Solar Energy PDF
Solar Energy PDF
Solar Energy PDF
Solar Energy System Design
The largest solar electric generating plant in the world produces a maximum of
354 megawatts (MW) of electricity and is located at Kramer Junction, California.
This solar energy generating facility, shown below, produces electricity for the
Southern California Edison power grid supplying the greater Los Angeles area.
The authors' goal is to provide the necessary information to design such
The solar collectors concentrate sunlight to heat a heat transfer fluid to a high
temperature. The hot heat transfer fluid is then used to generate steam that
drives the power conversion subsystem, producing electricity. Thermal energy
storage provides heat for operation during periods without adequate sunshine.
Figure 1.1 One of nine solar electric energy generating systems at Kramer Junction, California,
with a total output of 354 MWe. (photo courtesy Kramer Junction Operating Company)
Another way to generate electricity from solar energy is to use photovoltaic cells;
magic slivers of silicon that converts the solar energy falling on them directly into
electricity. Large scale applications of photovoltaic for power generation, either
on the rooftops of houses or in large fields connected to the utility grid are
promising as well to provide clean, safe and strategically sound alternatives to
current methods of electricity generation.
Figure 1.2 A 2-MW utility-scale photovoltaic power system co-located with a defunct nuclear
power plant near Sacramento, California. (photo courtesy of DOE/NREL, Warren Gretz)
The following chapters examine basic principles underlying the design and
operation of solar energy conversion systems such as shown in Figure 1.1 and
1.2. This includes collection of solar energy, either by a thermal or photovoltaic
process, and integration with energy storage and thermal-to-electric energy
conversion to meet a predefined load. Study of the interaction of these
subsystems yields the important guidelines for the design of optimal solar energy
systems. System design tools are provided to produce optimal sizing of both
collector field and storage so that optimum system designs can be produced.
Since our emphasis is on the design of entire solar energy conversion systems
rather than design of its individual components, both thermal and photovoltaic
systems are included. This novel approach results from recognition of the
commonality of most system design considerations for both types of solar energy
systems. We will not dwell on the intricacies of individual component design, but
instead encourage the designer to take experimental (or predicted) component
input/output information and incorporate this into an overall system design.
The system shown in Figure 1.1 employs parabolic trough line-focus collectors.
We will cover this and other types of collectors for capturing the sun's energy
including flat plate, parabolic dish, central receiver and photovoltaic collectors.
The purpose of a solar collector is to intercept and convert a reasonably large
fraction of the available solar radiation. For solar thermal systems this energy is
converted into thermal energy at some desired temperature and then, maybe,
into electricity.
The following sections serve as an overview of the solar energy system design
process. They follow in a general manner, the flow of logic leading from the basic
solar resource to the definition of an operating solar energy conversion system
that meets a specified demand for either thermal or electrical energy.
Figure 1.3 Diagram of a basic solar energy conversion systems. The AUX. box represents some
auxiliary source of thermal or electrical energy.
If the demand (load) to be met is electricity (an electrical load) rather than heat,
there are two common methods of converting solar energy into electricity. One
method is by collecting solar energy as heat and converting it into electricity
using a typical power plant or engine; the other method is by using photovoltaic
cells to convert solar energy directly into electricity. Both methods are shown
schematically in Figure 1.3.
1.2 The Solar Resource
The basic resource for all solar energy systems is the sun. Knowledge of the
quantity and quality of solar energy available at a specific location is of prime
importance for the design of any solar energy system. Although the solar
radiation (insolation) is relatively constant outside the earth's atmosphere, local
climate influences can cause wide variations in available insolation on the earth’s
surface from site to site. In addition, the relative motion of the sun with respect to
the earth will allow surfaces with different orientations to intercept different
amounts of solar energy.
Figure 1.4 shows regions of high insolation where solar energy conversion
systems will produce the maximum amount of energy from a specific collector
field size. However, solar energy is available over the entire globe, and only the
size of the collector field needs to be increased to provide the same amount of
heat or electricity as in the shaded areas. It is the primary task of the solar
energy system designer to determine the amount, quality and timing of the solar
energy available at the site selected for installing a solar energy conversion
Just outside the earth's atmosphere, the sun's energy is continuously available at
the rate of 1,367 Watts on every square meter facing the sun. Due to the earth's
rotation, asymmetric orbit about the sun, and the contents of its atmosphere, a
large fraction of this energy does not reach the ground. In Chapter 2, we discuss
the effects of the atmospheric processes that modify the incoming solar energy,
how it is measured, and techniques used by designers to predict the amount of
solar energy available at a particular location, both instantaneously and over a
long term.
As an example of the importance of the material discussed in Chapter 2, Figure
1.5 shows the variation of insolation over a full, clear day in March at Daggett,
California, a meteorological measurement site close to the Kramer Junction solar
power plant described previously. The outer curve, representing the greatest rate
of incident energy, shows the energy coming directly from the sun (beam normal
insolation) and falling on a square meter of surface area which is pointed toward
the sun. The peak rate of incident solar energy occurs around 12:00 noon and is
1,030 Watts per square meter. Over the full day, 10.6 kilowatt-hours of energy
has fallen on every square meter of surface area as represented by the area
under this curve.
Figure 1.5 Insolation data from Daggett, California on a clear March day.
The middle curve represents the rate of solar energy falling on a horizontal
surface at the same location. For reasons to be discussed later this curve
includes both the energy coming directly from the sun's disc, and also that
scattered by the molecules and particles in the atmosphere (total horizontal
insolation). This scattered energy is shown as the bottom curve (diffuse
insolation). Over the entire day, 6.7 kilowatt-hours of solar energy fall on every
square meter of horizontal surface, of which 0.7 kilowatt-hours comes from all
directions other than directly from the sun.
Techniques for estimating the temporal solar resource at any site on the face of
the earth are presented in Chapter 2. In addition, the development and use of
computerized meteorological data files is described. These data files based on
long-term actual observations, form the time-dependent database of the
computerized performance computations contained within this book and, indeed,
much of the solar literature.
An example of a complete set of beam normal insolation data for a given location
is shown in Figure 1.6. Here we see hourly insolation data, summarized over a
day, for each month of a year. With this type of data for a specific site, it is
possible to predict accurately the output of a solar energy conversion system,
whether it is a low temperature thermal system, a high temperature thermal
system or a photovoltaic system.
Figure 1.6 Time and date description of the global, horizontal insolation solar resource for Cairo
In addition to estimating the amount of energy coming from the sun, the solar
designer must also be able to predict the position of the sun. The sun's position
must be known to predict the amount of energy falling on tilted surfaces, and to
determine the direction toward which a tracking mechanism must point a
collector. Chapter 3 discusses the computation of the position of the sun with
respect to any given point on the face of the earth. Using only four parameters
(latitude, longitude, date and local time), equations are derived to determine the
location of the sun in the sky.
1.3 Solar Collectors
The solar collector is the key element in a solar energy system. It is also the
novel technology area that requires new understandings in order to make
captured solar energy a viable energy source for the future.
Flat-plate thermal solar collectors are the most commonly used type of solar
collector. Their construction and operation are simple. A large plate of blackened
material is oriented in such a manner that the solar energy that falls on the plate
is absorbed and converted to thermal energy thereby heating the plate. Tubes or
ducting are provided to remove heat from the plate, transferring it to a liquid or
gas, and carrying it away to the load. One (or more) transparent (glass or plastic)
plates are often placed in front of the absorber plate to reduce heat loss to the
atmosphere. Likewise, opaque insulation is placed around the backside of the
absorber plate for the same purpose. Operating temperatures up to 125 oC are
Flat plate collectors have the advantage of absorbing not only the energy coming
directly from the disc of the sun (beam normal insolation) but also the solar
energy that has been diffused into the sky and that is reflected from the ground.
Flat plate thermal collectors are seldom tracked to follow the sun's daily path
across the sky, however their fixed mounting usually provides a tilt toward the
south to minimize the angle between the sun's rays and the surface at noontime.
Tilting flat-plate collectors toward the south provides a higher rate of energy at
noontime and more total energy over the entire day. Figure 1.7 shows an
installation of flat-plate thermal collectors.
Figure 1.7 Flat-plate thermal solar collectors for providing hot water.(photo courtesy of DOE/NREL,
Warren Gretz)
Figure 1.8 Flat-plate photovoltaic collector applications.(photos courtesy of DOE/NREL, Warren Gretz)
When higher temperatures are required, concentrating solar collectors are used.
Solar energy falling on a large reflective surface is reflected onto a smaller area
before it is converted into heat. This is done so that the surface absorbing the
concentrated energy is smaller than the surface capturing the energy and
therefore can attain higher temperatures before heat loss due to radiation and
convection wastes the energy that has been collected. Most concentrating
collectors can only concentrate the parallel insolation coming directly from the
sun's disk (beam normal insolation), and must follow (track) the sun's path across
the sky. Four types of solar concentrators are in common use; parabolic troughs
(as used in the Kramer Junction, California solar energy electricity generating
plant shown in Figure 1.1), parabolic dishes, central receivers and Fresnel
lenses. Figure 1.9 shows these concepts schematically.
Figure 1.9 Three commonly used reflecting schemes for concentrating solar energy to attain
high temperatures.
A parabolic trough concentrates incoming solar radiation onto a line running the
length of the trough. A tube (receiver) carrying heat transfer fluid is placed along
this line, absorbing concentrated solar radiation and heating the fluid inside. The
trough must be tracked about one axis. Because the surface area of the receiver
tube is small compared to the trough capture area (aperture), temperatures up to
400oC can be reached without major heat loss. Figure 1.10c shows one parabolic
trough from the Kramer Junction, California field shown in Figure 1.1.
A Fresnel lens concentrator, such as shown in Figure 1.10d uses refraction rather
than reflection to concentrate the solar energy incident on the lens surface to a
point. Usually molded out of inexpensive plastic, these lenses are used in
photovoltaic concentrators. Their use is not to increase the temperature, but to
enable the use of smaller, higher efficiency photovoltaic cells. As with parabolic
dishes, point-focus Fresnel lenses must track the sun about two axes.
Figure 1.10a A central receiver system. (courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque)
Figure 1.10b Two-axis tracking parabolic dish collectors. (courtesy of Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner)
Figure 1.10c A single-axis tracking parabolic trough collector. (courtesy of Kramer Junction Operating
Figure 1.10d A concentrating photovoltaic collector using Fresnel lenses. (courtesy of Amonix Corp.)
1.4 Need for Storage
Like with any other power plant, solar power plant output must satisfy the
demands of the utility market. During peak demand periods, kilowatt-hour prices
are high and financial incentives are high for guaranteed supply. Solar plant input
is limited by diurnal, seasonal and weather-related insolation changes. In order to
cope with these fluctuations, the solar plant input may be backed up by fossil
fuels, or the solar changes may be mitigated by a buffering storage system. The
choice depends on demands, system and site conditions, the relationship
between storage capacity and collector area is discussed in Chapter 10.
In thermal solar power plants, thermal storage and/or fossil backup act as:
Figure 1.11 Stored solar energy provides a firm capacity of 31MW until midnight at which time
fossil fuel backup us used.
1.5 Integration with Power Cycles
Because of their thermal nature, all the solar thermal technologies can be
hybridized, or operated with fossil fuel as well as solar energy. Hybridization has
the potential to increase the value of concentrating solar thermal technology by
increasing its availability and dispatchability, decreasing its cost (by making more
effective use of power generation equipment), and reducing technological risk by
allowing conventional fuel use when needed.
Figure 1.12 One of the steam cycle power cycles at the Kramer Junction solar energy
generating system.(photo courtesy of DOE/NREL, Warren Gretz)
1.6 Site Qualification
Solar technologies using concentrating systems for electrical production require
sufficient beam normal radiation, which is the beam radiation which comes from
the sun and passes through the planet's atmosphere without deviation and
refraction. Consequently, appropriate site locations are normally situated in arid
to semi-arid regions. On a global scale, the solar resource in such regions is very
high. More exactly, acceptable production costs of solar electricity typically occur
where radiation levels exceed about 1,700 kWh/m²-yr, a radiation level found in
many areas as illustrated in Figure 1.4. Appropriate regions include the
southwest United States, northern Mexico, the north African desert, the Arabian
peninsula, major portions of India, central and western Australia, the high
plateaus of the Andean states, and northeastern Brazil. Promising site locations
in Europe are found in southern Spain and several Mediterranean islands.
Figure 1.13 A View of Kuraymat (Egypt), the envisaged site for a solar thermal power plant in the
Egyptian desert with cooling water from the Nile and connections to the national high voltage
Solar electricity generation costs and feasibility of the project highly depend on
the project site itself. A good site has to have a high annual beam insolation to
obtain maximum solar electricity output. It must be reasonably flat to
accommodate the solar field without prohibitive expensive earth works. It must
also be close to the grid and a substation to avoid the need to build expensive
electricity lines for evacuating the power. It needs sufficient water supply to cover
the demand for cooling water of its steam cycle. A backup fuel must be available
for granting firm power during the times when no solar energy is available.
Access roads must be suitable for transporting the heavy equipment like turbine
generators to the site. Skilled personnel must be available to construct and
operate the plants. Chapter 13 reviews the criteria, methodology and examples
of site selection and qualification for solar plants.
1.7 Economic and Environmental
The most important factor driving the solar energy system design process is
whether the energy it produces is economical. Although there are factors other
than economics that enter into a decision of when to use solar energy; i.e. no
pollution, no greenhouse gas generation, security of the energy resource etc.,
design decisions are almost exclusively dominated by the ‘levelized energy cost’.
This or some similar economic parameter, gives the expected cost of the energy
produced by the solar energy system, averaged over the lifetime of the system.
In the following chapters, we will provide tools to aid in evaluating the factors that
go into this calculation.
Figure 1.14 Projections of levelized electricity cost predictions for large scale solar thermal power
plants. Current costs are shown in blue with a 1-2 cent/kWh addition for 'green' power shown in
1.8 Summary
The authors' overall objective is to illustrate the design of solar energy systems,
both thermal and photovoltaic types. To do this, we examine the solar resource
and the ability of various types of solar collectors to capture it effectively. Design
tools are developed which integrate performance of isolated solar collectors,
along with energy storage, into a larger system that delivers either electrical or
thermal energy to a demand. We show as many examples as possible, both
graphic and photographic of these systems and their components.
It is our hope that once the simplicity of solar energy system design is
understood, engineers and manufacturers will provide new system designs that
will expand the solar market worldwide and permit all to benefit from this clean,
sustainable and distributed source of energy.
3. The Sun’s Position
In order to understand how to collect energy from the sun, one must first be able
to predict the location of the sun relative to the collection device. In this chapter
we develop the necessary equations by use of a unique vector approach. This
approach will be used in subsequent chapters to develop the equations for the
sun’s position relative to a fixed or tracking solar collector, (Chapter 4) and the
special case of a sun-tracking mirror reflecting sunlight onto a fixed point
(Chapter 10). Once developed, the sun position expressions of this chapter are
used to demonstrate how to determine the location of shadows and the design of
simple sundials. In outline form, our development looks like this:
o Earth-sun angles
o Time
o Hour angle
o Solar time
o Equation of time
o Time conversion
o Declination angle
o Latitude angle
o Observer-Sun Angles
o Solar altitude, zenith and azimuth
o Geometric view of sun’s path
o Daily and seasonal events
Although many intermediate steps of derivation used to obtain the equations
described in this chapter have been omitted, it is hoped that there are adequate
comments between steps to encourage the student to perform the derivation,
thereby enhancing understanding of the materials presented. Brief notes on the
transformation of vector coordinates are included as Section 3.5 and a summary
of sign conventions for all of the angles used in this chapter is given in Table 3.3
at the end of this chapter. Figures defining each angle and an equation to
calculate it are also included.
One objective in writing this chapter has been to present adequate analytical
expressions so that the solar designer is able to develop simple computer
algorithms for predicting relative sun and collector positions for exact design
conditions and locations. This will eliminate the need to depend on charts and
tables and simplified equations.
The earth revolves around the sun every 365.25 days in an elliptical orbit, with a
mean earth-sun distance of 1.496 x 1011 m (92.9 x 106 miles) defined as one
astronomical unit (1 AU). This plane of this orbit is called the ecliptic plane. The
earth's orbit reaches a maximum distance from the sun, or aphelion, of 1.52 ×
1011 m (94.4 × 106 miles) on about the third day of July. The minimum earth-sun
distance, the perihelion, occurs on about January 2nd, when the earth is 1.47 ×
1011 m (91.3 × 106 miles) from the sun. Figure 3.1 depicts these variations in
relation to the Northern Hemisphere seasons.
