Online vs. Face-To-Face Learning
Online vs. Face-To-Face Learning
Online vs. Face-To-Face Learning
Face-to-Face Learning
Aida Barrera
Carolyn Ho
Ida Garcia
Tomoko Traphagan
Yi-Fan Chang
There is no good evidence that most uses of computers significantly improve teaching and
learning, yet school districts are cutting programs – music, art, physical education – that enrich
children’s lives to make room for this dubious nostrum….(Oppenheimer, 1997).
Of course, computers are wonderful for transmitting and accessing information, but they are, more
broadly, a new medium through which people can create and express. If we use computers simply
to deliver information to students, we are missing the revolutionary potential of the new
technology for transforming learning and education (Resnick, 2002).
The uses of the computer, the Internet and New Media digital technologies are
revolutionizing the way we understand learning and education. While some people view
this as transforming how and what people learn, others regard the new technologies with
skepticism, claiming that these are keeping us from learning what is fundamentally
essential in life (Postman, 1990; Oppenheimer, 1997; Goldman and Maxwell, 2001;
Resnick, 2002).
Overriding the cautionary concerns, however, are the facts of the digital explosion
that surround us. This is true for the uses of technology in instruction as it is for the uses
of technology in our everyday lives. Web-based or online courses are increasingly being
used on college and public school campuses both here in this country and abroad. The
number of students enrolled in at least one online course is projected to increase by 19.8
percent from 2002 to 2003, or a total of 1.9 million students (Allen and Seaman, 2003).
Blackboard Inc., reports more than 2,700 colleges and universities in 140 countries using
its online course management system (Finkelstein and Pittinsky, 2003). Clearly, the
impact of online learning is being felt; and as online courses proliferate, so does the
inevitable comparison with the time-honored practice of face-to-face instruction.
understanding of the two learning environments by seeking optimal ways to take
advantage of both methods of instruction. More specifically, our aim is to recognize the
importance of the dialogic relationship that exists between these two methods rather than
designating a hierarchical relationship in choosing one over the other.
While the classroom can still be regarded as the center of learning, we can no
longer consider the classroom in isolation. Everyone will lose if traditional face-to-face
and technology-enhanced learning environments are pitted against each other.
Technological change is occurring so rapidly, we are increasingly using broader terms
like "learning environments" or "learning communities" to capture the wider range of
opportunities for teaching and learning. The concept of the face-to-face classroom is
evolving to encompass a new functionality, and as this functionality expands, so does the
potential for employing new and innovative methods of learning (Brown & Lippincott,
Both learning environments depend on the instructor to set the tone, establish the
pace and create the atmosphere that dominates the learning situation. The instructor can
design either environment to suit his/her particular teaching style. The instructor is free
to adopt a strong leadership and teacher-directed role or become the facilitator or guide in
a learner-centered, collaborative learning environment. Both methods hold the potential
for raising or lowering motivation, competition and/or learning anxiety on the part of the
learner. These factors depend on the design of learning activities, the manner in which
materials are presented and the instructor’s teaching approach. Edelson (2000) sees
teaching in both venues as a process of constant experimentation, of keeping young and
alive and of making the most of whatever modality is being deployed at any particular
II. Differences between Online and Face-to-Face Learning
One of the principal differences in online and face-to-face learning resides in the
realm of affect, but there is little consensus with respect to which modality is conducive
to generating the most effective social and cultural community. It is possible to have
effective communication and/or a meaningful cultural ethos online or in face-to-face
environments, yet the communication itself and the means to that communication is quite
different. There is no denying that the physical space in a face-to-face environment is
conducive to creating an atmosphere and a sense of belonging largely defined by the
physicality of the learning environment. At the same time, however, many learners feel
peripheral to what others consider the nurturing and hallowed halls of academe. Digital
communities can and do generate the same feelings in learners who identify strongly with
a technological age and whose cultural mindset is not contained by the physical space of
a learning environment.
The differences between the two learning environments suggest that different
learning styles and levels of academic proficiency can be addressed by certain features of
each instructional approach. Learners who tend to avoid face-to-face learning will find
online communication more adaptable to their needs, while those who prefer nonverbal
cues to their communication style may need and require the instructional benefits which
accrue to sessions which occur in person. Students who write well will be more
comfortable in online settings. Those students who struggle with the written word or
who have limited keyboarding skills may find it inhibiting to write e-mail or meet in a
chat room. Independent learners with high proficiencies in reading and writing will relate
to online situations which allow the freedom and flexibility to develop in-depth
knowledge. Conversely, students who will need more personal guidance will find online
classes isolating and frustrating.
