EDET 620 SumII18 Module 1 Description
EDET 620 SumII18 Module 1 Description
EDET 620 SumII18 Module 1 Description
Smith Module 1
Module 1 – Course Introduction & Community Building
Due Date: Sunday, July 1, 2018 by 11:59 PM
In this Module we will explore learning, the importance of context, consider how technology can affect
our thinking, introduce ourselves to the class and begin building our own website. We will also
consider how technology can help us as teacher to improve our capacity to develop and build a
community with learners, parents and the local community. Below is a list of the events you need to
complete to finish the module.
Create your Weebly webpage and submit address to Dr. Smith (If you need assistance creating a
Weebly, visit: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/201704087-Beginner-s-Guide-to-Weebly).
More details about what you need to include on your Weebly page can be found on the course
Spark Page
One of the first assignments for this class is to introduce yourself to me (the instructor) and other
students by creating an Adobe Spark page. This is a free, creative way to place your profile online
so we can get to know each other better. There will be opportunities for interactions during the
course, and the more you feel a sense of community among and between the other students (and
me), the more likely you are to participate and contribute to any discussions or raise questions
when needed. On your Spark page, please include the following:
o Name
o Picture of Yourself
o Hometown/where you grew up
o General Education Background
o Graduate degree you are pursuing
o Why you are pursuing this degree
o Professional Aspirations (what you hope to be doing in 5-10 years)
o Some important things in your life
o Favorite thing you’re most looking forward to this summer (other than this course)
Feel free to be creative and include multiple images. Once you have developed your Spark page,
you should embed the file into your Weebly webpage. This assignment is worth 10 points and the
grading sheet can be found at the end of this document.
Devlin Street Smarts
Read Devlin (2012) Street Smarts and make note of 2 important ideas discussed in the articles and
1 question you have based on the article.
Post Important Ideas and Question to the Appropriate Discussion Board on D2L. Respond to 2
classmates ideas and try to answer 1 of your classmate’s questions.
“This Will Revolutionize Education” Video
Watch the Video This Will Revolutionize Education by Derek Muller:
Create a Response Video to the Derek Muller Video using Flip Grid
EDET 620 Summer II 2018
Smith Module 1
o Go to: https://flipgrid.com/edet620summer2018
o Enter the Password: EDET620Summer2018
o Click Module 1 – Video Reaction
o Click the green “plus” sign to add a response.
o In your video, tell us your thoughts on the Derek Muller’s Video. What stood out to you?
Do you agree with Muller's ideas? As a teacher, what should technology's role be in the
classroom? What do you think will "revolutionize" education?
o You only have 90 seconds, which isn’t much time. You can pause the video while you are
shooting. Have with it! Follow the rest of the prompts and submit your video.
Respond to at least 2 classmates’ videos in Flip Grid
EPIC! Activity
Register for EPIC! as an educator. Navigate to https://www.getepic.com/educators to register for
free. You must use your RADFORD email address to get approval (username@radford.edu),
unless you are currently teaching and have a school email address. NOTE: If you would not use
EPIC! in your current or future classroom (e.g., 7th grade Math), please email me and we can find a
website you would actually use.
Set up at least one student account. Assign some reading activities for the student. Examine the
quizzing and other features of the site, such as reading logs and lesson plans.
Imagine that you want to communicate with your students' parents about your use of EPIC! in the
classroom. You might also want to encourage some parents to consider purchasing a parent
account for use on home devices. You decide to create a Weebly webpage that communicates
specific information about EPIC! to your students' parents. Include information on this page that
answers the following questions:
o How will I, as the teacher, be using EPIC! to support my literacy instruction efforts?
o How can EPIC! help you (the parent) support practice at home?
o How can EPIC! help you (the parent) help me (the teacher) better understand your child?
o How can EPIC! help you (the parent) better understand your child's academic learning and
o How can EPIC! help me (the teacher) manage differentiation and individual student
o How might I grow as a professional educator as a result of using a tool like EPIC! in my
Answer the 6 questions above on a separate web page on your Weebly site. This page should be
under your Parent Resources Tab.
What’s Worth Learning?
You will develop a well-designed PowerPoint presentation that you would show the parents of the
students in your class to help you answer the questions, “What’s worth learning in my class?”
o The content of the presentation should include at least one of the skills in the Project for
21st Century Learning's Framework for 21st Century Skills
o The power point should adhere to the basic multimedia design rules
o Include any notes you would need for the presentation in the “Notes” Section.
EDET 620 Summer II 2018
Smith Module 1
Once you create your presentation in Google Slides, (with any notes included in the "Notes"
section of certain slides), share your presentation and embed it in a Weebly page. The title of the
new page should be “Parent Presentation: What’s Worth Learning” and should be located under the
Parent Resources Tab. If you created the presentation in PowerPoint, you should upload and
convert the presentation to Google Slides.
