident/Incident should be sent in writing to EHS coordinator for his
investigation and further action
15.11 Educating Labour:
• Safety Posters/sign boards to be installed at site at different locations.
• Safety Officer to conduct safety meet periodically and hold pep talks with workmen.
• No materials on any of the sites of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or the public.
• At the completion of the work, the contractor shall ensure removal from the work premises all
scaffoldings, surplus materials, rubbish and all huts and sanitary arrangements used/installed
for workmen on the site.
15.12 Reporting Of Accidents:
• All accidents leading to personal injuries or property damage shall be reported to the
concerned authorities e.g., Client, Regional Office, Head Office, Police and Insurance Company.
• Monthly Safety statistics shall be submitted detailing the accidents, nature of injury including
disability, number of man‐days lost, and medical treatment provided and extent of property
15.13 Emergency Evacuation Plan
o Remove the injured person from the disaster area if they are in further danger.
o Do not move the injured person or ask him to stand if there is no further danger.
o Advise all unaffected persons to move out of the site.
o Escape through Fire Exit routes to the Designated Assembly Points e.g.: Security gate or
Terrace or any other location indicated in Emergency Plan) for further Action
o Maintain silence and quickly move out but do not run.
o Designated In charge as indicated in emergency plan would be the chief of emergency
operations in case of the evacuation and in his absence Security Guard would be responsible
for evacuation.
o Render First Aid to the victims through trained first Aider and then shift them to the nearest
hospital for treatment
Information of Key personnel:
In order keep informed all concerned the following information is to be prominently displayed at
main Entrance of project
• Name and Contact Number of Project In charge
• Name and contact Number of Nearest Police station
• Name and contact Number of Nearest Fire Station
• Name and contact Number of Nearest Hospital
• Name and contact Number of nearest ambulance center
• Name and contact Number of First Aider available at site
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• Name and contact Number of Security Incharge
• Name and contact Number of EHS Incharge
15.14 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment play significant role in reducing the intensity and preventing injury
incase of any accident during the course of construction activities. The PPE should be of standard
make and confirm to IS specifications.
The PPE should be checked and ensure its good condition before use
The following general personal protective equipment/Safety appliances are to be provided wherever
required and should used religiously
1. Safety helmets : All persons at site
2 Safety shoes : All persons at site
3 Safety belt : Men working at height and life line should be anchored to a fixed
point at above chest level. The life line should not be less than ¾”
dia and 2M long.
3. Hand gloves : Persons doing material handling jobs, gas cutting, electrical works,
welding or operating paving breakers, vibrators, handling concrete
mixing of asphaltic materials, lime mortar, cement etc.
It should of correct type for specific activity.
4. Safety goggles : Persons involved in the activity of gas cutting, brick dressing,
welding, grinding, operating pavement breakers,
mixing of asphaltic materials, lime mortar, cement etc ,
5. Safety nets, canvass sheets: Protect people falling from height, and the material falling on people
6. Ear plug or Ear muffs : workmen where exposed to noise level above 90 dB.
.7 Face/Nose masks. : Persons engaged for spray painting or rubbing / scrapping of dry
lead paint, cement and dust emission during chipping and
breaking and demolishing activities in work area
In order identify the employees of different categories and department it is common practice to
provide different colour coding to safety helmets as given below:
Workmen ‐ Yellow.
Electrical staff ‐ Red
Safety officer or staff of safety dept ‐ Green .or White with green colour band
Rigger/foreman/Supervisor ‐ Blue
Project coordinators /Engineers/Mangers ‐ White.
Visitors ‐ White
15.15 Project EHS‐Status
Following information to be displayed at the entrance
• Project Name
• Status date
• Number of Man hours as on date
• Cumulative Man hours completed as on date
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• Number of reportable accidents
• Loss of Man hours due to accidents
• Total number of Safe Man hours clocked
15.16 Site Entry Process
All those involved in project activities would be allowed only through valid ENTRY PASS which
should be the personal identification of the individual.
The passes are issued by the respective company/contractor. The Entry pass is only valid if, the
individual has undergone EHS Induction and ear marked on Pass as “EHS INDUCTED”.
The Company/Contractor engaging manpower for working inside project has to seek permission in
prescribed requisition form from Security In charge of the project. After checking the passes and duly
entered the information in security register the security allows personnel to enter the project
The ENTRY PASSES posses the following general information.