Figure 3.1 The ecliptic plane showing variations in the earth-sun distance and the equinoxes and
solstices. The dates and day numbers shown are for 1981 and may vary by 1 or 2 days.
The earth rotates about its own polar axis, inclined to the ecliptic plane by 23.45
degrees, in approximately 24-hour cycles. The direction in which the polar axis
points is fixed in space and is aligned with the North Star (Polaris) to within about
45 minutes of arc (13 mrad). The earth’s rotation about its polar axis produces
our days and nights; the tilt of this axis relative to the ecliptic plane produces our
seasons as the earth revolves about the sun.
3.1.1 Time
We measure the passage of time by measuring the rotation of the earth about its
axis. The base for time (and longitude) measurement is the meridian that passes
through Greenwich, England and both poles. It is known as the Prime Meridian.
Today, the primary world time scale, Universal Time (previously called Greenwich
Mean Time), is still measured at the Prime Meridian. This is a 24-hour time
system, based on mean time, according to which the length of a day is 24 hours
and midnight is 0 hours.
Mean time is based on the length of an average day. A mean second is l/86,400
of the average time between one complete transits of the sun, averaged over the
entire year. In fact, the length of any one specific day, measured by the complete
transit of the sun, can vary by up to 30 seconds during the year. The variable day
length is due to four factors listed in order of decreasing importance (Jesperson
and Fitz-Randolph, 1977):
• The earth’s orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle but elliptical, so the
earth travels faster when it is nearer the sun than when it is farther away.
• The earth’s axis is tilted to the plane containing its orbit around the sun.
Time is now generally measured about standard time zone meridians. These
meridians are located every 15 degrees from the Prime Meridian so that local
time changes in 1-hour increments from one standard time zone meridian to the
next. The standard time zone meridians east of Greenwich have times later than
Greenwich time, and the meridians to the west have earlier times.
Ideally, the meridians 7 degrees on either side of the standard time zone
meridian should define the time zone. However, boundaries separating time
zones are not meridians but politically determined borders following rivers,
county, state or national boundaries, or just arbitrary paths. Countries such as
Spain choose to be on `European Time (15o E) when their longitudes are well
within the adjacent Standard Time Meridian (0o). Figure 3.2 shows these time
zone boundaries within the United States and gives the standard time zone
meridians (called longitudes of solar time).
Figure 3.2 Time zone boundaries within the United States. From Jesperson and Fitz-Randolph
Daylight Savings Time -To complicate matters further in trying to correlate clock
time with the movement of the sun, a concept known as daylight savings time
was initiated in the United States in the spring of 1918 to "save fuel and promote
other economies in a country at war" (Jesperson and Fitz-Randolph, 1977).
According to this concept, the standard time is advanced by 1 hour, usually from
2:00 AM on the first Sunday in April until 2:00 AM on the last Sunday in October.
Although various attempts have been made to apply this concept uniformly within
the country, it is suggested that the designer check locally to ascertain the
commitment to this concept at any specific solar site.
Sidereal Time - So far, and for the remainder of this text, all reference to time is
to mean time, a time system based on the assumption that a day (86,400
seconds) is the average interval between two successive times when a given
point on the earth faces the sun. In astronomy or orbital mechanics, however, the
concept of sidereal time is often used. This time system is based on the sidereal
day, which is the length of time for the earth to make one complete rotation about
its axis.
The mean day is about 4 minutes longer than the sidereal day because the earth,
during the time it is making one revolution about its axis, has moved some
distance in its orbit around the sun. To be exact, the sidereal day contains 23
hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09053 seconds of mean time. Since, by definition, there
are 86,400 sidereal seconds in a sidereal day, the sidereal second is slightly
shorter than the mean solar second is. To be specific: 1 mean second =
1.002737909 sidereal seconds. A detailed discussion of this and other time
definitions is contained in another work (Anonymous, 1981, Section B).
3.1.2 The Hour Angle
To describe the earth's rotation about its polar axis, we use the concept of the
hour angle . As shown in Figure 3.3, the hour angle is the angular
distance between the meridian of the observer and the meridian whose plane
contains the sun. The hour angle is zero at solar noon (when the sun reaches its
highest point in the sky). At this time the sun is said to be ‘due south’ (or ‘due
north’, in the Southern Hemisphere) since the meridian plane of the observer
contains the sun. The hour angle increases by 15 degrees every hour.
Figure 3.3 The hour angle . This angle is defined as the angle between the meridian
parallel to sun rays and the meridian containing the observer.
Solar Time - Solar time is based on the 24-hour clock, with 12:00 as the time
that the sun is exactly due south. The concept of solar time is used in predicting
the direction of sunrays relative to a point on the earth. Solar time is location
(longitude) dependent and is generally different from local clock time, which is
defined by politically defined time zones and other approximations.
Solar time is used extensively in this text to define the rotation of the earth
relative to the sun. An expression to calculate the hour angle from solar time is
EXAMPLE: When it is 3 hours after solar noon, solar time is 15:00 and the hour angle has a
value of 45 degrees. When it is 2 hours and 20 minutes before solar noon, solar time is 9:40 and
the hour angle is 325 degrees (or 35 degrees).
The difference between solar time and local clock time can approach 2 hours
at various locations and times in the United States, For most solar design
purposes, clock time is of little concern, and it is appropriate to present data in
terms of solar time. Some situations, however, such as energy demand
correlations, system performance correlations, determination of true south, and
tracking algorithms require an accurate knowledge of the difference between
solar time and the local clock time.
Knowledge of solar time and Universal Time has traditionally been important to
ship navigators. They would set their chronometers to an accurately adjusted
tower clock visible as they left port. This was crucial for accurate navigation. At
sea a ship's latitude could be easily ascertained by determining the maximum
altitude angle of the sun or the altitude angle of Polaris at night. However,
determining the ship’s longitude was more difficult and required that an accurate
clock be carried onboard. If the correct time at Greenwich, England (or any other
known location) was known, then the longitude of the ship could be found by
measuring the solar time onboard the ship (through sun sightings) and
subtracting from it the time at Greenwich. Since the earth rotates through 360
degrees of longitude every 24 hours, the ship then has traveled 1 degree of
longitude away from the Prime Meridian (which passes through Greenwich) for
every 4 minutes of time difference. An interesting story about developing
accurate longitude measurements may be found in Sobel, 1999.
Equation of Time - The difference between mean solar time and true solar time
on a given date is shown in Figure 3.4. This difference is called the equation of
time (EOT). Since solar time is based on the sun being due south at 12:00 noon
on any specific day, the accumulated difference between mean solar time and
true solar time can approach 17 minutes either ahead of or behind the mean,
with an annual cycle.
The level of accuracy required in determining the equation of time will depend on
whether the designer is doing system performance or developing tracking
equations. An approximation for calculating the equation of time in minutes is
given by Woolf (1968) and is accurate to within about 30 seconds during daylight
with the day number, N being the number of days since January 1. Table 3.1
has been prepared as an aid in rapid determination of values of N from calendar
1. d is the day of the month
2. Leap years are 2000, 2004, 2008 etc.
3. Solstice and equinox dates may vary by a day or two. Also, add 1 to the
solstice and equinox day number for leap years.
Figure 3.4 The equation of time (EOT). This is the difference between the local apparent solar
time and the local mean solar time.
EXAMPLE: February 11 is the 42nd day of the year, therefore N = 42 and x is equal to 40.41
degrees, and the equation of time as calculated above is 14.35 minutes. This
compares with a very accurately calculated value of -14.29 minutes reported elsewhere
(Anonymous, 198l). This means that on this date, there is a difference between the mean time
and the solar time of a little over 14 minutes or that the sun is "slow" relative to the clock by that
Here n is the number of days into a leap year cycle with n = 1 being January 1
of each leap year, and n =1461 corresponding to December 31 of the 4th year of
the leap year cycle. The coefficients Ak and Bk are given in Table 3.2 below.
Arguments for the cosine and sine functions are in degrees.
k Ak (hr) Bk (hr)
0 2.0870 × 10-4 0
1 9.2869 × 10-3
× 10 -1
5.2258 1.5698
× 10-2 × 10-1
1.3077 5.1 602
× l0 -3
× 10 -3
2.1867 2.9823
× l0-3 × 10-3
1.5100 2.3463
× 10 -4
× 10 -4
EXAMPLE: Let us find the clock time for solar noon at a location in Los Angeles, having a
longitude of 118.3 degrees on February 11. Since Los Angeles is on Pacific Standard Time and
not on daylight savings time on this date, the local clock time will be:
3.1.3 The Declination Angle
The plane that includes the earth’s equator is called the equatorial plane. If a
line is drawn between the center of the earth and the sun, the angle between this
line and the earth's equatorial plane is called the declination angle , as
depicted in Figure 3.5. At the time of year when the northern part of the earth's
rotational axis is inclined toward the sun, the earth’s equatorial plane is inclined
23.45 degrees to the earth-sun line. At this time (about June 21), we observe that
the noontime sun is at its highest point in the sky and the declination angle
= +23.45 degrees. We call this condition the summer solstice, and it marks the
beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
As the earth continues its yearly orbit about the sun, a point is reached
about 3 months later where a line from the earth to the sun lies on the equatorial
plane. At this point an observer on the equator would observe that the sun was
directly overhead at noontime. This condition is called an equinox since
anywhere on the earth, the time during which the sun is visible (daytime) is
exactly 12 hours and the time when it is not visible (nighttime) is 12 hours. There
are two such conditions during a year; the autumnal equinox on about
September 23, marking the start of the fall; and the vernal equinox on about
March 22, marking the beginning of spring. At the equinoxes, the declination
angle is zero.
Figure 3.5 The declination angle . The earth is shown in the summer solstice position
when = +23.45 degrees. Note the definition of the tropics as the intersection of the earth-
sun line with the surface of the earth at the solstices and the definition of the Arctic and Antarctic
circles by extreme parallel sun rays.
The winter solstice occurs on about December 22 and marks the point
where the equatorial plane is tilted relative to the earth-sun line such that the
northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. We say that the noontime sun is
at its "lowest point" in the sky, meaning that the declination angle is at its most
negative value (i.e., = -23.45 degrees). By convention, winter declination
angles are negative.
ephemeris; an example being (Anonymous, 198l). For most solar design
purposes, however, an approximation accurate to within about 1 degree is
adequate. One such approximation for the declination angle is
where the argument of the cosine here is in degrees and N is the day number
defined for Equation (3.3) The annual variation of the declination angle is shown
in Figure 3.5.
The latitude angle is the angle between a line drawn from a point on
the earth’s surface to the center of the earth, and the earth’s equatorial plane.
The intersection of the equatorial plane with the surface of the earth forms the
equator and is designated as 0 degrees latitude. The earth’s axis of rotation
intersects the earth’s surface at 90 degrees latitude (North Pole) and -90 degrees
latitude (South Pole). Any location on the surface of the earth then can be
defined by the intersection of a longitude angle and a latitude angle.
Other latitude angles of interest are the Tropic of Cancer (+23.45 degrees
latitude) and the Tropic of Capricorn (- 23.45 degrees latitude). These represent
the maximum tilts of the north and south poles toward the sun. The other two
latitudes of interest are the Arctic circle (66.55 degrees latitude) and Antarctic
circle (-66.5 degrees latitude) representing the intersection of a perpendicular to
the earth-sun line when the south and north poles are at their maximum tilts
toward the sun. As will be seen below, the tropics represent the highest latitudes
where the sun is directly overhead at solar noon, and the Arctic and Antarctic
circles, the lowest latitudes where there are 24 hours of daylight or darkness. All
of these events occur at either the summer or winter solstices.
When we observe the sun from an arbitrary position on the earth, we are
interested in defining the sun position relative to a coordinate system based at
the point of observation, not at the center of the earth. The conventional earth-
surface based coordinates are a vertical line (straight up) and a horizontal plane
containing a north-south line and an east-west line. The position of the sun
relative to these coordinates can be described by two angles; the solar altitude
angle and the solar zenith angle defined below. Since the sun appears not as a
point in the sky, but as a disc of finite size, all angles discussed in the following
sections are measured to the center of that disc, that is, relative to the "central
ray" from the sun.
3.2.1 Solar Altitude, Zenith, and Azimuth Angles
The solar altitude angle is defined as the angle between the central ray
from the sun, and a horizontal plane containing the observer, as shown in Figure
3.6. As an alternative, the sun’s altitude may be described in terms of the solar
zenith angle which is simply the complement of the solar altitude angle
The other angle defining the position of the sun is the solar azimuth angle (A).
It is the angle, measured clockwise on the horizontal plane, from the north-
pointing coordinate axis to the projection of the sun’s central ray.
Figure 3.6 Earth surface coordinate system for observer at Q showing the solar azimuth angle Α,
the solar altitude angle and the solar zenith angle for a central sun ray
along direction vector S. Also shown are unit vectors i, j, k along their respective axes.
The reader should be warned that there are other conventions for the solar
azimuth angle in use in the solar literature. One of the more common
conventions is to measure the azimuth angle from the south-pointing coordinate
rather than from the north-pointing coordinate. Another is to consider the
counterclockwise direction positive rather than clockwise. The information in
Table 3.3 at the end of this chapter will be an aid in recognizing these differences
when necessary.
where i, j, and k are unit vectors along the z, e, and n axes respectively. The
direction cosines of S relative to the z, e, and n axes are Sz, Se and Sn, respectively.
These may be written in terms of solar altitude and azimuth as
Similarly, a direction vector pointing to the sun can be described at the center
of the earth as shown in Figure 3.7. If the origin of a new set of coordinates is
defined at the earth’s center, the m axis can be a line from the origin intersecting
the equator at the point where the meridian of the observer at Q crosses. The e
axis is perpendicular to the m axis and is also in the equatorial plane. The third
orthogonal axis p may then be aligned with the earth’s axis of rotation. A new
direction vector S´ pointing to the sun may be described in terms of its direction
cosines S´m , S'e and S'p relative to the m, e, and p axes, respectively. Writing these
in terms of the declination and hour angles, we have
Figure 3.7 Earth center coordinate system for the sun ray direction vector S defined in terms of
These two sets of coordinates are interrelated by a rotation about the e axis
through the latitude angle and translation along the earth radius QC. We
will neglect the translation along the earth’s radius since this is about 1 / 23,525
of the distance from the earth to the sun, and thus the difference between the
direction vectors S and S´ is negligible. The rotation from the m, e, p coordinates
to the z, e, n coordinates, about the e axis is depicted in Figure 3.8. Both sets of
coordinates are summarized in Figure 3.9. Note that this rotation about the e axis
is in the negative sense based on the right-hand rule. In matrix notation, this
takes the form
Figure 3.8 Earth surface coordinates after translation from the observer at Q to the earth center
Figure 3.9 Composite view of Figures 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 showing parallel sun ray vectors S and S’
relative to the earth surface and the earth center coordinates.
Solving, we have
Substituting Equations (3.10) and (3.1)(3.11) for the direction cosine gives us
our three important results
Equation (3.14) is an expression for the solar altitude angle in terms of the
observer’s latitude (location), the hour angle (time), and the sun’s declination
(date). Solving for the solar altitude angle , we have
Two equivalent expressions result for the solar azimuth angle (A) from either
Equation (3.15) or (3.16). To reduce the number of variables, we could substitute
Equation (3.14) into either Equation (3.15) or (3.16); however, this substitution
results in additional terms and is often omitted to enhance computational speed
in computer codes.
The solar azimuth angle can be in any of the four trigonometric quadrants
depending on location, time of day, and the season. Since the arc sine and arc
cosine functions have two possible quadrants for their result, both Equations
(3.15) and (3.16) require a test to ascertain the proper quadrant. No such test is
required for the solar altitude angle, since this angle exists in only one quadrant.
The appropriate procedure for solving Equation (3.15) is to test the result to
determine whether the time is before or after solar noon. For Equation (3.15), a
test must be made to determine whether the solar azimuth is north or south of
the east-west line.
Two methods for calculating the solar azimuth (A), including the appropriate
tests, are given by the following equations. Again, these are written for the
azimuth angle sign convention used in this text, that is, that the solar azimuth
angle is measured from due north in a clockwise direction, as with compass
directions. Solving Equation (3.15) the untested result, A’ then becomes
In summary, we now have equations for both the sun’s altitude angle and
azimuth angle written in terms of the latitude, declination and hour angles. This
now permits us to calculate the sun’s position in the sky, as a function of date,
time and location (N, , ).
EXAMPLE: For a site in Miami, Florida (25 degrees, 48 minutes north latitude/ 80
degrees, 16 minutes west longitude) at 10:00 AM solar time on August 1 (not a leap year), find
the sun's altitude, zenith and azimuth angles.....For these conditions, the declination angle is
calculated to be 17.90 degrees, the hour angle -30 degrees and the sun's altitude angle is then
61.13 degrees, the zenith angle 28.87 degrees and the azimuth angle 99.77 degrees.
