Model 137B22B ICP® Pressure Sensor Installation and Operating Manual

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Model 137B22B

ICP® Pressure Sensor

Installation and Operating Manual

For assistance with the operation of this product,

contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc.

Toll-free: 800-828-8840
24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001
Fax: 716-684-0987
Service, Repair, and Return
Policies and Instructions

The information contained in this document supersedes all similar information that
may be found elsewhere in this manual.

also good practice to recalibrate after

Service – Due to the sophisticated exposure to any severe temperature
nature of the sensors and associated extreme, shock, load, or other
instrumentation provided by PCB environmental influence, or prior to any
Piezotronics, user servicing or repair is critical test.
not recommended and, if attempted,
may void the factory warranty. Routine PCB Piezotronics maintains an ISO-
maintenance, such as the cleaning of 9001 certified metrology laboratory and
electrical connectors, housings, and offers calibration services, which are
mounting surfaces with solutions and accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025,
techniques that will not harm the with full traceability to SI through
physical material of construction, is N.I.S.T. In addition to the normally
acceptable. Caution should be observed supplied calibration, special testing is
to ensure that liquids are not permitted also available, such as: sensitivity at
to migrate into devices that are not elevated or cryogenic temperatures,
hermetically sealed. Such devices phase response, extended high or low
should only be wiped with a dampened frequency response, extended range,
cloth and never submerged or have leak testing, hydrostatic pressure
liquids poured upon them. testing, and others. For information on
standard recalibration services or
Repair – In the event that equipment special testing, contact your local PCB
becomes damaged or ceases to Piezotronics distributor, sales
operate, arrangements should be made representative, or factory customer
to return the equipment to PCB service representative.
Piezotronics for repair. User servicing or
repair is not recommended and, if Returning Equipment – Following
attempted, may void the factory these procedures will ensure that your
warranty. returned materials are handled in the
most expedient manner. Before
Calibration – Routine calibration of returning any equipment to PCB
sensors and associated instrumentation Piezotronics, contact your local
is recommended as this helps build distributor, sales representative, or
confidence in measurement accuracy factory customer service representative
and acquired data. Equipment to obtain a Return Warranty, Service,
calibration cycles are typically Repair, and Return Policies and
established by the users own quality Instructions Materials Authorization
regimen. When in doubt about a (RMA) Number. This RMA number
calibration cycle, a good “rule of thumb” should be clearly marked on the outside
is to recalibrate on an annual basis. It is of all package(s) and on the packing
list(s) accompanying the shipment. A complete list of distributors and offices
detailed account of the nature of the can be found at
problem(s) being experienced with the Customers within the United States may
equipment should also be included contact their local sales representative
inside the package(s) containing any or a factory customer service
returned materials. representative. A complete list of sales
representatives can be found at
A Purchase Order, included with the Toll-free telephone
returned materials, will expedite the numbers for a factory customer service
turn-around of serviced equipment. It is representative, in the division
recommended to include authorization responsible for this product, can be
on the Purchase Order for PCB to found on the title page at the front of this
proceed with any repairs, as long as manual. Our ship to address and
they do not exceed 50% of the general contact numbers are:
replacement cost of the returned
item(s). PCB will provide a price PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
quotation or replacement 3425 Walden Ave.
recommendation for any item whose Depew, NY14043 USA
repair costs would exceed 50% of Toll-free: (800) 828-8840
replacement cost, or any item that is not 24-hour SensorLineSM: (716) 684-0001
economically feasible to repair. For Website:
routine calibration services, the E-mail:
Purchase Order should include
authorization to proceed and return at
current pricing, which can be obtained
from a factory customer service

Contact Information – International

customers should direct all inquiries to
their local distributor or sales office. A
PCB工业监视和测量设备 - 中国RoHS2公布表
PCB Industrial Monitoring and Measuring Equipment - China RoHS 2 Disclosure Table
汞 镉
部件名称 铅 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE)
住房 O O O O O O
电气连接器 O O O O O O
压电晶体 X O O O O O
环氧 O O O O O O
铁氟龙 O O O O O O
电子 O O O O O O
厚膜基板 O O X O O O
电线 O O O O O O
电缆 X O O O O O
塑料 O O O O O O
焊接 X O O O O O
铜合金/黄铜 X O O O O O
本表格依据 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制。
O: 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求以下。
X: 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求。
铅是欧洲RoHS指令2011/65/ EU附件三和附件四目前由于允许的豁免。


