DLL June Week 1 Factoring Polynomials
DLL June Week 1 Factoring Polynomials
DLL June Week 1 Factoring Polynomials
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher DIANA LIZA G. BAÑO Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Dates and Time June 11-15, 2017 Quarter First Quarter
10:00-11:00 Grade 8 – Love
11:00-12:00 Grade 8 – Faith 1:00-2:00 Grade 8 - Hope
Day 1 Objective: Day 2 Objective: Day 3 Objective: Day 4 Objective: Day 5 Objective:
Factors completely Factors completely difference Factors completely sum or Factors completely perfect Factors completely different
polynomials with common of two squares. difference of two cubes . square trinomials. types of polynomials
monomial factor. (polynomials with common
monomial factor, difference
of two squares, sum and
difference of two cubes,
perfect square trinomials).
2. Pre-requisite Skills Teacher defines factoring and Teacher describe a Teacher describe and state Teacher defines perfect
greatest common monomial polynomial which is a the steps in factoring a square trinomial and state
factor (GCF) and state the difference of two squares. polynomial which is a sum or the steps in factoring
steps in factoring the greatest difference of two cubes perfect square trinomial
common monomial factor Teacher says: (STC/DTC) (PST).
Difference of two squares
Teacher says: (DTS) is the product of Teacher says: Teacher says:
Factoring is the process of multiplying the sum and Sum/Difference of two cubes Perfect square trinomial is
finding the factors of a difference of two terms. So, is the product of a special the result of squaring a
number or polynomial. It is the the factored form of a case of a binomial factor and binomial. A perfect square
reverse process of getting the polynomial that is a a trinomial factor. trinomial has first and last
products. difference of two squares terms which are perfect
(DTS) is the sum and Here are the steps to factor squares and a middle term
GETTING THE COMMON difference of the square polynomials that is a which is twice the product
MONOMIAL FACTOR roots of the first and last difference of two cubes of the square root of first
Greatest Common Factor terms. (DTC). and last terms.
(GCF) is the greatest a. Find the cube roots of the
factor/number that can divide Pattern: first and last terms. The following are the PST:
each given number. (F stand for first term and L b. Write their difference as x2 + 4x + 4
Greatest Common Monomial stands for the last term) the first factor. x2 + 6x + 9
Factor (GCMF) is the greatest F 2 L2 c. For the second factor, get x2 + 2xy + y2
factor contained in every term
of an algebraic expression.
F 2 L2 F 2 L2 the trinomial factor by:
i. Squaring the first term of
Reasons why they are PST:
1. Two of the terms must be
GCMF is the common factor F L F L the first factor; perfect squares, x2 and y2.
having the greatest numerical ii. Adding the product of 2. There must be no sign
factor and with variables the first and second before x2 or y2.
having the least degree. terms of the first factor. 3. If you multiply x and y and
iii. Squaring the last term double the result, you get
Here are the steps to factor of the first factor the second term, 2xy, or its
polynomials with common d. Write them in factored additive inverse, -2xy.
monomial factor. form.
a. Find the greatest common After recognizing a PST, we
factor of the numerical Here are the steps to factor can now proceed to how
coefficients. polynomials that is a sum of PST is factored.
b. Find the variable with the two cubes (STC). These are the rules:
least exponent that a. Find the cube roots of the 1. Get the square root of the
appears in each term of first and last terms. first and last terms.
the polynomial. b. Write their sum as the first 2. List down the square root
c. The product of the greatest factor. as sum/difference of two
common factor in (a) and c. For the second factor, get terms as the case may be.
(b) is the GCF of the the trinomial factor by: Note: PST come in two
polynomial. i. Squaring the first term of forms: one in which the
d. To completely factor the the first factor; middle term is positive and
given polynomial, divide ii. Subtracting the product the other in which the
the polynomial by its GCF, of the first and second middle term is negative.
the resulting quotient is terms of the first factor.
the other factor. iii. Squaring the last term
of the first factor You can use the following
d. Write them in factored relationships to factor
form. perfect square trinomials:
F 2 2 FL L2
(F stand for first term and L
stands for the last term) or F L F L
F 3 L3
F L F 2 FL L2 F 2 2 FL L2
F 3 L3 or F L F L
F L F 2 FL L2
Learning Episode 2:
A. Modelling The teacher gives illustrative The teacher gives illustrative The teacher gives illustrative The teacher gives illustrative
examples on factoring examples on how to factor examples on how to factor examples on how to factor
polynomials with common difference of two squares. sum of two cubes. difference of two cubes.
monomial factor.