Pass Number: Date of Issue:
NAME: Designation:
EHS Induction given on :
Signature of Issuing Authority:
Name of Company/contractor:
Prescribed requisition format for seeking permission to enter project is in Annexure
Similarly “Visitor’s Pass” and “Material Gate pass” would be introduced for security control.
16.1 Site Safety Rules
You are advised to follow all the time the DOs and DON’Ts given below for the safety of every one
working in project.
Warning: Deliberate ignorance of these safety rules will be viewed seriously and liable for penalty/
removal from site.
1. Under go EHS induction Training before entering into project site/ ensure all your employees
received EHS induction Training
2. Provide and ensure proper use of PPE such as Safety shoe, Safety helmet, Safety shoes, Safety
gloves, Safety belt (when working at height) etc by all the employees in the project
3. Comply with method statement wherever applicable
4. Ensure “Work Permit” prior to start of activities such as work at height, Hot work, Deep
excavation etc.,
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5. Ensure all activities related to Electrical energy is handled by competent person/authorized
electrician only
6. Ensure that proper lugs are provided to welding cables
7. Ensure that proper wedging/locking of wheels is done for mobile scaffold/Concrete Mixer /
Transport vehicles before starting the work activity
8. Ensure proper barricading/ covering where there is a danger of fall of persons/ fall of material
from top.
9. Check front, back and bottom of the vehicle before starting to move the vehicle
10. Watch vehicle movement and cautions while walking in the project area.
11. Clean and kept workplace neat and tidy and remove all wastage/scrap from the work spot
after completion of each work without delay.
1. Smoke in the project premises
2. Drink liquor in the project premises
3. Use open place for Toilets (Use Toilets provided in the project site)
4. Run the vehicle beyond 10 Kmph speed
5. Play with Hazardous chemicals
6. Interfere in others work
7. Enter areas not of your concern without permission
8. Work at height and under HT lines during raining, lightening and heavy wind
9. Dress Lungi/ half pant during working at project (Wear full pant and shirt).
I have read and I abide with the rules
Name: Signature
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16.2 EHS Responsibility & Accountability for Contractors
(This document will be issued with Tender documents)
The following specific responsibilities are assigned to you with respect to Environment, Health and
Safety (EHS)
You shall ensure that
1. Inspection of your area and corrective actions against deviations immediately
2. Good housekeeping of your area and at work spot
3. Work permit system (wherever applicable) is followed by all your workmen /supervisors/Sub‐
4. All your employees/supervisors/Managers are trained in safety, first Aid and supervisors.
5. All portable tools are double insulated /properly earthed/adequately guarded as per
standards and in good working order
6. The concerned employees /trainees/managers receive EHS Induction as well as on the job
training as and when require (if new machines are installed or working procedures are
changed )
7. Safe work practices are adopted by all your employees at project site
8. All employees are provided with required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and its proper
usage and adhered to other EHS rules at project site.
9. Inspection/checking of all Tools and tackles being used by your personnel and ensure safety
measures during operation of the same
10. The Authorized Test certificate from competent person in respect of crane, chain pulley blocks
and Lifting tackles such as wire ropes, chains, slings etc being used by you in the work
11. All electrical operated equipment/tools/appliances are drawn supply through ELCB (Earth
Leakage Circuit Breaker) to prevent Electric Shock hazard
12. Investigation of Incidents/Accidents and implementation of remedial measures and its
13. Rendering of First Aid and reporting of Accident to Project Manager/EHS coordinator
14. All your employees are covered with valid insurance.
15. Your drivers/operators posses Valid driving License/Experience Certificate (wherever
16. All vehicles/motorized equipment have valid “C” book and insurance coverage.
17. The effective supervision through out the work activity to ensure safe practices in order to
prevent Unsafe conditions/Unsafe Acts of workmen
Please acknowledge the receipt of this document by signing on duplicate copy as a token of
acceptance of the said responsibilities assigned and return the same for record
Date; Project Manger /EHS Coordinator
Received the copy of “EHS Responsibility and Accountability for Contractors” and I hereby accept and
acknowledge the same.