The path of the sun across the sky can be viewed as being on a disc displaced
from the observer. This "geometric" view of the sun's path can be helpful in
visualizing sun movements and in deriving expressions for testing the sun angles
as needed for Equation (3.18) to ascertain whether the sun is in the northern sky.
The sun may be viewed as traveling about a disc having a radius R at a constant
rate of 15 degrees per hour. As shown in Figure 3.10, the center of this disc
appears at different seasonal locations along the polar axis, which passes
through the observer at Q and is inclined to the horizon by the latitude angle
pointing toward the North Star (Polaris).
Figure 3.10 A geometric view of the sun’s path as seen by an observer at Q. Each disc has
radius R.
The center of the disc is coincident with the observer Q at the equinoxes and is
displaced from the observer by a distance of at other times of the
year. The extremes of this travel are at the solstices when the disc is displaced
by ± 0.424 R along the polar axis. It can be seen that in the winter, much of the
disc is "submerged" below the horizon, giving rise to fewer hours of daylight and
low sun elevations as viewed from Q.
At the equinoxes, the sun rises exactly due east at exactly 6:00 AM (solar
time) and appears to the observer to travel at a constant rate across the sky
along a path inclined from the vertical by the local latitude angle. Exactly one-half
of the disc is above the horizon, giving the day length as 12 hours. At noon, the
observer notes that the solar zenith angle is the same as the local latitude. The
sun sets at exactly 6:00 PM, at a solar azimuth angle of exactly 270 degrees or
due west.
In the summer, the center of the disc is above the observer, giving rise to more
hours of daylight and higher solar altitude angles, with the sun appearing in the
northern part of the sky in the mornings and afternoons.
Since the inclination of the polar axis varies with latitude it can be visualized that
there are some latitudes where the summer solstice disc is completely above the
horizon surface. It can be shown that this occurs for latitudes greater than 66.55
degrees, that is, above the Arctic Circle. At the equator, the polar axis is
horizontal and exactly half of any disc appears above the horizon surface, which
means that the length of day and night is 12 hours throughout the year.
A test to determine whether the sun is in the northern part of the sky may be
developed by use of this geometry. Figure 3.11 is a side view of the sun’s disc
looking from the east.
Figure 3.11 Side view of sun path disc during the summer when the disc center Y is above the
observer at Q.
In the summer the sun path disc of radius R has its center Y displaced above the
observer Q. Point X is defined by a perpendicular from Q. In the n - z plane, the
projection of the position S onto the line containing X and Y will be
where is the hour angle. The appropriate test for the sun being in the
northern sky is then
This is the test applied to Equation (3.18) to ensure that computed solar
azimuth angles are in the proper quadrant.
Often the solar designer will want to predict the time and location of sunrise and
sunset, the length of day, and the maximum solar altitude. Expressions for these
are easily obtained by substitutions into expressions developed in Section 3.2. l.
The hour angle for sunset (and sunrise) may be obtained from Equation (3.17) by
substituting the condition that the solar altitude at sunset equals the angle to the
horizon. If the local horizon is flat, the solar altitude is zero at sunset and the hour
angle at sunset becomes
The above two tests relate only to latitudes beyond ± 66.55 degrees, i.e.
above the Arctic Circle or below the Antarctic Circle.
If the hour angle at sunset is known, this may be substituted into Equation
(3.18) or (3.19) to ascertain the solar azimuth at sunrise or sunset.
Another limit that may be obtained is the maximum and minimum noontime
solar altitude angle. Substitution of a value of into Equation (3.17)
EXAMPLE: At a latitude of 35 degrees on the summer solstice (June 21), find the solar time
of sunrise and sunset, the hours of daylight, the maximum solar altitude and the compass
direction of the sun at sunrise and sunset.....On the summer solstice, the declination angle is
+23.45 degrees, giving an hour angle at sunset of 107.68 degrees. Therefore, the time of
sunrise is 4:49:17 and of sunset, 19:10:43. There are 14.36 hours of daylight that day, and the
sun reaches a maximum altitude angle of 78.45 degrees. The sun rises at an azimuth angle of
60.94 degrees (north of east) and sets at an azimuth angle of 299.06 degrees (north of west).
Now that we have developed the appropriate equations to define the direction of
the sun on any day, any time and any location, let’s look at two applications,
which are interesting, and may be of value to the solar designer.
Figure 3.12 shows a vertical pole on a horizontal surface. The problem here is to
define the length and direction of the shadow cast by the pole. This will first be
done in terms of radial coordinates and then in Cartesian coordinates.
In polar coordinates, for a pole height, OP and the shadow azimuth, θs defined in
the same manner as the previous azimuth angles i.e. relative to true north with
clockwise being positive, we have for the shadow length:
Figure 3.12 Shadow cast by pole OP showing x and y coordinates of shadow tip, and shadow
azimuth (As).
Shadow coordinates are important for performing solar studies, especially related
to the siting of solar energy systems. All that is needed is the latitude, hour angle
and declination (i.e. the date) along with the location of the point causing the
shadow. With a little bit of imagination, these equations can be used to predict
shadowing of nearby terrain by trees or structures. All that is needed is to define
a set of points on an object, and predict the shadow cast by that point
Example: At a latitude of 35.7 degrees north on August 24 (day number 236) at 14:00, the sun’s
altitude is 53.1 degrees and its azimuth 234.9 degrees. Then the shadow cast by a 10 cm high
vertical pole is 7.51 cm long, and has a shadow azimuth (from north) of 54.9 degrees. The x-
and y-coordinates of the tip of the shadow are: x = 6.14 cm and y = 4.32 cm.
3.3.1 Sundials
Throughout the history of mankind, the sun’s shadow has been used to tell he
time of day. Ingenious devices casting shadows on surfaces of all shapes and
orientations have been devised. However, all of these can be understood with a
simple manipulation of Equations (3.25) through (3.28) developed above.
The most common sundial consists of a flat, horizontal ‘card’ with lines marked
for each hour of daylight. These lines spread out from a point with the noon line
pointing toward the North Pole. A ‘gnomon’ or shadow-casting device, is mounted
perpendicular to the card and along the noon line. The gnomon is tapered at the
local latitude angle, with its height increasing toward the north. Figure
3.13 below shows a simple horizontal sundial with the important angles defined.
In order to derive an equation for the directions of the time lines on the card, it
must be assumed that the declination angle is zero (i.e. at the
equinoxes). Using Equations (3.27) and (3.28) to define the coordinates of the
shadow cast by the tip of the gnomon, and Equations (3.14), (3.15) and (3.16) to
describe these in terms of the latitude angle , and the hour angle
with the declination angle being set to zero. An expression for the angle
between the gnomon shadow and its base may be derived. Through simple
geometric manipulations, the expression for this angle simplifies to
where i, j, and k are unit vectors collinear with the x, y, and z-axes,
respectively, and the scalar coefficients (Vx, Vy, Vz) are defined along these same
axes. To describe V in terms of a new set of coordinate axes x', y ', and z' with
their respective unit vectors i', j' and k' in the form
The result is a new column matrix representing the vector in the new
coordinate system. In matrix form this operation is represented by
where Aij is defined in Figure 3.14 for rotations about the x, y, or z axis.
Figure 3.14 Axis rotation matrices AI j for rotation about the three principal coordinate axes by the
angle .
the matrices given in Figure 3-22 are valid only for right-handed, orthogonal
coordinate systems, and when positive values of the angle of rotation,
are determined by the right-hand rule.
Table 3.3 summarizes the angles described in this chapter along with their zero
value orientation, range and sign convention.
Positive Equation
Title Symbol Zero Range Figure No.
Direction No.
Earth-Sun Angles
Latitude equator +/- 90o --- 3.3
Declination equinox summer +/- 23.45o (3.7) 3.5
Hour Angle noon afternoon +/- 180o (3.1) 3.3
Observer-Sun Angles
Sun Altitude horizontal upward 0 to 90o (3.17) 3.6
Sun Zenith vertical toward horizon 0 to 90o (3.8) 3.6
(3.18) or
Sun Azimuth A due north clockwise* 0 to 360o 3.6
Shadow and Sundial Angles
As due north clockwise 0 to 360o (3.26) 3.12
noon afternoon +/- 180o (3.29) 3.13
Anonymous (1981), "The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 1981," issued by the
Nautical Almanac Office of the United States Naval Observatory.
Blaise, C. (2000), Time Lord - Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard
Time, Pantheon Books, New York.
Jesperson, J., and J. Fitz-Randolph (1977), "From Sundials to Atomic Clocks,"
National Bureau of Standards Monograph 155, December.
Lamm, L. 0. (1981), "A New Analytic Expression for the Equation of Time," Solar
Energy 26 (5), 465.
Sobel, D. (1995), Longitude - The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the
Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time ,Fourth Estate Ltd., London.
Woolf, H. M. (1968), "On the Computation of Solar Evaluation Angles and the
Determination of Sunrise and Sunset Times, "National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Report NASA TM-X -164, September.
Collecting Solar Energy
In Chapter 2, we developed an understanding of how to determine the rate and
amount of energy coming from the sun. We introduced in that section the
concept of the cosine effect or cosine loss representing the difference between
the amount of energy falling on a surface pointing at the sun, and a surface
parallel to the surface of the earth.
In order to collect solar energy here on the earth, it is important to know the angle
between the sun’s rays and a collector surface (aperture). When a collector is not
pointing (or more exactly, when the collector aperture normal is not pointing)
directly at the sun, some of the energy that could be collected is being lost.
Global (total) aperture
Solar radiation energy on a
collector aperture
Examples for clear days
Two-axis tracking
Single-axis tracking
Fixed apertures
Examples using TMY database
o Summary
In this section we derive expressions for the angle of incidence for both fixed-
axis and single-axis tracking apertures. We also derive equations for the tracking
angle for both single-axis and two-axis (full) tracking apertures. Zimmerman
(1981) has reviewed a number of sun pointing programs and evaluated their
The cosine of the angle of incidence for an arbitrarily oriented surface or aperture
that does not track may be described in terms of the orientation of the collector
and the solar altitude and azimuth angles. An expression for this is developed by
taking the scalar or dot product of a unit vector S pointing from the collector
aperture toward the sun and a unit vector N normal to the collector aperture. The
unit vector S was defined in Chapter 3 by Equation (3.9) in terms of direction
cosines given in Equation (3.10) which are functions of the solar altitude and
azimuth angles.
To define N using the same axes, we will define an aperture tilt angle
and an aperture azimuth angle as pictured in Figure 4.1. The sign
convention for is the same as for the solar azimuth (A); that is, north is
zero and clockwise angles are positive. The direction cosines of N along the z, e,
and n axes, respectively, are
Figure 4.1 A fixed aperture with its orientation defined by the tilt angle and the
aperture azimuth angle . The aperture normal N and sun position vector S are also
The cosine of the angle between a sunray and the aperture normal is the
dot product of these two unit vectors:
Applying Equations (3.10) and (4.1), we have for the cosine of the angle of
incidence for a fixed aperture:
For horizontal apertures, the tilt angle is zero and Equation (4.3)
about an axis of rotation until the sun central ray and the aperture normal are
coplanar. Figure 4.2 shows how rotation of a collector aperture about a tracking
axis r brings the central ray unit vector S into the plane formed by the aperture
normal and the tracking axis. The angle of incidence is also shown. The
tracking angle measures rotation about the tracking axis r, with
when N is vertical.
Figure 4.2 A single-axis tracking aperture where tracking rotation is about the r axis. The sun ray
vector S is kept in the plane formed by the r axis and the aperture normal N by this rotation.
Figure 4.3 Single axis tracking system coordinates. The collector aperture rotates about the r
axis, where N is a unit vector normal to the collector aperture.
coordinates that were used to describe the sun ray unit vector S in Equation
(3.10). Since the tracking axis is to remain parallel to the surface of the earth, this
rotation takes place about the z-axis as shown in Figure 4.4, with the u and z-
axes coincident. Note that this rotation is in the negative direction based on the
right-hand rule. The rotated direction cosines of S take the form
Figure 4.4 Rotation of the u, b, r coordinates from the z, e, n coordinates about the z-axis. Diagram
shows view looking downward on the surface of the earth.
Solving and substituting into Equation (4.8), we have for the general case of a
collector aperture tracking about a single, horizontal axis, the tracking angle
When the tracking axis is oriented in the east-west direction, Equations (4.11)
and (4.12) become
Tilted Tracking Axis. Starting with the arbitrarily oriented horizontal tracking
axis r from the previous section, we now tilt this axis from the horizon by an angle
as shown in Figure 4.5. Again, describing the direction cosines for the
sunray unit vector in these new coordinates, we take a column matrix describing
the solution to Equation (4.10) and rotate it in a positive direction through an
angle . The direction cosines are found by solving
Figure 4.5 Rotation of the collector coordinates about the horizontal axis b.
If the tracking axis r is tilted toward the south as is often done, the equations
above simplify on setting to 180 degrees.
Figure 4.6 Tracking with the collector offset with respect to the tracking axis by an angle
Two special cases of Equation (4.18) and (4.19) that occur in practice are the
case of the vertical collector and the collector whose tracking axis is tilted toward
the south at the local latitude angle .
Vertical Tracking Axis For the vertical tracking axis case, the tracking axis
become collinear with the zenith axis and Equations (4.18) and (4.19) simplifies
Vertical Tracking Axis With Offset Aperture In some designs the collector aperture
is offset by an angle relative to the vertical tracking axis. In this case,
the tracking angle and angle of incidence become
where when the tracking axis is aligned with the plane of the
aperture. Examples of this scheme are large concentrator arrays floating in a
pond and arrays on circular railroad-like tracks.
Tracking Axis Tilted at Latitude Angle. When the tracking axis is tilted from the
horizon by the latitude angle, toward the south, it is parallel to the earth’s
rotational pole and points toward the pole star, Polaris. Called either a polar
mounting or an equatorial mounting, the solution of Equations (4.18) and (4.19)
for this case reveals two important aspects of this class of mount. Substituting
the latitude angle for the tilt angle and then substituting
Equations (3.17) and either (3.18) or (3.19) to replace the solar altitude and
azimuth with latitude, declination, and hour angle does this.
Starting with Equation (3.10) and casting the direction cosines of S in terms of
latitude, declination, and hour angles through application of Equation (3.14),
(3.15) and (3.16), these are substituted into Equation (4.22) for Sz, Se, and Sn.
Taking the definition of and from Equations (4.8) and (4.9) and
after considerable simplification, we have for the tracking angle and angle of
incidence for the polar mount:
Since the hour angle changes at the exact rate of 15 degrees per
hour, a simple constant speed "clock drive" can be used to turn the aperture
about the tracking axis.
Of more importance is the fact that the declination angle changes very slowly
with a maximum rate of about 0.4 degree per day at the equinoxes. This gives
rise to the possibility of periodic adjustments of the angle between the collector
aperture and the tracking axis in order to maintain a small angle of incidence.
With two-axis tracking, a collector aperture will always be normal to the sun.
Therefore the cosine effect does not come into play and;
For aiming an aperture toward the sun at all times, rotation about two axes is
always required. Two types of tracking mechanism are commonly in use for this
purpose: azimuth / elevation tracking systems (also called az-el systems) and
polar or equatorial tracking systems.
Azimuth / Elevation Tracking. With azimuth / elevation tracking, the collector
aperture must be free to rotate about the zenith axis and an axis parallel to the
surface of the earth. The tracking angle about the zenith axis is the solar azimuth
angle (A), and the tracking angle about the horizontal axis is the solar
altitude angle , as defined in Equations, (3.18), (3.19) and (3.17)
The slew rate about the vertical axis is found similarly from Equation (3.18)
and is
Figure 4.7 shows the variation of these slew rates at a specific location. Note
the very high azimuth slew rates required near the summer solstice at noon. This
must be considered in the design of tracking drive mechanisms and tracking
Figure 4.7 Variation in the rate at which the solar azimuth and altitude angles change for three
representative days. The latitude is 32 degrees for this example.
Polar (Equatorial) Tracking. For polar or equatorial tracking systems, one axis of
rotation is aligned parallel to the earth’s rotational pole, that is, aimed toward the
star Polaris. This gives it a tilt from the horizon equal to the local latitude angle.
As described in the previous section, the tracking angle about the polar axis is
equal to the sun’s hour angle . The other axis of rotation is
perpendicular to this polar axis. The tracking angle about this axis (called the
declination axis) is the declination angle .
