Lecture Active Learning

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case study

Using online lectures to support active learning

Featuring: Dr Daniel Southam & Associate Professor Mauro Mocerino, Curtin University

- 140 students in a first year Pharmacy class, Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry 121
- 350 first year Science and 2nd year Chemical Engineering students from Australian and
Malaysian campuses in a class called Chemistry 102

Description - Blended class using an active learning strategy

- Face-to-face tutorials using in-class polling software, supported by online lectures

Technology - Online lectures recorded using Echo360 lecture capturing software, and distributed using
the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)
- In-class polling using Turning Point audience response system

Written by Dr Simon McIntyre

CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

Aims and overview

This case study examines how technology can be used to support an active learning strategy within face-to-
face Chemistry classes. Both in-class polling software and online lectures are used as part of a comprehensive
teaching strategy, designed to enable students to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. While in-
class polling is not an online process, it is included within this case study to highlight how different types of
technology can be used together to effectively support classroom teaching, when integrated with a carefully
considered pedagogical approach.

What are in-class polling and online lectures?

These two technologies are very different, however within this case study, both are successfully used to
support different elements of a single learning and teaching strategy.

In-class polling using ‘clickers’

In-class polling creates an interactive audience response during a presentation or lecture, whereby a teacher
can ask students to vote on multiple choice style questions posed in class. A Turning Point audience response
system was used in this case study. Students use special wireless remote devices often referred to as ‘clickers’.
They feature a keypad with several buttons representing different voting options. As students press the buttons
on the clickers, the answers are gathered by software that can graph the responses in real time. In many cases,
results can be overlaid onto any presentation from the teacher’s computer, and projected for the class to see
and discuss. This type of interaction is designed to increase student engagement and information retention.
With many polling systems, students may use their own smartphones instead of clickers to contribute answers.

Online lectures
The term online lectures simply refers to any type of lecture material that can be delivered in a variety of
online formats. These can include but are not limited to, text based documents such as PDF files, Powerpoint
presentations, or even audio or videos recordings (refer to the episode ‘Increasing student engagement
using podcasts’ for one example). Teachers can make video based online lectures called screencasts from
presentations on their computer, using a range of different screen capture software (as detailed below). In
this case study, echo360 software was used (formerly Lectopia). Online lectures offer students the increased
flexibility of being able to access the learning materials as often as required, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

lecture capture

Turning Point Clicker questions are

keypads (clickers) uploaded after class
PDF Mini video lectures
are custom made to
support the F2F class


Students access online
lectures in between classes Lecture support material

The diagram above represents a weekly cycle of the active learning strategy, used in the large face-to-face Chemistry classes
at Curtin University. Clickers are used in to help students working in groups compare and validate the results of their problem
solving activities. After the classes, the lecturer creates and distributes specially tailored online lectures in response to the students’
performance. Students refer to the lectures and problem based activities in-between class times, to help them validate and
consolidate what they have learnt when actively engaged with their peers.

Other examples of interactive polling and online lecture tools

There are several different tools available for both interactive classroom polling and creating online lectures
via screen capture:
- Poll Everywhere, Option Technologies Interactive, H-ITT, (interactive polling software and clickers)
- Adobe Captivate, Slideshare, Camtasia, Screenflow (screen capturing tools).


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

Case study outcomes quick summary

Key benefits
- The chosen active learning strategy (see below) combined with the online support and interactive clicker
questions, have helped equip students with more developed analytical skills, and given them confidence in
their own abilities
- The use of in-class polling and online lectures is effective in large classes
- Students have easy access to the online lectures 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Students report that the online lectures are more engaging than reading a textbook, and are referred to
several times over the course of the semester
- Since lectures are created in response to students’ performance with the active learning ‘clicker’ questions in
class, they are able to be targeted to students’ immediate learning needs as a feedback mechanism
- The use of in-class polling with clickers has improved levels of student engagement and discussion, enabling
students to validate their own understanding of ideas and processes with peers
- No technical training for the clickers has been necessary, as students have found them very easy to use
- In-class polling using clickers can provide instant feedback to both teachers and students about their
understanding and performance

Key issues to consider

- Teachers need to possess the skills required to use lecture or screen capturing software
- Clickers and polling software can be expensive if used in large classes. This should be considered early in the
planning stages of a class. However newer systems enable students to use their own smartphones rather than
clickers to vote, which can drastically reduce the cost
- Some resistance to new learning approaches was evident amongst students when these approaches were
introduced. Students need to be involved in discussions about why the technology is being used, and how it
will benefit their learning
- Initially, the rate at which students were covering the content in the syllabus was slower as compared to a
more traditional teaching approach. However as the semester progressed and students became used to a
new way of working, this situation was resolved

