Known as "THE ANCIENT, MYSTIC ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout the world
‘A Non Sectaraa Fatty Devoted to the Ievotinon nd Stay ofthe Higher Princes of Lie
‘'Fourd Eepescl ia Men nd Natare et Pasar
Maroh 6, 1935
Mr, Stanton C, Phelps
1510 E. 29th St.
Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir and Frater:
We are sorry to know that you were disappointed with the reply you
received in which we urged you not to try to force your fiancee
to live up to her promise to marry you upon graduation from college
in June,
Please be assured that we do not condone or would not encourage
@ woman to change her mind to the extent of breaking a promise
any more than we would encourage or condone such an act on the part
of a man but we are still of tae opinion that you should allow her
to be perfectly sure of herself before she enters the marriage state,
The promise of marriage hinges upon the feeling and regard the
woman has for the man she has promised to marry and this promise
would naturally depend upon a continuation of this regard and love
for its consummation, You surely would not wish to hold a girl to
her promise to marry you if her feeling towerd you had changed, any
more than a woman would care to marry a man to whom she was promised
if she came to realize beforehand that his feeling toward her had
Love and affection are something that we cannot control and turn off
and on, While it is true that one is often influenced by associa—
tions and environment, only to realize his mistake later, we believe
the best course for you to follow at this time would be not to break
off entirely but to agree to allow your fiancee to have time in
order to satisfy herself completely whether or not she wishes to
marry you or follow a career, We would suggest that a definite time
be set for her to discover whether she wishes to marry you or con-
tinue with her career, In this way you will be just to yourself
as well as to her.
You state that you feel if Cosmic law is really just, some satis—
factory adjustment which will bring the girl in question to you,
will be arranged, My dear frater, Cosmic law does fulfill and
whether or not it seems satisfactory to us and agrees with our
desires, we must accept it, If you maintain the proper state of
mind and do everything you can to bring about the results you desire,
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that is all you can do except to be willing to accede and abide by
the will of the Cosmic, If it is according to the Cosmic plan for
you and your fiancee to be married, nothing can prevent it, but
@ great deal of unhappiness can be caused by the wrong attitude
of mind and such a union would not be lasting and successful unless
the right attitude is maintained.
Whatever experience comes to us in this oycle of life, you may be
sure is rightfully ours and the degree of happiness or the knowledge
and understanding obtained through these experiences depend solely
upon our reactions and our thoughts,
With continued interest and assuring you of our efforts in your
behalf, we are, with all good wiches for Peace Profound
Sincerely and fraternally,
Lherat bx) (AMORG!
founcil of Solaceotras Pack
‘an JOSE GALT U. 8A. Mr, Stanton C. Phelps
1510 B. 29th St.
Baltimore, Md.