The slew rate about the polar axis is constant at 15 degrees per hour. The
slew rate about the declination axis is very slow, giving rise to the possibility of
incremental adjustment. The rate is dependent on the time of year and can be
found by taking the derivative of Equation (3.7) with respect to time. The result is
which give a maximum tracking rate of 0.0163 degrees per hour (0.28 mrad/h)
at the equinoxes. With many types of concentrating collector optics, incremental
adjustment rather than a continuous tracking motion may do this slow rate of
The aperture area of a solar collector is the area of the opening into which
insolation passes. This is the area one would obtain by direct measurement and
does not include any area reduction due to angle of incidence effects or
shadowing. After passing through the aperture, that insolation may be
concentrated or absorbed as is the case for the flat-plate collector.
The rate at which solar energy enters a collector aperture, divided by the
aperture area is called the aperture irradiance. This is usually made up of beam
aperture irradiance and diffuse aperture irradiance. The angle of incidence
between the aperture normal and a central ray of the sun depends on the time of
day, the day of the year, the location and orientation of the aperture, and whether
it is stationary or tracks the sun’s movement about one or two axes as described
For concentrating solar collectors, the solar designer is only interested in the
direct (beam) irradiance on the aperture since most concentrating collectors only
concentrate the direct irradiance. For flat-plate solar collectors, the global (total)
aperture irradiance is of interest since flat-plate collectors are able to absorb both
direct and diffuse irradiance.
The collector aperture irradiance, the rate at which solar energy is incident on the
aperture per unit aperture area, may be found from the irradiance measurements
discussed to this point. If only the beam component of insolation is of interest (as
with most concentrating collectors), the aperture irradiance for beam insolation
may be calculated as:
where is the beam normal irradiance and is the angle of
incidence. Here, the reader can see here the importance of being able to
calculate the angle of incidence
Data for both direct normal irradiance and global horizontal irradiance are
generally available in the TMY2 and other databases (see Chapter 2). The
diffuse irradiance can be calculated using Equation (2.9). A table of various
ground surface reflectance values is provided in the Appendix.
Using the appropriate equation for angle of incidence derived in Section 4.1
above, the solar designer can now calculate how much global (direct) solar
energy is coming to a collector aperture at any time, date and location, and with
any orientation or tracking design.
The aperture solar radiation energy is the irradiance on the aperture summed
(integrated) over a period of time, usually a full day. In some texts and figures in
this book, solar radiation energy is also called irradiation.
As in Equation (2.3), the daily beam (direct) aperture solar radiation energy is
found by integrating the beam aperture irradiance given in Equation (4.28), from
sunrise to sunset
Likewise, the daily global (total) aperture solar radiation energy is found by
integrating the global aperture irradiance given in Equation (4.29), from sunrise to
Also of interest are the monthly and annual solar radiation available to a
collector. These are obtained by summing values of daily aperture solar radiation
energy over the appropriate period.
The expressions developed so far may be used, along with TMY insolation data
to predict the solar resource available to collectors using different tracking
methods and orientations. Figure 4.8 and 4.9 show the results of such a study
made for Albuquerque, NM. Figure 4.8 represents a typical clear summer day
and Figure 4.9 represents a clear winter day. Below we describe some insights
that may be observed from inspection of these data.
Figure 4.8 Clear-day aperture irradiance for different fixed and tracking aperture configurations
for Albuquerque, NM on June 22.
Figure 4.9 Clear-day aperture irradiance for different fixed and tracking aperture configurations
for Albuquerque, NM on December 22.
We show in Figures 4.8 arid 4.9 the beam aperture irradiance for a two-axis
tracking aperture on the summer solstice and the winter solstice in Albuquerque,
using insolation values calculated by the Hottel clear-day model. Also shown on
the right-hand side of these figures is the daily aperture solar radiation energy.
No method of concentration or tracking can increase these values since there is
no cosine effect for a two-axis tracking aperture.
horizontal axis that can be oriented in any direction. The equation for the angle of
incidence for these apertures was developed as Equation (4.12).
Figure 4.8 shows that in Albuquerque (35º latitude) in the summer, if the single
axis is oriented in the north-south (N/S) direction, the reduction in beam aperture
irradiance from the two-axis tracking case is minimal. As can be seen on the
right-hand side, the difference between the day’s solar radiation energy on a N/S-
oriented single-axis-tracking aperture and on a two-axis tracking aperture is only
about 2 percent.
If the single tracking axis is oriented in the east-west (E/W) direction, the situation
is different. For the E/W case, the only time the aperture points toward the sun is
at noon. As the sun rises and sets, the cosine effect significantly reduces the rate
of energy incident upon the aperture. Over the entire day, the amount of beam
solar energy entering the aperture of the E/W single-axis tracker is only 73
percent of the energy that could have been collected if the cosine effect had
been zero all day.
In the winter, as shown in Figure 4.9, the reverse is true. The performance of the
E/W oriented single axis tracked aperture approaches that of the two-axis
tracked aperture even in the morning and afternoon. In fact, the E/W tracking
aperture receives 86 percent of the maximum amount of energy, whereas the
N/S-oriented single -axis tracking aperture receives only 64 percent of the
maximum solar energy for that day.
If the demand for energy in a specific solar energy system design is higher in the
summer than in the winter (i.e., for crop irrigation or cooling demands), this
characteristic of the cosine effect on N/S tracking aperture as may be an
advantage. If a somewhat constant demand is envisioned, however, the E/W
orientation is usually chosen.
Fixed Apertures The beam aperture irradiance for fixed-aperture collectors is also
shown on Figures 4.8 and 4.9 for summer and winter in Albuquerque. The
equation for the angle of incidence on fixed surfaces was developed as Equation
(3.24). One of the surfaces shown here is horizontal and the other tilted up
toward the south horizon by an angle equal to the local latitude. This orientation
is often selected for flat-plate collector installations since it averages the
noontime insolation peaks over the year.
A few points are interesting to note here also. First, a fixed horizontal surface
receives more aperture solar radiation energy over the day (28 percent more in
Albuquerque) than does a latitude-tilted, south-facing surface in the summer. In
the winter, however, the horizontal fixed surface in Albuquerque receives only 49
percent of the daily energy that a latitude- tilted surface does.
Taking TMY beam insolation and applying the cosine of the appropriate angle of
incidence to these data, we can develop a plot showing the variation of the
monthly average aperture radiation energy over the year. Such a plot is shown in
Figure 4.10 for Albuquerque, NM for the same apertures used in Figures 4.8 and
4.9. Even though typical weather data were used to produce these plots, trends
similar to those noted before are shown to occur. Note the wide variation in the
N/S single-axis tracking aperture solar radiation energy and the relatively
constant solar radiation energy on the E/W single-axis-tracking aperture.
Figure 4.10 Monthly average and annual direct (beam) solar radiation energy incident on
different fixed and tracking apertures using TMY data for Albuquerque, NM.
The yearly average daily solar radiation energy on each aperture is shown on the
right-hand side, indicating about a 9 percent difference between the E/ W and the
N/S single-tracking axis orientation over the year. Note that the increase in
aperture solar radiation energy over the year for providing a second tracking axis
is about 17 percent for a N/S single-axis-tracking aperture. However, the penalty
(relative to the N/S system output) for not tracking an aperture on even one axis
is about 31 percent. It is obvious that the system designer must make some
important choices as to the type of tracking and orientation of the solar collectors
to be used in a system design.
In this section we describe the computer code APIRAD, which was written as an
example of the use of the equations developed in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and this
chapter. In actual system design, a code similar to APIRAD would form a portion
of the larger system design code package and provide the energy input to the
collector model.
A flow diagram for a computer code for calculation of aperture irradiance and
solar radiation energy is shown in Figure 4.11. Program APIRAD follows this
diagram and calculates the beam irradiance and daily solar radiation energy on a
collector aperture. This code is listed in the Appendix. The input data required are
the day, the location, and the orientation of the collector and whether the collector
is fixed or tracks the sun about one or two axes.
Since it doesn’t change rapidly, the declination angle may be calculated only
once a day. Hourly calculations are then made of the hour angle and the sun’s
altitude and azimuth. These values are used in the appropriate equation for the
cosine of the angle of incidence.
Figure 4.11 Flow diagram for a general program that calculates beam aperture irradiance and
solar radiation energy. Program APIRAD in Appendix H follows this sequence.
Aperture irradiance is calculated once per hour and stored in an array AI (T),
where the symmetry about solar noon is used to reduce the number of these
computations. If real weather data were used, symmetry would not exist and full
-day computations would be required. A test is made at sunrise to determine the
daylight portion of that hour. The irradiance is then summed over the day through
application of linear averaging between hours to give the daily aperture solar
radiation energy.
The program uses the Hottel clear-day model to give the beam insolation
component. Using Equation (2.15), we could include diffuse insolation and the
global aperture irradiance would then be determined by applying Equation (4.29).
The program is not restricted to the use of the Hottel clear-day model. As noted
in Figure 4.11, a different insolation model or an insolation database such as the
TMY2 tapes could also be used.
Typically, a solar thermal collector is not an isolated unit but, part of a large
assemblage of collectors deployed on a field of finite dimensions. As a result, one
collector may block (i.e., shadow) the sun, which would normally be incident on
the aperture of another collector. Usually, enough land is provided so that the
solar collectors can be spaced far enough apart to minimize shadowing.
However, shadowing does occur, and the designer must be able to determine the
appropriate field size on which to deploy the solar collectors.
θi = angle of incidence between the sun’s rays and collector aperture
If the collector field land is not horizontal, the sine of the altitude angle must be
replaced by the cosine of the angle between the sun’s rays and a normal to the
field surface. To compute collector shadowing in a system performance model,
we must incorporate the logic flow outlined in Figure 4.12.
Figure 4.12 Logic flow for the collector shadowing program SHADOW. In actual code, all
computations are usually done as ratios of Aa/Af to provide a "per unit area" basis.
row. Similar plots could be generated for flat plates and dishes (if the field layout
pattern is known) by using SHADOW as the basic computational tool.
Figure 4.13 Non-first-row shading of annual direct (beam) solar radiation energy incident on
parabolic trough collectors.
EXAMPLE: Consider a N/S collector field containing two rows with a land use factor of 2.0. The
annual direct (beam) solar radiation energy incident on the non-first-row collector is reduced to
0.895 (i.e., row shadow factor = 0.895 from Figure 4.13) of the non-shaded solar input. However,
the annual direct (beam) solar radiation energy incident on the total field is reduced only (1.0 +
0.895)/2 or 0.948 that of the non-shaded field.
For parabolic dishes, the relationship in Equation (4.32) must be modified slightly
to account for the fact that circular dishes cannot be packed perfectly into a
rectangular field, (this entire analysis assumes land is available in rectangular
shapes suited for the deployment of solar collectors.)
As shown in Figure 4.14 for dishes assembled in a diamond pattern, some space
remains between the dishes even when they are packed together as closely as
possible. In the layout represented in Figure 4.14, only 90.6 percent of the land
area can be covered with dish aperture. Thus, for this case, Equation (4.32) must
be modified to
The factor of 0.906 will vary according to the dish layout chosen. Dishes
deployed in a square pattern, for example, would have a factor of 0.785. Linn and
Zimmerman (1979) discuss dish shadowing in some detail and provide a
computer program to compute detailed shadowing within a dish field.
Figure 4.14 Land use for parabolic dishes deployed in a diamond pattern
Table 4.1 summarizes the angles developed so far, along with their zero value
orientation, range and sign convention.
Declination Equinox summer +/- 23.45o (3.7) 3.5
Hour Angle Noon afternoon +/- 180o (3.1) 3.3
Observer-Sun Angles
Sun Altitude Horizontal upward 0 to 90o (3.17) 3.6
Sun Zenith Vertical toward horizon 0 to 90o (3.8) 3.6
(3.18) or
Sun Azimuth A Due north clockwise* 0 to 360o 3.6
Aperture-Sun Angles
Angle of Perpendicular toward
0 to 90o (4.2) 4.1
Incidence to aperture aperture
Aperture toward
horizontal 0 to 180o --- 4.1
or Axis Tilt equator
or Axis due north clockwise* 0 to 360o --- 4.1
Tracking counter-
normal 0 to 360o (4.8) 4.2
Angle clockwise*
parallel to counter-
Offset on +/- 90o --- 4.6
tracking axis clockwise*
Linn, J.K. and J.C. Zimmerman (1979), A Method for Calculating Shadows Cast
by Two-axis Tracking Solar Collectors, Report SAND79-0190, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque NM, November.
Solar Collectors
Solar collectors capture incident solar radiation energy and either convert it to
heat (thermal energy) or directly to electricity (photovoltaic cells). In Chapter 4 we
developed the equations necessary to predict the amount of solar irradiance or
energy falling on a solar collector. We looked at different cases of tilting and
tracking the collectors to optimize the solar input. In this chapter, we study how a
solar collector absorbs and converts solar energy into thermal energy or
electricity as in the case of photovoltaic panels. The topics covered in this
chapter are:
We will first look at solar thermal collectors and then at photovoltaic modules.
Here we derive the energy balance for thermal collectors, without regards to the
specific type; that will be dealt with in the following chapters. We will also
understand the energy balance for a photovoltaic module, without going into the
details of the electro-physics of the processes happening within the cells.
- rate of optical (short wavelength) radiation incident on absorber (W)
The ‘useful’ energy for a solar thermal collector is the rate of thermal energy
leaving the collector, usually described in terms of the rate of energy being added
to a heat transfer fluid passing through the receiver or absorber, i.e.:
5.1.1 Optical Energy Capture
The first two terms above apply only to concentrating collectors. The capture
fraction is a measure of both the quality of the shape of the reflecting
surface, and the size of the receiver. Often this is described in terms of ‘spillage’
i.e. the fraction of reflected energy not impinging on or entering the receiver. A
poorly shaped concentrator, or a receiver too small will make this number
considerably less than 1.0. An analytical method for calculating this term is
presented in Chapter 8, Concentrator Optics.
For parabolic trough collectors a glass tube surrounds the absorber tube for
the same reason. High-temperature cavity receivers may incorporate a quartz
glass cover to keep the gas in the receiver separate from outside air or to permit
pressurization of the gas within the cavity. In all cases, the use of a cover sheet
reduces the solar radiation passing to the receiver/absorber. Their benefit for
reducing heat losses from the absorber must at least balance this reduction.
On the other hand, plastic covers have high transmittance values at very long
wavelengths. Solar collectors using plastic covers can be used for nighttime
cooling since radiation loss to the nighttime sky can be significant. This is also
why greenhouses in warm climates use plastic rather than glass as a cover.
Without nighttime long-wavelength radiation loss, the average temperatures
would be too high for optimal plant growth.
The absorption term represents the fraction of solar energy incident
upon the surface, that is absorbed (the remainder being reflected). A good black
surface can have an absorption of greater than 0.98, however, as surfaces
degrade, this value can decrease. It is important to point out that this property is
for radiation in the solar or ‘visible’ spectrum. For most real surfaces, the
absorption varies as a function of the wavelength of the incident energy. We will
discuss below that there is a class of surfaces used in solar collectors, called
‘selective surfaces’ that have a higher absorptance in the visible spectrum than at
longer wavelengths, thereby reducing thermal radiation loss.
Once the solar energy resource (short wavelength radiation) has made its way
down to the surface of the absorber or receiver of a collector, it raises the
temperature of the absorber above ambient temperature. This in turn starts a
process of heat loss from the absorber as with any surface heated above the
temperature of the surroundings. These loss mechanisms are convection,
radiation and conduction, and all are dependent on, among other things, the
difference in temperature between the absorber and the surroundings.
If the heat transfer fluid removes too much heat, the temperature of the absorber
decreases, reducing heat loss. If not enough heat is removed from the absorber,
the absorber temperature increases, increasing the rate of heat loss. This can
pose a major problem for concentrating collectors, because when not enough
heat is being removed (as can happen if the flow of heat transfer fluid is
interrupted), the temperature of the absorber can increase to its melting
Convection Loss - Convective heat loss of a solar collector receiver is
proportional to the surface area of the absorber or receiver, and the difference in
temperature between the absorber surface and the surrounding air. It can be
written in general terms as:
As with the other heat loss equations below, this is a simplified, instructive
model. Usually there are a number of convective processes that cause an
absorber or receiver to loose heat to the surroundings. For example, a flat-plate
collector often has a glass cover sheet between the absorber plate and outside
ambient air. There is one convection process between the hot absorber and the
cover sheet, and a second between the cover sheet and outside air. Also, wind
increases the heat transfer coefficient on the cover sheet and must be included in
any serious analysis of convective heat loss.