Name and Signature of Contractor’s Project In charge
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16.3 EHS –Induction
The following safety topics have been made understood by us in respect of Safety at project
1 EHS rules at project site
2 Housekeeping
3 Reporting of Hazards
4 Electrical safety
5 Safety while work at height
6 Ladder & scaffold safety
7 Importance of PPE & its use
8 First Aid & Fire prevention
9 Welding &Gas cutting
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16.4 Safety Pep Talk
Topics highlighted in the pep talk:
1 4
2 5
3 6 Name Designation Company/Contractor Signature
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16.5 Incident / Accident Investigation Report
Name of Contractor/Sub contractor :
Name of Accidentee or Person Involved :
Location :
Description of Incident/Accident
(Brief narration how it occurred) :
Nature of Damage /Injury :
Witness (if any) :
Observation :
Corrective action taken/suggested for :
Prevention of recurrence
Signature :
Date: Name :
Designation :
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16.6 EHS Inspection
To: Date:
Observed the following unsafe conditions/Unsafe acts during site inspection today
Action required:
Kindly arrange for corrective action on priority.
Thanking you,
EHS‐Manager/ Coordinator
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16.7 On The Job Safety Communications
Project: Date: Time:
Name Of contractor/Sub‐contractor :
Location :
Brief description of Safety violation :
Safety advice / Instruction Given :
Instruction Given by
Instruction Received by
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16.8 EHS Status Report
Observations/Corrective Actions :( NCR)
SNO Nature of Violation For the month Cumulative as on date:
2 Unsafe Acts
3 Unsafe Conditions
4 Unsafe practice
5 House keeping
Safety Education & Awareness Programmes:
No .of No. of Cumulati
SNo Deatails of programme DATE participants programme ve as on Date
during month
Staff Workers
1 Safety committee meeting
2 Training on
3 Safety Pep talk on
4 Demonstration on
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16.9 Safety Committee Meeting
SNO NAME Organization/contractor Signature
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16.10 EHS Penalty
Project: Date:
Through: The Project Manger
Sub: Penalty towards Violation of EHS rules at Project site ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
A penalty of Rs. (Rupees ) is imposed on you for violation of EHS rules by
your staff/workmen at Project site.
Details of Violation:
Name of Person:
Date: Time: AM/PM
EHS Violation:
Project EHS‐ coordinator
CC to Project Coordinator (concerned for the location )
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17.1 General safety
General Construction Safety Checklist cum Audit Report
S.N General Construction Safety Checklist cum Audit
O Report
1 Is there a safety policy?
2 Is the safety policy displayed at site?
Is everyone aware of the contents of the safety
4 Are there safety plans and safety procedures?
5 Are the employees aware of the safety plans?
6 Is there a safety organisation?
Is there a competent safety professional available at
8 Is there a safety committee?
Is project management actively participating in HSE
1 Are employees given safety orientation?
Are employees given specialised training where
3 Are tool box talks regularly conducted?
4 Are the bulletin boards at site?
5 Are safety material displayed at site?
6 Are there site safety instructions to various trades?
7 Are method statements made for critical activities?
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8 Is SPA made for routine and new activities?
9 Are workers participating is formulating SPA?
1 Is there a first aid centre at site?
Is the First Aid Centre equipped with the required
medicines and accessories?
3 Is there a qualified doctor/nurse available at site?
Is there any arrangement with hospital for
emergency treatment?
5 Is there an emergency response team?
Is the team trained on emergency response
7 Are workers aware of the emergency procedures?
Are employees aware of the actions to be taken in
case of :
Gas Leakage
Gas Cylinders on fire
Snake/ Scorpion bites
Sun Stroke
Electric shock
9 Are emergency telephone numbers displayed?
10 Is emergency vehicle/ ambulance available at site?
11 Are trained first aids available at site?
12 Are there assembly points available?
13 Is there an effective communication system?
14 Are mock drills conducted at regular intervals?
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19 Is proper cover for DB, PDB etc provided with
locking arrangement?
20 Are lifting equipments and tackles in good
working condition and recently load tested?
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17.3 Site layout
Site Layout Plan
S.NO Site Layout Plan YES NO REMARKS
1 Is perimeter fencing arranged?
2 Is the access at the site entrances clearly visible?
Is the access wide enough to allow plant and
4 Is there a proper access control system?
5 Is there sufficient lighting at the entrance?
Are there proper arrangement for storage of plant
and material?
7 Are there off loading facilities?
8 Are there scrap dump areas?
Are there special storage areas for petrol,
flammable materials, explosives etc…?