Motivation for adopting an online teaching strategy

Dr Daniel Southam from Curtin University’s Department of Chemistry, along with Associate Professor Mauro
Mocerino, are leading the adoption of a student centred active learning strategy in large classes called
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL). This pedagogy is a departure from the traditional didactic
methods of teaching, favouring the facilitation of the collaborative construction of knowledge and analytical


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

skills through problem solving and discussion. Students are given basic information about new concepts,
and are then encouraged to actively work together on problems and questions that are designed to help
them develop an understanding of the key principles and concepts for themselves.

Daniel saw great potential in the use of technologies such as in-class polling and online lectures in
supporting this active learning strategy. The application of technologically supported active learning
strategies in the classes at Curtin University, and the study of their impact, was supported by an ALTC funded
project called Active Learning in University Science (ALIUS).

The following were main motivators for incorporating technology into the learning process:

- Increasingly over the years, class evaluations showed that students were requesting more flexibility in
content delivery, including online lectures and resources
- Daniel was dissatisfied with the results from using more didactic, passive instructional techniques
traditionally used in a dynamic discipline such as Chemistry
- Students in first year Chemistry programs were used to more didactic learning processes, and did not
possess the key critical analytical skills they needed to develop deeper understanding of the content and
processes being studied.

The following were important considerations for the technological side of the planning process:

- The technology has to add to students’ learning and challenge them, and not just be used for technology’s
sake. Therefore careful consideration of the aims of objectives of the class, and the larger context of how the
technology fits with and supports the face-to-face learning strategies was crucial
- Simply uploading notes and lectures online is not an effective method of engaging students. Structured
activities that integrate with online resources and in-class activities are essential
- It was important for the students to experience a seamless learning experience between the classroom and
the online environment. Therefore a large amount of time needed to be allocated for preparing the in-class
clicker questions and online lecture slides, so that they align and support the class learning outcomes
- This investment of time was quite large in the early stages of developing the approach, but was seen to
become more efficient in future iterations of the class
- Daniel worked with his university’s IT department to get planning and practical support for setting up the
online lectures and resources.

Daniel described how teaching using POGIL approaches is quite a departure from the usual large class


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

lecture and tutorial format traditionally associated with the sciences. Below are important points to consider
when using both in-class polling and online lectures:

The use of ‘clickers’ and in-class interactive polling

- Traditional didactic lectures are replaced by collaborative problem solving and discussion, integrated with
the use of in-class polling and interactive ‘clickers’ to provide feedback and validation of ideas
- Students work together in small groups on problem solving exercises. After an allocated time for solving
a problem has elapsed, students vote on what they believe to be the right solution from a list of several
possibilities using clickers
- The software displays a real time graph of the results, enabling Daniel to discuss the results of the poll with
the class. If there is a large discrepancy in the answers the groups will try to convince their neighbours of the
correct answer, discussing and comparing their problem solving approaches

Supportive online lectures

- The online lectures are made each week after the face-to-face session, and then placed within the class
Blackboard LMS for students, along with copies of the clicker problems used in class
- Daniel prepares a Keynote presentation (Apple’s equivalent to Powerpoint), then plays it through speaking
to the slides. This is recorded with Echo360 and uploaded into the LMS

Issues to consider and suggestions for dealing with them

The following issues are worthy of note:

- Issue
Students resist changing the way they are accustomed to learning
Suggested strategy
Time must be taken to carefully explain the reasons behind adopting a new way of learning and how the
technological aspects will be used, and how they will provide a benefit for students in their learning and

- Issue
Many academics initially lacked the confidence to adopt the technology
Suggested strategy
Staff had to be supported in learning how to effectively use the technology, and in how best to apply it from
a pedagogical perspective. Having technical support available, and providing evidence on why adopting
the technology as part of an active learning strategy was essential in convincing teachers to commit to
changing their teaching practice.


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

Both in-class polling and online lectures are relatively simple technologies that have the potential to
offer many benefits to students. This case study reflects how different technologies can be effective
when integrated with a carefully planned pedagogical approach. You may find reviewing our other
pedagogy focused episodes such as ‘Planning your online class’ useful if you are thinking of adopting these
technologies into your own teaching.

