Thing 1 Basic Document
Thing 1 Basic Document
Thing 1 Basic Document
Assess Yourself!
● Review the Michigan K-12 Checklist, or an alternative more appropriate to your
Reflection on this: I know a lot of this because I took a class in High School that certified
me in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. I still have a couple of troubles in various
areas. I’m focusing on skills for younger children because that is the age group I intend
to work with.
Part II Basics: Technology Skills
1. Screenshots
Which tool will you will use for taking a screenshot?
PC Windows + PrtScr
2. Take a screenshot of your favorite website and place in this document.
3. “Basic Shortcuts”
Post a screenshot of your favorite keyboard shortcut, and briefly describe its use:
Windows + PrtScr
A. As you review these ISTE-T standards provide an example of at least one thing you
do in your teaching. See the sample provided below and then share the your own
Standard: 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Performance indicator addressed: I selected “a”.
Standard 2.a. “Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity.”
My Lesson Example: I teach a math unit on geometric shapes. I have students use the digital
camera to take pictures of different features or items around our school. I recently started having
them edit the images to create a collage for different types of angles to post in the room.
Future Lesson:
Standard 2.c.: Customize and personalize the activity to meet diverse learning styles and working
strategies and abilities.
There are only two cameras available but our school is going to let students bring their own mobile
devices. I’d like to customize the geometry lesson so they can bring pictures of geometric figures
they take outside school and find a way to share the images to add to our lesson, like on an online
bulletin board.
Briefly describe an activity or lesson that meets one of the five ISTE-T standards you
teach in the table below:
My lesson description: Students will go through 4 different learning centers each with a
different activity where they can explore a given situation. Stations include: tablets,
laptops, hands-on activity, reading.
Future Lesson:
Standard 3.a.: Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible
contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and
Through continuation of different center set-ups students will engage in activities where
they have to interact with each other.
B. How I would rate myself based on the ISTE-Teacher Standards at this point using a
5-point Rubric:
1 2 3 4 5
Your score/reflection: 3
Select from one of the lesson/teaching examples you provided in the ISTE-T section, or
another from your teaching. Identify and give an example of three of the nine research-
based “best practice” teaching and learning strategies (identified in the Framework for
Instructional Planning) and a technology resource you use (or might use) in the chart
below. You may find it helpful to refer to the techbestpractice site.
Example: Setting Google docs Word At the beginning of each new year (7th
Objectives & (or printed processing grade) I do a quick review of math
Providing Feedback handout from applications problem solving steps from 6th grade. I
docs template) help them identify some learning
objectives. We check progress at the
end of the month with feedback and
Reinforcing Effort ABC Mouse, Fun learning Students will have a time where they
and Providing other learning progress will complete tasks in a
Recognition websites websites program/website such as ABC mouse
where they get rewarded on progress
they make.
Review your examples in the Question #2 above (Best Practice Connections). Explore
the SAMR and TPACK models and identify a strategy you use in a lesson or activity that
fits one or more of these models and list it in the table provided below.
Final Reflection
Before starting the basics, I was pretty confident in myself that I knew a lot about
technology and that there wouldn’t be that many new things to learn through progressing
through 21 things. But just by going through Thing 1, the basics, I now see that I only
know a small fraction of the resources that are out there for educators to explore and
use in the classroom to guarantee and push for academic success with students. There
is a lot of concepts that students need to learn outside of the common core standards,
including the different technological skills they need to learn for successful use as they
progress throughout their school years and into their careers.