The differences inherent in the two methods of learning do not obviate giving
careful consideration to the communication dictated by each learning approach.
Perceptive instructors are generally cognizant of the needs of their students and can and
do adapt their communication styles accordingly, regardless of the learning environment
in which they are teaching. The important thing to consider, for the purposes of this
discussion, is that both methods of learning are equally conducive to effective means of
communication, regardless of the idiosyncratic nature of the communication.
Face-to-Face Online
Inherent • Synchronous learning • Synchronous and
charac- • Learning occurs in specified asynchronous learning
teristics time and space. • Time and space for learning
• Teacher directed pace is flexible
• Self-paced learning allowed
Everyone agrees that the role of the instructor changes in online environments and
a number of advocates propose this change calls for altering how online courses are
structured. Some scholars indicate the technologically-enhanced instructional/learning
environment makes it possible for educators to bring about a shift in pedagogy, which
necessarily shift implies a repositioning of the instructor and learner roles (Rudestam &
Schoenholtz-Read, 2002). Palloff and Pratt (1999) delineate important directions and
advocate a collaborative learning approach that concentrates on the interaction of student
to student rather than student to instructor. Knowlton (2000, as cited in Hutchins, 2003)
also addresses the advantages of a student-centered in online courses, suggesting that
collaborative learning with students guiding discussions and working in cohorts on
assignments provides the best approach for online instruction.
facilitates the development of critical thinking, reading, and writing skills (Woodlief,
1997; Gosse, Gunn, & Swinkels, 2002).
Some activities are most effective when they are done in person, while others fit
perfectly in an online setting. The percentage of face-to-face or online portion in the
overall instruction design depends on the learning outcomes and learners’ needs. It is
therefore important to develop strategic hybrid learning models to take advantages of the
strengths in each environment. Valiathan (2002) proposes three learning models that
integrate both face-to-face and online learning: 1) skill-driven, 2) attitude-driven, and 3)
competency-driven. Below are brief explanations of each model:
Skill-Driven Model. When the learner needs to develop a specific knowledge or skills
and needs constant feedback from the instructor and peer learners, the class can be
designed so that learners are grouped together and interact both online and in person.
The instructor can introduce the foundational concepts and the basics of the target
knowledge/skill, while self-paced, online learning can facilitate exploration and
experiments. Meeting both in person and online provides support and feedback
necessary to reach the learning goals. Activities include instructor-led face-to-face
overview and closure, communication through e-mail, synchronous chat and group
Behavior-Driven Model. When the learning objectives are related to forming or shaping
attitudes, it is necessary to provide constant peer support and a “risk-free” environment
(Valiathan, 2002). Learners can have the online forum to express opinions and reactions
with less social inhibition than that commonly seen in the face-to-face setting. When
completing a project offline, peers can support each other and serve as simulation
partners in order to try out the new behavior without negative consequences. Activities
include discussion forums, online debate and face-to-face simulation or role-play.
Table 2: Valiathan’s Hybrid Learning Models
Why How
Skill-Driven Model: • Learning specific • Create a group-learning plan
knowledge and that's self-paced but bound to a
skills requires strict schedule
regular feedback • Pad self-paced learning
and support from material with instructor-led
the trainer, overview and closing sessions
facilitator, or peer. • Demonstrate procedures and
processes through synchronous
online learning labs or a
traditional classroom setting
• Provide e-mail support
• Design long-term projects
Online and face-to-face learning can no longer be regarded as two separate and
distinct approaches to learning. Rather, what is called for is a fundamental rethinking of
our approaches to learning and education.
We need to change our mindset and reorganize our thinking about the process of
teaching and learning. Instead of following traditional paradigms that have the instructor
firmly in control, we should adopt entrepreneurial and innovative approaches to learning.
Such approaches would permit students to become independent learners, and, at the same
time, give the teacher the important role of guide throughout the learning process. We
should open the doors of the classroom into the communities beyond the school, thus
enabling students to learn from others in their communities. Given an atmosphere that
would take advantage of different styles and different approaches, the opportunities
would multiply for students to design their own ways of learning, bringing depth,
meaning and creativity to each learning environment (Resnick, 2002).
Digital technologies and the corresponding online tools they provide are not ends
in themselves. On the contrary, they are a means to the end of transforming the
educational process. The capability of online technologies functions as added value to
the human dimension fundamental to face-to-face learning situations. Learners are the
beneficiaries of these productive and creative environments, which bring a wide range of
educational opportunities. The goal is to use and orchestrate the best techniques and
resources in order to attain the best educational experience for all learners.
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