Development Coconut Dehusking Machine PDF
Development Coconut Dehusking Machine PDF
Development Coconut Dehusking Machine PDF
with a dehusking capacity of 480 coconut fruit per hour. dehusking unit, conveying unit, barrier plates/clearer,
However, this later invention and other innovation that handle and bearing housing.
followed up till now usually come and go with problem of
distorting the length of the husk (coir fibre) extracted.
Nowadays, the use of natural fibre reinforced
composite is gaining popularity in automotive, cosmetic
and plastic rubber applications because it offers an
economical and environmental advantage over
traditional organic reinforcements and fillers [8] and [9].
The features of coir fibre from coconut husk such as
durability, relatively water-proof and resistance to
damage by salt water and microbial degradation makes
it popular in fibre reinforced composite applications. Ref.
[8], also revealed that both fibre length and fibre
orientation distribution play very important role in its
mechanical properties; increase in length of coir fibre,
increases the flexibility of the composite product like Figure 2: Diagram of the developed coconut dehusking machine
seat cushions for automobiles. Thus, there is need for The frame is the main supporting structure upon which
machines that can extract coconut husk/fibre without other components of this machine were mounted. The
distorting its length. frame is a welded structure constructed from
The unreliability and irregularity of public electricity 50x50x5mm angle iron with dimensions of 920mm
supply especially rural areas of Nigeria is not likely to be length, 480mm width and 400mm height. The dehusking
solved in the near future due to long neglect the nations unit comprises of two rollers, two roller shafts and two
power sector which caused inadequate functional spur gears. Each roller was formed by welding thirty-two
generating units/equipments in our national power metal spikes (2 x 20 x 5mm) on an 80mm diameter mild
stations [10]. However, rural small scale farmers steel pipe mounted on a roller shaft. Each of the roller
constitutes the major source of coconut fruits to the shafts is a mild steel rod of 55mm diameter and 920mm
nation and the budget of this category of farmers cannot long supported at both ends by ball bearings with a gear
carry the huge investment requirement in both electric mounted at right ends. Also mounted at the right end of
generator and costly motorized coconut dehusking the driving roller shaft is the driving handle while driven
equipment which are mostly of foreign origin. Also, the roller shaft drives the conveying unit of the machine
problem scarcity of petroleum based fuels such as through a driving pulley mounted on it.
petrol and diesel in this country since 1993 makes the The conveying unit consists of a screw conveyor,
operation of this electric powered equipment difficult. shaft, two clearers, pulley and belt. The screw conveyor
Thus, most Nigerian coconut farmer still use the crude was formed by scrolling and welding a 10mm diameter
method of dehusking by cutting with cutlass despite the mild steel rod on a 75mm diameter mild steel pipe with
adverse features of this technique. It is therefore of a pitch of 92mm. The conveyor shaft is a mild steel rod
economic sense if a manually operated machine that of 30mm diameter and 920mm long supported at both
can dehusk the fruit without nut breakage and distortion ends with ball bearing. The conveyor shaft is driven by a
of the extracted fibre length is developed from standard v-belt pulley of 100mm diameter which runs at the same
and locally sourced materials to ensure affordability to speed with the low speed roller (57 teeth gear). The
rural based small scale coconut farmer of this nation clearer was constructed by cutting u-notches on one
and other developing nations in both acquisition and edge of a mild steel plate of 2mm thickness. The
maintenance. Hence, objective of this study is to clearers were fastened on the frame adjacent to the
develop a coconut dehusking machine that can dehusk rollers. The developed coconut dehusking machine is
the fruit without nut breakage and distortion of the very easy to operate and requires one operator. When
extracted fibre length for rural small scale farm-holders. the handle is wound, the rollers with spikes rotate in
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS opposite directions towards the centre causing both the
gripping and tearing of husk of coconut fruit placed in
Machine Description between the rollers. While the rollers rotate, a screw
The major components of the developed coconut conveyor mounted between them 70mm below rotate in
dehusking machine shown in Figure 2 are frame, the same direction and speed as the driven roller with
the help of a pulley-belt system to ensure proper
discharging of dehusked nuts.
