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Danfoss VLT 2900 Manual

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VLT® 2900 Series


Quick Setup 3
General warning 3
Mechanical Installation 3
Electrical Installation, power 3
Electrical Installation, control cables 3
Programming 3
Motor start 4
Safety regulations 4
Warning against unintended start 4

Introduction to VLT 2900 5

Software version 5
High voltage warning 7
These rules concern your safety 7
Warning against unintended start 7
Control unit 8
Manual initialisation 8
Hand Auto 9
Automatic motor tuning 10

Programming 11
Operation & Display 11
Load and Motor 19
References & Limits 29
Inputs and outputs 36
Special functions 45

Installation 57
Mechanical dimensions 57
Mechanical installation 59
General information about electrical installation 60
Electrical installation 61
Pre-fuses 63
Mains connection 63
Motor connection 63
Direction of motor rotation 64
Parallel connection of motors 64
Earth connection 64
Tightening Torque, Power Terminals 66
Control of mechanical brake 66
Access to control terminals 66
Electrical installation, control cables 67
Tightening torques, control cables 68
Electrical installation, controlterminals 68
Relay connection 68
VLT Software Dialog 68
Connection examples 69

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 1

VLT® 2900 Series

All about VLT 2900 70

Display readout 71
Warnings/alarm messages 71
Warning words, extended status words and Alarmwords 75
Special conditions 76
Aggressive environments 76
Derating for high switching frequency - VLT 2900 77
Temperature-dependent switch frequency 77
General technical data 78
Technical data, mains supply 3 x 380 - 480 V 83
Available literature 84
Supplied with the unit 84

Index 92

2 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series

Quick Setup Electrical Installation, control cables

General warning Remove the front cover underneath the control panel.
Using this Quick Setup, you can carry out quick and Place a jumper between terminals 12 and 27.
EMC-correct installation of the frequency converter in
five steps. The Operating Instructions, which are also
enclosed, give other examples of installation and de-
scribe all functions in detail.

Quick Setup
Read the safety instructions on this page
before installing the unit.

Carry out programming on the control panel. Press the
[QUICK MENU] key to enter the Quick menu. In this
menu, parameters can be selected by means of the [+]
and [-] keys. The parameter values can be changed by
pressing [CHANGE DATA]. Changes are programmed
using the [+] and [-] keys. Finish the change of a pa-
rameter setting by pressing [CHANGE DATA]. A
change of parameter values is saved automatically af-
ter a mains failure. If the display shows three dots at
the right, the parameter value has more than three
digits. In order to see the value, activate [CHANGE
DATA]. Press [QUICK MENU]: Set the motor param-
eters that are on the nameplate of the motor:

Mechanical Installation Motor power [kW] parameter 102

Motor voltage [V] parameter 103
VLT 2900 frequency converters allow side-by-side in-
Motor frequency [Hz] parameter 104
stallation. Because of the need for cooling, there must
Motor current [A] parameter 105
be 10 cm free air passage above and below the fre-
Rated motor speed parameter 106
quency converter. Drill holes in accordance with the
measurements given in section Mechanical dimen- Activate AMT:
stions. Retighten all four screws.
Automatic motor tuning parameter 107
Fit the decoupling plate to the power cables and the
earth screw (terminal 95). Set reference range

Min. reference, RefMIN parameter 204

Max. reference, RefMAX parameter 205
Electrical Installation, power
Please note that the power terminals can be removed.
Connect mains to the mains terminals of the frequency
Ramp-up time [s] parameter 207
converter, i.e. 91, 92, 93 and the earth connection to
Ramp-down time [s] parameter 208
terminal 95. Fit a screened/armoured cable from the
motor to the motor terminals of the frequency convert- In parameter 002 Local/remote control, the frequency
er, i.e. U, V, W. The screen ends in a screen connector. converter mode can be selected as Remote operation
[0], i.e. via the control terminals, or Local [1], i.e. via
the control unit.
Set the control location to Local [1].

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 3

VLT® 2900 Series
Local/remote operation = Local [1] Par. 002 6. Check that the mains supply has been dis-
connected before removing the motor and
Set the motor speed by adjusting the Local refer-
mains plugs.
Warning against unintended start
Local reference Parameter 003
The motor can be brought to a stop by
means of digital commands, bus com-
Motor start mands, references or local stop, while the
Press [Start] to start the motor. Set the motor speed by frequency converter is connected to
adjusting parameter 003 Local reference. mains. If personal safety considerations
Check whether the direction of rotation of the motor make it necessary to ensure that no unin-
shaft is clockwise. If not, exchange any two phases on tended start occurs, these stops are not
the motor cable. Press [STOP/RESET] to stop the mo- sufficient.
tor. Press [QUICK MENU] to return to display mode. While parameters are being programmed,
(QUICK MENU] + [+] keys must be pressed simulta- the motor may start. Consequently, the
neously to give access to all parameters. stop key [STOP/RESET] must always be
activated, following which data can be
Safety regulations modified.
A motor that has been stopped may start
The voltage of the frequency converter if faults occur in the electronics of the fre-
can be fatal whenever it is connected to quency converter, or if a temporary over-
mains. Incorrect installation of the motor load, a fault in the supply mains or a fault
or the frequency converter may lead to in the motor connection ceases.
damage to the equipment, serious per-
sonal injury or death. NB!
Indicates something to be noted by the
Consequently, the provisions of this Quick Setup, as
well as national and local rules and safety regulations,
must be complied with.
Indicates a general warning.
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal, even after
the equipment has been disconnected from mains:
wait at least 4 min.
1. The mains supply to the frequency converter
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
must be disconnected if repair work is to be
carried out.
2. The [STOP/RESET] key on the control panel
of the frequency converter does not discon-
nect the mains supply and is thus not to be
used as a safety switch.
3. Correct protective earthing of the unit must
be established, the user must be protected
against supply voltage, and the motor must
be protected against overload in accordance
with applicable national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage current is higher than 3.5
5. Protection against motor overload is not in-
cluded in the factory setting. If this function is
required, set parameter 128 Motor thermal
protection to data value ETR Trip or ETR

4 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
VLT 2900
Operating Instructions
Software version: 1.0x

These Operating Instructions can be used for all VLT 2900 Series frequency converters with software version
The software version number can be seen from parameter 640 Software version no.

Introduction to VLT 2900

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VLT® 2900 Series

It can be extremely dangerous to touch the electrical parts even when the mains
supply has been disconnected.
Also ensure that other voltage inputs are disconnected from load sharing through the
DC bus.
W ait at least 4 minutes after the input power has been removed before servicing the


6 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
High voltage warning 7. Note that the frequency converter has more
voltage inputs than L1, L2 and L3 when the
The voltage of the frequency converter is DC bus terminals are used. Check that all
dangerous whenever the converter is con- voltage inputs are disconnected and that the
nected to mains. Incorrect fitting of the prescribed time has passed before repair
motor or frequency converter may cause work is commenced.
damage to the equipment, serious injury
Warning against unintended start
or death. Consequently, it is essential to
comply with the instructions in this manual 1. The motor can be brought to a stop by means
as well as local and national rules and of digital commands, bus commands, refer-
safety regulations. ences or a local stop, while the frequency
converter is connected to mains. If personal
Installation in high altitudes: safety considerations make it necessary to
By altitudes above 2 km, please contact ensure that no unintended start occurs, these

Introduction to VLT 2900

Danfoss Drives regarding PELV. stop functions are not sufficient.
2. While parameters are being changed, the
motor may start. Consequently, the stop key
These rules concern your safety [STOP/RESET] must always be activated,
following which data can be modified.
1. The frequency converter must be disconnec-
ted from the mains if repair work is to be 3. A motor that has been stopped may start if
carried out. Check that the mains supply has faults occur in the electronics of the frequen-
been disconnected and that the prescribed cy converter, or if a temporary overload or a
time has passed before removing motor and fault in the supply mains or the motor con-
mains plugs. nection ceases.

2. The [STOP/RESET] key on the control panel

of the frequency converter does not discon-
nect the equipment from mains and is thus
not to be used as a safety switch.
3. The unit must be properly connected to the
earth, the user must be protected against the
supply voltage and the motor must be pro-
tected against overloading pursuant to pre-
vailing national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage currents are higher than
3.5 mA.
5. Protection against motor overload is not in-
cluded in the factory setting. If this function is
required, set parameter 128 Motor thermal
protection to data value ETR trip or data value
ETR warning. For the North American market:
The ETR functions provide overload protec-
tion of the motor, class 20, in accordance with
6. Do not remove the plugs for the motor - and
mains supply while the frequency converter
is connected to mains. Check that the mains
supply has been disconnected and that the
prescribed time has passed before removing
motor and mains plugs.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 7

VLT® 2900 Series
Control unit [+] / [-] are used for selecting parameters and for
On the front of the frequency converter there is a con- changing parameter values.
trol panel. These keys are also used in Display mode for selecting
the display of an operating value.
The [QUICK MENU] + [+] keys must be pressed at the
same time to give access to all parameters. See Menu
[STOP/RESET] is used for stopping the connected
motor or for resetting the frequency converter after a
Can be selected as Active [1] or Not active [0] via pa-
rameter 014 Local stop/reset. In Display mode, the
display will flash if the stop function is activated.

If the [STOP/RESET] key is set at Not ac-
tive [0] in parameter 014 Local stop/re-
set,and there is no stop command via the
digital inputs or serial communication, the
motor can only be stopped by disconnect-
ing the mains voltage to the frequency
The control panel is divided into four function groups: converter.

1. Six-digit LED display. [START] is used for starting the frequency converter.
2. Keys for changing parameters and shifting It is always active, but the [START] key cannot over-
display function. ride a stop command.

3. Indicator lamps.
4. Keys for local operation. Manual initialisation
All displays of data are in the form of a six-digit LED Disconnect mains voltage. Hold the [QUICK MENU] +
display capable of showing one item of operating data [+] + [CHANGE DATA] keys down while simultane-
continuously during normal operation. As a supple- ously reconnecting the mains voltage. Release the
ment to the display, there are three indicator lamps for keys; the frequency converter has now been program-
indication of mains connection (ON), warning (WARN- med for the factory setting.
ING) and alarm (ALARM). Most of the frequency con-
verter's parameter Setups can be changed immedi-
ately via the control panel, unless this function has
been programmed as Locked [1] via parameter 018
Lock for data changes.

Control keys
[QUICK MENU] allows access to the parameters used
for the Quick menu.
The[QUICK MENU] key is also used if a change to a
parameter value is not to be implemented.
See also [QUICK MENU] + [+].
[CHANGE DATA] is used for changing a setting.
The [CHANGE DATA] key is also used for confirming
a change of parameter settings.

8 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Display readout states Quick menu
Display mode

Using the [QUICK MENU] key, it is possible to access

In normal operation, one item of operating data can be the 12 most important parameters of the frequency
displayed continuously at the operator's own choice. converter. After programming, the frequency converter
By means of the [+/-] keys the following options can be is in most cases ready for operation. When the [QUICK
selected in Display mode: MENU] key is activated in Display mode, the Quick
menu starts. Scroll through the quick menu using the
- Output frequency [Hz] [+/-] keys and change the data values by first pressing
- Output current [A] [CHANGE DATA] and then changing the parameter
value with the [+/-] keys.
- Output voltage [V]
TheQuick menu parameters are:
- Intermediate circuit voltage [V]

Introduction to VLT 2900

• Par. 100 Configuration
- Output power [kW]
• Par. 101 Torque characteristic
- Scaled output frequency fout x p008
• Par. 102 Motor power PM,N
Menu mode
• Par. 103 Motor voltage UM,N
• Par. 104 Motor frequency fM,N

In order to enter the Menu mode [QUICK MENU] + [+] • Par. 105 Motor current IM,N
must be activated at the same time. • Par. 106 Rated motor speed nM,N
In Menu mode, most of the frequency converter pa-
• Par. 107 Automatic motor adaptation
rameters can be changed. Scroll through the param-
eters using the [+/-] keys. While scrolling in the Menu • Par. 202 Output frequency high limit fMAX
mode proceeds, the parameter number will flash. • Par. 203 Reference range
• Par. 204 Minimum reference RefMIN
• Par. 205 Maximum reference RefMAX
• Par. 207 Ramp-up time

The display shows that the setting in parameter 102 • Par. 208 Ramp-down time
Motor power PM,N is 0.75. In order to change the value • Par. 002 Local/remote operation
of 0.75, [CHANGE DATA] must first be activated; the
• Par. 003 Local reference
parameter value can then be changed using the [+/-]
keys. Parameter 102 - 106 can be read out from the motor's

Hand Auto
During normal operation the frequency converter is in
If for a given parameter the display shows three dots Auto mode, where the reference signal is given exter-
at the right, it means that the parameter value has nally, analog or digital via the control terminals. How-
more than three digits. In order to see the value, acti- ever, in Hand mode, it is possible to give the reference
vate [CHANGE DATA]. signal locally via the control panel.
On the control terminals, the following control signals
will remain active when Hand mode is activated:
• Hand Start (LCP2)
• Off Stop (LCP2)
The display shows that in parameter 128 Motor thermal
• Auto Start (LCP2)
protection the selection made is Thermistor trip [2].

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VLT® 2900 Series
• Reset Automatic motor tuning
• Coasting Stop Inverse Automatic motor tuning (AMT) is performed as follows:

• Reset and Coasting Stop Inverse 1. In parameter 107 Automatic motor tuning se-
lect data value [2]. “107” will now flash, and
• Quick Stop Inverse
“2” will not flash.
• Stop Inverse
2. AMT is activated by pressing start. “107” will
• Reversing now flash and dashes will move from left to
• DC Braking Inverse right in the data value field.

• Setup Select LSB 3. When “107” appears once more with the data
value [0], AMT is complete. Press [STOP/
• Setup Select MSB
RESET] to save the motor data.
• Thermistor
4. “107” will then continue to flash with the data
• Precise Stop Inverse value [0]. You can now proceed.
• Precise Stop/Start
• Jog VLT 2980-2982 do not have AMT func-
• Stop Command Via Serial Comm. tion.

Switching between Auto- and Hand mode:

By activating the [Change Data] key in [Display Mode],
the display will indicate the mode of the frequency

Scroll up/down in order to switch to Hand mode:

When the frequency converter is in Hand mode the

readout will be like:

and the reference can be changed by using the fol-

lowing keys:

Please note, that parameter 020 may
block the choice of mode.

10 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series

Operation & Display 1. the [START] key. This cannot, however,

override stop commands via the digital inputs
001 Language (see parameter 013 Local control).
(language) 2. the [STOP/RESET] and [JOG] keys, on the
Value: condition that these are active.
English (english) [0] 3. the [FWD/REV] key, on the condition that is
German (deutsch) [1] has been selected as active in parameter 016
French (francais) [2] Local reversing, and that parameter 013 Local
Danish (dansk) [3] control is set at Local control and open loop
[1] or Local control as parameter 100 [3]. Pa-
Spanish (espanol) [4]
rameter 200 Output frequency range is set at
Italian (italiano) [5]
Both directions.

Function: 4. parameter 003 Local reference where the ref-

This parameter is used to choose the language to be erence can be set using the [+] and [-] keys.
shown in the display whenever the LCP control unit is 5. an external control command that can be
connected. connected to the digital inputs (see parame-
ter 013 Local control).
Description of choice:
There is a choice of the languages shown. The factory NB!
setting may vary. The [JOG] and [FWD/REV] keys are lo-
cated on the LCP control unit.

002 Local/remote operation

003 Local reference
Remote operation (REMOTE) [0]
Local operation (LOCAL) [1] Par. 013 Local control must be set to [1]
or [2]:
0 - fMAX (par. 202) 50 Hz
There is a choice of two different modes of operation
Par. 013 Local control must be set to [3] or
of the frequency converter; Remote operation [0] or
Local operation [1]. See also parameter 013 Local con-
RefMIN - Ref MAX (par. 204-205) 0,0
trol if Local operation [1] is selected.
In this parameter, the local reference can be set man-
Description of choice:
ually. The unit of the local reference depends on the
If Remote operation [0] is selected, the frequency con-
configuration selected in parameter 100 Configuration.
verter is controlled via:
1. the control terminals or via serial communi- Description of choice:
cation. In order to protect the local reference, parameter
2. the [START] key. This cannot, however, 002 Local/remote operation must be set to Local op-
override stop commands transmitted via the eration [1]. Local reference cannot be set via serial
digital inputs or via serial communication. communication.
3. the [STOP/RESET] and [JOG] keys, on the
condition that these are active.
If Local operation [1], is selected, the frequency con-
verter is controlled via:

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 11
VLT® 2900 Series
operation. If Active Setup [5] is selected, the program-
004 Active Setup ming Setup will be equal to parameter 004 Active
(active Setup) Setup.
Factory Setup (FACTORY SETUP) [0] NB!
If data is modified or copied to the active
Setup 1 (setup 1) [1]
Setup, the modifications have an immedi-
Setup 2 (setup 2) [2]
ate effect on the unit's operation.
Setup 3 (setup 3) [3]
Setup 4 (setup 4) [4]
Multi Setup (MULTI SETUP) [5] 006 Setup copying
The active parameter Setup is selected here. All pa- Value:
rameters can be programmed in four individual pa- No copying (NO COPY) [0]
rameter Setups. Shifts between Setups can be made Copy to Setup 1 from #
in this parameter via a digital input or via serial com- (COPY TO SETUP 1) [1]
munication. Copy to Setup 2 from #
Description of choice: Copy to Setup 3 from #
Factory Setup [0] contains the factory-set parameter (COPY TO SETUP 3) [3]
values. Setup 1-4 [1]-[4] are four individual Setups Copy to Setup 4 from #
which can be selected as required. Multi Setup [5] is (COPY TO SETUP 4) [4]
used where remote-controlled shifts between the four Copy to all Setups from # (copy to all) [5]
Setups via a digital input or via serial communication
is required. Function:
You can copy from the selected active Setup in pa-
rameter 005 Programming setup to the selected Setup
005 Programming Setup or Setups in this parameter.
Value: NB!
Copying is only possible in Stop (motor
Factory Setup (FACTORY SETUP) [0]
stopped in connection with a stop com-
Setup 1 (setup 1) [1]
Setup 2 (setup 2) [2]
Setup 3 (setup 3) [3]
Description of choice:
Setup 4 (setup 4) [4] Copying begins when the required copying function
Active Setup (ACTIVE SETUP) [5] has been selected and the [OK]/[CHANGE DATA] key
has been pushed. The display indicates when copying
Function: is in progress.
You can select which Setup you want to programme
during operation (applies both via the control panel
and the serial communication port). It is, for example, 007 LCP copy
possible to programme Setup 2 [2], while the active
Setup is set to Setup 1 [1] in parameter 004 Active
Setup .
No copying (NO COPY) [0]
Upload all parameters (UPL. ALL PAR.) [1]
Description of choice:
Factory Setup [0] contains the factory-set data and can Download all parameters (DWNL. ALL PAR.) [2]
be used as a source of data if the other Setups are to Download size-independent parameters
be reset to a known status. Setup 1-4 [1]-[4] are indi- (DWNL.OUTPIND.PAR.) [3]
vidual Setups that can be programmed freely during

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
12 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

Function: Frequency [Hz] (Frequency [Hz]) [4]

Parameter 007 LCP copy is used if you want to use the Output frequency x scaling
LCP 2 control panel's integral copy function. The func- (frequency x scale) [5]
tion is used if you want to copy all parameter setups Motor current [A] (Motor current [A]) [6]
from one frequency converter to another by moving the
Torque [%] (Torque [%]) [7]
LCP 2 control panel.
Power [kW] (Power [kW]) [8]
Power [HP] (Power [HP][US]) [9]
Description of choice:
Motor voltage [V]
Select Upload all parameters [1] if you want all param-
(Motor voltage [V]) [11]
eter values to be transferred to the control panel. Se-
lect Download all parameters [2] if all parameter values DC link voltage [V]
transferred are to be copied to the frequency converter (DC link voltage [V]) [12]
to which the control panel is attached. Select Down- Thermal load motor [%]
load size-independent par. [3] if you only want to down- (Motor thermal [%]) [13]
loade the size-independent parameters. This is used Thermal load [%]
when downloading to a frequency converter with a dif- (FC. thermal[%]) [14]
ferent rated power size than that from which the pa- Running hours [Hours]
rameter setup originates. (RUNNING HOURS]) [15]
Digital input [Bin]
(Digital input[bin]) [16]
Upload/download can only be performed
Analog input 53 [V]
in stop mode. Download can only be per-
(analog input 53 [V]) [17]
formed to a frequency converter with the
same software version number, see pa- Analog input 60 [mA]

rameter 626 Database identification no. (analog input 60 [mA]) [19]
Pulse reference [Hz]
(Pulse ref. [Hz]) [20]

008 Display scaling of output frequency External reference [%]

(external ref. [%]) [21]
Status word [Hex] (Status word [hex]) [22]
Heatsink temperature [°C]
0.01 - 100.00 1.00
(Heatsink temp [°C]) [25]
Alarm word [Hex] (Alarm word [hex]) [26]
In this parameter, the factor is selected by which the
output frequency is to be multiplied. The value is Control word [Hex] (Control word [Hex]) [27]
shown in the display, provided parameters 009-012 Warning word [Hex]
Display readout have been set to Output frequency x (warning word [Hex]) [28]
scaling [5]. Extended status word [Hex]
(Ext. status [hex]) [29]
Description of choice: Communication option card warning
Set the required scaling factor. (COMM OPT WARN [HEX]) [30]
Pulse count
009 Large display readout
In this parameter you can select the data value that
you wish to display in the LCP 2 control unit display
No readout (none) [0] line 2 when the frequency converter is switched on.
Resulting reference [%] The display will also be included in the scrollbar in dis-
(reference [%]) [1] play mode. In parameters 010-012 Display readout you
Resulting reference [unit]
(reference [unit]) [2]
Feedback [unit] (feedback [unit]) [3]

