Garri Frying Machine Report
Garri Frying Machine Report
Garri Frying Machine Report
I hereby declare that this project work" design and fabrication of garri frying machine was
done by me and that it is a record of my research work.
It has not been presented before in aiiy previous application for bachelor degree in
engineering. All the source of information which is not originated by me were duly
acknowledge by means of reference.
This project titled "Design and Fabrication of Garri Frying Machines" by Iheanacho Goodness
Gozie with the matric number MOUAU/09/14445 meets the regulation governing the award of
and Engineering Technology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Urnudike and approved
Project Supervisor
Head of Department
With a deep sense of respect and gratitude, I want to say thanks to my parents who sponsored
my five years of study, and also to Almighty God who kept me alive through my years of stud. I
appreciate my Iricnd and relatives for there moral support. I express my sinccrc appreciation to
my lectures who impacted the knowledge into me and my supervisor Engr. Oiji who guided me
My sincere appreciation also goes to everyone that has been by me all this while. Big thanks!!!
Title page - - - - - - -
Declaration - - - - - ii
Certification - - - - - - - iii
Dedication - - - - '- - iv
Acknowledgement - - - - v
Table of contents - - - - vi-vii
List of Table - - - - - - - - viii
List of Figures - - - - - xi
Abstract - - - - - x
I.1 Background of Study -
1.2 Statement of Problem - - - - 2
1.3 Objective of Study - - - - 3
1.4 Justification - - - 3
1.5 Scope of Study- - - - - - - 3
3.4.7 Speed of Pulley - - - - - - - 17
3.4.8 Shaft design - - - - - 17
3.4.9 Torque on shaft - - - - 18
3.4.10 Power required for rotating shall - - - - 18
3.4. 11 Determining Shaft Diameter - - - - - 19
3.5 I)cscription of Machine Components - - - - - 21
3.6 Machine Description - - - - - - - 22
3.7 Performance Evaluation - - - 22
3.8 Variation in Quantity of Mash with Time of Frying - - 23
3.9 Determination of Quantity of Charcoal Required - 23
3.9.1 Change in Moisture Content with Time - - - 24
Table 4.2: The Relationship between the Mass of Charcoal and the
ihe g' ftyi ig iiuicli inc Was designed and fuhnculed bused on a Ilordabi lily, elliciency and
Portability of the machine. The machine is made of mild steel for its affordability. The machine
has a speed of 40 rpm. The shaft rotates in such a way to avoid starch gelatinization or cooking
of the cassava. The shaft is powered by an electric motor of 1 hore power. The garri frying
machine makes use of charcoal which is readily available. In this project, charcoal mass of 2kg,
4kg, and 6kg was used in performance evaluation and testing. Three different masses of cassava
was analyzed (5kg, 7kg, 10kg), with a moisture content of 3 8.6%. The performance and through
put capacity was calculated. The test performance gave 60% efficiency and a through put
capacity of 28.2kg.
Garri is a fine grain produced from tuberous roots of cassava. It is the major staple
food for West African nations. An average family of six produces approximately 50kg of garri
per month. This quantity requires about.400 cassava roots. Garri frying is the most critical
unit operation in processing cassava into garri, this is because its dehydration process is not a
straight lrward process (I ITA, 1990). Ihe product is lirst cooked with the moisture in ii and
then dehydrated.
Garri is creamy-white granular flour with a slightly fermented flavor and a slightly
sour taste made &om !rmcntcd, gelatinized fresh cassava tubers. It is the most developed and
storable commodity from cassava and is widely consumed in Nigeria, Brazil as well as in
most countries of West African coast. Research shows that cassava occupies 70% of all
cultivated lands within the south east tegion of Nigeria. It is estimated to be the most
cultivated plant and is planted by both peasant and commercial farmers (Asagbai,2003). The
preparation of garri from cassava has basically been done according to local processing
techniques. In the last three decades, a lot of research has been carried out to mechanize some
aspects of the unit operations involved in garri production. These include peeling, washing of
tubers, grating, dewatering, fermentation, sieving, frying and cooling. Some equipment has
been designed to aid the large scale processing of cassava. They include gratcrs, peeling
machines, dewatering machines, sifters and pulverizers for dried cassava mash.