Design Analysis of the Machine T Y is number of teeth on the driven gear
Design considerations: The centre distance, C between the adjacent pulleys
The coconut dehusking machine was developed based was computed as 150mm using Equation (2) [11].
on the following considerations: XU\D Y
C = (2)
1. The availability of materials locally to reduce X
cost of production and maintenance of the VR
Where VR is the speed ratio of this drive and D2 is the
machine. diameter of the driven pulley. Thus, length of the belt, l
2. The screw conveyor was introduced in between was computed as 614mm from expression given by [12]
and below the rollers for effective twisting of the as;
coconut fruit during dehusking process and also
for proper discharging of dehusked nut. (D Y − D X )
l = YC + XU\^(D Y + D X ) + (3)
3. The size of the fruit reduces as the husk is [C
progressively removed, thus, the space where D1 is the diameter of the pulley on the driven
between the rollers was gradually tapered by roller (secondary driver). Type “A” v-belt is suitable for
increasing the projections of the spikes from the this drive since the drive transmits less than 3.75kW.
right to left end of the machine to enable Based on [13], a v-belt with standard pitch length, mass
effective gripping of the fruits nut as the husk is per unit length, maximum safe stress and 2cross
been removed. sectional area of 645mm, 0.173kg/m, 2.1N/mm and
4. It is desired that the coconut fruits should be 81mm2 was selected for the drive. Consequently, the
well dehusked without nut breakage and also exact centre distance between the pulleys, angle of lap
that length of the husk/coir fibre extracted of the belt on the pulley and belt speed used in the
should not be distorted, thus, rectangular- fabrication of the machine were determined as
shaped spikes were used while gears and 165.5mm, 3.14rad and 0.077m/s using Equations (2),
pulleys were carefully designed/selected to (3) and (4) respectively in accordance with [11].
meet the required synchronized speeds of the
dehusking and conveying units. D Y − D X
θ = X_W− −X (4)
Selection of gears, pulleys and determination
of their speeds and belt tensions: n πD
vb = Y Y (5)
The machine requires two gears, two pulleys and a ]W
belt for its drives. Standard spur gears (steel) with 200
pressure angle each were selected due to simplicity in Where: θ = Angles of lap of the drive, rad.
design, availability/economy of maintenance, absence v b = Belt speed, m/s
of end thrust on bearing and suitability for heavy loads n Y = Speed of the driven pulley, rpm
features of this type of gear. The driving gear has 42
teeth, addendum and pitch circle diameter of 188mm In addition, maximum, centrifugal, tight side and slack
and 160mm respectively while number of teeth, side tensions of the belt were sequentially computed as
addendum and pitch circle diameters of the driven gear 170.1N, 0.00103N, 170.098N and 9.4N respectively
are 57, 248mm and 220mm respectively. The pinion from the following relations by [11];
and the handle were mounted on the driving roller shaft T = δa (6)
while the driven roller carries the 57 teeth gear. Due to
its availability, durability, cost and performance, mild T c = mv
steel pulleys with groove angle of 380 each were
selected. The driving pulley was mounted on the driven T i = T − T c (8)
roller shaft and the driven on the conveyor shaft. Each T
of the pulleys has a diameter of 100mm, thus, the shafts YUZ i = µθ ec β (9)
of driven roller and screw conveyor run at the same Tj
speed and this speed was determined as 14.74rpm Where: T = Maximum tension of the belts, N
using the relation;
a = cross sectional area of the belts, mm
N XT X = N YT Y (1) δ = Maximum safe stress of the belt, N/mm2
Where: N X is the speed of the driving gear = 20rpm T c = Centrifugal tension of the belt, N
N Y is the speed of the driven gear, rpm
T i = Tight side belt tensions, N
T X is number of teeth on the driving gear
T j = Slack side belt tensions, N Driving Roller shaft: The driving roller shaft and the
forces acting on it are shown in Figure 3.
β = Groove angle of the pulley
µ = coefficient of friction between the pulley and belt
Also •FY = 0; 11.89 + RB = 45 + 184.70;RB = 217.81N
Thus, the bending moments (B.M.) on this shaft were
computed as follows;
B.M. at A and D = 0N-mm
B.M. at B = 92350N-mm
B.M. at C = 51670.85N-mm
Thus, the maximum bending moment on the conveyor
shaft is 92350Nmm. The twisting and conveying of
coconut fruit by the auger during as the fruit is been
dehusked is sudden with minor shocks, hence, Kb = 2
and Kt =1.5 [12]. The minimum diameter of this
Figure 4: The driven roller shaft showing the applied forces. conveyor shaft was determined from Equation (10) as
28.21mm. Therefore, a standard 30mm diameter solid
Where: Wr is weight of the roller/spikes = 54N mild steel shaft was selected for the conveyor shaft.