For parabolic dish concentrators, the absorbing surface is typically placed inside
of a cavity. This protects it from wind, and naturally driven air currents. Little is
known about convective heat loss from an open cavity, but it is clear that the
position of the cavity and its internal temperature, along with wind speed and
direction all affect the rate of heat loss from a cavity (Stine & McDonald, 1989,
Paitoonsurikarn et. al., 2003).
Even with all of these imperfections, it is instructive to consider the convective
heat loss as being proportional to surface area and the difference between some
average temperature, and ambient temperature.
Since convective heat loss is the major heat loss term for most solar collectors,
inventors and designers have incorporated many features to collector design to
reduce this term. Examples that will be discussed under the different collector
designs are; multiple transparent cover sheets for flat-plate collectors, glass
tubes surrounding linear absorbers with a vacuum drawn in the intervening
space, concentration of solar energy so that the absorber area is small relative to
the capture area, absorbers within cavities incorporating glass windows, just to
name a few.
Figure 5.2 Comparison of radiation and convection heat loss for a black, vertical surface in free
air at 25oC.
Terms in this equation over which the collector designer has some control, are
the surface emittance and receiver. Surfaces that have a low emittance often
have a low absorptance as well, reducing the absorbed solar energy as
described in Equation (4.4). However there is a class of surface coatings called
‘selective coatings, that have low values of emittance when the surface is at
relatively low temperatures, but high values of absorptance for solar energy.
These surfaces are discussed in Section 4.1.4 below.
The other term, which may be minimized, is the receiver surface area. As with
convection loss, concentration of solar energy is the main design tool for
reducing radiation heat loss by reducing receiver surface area. In addition, cavity
receivers can be used since they have small openings through which
concentrated solar energy passes, onto larger absorbing surfaces.
Since solar collectors operate out of doors, and generally face the open sky, they
exchange radiation with the sky. The equivalent radiation temperature of the sky
depends on the air density and its moisture content. When the relative humidity is
high and at sea level, the sky temperature can be assumed to be the same as
ambient air temperature. However, for low relative humidity or at high altitudes,
the sky radiation temperature can be 6 to 8oC less than ambient temperature. Of
course if there is no atmosphere as with space applications, the equivalent sky
temperature approaches 0K.
Conduction Loss - The final mode of heat loss to consider in collector design is
heat conduction. This is generally described in terms of a material constant, the
thickness of the material and its cross-section area:
In flat-plate collectors, the sides and back surface of the absorber plate should
incorporate good insulation (low k) and the insulation should be thick enough to
render this heat loss insignificant.
In order to provide a single expression for the useful energy produced from a
solar collector based on an energy balance of the receiver or absorber, we can
combine Equations (4.1) through (4.8) into a single equation. This equation will
be repeated in the next few chapters as we develop an understanding of how
and why specific types of collectors are designed the way they are.
This equation states that the rate of useful energy produced by a solar
collector equals the optical (short wavelength) energy absorbed on the absorber
surface, minus the rate of heat loss from the absorber. We have combined the
convection heat loss term with the convection term for simplicity.
Looking at Equation (4.9), one can see that, to maximize the useful heat
collected by a solar collector, the absorber or receiver of a solar collector should
have a high absorptance and a low emittance. However, we remember from
radiation heat transfer theory that, at least for black body and gray surfaces, the
absorptance equals the emittance . However for all
surfaces, Kirchoff’s Law states that they are equal only for radiation at a specific
wavelength, not as an average property integrated over a spectrum. Kirchoff’s
law states that:
where the subscript indicates that these are ‘spectral’ properties and must be
integrated over all wavelengths to represent the properties used in Equations
(4.4) and (4.7). If the spectrums are different, the integrated properties can be
In solar collectors, the spectrum of the energy being absorbed is from a 6,050K
black body emitter with peak intensity at a wavelength of 0.48 microns (see Table
2.3). The spectrum of the energy being emitted by the absorber / receiver is
defined by the temperature of the absorber surface, Tr which is considerably less.
For example if the receiver surface temperature is 80oC, the peak intensity is at a
wavelength of 8.21 microns.
Selective surfaces have a high absorptance (and emittance) for short wavelength
(visible) light and have low average absorptance and emittance for long
wavelength radiation (thermal or infra-red radiation). They do not violate
Kirchoff’s law, however, we say that they have ‘high absorption and low
emittance’ meaning high absorption for short wavelength radiation, and low
emittance for long wavelength radiation. The end result is a surface that absorbs
solar energy well, but does not radiate thermal energy very well.
microns and 0.25 for longer wavelengths. Since 99.5% of solar energy occurs at
wavelengths below 5 microns as discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2.1.2, the
effective absorptance of such a surface is 0.945. The integrated emittance for
this hypothetical surface depends on its temperature. If this surface is 80 oC as is
typical for hot water system collectors, 99.1% of its radiant energy is at
wavelengths above microns and the integrated emittance for this surface is
On the other hand, the effect of using a selective surface is less dramatic on
higher temperature absorbers. If the absorber surface is at a temperature of
700oC as is typical for receivers in parabolic dish concentrating collectors, only
43.6 % of its radiated energy is at wavelengths above 5 microns and the
integrated emittance is 64.5%.
spectrum, it is transparent in the IR region. Thus the receiver takes on the lower
emittance of the bright nickel substrate. The resultant composite bright nickel-
black chrome coating thus has high absorptance (approximately equal to 0.95)
for the incident solar radiation and low emittance (less than 0.25) in the infrared
and the rate of optical radiation incident on the cell and the rate of thermal energy
loss from the cell have the same meaning as in Equation (5.1).
There is a physical limit to the fraction of useful energy that can be produced
from the incident optical radiation. Depending on the type and design of the cell
this can be from 1 percent to 30 percent. This requires that the rest of the
remaining 70% to 99% of the incident energy, be lost through heat loss
5.2.1 Optical Energy Capture
Heat loss from the panel follows the same three paths, convection, radiation and
conduction. Optimizing those factors that increase heat loss without increasing
cell temperature are important for well designed photovoltaic panels. Maximizing
heat loss for concentrating PV collectors is more difficult due to the reduced cell
surface area resulting from concentration.
The detailed energy balance for a photovoltaic cell in a panel can be written in a
manner similar to Equation (4.9), replacing the receiver/absorber temperature
term with the temperature of the cell:
The I-V Curve - The fundamental performance of a photovoltaic panel is
represented by Figure 5.4, called an I-V curve. It is a plot of the voltage across
the panel for different values of current. Since the voltage is a product of the
current and the load resistance, lines of constant load resistance are shown to
complete the description.
Figure 5.4 Photovoltaic panel output current as a function of the voltage across the panel. These
I-V curves are shown for different levels of insolation. Also superimposed on graph are lines of
constant load resistance. Data are for a cell temperature of 25oC and an air mass of 1.5.
At low values of load resistance, the current is a maximum and the voltage
across the cell approaches zero. This condition is equivalent to a short-circuit
across the cell, and the current output at zero voltage is called the short-circuit
current or Isc. This current is a function of the size of the photovoltaic cell, and the
number of cells connected in parallel.
It can also be seen that the short-circuit current is also directly proportional to the
level of solar irradiance. This characteristic is why photovoltaic cells can be used
as a transducer to measure solar irradiance as discussed in Chapter 2.
As the load resistance increases, the current decreases slightly until a point is
reached where the cell can no longer maintain a high current level, and it falls to
zero. The point at which the panel current falls to zero represents an infinite
resistance or an open circuit. The voltage across the panel at zero current is
called the open-circuit voltage, Voc, and represents the output of the unloaded
panel. Note that the open-circuit voltage varies only a small amount as a function
of solar irradiance (except at very low levels).
Figure 5.5 Power output of a photovoltaic panel at different levels of solar irradiance. The notation
PPP defines the peak power point. Data are for a cell temperature of 25oC and an air mass of 1.5.
Note that the peak power output occurs at a panel voltage of about 80% of the
maximum open-circuit voltage, for a wide range of solar irradiance levels. In
order to maintain maximum electrical power output from a photovoltaic panel, the
load resistance should match this point. As can be seen on Figure 5.4, the load
resistance must increase as solar irradiance decreases in order to maintain
maximum power output from the panel.
Since the resistance of most electrical loads are fixed (except for electrical
motors and batteries), special consideration must be taken in the system design
to ensure that the maximum potential of the solar panel is utilized. There are
electronic devices, called peak power trackers that ensure that the panels are
operating close to their peak power point.
Figure 5.6 Effect of cell temperature on photovoltaic panel output. Data shown are for an
irradiance of 1,000 W/m2 and an air mass of 1.5.
All of the data presented so far have been for photovoltaic cells at a temperature
of 25oC. In a real system design, this is seldom the case. Photovoltaic cells are
usually encapsulated in a panel to provide rigidity and physical protection of the
front surface. Since panels must reject 80% to 90% of the solar energy incident
upon them, and usually this transfer is to the ambient air, both the air
temperature and the wind speed and direction have great effects on this.
The concept of a normal operating cell temperature (NOCT) has been defined in
order to provide some sense of the ability of a specific panel to reject heat and
provides a design guideline for system performance analysis. Normal operating
cell temperature is the cell temperature under ‘standard operating conditions’,
ambient air temperature of 20oC, solar irradiance of 800 W/m2 and wind speed of
1 m/s. NOCT values are specific to a particular panel or collector, but generally
are about 50oC for flat-plate panels.
All data presented above are for an air mass of 1.5 (AM=1.5). The concept of air
mass was introduced in Chapter 2, Section 2.2.2. The air mass is an indication of
the path length that solar irradiance travels through the atmosphere. An air mass
of 1.0 means the sun is directly overhead and the radiation travels through one
atmosphere (thickness). The air mass is approximately equal to the reciprocal of
the cosine of the zenith angle and an air mass of 1.5 would represent a zenith
angle of 48.2 degrees or an altitude angle of 41.8 degrees.
At this point in our discussion of how solar energy is collected, we will define the
basic performance parameter, collector efficiency. We will then describe how this
is measured and then how these measurements can be combined into an
analytical model to predict collector output. This is done in general terms,
applicable to flat-plate and concentrating collectors for either thermal or
photovoltaic applications.
= rate of (useful) energy output (W)
In some of the development that follows, we will use the concept of optical
efficiency. The optical efficiency of a solar collector is defined as the rate of
optical (short wavelength) energy reaching the absorber or receiver, divided by
the appropriate solar resource. Dividing Equation (4.3) by Equation (4.4), we
have for optical efficiency;
Equations for calculating global (total) irradiance on an aperture were the subject
of Chapter 4, Section 4.2.1 and for the general case we may use Equation (4.29).
Various schemes of orientation and tracking were discussed in Section 4.1 and
may be applicable to determining the angle of incidence. Equation (4.29)
includes both direct (beam) and scattered and reflected energy.
Adding the appropriate useful energy term to Equation (5.13) we have for thermal
and photovoltaic flat-plate collectors, the following definitions of collector
Concentrating collectors on the other hand can only concentrate direct (beam)
solar irradiance and therefore the appropriate irradiance term is direct (beam)
normal solar irradiance, reduced by the cosine of the angle of incidence. For two-
axis tracking collectors, the angle of incidence is zero.
Adding the appropriate useful energy term to Equation (5.13) we have for thermal
and photovoltaic concentrating collectors, the following definitions of collector
5.3.4 Non-imaging Concentrators
where the terms Id,aa and Ir,aa are the sky diffuse and reflected diffuse energy that
are available within the acceptance angle of the non-imaging concentrator. The
definition of these terms is beyond the scope of this book. However, this solar
irradiance may be easily measured by reducing the tube length of a
pyrheliometer and attaching this to the aperture of the non-imaging concentrator.
Models of collector performance that will predict collector output under varying
solar irradiance, operating temperature and weather conditions, are important to
the system designer. This type of model can be used in system performance
prediction programs such as SIMPLES, to predict the output of the collector field.
The most prevalent solar collector performance model is called the ‘delta-T over I
curve’ and permits prediction of useful energy out under varying solar irradiance,
ambient temperature and system operating temperature. Although its required
simplifications work well for low- temperature flat-plate collector systems, it has
been modified for use with higher temperature systems as described below. This
model has no applicability to photovoltaic collectors.
5.4.1 Flat-plate Collectors, The Curve
Starting with Equation (4.9), the following simplifications can be made for a
flat-plate collector operating at low temperatures (below approximately 90oC):
The aperture area is the same as the absorber area (Aa = Ar)
Radiation heat loss can be combined with convection and conduction into a
single overall heat loss coefficient, UL (W/m2K). This coefficient is a constant for
the particular collector being modeled. (Temperature dependence of this term
due to natural convection and radiation causes non-linear affects to occur and
will be discussed below).
With these simplifications, Equation (4.9), for normal incident solar irradiance
If it is further assumed that FR, τ, α, UL are constants for a given collector and
flow rate, then the efficiency is a linear function of the three parameters defining
the operating condition; solar irradiance, fluid inlet temperature and ambient air
temperature. This is the single line shown on curve e) in Figure 5.7.
The slope of this line represents the rate of heat loss from the collector. For
example, collectors with cover sheets will have less of a slope than those without
cover sheets. The intercept of the line on the efficiency axis is sometimes called
the optical efficiency. Most low-temperature solar collector performance data are
presented in terms Equation (4.21). It
should be remembered that both of these terms are multiplied by the heat
removal factor, FR making them a function of flow rate. Therefore the flow rate for
any curve should be specified.
Curve a)
Curve b)
Curve c)
Figure 5.7 Performance of a typical flat-plate thermal collector (one glass cover, black-painted
absorber, water transfer fluid and ambient temperature 25oC). Curve a) shows the performance as
a function of the variable described above. Curve b) and c) for the same collector,
show how the output varies with fluid temperature and irradiance. Curves b) and c) are derived
from curve a).
There are two interesting operating points on Figure 5.7, curve a). The first is
the maximum collection efficiency, called the optical efficiency. This occurs when
the fluid inlet temperature equals ambient temperature. For this condition, the
value is zero. This is the test point described above as part of a collector
performance measurement procedures.
The other point of interest on Figure 5.7, curve a) is the intercept with the
axis. This point of operation can be reached when useful energy is no
longer removed from the collector, a condition that can happen if fluid flow
through the collector stops (power failure). In this case, the optical energy coming
in must equal the heat loss, requiring that the temperature of the absorber
increase until this balance occurs. This maximum temperature difference or
‘stagnation temperature’ is defined by this point. For well-insulated collectors or
concentrating collectors the stagnation temperature can reach very high levels
causing fluid boiling and, in the case of concentrating collectors, the absorber
surface can melt.
Curves b) and c) of Figure 5.7 are derived from curve a); the
curve. Curve b) shows the dependence of collector output (efficiency) as a
function of the water inlet temperature for different levels of irradiance. Note that
more energy is derived from a collector when the water temperature entering the
collector is low. It is important in solar energy system design to only heat the
water or heat transfer fluid to the lowest temperature consistent with system
output requirements.
where the coefficients a and b are determined by a curve fit to test data.
Figure 5.8 Collector efficiency for a typical parabolic trough and a typical parabolic dish collector.
The largest source of error arises from the fact that, in using a simple
model, one is usually extrapolating along the curve, not interpolating.
As discussed earlier, the test data from which a curve is generated is
obtained at a constant value of Ia (usually near 1,000 W/m2). This is about as
large as Ia becomes. Thus, as Ia decreases in the course of an analysis due to
either poor solar irradiance or at large incidence angles, the quantity
increases, usually to an extent much larger than the range of test data.
The only variable unaccounted for here, is the variation in the overall heat
loss coefficient, UL caused by variations in wind velocity and direction. For
parabolic dishes using cavity receivers, UL will also change with the tilt angle of
the cavity relative to the earth. This angle changes as the dish tracks the sun
across the sky. Data on both of these effects can be found in Stine & McDonald
Figure 5.9 Photovoltaic panel efficiency at different levels of solar irradiance. Data shown are for
a cell temperature of 25 oC and an air mass of 1.5.
The peak power points described in Section 5.2.4 above are obvious in this plot,
however we are now looking at efficiency variation rather than power variation as
in Figure 5.5. It is important to note that the panel efficiency remains almost the
same at all levels of insolation Although Figure 5.5 shows a marked decrease in
power as solar irradiance decreases, the efficiency decreases only slightly with
irradiance level.
Figure 5.10 Photovoltaic panel efficiency at 1,000 W/m2 for different cell temperatures. Data
shown are for an air mass of 1.5.
where: - efficiency of panel at standard irradiance, cell
temperature and air mass.