Are access roads suitable for the movement of plant
and vehicles?
11 Is car parking area adequate?
12 Are sanitary facilities suitably located?
Are welfare facilities like canteens, rest rooms etc..
Are provided?
Is the Ambulance room/ emergency vehicle suitable
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17.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protective Equipments
S.NO Personal Protective Equipments YES NO REMARKS
1 Are all persons wearing safety helmets while on site?
Are the workers using the chin strap of their safety
3 Is everyone wearing safety shoes while on site?
4 Is everyone wearing safety goggles where needed?
Are the workers wearing suitable hand gloves while
handling rough objects, chemicals etc..?
Are workers wearing full body safety harness while
working at heights?
7 Are the workers anchoring their safety harnesses?
Are workers wearing respirators when exposed to dust,
harmful chemicals and poisonous gases etc..?
9 Are workers using suitable PPE as per the hazards?
10 Are there sufficient stocks of PPE?
Are the PPE regularly inspected for there good
12 Are PPE properly handled and stored?
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17.5 Material handling
Material Handling
S.NO Material Handling YES NO REMARKS
Is safe method of lifting manually being followed by
the workmen?
Are proper lifting accessories for manual handling
Are personnel using body mechanics when lifting
and carrying?
4 Are the workers lifting excess loads?
Are the workmen using personal protective
equipments while handling materials?
6 Are workmen trained in material handling?
Are lifting and carrying accessories provided for
manual handling?
Are workmen moving near moving machinery, pinch
points etc.. Where they may get injured?
9 Are the workmen lifting excess weights?
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17.6 Material storage
Material Storage
S.NO Material Storage YES NO REMARKS
1 Are materials stored in an orderly manner?
Is proper flooring done with adequate load bearing
Is there adequate place for bulk storage of
construction materials?
Is there proper access provided for removing/ storing
5 Are the stacks protected from collapse?
Are stacking properly done with cross layers for bricks,
concrete blocks, cement bags etc..?
7 Is material protected from weather and rain?
8 Are adequate precautions taken against fire hazard?
9 Are the projected ends properly protected?
Are the contents of the containers properly identified
and labelled?
11 Is there adequate ventilation?
Are fire precautions tkaen where flammable materials
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17.7 Fire prevention & control
Fire Prevention & Control
S.NO Fire Prevention & Control YES NO REMARKS
Is waste accumulating in hoist shafts, corners
Are waste bins provided at appropriate
Are safe ash trays provided where smoking is
4 Are wet clothes kept near heaters for drying?
5 Are any electrical circuits overloaded?
6 Are flammable materials stored separately?
7 Are there fire extinguishers available at site?
Are the fire extinguishers suitable for the nature
of fire?
Are the fire extinguishers placed near the source
of fire and are easily accessible?
10 Is rubbish burnt in controlled manner?
Is flame cutting and welding taking place with
proper fire precautions?
Are all blow lamps and heating appliances being
used correctly?
Is the site entrance always clear for fire engines
to get in?
14 Are there trained persons to fight fire?
15 Are there fire water and fire hoses at site?
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17.8 Excavation
Excavation & Trenching
S.NO Excavation & Trenching YES NO REMARKS
1 Is method statement made for excavation?
Are the position, depth and size of underground
structures and service lines clearly been identified?
3 Is excavation permit taken where needed?
Are the excavations sloped/ step back or shored
Are the access /egress ladders /ramps/steps
properly provided?
6 Is there a safe access provided for vehicles?
Is the excavated material kept 1m away from the
edge of excavation?
8 Is the excavation edge free from falling material?
9 Are the excavations properly barricaded?
Is heavy equipment operated only on stable
11 Is dewatering done where needed?
Are the excavation machineries identified and
inspected for proper working condition?
Is there an accumulation of poisonous gases in the
Is gas test done before allowing persons to enter
the pits?
Are precautions taken against tipping of vehicles
into the pits?
Are precautions taken against material falling on
the persons working in the pits?
Are adequate precautions taken to prevent
workmen hitting against the vehicles?
Are cross over bridges provided for every 20 ft
interval in case of long trenches?
Are adequate precautions taken against electrical
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20 Is there adequate lighting in case of night work?
21 Are warning lights provided where necessary?
Are the adjacent structures protected where
Is the movement of vehicles controlled to prevent
earth collapse due to vibration?