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 13
VLT® 2900 Series
can select a further three data values, which are dis- Analog input 60 [mA] gives the present value of termi-
played in display line 1. nal 60.
Pulse reference [Hz] gives the reference in Hz connec-
Description of choice: ted to terminal 33.
No readout can only be selected in parameters
External reference [%] gives the sum of external refer-
010-012 Small display readout.
ences as a percentage (sum of analogue/pulse/serial
Resulting reference [%] gives, as a percentage, the re- communication) in the range from Minimum reference,
sulting reference in the range from Minimum refer- RefMIN to Maximum reference, RefMAX.
ence, RefMIN to Maximum reference, RefMAX.
Status word [Hex] gives one or several status condi-
Reference [unit] gives the resulting reference with unit tions in a Hex code. See Serial communication in
Hz in Open loop. In Closed loop the reference unit is the VLT 2800 Design Guide for further information.
selected in parameter 416 Process units.
Heatsink temp.[°C] gives the present heatsink temper-
Feedback [unit] gives the resulting signal value using ature of the frequency converter. The cut-out limit is
the unit/scaling selected in parameter 414 Minimum 90-100°C, while cutting back in occurs at 70 ± 5°C.
feedback, FBLOW , 415 Maximum feedback, FBHIGH and
Alarm word [Hex] gives one or several alarms in hex
416 Process units.
code. See Serial communication in the VLT 2800 De-
Frequency [Hz] gives the output frequency of the fre- sign Guide for further information.
quency converter.
Control word [Hex] gives the control word for the fre-
Output frequency x scaling [-] equals the present output quency converter. See Serial communication in the
frequency fM multiplied by the factor set in parameter VLT 2800 Design Guide for further information.
008 Display scaling of output frequency .
Warning word [Hex] gives one or several warnings in
Motor current [A] gives the phase current of the motor hex code. See Serial communication in the VLT 2800
measured as an effective value. Design Guide for further information.
Torque [%] denotes the motor's present load in relation Extended status word [Hex] gives one or several status
to the motor's rated torque. modes in Hex code. See Serial communication in the
Power [kW] gives the present power that the motor is VLT 2800 Design Guide for further information.
absorbing in kW. Communication option card warning [Hex] gives a
Power [HP] gives the present power that the motor is warning word if there is a fault in the communication
absorbing in HP. bus. Only active if communication options are instal-
Motor voltage[V] gives the voltage supplied to the mo- If there are no communication options 0 Hex is dis-
tor. played.
DC link voltage [V] gives the intermediate circuit voltage Pulse count gives the number of pulses that the unit
of the frequency converter. has registered.
Thermal load motor [%] gives the calculated/estimated
load on the motor. 100 % is the cut-out limit.
Thermal load [%] gives the calculated/estimated ther- 010 Small display line 1.1
mal load on the frequency converter. 100 % is the cut- (DISPLAY LINE 1.1)
out limit. Value:
Running hours [Hours] gives the number of hours that See par. 009 Large dis- Analog input 53 [V]
the motor has tun since the last reset in parameter 619 play readout [17]
Reset of running hours counter. Function:
In this parameter, the first of three data values can be
Digital input [Binary code] gives the signal status from
selected that is to be displayed in the LCP control unit
the 5 digital inputs (18, 19, 27, 29 and 33). Terminal
display, line 1, position 1. This is a useful function, e.g.
18 corresponds to the bit on the extreme left. `0' = no
when setting the PID regulator, as it gives a view of
signal, `1' = signal connected.
process reactions to reference changes. The display
Analog input 53 [V] gives the voltage value of terminal

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
14 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
readout is activated by pushing the [DISPLAY STA- Function:
TUS] key. This is where the required function is selected if, in
parameter 002 Local/remote operation, Local opera-
Description of choice: tion [1] has been chosen.
See parameter 009 Large display readout.
Description of choice:
If Local not active [0] is selected, it is not possible to
011 Small display readout 1.2 set a reference via parameter 003 Local reference.
(DISPLAY LINE 1.2) In order to enable a shift to Local not active [0], param-
Value: eter 002 Local/remote operation must be set to Remote
See parameter 009 Large operation [0].
display readout Motor current [A][6] Local control and open loop [1] is used if the motor
Function: speed is to be set via parameter 003 Local reference.
See the functional description given under parameter When this choice is made, parameter 100 Configura-
010 Small display readout. tion automatically shifts to Speed regulation, open
loop [0].
Description of choice: Remote-operated control and open loop [2] functions
See parameter 009 Large display readout. in the same way as Local control and open loop [1];
however, the frequency converter can also be control-
led via the digital inputs.
012 Small display readout 1.3 For selections [1-2] control is shifted to open loop, no
(DISPLAY LINE 1.3) slip compensation.

Local control as parameter 100 [3] is used when the
See parameter 009 Large motor speed is to be set via parameter 003 Local ref-
display readout Feedback [unit] [3] erence, but without parameter 100 Configuration auto-
Function: matically shifting to Speed regulation, open loop [0].
See the functional description given under parameter
Remote-operated control as parameter 100 [4] works
010 Small display readout.
the same way as Local control as parameter 100 [3];
however, the frequency converter can also be control-
Description of choice: led via the digital inputs.
See parameter 009 Large display readout.
Shifting from Remote operation to Local operation in
parameter 002 Local/remote operation, while this pa-
rameter has been set to Remote-operated control and
013 Local control
open loop [1]: The present motor frequency and direc-
tion of rotation will be maintained. If the present direc-
Value: tion of rotation does not respond to the reversing signal
Local not active (DISABLE) [0] (negative reference), the reference will be set to 0.
Local control and open loop without slip com- Shifting from Local operation to Remote operation in
pensation parameter 002 Local/remote control, while this param-
(LOC CTRL/OPEN LOOP) [1] eter has been set to Remote-operated control and open
Remote-operated control and open loop with- loop [1]: The configuration selected in parameter
out slip compensation 100 Configuration will be active. The shift will be
(LOC+DIG CTRL) [2] smooth.
Local control as parameter 100
Shifting from Remote control to Local control in param-
(LOC CTRL/AS P100) [3]
eter 002 Local/remote operation, while this parameter
Remote-operated control as parameter 100 has been set to Remote-operated control as parameter
(LOC+DIG CTRL/AS P100) [4] 100 [4]: the present reference will be maintained. If the
reference signal is negative, the local reference will be
set to 0.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 15
VLT® 2900 Series
Shifting from Local operation to Remote operation in
parameter 002 Local/remote operation, while this pa- 016 Local reversing
rameter has been set to Remote operation: The local (LOCAL REVERSING)
reference will be replaced by the remote-operated ref- Value:
erence signal. Not active (DISABLE) [0]
Active (ENABLE) [1]

014 Local stop Function:

(LOCAL STOP) In this parameter you can select/deselect the reversing
Value: function on the LCP control panel. The key can only
Not active (DISABLE) [0] be used if parameter 002 Local/remote operation is set
to Local operation [1] and parameter 013 Localcon-
Active (ENABLE) [1]
trol to Local control, open loop [1] or Local control as
Function: parameter 100 [3].
In this parameter, the local [STOP]-key can be engag-
ed or disengaged on the control panel and on the LCP Description of choice:
control panel. If Disable [0] is selected in this parameter, the [FWD/
REV] key will be disabled. See also parameter 200
Description of choice: Output frequency range.
If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter, the
[STOP]-key will be inactive.
017 Local reset of trip
If Not active [0] is selected, the motor can- Value:
not be stopped by means of the [STOP]- Not active (DISABLE) [0]
Active (ENABLE) [1]

015 Local jog In this parameter, the reset function on the control
(LOCAL JOGGING) panel can be engaged/disengaged.
Not active (DISABLE) [0] Description of choice:
Active (ENABLE) [1] If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter, the reset
function will be inactive.
In this parameter, the jog function on the LCP control NB!
panel can be engaged/disengaged. Select Not active [0], only if an external
reset signal has been connected via the
digital inputs.
Description of choice:
If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter, the [JOG]-
key will be inactive.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
16 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

018 Lock for data changes NB!

(DATA CHANGE LOCK) In remote operation (parameter 002 Lo-
Value: cal/remote operation) the start/stop state
Not locked (NOT LOCKED) [0] at the time of mains connection will de-
pend on the external control signals. If
Locked (LOCKED) [1]
Pulse start [8] is selected in parameter 302
Function: Digital input, the motor will remain stop-
In this parameter, it is possible to 'lock' the controls to ped after mains connection.
disable data changes via the control keys.

Description of choice:
If Locked [1] is selected, data changes in the parame- 020 Hand operation
ters cannot be made; however, it will still be possible (HAND OPERATION)
to make data changes via serial communication. Pa- Value:
rameter 009-012 Display readout can be changed via Not active (DISABLE) [0]
the control panel.
Active (ENABLE) [1]

Operating mode at power-up, local op- In this parameter you can select whether it should be
eration possible or not to switch between Auto- and Hand
(POWER UP ACTION) mode. In Auto mode the frequency converter is con-
Value: trolled by external signals whereas the frequency con-
verter in Hand mode is controlled via a local reference

Auto restart, use saved reference
(AUTO RESTART) [0] directly from the control unit.
Forced stop, use saved reference
(LOCAL=STOP) [1] Description of choice:
Forced stop, set ref. to 0 If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter, the Hand
(LOCAL=STOP, REF=0) [2] mode function will be inactive. If Active [1] is selected
you can switch between Auto- and Hand mode. For
Function: further information, see the Control Unit section.
Setting of the required operating mode when the mains
voltage is engaged. This function can only be active if
Local operation [1] has been selected in parameter
002 Local/remote operation. 024 Userdefined Quick Menu
(user quickmenu)
Description of choice: Value:
Auto restart, use saved ref. [0] is selected if the fre- Not active (Disable) [0]
quency converter is to start using the local reference Active (Enable) [1]
(set in parameter 003 Local reference) and the start/
stop state given via the control keys immediately prior Function:
to the mains voltage being cut out. In this parameter you can select the standard setup of
Forced stop, use saved ref. [1] is selected if the fre- the Quick menu key on the control panel and the LCP
quency converter is to remain stopped when the mains 2 control panel.
voltage is engaged, until the [START]-key is activated. Using this function, in parameter 025 Quick Menu set-
After a start command the motor speed is ramped up up the user can select up to 20 parameters for the
to the saved reference in parameter 003 Local refer- Quick Menu key.
Forced stop, set ref. to 0 [2] is selected if the frequency
Description of choice:
converter is to remain stopped when the mains voltage
If not active [0] is selected, the standard setup of the
is cut back in. Parameter 003 Local reference is to be
Quick Menu key is active.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 17
VLT® 2900 Series
If Active [1] is selected, the user-defined Quick Menu
is active.

025 Quick Menu setup

(quick menu setup)
[Index 1 - 20] Value: 0 - 999 000
In this parameter you define which parameters are re-
quired in the Quick Menu when parameter 024 User-
defined Quick Menu is set to Active [1].
Up to 20 parameters can be selected for the user-de-
fined Quick Menu.

Please note that this parameter can only
be set using an LCP 2 control panel.
See Order form.

Description of choice:
The Quick Menu is set up as follows:
1. Select parameter 025 Quick Menu setup and
press [CHANGE DATA].
2. Index 1 indicates the first parameter in Quick
Menu. You can scroll between the index
numbers using the [+ / -] keys. Select Index
3. Using [< >] you can scroll between the three
figures. Press the [<] key once ad the last
number in the parameter number can be se-
lected using the [+ / -] keys. Set Index 1 to
100 for parameter 100 Configuration.
4. Press [OK] when Index 1 has been set to 100.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until all parameters re-
quired have been set to the Quick Menu key.
6. Press [OK] to complete the Quick Menu set-
If parameter 100 Configuration is selected at Index 1,
Quick Menu will start with this parameter every time
Quick Menu is activated.
Please note that parameter 024 User-defined Quick
Menu and parameter 025 Quick Menu setup are reset
to the factory setting during initialisation.

18 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series

Load and Motor

101 Torque characteristic
100 Configuration (TORQUE CHARACT)
(Configuration) Value:
Value: Constant torque
(Constant torque) [1]
Speed control, open loop
(SPEED OPEN LOOP) [0] Variable torque low
(torque: low) [2]
Speed control, closed loop
(SPEED CLOSED LOOP) [1] Variable torque medium
(torque: med) [3]
Process control, closed loop
(PROCESS CLOSED LOOP) [3] Variable torque high
(torque: high) [4]
Function: Variable torque low with CT start
This parameter is used to select the configuration to (VT LOW CT START) [5]
which the frequency converter is to be adapted. This Variable torque medium with CT start
makes adaptation to a given application simple, since (VT MED CT START) [6]
the parameters not used in a given configuration are Variable torque high with CT start
hidden (not active). (VT HIGH CT START) [7]
Special motor mode
Description of choice: (Special motor mode) [8]
If Speed control, open loop [0] is selected, normal
CT = Constant torque
speed control is obtained (without feedback signal)
with automatic load and slip compensation to ensure

a constant speed at varying loads. Compensations are
This parameter enables a choice of principle for adap-
active, but may be disabled in parameter 134 Load
tation of the U/f ratio of the frequency converter to the
compensation and parameter 136 Slip compensation
torque characteristic of the load. See par. 135 U/f ratio.
as required.
If Speed control, closed loop [1] is selected, better
Description of choice:
speed accuracy is obtained. A feedback signal must
If Constant torque [1] is selected, a load-dependent U/
be added, and the PID regulator must be set in pa-
f characteristic is obtained, in which output voltage and
rameter group 400 Special functions.
output frequency are increased at increasing loads in
If Process control, closed loop [3] is selected, the in- order to maintain constant magnetization of the motor.
ternal process regulator is activated to enable precise
Select Variable torque low [2], Variable torque medium
control of a process in relation to a given process sig-
[3] or Variable torque high [4], if the load is square
nal. The process signal can be set to the relevant
(centrifugal pumps, fans).
process unit or as a percentage. A feedback signal
Variable torque - low with CT start [5], - medium with
must be added from the process and the process reg-
CT start [6] or high with CT start [7], are selected if you
ulator must be set in parameter group 400 Special
need a greater breakaway torque than can be ach-
functions. Process closed loop is not active if a Devi-
ieved with the three first characteristics.
ceNet card is mounted and Instance 20/70 or 21/71 is
chosen in parameter 904 Instance types. NB!
Load and slip compensation are not active
if variable torque or special motor mode
have been selected.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 19
VLT® 2900 Series

Description of choice:
Select a value that corresponds to the nameplate data
on the motor, regardless of the frequency converter's
mains voltage.

104 Motor frequency fM,N

24-1000 Hz 50 Hz
Select Special motor mode [8], if a special U/f setting
is needed that is to be adapted to the present motor.
This is where to select the rated motor frequency
The break points are set in parameters 423-428 Volt-
age/frequency .

Description of choice:
Select a value that corresponds to the nameplate data
on the motor.
Please note that if a value set in the name-
plate parameters 102-106 is changed,
there will be an automatic change of pa-
105 Motor current IM,N
rameter 108 Stator resistance and 109
Stator reactance. (MOTOR CURRENT)
0,01 - IMAX Depends on choice of motor
102 Motor power PM,N
(motor power) Function:
The nominal, rated current of the motor IM,N forms part
of the frequency converter calculation of features such
0.25 - 22 kW Depends on unit as torque and motor thermal protection.
Here you must set a power value [kW] PM,N, corre-
Description of choice:
sponding to the motor's rated power. The factory sets
Set a value that corresponds to the nameplate data on
a rated power value [kW] P M,N, that depends on the
the motor. Set the motor current IM,N taking into ac-
type of unit.
count whether the motor is star-connected Y or delta-
connected Δ.
Description of choice:
Set a value that matches the nameplate data on the
motor. Settings between one size below and one size 106 Rated motor speed
over the factory setting are possible.
100 - fM,N x 60 (max. Depends on parameter
103 Motor voltage UM,N
60000 rpm) 104 Motor frequency, fM,N
This is where to set the value that corresponds to the
For 200 V units: 50 - 999 V 230 V rated motor speed nM,N that can be seen from the
For 400 V units: 50 - 999 V 400 V nameplate data.
This is where to set the rated motor voltage UM,N for Description of choice:
either star Y or delta Δ. Select a value that corresponds to the nameplate data
on the motor.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
20 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
When using the AMT function the following points
NB! should be observed:
The max. value equals fM,N x 60. fM,N to be
- For AMT to be able to define the motor pa-
set in parameter 104 Motor frequency,
rameters as well as possible, the correct type
fM,N .
plate data for the motor connected to the fre-
quency converter must be keyed into param-
eters 102 to 106.
107 Automatic motor tuning, AMT
- Alarms will appear in the display if faults arise
(auto motor tun.) during tuning of the motor.
- As a rule the AMT function will be able to
Optimisation off (AMT off) [0] measure the RS values for motors that are 1-2
Optimisation on (AMT start) [2] times larger or smaller than the frequency
converter's nominal size.
- If you wish to interrupt automatic motor tun-
NB! ing, press the [STOP/RESET] key.
AMT is not possible on VLT 2980-2982.
AMT may not be performed on motors
connected in parallel, nor may setup
Automatic motor tuning is an algorithm that measures
changes be made while AMT is running.
stator resistance RS without the motor axle turning.
The procedure for AMT controlled from
This means that the motor is not delivering any torque.
the SLCP:
AMT can be used with benefit when initialising units
See section entitled Control unit.
where the user wishes to optimise adjustment of the

frequency converter to the motor being used. This is
used in particular when the factory setting does not Description of choice:
sufficiently cover the motor. Select Optimisation on [2] if you want the frequency
converter to perform automatic motor tuning.
For the best possible tuning of the frequency converter
it is recommended that AMT is performed on a cold
motor. It should be noted that repeated AMT runs can
cause heating of the motor, resulting in an increase in 108 Stator resistance RS
the stator resistance RS. As a rule, however, this is not (STATOR RESISTAN)
critical. Value:
AMT is performed as follows: 0.000 - X.XXX Ω Depends on choice of motor
Start AMT:
After setting of parameters 102-106 Nameplate data, a
1. Give a STOP signal. number of adjustments of various parameters is car-
2. Parameter 107 Automatic motor tuning is set ried out automatically, including stator resistance RS.
at value [2] Optimisation on. A manually entered RS must apply to a cold motor. The
shaft performance can be improved by fine-tuning RS
3. A START signal is given and parameter
and XS, see procedure below.
107 Automatic motor tuning is reset to [0]
when AMT has been completed.
Complete AMT: Parameters 108 Stator resistance RS and
AMT is completed by giving a RESET signal. Param- 109 Stator reactance XS are normally not
eter 108 Stator resistance, Rs is updated with the to be changed if nameplate data has been
optimised value. set.
Interrupting AMT:
AMT can be interrupted during the optimisation pro- Description of choice:
cedure by giving a STOP signal. RS can be set as follows:

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 21
VLT® 2900 Series
1. Use the factory settings of RS which the fre- Function:
quency converter itself chooses on the basis It is possible to optimise the resonance damping in CT
of the motor nameplate data. mode. The grade of the influence is adjusted in this
2. The value is stated by the motor supplier. parameter.
The value may be set between 0% (OFF) and 100%.
3. The value is obtained through manual meas-
100% corresponds to 50% reduction of U/F ratio.
urements: RS can be calculated by measur-
Default value is OFF.
ing the resistance RPHASE-PHASE between two
phase terminals. Where RPHASE-PHASE is low- Internal settings (fixed):
er than 1-2 Ohms (typical for motors > 5.5 The resonance filter is active from 10% of nominal
kW, 400 V), a special Ohm-meter should be speed and above.
used (Thomson-bridge or similar). RS = 0.5 x In this case 5Hz and above.
RPHASE-PHASE . Speed to go from 0 to nominal flux level: 500ms
Speed to go from nominal to 0 flux level: 500ms
4. RS is set automatically when AMT has been
completed. See parameter 107 Auto motor Description of functionality:
adaption. The filter monitors the active motor current and
changes the motor voltage according to the figure be-
low. The filter reacts on levels referring to the nominal
motor current.
109 Stator reactance XS
0.00 - X,XX Ω Depends on choice of motor
After setting of parameters 102-106 Nameplate data, a
number of adjustments of various parameters are
made automatically, including stator reactance XS.
The shaft performance can be improved by fine-tuning
RS and XS, see procedure below.

Description of choice:
XS can be set as follows:
1. The value is stated by the motor supplier.
2. The value is obtained through manual meas-
urements XS is obtained by connecting a mo- If the active motor current is below 10%, the motor
tor to mains and measuring the phase-phase voltage will be decreased by the speed mentioned
voltage U M and the idle current φ . above until the voltage reaches the setting for Par.
UM XL 117. If the active motor current comes over 20% the
Xs = −
3 × Iϕ 2 voltage will be increased by the above mentioned
speed. If the active motor current reaches 40% the
XL: See parameter 142.
motor voltage will be increased immediately to normal
3. Use the factory settings of XS which the fre- motor voltage.
quency converter itself chooses on the basis The reduction in motor voltage depends on the pa-
of the motor nameplate data. rameter 117 setting.

Description of choice:
117 Resonance damping
Set the grade of Motor current [Imact] influence on the
(resonance damping)
U/F ratio between 0% (OFF) and 100%. 100% corre-
Value: sponds to 50% reduction of U/F ratio. Default value is
OFF - 100% [OFF - 100] OFF.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
22 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
119 High start torque Description of choice:
(High start torq.) Select DC hold during start delay time [0] to energize
Value: the motor with a DC hold voltage during the start delay
0.0 - 0.5 sec. 0.0 sec. time. Set voltage in parameter 137 DC hold voltage.

Function: Choose DC brake during start delay time [1] to energize

To ensure a high start torque approx. 1.8 x IINV. can be the motor with a DC brake voltage during the start de-
permitted for max. 0.5 sec. The current is, however, lay time. Set voltage in parameter 132 DC brake volt-
limited by the frequency converter's (inverter's) safety age.
limit. 0 sec. corresponds to no high start torque. Choose Coasting during start delay time [2] and the
motor will not be controlled by the frequency converter
Description of choice: during the start delay time (inverter turned off).
Set the necessary time for which a high start torque is Choose Start frequency/voltage clockwise [3] to obtain
the function described in parameter 130 Start frequen-
cy and 131 Voltage at start during start delay time.
Regardless of the value assumed by the reference
120 Start delay signal, the output frequency equals the setting in pa-
(START DELAY) rameter 130 Start frequency and the output voltage will
Value: correspond to the setting in parameter 131 Voltage at
0.0 - 10.0 sec. 0.0 sec. start .
Function: This functionality is typically used in hoist applications.
This parameter enables a delay of the start-up time It is used in particular in applications in which a cone
after the conditions for start have been fulfilled. When anchor motor is applied, where the direction of rotation
the time has passed, the output frequency will start by is to start clockwise followed by the reference direc-

ramping up to the reference. tion.
Select Start frequency/voltage in reference direction [4]
Description of choice: to obtain the function described in parameter 130 Start
Set the necessary time before commencing to accel- frequency and 131 Voltage at start during the start de-
erate. lay time.
The direction of rotation of the motor will always follow
in the reference direction. If the reference signal
121 Start function equals zero, the output frequency will equal 0 Hz, while
the output voltage will correspond to the setting in pa-
rameter 131 Voltage at start. If the reference signal is
Value: different from zero, the output frequency will equal pa-
DC hold during start delay time rameter 130 Start frequency and the output voltage will
(DC HOLD/DELAY TIME) [0] equal parameter 131 Voltage at start. This functionality
DC brake during start delay time is used typically for hoist applications with counter-
(DC BRAKE/DELAY TIME) [1] weight. It is used in particular for applications in which
Coasting during start delay time a cone anchor motor is applied. The cone anchor mo-
(COAST/DELAY TIME) [2] tor can break away using parameter 130 Start frequen-
Start frequency/voltage clockwise cy and parameter 131 Voltage at start.
Start frequency/voltage in reference direction

This is where to choose the required mode during the
start delay time (parameter 120 Start delay time).

