Analysis and Experimentation of Crash Box
Analysis and Experimentation of Crash Box
Analysis and Experimentation of Crash Box
Abstract: A separate component in vehicle which is mounted in between main frame and front bumper of the car is called Crash
box. The Crush Box is a thin-walled deformable structure attached between the vehicle bumper and the chassis. The Crush box
is quite more important for absorbing the impact energy. In case of front car crash collisions, crash box is expected to deform
and absorb crash energy that can be transferred to other cabin parts so that damage to the occupant cabin and occupant is
minimized. The design of such structures for progressive crush is very important because if these structures deform at very high
crushing forces there is high risk to bio-mechanical damage to the vehicle occupants. Hence it is important that the design of
such structures should be to maximize the energy absorption while maintaining the peak force below an allowable threshold.
Here, progressive crush is a mode of axial crush that initiates near the tip of the crash box and then progresses towards rear.
Crash box structure provides safety and comfort to the passenger at the time of front impact. It works as safe guard for the costly
components behind the bumper like engine hood and cooling system. In this project plane crash box geometry with varying
thickness is studied for the energy absorption. Study is based on analytical, experimental and numerical work. Various
parameters like width, thickness, taper which affects on the crash box performance are studied. Crash box crushing behavior is
analyzed by using quasi static method. Experimental test is performed on UTM machine. Quasi-static simulation is performed
using ABAQUS. Good agreement obtained in the results of analytical, experimental and numerical method. By varying the
parameters and application of beads different designs are proposed and simulated for the maximum energy absorption.
Application of various positioned beads show good influence on the energy absorption.
Keywords: Crash Box, Front collision, FEA analysis, Energy Absorption.
Road transport is the dominant mode of transport in India, both in terms of traffic share and in terms of contribution to the national
economy. To meet the demand for road transport, the number of vehicles and the length of road network have increased over the
years. A negative externality associated with expansion in road network, motorization and urbanization in the country is the increase
in road accidents and road crash fatalities. Traffic safety and car accidents have become a major topic for automotive research
during recent years. The number of road users worldwide is continuously increasing, making the severe injury and mortality of
people from car accidents a primary concern. With increase in number of vehicles every year, there is increase in number of
accidental death.
Frontal car crash cause more deaths and injuries as compared to any other kind of car crash. The number one concern for drivers and
passengers is safety. People expect driving or riding in cars to be very safe. A vehicle is expected to provide adequate protection to
driver and passengers in a serious accident. To protect the occupants of a car, there are many new tangible safety features such as
airbags, crash box, seat belts, and ABS brakes. Surviving a crash is all about kinetic energy. When your body is moving, it has a
certain amount of kinetic energy. After the crash, when you come to a complete stop, you will have zero kinetic energy. To
minimize risk of injury, you would like to remove the kinetic energy as slowly and evenly as possible. In frontal collisions, the body
structure performs different functions. Nowadays thin walled structures have become very popular as energy absorbers because of
their desirable energy absorption capacity, quite light weight and low cost. They are widely used in automobile, aerospace, defense
and other industries. The front is designed to act as a crumple zone, managing and absorbing crash energy by collapsing in a
controlled manner, so that the impact affects the car and not the occupants. Since the prototype laboratory tests are very costly in the
design process, computer operation has been strongly demanded. In the last ten years or so, CAE (computer aided engineering) has
developed a new branch Crash Simulation. The successful applications of finite element methods in this area are the key. The
simulations are cheaper and faster than the real tests. Only a small number of real tests are performed for validating the simulation
results and because the law requires them. Crashworthiness is a measure of the vehicles structural ability to plastically deform and
yet maintain a sufficient survival space for its occupants in survivable crashes. This project aim is to study the Crashworthiness of a
crash energy absorbing car structure.
Crash Box
When low-speed collision occurs, crash box absorb impact energy and reduce the peak force of the impact. In order to make crash
box absorb the entire energy in the low-speed collision, it requires that the impact force is evenly distributed and the force value is
not more than the value of permits to protect other structures from damage, and all the KE were absorbed. In term to achieve the
passenger comfort by ensuring there safety and to provide safe guard for the costly components behind the bumper like engine hood
and cooling system we have to increase effectiveness and performance by increasing energy absorbing and deformation capacity of
the crash box.
As we all know, safety of a vehicle has been a primary area of interest and research since many years. There has been an ongoing
search for better energy absorbing structures. Researchers have been trying to modify various parameters on materials and carry out
research on them to determine their energy absorption capabilities.
A. The objective of this project is to find the effect of impact on different types of Energy Absorption tubes.
B. To investigate effect axial crush behavior of various structures energy absorption aluminum tubes through finite element
analysis and experimentation
In the design of metallic energy dissipating structures, the concept of a space frame composed of thin walled prismatic columns, has
been identified as a very efficient impact energy absorbing system. In this structure types, energy absorption normally take place by
a combination of progressive folding and bending of the column. For light weight designs, low density metal filler, such as
aluminum honeycomb or foam, has the potential for increasing energy absorption of a thin-walled prismatic column. The increase of
energy will be absorbed by the large compressive deformation of the filler. Recent developments of cost-effective processes for the
production of low density cellular materials, such as aluminum foam, have cleared the way for using it in energy absorption devices
to reinforce a space frame structure. There is a various methods that can be used to improve energy absorption capacity of crash box.
As discussed above there are large number factor which affect the energy absorption capacity of the crash box. Instead of these filler
material we can use the other filler materials such as various low density polyethylene materials. Other parameter which affects
energy absorption is the shape. We have performed experiments and stimulation on various shapes and cross-sectioned crash box.
A. Material Properties
Material specification of mild steel used for the analysis is listed below in Table 1.
Property Value
C. Simulation Result
Using the above inputs and the use of the abaqus CAE software various results obtained are as shown in Figures.
1) Test No 2: Dimensions of the model are 80x40x100 (length x width x height). The Figure 7 shows the model of the crush box
as per the designed values used in current applications.
D. Material Properties
Material specification of mild steel used for the analysis is listed below in Table 1.
Property Value
F. Simulation Result
Using the above inputs and the use of the abaqus CAE software various results obtained are as shown in Figures.
1) Test No 3: Dimensions of the model are 60x100 (diameter x length).The Figure 3 shows the model of the crush box as per the
designed values used in current applications.
G. Material Properties
Material specification of mild steel used for the analysis is listed below in Table 1.
Property Value
I. Simulation Result
Using the above inputs and the use of the abaqus CAE software various results obtained are as shown in Figures.
J. Material Properties
Material specification of mild steel used for the analysis is listed below in Table 1.
Property Value
L. Simulation Result
Using the above inputs and the use of the abaqus CAE software various results obtained are as shown in Figures.
A. Test No 1
C. Test No 3
Test No 4
Rectangular c/s with 4 holes 52837.1 2852.349 3092.663 7.7
A. Experimental and numerical simulation by using ABAQUS Explicit Dynamic analysis is performed on plane crash box.
B. Good agreement found out in between analytical, experimental and numerical analysis result.
C. In the crash box there is increase in mean crushing load, and absorbed energy when we changes cross section from rectangular
to circular or adding some irregularities like holes in rectangular cross sectioned tubes.
D. The crash box profile is improved and can fulfill the required objectives. Also we come to the conclusion that absorbed energy
increases with increase in thickness.
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