1.2 Stateiiient of I'roljlcni
It has been quite difficult to mechanize the garri frying operation .This is because the
operation was not well understood by many designers and manufacturers. Some had
erroneously assumed garri frying lb be the same as dehydration, while others had taken it to
be roasting. Drying solid means the removal of some amount of water or other liquid from the
solid material to reduce the content or residual liquid to an acceptable low values. It is usually
the hun! step in a series of processing and handling operations and the product from a dryer is
often ready for final packaging. Drying is then a relative term and means a reduction in
moisture content from an initial value to some acceptable final value. Cassava has about 60%
water content while final garri is between 10-15% [Egb(1987j. Garri frying is also known
as galTi cation.
Garri frying is a stressful task. In manual garri frying, the smoke and vapour emission
causes discomfort to the worker. The studious nature of garri processing makes large scale
garri production less attractive and discouraging to young people. The statement of problem
therefore is to identify a means of designing a batch process garri frying machine that will
1. Produce the desired and acceptable cassava product for the consumer.
1. To design and fabricate a garri frying machine with a good level of efficiency
1.4 Justi!icatioii
The major essence of this project is to develop a system that will eliminate the lime
consuming, uncomfortable and health hazards posed to the operator of the village technique
of garri frying, and at the same time simulating this village technique in order to obtain a good
quality garri. This study is thus significant in the sense that it will bridge the gap between the
existing traditional technology and the emerging modern technology, using the advantages of
With the aid of modern science and advancement in technology the garri processing
steps could be mechanized. This project will focus more on mechanizing the garri frying
Earlier design on garri production plants did not produce the desired and acceptable
cassava product for the consumers. The designers of those plants did not take into account the
shallow earthenware, cast-iron pans (Agbada, Nigerian Ibo) over a wood fire. Women use
spatula-like paddles of wood or calabash sections to press the sieved mash against the hot
surface of the frying pan and turn it vigorously to avoid caking. The operator sits sideways by
the fireplace while frying. The discomfort due to heat and the sitting posture of the operator
Oguleye (2002) identified two main species of cassava, manihot pamata (bitter
cassava) and n-ianihotAipi (sweet cassava). This classification is based on the level of hydro
Archaeological evidence shows that cassava originated from Latin America (Brazil,
niexicocic) where there was evidence of early existence from artefacts. Hanks 2003 traced its
debut into Africa in the 16t1 century at the mouth of congo river. It is now grown in most sub-
In recent times there has been increased research on cassava which has revealed
2.3 Garrification Process
Prior to the garri frying stage, cassava is fermented and sieved. Cassava mash is
produced after several processing operations, which include peeling of the tubers, grating,
1) 1-larvesting: 1-lere the cassava root is uprooted from the ground and are detached from
the stems
2) Peeling: The bark of the cassava is gently removed in other to expose the whitish
3) Washing: The already pillcd cassava is washed to remove dirt and sand
5) Dc-watering- This is the act of removing water from grounded cassava marsh
8) Cooling: Here the fried garri is spread outside to lose more moisture through
Ilie SiZe of galTi particles dC1)Ci)ds on thc degree oF gelatinization. 'Flic recommended
garri particle ranges between fine and coarse (11'l'A 1990).'Fhe quality of garri is also graded
by color of the garri after the frying process. Burnt garri has low market demand while the
Cassava is a very versatile commodity with numerous uses and by-products. Each
component of the plant can be valuable to its cultivator. The leaves may be fed to livestock as
a protein feed supplement. The stem is used for plant propagation and grafting. The roots are
In Nigeria, the consumption pattern varies according to ecological zones. Garri, a
roasted granule is the dominant product and is widely accepted in both rural and urban areas.
It can be consumed without any additives, or consumed with a variety of additives such as
sugar, groundnut, fish, meat and stew. FuJ'u and Akpu, a fermented wet paste from cassava is
also widely consumed throughout the country especially in the southern zones.
cassava root production was utilized as an industrial raw material in 2001 in Nigeria (Igbeka
J.0 1995). Ten percent was used as chips in animal feed, five percent was processed into a
syrup concentrate for soft drinks and less than one percent was processed into high quality
cassava flour used in biscuits and confectionary, dextrin pre-gelled starch for adhesives,
common terms used to describe these capacity levels are household (or cottage), micro, small,
medium and large. Household level processing typically does not employ any outside labour.