Factor completely: Examples: Examples: Examples:
1. 4x + 8 1. 4x2 – 36y2 1. a3 + 512 1. 9x2 + 30x + 25
Solution: Solution: The square root of Solution: solution:
a. Find the greatest common 4x2 is 2x and the square root The cube root of a3 is a. The square root of 9x2 is 3x.
factor of the numerical of 36y2 is 6y. To write their The cube root of 512 is 8. The square root of 25 is 5.
coefficients. factors, write the product of So, ( a + 8 ) is the first factor. (3x)2 + 2(5.3x) + 52
The GCF of 4 and 8 is 4. the sum and difference of the To get the second factor: So, the factors are (3x +
b. Find the variable with the square roots of 4x2 – 36y2 , Square the first term of the 5)(3x + 5) or
least exponent that appears that is ( 2x + 6y) (2x – 6y). fist factor (3x + 5)2
in each term of the ( a + 8), that is (a)2 = a2
polynomial. 2. x2 – 36 = (x + 6)(x – 6) Subtract the product of the 2. n2 + 16n + 64
x only appears on the first Solution: first and second terms of the Solution:
terman. Therefore, we don’t √𝑥 2 = 𝑥; √36 = 6 first factor (a + 8), that is (8)a a. Since n2 = (n)2 and 64 =
have a common variable. = -8a. (8)2, then both the first and
c. The product of the greatest 3. 16a6 – 25b2 Square the last term of the last terms are perfect
common factor in (a) and (b) = (4a3 – 5b)(4a3 + 5b) first factor squares. And 2(n)(8) = 16n,
is the GCF of the polynomial. Solution: ( a + 8 ), that is (8)2 = 64 then the given expression is
Factors of 4x: ( 22)( x ) √16𝑎6 = 4𝑎3 ; √25𝑏 2 = 5𝑏 So, ( a2 – 8a + 64 ) is the a perfect square polynomial.
Factors of 8: (23) second factor. b. The square root of the
The GCF is (22) or 4. The factored form of a3 + 512 first term is n and the
Hence, 4 is the GCF of 4x + 8. is square root of the last term
d. To completely factor the ( a + 8)( a2 – 8a + 64 ). is 8, then the polynomial is
given polynomial, divide the factored as (n + 8)2
polynomial by its GCF, the 2. Factor x3 + 729
resulting quotient is the a. Cube roots of the first and 3. x2 – 22x + 121
other factor. last terms: Solution:
Thus, the factored form of 4x 3
√𝑥 3 = 𝑥 ; √729 = 9 The square root of x2 is x.
+ 8is 4 (2x + 2) b. Binomial Factor: (x + 9) The square root of 121 is
c. Trinomial Factor: 11.
2. 15x2 – 55x (x)2 – (x)(9) + (9)2 X2 – 2(11 . x) + (11)2
Solution: = (x2 – 9x + 81) So, the factors are (x – 11)(x
a. Find the greatest common d. The factored form of – 11) 0r
factor of the numerical x3 + 729 (x – 11)2.
coefficients. = (x + 9)(x2 – 9a + 81)
The GCF of 15 and 55 is 5. 4. 4r2 – 12r + 9
b. Find the variable with the 3. a3 – 512 Solution:
least exponent that appears Solution: a. Since 4r2 = (2r)2 and 9 =
in each term of the The cube root of a3 is a. (3)2, and since – 12r =
polynomial. The cube root of 512 is 8. 2(2r)(3) then it follows the
xis both common to all terms So, ( a – 8 ) is the first factor. given expression is a perfect
and 1 is the smallest exponent To get the second factor: square trinomial.
for x, thus, xis the GCF of the Square the first term of the b. The square root of the
variables. fist factor first term is 2r and the
c. The product of the greatest ( a – 8), that is (a)2 = a2 square root of the last term
common factor in (a) and (b) Add the product of the first is 3 so that its factored form
is the GCF of the polynomial. and second terms of the first is (2r – 3)2.
Factors of 15x2: (3) (5) (x2) factor (a – 8), that is (8)a =
Factors of 55x: (5) (11) (x) 8a.
The GCF is (5)(x) Square the last term of the
Hence, 5xis the GCF of 15x2 – first factor
55x. ( a – 8), that is (8)2 = 64
d. To completely factor the So, ( a2 + 8a + 64 ) is the
given polynomial, divide the second factor.
polynomial by its GCF, the The factored form of a3 – 512
resulting quotient is the is( a – 8)( a2 + 8a + 64 ).
other factor.