Component Name Hazardous Substances
Lead Mercury Cadmium Chromium VI Polybrominated Polybrominated
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) Compounds Biphenyls Diphenyl
(Cr(VI)) (PBB) Ethers (PBDE)
Housing O O O O O O
PCB Board X O O O O O
Electrical O O O O O O
Piezoelectric X O O O O O
Epoxy O O O O O O
Teflon O O O O O O
Electronics O O O O O O
Thick Film O O X O O O
Wires O O O O O O
Cables X O O O O O
Plastic O O O O O O
Solder X O O O O O
Copper Alloy/Brass X O O O O O
This table is prepared in accordance with the provisions of SJ/T 11364.
O: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit
requirement of GB/T 26572.
X: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials for this part is above
the limit requirement of GB/T 26572.
Lead is present due to allowed exemption in Annex III or Annex IV of the European RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.


ECN: 46162
Models 137B21X, B22X, B23X, B24X

The Series 137B2XX Free Field Blast ICP® Pressure
Probe is designed for measuring free field blast and
shock tunnel pressure time profiles.

Designed with an ICP® built-in source follower

amplifier, the 137B2XX Series offers sensitivities of
1, 20, 10 and 100 mV/psi with full-scale ranges from
0 to 50, 250, 500 or 5000 psi. The 137B2XX Series
is constructed with a stable quartz piezoelectric
element in an Invar housing
Photo 2
Common black vinyl electrical tape has been found to
In field blast measurements, mount the Series
be an effective thermal insulating material in many
137B2XX pressure probe in an axial direction to the
cases. One layer may be used across the end of
blast source. The probes should be elevated high
diaphragm and adaptor. See photo 3.
enough off of the ground such that ground does not
interfere with the measured pressure. See photo 1.

Photo 3

A silicone rubber coating approximately 0.010 inch

Photo 1
(0.25 mm) thick has also been proven effective in
many applications. General Electric RTV type 106 is
The sensing surface should be aligned in a vertical
recommended (PCB Model 065A67). Apply the
plane with respect to the ground as shown in photo 2.
rubber coating to the surface of the diaphragm and
Avoiding direct exposure of the diaphragm to
allow it to cure in accordance with the manufacturer’s
sunlight is good practice so that changing
temperatures throughout a test day do not change the
sensitivity of the sensor. In any case care must be
taken such that the sensor’s diaphragm is not oriented 3.0 OPERATION
down to avoid ground reflections.
Using suitable cable, connect the sensor to one of
In some cases, where flash temperatures such as those PCB's Series 480, 481, 482, 483, or 484 signal
generated by blasts and shock fronts are present, it conditioners or equivalent power supply. If using a
may be necessary to thermally insulate the diaphragm PCB line power unit, the equipment will supply the
to minimize signals generated by these effects. 137B2XX with an adjustable 2 to 20 mA constant
current at +22 to +30 VDC through a current-
regulating circuit. If using a battery-operated unit,
the constant current is 2 mA. See Guide G-0001 for
powering and signal utilization information pertinent
to all ICP® instrumentation.

Drawing Number: 40955

Revision: NR
ECO#: 39372
Models 137B21X, B22X, B23X, B24X

Switch power on and observe reading of bias 4.0 LOW-FREQUENCY RESPONSE

monitoring voltmeter on front panel of signal
conditioner. Consult Section 7.0 in General Guide G-0001 for
detailed explanation of low-frequency characteristics
If indicator is in green section of indicator panel, the of ICP® instrumentation.
IC amplifier is producing proper bias (8 to 14 VDC),
the cable connections are normal, and the system is 5.0 CALIBRATION
ready to operate.
Do not try to calibrate the Series 137B2XX statically.
If the pointer moves into the red area of the fault The Series 137B2XX is calibrated dynamically by
monitor meter, output is zero and a short is indicated. PCB using a hydraulic pulse technique.
The short could be located in amplifier cable
connectors or power unit. For best accuracy, use the calibration certificate
supplied. Factory recalibration is available for a
If the pointer moves into the yellow area of the fault nominal charge.
monitor meter, an open circuit is indicated with full
power supply voltage.
An open circuit could be the result of a faulty
amplifier, an open cable or open connectors. Check Although ICP® sensors have low-output impedance
to be sure connectors are properly mated. Some PCB and are not usually affected by moisture, in extremely
power units feature fault LEDs in place of a fault damp environments it may be well to protect cable
meter. Instead of a pointer, the fault LED will light connections with shrink tubing.
when an open or short circuit condition is present.
It is well to observe the following precautions in
Allow the sensor to thermally stabilize for about one using the sensor:
minute. A signal drift may occur when the cable is
connected to the readout instrument. This drift 1. Do not exceed specified maximum range.
occurs during charging of the coupling capacitor in
the power unit. The signal will stabilize in several 2. Do not subject sensor to temperatures
minutes. Proceed with measurements. exceeding temperature shown on specification sheet.