The household consumes virtually all of the processed products and sells a small amount to
raise income for additional household needs. At present, most Nigerian processors fall within
this category.
At the micro processing capacity the employment of one or two units of labour may
take place while processing a variety of cassava products. This enterprise typically uses batch
processing. Batch processing may take four hours pci day and this would be sufficient for the
Nigeria has a few cassava processors in this category of operation. The small and
'I'able 2:4 Production Levels of Cassava in Nigeria and other major Cassava Producing
Country Harvested Area (x160Ha) Production Levels (MT) Yield kgi016Ha
1998 1999 2000 '1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000
World Total 101,175 104812 100.619 158,620 169,062 172.737 1.568 1.613 1,717
Nigeria 16.856 19,200 19,200 30,409 32,69( 32.69! 1,804 1,703 1,70!
Brazil L913 9.391 10.687 19.809 20.892 22.960 1.998 2,112 2,152
'lThailand 5.527 6.659 7,068 15,591 16.507 19.049 2,389 2.479 2,695
Th'dnesia .31 8.500 8,500 14,728 16.347 16.347 1956 1,923 1,923
Congo . 13.750 12,710 6,855 16,500 16.500 15,959 1.200 1,298 2,328
Ghana 3,933 4063 4,063 7,172 7,845 7,845 1,821 1,931 1,931
India 1.531 1,563 1,563 5,868 5,800 .8,800 3,833 3,711 3,711
Tanzania 4.331 4,375 5,301 6,193 7,182 5,758 1,430 1,642 1,086
Uganda 2.138 2,344 2,388 2,285 3.300 4,965 1,069 1,408 2,080
Mo2arnbiqu 5 344 5,988 5,'OOO 5,639 5,353 4,543 889 894 929
Others 23.316 29,519 30,014 34,426 36,603 36.713 1,216 1.240 1,223
(IITA 1990)
A lot of work has been done on mechanization of the garri production stages. This also
includes the frying of garri. This stage is stressful and involves lots of drudgery. Some example
(University ol' Ibadan) improved garri fryer (Igbeka, 1995) is, made of a uireplace oven
with a chimney and a frying pan. The frying pan which is 200cm x 60cm x 10cm is designed to
have trapezoidal shape with its side inclined at 60° to the horizontal. The inclination of the sides
allows for gradual gravitational flow of garri down the sides of the fryer. It is made from a 4mm
thick black steel sheet, which is not easily corroded and does not turn black afler heating. The
frying pan has an opening or chute on one side for discharging the finished product into a
receiving pan. The frying pan sits on a rectangular fireplace built of clay which is 60cm high and
has an opening on one side of the breath or width from where firewood is fed into the oven,
while the other width carries the chimney. There are two small
ventilation openings on one side of the length. The wall thickness of the fireplace is 22.5cm
and the effective volume of the heating chamber of the fireplace is 0.72m3. It can use up to
20kg of wood as source of heat. The structure is housed under a shed made of corrugated iron
sheets. The flyer is operated by two people sitting on both ends of the fireplace without
ventilation. The Uni-Ibadan garri fryer is 85% efficient [Akinbolade . ,l986J. The
limitation of this garri fryer is that, its processes are not fully mechanized. The turning of the
cassava mash is still done manually by two operators sitting at both ends of the fryer. Details
Field tests amongst gari producers showed that the improved models had the following
This was the first equipment designed jointly by the Newell Dunford Company in
London and the Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO), Oshodi in Nigeria. It is a
garri producing plant of which the fryer is just one of the components. In the frying section,
heat from a gas fire is controlled and regulated by thermostats at various points in the process.
The fryer structure is a circular stainless steel, heated from outside with the fryers curve
The Newel! Dunford Model garri fryer has low efficiency 50% (Ahmed 1992), the
1. The machine is operated by gas regulated by therrnostatt This is expensive for rural
farmers to purchase.