24 Is there any undercuts on the sides of excavation?
Are the excavations frequently inspected for cracks
particularly after rains?
Is the entry of water into the pits checked and
Are adequate precautions taken while removing the
timber, supports etc..?
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17.11 Confined spaces
Is the confined space free from toxic gases
and oxygen deficiency?
Is the confined space clear of contents and
well ventilated?
3 Is there proper access for entry and exit?
Is there any possibility of toxic gases/
chemicals entering the confined space?
5 Is gas test conducted?
Is there sufficient oxygen(i.e.20%) in the
Are confined space entry procedures
Is the confined space entry permit system
in place?
Is the job done under the supervision of a
competent person?
Are the workmen trained to work inside
confined space?
Are they physically fit to work inside
confined space?
12 Is there a proper rescue arrangement?
Are the required rescue equipments
Is a register maintained to enter the names
14 while entering and leaving the confined
Are trained personnel waiting outside to
rescue the persons in case of emergency?
Is there proper communication system for
the person working inside?
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17.12 Radiography
Are there required permits from the
authorized person?
Is the radiographer aware of the safety
precautions to be taken?
Is the effective area cordoned off to a
particular distance?
4 Is the radiographer using the following:
Radiation survey meter
Film badge
Pocket Dosimeter
Is the radiographer having a valid license
from BARC?
Is there valid documents for the movement
of the source?
Is notice issued in advance to other agencies
working in the nearby areas?
Is proper access provided for the location
where radiography being done?
9 Is the source pit approved by BARC?
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17.13 Painting
Are the painters using required PPEs like chemical
cartridge type mask, hand gloves etc..?
2 Are there sufficient ventilations in the painting area?
Are the fumes and gases affecting the other workers
in the surrounding area?
Are the painting areas properly barricaded and
Are the materials like thinners and paints stored in a
safe area?
Is the area clear from sparking producing
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17.14 Work at height
Work at Height
S.NO Work at Heights YES NO REMARKS
Are the ladders checked and inspected before use and at regular
2 Are the defective ladders removed from site?
Are the ladders placed as per safety requirement ie. At an angle of
75 degrees with the horizontal?
4 Are the ladders secured properly?
5 Is the ladder extending 1m above the landing step?
6 Are the ladders properly stored?
7 Are persons ascending and descending the ladder in a safe manner?
8 Are the ladders obstructing the passages?
9 Are the ladders likely to be hit by movement of persons/vehicles?
Scaffolds and working platforms:
1 Are the scaffolds designed as per the load requirement?
2 Are scaffolds erected under the supervision of a trained person?
3 Are the scaffolding material suitable for the purpose?
Are the scaffolds erected on level ground with proper sole boards
and base plates?
5 Are the scaffolds plumb with adequate cross bracings?
6 Are sufficient tie ins provided for the tower scaffolds?
7 Are platform boards inspected and are in good condition?
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8 Are the platforms fully boarded without openings?
9 Are hand rails, mid rails and toe boards fixed for the platforms?
10 Is there a proper access to reach the platforms?
11 Are workers protected from falling objects?
12 Is the base to height ratio maintained at 1:4?
13 Are they inspected and tagged by competent person?
14 Is the scaffold permit taken before using?
15 Are red/green tags attached as per the conditions of the scaffolds?
16 Are the castor wheels of mobile scaffolds properly locked?
17 Are the mobile scaffolds stable?
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17.15 Electrical
Is electrical installation made as per the load
2 Are the installations made of industrial type fittings?
Is the installation suitable for the weather
4 Is the installation certified by licensed supervisor?
5 Are ELCBs/ MCBs provided in the circuit?
Are the distribution boards protected from rain and
7 Are the cables protected from mechanical damages?
Are cables located at overhead positions with
sufficient head clearance?
9 Are the joints on the cables lying on the ground?
Are the cables lying on the ground causing trip
Are electrical equipment provided with proper
12 Are ELCBs and MCBs tested periodically?
Are there single insulated electrical wires instead of
double insulated PVC cables?
Are the insulations regularly inspected and records
15 Are lock out/tag out procedures followed?
Are the accesses to the panels free from
Are required fire extinguishers provided near the
electrical panels?
Is there any artificial resuscitation charts displayed
near electrical panels?