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 23
VLT® 2900 Series

122 Function at stop 126 DC brake time

Value: Value:
Coasting (COAST) [0] 0 - 60 sec. 10 sec
DC hold (DC HOLD) [1] Function:
In this parameter, the DC brake time is set at which
Function: parameter 132 DC brake voltage is to be active.
This is where to choose the function of the frequency
converter after the output frequency has become lower
Description of choice:
than the value in parameter 123 The min. frequency for
Set the required time.
activation of function at stop or after a stop command
and when the output frequency has been ramped
down to 0 Hz.
127 DC brake cut-in frequency
Description of choice:
Select Coasting [0] if the frequency converter is to 'let
0.0 (OFF) - par. 202
go' of the motor (inverter turned off).
Output frequency high limit, fMAX OFF
Select DC hold [1] if parameter 137 DC hold voltage is
to be activated.
In this parameter, the DC brake cut-in frequency is set
at which the DC brake is to be activated in connection
with a stop command.
Min. frequency for activation of func-
tion at stop
Description of choice:
Set the required frequency.
0,1 - 10 Hz 0,1 Hz
Function: 128 Thermal motor protection
In this parameter, the output frequency is set at which (MOT.THERM PROTEC)
the function selected in parameter 122 Function at
stop is to be activated.
No protection (NO PROTECTION) [0]
Thermistor warning
Description of choice: (THERMISTOR WARN) [1]
Set the required output frequency.
Thermistor trip (THERMISTOR TRIP) [2]
NB! ETR warning 1 (ETR WARNING 1) [3]
If parameter 123 is set higher than param- ETR trip 1 (ETR TRIP 1) [4]
eter 130, then the start delay function (pa- ETR warning 2 (ETR WARNING 2) [5]
rameter 120 and 121) will be skipped. ETR trip 2 (ETR TRIP 2) [6]
ETR warning 3 (ETR WARNING 3) [7]
If parameter 123 is set too high, and DC ETR trip 3 (ETR TRIP 3) [8]
hold has been chosen in parameter 122, ETR warning 4 (ETR WARNING 4) [9]
the output frequency will jump to the value ETR trip 4 (ETR TRIP 4) [10]
in parameter 123 without ramping up. This
may cause an overcurrent warning / Function:
alarm. The frequency converter can monitor the motor tem-
perature in two different ways:

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
24 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
- Via a PTC thermistor that is mounted on the 130 Start frequency
motor. The thermistor is connected between (Start frequency)
terminal 50 (+10V) and one of the digital input Value:
terminals 18, 19, 27 or 29. See parameter
0.0 - 10.0 Hz 0.0 Hz
300 Digital inputs.
- Thermal load calculation (ETR - Electronic The start frequency is active for the time set in param-
Thermal Relay), based on present load and eter 120 Start delay, after a start command. The output
time. This is compared with the rated motor frequency will 'jump' to the next preset frequency. Cer-
current IM,N and rated motor frequency f M,N. tain motors, such as conical anchor motors, need an
The calculations take into account the need extra voltage/start frequency (boost) at start to disen-
for lower loading at low speeds due to the gage the mechanical brake. To achieve this parame-
motor's internal ventilation being reduced. ters 130 Start frequency and 131 Initial voltage are

Description of choice:
Set the required start frequency. It is a precondition
that parameter 121 Start function, is set to Start fre-
quency/voltage clockwise [3] or Start frequency voltage
in reference direction [4] and that in parameter 120 Start
delay a time is set and a reference signal is present.

If parameter 123 is set higher than param-

eter 130, the start delay function (param-
ETR functions 1-4 do not begin to calculate the load eter 120 and 121) will be skipped.
until you switch to the Setup in which they have been
selected. This means that you can use the ETR func-
tion even when changing between two or more motors. 131 Initial voltage
Description of choice: Value:
Select No protection [0] if you do not want a warning 0.0 - 200.0 V 0.0 V
or trip when a motor is overloaded.
Select Thermistor warning [1] if you want a warning
Initial voltage is active for the time set in parameter 120
when the connected thermistor becomes too hot.
Start delay , after a start command. This parameter can
Select Thermistor trip [2] if you want a trip when the
be used for example for lifting/dropping applications
connected thermistor becomes too hot.
(conical anchor motors).
Select ETR warning 1-4 if you want a warning when the
motor is overloaded according to the calculations. You
can also programme the frequency converter to give a Description of choice:
warning signal via one of the digital outputs. Select Set the required voltage necessary to cut out the me-
ETR Trip 1-4 if you want a trip when the motor is over- chanical brake. It is assumed that parameter 121 Start
loaded according to the calculations. function, is set to Start frequency/voltage clockwise [3]
or Start frequency/voltage in reference direction [4] and
NB! that in parameter 120 Start delay a time is set, and that
This function cannot protect the individual a reference signal is present.
motors in the case of motors linked in par-

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 25
VLT® 2900 Series
134 Load compensation
132 DC brake voltage
Value: 0.0 - 300.0% 100.0%
0 - 100% of max. DC brake voltage 0%
Function: In this parameter, the load characteristic is set. By in-
In this parameter, the DC brake voltage is set which is creasing the load compensation, the motor is given an
to be activated at stop when the DC brake frequency extra voltage and frequency supplement at increasing
set in parameter 127 DC brake cut-in frequency is loads. This is used e.g. in motors/applications in which
reached, or if DC braking inverse is active via a digital there is a big difference between the full-load current
input or via serial communication. Subsequently, the and idle-load current of the motor.
DC brake voltage will be active for the time set in pa-
rameter 126 DC brake time. NB!
If this value is set too high, the frequency
Description of choice: converter may cut out because of over-
To be set as a percentage value of the max. DC brake current.
voltage, which depends on the motor.
Description of choice:
If the factory setting is not adequate, load compensa-
133 Start voltage tion must be set to enable the motor to start at the given
Warning: Should be set to 0% in connec-
0.00 - 100.00 V Depends on unit
tion with synchronous and parallel-cou-
Function: pled motors and in the case of quick load
A higher start torque can be obtained by increasing the changes. Too high load compensation
start voltage. Small motors (< 1.0 kW) normally require may lead to instability.
a high start voltage.

135 U/f-ratio
0.00 - 20.00 at Hz Depends on unit
This parameter enables a shift in the ratio between
output voltage (U) and output frequency (f) linearly, so
as to ensure correct energizing of the motor and thus
optimum dynamics, accuracy and efficiency. The U/f-
ratio only affects the voltage characteristic if a selec-
Description of choice: tion has been made of Constant torque [1] parameter
The factory setting will be suitable for must applica- 101 Torque characteristic.
tions, the value may need to be increase gradually for
high torque application. Description of choice:
The U/f-ratio is only to be changed if it is not possible
Warning: If the use of start voltage is ex-
to set the correct motor data in parameter 102-109.
aggerated, this may lead to over-energiz-
The value programmed in the factory settings is based
ing and overheating of the motor and the
on idle operation.
frequency converter may cut out.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
26 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
136 Slip compensation 139 Brake cut in frequency
(SLIP COMP.) (Brake cut in)
Value: Value:
-500 - +500% of rated slip compensation 100% 0.5 - 132.0/1000.0 Hz 3.0 Hz
Function: Function:
Slip compensation is calculated automatically, on the Here you can select the frequency at which the exter-
basis of such data as the rated motor speed nM,N. In nal brake is activated; this takes place via the output
this parameter, the slip compensation can be fine- defined in parameter 323 Relay output 1-3 or 341 Dig-
tuned, thereby compensating for tolerances on the ital output terminal 46.
value for n M,N. Slip compensation is only active if a
selection has been made of Speedregulation, open Description of choice:
loop [0] in parameter 100 Configuration and Constant Set the required frequency.
torque [1] in parameter 101 Torque characteristic.

Description of choice: 140 Current, minimum value

Key in a % value. (CURRENT MIN VAL)
0 % - 100 % of inverter output current 0%
137 DC hold voltage
This is where the user selects the minimum motor cur-
Value: rent running for the mechanical brake to be released.
0 - 100% of max. DC hold voltage 0% Current monitoring is only active from stop until the
Function: point when the brake is released.

This parameter is used to keep the motor (holding tor-
que) at start/stop. Description of choice:
This is an extra safety precaution, aimed at guaran-
Description of choice: teeing that the load is not lost during start of a lifting/
This parameter can only be used if a selection has lowering operation.
been made of DC hold in parameter 121 Start func-
tion or 122 Function at stop . To be set as a percentage
value of the max. DC hold voltage, which depends on 142 Leakage reactance XL
the choice of motor. (LEAK. REACTANCE)
0.000 - XXX,XXX Ω Depends on choice of mo-
138 Brake cut out value
(Brake cut out) XL is sum of rotor and stator
Value: leakage reactance.
0.5 - 132.0/1000.0 Hz 3.0 Hz Function:
Function: After setting of parameters 102-106 Nameplate data, a
Here you can select the frequency at which the exter- number of adjustments of various parameter is made
nal brake is released, via the output defined in param- automatically, including the leakage reactance XL. The
eter 323 Relay output 1-3 or 341 Digital output, terminal shaft performance can be improved by fine-tuning the
46. leakage reactance XL.

Description of choice:
Parameter 142 The leakage reactance XL
Set the required frequency.
is normally not to be changed if the name-
plate data have been set, parameters

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 27
VLT® 2900 Series

Description of choice:
XL can be set as follows: NB!
If the value in par. 144 is increased, the
1. The value is stated by the motor supplier. motor current will simultaneously increase
2. Use the factory settings of XL which the fre- significantly when generator loads are ap-
quency converter itself chooses on the basis plied. The parameter should therefore on-
of the motor nameplate data. ly be changed if it is guaranteed during
measurement that the motor current in all
operating situations will never exceed the
143 Internal fan control maximum permitted current in the
(fan control) motor. Please note: that the current can-
not be read out from the display.
Automatic (automatic) [0]
Always switched on (always on) [1]
146 Reset voltage vector
Always switched off (always off) [2]
Function: Value:
This parameter can be set so that the internal fan is *Off (OFF) [0]
automatically switched on and off. You can also set the Reset (RESET) [1]
internal fan to be permanently switched on or off.
Description of choice: When the voltage vector is reset it is set to the same
If Automatic [0] is selected, the internal fan is switched starting point each time a new process commences.
on or off depending on the ambient temperature and
the loading of the frequency converter. Description of choice:
If Always switched on [1] Always switched off [2] are Select reset (1) when running unique processes each
selected, the internal fan will be permanently switched time they arise. This will enable repetitive precision
on or off. when stopping to be improved. Select Off (0) for ex-
ample for lifting/lowering operations or synchronous
NB! motors. It is an advantage that the motor and the fre-
If Always switched off [2] is selected in quency converter are always synchronized.
combination with high switch frequency,
long motor cables or high output power,
the frequency converter's life span is re-

144 Gain AC brake

(Gain AC brake)
1.00 - 1.50 1.30
This parameter is used to set the AC brake. Using par.
144 it is possible to adjust the size of the generator
torque that can be applied to the motor without the in-
termediate circuit voltage exceeding the warning level.

Description of choice:
The value is increased if a greater possible brake tor-
que is required. If 1.0 is selected, this corresponds to
the AC brake being inactive.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
28 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

References & Limits

201 Output frequency low limit, fMIN
200 Output frequency range (MIN OUTPUT FREQ)
Value: 0.0 - fMAX 0.0 Hz
Only clockwise, 0 - 132 Hz Function:
(132 Hz CLOCKWISE) [0] In this parameter, a minimum motor frequency limit
can be selected that corresponds to the minimum
Both directions, 0 - 132 Hz
speed at which the motor is allowed to run. If Both di-
(132 Hz BOTH DIRECT) [1]
rections has been selected in parameter 200 Output
Anti-clockwise only, 0 - 132 Hz
frequency range, the minimum frequency is of no sig-
(132 Hz COUNTER CLOCK) [2]
Clockwise only, 0 - 1000 Hz
(1000 Hz CLOCK WISE) [3]
Description of choice:
Both directions, 0 - 1000 Hz
The value chosen can range from 0.0 Hz to the fre-
(1000 Hz BOTH DIRECT) [4]
quency set in parameter 202 Output frequency high
Anti-clockwise only, 0 - 1000 Hz limit, fMAX .
(1000 Hz COUNTER CLOCK) [5]

202 Output frequency high limit, fMAX
This parameter guarantees protection against unwan-
ted reversing. Furthermore, the maximum output fre- (max. output freq)
quency can be selected that is to apply regardless of Value:
the settings of other parameters. This parameter has fMIN - 132/1000 Hz (par. 200 Output fre-

no function if Process regulation, closed loop has been quency range) 132 Hz
selected in parameter 100 Configuration. Function:
In this parameter, a maximum output frequency limit
Description of choice: can be selected that corresponds to the highest speed
Select the required direction of rotation as well as the at which the motor is allowed to run.
maximum output frequency. Please note that if Clock-
wise only [0]/[3] or Anti-clockwise only [2]/[5] is selec- NB!
ted, the output frequency will be limited to the range The output frequency of the frequency
fMIN-f MAX. If Both directions [1]/[4] is selected, the out- converter can never assume a value high-
put frequency will be limited to the range ± f MAX (the er than 1/10 of the switching frequency
minimum frequency is of no significance). (parameter 411 Switching frequency).

Description of choice:
A value can be selected from fMIN to the value chosen
in parameter 200 Output frequency range.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 29
VLT® 2900 Series

203 Reference range 205 Maximum reference, RefMAX

(REFERENCE RANGE) (max.reference)
Value: Value:
Min. reference - Max reference (min - max) [0] Par. 100 Config. = Open loop
-Max. reference - Max. reference [0].Par. 204 RefMIN - 1000.000 Hz 50.000 Hz
(-max - +max) [1] Par. 100 Config. = Closed
loop [1]/[3]. Par. 204
Function: RefMIN - Par. 415 Max.
In this parameter you select whether the reference feedback 50.000 rpm/par 416
signal must be positive or whether it can be both pos- Function:
itive and negative. The minimum limit may be a nega- The maximum reference gives the highest value that
tive value, unless in parameter 100 Configuration a can be assumed by the sum of all references. If Closed
selection has been made of Speed regulation, closed loop [1]/[3] is selected in parameter 100 Configuration
loop. You should select Min ref. - Max. ref. [0], if Proc- the maximum reference cannot exceed the value in
ess regulation, closed loop [3] has been selected in parameter 415 Maximum feedback.
parameter 100 Configuration. Maximum reference is ignored if the local reference is
Description of choice: The reference unit can be defined from the following
Select the required range. table:

Par. 100 Configuration Unit

Open loop [0] Hz
204 Minimum reference, Ref MIN Speed reg, closed loop [1] rpm
(Min.reference) Process reg, closed loop [3] Par. 416

Par. 100 Config. = Open loop Description of choice:
[0].-100,000.000 - par. 205 RefMAX 0.000 Hz Maximum reference is set, if the speed of the motor is
Par. 100 Config. = Closed to be max. the set value, regardless of the whether the
loop [1]/[3].-Par. 414 Mini- resulting reference is greater than the maximum ref-
mum feedback - par. 205 erence.
RefMAX 0.000 rpm/par 416
206 Ramp type
Minimum reference is an expression of the minimum
possible value of the total of all references. If in pa- (Ramp type)
rameter 100 Configuration, Speed regulation, closed Value:
loop [1] or Process regulation, closed loop [3] is selec- Linear (Linear) [0]
ted, the minimum reference is limited by parameter Sin shaped (SIN SHAPED) [1]
414 Minimum feedback. Minimum reference is ignored
Sin2 shaped (S-SHAPED 2) [2]
if the local reference is active.
The reference unit can be defined from the following Function:
table: You can choose between a linear, an S-shaped and
Par. 100 Configuration Unit an S2 ramp process.
Open loop [0] Hz
Speed reg, closed loop [1] rpm Description of choice:
Process reg, closed loop [3] Par. 416 Select the required ramp type depending on the re-
quired acceleration/deceleration process.
Description of choice:
The minimum reference is preset if the motor has to
run at a minimum speed, regardless of whether the
resulting reference is 0.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
30 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

209 Ramp-up time 2

(ramp up time 2)
0.02 - 3600.00 sec. 3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982)
See description of parameter 207 Ramp-up time 1.

Description of choice:
207 Ramp-up time 1 Set the required ramp-up time. Shift from ramp 1 to
(ramp-up time 1) ramp 2 by activating Ramp 2 via a digital input.
0.02 - 3600.00 sec 3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982) 210 Ramp-down time 2
Function: (RAMP DOWN TIME 2)
The ramp-up time is the acceleration time from 0 Hz to Value:
the rated motor frequency fM,N (parameter 104 Motor 0.02 - 3600.00 sec. 3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
frequency, fM,N ). It is assumed that the output current 10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982)
will not reach the current limit (set in parameter 221
Current limit ILIM ).
See description of parameter 208 Ramp-down time 1.

Description of choice:
Set the required ramp-down time. Shift from ramp 1 to
ramp 2 by activating Ramp 2 via a digital input.

211 Jog ramp time

(jog ramp time)
0.02 - 3600.00 sec. 3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
Description of choice:
10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982)
Set the required ramp-up time.
The jog ramp time is the acceleration/deceleration
time from 0 Hz to the rated motor frequency fM,N (pa-
208 Ramp-down time 1
rameter 104 Motor frequency, fM,N ). It is assumed that
(ramp down time 1)
the output current will not reach the current limit (set in
Value: parameter 221 Current limit ILIM ).
0.02 - 3600.00 sec 3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982)
The ramp-down time is the deceleration time from the
rated motor frequency fM,N (parameter 104 Motor fre-
quency, f M,N ) to 0 Hz, provided no overvoltage arises
in the inverter because of generating operation of the

Description of choice:
Set the required ramp-down time.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 31
VLT® 2900 Series
The jog ramp time starts if a jog-signal is given via the Function:
LCP control panel, one of the digital inputs or the serial It is possible to define how preset references are to be
communication port. added to the other references; for this purpose, use
Sum or Relative. It is also possible by using the Exter-
Description of choice: nal/preset to select whether a shift between external
Set the required ramp time. references and preset references is required.
External reference is the sum of the analogue refer-
ences, pulse references and any references from se-
212 Quick-stop ramp-down time rial communication.
Value: Description of choice:
0.02 - 3600.00 sec. If Sum [0] is selected, one of the adjusted preset ref-
3.00 sec (VLT 2903-2975)
erences (parameters 215-218 Preset reference) is
10.00 sec (VLT 2980-2982)
summarized as a percentage of the reference range
(RefMIN - RefMAX), added to the other external referen-
The quick-stop ramp-down time is the deceleration
time from the rated motor frequency to 0 Hz, provided
If Relative [1] is selected, one of the added preset ref-
no overvoltage arises in the inverter because of gen-
erences (parameters 215-218 Preset reference) is
erating operation of the motor, or if the generated
summarized as a percentage of the sum of present
current exceeds the current limit in parameter 221
external references.
Current limit ILIM . Quick-stop is activated via one of the
If External/preset [2] is selected, it is possible via a dig-
digital inputs or the serial communication.
ital input to shift between external references or preset
references. Preset references will be a percentage
Description of choice: value of the reference range.
Set the required ramp-down time.
If Sum or Relative is selected, one of the
213 Jog frequency preset references will always be active. If
(Jog frequency) the preset references are to be without in-
Value: fluence, they must be set to 0% (factory
0.0 - Par. 202 Output frequency high
limit, f MAX 10.0 Hz
Jog frequency fJOG means a fixed output frequency 215 Preset reference 1 (PRESET REF. 1)
that the frequency converter supplies to the motor 216 Preset reference 2 (PRESET REF. 2)
when the Jog function is activated. Jog can be activa- 217 Preset reference 3 (PRESET REF. 3)
ted via the digital inputs, serial communication or via 218 Preset reference 4 (PRESET REF. 4)
the LCP control panel, on the condition that this is ac- Value:
tive in parameter 015 Local jog. -100.00% - +100.00% 0.00%
of the reference range/external reference
Description of choice: Function:
Set the required frequency. Four different preset references can be programmed
in parameters 215-218 Preset reference.
The preset reference is stated as a percentage of the
214 Reference function reference range (RefMIN - Ref MAX) or as a percentage
(Ref function) of the other external references, depending on the
Value: choice made in parameter 214 Reference function.
Sum (sum) [0] The choice between preset references can be made
via the digital inputs or via serial communication.
Relative (relative) [1]
External/preset (external/preset) [2]

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
32 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
Preset ref., msb Preset ref. lsb
Description of choice:
0 0 Preset ref. 1
0 1 Preset ref. 2 Set the required maximum output current ILIM.
1 0 Preset ref. 3
1 1 Preset ref. 4

223 Warning: Low current, ILOW

Description of choice: (warn. current lo)
Set the preset reference(s) that is/are to be the op-
0.0 - par. 224 Warning: High current, IHIGH 0.0 A
219 Catch up/Slow down reference If the output current falls below the preset limit ILOW a
warning is given.
(Catch up/Slw dwn)
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are out of func-
tion during ramp-up after a start command and after a
0.00 - 100% of the given reference 0.00% stop command or during stop.The warning functions
Function: are activated when the output frequency has reached
In this parameter, the percentage value can be set the resulting reference. The signal outputs can be pro-
which will either be added to or deducted from the re- grammed to give a warning signal via terminal 46 and
mote-controlled references. via the relay output.
The remote-controlled reference is the sum of preset
references, analogue references, pulse reference and
Description of choice:
any references from serial communication.
The lower signal limit of the output current ILOW must
be programmed within the normal working range of the
Description of choice: frequency converter.