2. The garri produced by Newell Dunford Model garri fryer is roasted instead of being
The Brazilian model fryer consists of a semi-circular steel plate and operates on a
batch process drying. At the top, the plate has a large ring gear . It is mashed to an inner
annulus which is coirnected to a vertical shaft with large steel paddles. A specific batch of
sieved cassava mash is dropped into the circular plate and the eccentric paddles shift the mass
circularly to produce a dry product. An automatic gate is opened at the side of the plate and
This model is designed and manufactured in Brazil. It seems to be better than the
Newell Dunford model, and the product obtained from it is similar to gari in Nigeria, even
though it is not exactly the same. It has an efficiency of 95% according to Ahmed
(1992).and was able to handle large quantity of garri compared to rural garri frying method
(Egba 1987).
The limitation of this flyer is that its product looked more like dried garri than fried garri,and
From previous reviews it was observed that temperature regulation and timing affects
the output of garri. The newell dunford model made use of gas cylinder and gear mechanism
which will be more expensive for most farmers to afford and maintain. Mechanizing rural
garri frying method, by fabricating an efficient and affordable machine will help create
employment to the teaming youth. This machine will reduce drudgery and produce garri at
made of an angle iron of adequate thickness for stability, a hopper that will hold a reasonable
amount of the material before refilling, a sluice gate, shaft with wooden paddles attached to it,
ball bearings for power transmission, anelcetric motor (prime mover), a charcoal tray and a
discharge outlet.
The following were taken into consideration in the design of the garri frying machine;
The main system to be considered in the design of the machine are; the hopper size,
the shaft design on the basis of strength, the cylinder size, the volume of cassava mash in the
cylinder , the quantity of heat required, the belt length, also important in the designing of this
3.3.1 Shaft Considerations
As far as the design and fabrication of the garri frying machine is concerned, the
shaft performs the major part of the frying operation, and it is coupled with wooden flying
iii. The shaft should be rigid enough to withstand combined bending and tensional
c) Efficiency of fry
3.3.4 Materials Consideration
The material consideration required in the effective design of this machine includes
the moisture content of the material, coefficient of friction of the mash and also the density of
Volume of 12600cm3(assumed) cassava mash is needed to pass through the hopper in five
But,B=LW (2)
N=-"-- (3)
N= 0.0130 79
The cylinder was sized using the postulates that necessary space (evaporation space) is
required above the mash in the cylinder; space is necessary to demonstrate frying process and
Vc 1tr2 h (4)
v = cylinder volume
R = cylinder radius
L = cylinder length
v =3.142 X (0.1)2 X1.24 0039in3
Assuming the cassava mash in the cylinder is one- third volume of thin cylinder
V fll C (5)
Vx 0.039 0.013m3
v =volurne of the cylinder =O.013m3
Q=MCAT (7)
AT temperature = 60°c
C = 2(0.06 + 0.15)
C =0.42m
- 3.1420.06x1440
60 60
bending). It has a wooden paddle attached to it, two bearings mounted on it. However, for
only. Thus, the diameter of the shaft is obtained by using torsion equation
i.e. -=- (Khurmi and Gupta, 2002) (9)
T twisting moment acting upon the shaft
r = distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber d/2 (where'd' is the diameter of the
J=--xd4 (10)
T= —xrxd3
For twisting moment (T), power tiansmitted (watts) by the shaft is given as;
p x60
Then, T (13)
p 27rNT
T= 178.32
178.32 x40
— —0.746hp
32T 2t4
ird 4 d
transmission shaft, the maximum permissible stress is 56rnpa without allowance of key ways
d3 =!