WCP is weight of the conveyor pulley = 5.2N
The reactions of bearings, RC and RE were determined Power Requirement:
by taking moment about C. The power, P required for dehusking of one coconut by
•MC = 0; RE (870) +184.7(50) +4316.2(100)= 4094(435) this machine was determined as 674.68W from the
RE = 1540.27N following relation given by [12] as;
Also •FY = 0; 1540.27 + RC = 4094 + 4316.2+184.70 P = Fv d (17)
RC = 7054.63N
Thus, the bending moments on this shaft are as follows; v d is the speed of the driving roller = 0.167m/s. This
B.M. at A and E = 0N-mm speed was determined from relation given by [11] as:
B.M. at B = 215810N-mm N XπD g X
B.M. at C = 440855N-mm vd = (18)
B.M. at D = 670017.55N-mm ]W
Therefore, the maximum bending moment on the driven where D g X is pitch diameter of the driving gear
roller shaft is 670017.55Nmm. Also, the dehusking of
the coconut fruit by the driving roller is partially sudden Performance Evaluation Procedure:
with minor shock at the start of each operation and In order to actualize the aims of this project, the
gradual as the process progresses, hence, Kb =1.5 and dehusking capacity and efficiency of the coconut
Kt =1.5 [11]. The minimum diameter required of this dehusking machine were evaluated using twenty
driven shaft was determined as 52.68mm using experimental runs after its fabrication. Each test
Equation (10). Thus, a standard 55mm diameter solid involved operating the machine by a different operator
mild steel shaft was also selected as the driven roller
shaft of this machine. and recording of the total number of fruits, N T each of
the twenty operators dehusked in a given time. The
Conveyor shaft: The details of forces acting on the dehusking process as per each operator was timed with
conveyor shaft are shown in Figure 5. a stop-watch. Also determined in each test are number
of well dehusked nuts without distortion on the length of
the husk extract, Ngf and number of well dehusked nuts
with distorted husk extract, Ndt. Thereafter, the
efficiency, η and capacity, C of the machine were
computed in each case using the following relations:
η OLP =
× (19)
C OFruits Vh P = T (20)
Figure 5: Conveyor shaft showing forces acting on it t
WC is weight of the conveyor shaft/its auger = 45N The results of the performance test (Table 1) show that
WCP is weight of pulley on the conveyor shaft = 5.2N the machine performed above 90% efficiency in all the
The reactions of bearings, RB and RD were determined tests cases as expected. It is also obvious from this
by taking moment about B. table that the capacity of the developed machine ranges
•MB = 0; RD (870) +184.7(50) = 45(435); RD = 11.89N between 77 and 81 nuts per hour depending on the
operator, however, on average an operator dehusks 79 nuts per hour with this machine.
Table 1: Result of the Performance Evaluation of Coconut Dehusking Machine
Number of Number of well Number of fruits Time Efficiency Capacity
S/No. fruits dehusked dehusked fruits not dehusked well (seconds) (%) (Fruits/h)
1 26 24 2 1215.58 92.31 77
2 25 23 2 1153.85 92.00 78
3 27 25 2 1278.95 92.59 76
4 26 24 2 1184.81 92.30 79
5 25 24 1 1111.11 96.00 81
6 25 23 2 1168.83 92.00 77
7 27 25 2 1246.15 92.59 78
8 26 24 2 1200.00 92.31 78
9 26 24 2 1184.81 92.31 79
10 27 26 1 1215.00 96.30 80
11 25 24 1 1125.00 96.00 80
12 26 24 2 1155.56 92.31 81
13 26 24 2 1184.81 92.30 79
14 27 25 2 1246.15 92.59 78
15 25 24 1 1139.24 96.00 79
16 26 24 2 1170.00 92.31 80
17 27 26 1 1200.00 96.30 81
18 25 24 1 1139.24 96.00 79
19 26 24 2 1215.58 92.31 77
20 27 25 2 1230.38 92.59 79
Average 93.45 79
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