Additional reading*
Bedgood Jr, D. R., Bridgeman, A. J., Buntine, M., Mocerino, M., Southam, D., Lim, K. F., et al. (2010). The
development of teaching skills to support active learning in university science (ALIUS). Journal of Learning
Design, 3(3), 10-19.

Cain, J., Black , E., & J., R. (2009). An Audience Response System Strategy to Improve Student Motivation,
Attention, and Feedback. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 73(2), 21.

Grabe, M., & Christopherson, K. (2008). Optional student use of online lecture resources: resource
preferences, performance and lecture attendance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(1), 1-10.

Hanson, D. M. (2005). Designing Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Activities. In S. W. Beyerlein & D. K. Apple

(Eds.), Faculty Guidebook – A Comprehensive Tool for Improving Faculty Performance (4th ed.): Pacific Crest

Hove, M. C., & Corcoran, K. J. (2008). If You Post It, Will They Come? Lecture Availability in Introductory
Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 35(2), 91 - 95.

Kay, R. H., & LeSage, A. (2009). Examining the benefits and challenges of using audience response systems: A
review of the literature. Computers & Education, 53(3), 819-827.

Mark, K. P., Vogel, D. R., & Wong, E. Y. W. (2010). Developing Learning System Continuance with Teachers and
Students: Case Study of the Echo360 Lecture Capturing System. PACIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 170.

*Note: Some readings are held in subscription only databases. In most cases accessing the link from your institution’s
network will enable access


CASE STUDY Using online lectures to support active learning

Interview and Production: Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson
Camera and Post: Creative Development – L&T@UNSW
Edit: Doug Aplin and Sarah Spackman

Blackboard www.blackboard.com is used under license by Curtin University. The website and content appears in
this case study in a non-commercial context with the express written permission of Curtin University.

Lectopia www.lectopia.com.au and Echo360 www.echo360.com are registered trademarks of Echo360, Inc. The
software appears in this case study in a non-commercial context with the express written permission of the
copyright owners.

TurningPoint is a registered trademark of Turning Technologies, LLC. TurningPoint keypads and Polling Software
appear in this case study in a non-commercial context in accordance with the terms and conditions expressed in
the Turning Technologies, LLC terms of use www.turningtechnologies.com/termsofuse

COFA Online would like to extend a special thank you to the students, institution and academics who graciously
donated their time and expertise to this case study.

Dr Daniel Southam
Lecturer, Department of Chemistry

Associate Professor Mauro Mocerino

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Chemistry


About the Learning to Teach Online MOOC

Simon McIntyre Dr Negin Mirriahi

Director, Learning and Innovation Academic Developer/Lecturer
UNSW Australia | Art & Design UNSW Australia | Learning & Teaching Unit

Linkedin: au.linkedin.com/in/mcintyresimon Linkedin: au.linkedin.com/in/neginm

Karin Watson Based upon the successful OER of the same name
Co-Project Leader developed by Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson, the
Learning to Teach Online OER Learning to Teach Online (LTTO) MOOC is designed
to help existing educators establish or improve their
Linkedin: au.linkedin.com/in/karinthielewatson own online or blended teaching practices.

What is this MOOC about?

Are you an educator? Have you ever wanted to understand more about how to design your course to make
better use of educational technology – whether fully online or in blended contexts? Would you like to learn
from those who have extensive practical experience with online technologies? This Massive Open Online Course
(MOOC) is designed to help you develop a working understanding of successful online teaching strategies
that you can apply in your own practice. The target audience is primarily teachers in higher education, K-12,
community college, and vocational or private education.

Integrating online technologies into your teaching can be a challenging prospect, and it can be difficult to know
how to approach it effectively for the benefit of both students and yourself. No one knows your own content and
teaching strengths better than you, and the “one size fits all” formula doesn’t always suit everyone. No matter
what type of technology you are interested in exploring or your level of experience, this course will help you
draw on your teaching strengths and find the approach that is right for you, your students and your educational
context. To allow both for breadth in personalisation and depth in key areas that interest you, this course will
guide you through your journey of understanding how online technologies can enhance your course design.
Listen to Course Instructors Simon McIntyre and Negin Mirriahi talk about the course.

Australian Learning and Teaching Council

Support for this activity has been provided by the Australian Learning and
Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government Department
of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in
this activity do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and
Teaching Council.

Content in this publication and on the related website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) 2.5 Australia License

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