If Catch up is active via a digital input, the percentage
value in parameter 219 Catch up/Slow down refer-
ence will be added to the remote-controlled reference.
If Slow down is active via a digital input, the percentage
value in parameter 219 Catch up/Slow down refer-
ence will be deducted from the remote-controlled ref-

221 Current limit, I LIM

(current limit)
0 - XXX.X % of par. 105 160 %
In this parameter, the maximum output current ILIM is
set. The factory-set value corresponds to the maxi-
mum output current IMAX . If the current limit is to be 224 Warning: High current, IHIGH
used as motor protection, set the rated motor current. (warn. current hi)
If the current limit is set above 100% (the rated output
current of the frequency converter, IINV.), the frequency
converter can only handle a load intermittently, i.e. for
short periods at a time. After the load has been higher Function:
than IINV., it must be ensured that for a period the load If the output current exceeds the preset limit IHIGH a
is lower than IINV. Please note that if the current limit is warning is given.
set at a lower value than IINV., the acceleration torque Parameters 223-228 Warning functions do not work
will be reduced to the same extent. during ramp-up after a start command and after stop
command or during stop. The warning functions are

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 33
VLT® 2900 Series
activated when the output frequency has reached the resulting reference. The signal outputs can be pro-
resulting reference. The signal outputs can be pro- grammed to give a warning signal via terminal 46 and
grammed to give a warning signal via terminal 46 and via the relay output.
via the relay output.
Description of choice:
Description of choice: The output frequency's upper signal limit fHIGH must be
The output current's upper signal limit IHIGH must be programmed within the frequency converter's normal
programmed within the frequency converter's normal operating range. See drawing at parameter 223 Warn-
operating range. See drawing at parameter 223 Warn- ing: Low current, ILOW .
ing: Low current, ILOW .

227 Warning: Low feedback, FBLOW

225 Warning: Low frequency, fLOW (warn.feedb. low)
(warn.freq. low) Value:
Value: -100,000.000 - par. 228
0.0 - par. 226 Warn.:FBHIGH -4000.000
Warn.: High frequency, fHIGH 0.0 Hz Function:
Function: If the feedback signal falls below the preset limit
If the output frequency falls below the preset limit FBLOW, a warning is given.
fLOW, a warning is given. Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are out of
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are out of function during ramp-up after a start command and af-
function during ramp-up after a start command and af- ter a stop command or during stop. The warning func-
ter stop command or during stop. The warning func- tions are activated when the output frequency has
tions are activated when the output frequency has reached the resulting reference.The signal outputs
reached the resulting reference. The signal outputs can be programmed to give a warning signal via ter-
can be programmed to give a warning signal via ter- minal 46 and via the relay output.The unit for feedback
minal 46 and via the relay output. in Closed loop is programmed in parameter 416 Proc-
ess units.
Description of choice:
The lower signal limit of the output frequency fLOW must Description of choice:
be programmed within the normal operating range of Set the required value within the feedback range (pa-
the frequency converter. See drawing at parameter rameter 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN and 415 Max-
223 Warning: Low current, ILOW. imum feedback, FBMAX ).

226 Warning: High frequency fHIGH 228 Warning: High feedback, FBHIGH
(warn.freq.high) (warn.feedb high)
Value: Value:
Par. 200 Frequency range = 0-132 Hz Par. 227 Warn.: FB LOW - 100,000.000 4000.000
[0]/[1].par. 225 fLOW - 132 Hz 132.0 Hz Function:
Par. 200 Frequency range = 0-1000 If the feedback signal gets above the preset limit
Hz [2]/[3].par. 225 fLOW - 1000 Hz 132.0 Hz FBHIGH, a warning is given.
Function: Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are out of
If the output frequency exceeds the preset limit f HIGH function during ramp-up after a start command and af-
a warning is given. ter a stop command or during stop. The warning func-
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions do not work tions are activated when the output frequency has
during ramp-up after a start command and after stop reached the resulting reference. The signal outputs
command or during stop. The warning functions are can be programmed to give a warning signal via ter-
activated when the output frequency has reached the minal 46 and via the relay output. The unit for feedback

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
34 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
in Closed loop is programmed in parameter 416 Proc-
ess units.

Description of choice:
Set the required value within the feedback range (pa-
rameter 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN and 415 Max-
imum feedback, FBMAX ).

229 Frequence bypass, bandwidth

0 (OFF) - 100 Hz 0 Hz
Some systems call for some output frequencies to be
avoided because of mechanical resonance problems
in the system. In parameters 230-231 Frequency by-
pass these output frequencies can be programmed. In
this parameter a bandwidth can be defined on either
side of these frequencies.

Description of choice:
The frequency set in this parameter will be centered

around parameters 230 Frequency bypass 1 and 231
Frequency bypass 2.

230 Frequency bypass 1 (FREQ. BYPASS 1)

231 Frequency bypass 2 (FREQ. BYPASS 2)
0 - 1000 Hz 0.0 Hz
Some SYSTEMs call for some output frequencies to
be avoided because of mechanical resonance prob-
lems in the SYSTEM.

Description of choice:
Enter the frequencies to be avoided. See also param-
eter 229 Frequency bypass, bandwidth.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 35
VLT® 2900 Series

Inputs and outputs

Digital inputs Term. no. 181 191 27 29 33
par. no. 302 303 304 305 307
No function (NO OPERATION) [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
Reset (RESET) [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
Coasting stop inverse (MOTOR COAST INVERSE) [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]
Reset and coasting inverse (RESET AND COAST INV.) [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
Quick-stop inverse (QUICK-STOP INVERSE) [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]
DC braking inverse (DC-BRAKE INVERSE) [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
Stop inverse (STOP INVERSE) [6] [6] [6] [6] [6]
Start (START) [7] [7] [7] [7] [7]
Pulse start (LATCHED START) [8] [8] [8] [8] [8]
Reversing (REVERSING) [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]
Reversing and start (START REVERSING) [10] [10] [10] [10] [10]
Start clockwise (ENABLE FORWARD) [11] [11] [11] [11] [11]
Start anti-clockwise (ENABLE REVERSE) [12] [12] [12] [12] [12]
Jog (JOGGING) [13] [13] [13] [13]
Freeze reference (FREEZE REFERENCE) [14] [14] [14] [14] [14]
Freeze output frequency (FREEZE OUTPUT) [15] [15] [15] [15] [15]
Speed up (SPEED UP) [16] [16] [16] [16] [16]
Speed down (SPEED DOWN) [17] [17] [17] [17] [17]
Catch-up (CATCH-UP) [19] [19] [19] [19] [19]
Slow-down (SLOW-DOWN) [20] [20] [20] [20] [20]
Ramp 2 (RAMP 2) [21] [21] [21] [21] [21]
Preset ref, LSB (PRESET REF, LSB) [22] [22] [22] [22] [22]
Preset ref, MSB (PRESET REF, MSB) [23] [23] [23] [23] [23]
Preset reference on (PRESET REFERENCE ON) [24] [24] [24] [24] [24]
Thermistor (THERMISTOR) [25] [25] [25] [25]
Precise stop, inverse (PRECISE STOP INV.) [26] [26]
Precise start/stop (PRECISE START/STOP) [27] [27]
Pulse reference (PULSE REFERENCE) [28]
Pulse feedback (PULSE FEEDBACK) [29]
Pulse input (PULSE INPUT) [30]
Selection of Setup, lsb (SETUP SELECT LSB) [31] [31] [31] [31] [31]
Selection of Setup, msb (SETUP SELECT MSB) [32] [32] [32] [32] [32]
Reset and start (RESET AND START) [33] [33] [33] [33] [33]
Pulse counter start (PULSE COUNTER START) [34] [34]
1. All functions on terminal 18 and 19 are controlled by Description of choice:
an interrupter, which means that the repetitive accu- No operation is selected if the frequency converter is
racy of the response time is constant. Can be used for not to react to signals transmitted to the terminal.
start/stop, setup switch and especially for changing
Reset resets the frequency converter after an alarm;
digital preset, i.e. to obtain a reproducable stop point
however, a few alarms cannot be reset (trip locked)
when using creep speed.
without first disconnecting the mains supply and re-
connecting it. See table under List of warnings and
In these parameters 302-307 Digital inputs it is possi-
alarms. Reset is activated on the leading edge of the
ble to choose between the different enabled functions
related to the digital inputs (terminals 18-33).
Coasting stop inverse is used for making the frequency
converter "let go" of the motor immediately (output

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
36 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
transistors are "turned off"), which means that the mo- Reversing and start is used for start/stop and for re-
tor runs freely to stop. Logic '0' leads to coasting to versing with the same signal. No active start command
stop. is allowed at the same time. Acts as latch start revers-
Reset and coasting inverse are used to activate motor ing, provided latch start has been chosen for terminal
coast simultaneously with reset. Logical '0' means mo- 18. Is not active for Process regulation, closed loop.
tor coast stop and reset. Reset is activated on the See also parameter 200 Output frequency range/di-
falling edge. rection.

Quick stop inverse is used for activating the quick-stop Start clockwise is used if you want the motor shaft only
ramp down set in parameter 212 Quick stop ramp- to be able to rotate clockwise when started. Should not
down time. Logic '0' leads to quick stop. be used for Process regulation, closed loop.

DC-braking inverse is used for stopping the motor by Start anticlockwise is used if you want the motor shaft
energizing it with a DC voltage for a given time, see only to be able to rotate anticlockwise when started.
parameters 126, 127 and 132 DC brake. Please note Should not be used for Process regulation, closed
that this function is only active if the value in parameter loop. See also parameter 200 Output frequency range/
126 DC braking time and 132 DC brake voltage is dif- direction.
ferent from 0. Logic '0' leads to DC braking. Jog is used to override the output frequency to the jog
Stop inverse, a logic '0' means that the motor speed is frequency set in parameter 213 Jog frequency. Jog is
ramped down to stop via the selected ramp. active regardless of whether a start command has
been given, yet not when Coast stop, Quick-stop or
None of the stop commands mentioned DC braking are active.
above are to be used as repair switches. Freeze reference freezes the present reference. The
Note that the frequency converter has reference can now only be changed via Speed up and
more voltage inputs than L1, L2 and L3 Speed down. If freeze reference is active, it will be

when the DC bus terminals are used. saved after a stop command and in the event of mains
Check that all voltage inputs are discon- failure.
nected and that the prescribed time (4
Freeze output freezes the present output frequency (in
mins.) has passed before repair work is
Hz). The output frequency can now only be changed
via Speed up and Speed down .
Start is selected if a start/stop command is required.
Logic '1' = start, logic '0' = stop. NB!
If Freeze output is active the frequency
converter can only be stopped if you se-
lect Motor coast, Quick stop or DC brak-
ing via a digital input.

Speed up and Speed down are selected if digital con-

trol of the up/down speed is required. This function is
only active if Freeze reference or Freeze output frequen-
cy has been selected.
Latched start, if a pulse is applied for min. 14 ms, the If Speed up is active the reference or output frequency
frequency converter will start the motor, provided no will be increased, and if Speed down is active the ref-
stop command has been given. The motor can be erence or output frequency will be reduced. The output
stopped by briefly activating Stop inverse. frequency is changed via the preset ramp times in pa-
rameters 209-210 Ramp 2.
Reversing is used for changing the direction of rotation
One pulse (logic '1' minimum high for 14 ms and a
of the motor shaft. Logic '0' will not lead to reversing.
minimum break time of 14 ms) will lead to a speed
Logic '1' will lead to reversing. The reverse signal only
change of 0.1 % (reference) or 0.1 Hz (output frequen-
changes the direction of rotation, it does not activate
cy). Example:
the start. Is not active at Process regulation, closed loop
. See also parameter 200 Output frequency range/di-

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 37
VLT® 2900 Series
Term Term. Freeze ref/ Function
.29 33 freeze outp.
0 0 1 No speed change
0 1 1 Speed up
1 0 1 Speed down
1 1 1 Speed down
Freeze reference can be changed even if the frequency
converter has stopped. The reference will also be
saved if the mains are disconnected.
Catch-up/Slow-down is selected if the reference value
If a motor features a Klixon thermal switch instead, this
is to be increased or reduced by a programmable per-
can also be connected to the input. If motors operate
centage value set in parameter 219 Catch-up/Slow-
in parallel, the thermistors/thermal switches can be
down reference .
connected in series (total resistance lower than 3 kΩ).
Slow-down Catch-up Function Parameter 128 Motor thermal protection must be pro-
0 0 Unchanged speed grammed for Thermistor warning [1] or Thermistor trip
0 1 Increase by % value [2] and the thermistor is to be connected between a
1 0 Reduce by % value digital input and terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply).
1 1 Reduce by % value
Ramp 2 is selected if a shift between ramp 1 (param-
eters 207-208) and ramp 2 (parameters 209-210) is
required. Logic '0' leads to ramp 1 and logic '1' leads
to ramp 2.
Preset reference, lsb and Preset reference, msb makes Precise stop, inverse is selected to obtain a high degree
it possible to select one of the four preset references, of accuracy when a stop command is repeated. A logic
see the table below: 0 means that the motor speed is ramped down to stop
via the selected ramp.
Preset ref. Preset ref. Function
msb lsb Precise start/stop is selected to obtain a high degree
0 0 Preset ref. 1 of accuracy when a start and stop command is repea-
0 1 Preset ref. 2 ted.
1 0 Preset ref. 3 Pulse reference is selected if the reference signal ap-
1 1 Preset ref. 4 plied is a pulse train (frequency). 0 Hz corresponds to
Preset reference on is used for shifting between re- parameter 204 Minimum reference, RefMIN . The fre-
mote-controlled reference and preset reference. It is quency set in parameter 327 Pulse reference/feedback
assumed that External/preset [2] has been selected in corresponds to parameter 205 Maximum reference
parameter 214 Reference function. Logic '0' = remote- RefMAX .
controlled references are active, logic '1' = one of the Pulse feedback is selected if the feedback signal used
four preset references is active, as can be seen from is a pulse train (frequency). In parameter 327 Pulse
the table above. reference/feedback the maximum pulse feedback fre-
Thermistor is to be selected if a possibly integrated quency is set.
thermistor in the motor is to be able to stop the fre- Pulse input is selected if a specific number of pulses
quency converter if the motor overheats. The cut-out must lead to a Precise stop, see parameter 343 Precise
value is 3 kΩ. stop and parameter 344 Counter value.
Selection of Setup, lsb and Selection of Setup, msb
gives the possibility to select one of the four setups. It
is, however, a condition that parameter 004 is set to
Reset and start can be used as a start function. If 24 V
are connected to the digital input, this will cause the

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
38 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
frequency converter to reset and the motor will ramp Function:
up to the preset reference. This parameter is used for setting the signal value that
Pulse counter start is used to start a counter stop se- is to correspond to the minimum reference or the min-
quence with a pulse signal. The pulse width must at imum feedback, parameter 204 Minimum reference,
least be 14 ms and not longer than the count period. RefMIN / 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN.
See also parameter 343 and the instruction,
MI28CXYY. Description of choice:
Set the required voltage value. For reasons of accu-
racy, compensation should be made for voltage loss
308 Terminal 53, analogue input voltage in long signal cables. If the Time out function is to be
(AI [V]53FUNCT.) used (parameter 317 Time out and 318 Function after
Value: time out), the value set must be higher than 1 Volt.
No function (NO OPERATION) [0]
Reference (reference) [1]
310 Terminal 53 Max. scaling
Feedback (feedback) [2]
Wobble (WOBB.DELTA FREQ [%]) [10]
Function: 0 - 10.0 Volt 10.0 Volt
In this parameter it is possible to select the function Function:
required to be connected to terminal 53. Scaling of the This parameter is used for setting the signal value that
input signal is made in parameter 309 Terminal 53, min. is to correspond to the maximum reference value or
scaling and parameter 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling. maximum feedback, parameter 205 Maximum refer-
ence, RefMAX / 414 Maximum feedback, FBMAX .

Description of choice:
No function [0]. Is selected if the frequency converter Description of choice:
is not to react to signals connected to the terminal. Set the required voltage value. For reasons of accu-
Reference [1]. If this function is selected, the reference racy, compensation should be made for voltage losses
can be changed by means of an analogue reference in long signal cables.
signal. If reference signals are connected to more than
one input, these reference signals must be added up.If
a voltage feedback signal is connected, select Feed- 314 Terminal 60, analogue input current
back [2] on terminal 53. (AI [mA] 60 FUNCT)
Wobble [10] Value:
The delta frequency can be controlled by the analog
No function (no operation) [0]
input. If WOBB.DELTA FREQ is selected as analog in-
put (par. 308 or par. 314) the value selected in par. 702 Reference (reference) [1]
equals 100 % analog input. Feedback (feedback) [2]
Example: Analog input = 4-20 mA, Delta freq. par. 702 Wobble (WOBB.DELTA FREQ [%]) [10]
= 5 Hz • 4 mA = 0 Hz and 20 mA = 5 Hz. If this function
is chosen, see Wobble Instruction MI28JXYY for fur- Function:
ther information. This parameter allows a choice between the different
functions available for the input, terminal 60. Scaling
of the input signal is effected in parameter 315 Terminal
309 Terminal 53 Min. scaling 60, min. scaling and parameter 316 Terminal 60, max.
0.0 - 10.0 Volt Description of choice:
0.0 Volt
No function [0]. Is selected if the frequency converter
is not to react to signals connected to the terminal.
Reference [1]. If this function is selected, the reference
can be changed by means of an analogue reference

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 39
VLT® 2900 Series
signal. If reference signals are connected to more than
one input, these reference signals must be added up. 317 Time out
If one current feedback signal is connected, select (LIVE ZERO TIME O)
Feedback [2] on terminal 60. Value:
Wobble [10] 1 - 99 sec. 10 sec.
The delta frequency can be controlled by the analog Function:
input. If WOBB.DELTA FREQ is selected as analog in- If the signal value of the reference or feedback signal
put (par. 308 or par. 314) the value selected in par. 702 connected to one of the input terminals 53 or 60 falls
equals 100 % analog input. below 50 % of the minimum scaling for a period longer
Example: Analog input = 4-20 mA, Delta freq. par. 702 than the time set, the function selected in parameter
= 5 Hz • 4 mA = 0 Hz and 20 mA = 5 Hz. If this function 318 Function after time out will be activated. This func-
is chosen, see Wobble Instruction MI28JXYY for fur-
tion is only active if in parameter 309 Terminal 53, min.
ther information.
scaling a value higher than 1 Volt has been selected,
or if in parameter 315 Terminal 60, min. scaling a value
higher than 2 mA has been selected.
315 Terminal 60 Min. scaling
Description of choice:
Value: Set the required time.
0.0 - 20.0 mA 4.0 mA
In this parameter you can set the signal value that will 318 Function after time out
correspond to the minimum reference or minimum (LIVE ZERO FUNCT.)
feedback, parameter 204 Minimum reference, RefMIN / 414 Value:
Minimum feedback, FBMIN .
No operation (NO OPERATION) [0]
Freeze output frequency
Description of choice: (FREEZE OUTPUT FREQ.) [1]
Set the required current value. If the Time out function
Stop (stop) [2]
is to be used (parameter 317 Time out and 318 Func-
Jog (jog) [3]
tion after time out ) the value set must be higher than
2 mA. Max. speed (MAX SPEED) [4]
Stop and trip (STOP AND TRIP) [5]

316 Terminal 60 Max. scaling Function:

This parameter allows a choice of the function to be
activated after the expiry of the Time out (parameter
317 Time out ). If a time-out function occurs at the same
0.0 - 20.0 mA 20.0 mA time as a bus time-out function (parameter 513 Bus
Function: time interval function ), the time-out function in param-
This parameter is used for setting the signal value that eter 318 will be activated.
is to correspond to the maximum reference value, pa-
rameter 205 Maximum reference value, RefMAX .
Description of choice:
The output frequency of the frequency converter can
Description of choice: be:
Set the required current value.
- frozen at the present frequency [1]
- overruled to stop [2]
- overruled to jog frequency [3]
- overruled to max. output frequency [4]
- overruled to stop with subsequent trip [5]

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
40 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
319 Analogue output terminal 42 the feedback value in the interval Minimum feedback,
(AO 42 FUNCTION) FBMIN - Maximum feedback, FBMAX (parameter
Value: 414/415).
No function (NO OPERATION) [0] 0-fMAX 0-20 mA/4-20 mA.
External reference min.-max. 0-20 mA An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
(ref min-max = 0-20 mA) [1] the output frequency in the interval 0 - fMAX (parameter
External reference min.-max. 4-20 mA 202 Output frequency, high limit, fMAX ).
(ref min-max = 4-20 mA) [2] 0 - IINV 0-20 mA/4-20 mA.
Feedback min.-max. 0-20 mA An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
(fb min-max = 0-20 mA) [3] the output current in the interval 0 - IINV
Feedback min.-max. 4-20 mA
0 - PM,N 0-20 mA/4-20 mA.
(fb min-max = 4-20 mA) [4]
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
Output frequency 0-max 0-20 mA the present output power. 20 mA corresponds to the
(0-fmax = 0-20 mA) [5] value set in parameter 102 Motor power, PM,N.
Output frequency 0-max 4-20 mA
0 - Temp.MAX 0-20 mA/4-20 mA.
(0-fmax = 4-20 mA) [6]
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
Output current 0-IINV 0-20 mA
the present heatsink temperature. 0/4 mA corre-
(0-iinv = 0-20 mA) [7] sponds to a heatsink temperature of less than 20 °C,
Output current 0-IIINV 4-20 mA and 20 mA corresponds to 100 °C.
(0-iinv = 4-20 mA) [8]
Output power 0-PM,N 0-20 mA
(0-Pnom = 0-20 mA) [9] 323 Relay output 1-3

Output power 0-PM,N 4-20 mA (RELAY 1-3 FUNCT.)
(0-Pnom = 4-20 mA) [10] Value:
Inverter temperature 20-100 °C 0-20 mA No function (no operation) [0]
(TEMP 20-100 C=0-20 mA) [11]
Unit ready (unit ready) [1]
Inverter temperature 20-100 °C 4-20 mA
Enable/no warning (enable/no warning) [2]
(TEMP 20-100 C=4-20 mA) [12]
Running (RUNNING) [3]
Function: Running in reference, no warning
The analogue output can be used for stating a process (run on ref/no warn) [4]
value. It is possible to choose two types of output sig- Running, no warnings
nals 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA. (RUNNING/NO WARNING) [5]
If used as a voltage output (0 - 10 V), a pull-down re- Running in reference range, no warnings
sistor of 500 Ω must be fitted to common (terminal 55). (RUN IN RANGE/ NO WARN) [6]
If the output is used as a current output the resulting Ready - mains voltage within range
resistance from the equipment connected may not ex- (RDY NO OVER/UNDERVOL) [7]
ceed 500 Ω.
Alarm or warning
Description of choice: Current higher than current limit, par. 221
No function. Is selected if the analogue output is not to (Current limit) [9]
be used.
Alarm (ALARM) [10]
External RefMIN - RefMAX 0-20 mA/4-20 mA. Output frequency higher than fLOW par. 225
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to (above frequency low) [11]
the resulting reference value in the interval Minimum Output frequency lower than fHIGH par. 226
reference, RefMIN - Maximum reference, RefMAX (pa-
(below frequency high) [12]
rameters 204/205).
Output current higher than ILOW par. 223
FBMIN-FBMAX 0-20 mA/ 4-20 mA. (above current low) [13]

