Math 8 DLL Q2 Week 7
Math 8 DLL Q2 Week 7
Math 8 DLL Q2 Week 7
School: ACADEMY, INC. Grade Level: VIII
Teacher: Christine M. Arceno Area: Mathematics
Teaching Dates
and Time: Dec. 4 - Dec. 8 , 2023 Quarter: Second
A. Content Standards: The learner illustrates comprehension of the key concepts of Solving Linear equations by Substitution, Solving Linear
equation by Elimination and Solving System of Linear Inequalities.
Standards: The learner is able to articulate and unravel real-life problems involving linear equations by substitution, elimination and
solving systems of linear inequalities.
C. Learning
Competencies/Object M8AL-Ii-j-1: Solving M8AL-Ii-j-1: Solving M8AL-IIb-1: Solving M8AL-Ii-j-1: Solving
ives: Write the LC Linear Equations by Linear Equations by System of Linear Linear Equations by
Code for each Substitution. Elimination. Inequalities. Substitution.
M8AL-Ii-j-1: Solving
Linear Equations by
M8AL-IIb-1: Solving
System of Linear
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the
content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Solving Linear Systems in Solving Linear Systems in Solving Linear Systems in Solving Linear Systems in
substitution, elimination and substitution, elimination substitution, elimination and substitution, elimination and
linear inequalities. and linear inequalities. linear inequalities. linear inequalities.
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and
RESOURCES in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-
on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp.
Pages 181 - 183, Oronce & 184 - 186, Oronce & 196 - 197, Oronce & 181 - 197, Oronce &
Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza
2. Learner’s Materials Quarter 2 - Week 2 Quarter 2 - Week 2 Quarter 2 - Week 2 Quarter 2 - Week 2
Pages pp. 1 - 2 pp. 3 - 4 pp. 5 - 6 pp. 1 - 6
3. Textbook Pages E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp. E – Math 8 Textbook, pp.
181 - 183, Oronce & 184 - 186, Oronce & 196 - 197, Oronce & 181 - 197, Oronce &
Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza Mendoza
4. Additional Materials Any Kind of Mathematics Any Kind of Mathematics Any Kind of Mathematics Any Kind of Mathematics
from Learning 8 books and Bible 8 books and Bible 8 books and Bible 8 books and Bible.
Resource (LR)
B.Other Learning
Resources Search engines Search engines Search engines Search engines
Gadgets / Youtube Gadgets / Youtube Gadgets / Youtube Gadgets / Youtube
15. Developing Q and A. To develop Q and A. To develop Q and A. To develop Q and A. To develop
Mastery mastery by checking mastery by checking mastery by checking mastery by checking
(Leads to Formative students with understanding students with students with students with
Assessment ) of the lesson understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
lesson lesson lesson
16. Finding Spiritual Solving Linear Equations by Solving Linear Equations Solving System of Linear Solving Linear
Applications of Substitution, as we relate to by Elimination, we faced Inequalities, in our every Equations by
Concepts and Skills our relationship with God, a lot of struggles in life day lives, some people Substitution and
in Daily Living as we substitute/bring and faced lots of Satan’s thinks that we are not Elimination, as we can
ourselves to our God, He schemes. He wants us equal because they have see in our world right
Integrating Faith in can help us find the solution to drag us down, he higher ranks than us, we now, it’s now in chaos.
Learning that we needed from Him. wants us to get blinded belong to lower-class and Some people doesn’t
Anything is possible with by sins and temptations. many discriminations. But believe on God
God. We can solve any Every time Satan is in God’s eyes we are all
anymore. No matter
problems if we put trying to attack us, we equal even you are poorhow hard life can be,
ourselves to the Lord and must say, “Away Satan!” or rich, we are all equal.
we must stand firm to
accept Him as our Lord and Just like Jesus Christ We should treat other our God. Our enemy is
personal Savior. did, the time that Satan people that we are all the
strong, he’s been
tempted Jesus Christ. same because we are tempting us to not
We must remain faithful created by God. follow God. Remember
and eliminate every sin God is a jealous God,
in this world. we must put ourselves
to Lord Jesus Christ
because He is the way,
the truth, and the life,
and no one else.
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well.
Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities.
V. PROCEDURES Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning,
question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
Evaluating Learning Exercises and Games (Giving Exercises and Games Exercises and Games Exercises and Games
tokens for point’s redemption.) (Giving tokens for point’s (Giving tokens for point’s (Giving tokens for point’s
redemption.) redemption.) redemption.)
x−3 y=3
1. ¿2 x−6 y=5 ¿
x+ y=10 x+2 y>11 Substitution:
8 x+ y=−11
2. ¿7 x−4 y=5 ¿ 1. ¿ x− y=−6 ¿ 1. ¿ y 2 x−7 ¿
x+2 y=4
5 x−3 y=−20
2. ¿−3 x+6 y=12 ¿ 1. ¿2 x+4 y=8 ¿
a. (6,4)
b. (5,3) Elimination:
4 x+ 4 y=4
1. ¿ 4 x−4 y=4 ¿
17. Additional Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
Activities for
Application or 1. Explain what is 1. Explain what is 1. Why do we need to 1. Why substitution and
Remediation substitution method. elimination method. determine each ordered elimination method are
2. Why do we need to use 2. Why do we need to pair of the solution? important to get the final
substitution method to get use elimination method product?
the final product? to get the final product?
Subject matter is really well understood by students. They are now prepared for the next lesson. IFL is well delivered.
VI.REMARKS Assessments results are indicators.