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17.16 Hot work
Hot work (Welding, Gas cutting and Grinding)
S.NO Hot work (Welding, Gas cutting and Grinding) YES NO REMARKS
1 Are there damaged welding cables ?
2 Are lugs used for cable connection?
3 Are cables getting over heated, damaged?
4 Are the cables creating tripping hazard?
5 Are welding transformers properly earthed?
Are power cables and welding cables protected from
mechanical damage?
Are welders using welding hoods attached to safety
8 Are welders using required PPE?
Are temporary screens provided to protect others from
welding rays, grinding sparks?
Are fire precautions taken against falling of welding
sparks and spatters?
Are gas cylinders stored properly in vertical position and
Is there safe distance between and oxygen and
acetylene cylinders?
Are gas cylinders provided with wall protection caps
when not in use?
Are the gas cylinders provided with flash back arresters
while using?
15 Is gas starch with flash back arresters?
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Is the area clear of combustible materials around gas
cylinder storage?
Are fire extinguishers provided where welding, gas
cutting is in progress?
Is the air compressor tested and test certificate
2 Are the high pressure hoses in good condition?
Are chains provided across the couplings of the high
pressure hoses to prevent whiping action?
4 Is shot blaster using sand blasters hood?
5 Is emergency stop valve provided?
6 Are there any openings in the shot blasters shed?
Are the workers provided with dust respirators when
they are exposed?
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17.1 7 Formwork
S.NO Formwork/False work & Concreting YES NO REMARKS
1 Has the false work been designed by a competent person?
2 Has the design been rechecked by the engineer concerned?
Is there any change in the loading program after the design
Is the horizontal lacking and diagonal bracing adequate to resist
lateral loading?
Will there be any additional load on the false work due to plant
and storage of materials?
Is the design capable of withstanding dynamic load due to dumping
loads, shock loads, surge loads, vibrations etc..?
Are the foundations designed according to soil conditions, point
loads of verticals, water flooding etc..?
Is the consideration given to horizontal forces from surge loads,
concrete discharge from skips, expansion of concrete, non
verticality of supports, deflections of horizontal members,
settlement of foundations etc…?
9 Is there adequate access for the vehicles?
10 Is there a proper electrical connection for the vibrators?
11 Are the workers using PPE?
12 Are they using Gum boots while working on wet concrete?
13 Is there a proper access for concrete cutting?
14 Are the workers using safety harness while stripping the forms?
15 Is there a proper walkway provided over the reinforcement bars?
16 Are the open edges properly barricaded?
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17.18 Fall prevention & protection
Fall Prevention & Protection
S.NO Fall Prevention & Protection YES NO REMARKS
Is there a site specific fall protection plan in
Are workers trained in the fall protection
Are open edges and floor cut outs properly
4 Are staircases provided with temporary railings?
5 Are caution boards fixed at danger points?
6 Are workers using full body harness?
Have the workers anchored safety harness to a
strong anchoring point?
Are lifelines provided where anchoring points are
not available?
Are fall arresters provided while climbing rope
10 Are safety nets fixed where needed?
11 Are sfety nets securely fixed?
12 Are debris on the safety nets regulary cleaned?
13 Are safety nets subjected to fire hazards?
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17.19 Hand tools
Hand Tools & Power Tools
S.NO Hand Tools & Power Tools YES NO REMARKS
Are the hand tools in good working
2 Are they stored in a proper manner?
3 Are damaged tools removed from use?
4 Are appropriate tools available for the job?
Are tools being used only for their proper
intended use?
Are grinding machines provided with guards
over the wheels?
Are the grinding wheels inspected for the
expiry date?
Is ring test done for abrasive wheels before
Are the wheels suitable for the speed of the
Are the power tools provided with earth
11 Are the power tools handled properly?
Are the handles of the tools free from splits
and cracks?
Are there mushroomed heads over the
hammers, chisels and other impact tools?
Are the edges for tooth of cutting tools kept
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1 Is there misuse of compressed air?
2 Is horseplay with compressed air forbidden?
Are persons dusting their clothes with
compressed air?
Are the joints in the air lines made with
purpose made connections?
Are the pneumatic tools checked for faulty
5 governors which may result in over
Is air supply to the tool disconnected when
the tool is left unattended?