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 41
VLT® 2900 Series

Output current lower than IHIGH par. 224 Alarm or warning, the output is activated by an alarm
(below current high) [14] or warning.
Feedback higher than FBLOW par. 227 Current limit, the output current is higher than the value
(above feedback low) [15] programmed in parameter 221 Current limit I LIM.
Feedback lower than FBHIGH par. 228 Alarm, The output is activated by an alarm.
(under feedback high) [16]
Output frequency higher than fLOW , the output frequen-
Relay 123 (RELAY 123) [17]
cy is higher than the value set in parameter 225
Reversing (REVERSE) [18] Warning: Low frequency, fLOW .
Thermal warning (THERMAL WARNING) [19]
Output frequency lower than fHIGH, the output frequen-
Local operation (LOCAL MODE) [20]
cy is lower than the value set in parameter 226 Warn-
Out of frequency range par. 225/226 ing: High frequency, fHIGH .
(out of freq range) [22]
Output current higher than ILOW , the output current is
Out of current range
higher than the value set in parameter 223 Warning:
(out of current range) [23]
Low current, ILOW .
Out of feedback range
(out of fdbk. range) [24] Output current lower than IHIGH , the output current is
Mechanical brake control lower than the value set in parameter 224 Warning:
(Mech. brake control) [25] High current, IHIGH .
Control word bit 11 Feedback higher than FBLOW , the feedback value is
(control word bit 11) [26] higher than the value set in parameter 227 Warning:
Low feedback, FBLOW .
Feedback lower than FBHIGH , the feedback value is
The relay output can be used for giving the present
lower than the value set in parameter 228 Warning:
status or warning. The output is activated (1-2 make)
High current, IHIGH .
when a given condition is fulfilled.
Relay 123 is only used in connection with Profidrive.
Description of choice: Reversing, The relay output is activated when the di-
No function. Is selected if the frequency converter is rection of motor rotation is anti-clockwise. When the
not to react to signals. direction of motor rotation is clockwise, the value is 0
Unit ready, there is a supply voltage on the control card
of the frequency converter, and the frequency con- Thermal warning, above the temperature limit in either
verter is ready for operation. the motor or the frequency converter, or from a ther-
mistor connected to a digital input.
Enable, no warning, the frequency converter is ready
for operation, but no start command has been given. Local operation, the output is active when in parameter
No warning. 002 Local/remote operation, Local operation [1] has
been selected.
Running is active when there is a start command or the
output frequency is above 0.1 Hz. Also active during Out of the frequency range, the output frequency is out
ramp-down. of the programmed frequency range in parameters
225 and 226.
Running in reference, no warning speed according to
reference. Out of the current range, the motor current is out of the
programmed range in parameters 223 and 224.
Running, no warning, a start command has been given.
No warning. Out of the feedback range, the feedback signal is out
of the programmed range in parameters 227 and 228.
Ready - mains voltage within range, the frequency con-
verter is ready for use; the control card is receiving a Mechanical brake control, enables you to control an
supply voltage; and there are no active control signals external mechanical brake (see section about control
on the inputs. The mains voltage lies within the voltage of mechanical brake in the VLT 2800 Design Guide).

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
42 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
327 Pulse reference/feedback Function:
(PULSE REF/FB MAX) The digital output can be used for giving the present
Value: status or warning. The digital output (terminal 46) gives
150 - 67600 Hz 5000 Hz a 24 V DC signal when a given condition is fulfilled.
Terminal can also be used for frequency output.
Parameter 342 sets the maximum pulse frequency.
This parameter is used for setting the signal value that
corresponds to the maximum value set in parameter
205 Maximum reference, RefMAX or to the maximum Description of choice:
feedback value set in parameter 415 Maximum feed- Pulse reference RefMIN - Ref MAX
back, FBMAX . An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
the resulting reference value in the interval Minimum
reference, Ref MIN - Maximum reference, RefMAX (pa-
Description of choice:
rameters 204/205).
Set the required pulse reference or pulse feedback to
be connected to terminal 33. Pulse feedback FBMIN-FBMAX .
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
the feedback value in the interval Minimum feedback,
328 Maximum Pulse 29 FBMIN - Maximum feedback, FBMAX (parameter
(MAX PULSE 29) 414/415).

Value: Output frequency 0-fMAX.

150 - 67600 Hz 5000 Hz An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
the output frequency in the interval 0 - fMAX (parameter
202 Output frequency, high limit, fMAX ).
This parameter is used for setting the signal value that
corresponds to the maximum value set in parameter Pulse current 0 - IINV..

205 Maximum reference, RefMAX or to the maximum An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
feedback value set in parameter 415 Maximum feed- the output current in the interval 0 - IINV.
back, FBMAX . Pulse power 0 - PM,N.
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
the present output power. Par. 342 corresponds to the
Only relevant for DeviceNet. See
value set in parameter 102 Motor power, PM,N.
MG90BXYY for further information.
Pulse temperature 0 - Temp.MAX.
An output signal is obtained, which is proportional to
the present heatsink temperature. 0 Hz corresponds
to a heatsink temperature of less than 20° C, and pa-
341 Digital / pulse output terminal 46
rameter 342 corresponds to 100° C.
Value: NB!
Unit ready (UNIT READY) [0] Output terminal 46 is not available on De-
Parameter [0] - [20] see parameter 323 viceNet. Minimum output frequency at fre-
quency output = 16 Hz
Pulse reference (PULSE REFERENCE) [21]
Parameter [22] - [25] see parameter 323
Pulse feedback (PULSE FEEDBACK) [26]
342 Terminal 46, max. pulse scaling
Output frequency (PULSE OUTPUTFREQ) [27]
Pulse current (PULSE CURRENT) [28]
Pulse power (PULSE POWER) [29]
150 - 10000 Hz 5000 Hz
Pulse temperature (PULSE TEMP) [30]
This parameter is used for setting the pulse output sig-
nal's maximum frequency.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 43
VLT® 2900 Series

Description of choice: Counter stop with reset [1]. After each precise stop the
Set the required frequency. number of pulses counted during ramp down 0 Hz is
Counter stop without reset [2]. The number of pulses
343 Precise stop function counted during ramp down to 0 Hz is deducted from
the counter value in parameter 344.
(Precise stop)
Precise ramp stop (normal) [0]
344 Counter value
Counter stop with reset
(Pulse count pre.)
(Count stop reset) [1]
Counter stop without reset
0 - 999999 100000 pulses
(Count stop no reset) [2]
Speed-compensated stop (Spd cmp stop) [3]
In this parameter you can select the counter value to
Speed-compensated counter stop with reset
be used in the integrated precise stop function (pa-
(Spd cmp cstop w. res) [4]
rameter 343).
Speed-compensated counter stop without re-
Description of choice:
(Spd cmp cstop no res) [5]
The factory setting is 100000 pulses. The highest fre-
Function: quency (max. resolution) that can be registered at
In this parameter you select which stop function is per- terminal 33 is 67.6 kHz.
formed in response to a stop command. All six data
selections contain a precise stop routine, thus ensur-
ing a high level of repeat accuracy. 349 Speed comp delay
The selections are a combination of the functions de- (SPEED COMP DELAY)
scribed below. Value:
0 ms - 100 ms 10 ms
Pulse start [8] may not be used together
In this parameter the user can set the SYSTEM's delay
with the precise stop function.
time (Sensor, PLC, etc.). If you are running speed-
compensated stop, the delay time at different frequen-
Description of choice: cies has a major influence on the way in which you
Precise ramp stop [0] is selected to achieve high re- stop.
petitive precision at the stopping point.
Counter stop. Once it has received a pulse start signal Description of choice:
the frequency converter runs until the number of pul- The factory setting is 10 ms. This means that it is as-
ses programmed by the user have been received at sumed that the total delay from the Sensor, PLC and
input terminal 33. In this way an internal stop signal will other hardware corresponds to this setting.
activate the normal ramp down time (parameter 208).
The counter function is activated (starts timing) at the NB!
flank of the start signal (when it changes from stop to Only active for speed-compensated stop.
Speed compensated stop. To stop at precisely the
same point, regardless of the present speed, a stop
signal received is delayed internally when the present
speed is lower than the maximum speed (set in pa-
rameter 202).
Reset. Counter stop and Speed-compensated stop can
be combined with or without reset.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
44 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

Special functions Function:

This parameter makes it possible to select whether re-
400 Brake function set and restart after a trip are to be manual or whether
(Brake function) the frequency converter is to be reset and restarted
Value: automatically. Furthermore, it is possible to select the
number of times a restart is to be attempted. The time
Off (off) [0]
between each attempt is set in parameter 406 Auto-
Resistor brake
matic restart time.
(Resistor) [1]
AC brake (AC Brake) [4]
Description of choice:
Load sharing (load sharing) [5]
If Manual reset [0] is selected, reset is to be carried out
Factory setting depends on unit type. via the [STOP/RESET] key, a digital input or serial
communication. If the frequency converter is to carry
Function: out an automatic reset and restart after a trip, select
Resistor brake [1] is selected if the frequency converter data value [1], [3] or [10].
has an integral brake transistor and brake resistor is If Reset at power-up [11] is selected, the frequency
connected to terminals 81, 82. A higher intermediate converter will carry out a reset if there has been a fault
circuit voltage is permitted during braking (generated in connection with the mains failure.
operation) when a brake resistor is connected.
AC brake [4] can be selected to improve braking with- The motor may start without warning.
out using brake resistors. Please note that AC brake
[4] is not as effective as Resistor brake [1].

Description of choice:

Select Resistor brake [1] if a brake resistor is connec-
406 Automatic restart time
(autorestart time)
Select AC brake [4] if short-term generated loads oc-
cur. See parameter 144 Gain AC brake to set the brake. Value:
0 - 10 sec. 5 sec.
Select Load sharing [5] if this is used.
NB! This parameter allows setting of the time from tripping
A change of selection will not become ac- until the automatic reset function begins. It is assumed
tive until the mains voltage has been dis- that automatic reset has been selected in parameter
connected and reconnected. 405 Reset function.

Description of choice:
405 Reset function Set the required time.
(reset mode)
409 Trip delay overcurrent, ILIM
Manual reset (manual reset) [0]
(trip delay cur.)
Automatic reset x 1
(AUTOMATIC x 1) [1]
0 - 60 sec. (61=OFF) OFF
Automatic reset x 3
(AUTOMATIC x 3) [3] Function:
When the frequency converter registers that the output
Automatic reset x 10
current has reached the current limit ILIM (parameter
(AUTOMATIC x 10) [10]
221 Current limit) and remains there for the preset
Reset at power-up
time, it is disconnected. Can be used to protect the
application, like the ETR will protect the motor if se-

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 45
VLT® 2900 Series

Description of choice: Function:

Select how long the frequency converter should main- The parameter must be set to LC-filter connected if an
tain the output current at the current limit ILIM before it LC-filter is connected between the frequency convert-
disconnects. At OFF parameter 409 Trip delay over- er and the motor.
current, ILIM is not working, i.e. disconnection will not
take place. Description of choice:
The LC-filter connected [3] must be used if an LC-filter
is connected between the frequency converter and the
411 Switching frequency motor, as otherwise the frequency converter cannot
(Switch freq.) protect the LC-filter.
3000 - 14000 Hz (VLT 2903 - 2975) NB!
4500 Hz
When the LC filter is selected the switch-
3000 - 10000 Hz (VLT 2980 - 2982) 4500 Hz
ing frequency is changed to 4.5 kHz.
The set value determines the switching frequency of
the inverter. If the switching frequency is changed, this
may help to minimise possible acoustic noise from the 413 Overmodulation function
Off (off) [0]
The output frequency of the frequency
converter can never assume a value high- On (on) [1]
er than 1/10 of the switching frequency.
This parameter allows connection of the overmodula-
Description of choice: tion function for the output voltage.
When the motor is running, the switching frequency is
adjusted in parameter 411 Switching frequency until
the frequency has been obtained at which the motor is Description of choice:
as low-noise as possible. Off [0] means that there is no overmodulation of the
output voltage, which means that torque ripple on the
NB! motor shaft is avoided. This can be a good feature, e.g.
The switching frequency is reduced auto- on grinding machines. On [1] means that an output
matically as a function of the load. See voltage can be obtained which is greater than the
Temperature-Dependent Switching Fre- mains voltage (up to 5 %).
quency under Special Conditions .
When LC-filter connected is selected in
parameter 412, the minimum switching 414 Minimum feedback, FB MIN
frequency is 4.5 kHz. (Min. feedback)
-100,000.000 - par. 415 FBMAX 0.000
412 Variable switching frequency Function:
(Var carrier freq.) Parameter 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN and 415
Value: Maximum feedback, FB MAX are used to scale the dis-
Without LC-filter (WITHOUT LC-FILTER) [2] play text to make it show the feedback signal in a
process unit proportionally to the signal on the input.
LC-filter connected
(LC-filter connected) [3]
Description of choice:
Set the value to be shown on the display as the mini-
mum feedback signal value on the selected feedback
input (parameters 308/314 Analogue inputs).

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
46 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
415 Maximum feedback, FBMAX Ft3/s (ft3/s) [30]
(Max. feedback) Gal/min. (gal/min) [31]
Value: Ft3/min. (Ft3/min) [32]
FBMIN - 100,000.000 1500.000 Gal/h (gal/h) [33]
Function: Ft3/h (Ft3/h) [34]
See description of parameter 414 Minimum feedback,
Lb/s (lb/s) [35]
Lb/min. (lb/min) [36]
Lb/hour (lb/h) [37]
Description of choice:
Lb ft (lb ft) [38]
Set the value to be shown on the display when the
maximum feedback has been obtained on the selected Ft/s (ft/s) [39]
feedback input (parameter 308/314 Analogue inputs). Ft/min. (ft/min) [40]

Select among different units to be shown on the dis-
416 Process units
play. The unit is read out if an LCP control unit can be
connected, and if Reference [unit] [2] or Feedback
Value: [unit] [3] has been selected in one of parameters
No unit (No unit) [0] 009-012 Display read-out, and in Display mode. The
% (%) [1] unit is used in Closed loop also as a unit for Minimum/
ppm (ppm) [2] Maximum reference and Minimum/Maximum feed-
rpm (rpm) [3] back.
bar (bar) [4]

Cycles/min (CYCLE/MI) [5] Description of choice:
Select the required unit for the reference/feedback sig-
Pulses/s (PULSE/S) [6]
Units/s (UNITS/S) [7]
Units/min. (UNITS/MI) [8]
Units/h (Units/h) [9]
°C (°C) [10] Parameters 417-421 are only used, if in
Pa (pa) [11] parameter 100 Configuration the selection
l/s (l/s) [12] made is Speed regulation, closed loop [1].
m3/s (m3/s) [13]
l/min. (l/m) [14] 417 Speed PID proportional gain
m3/min. (m3/min) [15] (SPEED PROP GAIN)
l/h (l/h) [16] Value:
m3/h (m3/h) [17] 0.000 (OFF) - 1.000 0.010
Kg/s (kg/s) [18] Function:
Kg/min. (kg/min) [19] Proportional gain indicates how many times the fault
(deviation between the feedback signal and the set-
Kg/hour (kg/h) [20]
point) is to be amplified.
Tons/min. (T/min) [21]
Tons/hour (T/h) [22]
Description of choice:
Metres (m) [23]
Quick regulation is obtained at high amplification, but
Nm (nm) [24] if the amplification is too high, the process may be-
m/s (m/s) [25] come unstable in the case of overshooting.
m/min. (m/min) [26]
°F (°F) [27]
In wg (in wg) [28]
gal/s (gal/s) [29]

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 47
VLT® 2900 Series
418 Speed PID integral time Description of choice:
(SPEED int. time) Select the required gain limit.
20.00 - 999.99 ms (1000 = OFF) 100 ms
421 Speed PID lowpass filter time
The integral time determines how long the PID regu- (speed filt. time)
lator takes to correct the error. The greater the error, Value:
the quicker the integrator frequency contribution will 20 - 500 ms 100 ms
increase. The integral time is the time the integrator Function:
needs to achieve the same change as the proportional Noise in the feedback signal is dampened by a first
amplification. order lowpass filter to reduce the noise's impact on the
regulation. This might be an advantage, e.g. if there is
Description of choice: a great amount of noise on the signal. See drawing.
Quick regulation is obtained through a short integral
time. However, if this time is too short, it can make the
process unstable. If the integral time is long, major de-
viations from the required reference may occur, since
the process regulator will take long to regulate if an
error has occurred.

419 Speed PID differential time

(SPEED diff. time)
0.00 (OFF) - 200.00 ms 20.00 ms
The differentiator does not react to a constant error. It
only makes a contribution when the error changes.
The quicker the error changes, the stronger the gain
from the differentiator will be. The contribution is pro-
portional to the speed at which errors change.

Description of choice: Description of choice:

Quick control is obtained by a long differential time. If a time constant (t) of 100 ms is programmed, the cut-
However, if this time is too long, it can make the proc- off frequency for the lowpass filter will be 1/0.1 = 10
ess unstable. When the differential time is 0 ms, the D- RAD/sec., corresponding to (10 / 2 x π) = 1.6 Hz. The
function is not active. PID regulator will then only regulate a feedback signal
that varies with a frequency of less than 1.6 Hz. If the
feedback signal varies by a higher frequency than 1.6
420 Speed PID D- gain limit Hz, it will be dampened by the lowpass filter.
5.0 - 50.0 5.0 423 U1 voltage
Function: (U1 voltage)
It is possible to set a limit for the gain provided by the Value:
differentiator. Since the D-gain increases at higher fre- 0.0 - 999.0 V par. 103
quencies, limiting the gain may be useful. This enables Function:
obtaining a pure D-gain at low frequencies and a con- Parameters 423-428 are used when in parameter 101
stant D-gain at higher frequencies. Torque characteristic a selection has been made of

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
48 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
Special motor characteristic [8]. It is possible to deter- Function:
mine a U/f characteristic on the basis of four definable See parameter 423 U1 voltage.
voltages and three frequencies. The voltage at 0 Hz is
set in parameter 133 Start voltage.
Description of choice:
Set the output frequency (F2) that is to match the sec-
ond output voltage (U2), parameter 425 U2 voltage .

427 U3 voltage
(U3 voltage)
0.0 - 999.0 V par. 103
Description of choice: See parameter 423 U1 voltage.
Set the output voltage (U1) that is to match the first
output frequency (F1), parameter 424 F1 frequency. Description of choice:
Set the output voltage (U3) that is to match the third
output frequency (F3), parameter 428 F3 frequency .
424 F1 frequency
(F1 frequency)
Value: 428 F3 frequency
0.0 - par. 426 F2 frequen- Par. 104 Motor fre- (F3 frequency)

cy quency Value:
Function: Par. 426 F2 frequency - Par. 104 Motor fre-
See parameter 423 U1 voltage . 1000 Hz quency
Description of choice: See parameter 423 U1 voltage.
Set the output frequency (F1) that is to match the first
output voltage (U1), parameter 423 U1 voltage . Description of choice:
Set the output frequency (F3) that is to match the third
output voltage (U3), parameter 427 U3 voltage .
425 U2 voltage
(U2 voltage)
Value: NB!
0.0 - 999.0 V par. 103 Parameters 437-444 are only used if in
parameter 100 Configuration a selection
has been made of Process regulation,
See parameter 423 U1 voltage.
closed loop. [3].

Description of choice:
Set the output voltage (U2) that is to match the second 437 Process PID normal/inverse control
output frequency (F2), parameter 426 F2 frequency. (proc no/inv ctrl)
Normal (normal) [0]
426 F2 frequency Inverse (inverse) [1]
(F2 frequency)
Value: Function:
Par. 424 F1 frequency - It is possible to choose whether the process regulator
Par. 104 Motor fre-
par. 428 F3 frequency is to increase/reduce the output frequency if there is a

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 49
VLT® 2900 Series
deviation between the reference/setpoint and the ac-
tual process mode. 439 Process PID start frequency
Description of choice: Value:
If the frequency converter is to reduce the output fre- fMIN - fMAX (parameter Par. 201 Output fre-
quency in case the feedback signal increases, select 201/202) quency, low limit, fMIN
Normal [0].If the frequency converter is to increase the Function:
output frequency in case the feedback signal increa- When the start signal comes, the frequency converter
ses, select Inverse [1]. will react in the form of Open loop and will not change
to Closed loop until the programmed start frequency is
reached. This makes it possible to set a frequency that
438 Proces PID anti windup corresponds to the speed at which the process nor-
(proc anti windup) mally runs, which will enable the required process
Value: conditions to be reached sooner.

Not active (DISABLE) [0]

Active (ENABLE) [1] Description of choice:
Set the required start frequency.
It is possible to select whether the process regulator is NB!
to continue regulating on a deviation even if it is not If the frequency converter is running a the
possible to increase/reduce the output frequency. current limit before the required start fre-
quency is obtained, the process regulator
will not be activated. For the regulator to
Description of choice:
be activated anyway, the start frequency
The factory setting is Enable [1], which means that the
must be lower to the required output fre-
integration link is initialised in relation to the actual out-
quency. This can be done during opera-
put frequency if either the current limit, the voltage limit tion.
or the max./min. frequency has been reached. The
process regulator will not engage again until either the
error is zero or its sign has changed. Select Disable [0]
if the integrator is to continue integrating on the devi- 440 Proces PID proportioanl gain
ation, even if it is not possible to remove the fault by (PROC. PROP. GAIN)
such control. Value:
0.0 - 10.00 0.01
If Disable [0] is selected, it will mean that
The proportional gain indicates the number of times
when the deviation changes its sign, the
the deviation between the setpoint and the feedback
integrator will first have to integrate down
signal is to be applied.
from the level obtained as a result of the
former error, before any change in output
frequency occurs. Description of choice:
Quick regulation is obtained by a high gain, but if the
gain is too high, the process may become unstable due
to overshoot.

