Grade Thresholds - June 2017: Cambridge AS & A Level Economics (9708)
Grade Thresholds - June 2017: Cambridge AS & A Level Economics (9708)
Grade Thresholds - June 2017: Cambridge AS & A Level Economics (9708)
The maximum total mark for this syllabus, after weighting has been applied, is 200 for A Level and 100 for
AS Level.
The overall thresholds for the different grades were set as follows.
Combination of
Option A* A B C D E
AX 11, 21, 31, 41 161 142 123 107 91 75
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 154 135 116 100 84 69
AZ 13, 23, 33, 43 152 135 118 102 87 72
BX 31, 41, 87 152 136 120 104 89 74
BY 32, 42, 88 152 135 118 101 85 69
BZ 33, 43, 89 150 134 118 102 87 72
CX 31, 41, 97 156 138 120 105 90 76
CY 32, 42, 98 150 133 116 99 82 65
CZ 33, 43, 99 152 134 116 101 86 72
Grade thresholds continued
Cambridge AS & A Level Economics (9708)
Combination of
Option A* A B C D E
SX 11, 21 – 70 60 51 42 34
SY 12, 22 – 66 57 48 39 31
SZ 13, 23 – 68 60 51 42 34