Jurnal Vit K
Jurnal Vit K
Jurnal Vit K
Abstract: Fat-soluble vitamin regulation is of particular significance in cystic fibrosis. A vitamin is an organic
compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. In the present study, we had developed a
simple method to estimate the fat soluble vitamin by Spectrophotometer. The vitamin A, D, E and K were estimated
by spectrophotometer at 325 nm, 264 nm, 525 nm and 635 nm respectively. After calibration of the curves for the
absorbance, the data were validated against label claimed on the packaging material. The precision, repeatability,
intermediate precision and accuracy were tested. The accuracy of the method was determined by spiking working
standards of the four vitamins into the placebo at different concentration levels: 80, 100 and 120% of target
concentration of each of the vitamins. The mean recoveries (%) of vitamins A, D3, E and K3 were found to be 99.32,
98.68, 99.10 and 99.28 respectively which are within the acceptance limit. The spectrophotometer estimation is
easier than other existing techniques in the pharmaceutical laboratories.
Keywords: Fat soluble vitamins, UV-visual spectroscopy, Estimation, Tablets, Capsule.
ol[7,8]. It is a yellowish powder. Vitamin A occurs vitamin D is to increase the absorption of calcium
in nature in several forms[9]. Retinal (Vitamin A1) and phosphorus from the intestines, and also to
is an unsaturated alcohol containing an ‘ionone’ reciprocally increase the renal excretion of
ring. It is present in marine fish (cod, shark and phosphorus. Such an action is needed for proper
halibut) liver oil, egg yolk, milk and butter. mineralization of bone, and for the regulated of
Dehydroretinol (Vitamin A2) is present in fresh normal plasma calcium levels. It is known that
water fishes. Carotenoids (α, β and γ) and large of vitamin D cause decalcification of bone.
cryptoxanthin, which are fat soluble lipochromes A deficiency is rickets (in children) and
found in plants are converted into vitamin A osteomalasia (adult rickets) [10].
(active form) in the intestinal mucosa or liver.
Vitamin E acetate chemically, (2’RS, 4’RS,
Retinal generated by reversible oxidation of
8’RS)-6-acetoxy-2, 5, 7, 8-tetramethyl-2-(4’,8’,12’-
retinol is a component of the light sensitive
pigment Rhodopsin which is synthesized by rods
acetate)[12]. It is a clear, slightly greenish yellow
during dark adaptation. This pigment gets
viscous oily liquid [9]. Vitamin E is absorbed from
bleached and split into its components by dim
intestine through lymph with the help of bile; it
light and in the process generates a nerve impulse
circulates in plasma in association with â-
through a G-protein called Transducin. Retinal so
lipoprotein, is stored in tissue and excreted slowly
released is synthesized in the cones- responsible
for vision in bright light, colour vision and in bile and urine as metabolites. Vitamin E acts
primary dark adaptation. It maintains the as antioxidant, protecting unsaturated lipids in
functional and structural integrity of epithelial cell membranes, coenzyme Q, etc. from free
cells throughout the body by preventing its radical oxidation damage and curbing generation
metaplasia to stratified squamous type. This of toxic peroxidation products. No clear-cut
vitamin A probably does by stabilizing the –SH vitamin E deficiency syndrome has been
groups in proteins, maintaining the normal described in humans, but vitamin E deficiency has
amounts of mucoprotein, glycoprotein and been implicated in certain in hepatobiliary disease
keratoprotein in epithelial structures. Vitamin A and some cases hemolytic anaemia [10].
is also required for bone growth. A deficiency is Vitamin K 3 chemically , 2-methyl-1,4-
night blindness (nyctalopia) i.e. inability to see naphthaquinone [13]. It is a pale yellow crystalline
in poor light. Increased tendency to urinary stone powder [9]. It is a fat-soluble dietary principle
formation may be due to shedding of ureteric required for the synthesis of clotting factors.
epithelial lining which acts as a nidus [10]. Vitamin K has a basic naphthoquinone structure,
Vitamin D3 is chemically, (5Z, 7E)-(3S)-9, 10- with or without aside chain (R) at position 3. The
secoholesta-5, 7, 10(19)-triene-3-ol[11]. It is a white side chain in K1 is phytyl, in K2 prenyl, while in
crystalline compound9. Vitamin D is the collective K3 there is no side chain. Daily requirement is
name given to antirachitic substances synthesized uncertain, because a variable amount os
in the body and found in foods activated by menaquinone (vitamin K2) produced by colonic
ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin D1, which mixture bacteria becomes available. Vitamin K acts a
of antirachitic substances found in food-only of cofactor at late stage in the synthesis by liver of
historic interest. Vitamin D2 (calciferol), present coagulation protein-prothrombin, factors VII, IX
in irradiated food-yeasts, fungi, bread and milk. and X. The vitamin K dependent change (beta
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the carboxylation of glutamate residues of these
skin under the influence of UV rays. Vitamin D zymogen proteins) confers on them capacity to
in food requires bile and acids for its proper bind Ca 2+ and to get bound to phospholipid
absorption from the small intestines. Vitamin D surfaces-properties essential for partition in the
itself is inactive. In the body it is converted by coagulation cascade. Vitamin K deficiency is an
hydroxylation to calcifediol and 1, 2, 5- increased bleeding tendency. Epistaxis,
dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol). Alfacalcidol haematuria, ecchymoses, gastrointestinal
is a precursor of calcitriol (one of the two active bleeding, postoperative haemorrhage and
metabolites of vitamin D). The primary action of intracranial haemorrhage are common [14].