441 Process PID integration time

0.01 - 9999.99 (OFF) OFF

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
50 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series

444 Process PID lowpass filter time
The integrator provides an increasing gain at a con-
stant error between the reference/setpoint and the (proc filter time)
feedback signal. The greater the error, the quicker the Value:
integrator frequency contribution will increase.The in- 0.02 - 10.00 0.02
tegral time is the time needed by the integrator to make Function:
the same change as the proportional gain. Noise in the feedback signal is dampened by a first
order lowpass filter to reduce the noise's impact on the
Description of choice: process regulation. This can be an advantage e.g. if
Quick regulation is obtained at a short integral time. there is a lot of noise on the signal.
However, this time may become too short, which can
make the process unstable due to overswing. If the in- Description of choice:
tegral time is long, major deviations from the required Select the required time constant (t). If a time constant
setpoint may occur, since the process regulator will (t) of 0.1 s is programmed, the cut-off frequency for the
take a long time to regulate in relation to a given error. lowpass filter will be 1/0.1 = 10 RAD/sec., correspond-
ing to (10 / 2 x π) = 1.6 Hz. The process regulator will
thus only regulate a feedback signal that varies by a
442 Process PID differentiation time frequency lower than 1.6 Hz. If the feedback signal
(PROC. DIFF. time) varies by a higher frequency than 1.6 Hz, it will be
Value: dampened by the lowpass filter.
0.00 (OFF) - 10.00 sec. 0.00 sec.
The differentiator does not react to a constant error. It
445 Flying start

only makes a gain when an error changes. The quicker
the deviation changes, the stronger the gain from the (flyingstart)
differentiator. The gain is proportional to the speed at Value:
which the deviation changes. Off (DISABLE) [0]
OK - same direction
Description of choice: (OK-same direction) [1]
Quick regulation is obtained with a long differentiation OK - both directions
time. However, this time may become too long, which (OK-both directions) [2]
can make the process unstable due to overswing. DC brake and start

443 Process PID diff. gain limit Function:

(PROC. DIFF.GAIN) This function makes it possible to 'catch' a rotating
Value: motor shaft, which is no longer controlled by the fre-
quency converter, e.g. because of a mains drop-out.
5.0 - 50.0 5.0
The function is activated each time a start command
Function: is enabled. For the frequency converter to be able to
It is possible to set a limit for the differentiator gain. The 'catch' the rotating motor shaft, the motor speed must
differentiator gain will increase if there are fast be lower than the frequency that corresponds to the
changes, which is why it can be beneficial to limit this frequency in parameter 202 Output frequency, high
gain. Thereby a pure differentiator gain is obtained at limit, f MAX .
slow changes and a constant differentiator gain where
quick changes to the deviation occur.
Description of choice:
Select Disable [0] if this function is not required.
Description of choice:
Select a differentiator gain limit as required. Select OK - same direction [1] if the motor shaft is only
able to rotate in the same direction when cutting in. OK
- same direction [1] should be selected if in parameter

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 51
VLT® 2900 Series
200 Output frequency range a selection has been of
Clockwise only . 452 Controller range
(pid contr. range)
Select OK - both directions [2] if the motor is able to
rotate in both directions when cutting in. Value:
0 - 200 % 10 %
Select DC brake and start [3] if the frequency converter
is to be able to brake the motor using the DC brake
This parameter is only active if in parameter 100 Con-
first, followed by start. It is assumed that parameters
figuration the selection made is Speed regulation,
126-127/132 DC brake are enabled. In the case of
closed loop.
higher 'Windmilling' (rotating motor) effects, the fre-
The controller range (bandwidth) limits the output from
quency converter is not able to 'catch' a rotating motor
the PID controller as a % of motor frequency fM,N.
without selecting DC brake and start .
Description of choice:
- Too low inertia will lead to load acceleration, The required % value can be selected for motor fre-
which can be dangerous or prevent correct quency fM,N. If the controller range is reduced the
catching of a rotating motor. Use the DC speed variations will be less during initial tuning.
brake instead.
- If the load is driven, e.g. by 'Windmilling' (ro-
tating motor) effects, the unit may cut out 456 Brake Voltage Reduce
because of overvoltage. (BRAKE VOL REDUCE)
- Flying start does not work at lower values Value:
than 250 rpm. 0 - 25 V if 200V device 0
0 - 50 V if 400V device 0
451 Speed PID feedforward factor The user sets the voltage by which the level for resistor
(feedforward fact) braking is reduced. It is only active when resistor in
Value: parameter 400 is selected.
0 - 500 % 100 %
Function: Description of choice:
This parameter is only active if in parameter 100 Con- The greater the reduction value, the faster the reaction
figuration the selection made is Speed regulation, to a generator overload. Should only be used if there
closed loop. The FF function sends a larger or smaller are problems with overvoltage in the intermediate cir-
part of the reference signal outside the PID controller cuit.
in such a way that the PID controller only has an influ-
ence on part of the control signal. Any change to the
set point will thus have a direct effect on the motor 461 Feedback conversion
speed. The FF factor provides high dynamism when (FEEDBAC CONV.)
changing the set point and less overswing. Value:
Linear (LINEAR) [0]
Description of choice: Square root (SQUARE ROOT) [1]
The required % value can be selected in the interval f
MIN - fMAX. Values over 100 % are used if the set point Function:
variations are only small. In this parameter, a function is selected which converts
a connected feedback signal from the process to a
feedback value that equals the square root of the con-
nected signal. This is used, e.g. where regulation of a
flow (volume) is required on the basis of pressure as
feedback signal (flow = constant x pressure ). This
conversion makes it possible to set the reference in

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
52 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
such a way that there is a linear connection between
the reference and the flow required.

Description of choice:
If Linear [0] is selected, the feedback signal and the
feedback value will be proportional. If Square root [1]
is selected, the frequency converter translates the
feedback signal to a squared feedback value.


MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 53

VLT® 2900 Series
Introduction to Wobble Function wobble option can accomplish this by continu- ously
The wobble function is primarily used for synthetic yarn varying the traverse velocity in a programmable cycle.
winding applications. The wobble option is to be in- The wobble function is created by superimposing a
stalled in the VLT controlling the traverse drive. The delta frequency around a center frequency. To com-
traverse drive VLT will move the yarn back and forth pensate for the inertia in the system a quick fre- quency
in a diamond pattern across the surface of the yarn jump can be included. Especially suitable for elastic
package. To prevent a buildup of yarn at the same yarn applications the option features a ran- domized
points at the surface, this pattern must be altered. The wobble ratio.

54 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
703 Jump frequency
700 Wobble mode
Value: 0 - 25.0 Hz 0.0Hz
Wobble mode OFF (OFF) [0]
Wobble mode ON (ON) [1] The jump frequency is used to compensate for the in-
ertia in the traverse system.
If a jump in the output frequency is required in the top
The standard speed open loop mode set in parameter
and in the bottom of the wobble sequence, the fre-
100 is extended with a wobble function. In this param-
quency jump is set in this parameter.
eter it is possible to select or deselect the wobble
If the traverse system has a very high inertia a high
function. Deselecting the wobble function makes the
jump frequency may create a torque limit warning or
drive operate in the standard speed open loop mode.
trip (warning/alarm 12) or an over voltage warning or
trip (warning/alarm 7).
Description of choice:
Select OFF [0] to disable the wobble function. The
Description of choice:
speed open loop mode acts as in the standard VLT
The frequency is specified in Hertz and can be set to
2800 software.
a max. of 2x delta frequency. if set higher, the system
Select ON [1] to enable the wobble function.
will automatically limit the setting to 2x delta frequency.

NB! 704 Jump time

The “Center Frequency” setting is no lon-
ger in Par. 701 and therefore also no lon-

ger limited to 120 Hz. The setting of
“Center Frequency” now takes place via 1 - 50 ms 1 ms
the normal reference handling parame- Function:
ters 200 to 205 (see manual MG. This parameter determines the slope of the jump ramp
28.EX.YY). at the maximum and minimum wobble frequency.

702 Delta frequency Description of choice:

(DELTA FREQ) The time is specified in milliseconds.

0 - 20.0 Hz 5.0Hz
705 Wobble time
The delta frequency is determining the magnitude of
the wobble frequency. The delta frequency is super-
imposed on the center frequency. Parameter 702 is 1.0 - 1000.0 s 10.0 s
selecting both the positive and negative delta frequen- Function:
cy. Parameter 702 can be set higher than the setting This parameter determines the wobble sequence pe-
of the center frequency, but in this case the system will riod.
automatically limit the par. 702 setting to the level of Wobble time = tup + tdown
the center frequency.
The initial ramp up time from standstill until the wobble Description of choice:
sequence is running is determined by parameter 207. The time is entered in seconds.

Description of choice:
The frequency is specified in Hertz. 706 Wobble ratio
0.1 - 10 1

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 55
VLT® 2900 Series

Function: Description of choice:

The ratio between the up time versus the down time of Enter the minimum allowed wobble ratio.
the wobble sequence is specified in this parameter.
Wobble ratio = tup/tdown
Description of choice: Any change in settings of reference of pa-
If the ratio 0.1 is selected: rameters 702-709 during running will only
tdown is 10 times greater than tup take effect at the start of a new sequence
If the ratio 10 is selected: (elapse of twobble, parameter 705).
tup is 10 times greater than tdown

707 Random function


This parameter enables a randomized wobble ratio
function. The wobble ratio in parameter 706 is not ac-
tive if the random function is enabled.

Description of choice:
Select FIX [0] to disable the random function and use
the wobble ratio set in parameter 706.

708 Random ratio max

0.1 - 10 10.0
This parameter determines the maximum wobble ratio
which the random function is allowed to choose.

Description of choice:
Enter the maximum allowed wobble ratio.

709 Random ratio min

0.1 - 10 0.1
This parameter determines the minimum wobble ratio
which the random function is allowed to choose.

= factory setting, () = display text, [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
56 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT® 2900 Series
Mechanical dimensions VLT 2955-2975 380-415 Volt
The drawings below give the mechanical dimensions.
All dimensions are in mm.
VLT 2905-2915 200-240 Volt

VLT 2922-2940 200-240 Volt

VLT 2980-2982 380-415 Volt, PD2


MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 57

VLT® 2900 Series
Motor coils (195N3110)

Terminal cover
The drawing below gives the dimensions for NEMA 1
terminal covers for VLT 2903-2975.
Dimension 'a' depends on the unit type.

58 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Mechanical installation Side-by-side
All VLT 2900 units can be installed side-by-side and in
Please pay attention to the requirements any position, as the units do not require ventilation on
that apply to installation. the side.

The frequency converter is cooled by means of air cir-

culation. For the unit to be able to release its cooling
air, the minimum free distance above and below the
unit must be minimum 100 mm . To protect the unit
from overheating, it must be ensured that the ambient
temperature does not rise above the max. temperature
stated for the frequency converter and that the 24-hour
average temperature is not exceeded. The max. tem-
perature and 24-hour average can be seen in General
technical data. If the ambient temperature is in the
range of 45 °C - 55 °C, derating of the frequency con-
verter is to be carried out. See Derating for ambient
temperature. Please note that the service life of the
frequency converter will be reduced if no allowance is
made for the derating for ambient temperature.

All units with enclosure IP 20 must be integrated in
cabinets and panels. IP 20 is not suitable for remote
mounting. In some countries, e.g. in the USA, units
with enclosure NEMA 1 are approved for remote

Spacing for mechanical installation

All units require a minimum of 100 mm air between

other components and vents of the enclosure.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 59

VLT® 2900 Series

General information about electrical installation

High voltage warning used, local regulations must be complied with.If RCD
relays are used, they must be:
The voltage of the frequency converter is
- Suitable for protecting equipment with a DC
dangerous whenever the equipment is
content in the faulty current (3-phase bridge
connected to mains. Incorrect installation
of the motor or frequency converter may
cause damage to the equipment, serious - Suitable for a pulse-shaped, brief discharge
injury or death. Comply with the instruc- on power-up.
tions in this manual, as well as national - Suitable for a high leakage current.
and local rules and safety regulations.
N must be connected before L1 for single phase 200
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal
V reduced leakage current units (type code R4).
- even after the equipment has been dis-
connected from mains: Wait at least 4
minutes for current dissipate.
High voltage test
NB! A high voltage test can be performed by short-circuit-
It is the responsibility of the user or instal- ing terminals U, V, W, L1, L2 and L3, and applying
ler to ensure correct earthing and protec- max. 2160 V DC in 1 sec. between this short-circuit
tion in accordance with national and local and terminal 95.

Comply with the following at installation:
• Safety earthing: The drive has a high leakage
current and must be earthed properly for
safety. Follow all local safety regulations.
• High frequency earthing: Keep earthing con-
nections as short as possible.
Connect all earthing SYSTEMs to ensure the lowest
possible conductor impedance. The lowest possible
conductor impedance is achieved by keeping the con-
ductor as short as possible and by grounding with the
greatest possible surface area. If multiple drives are
installed in a cabinet, the cabinet backplate, which
must be made of metal, should be used as a joint earth
reference plate. The drives must be fitted to the back-
plate at the lowest possible impedance.
To achieve low impedance, connect the drive to the
backplate with the drive fastening bolts. Remove all
paint from the contact points.

Extra protection
RCD relays, multiple protective earthing or earthing
can be used as extra protection, provided that local
safety regulations are complied with. In the case of an
earth fault, a DC content may develop in the faulty cur-
rent. Never use an RCD (ELCB relay), type A, as it is
not suitable for DC faulty currents. If RCD relays are

60 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Electrical installation

VLT 2903-2915 200-240 V, 2905-2915 380-480 V

VLT 2922 200-240 V, 2922-2940 380-480 V

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 61

VLT® 2900 Series

VLT 2940 200-240 V, 2955-2975 380-415 V

VLT 2980-2982 380-415 V

Please note that the units will be supplied with two
bottom plates; one for metric glands and one for con-

62 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Pre-fuses No. 96 97 98 Motor voltage 0-100% of mains
For all unit types, external pre-fuses can be fitted in the voltage.
mains supply to the frequency converter. For UL/cUL U V W 3 wires of motor
applications with a mains voltage of 200-240 Volt, use
pre-fuses type Bussmann KTN-R (200-240 Volt) or U1 V1 W1 6 wires out of motor, Delta con-
Ferraz Shawmut type ATMR (max. 30A). For UL/cUL W2 U2 V2 nected
applications with a mains voltage of 380-480 Volt, use
pre-fuses type Bussmann KTS-R (380-480 Volt). U1 V1 W1 6 wires out of motor, Star con-
See Technical data for correct dimensioning of pre- nected
fuses. U2, V2, W2 to be interconnec-
ted separely (optional terminal
Mains connection
Please note that at 1 x 220-240 Volt the neutral wire
must be attached to terminal N (L2) and the phase wire No. PE Earth connection
must be connected to terminal L1 (L1).

No. N(L2) L1(L1) (L3) Mains voltage 1 x 220-240 V

N L1 See Technical data for correct dimensioning of cable
No. 95 Earth connection cross-section.
No. N(L2) L1(L1) (L3) Mains voltage 3 x 220-240 V
L2 L1 L3
No. 95 Earth connection

No. 91 92 93 Mains voltage 3 x 380-480 V

L1 L2 L3
No. 95 Earth connection

Please check that the mains voltage fits
the mains voltage of the frequency con-
verter, which can be seen from the name-

400-Volt units with RFI-filters may not be

connected to mains supplies in which the
voltage between phase and earth is more
than 300 Volts. Please note that for the IT
mains and the delta earth the mains volt-
age can exceed 300 Volts between phase
and earth. Units with type code R5 can be
connected to mains supplies with up to
400 V between phase and earth.

See Technical data for correct dimensioning of cable


Motor connection
Connect the motor to terminals 96, 97, 98. Connect
earth to terminal 99.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 63

VLT® 2900 Series
All types of three-phase asynchronous standard mo-
tors can be connected to a frequency converter. Nor-
mally, small motors are star-connected (230/400 V,
Δ/ Y). Large motors are delta-connected (400/690 V,
Δ/ Y). The correct connection mode and voltage can
be read from the motor nameplate.

In motors without phase insulation paper,
an LC filter should be fitted on the output
of the frequency converter.

The frequency converter is able to control several mo-

tors connected in parallel. If the motors are to have
different rpm values, use motors with different rated
rpm values. Motor rpm is changed simultaneously,
which means that the ratio between the rated rpm val-
ues is maintained across the range. The total current
consumption of the motors is not to exceed the maxi-
mum rated output current IINV for the frequency con-

Direction of motor rotation Problems may arise at the start and at low rpm values
if the motor sizes are widely different. This is because
the small motors' relatively high ohmic resistance in
the stator calls for a higher voltage at the start and at
low rpm values.
In SYSTEMs with motors connected in parallel, the
electronic thermal relay (ETR) of the frequency con-
verter cannot be used as motor protection for the
individual motor. For this reason further motor protec-
tion must be used, e.g. thermistors in each motor or an
individual thermal relay. (Circuit breakers are not suit-
able as protection).

Parameter 107 Automatic motor adaption,
The factory setting is for clockwise rotation with the
frequency converter transformer output connected as AMT cannot be used when motors are
follows: connected in parallel. Parameter 101 Tor-
que characteristic must be set to Special
Terminal 96 connected to U-phase. motor characteristics [8] when motors are
Terminal 97 connected to V-phase. connected in parallel.
Terminal 98 connected to W-phase.
The direction of rotation can be changed by switching Earth connection
two phases on the motor terminals.
As leak current to the earth is higher than 3.5 mA, the
frequency converter must always be earthed accord-
ing to prevailing national and local regulations. To
Parallel connection of motors guarantee that the earth cable has a good mechanical
connection to terminal 95, the cable cross section must
be at least 10 mm2 or 2 rated earth wires that are ter-
minated separately. To increase safety you can install
an RCD (Residual Current Device), which guarantees
that the frequency converter trips when leak current

64 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
becomes too high. See also RCD Application Note


MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 65

VLT® 2900 Series
Tightening Torque, Power Terminals
Power and earth terminals must be tightened with the
following torques:

VLT Terminals Torque [Nm]

2903- Power mains brake 0.5-0.6
2975 Earth 2-3
2980- Power mains brake 1.2-1.5
2982 Earth 2-3

Control of mechanical brake

In lifting/lowering applications you need to be able to
control an electromagnetic brake. The brake is con-
trolled using a relay output or digital output (terminal
46). The output must be kept closed (voltage-free) for
the period of time during which the frequency convert-
er is not able to 'support' the motor, for example due
to the load being too great. Select Mechanical brake
control in parameter 323 or 341 for applications with
an electromagnetic brake.
When the output frequency exceeds the brake cut out
value set in par. 138, the brake is released if the motor
current exceeds the preset value in parameter 140.
The brake is engaged when the output frequency is
less than the brake engaging frequency, which is set
in par. 139.
If the frequency converter is placed at alarm status or
in an overvoltage situation the mechanical brake is cut
in immediately.

This application is only for lifting/lowering
without a counterbalance.

Access to control terminals

All terminals to the control cables are located under-
neath the protective plate on the front of the frequency
converter. Remove the protective plate by pulling it
downwards (see drawing).

66 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Electrical installation, control cables chassis by means of a clamp. Normally, the screen
must also be connected to the chassis of the control-
ling unit (use the instructions for the unit in question).
In connection with very long control cables and ana-
logue signals, in rare cases depending on the instal-
lation, 50/60 Hz earth loops may occur because of
noise transmitted from mains supply cables. In this
connection, it may be necessary to break the screen
and possibly insert a 100 nF capacitor between the
screen and the chassis.

Control cables must be screened/armoured. The

screen must be connected to the frequency converter


MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 67

VLT® 2900 Series
Tightening torques, control cables
Control wires must be connected with a tightening tor- NB!
que of 0.22-0.25 Nm. Please note that the cable jacket for the
relay must cover the first row of control
card terminals - otherwise the galvanic
Electrical installation, controlterminals isolation cannot be maintained. Max. ca-
ble diameter: 4 mm. See drawing.
See section entitled Earthing of screened/armoured
control cables in the VLT 2800 Design Guide for the
correct termination of control cables.

No. Function VLT Software Dialog

01-03 Relay outputs 01-03 can be used for Connection to terminals 68-70 or
indicating status and alarms/warnings. Sub D:
12 24 V DC voltage supply. - PIN 3 GND
18-33 Digital inputs.
20, 55 Common frame for input - PIN 8 P-RS 485
and output terminals. - PIN 9 N-RS 485
42 Analog output for displaying frequency,
reference, current or torque.
461 Digital output for displaying status, Sub D plug
warnings or alarms, as well as
frequency output.
50 +10 V DC supply
voltage for potentiometer or thermistor.
53 Analogue voltage input 0 - 10 V DC.
60 Analogue current input 0/4 - 20 mA. An LCP 2 control unit can be connected to the Sub D
671 + 5 V DC supply voltage plug on the control card. Ordering number: 175N0131.
to Profibus. LCP control unit with ordering number 175Z0401 is not
68, 691 RS 485, Serial communication. to be connected.
701 Frame for terminals 67, 68 and 69.
Normally this terminal is not to be used.
1. The terminals are not valid for DeviceNet/CANopen.
See also the DeviceNet manual, MG.90.BX.YY for fur-
ther details.

Relay connection
See parameter 323 Relay output for programming of
relay output.

Nr. 01 - 02 1 - 2 make (normally open)

01 - 03 1 - 3 break (normally closed)

68 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series

Connection examples Speed up/down

Start/stop Speed up/down using terminals 29/33.
Start/stop using terminal 18 and coasting stop using
terminal 27.

Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7]

Par. 303 Digital input = Freeze reference [14]
Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 305 Digital input = Speed up [16]
Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inver- Par. 307 Digital input = Speed down [17]
ted [2]
For Precise start/stop the following settings are made:
Potentiometer reference
Par. 302 Digital input = Precise start/stop [27]
Voltage reference via a potentiometer.
Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inver-
ted [2]

Pulse start/stop
Pulse start using terminal 18 and pulse stop using ter-
minal 19. In addition, the jog frequency is activated via
terminal 29.
Par. 308 Analog input = Reference [1]
Par. 309 Terminal 53, min. scaling = 0 Volt
Par. 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling = 10 Volt

Connection of a 2-wire transmitter
Connection of a 2-wire transmitter as feedback to ter-
minal 60.

