General Contracts Terms and Definitions Glossary
General Contracts Terms and Definitions Glossary
General Contracts Terms and Definitions Glossary
Acceptance - the unconditional agreement to an offer. This creates the contract. Before
acceptance, any offer can be withdrawn, but once accepted the contract is binding on both sides.
Any conditions have the effect of a counter offer that must be accepted by the other party.
Agent - somebody appointed to act on behalf of another person (known as the principal). The
amount of authority to deal that the agent has is subject to agreement between the principal and
the agent. However, unless told otherwise, third parties can assume the agent has full powers to
Breach of contract - failure by one party to a contract to uphold their part of the deal. A breach
of contract will make the whole contract void and can lead to damages being awarded against the
party which is in breach.
Collective agreement - term used for agreements made between employees and employers,
usually involving trade unions. They often cover more than one organization. Although these can
be seen as contracts, they are governed by employment law, not contract law.
Company seal - an embossing press used to indicate the official signature of a company when
accompanied by the signatures of two officers of the company. Since 1989 it has been possible for
a company to indicate its agreement without use of the seal, by two signatures (directors or
company secretary) plus a formal declaration. However, some companies still prefer to use a seal
and the articles of a company can override the law and require a seal to be used.
Conditions - major terms in a contract. Conditions are the basis of any contract and if one of
them fails or is broken, the contract is breached. These are in contrast to warranties, the other
type of contract term, which are less important and will not usually lead to the breach of the
contract - but rather an adjustment in price or a payment of damages.
Consideration - in a contract each side must give some consideration to the other. Often
referred to as the quid pro quo - see the Latin terms below. Usually this is the price paid by one
side and the goods supplied by the other. But it can be anything of value to the other party, and
can be negative - eg someone promising not to exercise a right of access over somebody else's
land in return for a payment would be a valid contract, even if there was no intention of ever using
the right anyway.
Consumer - a person who buys goods or services but not as part of their business. A company
can be a consumer for contracts not related to its business - especially for goods or services it
buys for its employees. Charities are also treated as consumers.
Due diligence - the formal process of investigating the background of a business, either prior to
buying it, or as another party in a major contract. It is used to ensure that there are no hidden
details that could affect the deal.
Employment contract - a contract between an employer and an employee. This differs from
other contracts in that it is governed by employment legislation - which takes precedence over
normal contract law.
Exclusion clauses - clauses in a contract that are intended to exclude one party from liability if a
stated circumstance happens. They are types of exemption clauses. The courts tend to interpret
them strictly and, where possible, in favour of the party that did not write them. In customer
dealings, exclusion clauses are governed by regulations that render most of them ineffective but
note that these regulations do not cover you in business dealings.
Exemption clauses - clauses in a contract that try to restrict the liability of the party that writes
them. These are split into exclusion clauses that try to exclude liability completely for specified
outcomes, and limitation clauses that try to set a maximum on the amount of damages the party
may have to pay if there is a failure of some part of the contract. Exemption clauses are regulated
very strictly in consumer dealings but these don't apply for those who deal in the course of their
Express terms - the terms actually stated in the contract. These can be the written terms, or
verbal ones agreed before or at the time the contract is made (see implied terms).
Implied terms - are terms and clauses that are implied in a contract by law or custom and
practice without actually being mentioned by any party. Terms implied by custom and practice can
always be overridden by express terms, but some terms implied by law cannot be overridden,
particularly those relating to consumers (see exemption clauses).
Incorporate - inclusion in, or adoption of, some term or condition as part of the contract. It
differs from its company law definition where it refers to the legal act of creating a company.
Injunction - a remedy sometimes awarded by the court that stops some action being taken. It
can be used to stop another party doing something against the terms of the contract. Injunctions
are at the court's discretion and a judge may refuse to give one and award damages instead -
see the finance contract terms below.
Joint and several liability - where parties act together in a contract as partners they have joint
and several liability. In addition to all the partners being responsible together, each partner is also
liable individually for the entire contract - so a creditor could recover a whole debt from any one of
them individually, leaving that person to recover their shares from the rest of the partners.
Jurisdiction - a jurisdiction clause sets out the country or state whose laws will govern the
contract and where any legal action must take place. Don't forget that England and Scotland have
different legal codes, and this may need to be specified.
Misrepresentation - where one party to a contract makes a false statement of fact to the other
which that other person relies on. Where there has been a misrepresentation then the party who
received the false statement can get damages for their loss. The remedy of rescission (putting
things back to how they were before the contract began) is sometimes available, but where it is
not possible or too difficult the court can award damages instead.
Offer - an offer to contract must be made with the intention to create, if accepted, a legal
relationship. It must be capable of being accepted (not containing any impossible conditions),
must also be complete (not requiring more information to define the offer) and not merely
Ratification - giving authority to an act that has already been done. A company general meeting
resolution can ratify an act previously done by the directors; or a principal can choose to ratify the
act of an agent that was beyond the specified power of the agent.
