Acupanat 6
Acupanat 6
Acupanat 6
Fire personality: Typically they say “Joy” is the challenge in TCM for this type of person, but what
they really mean is excess joy, excess pleasure, to a point of even mania. The gift is the ability to
disperse or dissipate. These are the type of people who love fun.
Face: oval shape, sparkly eyes, have slender body, points at eyebrows, nose, lips.
Earth personality: their challenge is one of worry. They have strong empathy for others. They are
the ones who “feel”. You would want to ask them how they “feel” about something. They are very in
touch with their feelings, and the feelings of others.
Face: square, they have short legs, thighs, and butt.
Metal personality: Their challenge is often grief, while the they carry the gift of sympathy. Metal
types are practical, logical, mathematical, and often will use “I think” when asked about a opinion
about something.
Face: Round, angular, high cheek bones, long slender nose, delicate, pale skin.
Water personality: are ruled by fear and often look around suspiciously. They typically have the
‘what if’ going on in their minds, but they have a gift of wisdom. These types are very sensual, dreamy,
flowing, imaginative/creative people.
Face: cheeky, dreamy eyes, sensual body.
A uvula and soft palate stretch for stomach and rectal reflex stimulation.