Par. 302 Digital input = Pulse start [8]

Par. 303 Digital input = Stop inverted [6]
Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inver-
ted [2]
Par. 305 Digital input = Jog [13]

Par. 314 Analog input = Feedback [2]

Par. 315 Terminal 60, min. scaling = 4 mA
Par. 316 Terminal 60, max. scaling = 20 mA

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 69

VLT® 2900 Series

Type Typical shaft output Type code Order number

PM,N [kW]
VLT 2905 0.55 VLT 2905 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2187
VLT 2907 0.75 VLT 2907 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2188
VLT 2911 1.1 VLT 2911 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2189
VLT 2915 1.5 VLT 2915 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2190
VLT 2922 2.2 VLT 2922 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2194
VLT 2930 3.0 VLT 2930 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2195
VLT 2940 4.0 VLT 2940 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2196
VLT 2955 5.5 VLT 2955 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2197
VLT 2975 7.5 VLT 2975 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2198
VLT 2980 11.0 VLT 2980 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2191
VLT 2981 15.0 VLT 2981 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2192
VLT 2982 18.5 VLT 2982 PT4 B20 ST R0 DB F00 A21 C1 195N2193

70 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Display readout Warnings/alarm messages
Fr A warning or an alarm will appear in the display as a
The frequency converter shows the present output fre- numerical code Err. xx. A warning will be shown on
quency in Hertz [Hz]. the display until the fault has been corrected, while an
Io alarm will continue to flash until the [STOP/RESET]
The frequency converter shows the present output key is activated.The table shows the various warnings
current in Amps [A]. and alarms, and whether the fault locks the frequency
converter. After a Trip locked the mains supply is cut
Uo off and the fault is corrected. The mains supply is re-
The frequency converter shows the present output connected and the frequency converter is reset. The
voltage in Volt [V]. frequency converter is now ready. A Trip can be reset
Ud manually in three ways:
The frequency converter shows the intermediate cir- 1. Via the operating key [STOP/RESET].
cuit voltage in Volt [V].
2. Via a digital input.
The frequency converter shows the calculated output 3. Via serial communication.
in kilowatt [kW]. It is also possible to choose an automatic reset in pa-
notrun rameter 405 Reset function. When a cross appears in
This message is shown if an attempt is made to both warning and alarm, this can mean that a warning
change a parameter value while the motor is running. comes before an alarm. It can also mean that it is pos-
Stop the motor to change the parameter value. sible for the user to programme whether a warning or
an alarm will appear for a given fault. For example, this
LCP is possible in parameter 128 Motor thermal protec-
This message is shown if an LCP 2 control unit is fitted tion. After a trip the motor will coast, and alarm and
and the [QUICK MENU] or [CHANGE DATA] key is warning will blink on the frequency converter, but if the
activated. If an LCP 2 control unit is fitted you can only fault disappears only the alarm will blink. After a reset
change parameters with that. the frequency converter will be ready to start operation
Ha again.
The frequency converter shows the present Hand
mode reference frequency in Herz (Hz).
The frequency converter shows scaled output fre-
quency (the present output frequency x parameter

All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 71

VLT® 2900 Series
No. Description Warning Alarm Trip
2 Live zero error (LIVE ZERO ERROR) X X X
4 Mains phase loss (MAINS PHASE LOSS) X X X
5 Voltage warning high (DC LINK VOLTAGE HIGH) X
6 Voltage warning low (DC LINK VOLTAGE LOW) X
7 Overvoltage (DC LINK OVERVOLT) X X X
8 Undervoltage (DC LINK UNDERVOLT) X X X
9 Inverter overload (INVERTER TIME) X X
10 Motor overloaded ( MOTOR, TIME) X X
11 Motor thermistor (MOTOR THERMISTOR) X X
12 Current limit (CURRENT LIMIT) X X
13 Overcurrent (OVERCURRENT) X X X
14 Earth fault (EARTH FAULT) X X
15 Switch mode fault (SWITCH MODE FAULT) X X
16 Short-circuit (CURR. SHORT CIRCUIT) X X
17 Serial communication timeout (STD BUS TIMEOUT) X X
18 HPFB bus timeout (HPFB TIMEOUT) X X
33 Out of frequency range (OUT FREQ RNG/ROT LIM) X
34 HPFB communication fault (PROFIBUS OPT. FAULT) X X
35 Inrush fault (INRUSH FAULT) X X
36 Overtemperature (OVERTEMPERATURE) X X
37-45 Internal fault (INTERNAL FAULT) X X
50 AMT not possible X
51 AMT fault re. nameplate data (AMT TYPE.DATA FAULT) X
54 AMT wrong motor (AMT WRONG MOTOR) X
55 AMT timeout (AMT TIMEOUT) X
56 AMT warning during AMT (AMT WARN. DURING AMT) X
99 Locked (LOCKED) X
LED indication voltage). A voltage warning can occur when the con-
Warning yellow nected mains voltage is too high. Check whether the
Alarm red supply voltage is suitable for the frequency converter,
Trip locked yellow and red see Technical data. A voltage warning can also occur
if the motor frequency is reduced too quickly due to
WARNING/ALARM 2: Live zero fault
ramp down time being too short.
The voltage or current signal on terminal 53 or 60 is
below 50% of the preset value in parameter 309 or 315 WARNING 6: Voltage warning low
Terminal, min. scaling. If the intermediate circuit voltage (UDC) is lower
than Voltage warning low the frequency converter will
WARNING/ALARM 4: Mains phase fault
give a warning and the motor will continue to run un-
No phase on mains supply side. Check the supply
changed. A voltage warning can occur when the con-
voltage to the frequency converter. This fault is only
nected mains voltage is too low. Check whether the
active in 3-phase mains supply. The alarm can also
supply voltage is suitable for the frequency converter,
occur when the load is pulsing. In this instance the
see Technical data. When the frequency converter is
pulses must be dampened, e.g. using an inertia disc.
switched off a brief warning 6 (and warning 8) appears.
WARNING 5: Voltage warning high
WARNING/ALARM 7: Overvoltage
If the intermediate circuit voltage (UDC) is higher than
If the intermediate voltage (UDC) goes over the inver-
Voltage warning high the frequency converter will give
ter's Overvoltage limit the inverter will be switched off
a warning and the motor will continue to run un-
until the UDC has once more fallen below the over-
changed. If the UDC remains above the voltage warn-
voltage limit. If the UDC remains above the overvoltag
ing limit, the inverter will trip after a set time. The time
limit the inverter will trip after a set time. The time de-
depends on the device, and is set at 5 - 10 sec. Note:
pends on the device, and is set at 5 - 10 sec. An
The frequency converter will trip with an alarm 7 (over-

72 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
overvoltage in the UDC can occur when the motor fre- WARNING/ALARM 13: Overcurrent
quency is reduced too quickly due to ramp down time The inverter's peak current limit (approx. 200% of rated
being too short. When the inverter is switched off a trip output current) has been exceeded. The warning will
reset is generated. Note: Voltage warning high (warn- last approx. 1-2 sec, and the frequency converter will
ing 5) will thus also be able to generate an alarm 7. then trip and emit an alarm. Switch off the frequency
converter and check whether the motor shaft can be
WARNING/ALARM 8: Undervoltage
turned, and whether the size of the motor is suitable
If the intermediate circuit voltage (UDC) is lower than
for the frequency converter.
the inverter's Undervoltage limit the inverter will be
switched off until the UDC once more goes above the ALARM 14: Earth fault
undervoltage limit. If the UDC remains under the un- There is a discharge from the output phases to earth,
dervoltage limit, the inverter will trip after a set time. The either in the cable between the frequency converter
time depends on the device, and is set at 2 - 15 sec. and the motor, or in the motor. Turn off the frequency
An undervoltage can occur when the connected mains converter and remove the earth fault.
voltage is too low. Check whether the supply voltage ALARM 15: Switch mode fault
is suitable for the frequency converter, see Technical Fault in switch mode power supply (internal supply).
data. When the frequency converter is switched off a Contact your Danfoss supplier.
alarm 8 (and alarm 6) is displayed briefly and a trip
reset is generated. Note: Voltage warning low (warning ALARM: 16: Short-circuit
6) will thus also be able to generate an alarm 8. There is a short-circuit on the motor terminals or in the
motor. Disconnect the mains supply to the frequency
WARNING/ALARM 9: Inverter overload converter and remove the short-circuit.
Electronic thermal inverter protection indicates that the
frequency converter is close to tripping due to over- WARNING/ALARM 17: Serial communication time-
loading (output current too high for too long). The out
counter for electronic thermal inverter protection gives There is no serial communication to the frequency
a warning at 98% and trips at 100% accompanied by converter. The warning will only be active when 514
an alarm. The frequency converter cannot be reset Bus timeout function is set to a value other than OFF.
until the counter drops below 90%. This fault arises If parameter 514 Bus timeout function is set to Stop
because the frequency converter has been overloa- and trip [5], it will first give a warning and then ramp
ded for too long. down and trip out accompanied by an alarm. Param-
eter 513 Bus timeout can if required be increased.
WARNING/ALARM 10: Motor overloaded
According to the electronic thermal inverter protection WARNING/ALARM 18: HPFB bus timeout
the motor is too hot. In parameter 128 the user can There is no serial communication to the frequency
select whether the frequency converter should emit a converter's communication option card. This warning
warning or an alarm when the counter reaches 100%. will only be active when parameter 804 Bus timeout
This fault is due to the motor being overloaded by more function is set to a value other than OFF. If parameter
than 100% for too long. Check that motor parameters 804 Bus timeout function is set to Stop and trip, it will
102-106 are set correctly. first give a warning and then ramp down and trip out
accompanied by an alarm. Parameter 803 Bus time-
WARNING/ALARM 11: Motor thermistor
out can if required be increased.
The motor is too hot or the thermistor/thermistor con-
WARNING 33: Out of frequency range
All about VLT 2900

nection has been disconnected. In parameter 128

Thermal motor protection the user can select whether This warning is active if the output frequency has
the frequency transformer emits a warning or an alarm. reached Output frequency low limit (parameter 201) or
Check that the PTC thermistor is correctly connected Output frequency high limit (parameter 202). If the fre-
between terminals 18, 19, 27 or 29 (digital input) and quency converter is in Process regulation, closed loop
terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply). (parameter 100) the warning will be active in the dis-
play. If the frequency converter is in another mode than
WARNING/ALARM 12: Current limit
Process regulation, closed loop, bit 008000 Out of fre-
The output current is greater than the value in param-
quency range in extended status word will be active,
eter 221 Current Limit LIM , and the frequency converter
but there will not be a warning in the display.
will trip after a set time, selected in parameter 409 Trip
delay overcurrent.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 73

VLT® 2900 Series
WARNING/ALARM 34: HPFB communication fault Alarm 42, internal fault number 5: Fault in motor pa-
Communication fault only occurs in Fieldbus versions. rameter database.
Regarding alarmtype, please see parameter 953 in Alarm 43, internal fault number 6: General power card
fieldbus literature.
ALARM 35: Inrush fault Alarm 44, internal fault number 7: Minimum software
This alarm occurs when the frequency converter has version of control card or BMC.
been connected to the mains supply too many times
within 1 minute. Alarm 45, internal fault number 8: I/O fault (digital in-
put/output, relay or analog input/output).
WARNING/ALARM 36: Overtemperature
If the temperature inside the power module rises NB!
above 75 - 85 °C (depending on the device) the fre- When restarting after an alarm 38-45, the
quency converter will emit a warning, and the motor frequency converter will display an alarm
will continue to run unchanged. If the temperature con- 37. In parameter 615 the actual alarm
tinues to rise, the switch frequency is reduced auto- code can be read.
matically. See Temperature-dependent switching
frequency. ALARM 50: AMT not possible
If the temperature inside the power module rises One of the following three possibilities can occur:
above 92 - 100 °C (depending on the unit) the fre- - The calculated RS value falls outside permit-
quency converter will cut out. The temperature fault ted limits.
cannot be reset until the temperature has dropped to
- The motor current in at least one of the motor
below 70 °C. The tolerance is ± 5 °C. The temperature
phases is too low.
can be caused by the following:
- The motor in use is too small for AMT calcu-
- The ambient temperature too high.
lations to be performed.
- Motor cable too long.
ALARM 51: AMT Fault regarding nameplate data
- Too high mains voltage. There is inconsistency between the registered motor
ALARM 37-45: Internal fault data. Check the motor data for the relevant setup.
If one of these failures occurs, please contact Danfoss. ALARM 52: AMT missing motor phase
Alarm 37, internal fault number 0: Communication fault The AMT function has detected a missing motor
between control card and BMC. phase.

Alarm 38, internal fault number 1: Flash EEPROM fault ALARM 55: AMT timeout
on control card. Calculations are taking too long, possibly due to noise
on the motor cables.
Alarm 39, internal fault number 2: RAM fault on control
card. ALARM 56: AMT warning during AMT
A frequency converter warning is given while AMT is
Alarm 40, internal fault number 3: Calibration constant
being performed.
WARNING 99: Locked
Alarm 41, internal fault number 4: Data values in EE-
See parameter 18.
Alarm/warning limits:
Without brake With brake Without brake With brake
VLT 2900 1 / 3 x 200 - 240 V 1 / 3 x 200 - 240 V 3 x 380 - 480 V 3 x 380 - 480 V
Undervoltage 215 215 410 410
Voltage warning low 230 230 440 440
Voltage warning high 385 400 765 800
Overvoltage 410 410 820 820
The voltages stated are the intermediate circuit volt- %. The corresponding line voltage is the intermediate
age of the frequency converter with a tolerance of ± 5 circuit voltage divided by 1,35.

74 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Warning words, extended status words and Bit (Hex) Alarm words
Alarmwords 000002 Triplock
Warning words, status words and Alarm words appear 000004 AMT tuning fail
in the display in Hex format. If there are several warn- 000040 HPFB bus timeout
ings, status words or alarms, a total of all the warnings, 000080 Standard bus timeout
status words or alarms will be displayed. Warning 000100 Curr. short circuit
words, status words and alarm words can also be read 000200 Switch mode fault
out using the serial bus in parameters 540, 541 and 000400 Earth fault
538 respectively. 000800 Overcurrent
002000 Motor thermistor
Bit (Hex) Warning words 004000 Motor overload
000008 HPFB bus timeout 008000 Inverter overload
000010 Standard bus timeout 010000 Undervolt
000040 Current limit 020000 Overvolt
000080 Motor thermistor 040000 Phase loss
000100 Motor overload 080000 Live zero error
000200 Inverter overload 100000 Heat sink temperature too high
000400 Undervolt 2000000 Profibus communication fault
000800 Overvolt 8000000 Inrush fault
001000 Voltage warning low 10000000 Internal fault
002000 Voltage warning high
004000 Phase loss
010000 Live zero error
400000 Out of frequency range
800000 Profibus communication fault
40000000 Switch mode warning
80000000 Heat sink temperature high

Bit (Hex) Extended status words

000001 Ramping
000002 AMT running
000004 Start forw./reverse
000008 Slow down
000010 Catch-up
000020 Feedback high
000040 Feedback low
000080 Output current high
000100 Output current low
000200 Output frequency high
000400 Output frequency low
002000 Braking
All about VLT 2900

008000 Out of frequency range

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 75

VLT® 2900 Series

Special conditions ticles are typically observed on top of installation cab-

inets and on existing electrical installations. Indicators
Aggressive environments
that there are aggressive gases in the air are copper
As all other electronic equipment, a frequency con-
rails and cable ends that are black on existing electrical
verter contains a number of mechanical and electronic
components, which to a varying extent are vulnerable
to environmental impact.

Consequently, the frequency converter is Derating for ambient temperature

not to be installed in environments, where The ambient temperature (TAMB,MAX) is the maximum
liquids, particles or gases are in the air temperature allowed. The average (TAMB,AVG) meas-
that would impact and damage the elec- ured over 24 hours, must be at least 5 °C lower. If the
tronics. Unless the necessary measures frequency converter operates at temperatures above
are taken to protect the frequency con- 45 °C, a derating of the rated output current is neces-
verter, there is a risk of stoppages, which sary.
reduce the service life of the frequency

Liquids can be carried through the air and condense

in the frequency converter. In addition, liquids may fa-
cilitate galvanic corrosion of components and metal
parts. Steam, oil and brine may cause corrosion of
components and metal parts. In these areas, it is rec-
ommended to fit units in cabinets. As a minimum,
cabinets should be enclosure IP 54.
Particles in the air, such as dust particles, may lead to
mechanical, electrical and thermal faults on the fre-
quency converter. Typical indicators that there are too
many particles in the air are dust particles around the
frequency converter fan. In very dusty areas, cabinet
fitting of units is recommended. As a minimum, cabi-
nets should be enclosure IP 54.
Aggressive gases, such as sulphur, nitrogen and
chlorine compounds, together with high humidity and
temperature, facilitate possible chemical processes on
the components of the frequency converter. These
chemical processes quickly impact and damage the
electronics. In these areas, cabinet fitting with fresh-air
circulation in the cabinet is recommended, thereby en-
suring that aggressive gases are kept away from the
frequency converter.

Fitting of frequency converters in aggres-
sive environments increases the risk of
stoppages, in addition to considerably re-
ducing the service life of the unit.

Before the frequency converter is installed, it must be

checked whether there are liquids, particles or gases
in the air. This can be done by looking at existing in-
stallations in the same environment. Typical indicators
of harmful airborne liquids are water or oil on metal
parts or corrosion of metal parts. Too many dust par-

76 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Derating for high switching frequency - VLT 2900
A higher switching frequency (to be set in parameter
411, Switching frequency) leads to higher losses in the
electronics of the frequency converter.
VLT 2900 has a pulse pattern in which it is possible to
set the switching frequency from 3.0- 10.0/14.0 kHz.
The frequency converter will automatically derate the
rated output current IVLT,N, when the switching frequen-
cy exceeds 4.5 kHz.
In both cases, the reduction is carried out linearly,
down to 60% of IVLT,N.

When using the LC filter the minimum switch frequen-

cy is 4.5 kHz.

Temperature-dependent switch frequency

This function ensures the highest possible switch fre-
quency without the frequency converter becoming
thermally overloaded. The internal temperature is the
actual expression of the degree to which the switch
frequency can be based on the load, the ambient tem-
perature, the supply voltage and the cable length.
The function ensures that the frequency converter au-
tomatically adjusts the switch frequency between fsw,
All about VLT 2900

min and fsw, max (parameter 411), see drawing below.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 77

VLT® 2900 Series

General technical data

Mains supply (L1, L2, L3):
Supply voltage VLT 2905-2982 380-415 V 3 x 380/400/415 V ±10%
Supply frequency -20% + 10% 50/60 Hz ± 3 Hz
Max. imbalance on supply voltage ± 2.0% of rated supply voltage
True Power Factor (λ) 0.90 nominal at rated load
Displacement Power Factor (cos φ) near unity (> 0.98)
Number of connections at supply input L1, L2, L3 2 times/min.
Max. short-circuit value 100,000 A

Output data (U, V, W):

Output voltage 0 - 100% of supply voltage
Output frequency 0.2 - 132 Hz, 1 - 1000 Hz
Rated motor voltage, 200-240 V units 200/208/220/230/240 V
Rated motor voltage, 380-480 V units 380/400/415/440/460/480 V
Rated motor frequency 50/60 Hz
Switching on output Unlimited
Ramp times 0.02 - 3600 sec.

Torque characteristics:
Starting torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Constant torque) 160% in 1 min.*
Starting torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristics = Variable torque) 160% in 1 min.*
Starting torque (parameter 119 High starting torque ) 180% for 0.5 sec.
Overload torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Constant torque) 160%*
Overload torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Variable torque) 160%*
Percentage relates to frequency converter's nominal current.

Control card, digital inputs:

Number of programmable digital inputs 5
Terminal number 18, 19, 27, 29, 33
Voltage level 0 - 24 V DC (PNP positive logic)
Voltage level, logic '0' < 5 V DC
Voltage level, logic '1' > 10 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29) approx. 4 kΩ
Input resistance, Ri (terminal 33) approx. 2 kΩ
All digital inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

78 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Control card, analog inputs:
Number of analog voltage inputs 1 pcs.
Terminal number 53
Voltage level 0 - 10 V DC (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approx. 10 kΩ
Max. voltage 20 V
Number of analog current inputs 1 pcs.
Terminal number 60
Current level 0/4 - 20 mA (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approx. 300 Ω
Max. current 30 mA
Resolution for analog inputs 10 bit
Accuracy of analog inputs Max. error 1% of full scale
Scan interval 13.3 msec
The analog inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

Control card, pulse inputs:

Number of programmable pulse inputs 1
Terminal number 33
Max. frequency at terminal 33 67.6 kHz (Push-pull)
Max. frequency at terminal 33 5 kHz (open collector)
Min. frequency at terminal 33 4 Hz
Voltage level 0 - 24 V DC (PNP positive logic)
Voltage level, logic '0' < 5 V DC
Voltage level, logic '1' > 10 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri approx. 2 kΩ
Scan interval 13.3 msec
Resolution 10 bit
Accuracy (100 Hz- 1 kHz) terminal 33 Max. error: 0.5% of full scale
Accuracy (1 kHz - 67.6 kHz) terminal 33 Max. error: 0.1% of full scale
The pulse input (terminal 33) is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

Control card, digital/frequency output:

Number of programmable digital/pulse outputs 1 pcs.
Terminal number 46
Voltage level at digital/frequency output 0 - 24 V DC (O.C PNP)
Max. output current at digital/frequency output 25 mA.
Max. load at digital/frequency output 1 kΩ
Max. capacity at frequency output 10 nF
All about VLT 2900

Minimum output frequency at frequency output 16 Hz

Maximum output frequency at frequency output 10 kHz
Accuracy on frequency output Max. error: 0.2 % of full scale
Resolution on frequency output 10 bit
The digital output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 79

VLT® 2900 Series
Control card, analog output:
Number of programmable analog outputs 1
Terminal number 42
Current range at analog output 0/4 - 20 mA
Max. load to common at analog output 500 Ω
Accuracy on analog output Max. error: 1.5 % of full scale
Resolution on analog output 10 bit
The analog output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

Control card, 24 V DC output:

Terminal number 12
Max. load 130 mA
The 24 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage, but has the same potential as the analogue and
digital inputs and outputs.

Control card, 10 V DC output:

Terminal number 50
Output voltage 10.5 V ±0.5 V
Max. load 15 mA
The 10 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage and other high-voltage terminals.

Control card, RS 485 serial communication:

Terminal number 68 (TX+, RX+), 69 (TX-, RX-)
Terminal number 67 +5V
Terminal number 70 Common for terminals 67, 68 and 69
Full galvanic isolation.
For CANopen/DeviceNet units, see VLT 2800 DeviceNet manual, MG.90.BX.YY.