Repudiation - has two meanings in contract law. The first is where a party refuses to comply
with a contract and this amounts to a breach of contract. The second is where a contract was
made by a minor (person under the age of 18) who then repudiates it at or shortly after the age of
18. Then the repudiation voids the contract rather than causing a breach of contract.
Void - a void contract is one that cannot be performed or completed at all. A void contract is void
from the beginning (ab initio) and the normal remedy, if possible, is to put things back to where
they were before the contract. Contracts are void where one party lacks the capacity to perform
the contracted task, it is based on a mistake, or it is illegal.
Warranties - promises made in a contract, but which are less than a condition. Failure of a
warranty results in liability to pay damages (see the financial terms below) but will not be
a breach of contract unlike failure of a condition, which does breach the contract.
Without prejudice - a term used by solicitors in negotiations over disputes where an offer is
made in an attempt to avoid going to court. If the case does go to court no offer or facts stated to
be without prejudice can be disclosed as evidence. Often misused by businesses during
negotiations when they actually mean subject to contract.
Damages - money paid as the normal remedy in the law as compensation for an individual or
company's loss. If another type of remedy is wanted (such as an injunction - see general
contract terms below) but cannot be or is not given by the court, then damages will be awarded
Indemnity - a promise by a third party to pay a debt owed, or repay a loss caused, by another
party. Unlike a guarantee, the person owed can get the money direct from the indemnifier
without having to chase the debtor first. Insurance contracts are contracts of indemnity: the
insurance company pays first, and then tries to recover the loss from whoever caused it.
Ab initio (ab init) - from the beginning. Can mean that breaking some terms in a long-running
contract results in the contract having been broken from the start.
Bona fide - in good faith. Usually implies an amount of trust that the parties are acting without
any hidden motives. The opposite is mala fides - in bad faith.
Caveat emptor - buyer beware. This is a general rule that it is up to the buyer to find out if what
they are buying is what they want. Consumer regulations require certain information to be
disclosed to consumers and insurance contracts are covered by the uberrimae fides - but many
types of business contracts are covered by the caveat emptor rule.
Consensus ad idem - agreement on an idea. This is the concept that the parties to the contract
must all be in agreement on the basis of the contract. If it is discovered that the parties were
thinking different things, then there is no consensus and the contract is void.
De facto - in fact. The opposite of de jure (in law). Having a practical effect different from the
legally accepted or expected situation. For example, a person who deliberately or negligently gives
the impression to another party of being a company director, can be treated as a de facto director.
So any agreement or statements will bind the company they make as if a properly appointed
director made them.
De novo - start afresh. Starting a new contract on the same basis as the old.
Exempli gratia (eg) - for example. One or more examples from a greater list of possibilities.
Compares with id est (ie), that is, which indicates a full, definitive list of all possibilities.
Ex gratia - out of grace. A gift made without any obligation on the part of the giver or any return
from the receiver.
Ex parte - on behalf of. An action, usually a legal action, taken by a party on someone else's
Ex post facto - because of some later event. Where a later event or occurrence interferes with an
earlier agreement.
Id est (ie) - that is. Is followed by a definition or list of items or options that relate to a preceding
statement or condition. Differs from exempli gratia (eg) - for example - that gives some, but not
all, examples of the items or options.
Inter alia - among other things. This is often used in contracts to indicate that what is being
specifically referred to is part of a larger group without having to name all the elements.
Nemo dat quod non habet - no one can give what they do not have. The principle that a seller
cannot pass on a better right to the property than they actually have. So, if goods are stolen, the
buyer does not get ownership even if there was no indication that they were stolen.
Non compos mentis - not of sound mind. A person who is not of sound mind will not have full
capacity to enter into a contract.
Non est factum - not my act. This is a denial by a person that they were actually involved in
some action or dealings. In a contract, it can occur if a party denies that they signed the contract -
that someone else forged their signature.
Pari passu - equal and even. This relates to shares to denote that newly issued shares have the
same rights and restrictions as those of the same class already existing.
Prima facie - at first sight. A prima facie fact is one that seems to be correct, but may
subsequently be proved wrong by other evidence.
Pro rata - for the rate. Divided in proportion to some existing split. For example, a pro rata share
issue is offered in proportion to the number of shares each shareholder already has.
Pro tanto - for so much. Means to the extent specified, but not more.
Quid pro quo - something for something. The usual definition of consideration (see the general
contracts terms above) in a contract, on the basis that each party should offer something to the
Uberrima fides - utmost good faith. The concept that a party to certain types of contract must
act in good faith and declare all relevant facts to the other side even if they do not ask. This only
usually applies to insurance contracts where the insured person must declare all known risks. It is
an exemption to the general contract rule of caveat emptor.