To Develop a Simple (UV-VIS Spectrometric) Method for the Estimation of Multivitamin... 45
test to see any significant difference between the Sample Absorbance Standard Weight
Amount of vitamins = × ×
data sets as calculated for p = 0.05. Standard Absorbance Standard Deilution
Sample Dilution
× Standard potancy × Average Weight
Sample Weight
Table 1
Parameter Value
Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin K3
λ max (nm) 325 264 525 635
Beer’s law limits (µg/mL) 5-35 3-20 100-350 3-10
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.9993 0.9981 0.9998 0.9989
Regression equation (Y) a
Validation of the Method: The amount found in repeatability (intraday-assay precision) and
the claiming the label and their precision for intermediate precision are listed in the table 2.
Table 2
Results of Assay and Precision Studies
Ingredient Label claim Amount Percentage* Standard Precision**
Found* Deviation* Repeatability Intermediate
(intra-assay Precision
Retinol (Vitamin 5000 IU 6352.7 IU 127.05 0.3631 0.2858 0.4063
A Acetate)
Cholecalciferol 200 IU 344.53 IU 172.26 0.5326 0.3092 0.7542
(Vitamin D3)
Tocopherol 25 IU 27.09 IU 108.36 0.3268 0.3016 0.7375
(Vitamin E Acetate)
Menadione (Vitamin K3) 70 mcg 74.89 mcg 106.98 0.8533 0.7976 0.9723
*Mean of six determinations. **%RSD of six determination Precision
To Develop a Simple (UV-VIS Spectrometric) Method for the Estimation of Multivitamin... 47
The validity of the methods for the assay of Intermediate precision is usually
vitamin was examined by determining precision demonstrated by repeated measurements of the
and accuracy [16]. In this study, we had validated sample used in the repeatability experiment
the protocol for UV-visual spectrophotometer and within the same laboratory. Usually the
four vitamins were estimated by the same repeatability experiment is repeated on the same
instrument. These were determined by analyzing sample by a different analyst, on a different day,
six replicates of the drug within the Beer’s law using different equipment if possible.
limits. The results of analysis of dosage forms are
given in Table 2. Precision was measured in terms Accuracy
of repeatability of application and measurement The accuracy of the method was determined by
date. Repeatability of a standard sample was spiking working standards of the nine vitamins
carried out six sample of the same batch. Precision into the placebo at different concentration levels:
is usually expressed as the relative standard 80, 100 and 120% of target concentration of each of
deviation (co-efficient of variation). Precision the vitamins. The resulting solutions were assayed
should be considered at different levels as in triplicate and results obtained were compared
follows: with the expected results and expressed as
percentage [18, 19]. The mean recoveries (%) of
Repeatability (Intra-assay Precision) vitamins A, D3, E and K3 were found to be 99.32,
Repeatability expresses the precision under the 98.68, 99.10 and 99.28 respectively which are within
same operating conditions over a short interval the acceptance limit.
of time. Repeatability is also termed intra-assay
precision. Repeatability of the sample preparation Table 3
Accuracy of Vitamins in Percentage
from same homogenous of marketed sample (10,
1000, 250 and 5 µg/ml of vitamin A, vitamin D3, S. No. Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin K3
vitamin E and vitamin K3 respectively). The low 1 99.12 99.42 98.36 99.27
values of relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) 2 100.02 98.23 99.26 98.84
indicate good precision of the methods. 3 98.82 98.41 99.69 99.74
The RSD for repeatability of standard Mean 99.32 98.68 99.10 99.28
preparation is 0.4431, 0.3438, 0.5915 and 0.3216 for ±SD 0.6244 0.6414 0.4697 0.4501
vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E and vitamin K3 RSD 0.6286 0.6499 0.4739 0.4533
respectively, whereas the RSD for repeatability of
sample preparation is 0.2858, 0.3092, 0.3016 and Conclusion
0.7976 vitamin A, vitamin D 3, vitamin E and
A simple, sensitive, highly accurate UV-visual
vitamin K 3 respectively. This show that the
spectrophotometric method for determination of
method is precise as RSD is below 2.0% (RSD is
vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E and
not more than 2.0% as a suggested in IP 2010) [17].
vitamin K3) in pharmaceutical capsule and tablet
Table 2 represents the precision data obtained for
dosage form was developed and validated. The
the method.
study proved that the UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
was the best instrument for estimation of fat
Intermediate Precision soluble vitamin in easier way.
Intermediate precision expresses within-
laboratory variations: different days, different Acknowledgements
analysts and equipment. Intermediate precision The authors are grateful to Syncom Healthcare Limited
of the method was determined by same sample (Labs), Dehradun for providing gift sample of the vitamins
and Mrs. K.P. Rathoure for technical help.
blend by two different analysts, using different
instruments and on different days. The results are References
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