Automatic Drain Cleaner
Automatic Drain Cleaner
Automatic Drain Cleaner
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This research paper aims the formation of the needs to resolved and overall speaking this proposed concept
proposed concept which is used to replace the manual is very much efficient in this work to be accomplished.
work done in the cleaning of the sewage drains by a semi- Also, there is one more important advantage of this
automatic drain cleaner. Since the mechanical drainage drainage cleaning system is that the health of the workers
plays a very important role in all the industrial working in drainage scavenging can be improved and
applications, its proper maintenance and disposal of maintained since they have to no longer be in drainage for its
sewages from the commercial sites and the industrial areas scavenging process. One more very useful and important
is still a big challenging task for the cleaning systems. The advantage of our system is that this system can replace the
use of drainage pipes and their cleaning the blockages and manual work done in sewage scavenging by a semi-automatic
maintenance works sometimes cost human life too. scavenging system and the worker can access this system very
Therefore, to counter this problem and to save human life easily and efficiently.
this design is being implemented which is “Mechanical
Semi-automatic Drainage Water Cleaner” and this project
has been designed to use this concept in as efficient way to II. LITERATURE REVIEW
control and maintain the disposal of wastages with the
regular filtration. This mechanical drainage water cleaner Ganesh U L, [1] Sometimes the drainage pipes
helps in protecting the environment from various kinds of used in drainage systems are very dirty and contains many
hazards by removing the wastages from the drainage organisms that can cause diseases. Therefore, to solve this
systems and promoting the waste management. When problem they implemented a semi-automatic drainage
these wastes are not removed from the drainage then they cleaning system which can replace the manual scavenging by
end up settling in residential areas where they are either the automated mechanism.
gets burned causing pollution or blocks the drainage Elangovan K., [2] reviewed about the cleaning
causing flooding. process to be carried out in cleaning the drainages. Since the
process which is carried out is manual scavenging which
Keywords:- Gear, Solar Panel, Drainage, Chain, Teeth, causes a lot of health and other problems to the workers
Battery, Wiper Motor, Wastewater, Primary Treatment, therefore they came up with a mechanism to dispose the
Secondary Treatment, etc. sewage wastes efficiently by the application of PLC controller
used from Siemens in wastewater treatment and by the use
I. INTRODUCTION compressor, gas exhauster, pressure valve and the liquid level
flow analog variables considered.
Since the world is fast approaching towards the
Dr. K. Kumaresan [3] reviewed about the conversion of
technology of digitalization and automation, humans want
the manual work done in sewage water waste disposal into an
every task and operations to be performed quickly and easily.
automated sewage water waste disposal and treatment by the
Now the time is for advanced techniques which can perform
implementation of an economical and efficient mechanism by
tasks efficiently and with minimum time. The human wants to
using the available resources. This has been employed for
apply minimum effort in order to accomplish its tasks. To
eliminating the risks of life of workers while doing
achieve this there has to be automated techniques which can
fulfill these objectives. Hence in this project we tried to add
this automation technology with the knowledge of drainage III. OBJECTIVE
systems in order to make the drainage cleaning system easy
and efficient tool for the cleaning of the drainage systems and The main objective of this proposed concept is to design
hence save the environment. For this we are using system by a semi- automatic drain cleaner considering all the factors
which drainage cleaner can do his work smartly using which might affect the functioning of the equipment. It also
communication through application. The problem of the consists of the fabrication of the model and assembling of all
sewage disposal coming from the industries is growing rapidly of its parts in proposed way. The process studies to be carried
day by day and thus it needs to be resolved urgently since this out for the evaluation and optimization of the effective semi-
problem is causing various environmental issues and is very automatic drainage cleaner in the treatment of sewage water
harmful to the human life. This is a real time problem and it for the wastes and floating materials.
A. Construction
The fabrication of the model consists of the preparation
of the basement through the welding of bars by electric arc
welding. Then the welding of the supporting rods is done at an
angle of 90 degrees from the basement. The pillow block
bearings which supports the load and movement of the shaft
are fixed to the supporting rods and to the front part of the
basement through the proper joining technique. A shaft of
proper calculated strength and material is fixed with the
bearings and also the chain drive is mounted on the shaft for
proper running. Factor of safety is considered and calculated
for the proper functioning of the shaft. Finally, the lifters of
sufficient carrying strength are mounted on the chain drive at
regular intervals.
A. Applications
This model can be used in all types of drainage water
systems such large, medium or small. 2. It can be used in
effective and efficient way to remove the floating wastes from
the running water of drainage system. 3. Proper disposal and
maintenance of the sewage from the industries and residents.
B. Advantages
This proposed model can be used in every type of
drainage systems.
The model is operated on solar powered battery source
which is eco-friendly and renewable source of energy.
The treatment and removal of sewage wastes by this
Fig 1:- Proposed Model model is environment friendly.
D. Future Scope
In future this project can be made fully automated
system by the use and application of automatic sensors and by
the implementation of control algorithms. This system can be
run fully automated by eliminating the idle time running by
starting and stopping mechanism by use of proper sensors.
Controlling and managing the wastes efficiently by use of
appropriate handling devices.