BOQ Light Point Wiring

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Package ‐ Conduit and light wiring


1 Switch Controlled Light Points (Common Areas)

Wiring for the Switch controlled Primary light points with 3x1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2 mm thick PVC
conduit including providing & fixing of 6 amps single pole rocker operated flush mounted switch of approved
A Nos. 453                                     ‐
quality, colour, make & design in 1.6 mm thick GI box and earthing of fixtures and the outlet box with 1.5
PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire including Circuit Wiring with 3x1.5 PVC
insulated Cu. wire. 

Wiring for the Switch controlled Secondary light points with 3x1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100
volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2 mm thick
B Nos. 26                                     ‐
PVC conduit with 1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire. (cost of switch included
in Primary point)

2 MCB Controlled Light Point (Common Areas)
Wiring for the MCB controlled Primary light points with 3x2.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 16 Gauge GI
A Nos. 125                                     ‐
conduit but controlled by existing MCB provided in D.B. including earthing of fixtures with 1.5 insulated
copper wire  (Cost of MCB is not included )

Wiring for the MCB controlled Secondary light points with 3x1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100
volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 16 gauge GI
B Nos. 695                                     ‐
conduit including earthing of fixtures with 1.5 insulated copper wire (Cost of MCB is not included )

Wiring for the MCB controlled Primary light points with 3x2.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
C grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in existing conduits but controlled by existing MCB provided Nos. 18                                     ‐
in D.B. including earthing of fixtures with 1.5 insulated copper wire (Cost of MCB is not included ) (For
staircase lighting)

Wiring for the MCB controlled Secondary light points with 3x1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100
D volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in existing conduits including earthing of fixtures with Nos. 165                                     ‐
1.5 insulated copper wire (Cost of MCB is not included ) (For staircase lighting)

Wiring for primary power point 250 volts single phase and neutral, 6 amps switched socket outlet with 2.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in concealed or surface
E mounted 25 mm dia 2mm thick PVC conduit including providing and fixing of 6 amps 3 pin switch socket outlet of Nos. 6                                     ‐
aprpoved make and design in 2 mm thick GI box with grid plate and earthing of third pin of the socket with 2.5 Sq.
mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible  FRLS  wire.

Wiring for primary power point 250 volts single phase and neutral, 16 amps switched socket outlet with 4 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in concealed or surface
mounted 25 mm dia 2mm thick PVC conduit including providing and fixing of 16 amps 3 pin switched sockets of
F Pts 153                                     ‐
approved make and design in 2 mm thick GI box with grid plates and earthing the third pin of each socket outlet
with 4 Sq mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire.

Wiring for looped/secondary power points 250 volts single phase and neutral 16 amps switched socket outlet
with serial no. 7 above with 4 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires
in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2mm thick FRLS PVC conduit including providing and fixing of 16 amps
G Sets 97                                     ‐
3 pin switch sockets of approved make and design in 2 mm thick GI box with grid plates and earthing the third pin
of each socket outlet with 4 Sq mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following junction boxes for connecting of dimmer’s of meeting
area lighting circuits including providing terminals for looping of circuits as per site requirement, junction box,
fabricated out of 16 SWG CRCA sheet steel enclosure of suitable size and painted with approved paint shade (size
of junction box shall be matched with dimmer panel).

Junction box suitable for upto 24 circuits Nos. 22                                     ‐

Junction box suitable for upto 48 circuits Nos. 2                                     ‐

Wiring for Exhaust fan point with 1.5 sq. mm. Insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS
wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2.0 mm thick PVC Conduit including providing
and fixing of 6 amps flush mounted switch at the normal switch level in 1.6 mm thick GI box and 6 amps 3 pin flush
I Nos. 3                                     ‐
mounted socket outlet near exhaust fan and earthing of exhaust fan through the third pin of the socket outlet and
GI  box with 1.5 sq. mm. PVC insulated copper conductor strande  flexible FRLS wire.(11 kV RMU, HT isolator room)

3 Plant Areas, Lift shafts (With MS conduit)

I Switch Controlled Light Points

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Package ‐ Conduit and light wiring


Wiring for the Switch controlled Primary light points with 1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 1.6 mm thick
MS conduit including providing & fixing of 6 amps single pole rocker operated flush mounted switch of approved
A Nos. 4                                     ‐
quality, colour, make & design in 1.6 mm thick GI box and earthing of fixtures and the outlet box with 1.5
PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire including Circuit Wiring with 2.5 PVC insulated
Cu. wire.