Relay outputs:1)
Number of programmable relay outputs 1
Terminal number, control card (resisitvie and inductive load) 1-3 (break), 1-2 (make)
Max. terminal load (AC1) on 1-3, 1-2, control card 250 V AC, 2 A, 500 VA
Max. terminal load (DC1 (IEC 947)) on 1-3, 1-2, control card 25 V DC, 2 A /50 V DC, 1A, 50W
Min. terminal load (AC/DC) on 1-3, 1-2, control card 24 V DC 10 mA, 24 V AC 100 mA
The relay contact is separated from the rest of the circuit by strengthened isolation.

Note: Rated values resistive load - cosphi >0.8 for up to 300,000 operations.
Inductive loads at cosphi 0.25 approximately 50% load or 50% life time.

80 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Cable lengths and cross sections:
Max. motor cable length, screened/armoured cable 40 m
Max. motor cable length, unscreened/unarmoured cable 75 m
Max. motor cable length, screened/armoured cable and motor coil 100 m
Max. motor cable length, unscreened/unarmoured cable and motor coil 200 m
Max. motor cable length, screened/armoured cable and RFI/1B filter 200 V, 100 m
Max. motor cable length, screened/armoured cable and RFI/1B filter 400 V, 25 m
Max. motor cable length, screened/armoured cable and RFI 1B/LC filter 400 V, 25 m
Max. cross section to motor, see next section.
Max. cross section to control wires, rigid wire 1.5 mm2/16 AWG (2 x 0.75 mm2)
Max. cross section to control cables, flexible cable 1 mm2/18 AWG
Max. cross section to control cables, cable with enclosed core 0.5 mm2/20 AWG

Control characteristics:
Frequency range 0.2 - 132 Hz, 1 - 1000 Hz
Resolution of output frequency 0.013 Hz, 0.2 - 1000 Hz
Repeat accuracy of Precise start/stop(terminals 18, 19) ± 0.5 msec
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 33) 26.6 msec
Speed control range (open loop) 1:10 of synchronous speed
Speed control range (closed loop) 1:120 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) 150 - 3600 rpm: Max. error of ±23 rpm
Speed accuracy (closed loop) 30 - 3600 rpm: Max. error of ±7.5 rpm
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor

Enclosure IP 20
Enclosure with options NEMA 1
Vibration test 0.7 g
Max. relative humidity 5% - 93% during operation
Ambient temperature Max. 45 °C (24-hour average max. 40 °C)
Derating for high ambient temperature, see special conditions in the VLT 2800 Design Guide
Min. ambient temperature during full-scale operation 0 °C
Min. ambient temperature at reduced performance - 10 °C
Temperature during storage/transport -25 - +65/70 °C
Max. altitude above sea level 1000 m
Derating for high air pressure, see special conditions in the VLT 2800 Design Guide
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 81

VLT® 2900 Series
• Electronic thermal motor protection against
• Temperature monitoring of the power module
ensures that the frequency converter cuts out
if the temperature reaches 100 °C. An over-
load temperature cannot be reset until the
temperature of the power module is below 70
• The frequency converter is protected against
short-circuits on motor terminals U, V, W.
• If a mains phase is missing, the frequency
converter will cut out.
• Monitoring of the intermediate circuit voltage
ensures that the frequency converter cuts out
if the intermediate circuit voltage is too low or
too high.
• The frequency converter is protected against
earth fault on motor terminals U, V, W.

82 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Technical data, mains supply 3 x 380 - 480 V

According to international standards Type 2905 2907 2911 2915 2922 2930
Output current IINV. [A] 1.7 2.1 3.0 3.7 5.2 7.0
(3 x 380-415V) IMAX (60s) [A] 2.7 3.3 4.8 5.9 8.3 11.2
Output power (400 V) SINV. [KVA] 1.1 1.7 2.0 2.6 3.6 4.8
Typical shaft output PM,N [kW] 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0
Typical shaft output PM,N [HP] 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0
Max. cable cross section, [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10

Input current IL,N [A] 1.6 1.9 2.6 3.2 4.7 6.1
(3 x 380-480 V) IL,MAX(60s)[A] 2.6 3.0 4.2 5.1 7.5 9.8
Max. cable cross section, [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10
Max. pre-fuses IEC/UL [A] 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
Efficiency2) [%] 96 96 96 96 96 96
Power loss at 100% load [W] 28 38 55 75 110 150
Weight [kg] 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.7 3.7
Enclosure3) type IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20

According to international standards Type 2940 2955 2975 2980 2981 2982
Output current IINV. [A] 9.1 12 16 24 32.0 37.5
(3 x 380-480V) IMAX (60s) [A] 14.5 19.2 25.6 38.4 51.2 60.0
Output power (400 V) SINV. [KVA] 6.3 8.3 11.1 16.6 22.2 26.0
Typical shaft output PM,N [kW] 4.0 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5
Typical shaft output PM,N [HP] 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Max. cable cross sec- [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 16/6 16/6 16/6
tion, motor

Input current IL,N [A] 8.1 10.6 14.9 24.0 32.0 37.5
(3 x 380-480 V) IL,MAX(60s)[A] 13.0 17.0 23.8 38.4 51.2 60
Max. cable cross sec- [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 16/6 16/6 16/6
tion, power
Max. pre-fuses IEC/UL [A] 20/20 25/25 25/25 50/50 50/50 50/50
Efficiency2) [%] 96 96 96 97 97 97
Power loss at 100% load [W] 200 275 372 412 562 693
Weight [kg] 3.7 6.0 6.0 18.5 18.5 18.5
Enclosure3 type IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20/ IP20/ IP20/

1. American Wire Gauge. Max. cable cross section is

the largest cable cross section that can be attached to
the terminals. Always observe national and local reg-
2. Measured using a 25 m screened/armoured motor
cable with a rated load and rated frequency.
3. IP20 is standard for VLT 2905-2975, whereas
NEMA 1 is an option.
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 83

VLT® 2900 Series

Available literature
Supplied with the unit
Below is a list of the literature available for VLT 2900.
It must be noted that there may be deviations from one
country to the next.
Supplied with the unit:
Operating instructions MG.29.AX.YY

Instructions for VLT 2900:

LCP remote-mounting kit MI.56.AX.51
Cold plate MI.28.D1.02
Precise Stop MI.28.C1.02

84 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Parameter list with factory settings
PNU # Parameterdescription Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
index type
001 Language English No 0 5
002 Local/remote operation Remote-controlled Yes 0 5
003 Local reference 000,000.000 Yes -3 4
004 Active Setup Setup 1 No 0 5
005 Programming Setup Active Setup No 0 5
006 Setup copying No copying No 0 5
007 LCP copy No copying No 0 5
008 Display scaling 1.00 Yes -2 6
009 Large display readout Frequency [Hz] Yes 0 5
010 Small display line 1.1 Reference [%] Yes 0 5
011 Small display line 1.2 Motor current [A] Yes 0 5
012 Small display line 1.3 Power [kW] Yes 0 5
013 Local control Remote control Yes 0 5
as par. 100
014 Local stop/reset Active Yes 0 5
015 Local jog Not active Yes 0 5
016 Local reversing Not active Yes 0 5
017 Local reset of trip Active Yes 0 5
018 Data change lock Not locked Yes 0 5
019 Operating status at Forced stop, Yes 0 5
power up use saved ref.
020 Lock for Hand mode Active No 0 5
024 User-defined Quick Menu Not active No 0 5
025 Quick Menu Setup 000 No 0 6
4-Setup: Data type:
'Yes' means that the parameter can be programmed Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
individually in each of the four Setups, i.e. one single
parameter can have four different data values. 'No' Data type Description
means that the data value will be the same in all Set- 3 Integer 16
ups. 4 Integer 32
5 Unsigned 8
Conversion index:
6 Unsigned 16
This number refers to a conversion figure to be used
7 Unsigned 32
when writing or reading via serial communication with
9 Text string
a frequency converter.
See Data character in Serial communication in the VLT
2800 Design Guide.
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 85

VLT® 2900 Series
PNU # Parameter-description Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data-
index type
100 Configuration Speed reg., open loop Yes 0 5
101 Torque characteristics Constant torque Yes 0 5
102 Motor power PM,N depends on unit Yes 1 6
103 Motor voltage UM,N depends on unit Yes -2 6
104 Motor frequency fM,N 50 Hz Yes -1 6
105 Motor current IM,N depends on motor selected Yes -2 7
106 Rated motor speed depends on par. 102 Yes 0 6
107 Automatic motor adjustment Optimisation off Yes 0 5
108 Stator resistance RS depends on motor selected Yes -3 7
109 Stator reactance XS depends on motor selected Yes -2 7
117 Resonance damping OFF Yes 0 6
119 High start torque 0.0 sec Yes -1 5
120 Start delay 0.0 sec Yes -1 5
121 Start function Coast in start del. Yes 0 5
122 Function at stop Coast Yes 0 5
123 Min. freq. for activation of 0.1 Hz Yes -1 5
par. 122
126 DC braking time 10 sec. Yes -1 6
127 DC brake engaging frequency OFF Yes -1 6
128 Thermal motor protection No protection Yes 0 5
130 Start frequency 0.0 Hz Yes -1 5
131 Voltage at start 0.0 V Yes -1 6
132 DC brake voltage 0% Yes 0 5
133 Start voltage depends on unit Yes -2 6
134 Load compensation 100 % Yes -1 6
135 U/f-ratio depends on unit Yes -2 6
136 Slip compensation 100 % Yes -1 3
137 DC hold voltage 0% Yes 0 5
138 Brake cut out value 3.0 Hz Yes -1 6
139 Brake cut in frequency 3.0 Hz Yes -1 6
140 Current, minimum value 0% Yes 0 5
142 Leak reactance depends on motor selected Yes -3 7
143 Internal ventilator control Automatic Yes 0 5
144 AC brake factor 1.30 Yes -2 5
146 Reset voltage vector Off Yes 0 5

86 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Factory Settings

PNU # Parameter Factory setting Changes 4-setup Conv. Data

description during opera- index type
200 Output frequency range Clockwise only, 0-132 No Yes 0 5
201 Output frequency, 0.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
low limit f MIN
202 Output frequency, 132 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
high limit f MAX
203 Reference range Min ref.-Max ref. Yes Yes 0 5
204 Minimum ref RefMIN 0.000 Hz Yes Yes -3 4
205 Maximum ref RefMAX 50.000 Hz Yes Yes -3 4
206 Ramp type Linear Yes Yes 0 5
207 Ramp-up time 1 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
208 Ramp-down time 1 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
209 Ramp-up time 2 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
210 Ramp-down time 2 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
211 Jog ramp time 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
212 Quick stop ramp-down time 3.00 sec. Yes Yes -2 7
213 Jog frequency 10.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
214 Reference function Sum Yes Yes 0 5
215 Preset reference 1 0.00% Yes Yes -2 3
216 Preset reference 2 0.00% Yes Yes -2 3
217 Preset reference 3 0.00% Yes Yes -2 3
218 Preset reference 4 0.00% Yes Yes -2 3
219 Catch up/slow down 0.00% Yes Yes -2 6
221 Current limit 160 % Yes Yes -1 6
223 Warn. Low current 0.0 A Yes Yes -1 6
224 Warn. High current IMAX Yes Yes -1 6
225 Warn. Low frequency 0.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
226 Warn. High frequency 132.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
227 Warn. Low Feedback -4000.000 Yes Yes -3 4
228 Warn. High Feedback 4000.000 Yes Yes -3 4
229 Frequency bypass, 0 Hz (OFF) Yes Yes 0 6
230 Frequency bypass 1 0.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
231 Frequency bypass 2 0.0 Hz Yes Yes -1 6
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 87

VLT® 2900 Series
PNU # Parameterdescription Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
index type
302 Digital input, term. 18 Start Yes 0 5
303 Digital input, term. 19 Reversing Yes 0 5
304 Digital input, term. 27 Reset and coast Yes 0 5
305 Digital input, term. 29 Jog Yes 0 5
307 Digital input, term. 33 No function Yes 0 5
308 Term. 53, analogue input voltage Reference Yes 0 5
309 Term. 53, min scaling 0.0 V Yes -1 6
310 Term. 53, max scaling 10.0 V Yes -1 6
314 Term. 60, analogue input current No function Yes 0 5
315 Term. 60, min scaling 0.0 mA Yes -4 6
316 Term. 60, max scaling 20.0 mA Yes -4 6
317 Time out 10 sec. Yes -1 5
318 Function after timeout No function Yes 0 5
319 Term. 42, analogue output 0-IMAX = 0-20 mA Yes 0 5
323 Relay output Control ready Yes 0 5
327 Pulse ref./FB 5000 Hz Yes 0 7
341 Term. 46 digital output Control ready Yes 0 5
342 Term. 46 Max. pulse output 5000 Hz Yes 0 6
343 Precise stop function Normal ramp stop Yes 0 5
344 Counter value 100000 pulses Yes 0 7
349 Speed comp delay 10 ms Yes -3 6
4-Setup: Data type:
'Yes' means that the parameter can be programmed Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
individually in each of the four Setups, i.e. one single
parameter can have four different data values. 'No' Data type Description
means that the data value will be the same in all Set- 3 Integer 16
ups. 4 Integer 32
5 Unsigned 8
Conversion index:
6 Unsigned 16
This number refers to a conversion figure to be used
7 Unsigned 32
when writing or reading via serial communication with
9 Text string
a frequency converter.
See Data character in Serial communication in the VLT
2800 Design Guide.

88 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
PNU # Parameter description Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
index type
400 Brake function Depends on unit type No 0 5
405 Reset function Manual reset Yes 0 5
406 Aut. restart time 5 sec. Yes 0 5
409 Trip delay overcurrent Off (61 sec.) Yes 0 5
411 Switching frequency 4.5 kHz Yes 0 6
412 Var. carrier frequency No LC-filter Yes 0 5
413 Overmodulation function On Yes 0 5
414 Min. feedback 0.000 Yes -3 4
415 Max. feedback 1500.000 Yes -3 4
416 Process units No unit Yes 0 5
417 Speed PID propor.ampl. 0.010 Yes -3 6
418 Speed PID intergra. 100 ms Yes -5 7
419 Speed PID differentiation time 20.00 ms Yes -5 7
420 Speed PID diff. amplification 5.0 Yes -1 6
421 Speed PID lowpass filter 20 ms Yes -3 6
423 U1 voltage par. 103 Yes -1 6
424 F1 frequency Par. 104 Yes -1 6
425 U2 voltage par. 103 Yes -1 6
426 F2 frequency par. 104 Yes -1 6
427 U3 voltage par. 103 Yes -1 6
428 F3 frequency par. 104 Yes -1 6
437 Proc. PID no/inv. Normal Yes 0 5
438 Proc. PID anti wind. Active Yes 0 5
439 Proc. PID start frequency Par. 201 Yes -1 6
440 Proc. PID start 0.01 Yes -2 6
proportional ampl.
441 Proc. PID integration time Off (9999.99 s) Yes -2 7
442 Proc. PID differentiation time Off (0.00 s). Yes -2 6
443 Proc. PID diff. ampl. limit 5.0 Yes -1 6
444 Proc. PID lowpass filter time 0.02 s Yes -2 6
445 Flying start Not possible Yes 0 5
451 Speed PID feedforward factor 100% Yes 0 6
452 Controller range 10 % Yes -1 6
456 Brake voltage reduce 0 Yes 0 5
461 Feedback conversion Linear Yes 0 5
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 89

VLT® 2900 Series
PNU # Parameterdescription Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
index type
500 Address 1 No 0 5
501 Baudrate 9600 Baud No 0 5
502 Coasting stop Logic or Yes 0 5
503 Quick stop Logic or Yes 0 5
504 DC brake Logic or Yes 0 5
505 Start Logic or Yes 0 5
506 Reversing Logic or Yes 0 5
507 Selection of Setup Logic or Yes 0 5
508 Selection of preset ref. Logic or Yes 0 5
509 Bus jog 1 10.0 Hz Yes -1 6
510 Bus jog 2 10.0 Hz Yes -1 6
512 Telegram profile FC protocol Yes 0 5
513 Bus time interval 1 sec. Yes 0 5
514 Bus time interval function Off Yes 0 5
515 Data readout: Reference % No -1 3
516 Data readout: Reference [unit] No -3 4
517 Data readout: Feedback [unit] No -3 4
518 Data readout: Frequency No -1 3
519 Data readout: Frequency x scaling No -1 3
520 Data readout: Motor current No -2 7
521 Data readout: Torque No -1 3
522 Data readout: Power [kW] No 1 7
523 Data readout: Power [HP] No -2 7
524 Data readout: Motor voltage [V] No -1 6
525 Data readout: DC Link voltage No 0 6
526 Data readout: Motor thermal load No 0 5
527 Data readout: Inverter thermal load No 0 5
528 Data readout: Digital input No 0 5
529 Data readout: Analogue input, term. 53 No -1 5
531 Data readout: Analogue input, term. 60 No -4 5
532 Data readout: Pulse reference No -1 7
533 Data readout: External reference No -1 6
534 Data readout: Status word No 0 6
535 Data readout: Bus feedback 1 No 0 3
537 Data readout: Inverter temperature No 0 5
538 Data readout: Alarm word No 0 7
539 Data readout: Control word No 0 6
540 Data readout: Warning word No 0 7
541 Data readout: Extended status word No 0 7
544 Data readout: Pulse count No 0 7

90 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
PNU # Parameterdescription Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
index type
600 Operating hours No 73 7
601 Hours run No 73 7
602 kWh counter No 2 7
603 Number of cut ins No 0 6
604 Number of overtemperatures No 0 6
605 Number of overvoltages No 0 6
615 Fault log: Error code No 0 5
616 Fault log: Time No 0 7
617 Fault log: Value No 0 3
618 Reset of kWh counter No reset No 0 7
619 Reset of running hours counter No reset No 0 5
620 Operation mode Normal operation No 0 5
621 Nameplate: Unit type No 0 9
624 Nameplate: Software version No 0 9
625 Nameplate: LCP identification no. No 0 9
626 Nameplate: Database identification no. No -2 9
627 Nameplate: Power parts version No 0 9
628 Nameplate: Application option type No 0 9
630 Nameplate: Communication option type No 0 9
632 Nameplate: BMC software identification No 0 9
634 Nameplate: Unit identification for communication No 0 9
635 Nameplate: Software parts no. No 0 9
640 Software version No -2 6
641 BMC software identification No -2 6
642 Power card identification No -2 6
700- Used for wobble function, please see MI28J2xx
4-Setup: Data type:
'Yes' means that the parameter can be programmed Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
individually in each of the four Setups, i.e. one single
parameter can have four different data values. No' Data type Description
means that the data value will be the same in all Set- 3 Integer 16
ups. 4 Integer 32
5 Unsigned 8
Conversion index:
6 Unsigned 16
This number refers to a conversion figure to be used
7 Unsigned 32
when writing or reading via serial communication with
9 Text string
a frequency converter.
See Data character in Serial communication in the VLT
2800 Design Guide.
All about VLT 2900

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 91

VLT® 2900 Series

Frequence bypass, bandwidth 35

A Function at stop 24
AC brake 45
Active Setup 12
Aggressive environments 76 G
Analogue input 39 Gain AC brake 28
Analogue output 41
Automatic motor tuning 10
Automatic motor tuning 21 H
Hand Auto 9
Hand operation 17
B High voltage test 60
Brake cut in frequency 27 High voltage warning 7
Brake cut out value 27 High voltage warning 60
Brake function 45
Brake Voltage Reduce 52
Integration 59
Catch up 33
Connection of a 2-wire transmitter 69 Jog frequency 32

Constant torque 19 Jog ramp time 31

Control cables 68
Control cables 67
Control keys 8
Language 11
control panel 8
Large display readout 13
Control terminals 66
LCP copy 12
Control unit 8
Leakage reactance 27
Counter value 44
Load compensation 26
Current limit, 33
Local reference 11
Current, minimum value 27
Lock for data changes 17

DC brake time 24
Mains connection 63
DC brake voltage 26
Manual initialisation 8
DC hold voltage 27
Maximum Pulse 29 43
Derating for ambient temperature 76
Mechanical brake 66
Derating for high switching frequency 77
Mechanical installation 59
Digital / pulse output 43
Menu mode 9
Digital inputs 36
Menu mode 9
Dimensions 57
Motor coils 58
Direction of motor rotation 64
Motor connection 63
Display 8
Motor current 20
Display mode 9
Motor frequency 20
Display readout 9
Motor power 20
Display readout 71
Motor voltage 20
Display scaling of output frequency 13

Operating mode at power-up, local operation 17
Earth connection 64
Order form 70
Earthing 60
Output frequency 29
Electrical installation 61
Overmodulation function 46
Electrical installation, control cables 67
ETR - Electronic Thermal Relay 25
Extra protection 60 P
Parallel connection of motors 64

F Parameter list with factory settings 85

Potentiometer reference 69
Fan control 28
Precise stop function 44
Feedback conversion 52
Pre-fuses 63
Feedback, 46
Preset reference 32
Flying start 51
Process control, closed loop 19
Four Setups 12
Process PID 49

92 MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® 2900 Series
Process units 47 Terminal cover 58
Programming Setup 12 Terminals 69
Pulse reference/feedback 43 Thermal motor protection 24
Pulse start/stop 69 Thermistor 25
Thermistor 38
Tightening Torque, Power Terminals 66
Q Time out 40
Quick menu 9 Torque characteristic 19
Quick menu 9
Quick Menu setup 18 U
Quick menu, userdefined 17 U/f-ratio 26
Quick-stop ramp-down time 32

R Variable torque 19
Ramp type 30
Ramp-down time 31
Ramp-up time 31
Rated motor speed 20 Warning functions 33

RCD 64 Warning words, extended status words and Alarmwords 75

RCD relays 60 Warnings/alarm messages 71

Reference function 32 Wobble mode 55

Reference, 30
Relative 32
Relay connection 68
Relay output 1-3 41
Reset function 45
Reset voltage vector 28
Resonance damping 22
reversing 37

Setup copying 12
Side-by-side 59
Slip compensation 27
Slow down 33
Software Dialog 68
Spacing for mechanical installation 59
Special motor mode 19
Speed comp delay 44
Speed control, closed loop 19
Speed control, open loop 19
Speed PID 47
Speed up/down 69
Square root 52
Start 51
Start delay 23
Start frequency 25
Start function 23
Start torque 23
Start voltage 26
Start/stop 69
Stator reactance 22
Stator resistance 21
Sub D plug 68
Sum 32
Switching frequency 46

Temperature-dependent switch frequency 77
Terminal 42 41
Terminal 46 43

Terminal 53 39
Terminal 60 39

MG.29.A3.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 93

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