d = V16 x 178.32/3.142 x 56
V162.1 = 2.8 3cm
3.5 Description of Machine Components
In the design and fabrication of garri fryer there are essential components which
should be considered such as the .hopper, frying cylinder, the frying paddles and the heat
The Hopper: Hopper is commonly found in industrial machines, and its basic
function is to feed raw materials into the machine. Hopper can come in different
shapes depending on the type of the raw material in use; its passage equally may be
big or small such that water or solid materials may pass to the machine. The nature of
food material we are fig 3.4.11presently handling lead to the selection of a square
type hopper. The hopper material used was mild steel, because mild steel is cheaper
and readily available. The hopper is positioned above the cylinder and is welded on
The trough: The trough is part of the machine that conducts heat used for frying the
sieved particle over a selected time. It is made with a mild steel material which
generates heat from the charcoal underneath the cylindrical fryer fig 3.4.11
The frying paddle: The frying paddle is made of calabash.The calabash is cut into
sizes and attached to the shaft alternately in such a way the garri marsh moves
The discharge chute: This is an outlet for the fried garri. it has a sluice gate which is
- Charcoal tray: This is located under the trough .It holds charcoal, which is the source
The moisture content of the cassava mash was determined by gravimetric method. A
known mass of the mash was placed in an oven at 110 degrees for 8 hours. The final weight
was taken when the product has cooled down inside a desiccator; the moisture content was
The first experiment was done by 'arying the quantity of mash with frying time.
The cassava mash is divided into three batches 5kg, 7kg, 9kg, its initial moisture content was
38.6%. The first batch was put into the frying cylinder, and a stop watch is used to check the
This second experiment was conducted to determine the quantity of charcoal required to
turn the cassava marsh into fried garri. The adequate temperature required to get a good
in other to determine the quantity of charcoal required, a varying mass of charcoal (2kg, 4kg,
7kg) was used to determine the mass of charcoal that will be able to raise the trough to the
required temperature.
In this third experiment ,5kg of cassava marsh was introduced into the frying cylinder and the
moisture content of the mash was checked at an interval or 5 minutes until the cassava marsh
turned into garri and has a constant moisture, which is the final moisture content.
At the end of the experiment it was observed that 5kg cassava marsh fried to a good quality
of garri at 12 minutes. When 10kg of cassava mash was introduced it fried to quality garri at
1 5 minutes, and when the 9kg was introduced into the fryer, it took 1 8minutes to fry to good
TabLe 4.1: Showing the relationship between the Mass of cassava mash and Frying time
5 12
7 15
9 18
From the experiment it was observed that an increased in cassava mash lead to an increase in
the time required to fry the cassava mash to good quality garri.
The 9kg cassava mash was used for this experiment. The moisture content was determined
at intervals of Smins, until it turned to garri at a final moisture content of 11.8% in l8rnins.
1'able 4.1.1 Change in moisture content of 9kg cassava mash with time
0 38.6
5 27.8
10 20.3
15 16.5
18 11.8
In this experiment varying mass of charcoal was used to raise the trough to the
Table 4.2: The l(clationshi between the Mass of Charcoal and the Time taken to raise
the trough Temperature 60 c
2 30
4 20
6 15
4.3 Determination of the Quantity of Charcoal Required
From the result of the experiment above, 6kg of charcoal was able to heat up the trough to a
temperature of 60°c at a faster rate. Therefore, 6kg charcoal is the most appropriate charcoal
quantity to be used.
The experiment was done to determine the functional efficiency and throughput capacity of
the machine, putting into consideration the results from the previous experiments.
The machine speed was set to 40rpm required speed( igbeka J.0 1995), and 6kg charcoal
was used as a source of heat for frying the cassava mash of 9kg, with initial moisture content
of 38.6% was poured into the frying trough preheated to 60°c. This was done intermittently
(using the village technique) 3kg of mash was poured into the fryer and fried for two minute,
and another 3kg added and fried for two minutes before finally adding the remaining 3kg.
The cassava mash was moved forward and backward intermittently with the aid of the control
The throughput capacity is given as:
work done
efficiency = x 100
= 26.8 100
x-=. 59.6 =60%
45 1
5.1 Conclusion
The performance of the garri fryer was evaluated at National Root Crop Research Institute.
The optimum speed of the machine is 40rpm. The average mass of charcoal used as a source
of heat was 6kg. Throughput capacity was determined to be 28.2kg/hr with 60% efficiency.
•5.2 Rccoinmcndation
The machine performed satisfactorily during the period of operation with minimum
breakdown. It reduced drudgery, labour, and time of operation and also eliminates smoke
during operation. The machine is rccommcnded for adoption and commercialization to meet
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