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17.20 Equipment fitness report for Vehicle and Equipment &Earth moving Equipment
Name of the site: Make/Model:
Job. No: Identification No:/Reg.No:
Date: Asset code No (If applicable)
Inspected by Owned by:
(P&M Engineer) (Site Safety Officer)
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17.21 Crane check list
Descriptio of Crane : Make:
Registration No:
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27 Fire Extinguisher in operator cabin
This Crane has been Checked for the above points and,
Found FIT for deployment Found UNFIT for deployment
(Checked by P&M Engineer) (Site Safety Officer)
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INSPECTION CONDUCTED BY : Type of Maintenance: Weekly
Description: Tower Crane: Crane No:
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3 Wear pads/Rollers(Boom/Jib
4 Rope keeper bar/ Plate on
5 sheaves
6 Bar clearance correct
Tower bolts:
1 Bolts tightened
2 Bolts of correct type
Slew Ring :
1 Bolts tightened
2 Bolts of same type
3 Washers
Counter Weight:
1 Fixed –will not sway
2 Moving‐ Connecting bolts
Other Structural/Mech :
1 Fluid leaks
2 Hook‐latch
3 Fixing angle deformation
Guarding(Accessible areas):
1 Guards provided
2 Guards fixed
Load Indicator & Rated Capacity
1 Load indicator operational
2 Load indicator calibrated
3 Cut‐Off operates
4 SWL displayed at main jib
Other Indicators:
1 Radius Indicator
2 Wind Indicator
Limit Switches:
1 Hoist limit switch
2 Trolley limit switch
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3 Slewing limit switch
4 Load limit switch
5 Emergency stop switch
Crane cabin:
1 Seating
2 Visibility
3 Noise
4 Fire extinguisher
Load charts:
1 Load chart provided
2 Load chart displayed
Tower Access:
1 Ladders
2 Platforms for guardrail
3 Hand rail pins
Boom/Jib access:
1 Walkway
2 Trolley platform
Lightning Arrestor:
1 Condition of earth cable
2 Condition of earth resistance
1 Trolley brake
2 Hoist brake
3 Swing brake
4 Brake liner condition
5 Air gap
6 Gear Box:
7 Trolley gear box
8 Abnormal noise
9 Oil level
10 Any oil leakages
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1 Specific Points noticed:
(P&M Engineer) (Plant Manager) (Safety Officer)
1) In ‘remarks ‘column details of activities carried out against each task with observations to be
mentioned. For ex:
Maintenance task‐ Grease water pump‐Remarks –Greased
Maintenance task‐ Clean air cleaner element‐ Remarks –Cleaned
Maintenance task‐ Check battery – Remarks – Checked, electrolyte level topped up,
Sp.gravity is…
2) In ‘Specific points noticed’‐ mention any specific defect/damage/problem noticed during the
maintenance, which needs action for repair/rectification/replacement of parts.
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Registration No: Make:
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22 Any other safety issues:
P&M Engineer Signature of Safety Officer
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Description: Transit‐mixer Type of Maintenance: Weekly
Transit‐mixer No: Manufacturer name:
Transit‐mixer Model: Date:
Description: Transit‐mixer(AL/TATA/STETTER‐AM‐6 SH)
(P&M Mechanic/Technician) (P&M Engineer)
1) In ‘Remarks’ column details of activities carried out against each tasks with observations to be
mentioned for ex:
Maintenance task‐Grease water pump‐Remarks –Greased
Maintenance task –Clean air cleaner element –Remarks –Cleaned
Maintenance task –Check battery –Remarks‐ Checked, electrolyte level topped up,
Sp.gravity is……
2) In ‘Specific points noticed’‐ mention about any specific defect/damage/problem noticed
during the maintenance which needs action for repair/rectification/ replacement of parts.
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Project /Site name: Inspected by:
Asset code: Date:
(DG Operator) (P&M Engineer) (Safety Officer)
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17.26 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Motor Vehicles and Traffic
S.NO Motor Vehicles and Traffic YES NO REMARKS
1 Are vehicles inspected and the license is current?
2 Are there broken windshields or lights?
3 Are seat belts provided and are in use by the users?
Do brakes, reverse alarms and horns etc… are in good
working condition?
5 Are all operators and drivers have valid licenses?
6 Are speed limit boards displayed at site?
7 Are the movements of vehicles controlled?
Are workers travelling on the body of the vehicles or
passengers travelling in drivers cabin is not allowed?