Thus, the factored form of 4. Factor 343– y3
15x2 – 55x is 5x(3x – 11) a. Cube roots of the first and
last terms:
3 3
√343 = 7 ; √𝑦 3 = 𝑦
c. 27a2– 36a3 + 45a5 b. Binomial Factor: (7 – y)
Solution: c. Trinomial Factor:
Find the GCF of each term. (7)2 + (7)(y) + (y)2
Factors of 27a2 : (33)(a2) = (49 + 7y + y2)
Factors of 36a3: (22)(32)(a3) d. The factored form of
Factors of 45a5: (32)(5)(a5) 343 – y3
The GCF is (32)(a2) or 9a2. = (7 – y)( 49 + 7y + y2)
So, 27a2 – 36a3 + 45a5=
9a2( 3 – 4a + 5a3).
Learning Episode 3:
A. Guided Practice Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor the following:
following polynomials. following polynomials. following polynomials. 1. x2 + 20x + 100
1. 5x + 10 1. h2 – 4 1. z3 + 1 = 2. 4 – 36m + 81m2
2. 25y3 – 55y2 2. 36x2 – 25y4 2. b3– 125 3. 16a2 + 12 + 9
3. 12b4 – 16b2 + 20b3 3. 25x4 – 9y6
Expected Answer: Expected Answer:
Expected Answer: Expected Answer: 1. (z + 1)(z2 – z + 1) 1. (x + 10)2
1. 5 (x + 2) 1. (h + 4)(h – 4) 2. (b – 5)(b2 + 5b + 25) 2. (2 – m)2
2. 5y2(5y – 11) 2. (6x + 5y2)( 6x – 5y2) 3. (4a + 3)2
3. 4b2(3b2 – 4 + 5b) 3. (5x2 + 3y3)( 5x2– 3y3)
B. Independent Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor the following:
Practice following polynomials. following polynomials. following polynomials. 1. d2 – 6d + 9
1. 8b – 2 1. w2 – 64 1. 64 + a3 2. 25 + 10n + n2
2. 12x3 – 24x2 2. 49x2– 4 2. 27 – q3 3. 4f2 – 20f + 25
3. 2y3 + 16y + 32y2 3. 121a2 – 16c4
Expected Answer: Expected Answer:
Expected Answer: Expected Answer: 1. (4 + a)(16– 4a + a2) 1. (d – 3)2
1. 2(4b – 1) 1. (w + 8)(w – 8) 2. (3 – q)(9 + 3q + q2) 2. (5 + n)2
2. 12x2(x – 2) 2. (7x + 2)( 7x – 2) 3. (2f – 5)2
3. 2y (y2 – 8 + 16y) 3. (11a + 4c2)( 11a– 4c2)
Learning Episode 4:
A. Evaluation Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor completely the Factor completely. Factor the following
following polynomials. following polynomials. following polynomials. 1. 9a2 – 6a + 1 polynomials completely.
1. 2a + 4 1. b2 – 49 1. 8 + c3 2. b2 + 24b + 144 (2pts each item)
2. 3y10 – 12y7 2. 100h4 – 64 2. t3–216 3. 49 + 70c + 25c2 1. xy + xz
3. 18x3 – 27x + 3x2 3. 4m6 – 81n8 2. 4x − 20
Expected Answer: Expected Answer: 3. 15x 2 + 10x + 5
Expected Answer: Expected Answer: 1. (2 + c)( 4 – 2c + c2) 1. (3a – 1)2 4. 25 − 9r 2
1. 2(a + 2) 1. (b + 7)(b – 7) 2. (t – 6)(t2 + 6t + 36) 2. (b + 12)2 5. 4x 4 − 𝑦 2
2. 3y7(y3 – 4) 2. (10h2 + 8)( 10h2 – 8) 3. (7 – 5c)2 6. x 3 − 8
3. 3x(6x2 – 9 + x) 3. (2m2 + 9n4)( 2m2– 9n4) 7. x 3 + 125
8. x 2 − 8x + 16
9. x 2 + 14x + 49
10. 25x 2 + 20x + 4
Expected Answer:
1. x(y + z)
2. 4(x – 5)
3. 5(3x2 + 2x + 1)
4. (5 + 3r)(5 – r)
5. (2x2 + y)(2x2 – y)
6. (x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
7. (x + 5)(x2 – 5x + 25)
8. (x – 4)2
9. (x + 7)2
10. (5x + 2)2
B. Assignment/Project
VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
REMARKS: Lesson Outline
STEM – Bohr and Becquerel SPS – Ben Arda and Bea Lucero Barley
Learning Episode 1 Learning Episode 1 Learning Episode 1
Introduction: Today, we will learn have a short quiz on Introduction: Today, we will continue to learn how to Introduction: Today, we will continue to learn how to
factoring polynomial with common monomial factor. factor polynomials with common monomial factor. factor polynomials with common monomial factor.