Testing is performed only on clear days when the solar irradiance level is high
and constant. Prior to taking measurements, hot heat-transfer fluid is circulated
through the absorber or receiver to bring it up to the test temperature. For a flat-
plate collector, the test flow rate is generally specified by the test procedure in
use. In the case of parabolic trough testing, turbulent flow is maintained within
the receiver tube to ensure good heat transfer between the fluid and the wall of
the receiver tube. A measurement is made only when the collector is at steady
state, which is indicated by a constant rise in heat transfer fluid as it flows
through the receiver.
Figure 5.11 Collector module test facility at Sandia National laboratories. Courtesy of Sandia
National Laboratories.
Three procedures for measuring the performance of thermal collectors are used,
depending on the type of collector system being tested and the experimental
apparatus available. We shall briefly describe each method; collector balance,
system balance and heat loss measurement methods below. Figure 5.12 depicts
the test setup used in these tests graphically.
Figure 5.12 Three experimental methods for measuring collector efficiency.
Collector Balance - The most common test method used for flat-plate and
parabolic trough collectors is that depicted in Figure 5.12 a). This flow loop must
incorporate accurate measurement capabilities for the fluid inlet and outlet
temperatures, and the mass flow rate of the heat transfer fluid. It must also
include a temperature controller connected to auxiliary heating and cooling
devices so that a constant fluid inlet temperature can be maintained. The rate of
energy being transferred to the heat transfer fluid under steady state conditions is
given in Equation (5.2)
Single collector modules are typically used in these tests, the temperature
increase across a single module, especially a parabolic trough module, can
sometimes be small (e.g., 1 to 5ºC in a parabolic trough) since these modules
are designed to be connected in series in applications. Therefore, extreme care
must be taken in making accurate temperature rise measurements. Dudley et al.
(1982) describe, in general, the test procedures developed at Sandia National
Laboratories for testing parabolic trough collectors.
Flow System Balance - In some cases, it is not easy to accurately measure the
fluid inlet or outlet temperatures or the mass flow rate. Instead of performing the
energy balance on the collector module itself, an insulated flow loop and tank can
be used as illustrated in Figure 5.12 b). The energy balance for the system using
this apparatus would be:
For this method to work, the amount of fluid must be large enough so that the
bulk temperature of the fluid (and therefore the collector fluid inlet temperature)
does not increase too rapidly in order to obtain an approximate steady state
temperature condition.
heat loss and temperature difference can be determined. The rate of useful
energy out of the collector at any given temperature then is:
As with any test method, there are a number of inaccuracies that can affect
the results obtained with this test procedure. Probably the most important
discrepancy is from the fact that, due to the temperature difference needed to
conduct heat through the absorber wall and transfer it into the working fluid, the
absorber surface will be hotter than the heat transfer fluid, under normal
operating conditions. However, when heat is being lost from a defocused or
shaded collector during the second test above, the absorber surface will be
cooler than the heat transfer fluid. This will result in the test measurement
indicating heat losses that are lower than actually occur during normal operation.
Incident Angle Modifier - Most solar collector testing is performed using a two-
axis tracking device that places the collector aperture normal to the sun such as
shown in Figure 5.11. In actual installations, flat-plate collectors are usually
mounted in a fixed position with the sun making different incident angles to the
collector aperture over the day as described in Section 4.1.1.
Parabolic troughs likewise usually track about a single axis and have incident
angles as described in Section 4.1.2. A non-zero angle of incidence not only
changes the amount of irradiation incident on the collector aperture (already
accounted for in the definitions of aperture solar irradiance), but also changes
collector performance due to, among other things, variation of surface properties
with incident angle and internal shading.
To predict the performance of a solar collector in a system, the collector normal
incidence efficiency predicted by either the linear or the non-linear ‘delta-T-over-I’
experimental data correlation model described below, is multiplied by the incident
angle modifier to obtain collector efficiency:
This same type of test can be performed on a flat-plate collector by covering and
uncovering the absorber with a sheet of opaque material.
Due to the rapid response rate of the photovoltaic cell, testing of photovoltaic
panels and concentrating photovoltaic collectors does not have many of the
difficulties addressed above for thermal collectors. A detailed outline of
performance testing procedures for photovoltaic panels is contained in ASTM
Aperture Irradiance:
Receiver Temperature Approximation:
Performance Model:
Parabolic Troughs
Performance Model:
Tr = best approximation
Performance Model:
Aperture Irradiance:
Performance Model
Aperture Irradiance:
Performance Model
ANSI/ASHRAE Std. 95-1981 (1981) Methods of Testing to Determine the
Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems, American
Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers, Atlanta, GA (
Flat-plate collectors are in wide use for domestic household hot-water heating
and for space heating, where the demand temperature is low. Many excellent
models of flat-plate collectors are available commercially to the solar designer. A
discussion of flat-plate collectors is included here because of their use in
industrial systems either to supply low-temperature demands or to preheat the
heat transfer fluid before entering a field of higher-temperature concentrating,
collectors. Detailed descriptions of flat-plate collector design, performance and
system design using these collectors may be found in the following sources:
Duffie and Beckman (1980), Lunde (1980), and Kreider and Kreith (1982). The
interested reader is referred to these for further information.
o Collector description
Absorber plate
Cover sheets
o Advantages
Non-tracking option
Diffuse solar radiation utilization
o Collector Performance
Efficiency measurement
Typical performance
Comparison with parabolic troughs
o Applications
o Other types
Evacuated tube collectors
Solar ponds
o References and bibliography
6.1 Collector Description
The main element of a flat-plate collector is the absorber plate. It covers the full
aperture area of the collector and must perform three functions: absorb the
maximum possible amount of solar irradiance, conduct this heat into the working
fluid at a minimum temperature difference, and lose a minimum amount of heat
back to the surroundings.
light, are used on the absorber. Usually these coatings appear dull or "flat,"
indicating that they will absorb radiation coming from all directions equally well.
Either paint or plating is used, and the resulting black surface will typically absorb
over 95 percent of the incident solar radiation.
Fin Heat Removal. The second function of the absorber plate is to transfer the
absorbed energy into a heat-transfer fluid at a minimum temperature difference.
This is normally done by conducting the absorbed heat to tubes or ducts that
contain the heat-transfer fluid. The heat-transfer fluid may either be a liquid
(water or water with antifreeze) or gas (air). The important design criterion here is
to provide sufficient heat transfer capability that the difference between the
temperature of the absorber surface and the working fluid is not excessive;
otherwise, the heat loss from the absorber would be excessive. High heat-
transfer rates are usually accomplished at the expense of pumping power and
absorber plate material.
When a liquid is used as the heat-transfer fluid as is most often the case, special
problems occur in transferring the heat absorbed on the absorber surface into the
fluid. Liquid collector absorber plates often consist of a flat sheet of metal with
tubes spaced 10-25 cm (4-10 in.) apart and attached to it in some fashion
(integral, brazed or press fitted). The sheet of metal absorbs most of the solar
irradiance and acts as a fin to bring the absorbed heat into the fluid. The
following are important points in designing a good ‘tube and sheet’ absorber:
1. The fin (absorber sheet) must he made of a material with high thermal
2. The fin should be thick to minimize the temperature difference required to
transfer heat to its base (tube).
3. Tubes should not be spaced too far apart; otherwise, a higher temperature
difference between the tip of the fin (midway between the tubes) and the
base will result.
4. Tubes should be thin-walled and of a high-thermal -conductivity material.
5. The tube should be brazed or welded to the absorber sheet to minimize
thermal contact resistance.
6. The tube and absorber sheet should be of similar material to prevent
galvanic corrosion between them.
When air is the heat-transfer fluid, often the back side of the absorber plate
usually forms one surface of a duct and heat is transferred through the absorber
sheet to the air over the entire back surface of the absorber. A thin, rather than
thick, absorber sheet of high-thermal-conductivity material will enhance this heat-
transfer process. The internal air passage must be designed to provide a
sufficiently high airflow velocity past the back of the absorber to give adequate
heat transfer without producing a high pressure drop across the collector. Low
heat-transfer rates cause the absorber plate to become significantly hotter than
the heat-transfer fluid, which increases heat loss. On the other hand, a large
pressure drop across the collector causes high pumping power consumption by
the fans supplying the air.
Increases in the number of cover-sheets increases the temperature at which the
collector can operate (or permits a given temperature to be reached at lower
solar irradiance). One or two cover sheets are common, but triple glazed
collectors have been designed for extreme climates. In addition to the added
expense, each added cover sheet increases the collection efficiency at high
temperature by reducing convection loss but decreases the efficiency at low
temperatures because of the added absorption and reflectance of the cover.
Plastic cover sheets are sometimes used for the second cover sheet when two
sheets are required. Installation of the plastic sheet beneath the glass protects
the plastic from the environment. Glass also does not transmit UV radiation and
thus protects the plastic, which is usually sensitive to this portion of the solar
spectrum. Rigid sheets of acrylic-or fiberglass-reinforced polymers are in use, as
are stretched films of polyvinyl fluoride. Some of these plastic cover sheets have
a transmittance approaching that of low iron glass. A major draw back of this
scheme is the potential for overheating the plastic sheet at collector stagnation
(no-flow) temperatures.
6.2 Advantages
Flat-plate collectors will absorb energy coming from all directions above the
absorber (both beam and diffuse solar irradiance). Because of this characteristic,
flat-plate collectors do not need to track the sun. They receive more solar energy
than a similarly oriented concentrating collector, but when not tracked, have
greater cosine losses.
6.2.1 Non-tracking Option
A flat-plate collector absorbs both the direct and the diffuse components of solar
radiation. This partially compensates for the fact that fixed surfaces receive less
energy because of the cosine effect. Although the diffuse solar irradiance is only
about 10 percent of the direct normal solar irradiance on a clear day, on a cloudy
day almost all of the available solar irradiance is diffuse.
A comparison between the energy falling on a fixed and a fully tracking flat-plate
collector and on a fully tracking concentrating collector is shown in Table 6.1. The
data are yearly average values taken from SERI (1981b). The comparison is
location dependent because of the latitude effects on the incidence angle and the
difference in cloud cover.
(direct only)
For both locations, the two-axis tracking flat-plate collector receives more energy.
However, in the dry, high desert climate of Albuquerque, a fixed flat-plate
collector loses more energy from the cosine effect than it gains by being able to
collect diffuse energy. In the Midwestern climate of Madison, Wisconsin, the
energy lost by fixing the flat-plate collector approximately equals that gained over
a concentrator by its ability to collect the diffuse component of solar irradiance. It
should be noted that Table 6.1 only indicates the relative amounts of energy
available for collection. The choice of collector type or whether to track a flat-
plate collector is generally based on system cost and energy output rather than
energy input.
6.2.3 Cost
Figure 6.2 The Campbell Soup Company industrial process heat installation in Sacramento, CA.
Flat-plate collectors are used to preheat water before entering the parabolic trough concentrators.
Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.
6.3.1 Orientation
Azimuth. The most obvious azimuth for a fixed surface in the northern
hemisphere is south facing. This will give equal amounts of energy before and
after noon and usually the maximum daily total energy collected. There are a
number of reasons why the system designer may not select this azimuth. It may
be simply that the building or land orientation makes it desirable to rotate the
azimuth axis to fit the installation conditions. Other performance related factors
can affect the collector field orientation.
Another factor causing the collectors not to be oriented toward the south is the
presence of a blockage (mountain or building) that shades morning or after noon
sunlight. In this case the optimum orientation may call for rotation away from the
blockage. Likewise, either persistent morning or afternoon cloud cover may
cause the designer to orient the field azimuth for optimum energy collection.
Tilt. The most logical tilt angle for the fixed flat-plate collector is to tilt the surface
from horizontal by an angle equal to the latitude angle. At this tilt, if the collector
is facing south, the sun will be normal to the collector at noon twice a year (at the
equinoxes). Also, the noontime sun will only vary above and below this position
by a maximum angle of 23.5 degrees.
However, there are some system design considerations that may encourage the
designer to tilt the collector’s above or below this angle. For instance, if the slope
of the roof where the collectors are to be installed is within 15 degrees of the
latitude tilt, one would probably choose a flush roof mounting. If the demand is
greater in the winter months as with space heating, the designer may choose to
tilt the collectors toward the horizon more and accept the summer energy loss.
Similarly, the reverse may be true for a heavy summer demand (i.e., cooling).
Again, in order to predict these effects, an analysis should be made using solar
radiation data and sun angle computations to predict the exact effects of a
particular set of circumstances
The yearly average data for two sites are shown on Figure 6.3. Plots for the other
sites would be similar. Note that for both sites shown, the maximum yearly
irradiation is obtained by surfaces tilted slightly less than the latitude angle. This
is because of the greater cloud cover in the winter for both sites. Also note that a
wide variation in tilt angle makes little difference in the irradiation received. This
implies that the collector tilt optimization is not critical and that even horizontal
surfaces may be an appropriate design choice if the cost of installation is
considerably less for this orientation.
Figure 6.3 Total (global) irradiation on a south-facing tilted surface. Average ground reflectance
was assumed to be 0.20
Although the use of fluid inlet temperature makes application of the performance
correlation easier in design studies, it also makes the correlation considerably
more dependent on the flow rate of the heat-transfer fluid. Therefore, every
correlation using fluid inlet temperature must specify the fluid flow rate at which
the measurements were made. Deviation from this flow in a particular design
requires that a different correlation be used. The recommended test flow rate
(ASHRAE, 1977) for a liquid collector is 0.02 kg/hr (14.7 lb/hr ft2) and for an air
collector, 0.01 m3/s m2 (1.97 cfm/ft2) at atmospheric pressure.
Because a flat-plate collector can collect both beam (direct) and diffuse solar
radiation, the global (total) solar irradiance is used as the basis for flat-plate
collector performance correlations. In testing the collector, the aperture irradiance
is the global (total) solar irradiance measured in the plane of the collector, which
includes the cosine loss of the beam component and some ground reflection if
the collector is tilted from the horizontal as is usually the case.
A dilemma arises with the use of this performance correlation because the global
(total) solar irradiance on a tilted aperture It,a is used as input into the correlation.
This value must include ground reflection. Equation (4.6) gives the designer a
means of predicting the global (total) aperture irradiance when the aperture is
tilted from the horizontal by an angle .
where the optical efficiency and the overall heat loss coefficient UL
were discussed in Chapter 5, and the total aperture irradiance It,a in Chapter 4,
Equation 4.29. The term FR is the collector heat removal efficiency factor and is
dependent on the absorber plate tube spacing and the flow rate of heat transfer
fluid through these tubes. The analytical development of this factor is described
in Duffie and Beckman (1980).
Figure 6.4 gives typical performance for a number of different types of flat-plate
collectors. These range from an unglazed absorber as is used for very low
temperature applications to double-glazed, selective-surface collectors. Also
included on this plot is an evacuated tube-type collector, which is discussed in
the following paragraphs.
A second abscissa scale has been included on this plot to aid in rapid
interpretation. Since the abscissa is the temperature difference divided by the
total solar irradiance, these parameters may be separated in nomogram style
with a separate abscissa.
A field of single glazed flat-plate collectors with selective absorber surfaces was
compared with a field of commercial parabolic trough concentrators. Both
horizontal and latitude-tilt south-facing orientations for the flat-plate collectors
were considered, and both north-south and east-west tracking axis orientations
were considered for the parabolic trough collectors. Typical Meteorological year
(TMY) solar radiation data were used from the 26 original SOLMET sites.
It was found that the amount of diffuse energy collected by flat-plate collectors in
most regions of the contiguous United States was not sufficient to compensate
for the tracking capability of the troughs. Also that the typically higher optical
efficiency of the flat-plate collector compensates only partially for the higher
thermal efficiency of the concentrators. Over a full year’s operation, the north-
south trough orientation and the latitude-tilt flat-plate orientations provided the
most energy. It was also found that for a 71ºC (168ºF) demand, flat-plate
collectors outperform troughs only in Florida and southern Louisiana.
The break-even temperatures for the most efficient configurations (north south
troughs and latitude-tilt flat-plates) are shown in Figure 6.5. This figure shows
that troughs and flat-plate collectors have equivalent performance at about 49ºC
(120ºF) in the southwestern region, whereas flat -plates and troughs may be
considered equivalent in terms of performance, for applications at 66ºC (150ºF)
in most of the southeastern region.
Figure 6.5 Break-even temperature for comparison between flat-plate collectors tilted at the
latitude angle and parabolic troughs with the tracking axis oriented in the north-south direction.
From Treadwell (1979).