Collaboration with ClassDojo
This project focuses on using technology to help teach and manage positive, constructive student
behavior as you build community in the classroom and help your students learn specific constructive
collaboration skills. One of the best free tools I have seen that helps teacher manage behavior while
providing the feedback needed to help students learn positive and constructive collaboration skills is
ClassDojo. This tool is amazing...but it does need to be adjusted to make it useful in providing the
feedback for students needed to learn good collaboration skills. You must complete the following steps
in order to be able to use ClassDojo in your classrooms to manage student behavior and cultivate
constructive collaboration skills.
Create a free account with ClassDojo. Play with the software to determine how it functions and
how you use it to evaluate student behavior. Download the app if you like and use it on your smart
phone as well.
Create a class that might be typical of your current or future practice. This might be a preschool
class, a self-contained K-5 class, a specific subject-area class in middle school or high school....or
something else. You only need to create a test class with 9 sample students enrolled. Create a
screen shot that displays your 9 sample students.
After you create your test class with 9 students, create three separate groups for your class and
assign three different students into each of these groups. You can name these groups anything you
like. Create a screen shot that displays your three groups.
Edit the positive and negative behavior options for class so that they reflect constructiveness and
destructive collaborative behaviors (click on a student and click edit skill). The only way students
at any age will learn to improve their collaboration skills is if they get regular feedback over their
group behaviors. Use the following chart of target behaviors to help guide your specific feedback
options. Note that only some of these will apply to younger children and the wording should be
adjusted to reflect the age/grade level of the students.
Constructive Collaboration Skills
Cooperative Learning Small
Interpersonal Skills Project Management Skills
Group Skills
Encourage other group members Carry out assigned roles Set group and personal goals
Listen attentively Remain on-task when needed Organize workflow tasks
Speak clearly and directly to others Accomplish assigned tasks Schedule and manage time
Don’t criticize during Stay with group when directed to do so Encourage brainstorming and multiple
brainstorming solution possibilities for problem
Respond to questions asked Monitor progress of all group Follows plan
members, offering help when needed
Treat others with respect at all times Meet deadlines
Ask questions about things that are Review progress
unclear or not understood
Do not hurt others with words or Make changes to plan when needed
Seek help when needed
EDET 620 Summer II 2018
Smith Module 1
After you have developed your feedback options, take screen shots of them and include them along
with your other screen shots on a web page describing your class.
Summarize some specific ways you feel the ClassDojo application might support a feeling of
membership, influence, integration/fulfillment of needs, and/or shared emotional connections for
your class community.
Parent Connections
You may have noticed that ClassDojo allows you to easily connect with parents by enabling the
program to automatically send updates to smartphones whenever feedback is provided for their
children. But you are likely well-aware of other apps and social media platforms that can help connect
people within communities. Facebook, Twitter, Remind and Instagram are four common tools that can
be used to cultivate a sense of community among and between students, teachers, parents, and other
community members. For this assignment you must search online for specific examples of ways in
which teachers can use social media to establish, cultivate, and maintain a sense of community among
parents, teachers and students. Once you locate good examples of ways in which teachers might use
common social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Remind or Instagram in their practice, you
must analyze how the tool might be used specifically to help support a sense of community. A sense of
community can be defined by the following factors (McMillan & Chavis, 1986):
1. Membership (Affiliation): The feeling of belonging or sharing a sense of personal
relatedness. Social presence of self and of others in the group is established.
2. Influence: A sense of mattering. Making a difference to a group and feeling as if the group
matters to its members.
3. Integration and fulfillment of needs: Feeling that members’ needs will be met by the
resources available to and within the group.
4. Shared experiences and emotional connections: Commitment and believe that members
have shared and will share history, common places, time together, and similar experiences.
Create a page titled “Parent Connections” under the Parent Resources Menu that includes a link to
the social media example and a description of how the selected example supports each of the above
four factors that define a sense of community.
Submit to D2L
In EDET_620_SumII18_Module_1_Grade_Sheet.docx document, please fill out your name. Save
the document as EDET_620_SumII18_Module_1_Grade_Sheet_YOURLASTNAME.docx and
submit via D2L by 11:59 PM on Sunday, July 1, 2018.
EDET 620 Summer II 2018
Smith Module 1
Module 1 Grade Sheets
Spark Page
Item Points Points /
Possible Comments
All requested information is included. 4
The page is creative and appropriate. 2
Spark Page file is properly embedded in ABOUT ME page on the 2
students’ Weebly page.
All written material is written at a level acceptable for graduate 2
student work.
Total 10
EPIC! Activity
Item Points Points /
Possible Comments
Weebly Page is accessible from your site’s PARENT 1
RESOURCES menu option
The page fully addresses each of the 6 questions. 6
Page includes graphics (possible screen shots) to enhance the 2
The page is well written and well formatted. 1
Total 10
EDET 620 Summer II 2018
Smith Module 1
Parent Connection
Item Points Points /
Possible Comments
Weebly Page is accessible from your site’s PARENT 1
RESOURCES menu option
The social media example is appropriate and a link is included 2
The description of the social media example is complete such that 6
all four factors are addressed and well supported.
The page is well written and well formatted. 1
Total 10