Most line-powered signal conditioners manufactured 3. Do not apply voltage to sensor without
by PCB have an adjustable current feature allowing a current-limiting diodes or other current protection.
choice of input currents from 2 to 20 mA. In general,
for the lowest noise (best resolution), choose the 4. Do not apply more than 20 mA of current to
lower current ranges. the sensor.

In order to maintain a high frequency response of the Field repair of the piezoelectric element or amplifier
system when driving long cables (to hundreds or of the Series 137B2XX is not practicable. Thus,
thousands of feet), use a higher current, up to 20 mA should a sensor in this series require servicing, refer
maximum. Use of low-capacitance cable (i.e. RG to the warranty sheet.
62/U) and impedance-matching variable resistors are
suggested to improve long cable performance CAUTIONARY NOTE: If sensors are left outside
characteristics. See Guide G-0001 for a discussion overnight, they should be coated with silicone oil and
on cable considerations. covered. The protective silicone oil or grease coating
should also be applied when the sensors are operated
in a humid or rainy environment.
The 137B2XX Series produces a positive-going
output voltage for increasing pressure output.

®ICP is a registered trademark of PCB Piezotronics

Drawing Number: 40955

Revision: NR
ECO#: 39372
Model Number Revision: A


Measurement Range(for ±5V output) 500 psi 3447 kPa Optional versions have identical specifications and accessories as listed for the standard model
Measurement Range(for ±10V output) 1 kpsi 6895 kpsi [1] except where noted below. More than one option may be used.
Sensitivity(± 15 %) 10 mV/psi 1.45 mV/kPa
Maximum Pressure 5 kpsi 34,474 kPa
Resolution 1 mpsi .007 kPa [2]
Resonant Frequency ≥ 400 kHz ≥ 400 kHz
Rise Time(Incident) ≤ 6.5 µ sec ≤ 6.5 µ sec
Non-Linearity ≤ 1.0 % FS ≤ 1.0 % FS [3]
Temperature Range(Operating) -100 to +275 °F -73 to +135 °C
Temperature Coefficient of Sensitivity ≤ 0.05 %/°F ≤ 0.090 %/°C NOTES:
Electrical [1] For +10 volt output, minimum 26 VDC supply voltage required. Negative 10 volt output may
be limited by output bias.
Discharge Time Constant(at room temp) ≥ 0.2 sec ≥ 0.2 sec
[2] Typical.
Excitation Voltage 20 to 30 VDC 20 to 30 VDC [3] Zero-based, least-squares, straight line method.
Constant Current Excitation 2 to 20 mA 2 to 20 mA [4] See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS023 for details.
Output Impedance ≤ 100 Ohm ≤ 100 Ohm
Output Bias Voltage 8 to 14 VDC 8 to 14 VDC
Sensing Geometry Compression Compression
Sensing Element Quartz Quartz
Housing Material Aluminum Aluminum
Sealing Epoxy Epoxy Model PCS-6 Calibration of Series 134, 137, and 138 (1)
Electrical Connector BNC Jack BNC Jack
Weight 12.4 oz 352 gm [2]
Entered: AP Engineer: JDK Sales: RWM Approved: BAM Spec Number:

Date: 8/14/2013 Date: 8/14/2013 Date: 8/14/2013 Date: 8/14/2013 55318

All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified. Phone: 716-684-0001
In the interest of constant product improvement, we reserve the right to change specifications without notice.
Fax: 716-684-0987
ICP® is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc. 3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043 E-Mail:

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