6.4 Applications
Table 6.2. Industrial Process Heat Systems in the United States Using
Flat-Plate Collectors
(ºC) (m2)
Hot-Air Systems
Gilroy Foods, Inc. Gilroy, CA Preheat drier air/ 90 553
boiler feedwater
Water collector fluid/hot-air demand
Figure 6.6 Designs of evacuated-tube collectors. Tubes are normally 5-10 cm (2-4 in.) in
In the Owens-Illinois design, concentric glass tubes are used with the inner tube
surface becoming the absorber by coating it with a selective absorbing coating.
The space between these tubes is evacuated. Heat-transfer fluid flows in through
a third, inner, concentric feeder tube and flows out in the annulus outside the
feeder tube in contact with the absorber tube surface.
The evacuated tube collector has the potential for developing high efficiencies at
high temperatures. However, as a result of degradation of elastomeric seals,
differential thermal expansion, and coating limitations, these collectors are limited
to temperatures considerably below their maximum potential at noontime
isolation levels. This means not only that applications cannot be planned for
temperatures beyond these temperature limits, but also that under stagnation
conditions (no heat removal i.e., the zero-efficiency conditions) the
collectors can exceed these limits. System designs must incorporate provisions
to circumvent this possibility. An extensive review of the status of evacuated tube
collector technology may be found in Window and Harding (1984).
6.5.2 Solar Ponds
It appears that the least expensive type of solar collector is a large solar pond.
However, they have been considered primarily for large industrial applications
because their cost decreases considerably with increases in size. There are two
basic types of solar ponds: the shallow pond and the salt-gradient pond. Both are
equivalent to horizontal flat-plate collectors, since they are non-concentrating,
accept both direct and diffuse solar energy, and are limited to low temperature
Figure 6.7 shows a shallow pond collector design proposed by Dickenson et al.
(1976) for use in a low-temperature solar thermal power system. The collector
modules are 4 m (14 ft) wide and 200 m (656 ft) long. The width was determined
by the width of commercially available unseamed, weatherable plastic sheets.
Figure 6.7 A shallow solar pond collector. Modules are 4 m ×200 m (13 ft × 656 ft). From
Dickenson et al. (1976).
Salt-Gradient Ponds. When an open body of water absorbs solar energy,
convection currents are created. As the sunrays that pass through the surface
layer are absorbed in lower layers, this water is heated and rises to the surface,
where heat is transferred away by convection to ambient air. Once the water
cools, the density increases and the surface water moves downward. This
movement of water equalizes the temperature throughout the body of water.
For utilization of the heat stored at the bottom of the pond, hot brine is drawn
from the storage zone (bottom layer) of the pond and pumped through a heat
exchanger and back to the bottom of the storage zone. For power production
applications where a Rankine cycle is used, condenser cooling water is drawn off
the top of the pond and passed through the condenser and back to the surface,
where it cools.
Figure 6.8 Electrical power production concept using salt-gradient ponds.
References and Bibliography
Casamajor, A. B., and R. E. Parsons (1979), "Design Guide for Shallow Solar
Ponds," Lawrence Livermore Labs Report UCRL 52385 (Rev. 1), January.
Kreider, J. F., and F. Kreith (1982), Solar Heating and Cooling, 2nd ed., McGraw-
Hill, New York.
Lunde, P. J. (1980), Solar Thermal Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Rabl, A., and C. E. Nielsen (1975), "Solar Ponds for Space Heating," Solar
Energy 17 (1), 1.
SERI (1981b), "Solar Radiation Energy Resource Atlas of the United States,"
SERI Report SERI/SP-642-1037, October.
Treadwell, G. W. (1979), "Low-Temperature Performance Comparisons of
Parabolic -Trough and Flat -Plate Collectors Based on Typical Meteorological
Year Data," Sandia National Labs, Report SAND78 -0965, February.
Wang, Y. F., and A. Akbarzadeh (1983), "A Parametric Study on Solar Ponds,"
Solar Energy 30(6), 555.
Weinberger, H. (1964), "The Physics of the Solar Ponds," Solar Energy 8(2), 45.
Window, B., and G. L. Harding (1984), "Progress in the Materials Science of All-
Glass Evacuated Collectors," Solar Energy 32 (5), 609.
______ Concentrator
To this point, we have developed an understanding of how solar energy is
collected by flat-plate collectors…those where the entire area that the sun’s
radiation falls, absorbs the incident energy. Concentrating collectors, on the other
hand, use large reflectors to ´concentrate´ the incident solar energy onto a
smaller receiver. The main goal for doing this is to increase the temperature of
the heat collected from the sun. Increased temperature is a benefit for many
industrial process uses, and is directly connected to the efficiency at which
electricity can be produced from thermal sources.
• Why Concentration
o Concentration Ratio
• Parabolic Geometry
o The Parabola
o Parabolic Cylinder
o Paraboloid
• Parabolic and Spherical Optics
o Two-dimensional Ray Trace Diagrams
o Line-focus Troughs
o Point-focus Dishes
• Reflection of Energy to the Receiver
o Reflection of Parallel Rays
o Reflection of Non-parallel Rays
o Contribution of Errors
• Reflection to a Fixed Point (the Power Tower)
• Principles of Reflection and Refraction
o Mirrors
o Lenses
o Total Internal Reflection
o Dielectric Reflection and Antireflection Coatings
• Fresnel Lens Optics
• Conclusions
The temperature of the receiver increases until the convective and radiation heat
loss from the receiver equals the absorbed solar energy. The temperature at
which this occurs is termed the collector stagnation temperature.
For control of the collector temperature at some point cooler than the stagnation
temperature, active removal of heat must be employed. This heat is then
available for use in a solar energy system. The rate at which heat is actively
removed from the collector determines the collector operating temperature. For
removal of a large fraction of the absorbed solar energy as useful heat, the
amount of heat lost from the receiver must be kept small.
Receiver heat loss can be reduced by operating the collector near the ambient
temperature (such as with low-temperature flat-plate collectors) or by
constructing the collector such that heat loss at elevated temperature is reduced.
The most common way of reducing receiver heat loss at elevated temperatures
is to reduce the size of the hot surface (i.e., the receiver) since heat loss is
directly proportional to area of the hot surface. Concentrating collectors reduce
the area of the receiver by reflecting (or refracting) the light incident on a large
area (the collector aperture) onto an absorber of small area. With reduced heat
loss, concentrating collectors can operate at elevated temperatures and still
provide significant quantities of useful thermal energy.
A second reason for using concentration in the design of solar collectors is that,
in general, reflective surfaces are usually less expensive than absorbing
(receiver) surfaces. Therefore, large amounts of inexpensive reflecting surface
area can placed in a field, concentrating the incident solar energy on smaller
absorbing surfaces. However, concentrating collectors must track the sun´s
movement across the sky, adding significant cost to the construction of a
concentrating collector system.
The term "concentration ratio" is used to describe the amount of light energy
concentration achieved by a given collector. Two different definitions of
concentration ratio are in general use. They are defined briefly here so that the
terms may be used.
Optical Concentration Ratio (CRo). The averaged irradiance (radiant flux) (Ir )
integrated over the receiver area (Ar), divided by the insolation incident on the
collector aperture.
Thermal losses in such situations are larger than might be inferred from
examination of the optical concentration ratio. Since geometric concentration
ratio refers to receiver area, it is most commonly used because it can be related
to collector heat loss [e.g., see Chapter 5] . Note that if the aperture insolation
and receiver irradiance are both uniform over the entire area, the optical and
geometric concentration ratios are equal.
Figure 8.1 A concentrating flat-plate collector
If higher concentration ratios are desired, curved mirrors or lenses are used.
Circular and parabolic mirror optics are described in Section 8.3, and Fresnel
lenses are examined in Section 8.7.
A parabola is the locus of a point that moves so that its distances from a fixed
line and a fixed point are equal. This is shown on Figure 8.2, where the fixed line
is called the directrix and the fixed point F, the focus. Note that the length FR
equals the length RD. The line perpendicular to the directrix and passing through
the focus F is called the axis of the parabola. The parabola intersects its axis at a
point V called the vertex, which is exactly midway between the focus and the
Figure 8.2 The parabola.
If the origin is taken at the vertex V and the x-axis along the axis of the parabola,
the equation of the parabola is
(m2) (8.3)
where f, the focal length, is the distance VF from the vertex to the focus. When
the origin is shifted to the focus F as is often done in optical studies, with the
vertex to the left of the origin, the equation of a parabola becomes
(m2) (8.4)
In polar coordinates, using the usual definition of r as the distance from the
origin and the angle from the x-axis to r, we have for a parabola with
its vertex at the origin and symmetrical about the x-axis
Often in solar studies, it is more useful to define the parabolic curve with the
origin at F and in terms of the angle in polar coordinates with the
origin at F . The angle is measured from the line VF and the
parabolic radius p, is the distance from the focus F to the curve. Shifting the
origin to the focus F, we have
(m) (8.6)
The parabolic shape is widely used as the reflecting surface for concentrating
solar collectors because it has the property that, for any line parallel to the axis of
the parabola, the angle p between it and the surface normal is equal to the angle
between the normal and a line to the focal point. Since solar radiation arrives at
the earth in essentially parallel rays and by Snell's law the angle of reflection
equals the angle of incidence, all radiation parallel to the axis of the parabola will
be reflected to a single point F, which is the focus. Careful inspection of the
geometry described in Figure 8.2 will show that the following is true:
The general expressions given so far for the parabola define a curve infinite in
extent. Solar concentrators use a truncated portion of this curve. The extent of
this truncation is usually defined in terms of the rim angle or the ratio of
the focal length to aperture diameter f/d. The scale (size) of the curve is then
specified in terms of a linear dimension such as the aperture diameter d or the
focal length f. This is readily apparent in Figure 8.3, which shows various finite
parabola having a common focus and the same aperture diameter.
Figure 8.3 Segments of a parabola having a common focus F and the same aperture diameter.
It can be seen that a parabola with a small rim angle is relatively flat and the focal
length is long compared to its aperture diameter. Once a specific portion of the
parabolic curve has been selected, the height of the curve, h may be defined as
the maximum distance from the vertex to a line drawn across the aperture of the
parabola. In terms of focal length and aperture diameter, the height of the
parabola is
parabola from Equation (8.3) by integrating a differential segment of this curve
and applying the limits x = h and y = d/2 as pictured in Figure 8.2. The result is
where d is the distance across the aperture (or opening) of the parabola as
shown in Figure 8.2 and h is the distance from the vertex to the aperture. The
cross sectional area of the space enclosed between a parabola and a line across
its aperture and normal to the axis is given by
this area should not be confused with the reflecting surface area of a parabolic
trough or dish or their aperture areas, the equations for which are given in the
following section.
Often in evaluating parabolic geometry and related optical derivations, the casual
reader becomes confused with the many forms used to represent the geometry
of a particular parabolic shape. The following equivalencies are given for the
convenience of the reader:
The surface formed by moving a parabola along the axis normal to its plane is
called a parabolic cylinder. Solar concentrators with this type of reflecting surface
are often called parabolic troughs because of their appearance, or line focus
concentrators because the foci of the parabola describe a line in this geometry.
When the plane containing the axes of the parabola is aligned parallel to the rays
of the sun, the rays are focused on this focal line. For a parabolic cylinder of
length l and having the cross-sectional dimensions shown in Figure 8.2, the
collector aperture area is given by
The reflective surface area is found by using the arc length developed in
Equation (8.10):
The focal length f and the rim angle for the parabolic cylinder are
given in Equations (8.8) and (8.9).
8.2.3 Paraboloid
The surface formed by rotating a parabolic curve about its axis is called a
paraboloid of revolution. Solar concentrators having a reflective surface in this
shape are often called parabolic dish concentrators. The equation for the
paraboloid of revolution as shown in Figure 8.4, in rectangular coordinates with
the z-axis as the axis of symmetry, is
where the distance f is the focal length VF. In cylindrical coordinates, where a
is the distance from the z-axis, this becomes
Figure 8.4 Paraboloid of revolution.
Figure 8.5 Parameters defining a circular strip of differential area.
Note that the differential element of arc ds is cast in terms of the height dz and the
radial distance da. Finding the derivative of z with respect to a using Equation
(8.19), we express the differential area band as
The full surface area A, of a paraboloid having a focal length f and an aperture
diameter d may be found by integrating Equation (8.22). The result is
The concentrator aperture area, of most importance to the solar designer for
An equation for the aperture area may also be cast in terms of the focal length
and the rim angle. Using Equation (8.6), which is the polar form of the equation of
a parabola, we have
Note: Equation (8.26) has been renumbered and moved to another chapter.
Figure 8.6 Definition of plane of curvature
The equation of a circle as drawn in Figure 8.7a in Cartesian coordinates with its
center at a, b and radius r is
when the circle is centered at (0,0). The equation for a line tangent to this
circle at the point (x1 , y1) is
Figure 8.7 Definition of (a) circle and (b) parabola
A parabola (see Figure 8.7b) can be defined as any section of a right circular
cone resulting from a plane slicing through the cone parallel to, but not including,
the axis of the cone. The equation for a parabola, with focal length f, in the
Cartesian coordinates is
The vertex of a parabola having this form will be at (0,0). The equation of the
tangent to this parabola at (x1 , y1) is
Figure 8.8 Definition of rim angle
The reflections of parallel rays of sunlight from both two dimensional circular and
parabolic mirrors are shown in the ray trace diagrams in Figures 8.9 and 8.10,
respectively. The characteristics of these two mirrors in concentrating parallel
rays of incident light which are normal to the reflector aperture are:
o All parallel rays reflected from a circular mirror pass through a line
drawn through the center of the circle and parallel to the incident
rays (see Figure 8.9a).
2. All parallel rays reflected from a parabolic mirror, when they are
parallel to the axis of symmetry, intersect at a point (see Figure
Figure 8.9 Characteristics of spherical optics (C = center of circle).
A parabolic mirror, on the other hand, is not symmetrical to rotations about its
focal point. As shown in Figure 8.10, if the incident beam of parallel rays is even
slightly off normal to the mirror aperture, beam dispersion occurs, resulting in
spreading of the image at the focal point. For a parabolic mirror to focus sharply,
therefore, it must accurately track the motion of the sun to keep the axis (or
plane) of symmetry parallel to the incident rays of the sun.
Figure 8.10 Characteristics of parabolic optics, (a) for rays parallel to the axis of symmetry, (b) for
rays 1o off of the axis of symmetry.
Figure 8.11 Formation of linear troughs: (a) parabolic trough; (b) cylindrical trough.
A parabolic trough as shown in Figure 8.11a has a line focus and must be
tracked about its linear axis in order to maintain focus. The proper tracking angle
is defined by the orientation of the trough relative to the sun’s position. Analytical
expressions for the proper tracking angle of parabolic troughs are developed in
Chapter 4. Basically, a parabolic trough must track about its linear axis so that
when the sun’s rays are projected onto the plane of curvature, they are normal to
the trough aperture.
Since linear translation does not introduce curvature along the translation axis,
the trough need not be tracked in this direction in order to maintain focus. Just as
reflection from a plane mirror does not defocus parallel rays of light, neither is the
component of the incident beam (direct) insolation in the plane of translation
defocused by a linear translation. The net effect of a non-normal incidence angle
in a parabolic trough (assuming that the trough has been tracked to
satisfy focusing requirements) is that the reflected beam is simply translated
along, but still focused on, the receiver tube.
Figure 8.12 Translation of focused radiation along receiver tube due to non-normal incident
insolation. Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.
Figure 8.13 Parabolic trough endloss. Courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.
Figure 8.14 shows the angles involved. At the mirror surface the incident ray will
undergo reflection. Since, by definition, a radius of a circle is normal to the
tangent to the circle at all points, it follows that (solid lines). In
addition, since the incident ray is assumed parallel to the axis of curvature,
. Thus the triangle C-PF-M is an isosceles triangle with the
characteristics that C-PF is equal to r/2 for small values of .
Figure 8.14 Definitions of angles for reflection from a cylindrical (or spherical) mirror.
For practical applications, if the rim angle of a cylindrical trough is kept low
(e.g., <20-30 degrees ), spherical aberration is small and a virtual line focus
trough is achieved. Figure 8.15 shows the focusing of circular mirrors with
various rim angles.
Figure 8.15 Focusing of parallel rays of light using circular mirrors with different rim angles.
If the two-dimensional curved mirrors shown in Figures 8.9 and 8.10 are rotated
rather than translated, the resulting geometric figures are spherical and parabolic
dishes, respectively. A parabolic dish must be tracked in two dimensions in order
to maintain the incident beam insolation normal to the dish aperture at all times to
allow focusing. As with the cylindrical trough, however, the aperture of a spherical
dish need not be tracked because of the symmetry of a sphere (circle) as
discussed earlier. However, a linear receiver that tracks the moving focal line
(see Figure 8.9) must be provided. A prototype parabolic dish concentrator is
described in Chapter 9 along with a prototype non-tracking aperture spherical
Although the design details of any one parabolic collector may differ from those
of another parabolic collector, optical constraints define the basic configuration of
all parabolic concentrators. This section reviews these constraints and examines
the process of supplying concentrated optical energy to the receiver. Heat-loss
considerations are addressed in Section 9.2. The basic logic flow followed in this
review is summarized in Figure 8.16. The reflection of parallel rays of light,
normal to the collector aperture, is reviewed. The goal is to develop an analytical
equation that shows the contribution of light reflected to the focus as a function of
rim angle.
