Book 6 Post-Employment Labor Reviewer
Book 6 Post-Employment Labor Reviewer
Book 6 Post-Employment Labor Reviewer
Article 294 [279] SECURITY OF TENURE exact date, but on the completion of the
Regular employment Nature of employment determines regular
- “Tenure” is the duration, the time-period of Two broad types of project
holding a job. 1) Distinct, identifiable, such project begins and
- Sec 3, Article XIII, security of tenure means the ends at determined or determinable times
right not to be removed from one’s job except (ex: construction project)
for a valid reason and through proper 2) Job is not within the regular business of the
procedure. corporation (ex: steel making company
- “the employer shall not terminate the services undertaking the breeding of fish or
of an employee except for a just cause or when cultivation of vegetables)
authorized by” the code.
*** Project employees are extended
Article 295 [280] REULAR AND CASUAL long after the supposed project has
been finished = they are considered
EMPLOYMENT regular employees:
“every employee shall be entitled to the a) Continuous rehiring of the project
rights and privileges and shall be subject to
b) Tasks performed by the project
the duties and obligations, as may be employee are vital, necessary and
granted by law to regular employees during indispensable to the usual business
the period of their actual employment.” c)
d) ssEmployment
Seasonal or trade of the employer.
Regular Employment
Working at least one year When the company is sold, they are entitled
Work is desirable and usual to the business to separation pay
Engaged to perform tasks usually necessary Seasonal employee as regular employees
and desirable to the business of the They are not strictly separated from the
employer service but are merely considered as on
Regular employment does not mean leave of absence without pay until they are
permanent employment reemployed.
A probationary employee is Employment relationship is never served by
considered regular after 6 months, only suspended.
becomes regular. The worker is “seasonal” if the employment
May be terminated only for just / authorized is only for the duration of one season.
Nature of the job is that determines *** Workers who have been employed
regularity or casualness of the employee doing the same task for several years
The employer shall not terminate the or for more than one season = regular
services of an employee except for a just employment applies
cause or when authorized by this Title.
o Entitles to reinstatement without loss of
seniority rights and other privileges and Casual Employment
his full backwages, inclusive of A casual employee is casual for only one
allowances and his other benefits
Employment is casual when it is irregular,
Two kinds of regular employee unpredictable, sporadic and brief in nature
1) Those who are engaged to perform activities and outside the usual business of the
which are usually necessary or desirable; employer.
2) Those who rendered at least one year of Work is not permanent nor periodically
service, whether continuous or broken with regular but occasional or by chance, and not
respect to the activity. the usual course of the employer’s trade or
Project Employment
no obligation to pay them separation pay *** Work is neither regular, nor project
One whose employment has been fixed for nor seasonal, but if he has worked for at
a specific project or undertaking the least one year -whether continuously or
completion or termination of which has been not = he becomes a regular employee
determined at the time of engagement of the due to passage of time.
the period is not the determining factor, so *** When that activity recurs, he is the
that even if the period is more than 1 year, one to be rehired = regular casual
employee does not necessarily become employee
Right of security of tenure for a
“Project employees” were assigned to carry
out a “specific project or undertaking” particular job;
“Day Certain” Rule – project employment Employer needs a just or
ends on a certain date does not end on an authorized cause to cease
rehiring him
Willful Disobedience
This may constitute a just cause for
termination employment must meet three