Wilhelm Wundt (seated) with colleagues in his psychological laboratory, the first of its kind.
Gustav Fechner began conducting psychophysics research in Leipzig in the 1830s, articulating the
principle that human perception of a stimulus varies logarithmically according to its
intensity.[21] Fechner's 1860 Elements of Psychophysics challenged Kant's stricture against
quantitative study of the mind.[19] In Heidelberg, Hermann von Helmholtz conducted parallel research
on sensory perception, and trained physiologist Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt, in turn, came to Leipzig
University, establishing the psychological laboratory which brought experimental psychology to the
world. Wundt focused on breaking down mental processes into the most basic components,
motivated in part by an analogy to recent advances in chemistry, and its successful investigation of
the elements and structure of material.[22] Paul Flechsig and Emil Kraepelin soon created another
influential psychology laboratory at Leipzig, this one focused on more on experimental psychiatry.[19]
Psychologists in Germany, Denmark, Austria, England, and the United States soon followed Wundt
in setting up laboratories.[23] G. Stanley Hall who studied with Wundt, formed a psychology lab
at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, which became internationally influential. Hall, in turn,
trained Yujiro Motora, who brought experimental psychology, emphasizing psychophysics, to
the Imperial University of Tokyo.[24] Wundt assistant Hugo Münsterberg taught psychology at Harvard
to students such as Narendra Nath Sen Gupta—who, in 1905, founded a psychology department
and laboratory at the University of Calcutta.[18] Wundt students Walter Dill Scott, Lightner Witmer,
and James McKeen Cattell worked on developing tests for mental ability. Catell, who also studied
with eugenicist Francis Galton, went on to found the Psychological Corporation. Wittmer focused on
mental testing of children; Scott, on selection of employees.[25]
Another student of Wundt, Edward Titchener, created the psychology program at Cornell
University and advanced a doctrine of "structuralist" psychology. Structuralism sought to analyze and
classify different aspects of the mind, primarily through the method of introspection.[26] William
James, John Dewey and Harvey Carr advanced a more expansive doctrine called functionalism,
attuned more to human–environment actions. In 1890 James wrote an influential book, The
Principles of Psychology, which expanded on the realm of structuralism, memorably described the
human "stream of consciousness", and interested many American students in the emerging
discipline.[26][27][28] Dewey integrated psychology with social issues, most notably by promoting the
cause progressive education to assimilate immigrants and inculcate moral values in children.[29]
One of the dogs used in Pavlov's experiment with a surgically implanted cannula to
measure salivation, preserved in the Pavlov Museum in Ryazan, Russia