II MCB Controlled Light Point

Wiring for 250 volts single phase and neutral primary point of 6/16 amps switched socket outlet (IP‐66) with 4 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in concealed or surface
mounted 25 mm dia 1.6 mm thick MS conduit, including providing and fixing of 6/16 amps switched socket of
A Nos. 2                                     ‐
approved make and design in 1.6 mm thick GI boxes with grid plates and earthing the third pin of socket outlet
with 4 Sq. mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire.(One no. switched socket outlet
connected on one circuit).

Wiring for 415 volts three phase and neutral 16 amps polycarbonate splash proof (IP‐66) industrial plug and socket 
outlet with 16 amps 4 Pole MCB  in  polycarbonate enclosure of approved size and design with 4 x 4 PVC 
insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in  concealed or surface mounted  32 mm 
B Nos. 4                                     ‐
dia 1.6 mm thick MS conduit  including  providing and fixing of 5 pin industrial plug and socket and earthing of 
earth pin of the socket outlet  with 4  Sq. mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire (BMU 

III Terrace area- (The sockets shall be IP rated)

Wiring for the MCB controlled Primary light points with 2.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2.0 mm thick
A Nos. 4                                     ‐
PVC conduit but controlled by existing MCB provided in D.B. including earthing of fixtures with 2.5
insulated copper wire.

Wiring for the MCB controlled Secondary light points with 1.5 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
B grade stranded flexible FRLS wires of approved make in concealed or surface mounted 25 mm dia 2.0 mm thick Nos. 30                                     ‐
PVC conduit  including earthing of fixtures with 1.5 insulated copper wire.

Wiring for 250 volts single phase and neutral, primary point of 6/16 amps switch socket outlet(IP‐66) with 4
PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in concealed or surface mounted 25
mm dia 2.0 mm thick PVC conduit, including providing and fixing of 1 nos. 6/16 amps switched socket of approved
C Nos. 6                                     ‐
make and design in 1.6 mm thick GI boxes with grid plates and earthing the third pin of socket outlet with 4 Sq.
mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire (One no. switch socket outlet connected on one

Wiring for 250 volts single phase and neutral secondary point of 2 nos 6/16 amps switched socket outlet (ip‐
66)with 4 PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts grade stranded flexible FRLS wires in concealed or
surface mounted 25 mm dia 2.0 mm thick PVC conduit, including providing and fixing of 2 nos. 6/16 amps
D Nos. 4                                     ‐
switched socket of approved make and design in 1.6 mm thick GI boxes with grid plates and earthing the third pin
of socket outlet with 4 Sq. mm PVC insulated copper conductor stranded flexible FRLS wire (Two nos. switched
socket outlet connected on one circuit).
1 12 way TPN DB-LDB (B1&B2) Sets 2                                     ‐
2 10 way TPN DB(Stilt) Set 1                                     ‐
3 8 way TPN DB-PDB(B1&B2) Sets 2                                     ‐
4 8 way TPN DB(LMR) Sets 9                                     ‐
5 6 way TPN DB(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, terr) Sets 12                                     ‐
6 6 way TPN DB(Stilt) Sets 1                                     ‐
7 6 way TPN DB(Staircase) Sets 3                                     ‐
8 4 way TPN DB(Lift Cabin light DB) Sets 1                                     ‐
1 12 way SPN DB Sets 3                                     ‐
2 10 way SPN DB (B1&B2) Sets 2                                     ‐
3 10 way SPN DB (2nd, 5th, 8th) Sets 3                                     ‐
4 8 way SPN DB (Stilt, 11th) Sets 2                                     ‐
9 Customized VTPN DB( DG Auxilliary) Sets 1                                     ‐
10 Customized DB( BMU cradle) Set 1                                     ‐
11 ISOLATORS for equipments
i) 32A TPN Isolator with IP‐65 Enclosure Nos 12                                     ‐
ii) 25A TPN Isolator with IP‐65 Enclosure Nos 8                                     ‐
iii) 16A TPN Isolator with IP‐65 Enclosure No 1                                     ‐
ìv) 63A TPN RCBO with 300ma sensitivity in an MS enclosure (lift) Nos 9                                     ‐
v) 63A 4P MCCB in an MS enclosure (UPS) Nos 1                                     ‐
vi) 25A DP ELCB with 300ma sensitivity in an MS enclosure (lift) Nos 9                                     ‐
Laying of following 1100 volt grade XLPE insulated PVC sheathed, FRLS aluminium conductor armoured cables
5                                     ‐
i 3.5 C x 300 sq. mm RM 8700                                     ‐