Figure 8.16 Optical analysis of parabolic concentrators.
This analysis is then modified to account for the fact that the sun’s rays are not
truly parallel. Angular errors (e.g., slope errors) in the conformity of the reflector
surface to a true parabolic shape are incorporated at this stage. The spread of
the reflected beam due to errors in mirror surface slope, tracking, and nonparallel
solar rays provides the information needed to examine the principles used in
selecting the size of the receiver.
Consider the parabolic mirror illustrated in Figure 8.17. A ray of light, with
intensity of Ib incident parallel to the axis of the parabola, will be, as shown,
reflected to the focus F of the parabola. Since we will want to discuss the total
quantity of light reflected by the entire mirror surface, it is convenient to first
consider a differential area that can, in turn, be integrated over the
entire surface of the mirror if desired . The differential surface area is
defined as
An expanded view of Figure 8.17a shows the angles associated with ds.
Figure 8.17 Reflection of a light ray from a parabolic mirror.
The total radiant flux reflected from this differential area (assuming no
reflectance loss) to the point of focus is
Equation (8.37) is the general form of the equation and holds for both
parabolic troughs and dishes. However, for a parabolic dish we can substitute for
l in Equation (8.37). Introducing the subscripts PT and PD to signify parabolic
trough and parabolic dish, respectively, we can rewrite Equation (8.37) as
The preceding discussion is based on the incident light rays being parallel. This
is not true for solar applications. Because of the finite angular size of the sun’s
disc (about 33 minutes of arc or 9.6 mrad), the sun’s rays reaching the
concentrator are not parallel. Thus, rather than all the incident rays being
reflected to the focal point (or line in the case of a trough), the reflected rays form
an "image" of finite size centered about the focus. The geometry involved is
illustrated in Figure 8.18, where the angular size of the sun’s disc is denoted by
The width (beam spread) of the reflected sun’s image on a plane normal
to p and passing through the focus F is, as indicated
This is the minimum beam spread that will occur. Any errors in, for example,
the trueness of the mirror slope will cause additional spreading of the image size.
In addition to the finite angular size of the sun, independent errors in the
conformity of the mirror to a true parabolic shape (i.e., slope errors), non-
specular reflection of the incident light beam, tracking errors, and receiver
alignment errors all contribute to further apparent spreading of the reflected light
beam. Typically, these errors are assumed to be random and are reported in
standard deviation units. Their combined effect is statistically determined.
Although the sun’s intensity is not normally distributed across its disc, it may be
approximated as a standard distribution so that it can be treated similarly to the
concentrator errors.
Harris and Duff (198l) have evaluated the use of a normal distribution to describe
the sun’s intensity. They found that the approximation does not introduce
significant errors for parabolic troughs and dishes. Table 8.1 shows a typical list
of concentrator errors along with the equivalent width of the sun. These errors
are for one standard distribution unit , which means that approximately
68 percent of all measurements of the errors fall within the angular deviations
2 mrad 4
2 mrad 4
Drive Non-uniformity
2 mrad 4
Alignment, etc.
= 37
= 6.1 mrad
= 8.09
= 2.8 mrad
Note that the sun width (2.8 mrad) reported in Table 8.1 is smaller than
the usually reported sun width of 9.6 mrad. This is a result of forcing a standard
distribution on the solar disc. As discussed in the following paragraphs, the usual
process during analysis will be to use multiples of one standard distribution.
Note also that Table 8.1 is divided into two main parts: one-dimensional errors,
and two-dimensional errors. One-dimensional errors are those errors that
contribute to beam spreading in the plane of curvature. They are combined as
Note that the slope error is multiplied by 2. This is a result of Snell’s law
(Equation 8.54) and the fact that with a slope error, the mirror surface direction is
changed whereas the receiver position is not (see Figure 8.19).
Figure 8.19a shows the reflection of the beam with no slope error. If, as
illustrated in Figure 8.19b, there is a slope error of 5 degrees, the reflected beam
is misdirected by an amount of 10 degrees from the original reflected path. In the
case of a tracking error, for example, the receiver moves together with the mirror
surface so that the factor of 2 does not appear for this type of error in Equation
(8.41). The factor of 2 appears only when an error is the result of a movement on
the mirror surface and not the receiver.
above equation for Δr is accomplished by replacing with some
multiple of . Equation (8.40) can then be rewritten as
One can expect 68 percent of the energy incident on that part of the reflecting
surface (defined by p) to fall on line Δr when n is chosen to be equal to 2 (i.e.
). It is common to use ± 2 to ± 3 times in solar analyses to
ensure that 95 percent or more of all possible energy is captured.
Multiples of Percent
n Within Limits
±l 2 68.27 %
±2 4 95.45 %
±3 6 99.73 %
With central receiver systems, the sun 's rays that hit a field of movable mirrors
(heliostats) are reflected to a single fixed point in space (the receiver). The
tracking angles for the reflector surface, along with the angle of incidence to this
surface, may be derived using the vector techniques developed in Chapter 4.
The appropriate geometry can be best described by using zenith, east, and north
(z, e, n) coordinates with their origin O at the base of the aim point A as shown in
Figure 8.20. The location of a reflecting surface B can be defined as z1, e1 and n1
and the aim point located at a distance z00 above the origin.
Figure 8.20 Coordinates defining the reflection of the sun’s rays by a heliostat to a single aim
point. Vector H is normal to the heliostat reflecting surface
The third vector of interest is a unit vector normal to the reflector surface. This
is defined as
Table 8.3 summarizes the sign conventions used to develop the angles related to heliostat
Table 8.3 Sign Convention for Important Heliostat Angles
Positive Equation
Title Symbol Zero Range Figure No.
Direction No.
Heliostat Angles
Angle of perpendicular
Incidence to surface
toward surface 0 to 90o 8.49 8.20
horizontal up 0 to 90o 8.51 8.20
Surface 8.52 or
AH due north clockwise 0 to 360o 8.20
Since the laws of specular reflection require that the angle of incidence
is equal to the angle of reflection, an expression for this angle can be written in
terms of the central sun ray unit vector (S) and the aim point unit vector (R) as
from which the angle of incidence or reflection can be obtained, if we know the
position of the sun and the position of the aim point relative to the reflection
The reflection surface unit normal (H) can be found by adding the incidence and
reflection vector and dividing by the appropriate scalar quantity. This gives
Substituting Equation (3.9) and describing the altitude and azimuth of the
reflecting surface and (AH ) respectively, in terms of the orthogonal
coordinates in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 3.6, we have
When the reflector azimuth is found by using the arc sine and arc cosine
functions, the problem of quadrant ambiguity must again be recognized. It could
be handled analytically by solving both Equations (3.52) and (3 .53) or with
simpler logic i.e. it is obvious that the angle of incidence cannot exceed
90 degrees.
EXAMPLE: As an example of the use of these equations, take the case where
the aim point A (receiver) is 200 m above a reflector (heliostat) that is located
100 m east and 50 m north of the base of the tower. If the solar altitude angle is
50 degrees with a solar azimuth of 180 degrees, solutions of Equations (3.49),
(3.51), and (3.52) give an angle of incidence of 18 degrees, and the
reflector’s altitude and azimuth are 59.5 and 206.88 degrees, respectively.
The basic processes that take place when light encounters the surface of a
transparent material are shown in Figure 8.21. A portion of the incident ray may
be reflected from the surface as shown, with an angle equal to the angle
the incident light makes with the surface normal. Some of the incident light
will pass through the surface and enter the material. In so doing, the direction of
the light is changed (i.e., refracted) in accordance with Snell's law:
Figure 8.21 Interaction of light with a material. N1, index of refraction of material 1; N2, index of
refraction material 2.
As the light passes through the material, some of it may be absorbed, thus
decreasing the energy content of the refracted light. The ability of material to
pass light is reported as transmittance or transmissivity. The physical
properties reflection, refraction, and transmittance define the optical behavior of
concentrating solar collectors and are examined in the following sections.
8.6.1 Mirrors
All reflector surfaces follow the basic principle shown in Figure 8.21, specifically,
Specular Reflectance The fraction of incident light that is reflected
such that the angle θrfl of the reflected beam, with respect to the normal to the
mirror surface, is equal (within some defined limit) to the angle θi that the
incoming beam makes with the normal to the mirror surface.
is reflected from a surface such that the angle of the reflected beam is
not defined by the angle that the incoming beam makes with the normal
to the average surface contour.
where Ir,a is the reflected irradiance falling within the acceptance angle
Non-specular reflectance is measured by use of a device that integrates the
amount of light reflected by the surface in all directions.
Figure 8.23 Specular reflectance of selected materials. Ag, silver; Al, aluminum; Au, gold
plastic). When light passes through a material, part of the light energy is
absorbed. The absorption of light by transparent materials is an important factor
in the design of the mirrors used in solar concentrators. Figure 8.24 is an
example of a back-surface reflector. Since the light beam must traverse the
thickness of the protective layer twice (once on incidence and again on
reflection), any material that absorbs light can significantly reduce the solar
energy reaching the receiver. The ability of a material to transmit light is
characterized by its transmittance.
varying amounts of iron present as Fe2+. Since Fe2+ absorbs light in the visible part
of the spectrum, the transmittance of glass (reflectance of a mirror) for the solar
spectrum decreases with increasing concentrations of Fe2+. Thus, low-iron (i.e.,
0.06 percent Fe2+ or less) glass and glass manufactured in a manner to convert
Fe2+ to Fe3+, which does not absorb strongly in the solar spectrum, is of growing
interest. In addition, thin mirrors are of interest since reduction of the path length
that the light must traverse through the glass will reduce losses that are due to
light absorption by the glass.
Figure 8.25 Effect of iron concentration on glass mirror reflectance (Clark, 1981).
8.6.2 Lenses
Figure 8.26 A concentrating lens.
Figure 8.27 Total internal reflection: (a) refraction; (b) total internal reflection.
Example: Calculate the angle at which total reflection of light passing from glass
to air occurs.
Thus, for incidence angles equal to or greater than 42 degrees, light passing
from glass, with an index of refraction of 1.5, to air, with an index of refraction of
1.0, will undergo total internal reflection. This is termed the critical angle of the
glass-air interface. Note that there is no critical angle for light passing from a
medium of low index of refraction to a medium of high index of refraction.
Figure 8.28 Dielectric reflection - definition of angles.
The first term in Equation (8.57) gives the fraction of the incident beam polarized
in the plane of incidence, and the second term gives the fraction polarized in the
plane normal to the plane of incidence. Figure 8.29 is a plot of the reflection from
a single air-glass interface as a function of incidence angle. Note that at
equal to about 57 degrees, the component of the surface reflection polarized
normal to the plane of incidence goes to zero. This is called the polarizing angle
since the reflected light is plane polarized in one direction only. At normal
incidence Equation (8.57) reduces to (Smith, 1966)
Figure 8.29 Effect of incidence angle on dielectric reflection from air-glass interface (Smith,
These solutions selectively extract soluble oxides within the surface layer, leaving
a hydrated porous layer, largely silica, at the surface of the glass. The resulting
surface layers are unique in that they maintain low reflectance losses in both the
visible and the near-infrared. The reduction in dielectric reflectivity is attributable
to a variable refractive index gradient caused by the interconnected pores of the
silica-rich surface layer. The process is applicable to glasses that exhibit
selective solubility in hot acid solutions. Etching has been used to produce an
antireflection surface on the glass envelope surrounding the receiver in parabolic
troughs (Anonymous, 1981). Figure 8.30 shows the transmittance of borosilicate
glass treated in this manner.
Figure 8.30 Transmittance of glass with antireflection coating (Elmer and Martin, 1979).
Fresnel (pronounced )
lenses have been widely used in solar collectors that concentrate light by
refraction. Since it is a flat approximation of a curved lens, a Fresnel lens has
less material and weighs less than a corresponding curved lens. This results in
lower cost and less optical transmission loss through the lens. An idealized
Fresnel lens that focuses parallel rays of light to a point is illustrated in Figure
8.31. The Fresnel lens employs canted facets to approximate the curvature of a
lens; the more facets, the better the approximation. Typically, a high-quality linear
Fresnel lens will have more than 1000 facets per centimeter.
Figure 8.31 Idealized Fresnel lens.
Several factors limit the effectiveness of Fresnel lenses. The most serious is,
perhaps, the sharpness of the facets that can be produced. Any manufacturing
process will produce slightly rounded facets as shown in Figure 8.32. Any ray
striking the back side of a facet (e.g., ray 1) or the tip or valley of a facet (e.g.,
rays 2 and 3, respectively), is not properly directed to the receiver. The total
fraction of the aperture area represented by these features is ineffective and
reduces the ability of a Fresnel lens collector to perform efficiently.
Figure 8.32 Problems associated with Fresnel lenses
Another feature that limits the performance of a Fresnel lens (or any other lens,
for that matter) is dielectric and internal reflection (see Section 8.6). As the angle
of incidence of light on a facet increases, the quantity of light reflected due to
dielectric reflection increases. Figure 8.29 shows the reflection of light from an
air-glass interface. Note that as the angle of incidence approaches 42 degrees,
total internal reflection occurs for a glass lens. Thus the edge facets of a Fresnel
lens are less effective than facets closer to the center of the lens. The effect is
similar for plastic lenses since they have indices of refraction similar to glass (see
Appendix D).
A more serious factor limiting the use of refractive optics is the need to track the
lens about two axes. This is necessary to keep the concentrated image focused
on a receiver that is fixed with respect to the lens. This is true even in the case of
a linear lens. Figure 8.33a shows that as the incident rays are inclined (e.g., Ray
l), in the plane of curvature, the refracted rays move. Thus, as would be
expected, a minimum of single-axis tracking is required with a linear Fresnel
Figure 8.33 Two-axis tracking requirements for Fresnel lenses. (a) Effect on refracted beam
inclined to lens aperture in the plane of curvature; (b) effect on refracted beam inclined along
linear axis of lens. Solid line is in plane of paper (focus F). Dashed line is out of plane of paper
(focus F’); (c) change in focal length of linear Fresnel lens when incident rays inclined at an angle
along the linear axis of the lens. Reprinted with permission from Solar Energy Technology Handbook, Marcel Dekker,
New York (1980).
However, a somewhat more subtle effect also due to refraction, occurs if the
incident ray is inclined along the linear axis of the Fresnel lens. This is illustrated
in Figure 8.33b and 8.33c. The net result, over the entire lens, is the creation of a
new focal line for the lens that is above the normal focal line. To maintain the
refracted image focused on a receiver that is fixed with respect to the lens,
therefore, one must track a Fresnel lens collector (or any lens system) to
maintain the incident light normal to the lens aperture. This requires two-axis
8.8 Conclusions
Anonymous (1981), "Solar Thermal Monthly Progress Report," Sandia National Laboratories,
Bergeron, K. D., and J. M. Freese (1981), "Cleaning Strategies for Parabolic Trough Collector
Fields; Guidelines for Decisions," SAND81-0385, Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque.
Clark, N.H. (1981), "Material Design Considerations for Silvered Glass Mirrors," in Proceedings of
the Line-Focus Solar Thermal Energy Technology Development-A Seminar .for Industry, p. 409,
SAND80-1666, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque.
Kutscher, C. T., and R. Davenport (1981), "Preliminary Results of the Operational Industrial
Process Heat Field Tests," SERI/TR-632-385R, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO,
Harris, J. A. and W. S. Duff (1981), "Focal Plane Flux Distribution produced by Solar
Concentrating Reflectors" Solar Energy 27 (5), 403.
Larsen, L. M., and J. M. Freese (198l), "Solar Collector Cleaning Study," in Proceedings of The
Line-Focus Solar Thermal Energy Technology Development - A Seminar for Industry, p. 189,
SAND80-1966, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque.
Pettit, R. B., and E. P. Roth (1980), "Solar Mirror Materials: Their Properties and Uses in Solar
Concentrating Collectors," in Solar Materials Science, L. E. Murr, ed., p. 171, Academic Press,
New York.
Torkelson, L., and D. L. Larsen (1981), "1980 Annual Report of the Coolidge Solar Irrigation
Project," SAND80-2378, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque.
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