Today also we will learn how to factor polynomials Rationale: It is important to factor different types of Rationale: It is important to factor different types of
which are difference of two squares. polynomials to prepare ourselves in solving problems polynomials to prepare ourselves in solving problems
Rationale: It is important to factor different types of involving factoring. involving factoring.
polynomials to prepare ourselves in solving problems Assessment: At the end of the lesson, you will factor Assessment: At the end of the lesson, you will factor
involving factoring. polynomials with common monomial factor. polynomials with common monomial factor.
Assessment: At the end of the lesson, you will factor B. PROBE AND RESPOND B. PROBE AND RESPOND
polynomials which are difference of two squares. A. Review/Drill: Check the assignment and discuss the A. Review/Drill: Check the assignment and discuss the
B. PROBE AND RESPOND answer of the assignment given yesterday, June 5, 2017. answer of the assignment given yesterday, June 5, 2017.
A. Review/Drill: Do the evaluation on Lesson plan dated B. Prerequisite Skills: B. Prerequisite Skills:
June 5, 2017. Learning Episode 2(MODELLING) The discussion of the answers Learning Episode 2(MODELLING) The discussion of the answers
B. Prerequisite Skills: Do the prerequisite skills on Lesson of the assignment will serve as ex the modelling part of the assignment will serve as ex the modelling part
plan dated June 6, 2017. also. also.
Learning Episode 2(MODELLING) Do the modelling on Lesson Learning Episode 3 Learning Episode 3
plan dated June 6, 2017. A. GUIDED PRACTICE (Dyad/Triad) A. GUIDED PRACTICE (Dyad/Triad)
Learning Episode 3 B. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Individual Work) Do the B. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Individual Work) Do the
A. GUIDED PRACTICE (Dyad/Triad) Do the guided practice independent practice on Lesson plan dated June 5, 2017. independent practice on Lesson plan dated June 5,
on Lesson plan dated June 6, 2017. Learning Episode 4 (ASSESSMENT) 2017.
B. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Individual Work) Do the A. Evaluation Do the evaluation on Lesson plan dated June Learning Episode 4 (ASSESSMENT)
independent practice on Lesson plan dated June 6, 5, 2017. A. Evaluation Do the evaluation on Lesson plan dated June
2017. B. Agreement/Assignment 5, 2017.
Learning Episode 4 (ASSESSMENT) B. Agreement/Assignment
A. Evaluation Do the evaluation on Lesson plan dated June
6, 2017.
B. Agreement/Assignment
REMARKS: Lesson Outline
STEM – Bohr and Becquerel SPS – Ben Arda and Bea Lucero Barley
Learning Episode 1 Learning Episode 1
Introduction: Today, we will continue to learn how to factor Introduction: Today, we will continue to learn how to factor
polynomials with common monomial factor. polynomials with common monomial factor.
Rationale: It is important to factor different types of polynomials Rationale: It is important to factor different types of polynomials
to prepare ourselves in solving problems involving factoring. to prepare ourselves in solving problems involving factoring.
Assessment: At the end of the lesson, you will factor polynomials Assessment: At the end of the lesson, you will factor polynomials
with common monomial factor. with common monomial factor.
A. Review/Drill: Check the assignment and discuss the answer of A. Review/Drill: Check the assignment and discuss the answer of
the assignment given yesterday, June 6, 2017. the assignment given yesterday, June 6, 2017.
B. Prerequisite Skills: B. Prerequisite Skills:
Learning Episode 2(MODELLING) The discussion of the answers of the Learning Episode 2(MODELLING) The discussion of the answers of the
assignment will serve as ex the modelling part also. assignment will serve as ex the modelling part also.
Learning Episode 3 Learning Episode 3
A. GUIDED PRACTICE (Dyad/Triad) Factor completely the A. GUIDED PRACTICE (Dyad/Triad) Factor completely the
following polynomials. following polynomials.
Expected Answer: Expected Answer:
1. 10x + 51. 5(2x + 1) 1. 10x + 51. 5(2x + 1)
2. 25x3 – 55x42. 5x3(5 – 11x) 2. 25y3 – 55y4 2. 5y3(5 – 11y)
3. 6x3– 3x2 + 9x3. 3x(2x2 – x + 3) 3. 6x3 – 3x2 + 9x 3. 3x(2x2 – x + 3)
B. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Individual Work) Factor completely B. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Individual Work) Factor completely
the following polynomials. the following polynomials.
Expected Answer: Expected Answer:
1. 2y + 41. 2(y + 4) 1. 11c + 221. 11(c + 2)
2. 6y5 + 3y22. 3y2(2y3 – 1) 2. 3d2 – 24d2. 3d(d – 8)
3. 2y3+ 16y + 32y23. 2y2(6y2 – 2y+ 9)(y2 – 3. 12x4 – 4x3 + 18x23. 2x2(6x2 – 2x + 9)(y2 –