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Package ‐ Conduit and light wiring


ii 3.5 C x 240 sq. mm. RM 60                                     ‐
iii 3.5 C x 150 sq. mm RM 175                                     ‐
iv 3.5 C x 70 sq. mm RM 25                                     ‐
v 3.5 C x 50 sq. mm RM 950                                     ‐
vi 4 C x 25 sq. mm RM 3300                                     ‐
vii 4 C x 16 sq. mm RM 4800                                     ‐
Laying of following 1100 volt grade XLPE PVC insulated sheathed copper conductor, FRLS, flat stripped
6                                     ‐
armoured cable 
i) 4 C x 16 RM 50                                     ‐
ii) 4 C x 10 sq. mm. RM 50                                     ‐
iii) 4 C x  6 RM 1260                                     ‐
iv) 4 C x  4 RM 90                                     ‐
v) 4 C x 2.5 control cable(LS) RM 250                                     ‐
vi) 10 C x 2.5 control cable(LS) RM 250                                     ‐
vii) 12 C x 2.5 control cable(LS) RM 250                                     ‐
viii) 3 C x 2.5 power cable(for Lift cabin light circuit) RM 800                                     ‐
Cable end termination of the following XLPE insulated PVC sheathed aluminium/copper conductor armoured
7 cables of 1100 volt grade including supplying and fixing of bimettalic crimping lugs, double compression glands                                     ‐
with earthing.
i 3.5 C x 300 sq. mm (Al) Nos. 300                                     ‐
ii 3.5 C x 240 sq. mm. (Al) Nos. 10                                     ‐
iii 3.5 C x 150 sq. mm (Al) Nos. 36                                     ‐
iv 3.5 C x 70 sq. mm (Al) Nos. 4                                     ‐
v 3.5 C x 50 sq. mm (Al) Nos. 14                                     ‐
vi 4 C x 25 sq. mm  (Al) Nos. 120                                     ‐
vii 4 C x 16 sq. mm (Al) Nos. 142                                     ‐
viii 4 C x 10 sq. mm (Cu) Nos. 8                                     ‐
ix 4 C x 6 sq. mm (Cu) Nos. 56                                     ‐
x 4 C x 4 sq. mm (Cu) Nos. 22                                     ‐
xi 4 C x 2.5 sq. mm (Cu) Nos. 20                                     ‐
xii 3 C x 2.5 sq. mm (Cu) Nos. 20                                     ‐
Fixing of following bare copper tape / wires including all necessary fixing accessories and effecting connections
D                                     ‐
as    per specifications.
1 50 x 6 mm thick copper tape. RM 90                                     ‐
2 32 x 6 mm thick copper tape. RM 90                                     ‐
3 25 x 3 mm thick copper tape. RM 300                                     ‐
Fixing of following GI tapes including all necessary fixing accessories and effecting connections as per
E                                     ‐
1 65 x 10 mm thick GI tape. RM 4000                                     ‐
2 50 x 10  mm thick GI tape. RM 2000                                     ‐
3 50 x 8  mm thick GI tape. RM 100                                     ‐
4 50 x 6  mm thick GI tape. RM 100                                     ‐
5 32 x 6  mm thick GI tape. RM 6000                                     ‐
6 25 x 6 mm thick GI tape RM 200                                     ‐
7 25 x 3 mm thick GI tape RM 200                                     ‐
8 8 SWG GI wire(External light poles and other small equipments)‐LS RM 1000                                     ‐
9 8 SWG Cu wire RM 300                                     ‐

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