9 Are workers riding on loaded trucks?
10 Are persons boarding or alighting moving vehicles?
11 Are parking brakes applied when vehicles not in use?
12 Are wheels chocked when parked on inclined grounds?
Are the vehicles properly covered while carrying loose
Are adequate precautions taken while removing damaged
wheels and detachable flanges etc…?
Is the inflation of tyres done by trained persons and the
tyres are kept in tyre cages?
Is the tyre pressure maintained at manufacturers
4 Are the servicing ramps properly designed for the purpose?
5 Is there suitable access to get in and get out of the pits?
6 Are the pits properly barricaded when not in use?
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17.27Plant & Mobile equipment
Plant & Mobile Equipment
S.NO Plant & Mobile Equipment YES NO REMARKS
1 Are the moving parts guarded?
2 Are the operators trained?
Are the machineries maintained in good
Are the workers protected from noiseand
5 Are concrete mixers set on firm ground?
Is there adequate space around the
Are the bull dozer blades, scraper blades,
7 end load buckets etc… lowered when
Are they examined and tested by a
competent person?
Are the V‐belts and pulley drives well
Are the air receivers marked with safe
working pressure?
Are they fitted with safety valve, pressure
gauge and drain cock?
Are the bench mounted drilling machines
1 firmly secured to a strong and stable
2 Is the bench firmly fixed to the floor?
Is correct chuck key used and not left in
the chuck?
4 Is small work piece held in vice or clamp?
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Are operators wearing loose clothing and
gloves etc.. while operating the machine?
Are the operators contained their long
6 hair in a net or cap to eliminate the risk of
1 Are the wheels adequately guarded?
Are precautions taken against flying
fragments of disintegrated wheel?
Are the wheels fitted as per the designed
3 speed and correctly fitted on the spring
Is the rpm clearly marked on the
Is the surrounding area kept neat and tidy
and free of obstructions?
Are the operators using PPE to protect
against flying particles?
Is the gap between the wheel and the job
rest properly adjusted?
1 Is there guard over the circular saw?
2 Is the guard in place while working?
Is a riving knife provided to prevent kick
4 Is the operator using a pust stick?
Is the area around the machine neat and
Are the wooden shavings, dust and chips
regularly cleared?
7 Is there good ventilation?
8 Is the operator using required PPE?
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17.28 Housekeeping
1 Is the site kept neat and tidy?
Is there a proper arrangement for regular collection
and disposal of waste materials?
3 Are walkways clearly defined and unobstructed?
4 Are materials and equipments stored properly?
5 Is local scrap yard provided?
6 Are there any projecting nails on the timbers?
Is adequate lightings provided for work areas and
8 Are the toilets regularly cleaned?
9 Is there adequate water supply for sanitation?
Are the upstanding rebar, pegs protected from fall
Is there an easy access to Electrical control panels,
Fire extinguishers, First Aid boxes etc…?
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18. Project Safety Documents
18.1‐List of Project Safety Documents maintained by CBRE
Safety Documents Generated Maintained (document) &
Daily inspections
Check list CBRE CBRE
Intimation cards CBRE CBRE
Incident records and investigation register CBRE CBRE
Accident record and investigation record CBRE CBRE
Safety committee – Agendas & MOM CBRE CBRE
PPE register (CBRE indents, consumptions & rejection) CBRE CBRE
Test certificates of tools and tackles Contractor CBRE
Inspection & maintenance register for tools & tackles Contractor CBRE
Training CBRE CBRE
Work permits Contractor CBRE CBRE
ELCB test record register Contractor Contractor CBRE
Electrical hand tools inspection & maintenance register Contractor Contractor CBRE
Diesel generator / substation log book Contractor CBRE
Safety Audits CBRE CBRE
Authorized personnel Contractor CBRE CBRE
Method statements including risk assessment Contractor CBRE CBRE
Equipment commissioning record Contractor Contractor CBRE
Firefighting equipment record Contractor Contractor CBRE
First aid registers. Contractor Contractor CBRE
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18.2‐List of Welfare Documents required for Inspection
• Copies of relevant licenses
• Wage register
• Muster roll
• Overtime register
• Payment register
• Advance register (Client to contractor to sub contractor)
• Fines register
• Inspection book containing issue of employment cards wages slips
• Copies of abstract of relevant statutes
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