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From Fundamentals to Applications in Geotechnics 961

D. Manzanal and A.O. Sfriso (Eds.)

IOS Press, 2015
© 2015 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Experimental and Numerical Simulations

of Cyclic Oedometric Compression Test
with the Material Point Method and the
Subloading Cam Clay Model

Raydel Lorenzoa,1, Renato Cunha b, Manoel P. Cordão Netob, Oisy Menendezb

Civil Engineering Dept. Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas (TO), Brazil
Geotechnical Post-Graduation Program. University of Brasilia, Brazil

Abstract. The Material Point Method (MPM) has gained space in dynamics
problems. In geotechnical engineering this problems appear in areas like
foundations of machines, earthquakes, wave attack, construction of sand
compaction piles and others. In dynamical simulations is very common to occur
loading and unloading paths. Proper constitutive models have to be used to
consider the irreversible deformations that can appear in cyclic loading. In this
paper, the SubCam model is implemented in a code of MPM. This model
introduces the concept of subloading surface to the well-known Modified Cam
Clay model (MCC). Consequently, a smooth transition between the elastic and
elasto-plastic behavior of the soil is obtained. Moreover, plastic strains are
developed inside the yield surface, as it is observed in real tests. The model
introduces only one more parameter than the MCC. Therefore, more realistic
results can be obtained with little increment of effort. The fundamental
discrepancies in the implementation of the model compared to the MCC are also
presented in this paper. The SubCam model can better reproduce the behavior of
the soil and it’s easier to implement. Cyclic oedometric compression tests are
simulated as benchmarks to evaluate the implementation of the model and
compared to a laboratory real test. Also, the response of the model to different
values of the new parameter is evaluated.

Keywords. Cyclic loading, Subloading Model, Cam Clay model, Constitutive


1. Introduction

In the last years the finite element method (FEM) has become the standard tool for
solve the majority of the analysis in solid mechanics. Nevertheless, this method, in his
traditional Lagrangian formulation is not suitable for the analysis of large deformation
According to [2] when this type of problems is simulated with this formulation,
great distortions of the mesh can occur and remesh can be needed. During the process

Corresponding author: Plano Diretor Norte, 109N Palmas, Tocantins, Brasil; Email:
962 R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression

of remesh all the state variables need to be mapped from the distorted mesh to the new
one. This can lead to the introduction of numerical errors in the calculation.
To solve the difficulties with FEM in the simulation of large deformation
problems mesh less methods has been developed. For these the generation of the
mathematical problems reduces to the generation of material points and his distribution,
without fix connectivity between them, as in FEM.
The Material Point Method is a type of PIC [3]. This combines ideas and
procedures of the particle methods and the finite element method. It uses the potential
of the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of kinematics. With MPM a body is
modelled as a group of Lagrangian particles. This particles transport the state variables
and other variables needed to solve the kinematics equations. These variables are
interpolated from particles to a fixed mesh in which the equations of motion are solved.
After have obtained the solution it is interpolated to the particles and the state
variables and positions are updated. This procedure is repeated for all the time domain
of the problem. In this way the fixed mesh have no distortion.
The numerical code used was developed by [4] an is called NairnMPM. This
code allows doing 2D and 3D dynamic analysis using a generalization of the MPM
method called Generalized Interpolation Material Point Method (GIMP).
In a previous paper, the authors presented the implementation and validation
of the Modified Cam Clay model (MCC) in a code based in MPM [5]. Herein, a model
that improves the results of the simulations especially to cyclic loading is implemented
and validated in a MPM code. This constitutive model is known as Subloading Cam
Clay (SubCam) and was presented by [6]. Details of the implementation, and
certifications results derived from comparison with tri-axial and oedometric cyclic test
are presented and discussed.

2. Brief description of MPM

The MPM use a mixed description between Lagrangian and Eulerian. The method was
developed from a method known as Fluid Implicit Particle (FLIP) that was first applied
to fluid problems [7] been the MPM an extension to the case of solid mechanics [8].
With MPM a body is modeled by a group of non-connected particles. The
particles transport the mass and all the properties that are necessary to define the
complete problem. The variables are interpolated from the particles to the nodes of a
fixed mesh where the equations of the problem are solved. After that the results are
return interpolated to the particles and the state variables are updated. This procedure is
repeated for the time steps until the complete time of simulation is reached.
The MPM is suitable for dynamic problems with large deformations, impact
problems and contact and penetration between bodies [9], [10].
The formulation of the method applied to kinematic problems can be found in
elsewhere [11], where particular details of the implementations are presented in [12].

3. Subloading Cam Clay model

The elasto-plastic theory is nowdays the largest source of constitutive models applied
to geomechanics [13]. The great contribution of the geotechnics to the constitutive
models is the framework of the critical state theory presented by [14]. One of the most
R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression 963

used models based on these theories is the Modified Cam Clay (MCC). This model is
relatively simple and captures the features of the behavior of normally consolidated
clays in a good manner. Nevertheless, this model has problems describing some
important features of soil behavior, such as, positive dilatancy during strain hardening,
cyclic loading, influence of density and/or confining pressure on deformation and
In his original form, the MCC give for overconsolidated clays a non-linear
elastic behavior under unloading and reloading. However, real clays show elastoplastic
behavior even in the overconsolidation region [15]. To solve this problems was
introduced by [16] the subloading surface concept. This surface is internal to the yield
surface and has the same geometry form. In the stress space, the actual stress point is
always on the Subloading surface and the evolution of the surface is dependent of the
elastoplastic transition. The models introduced with this concept were known as
surface loading models [17].
The incorporation of the subloading concept to a model, increase an internal
variable. This variable defines the size of the subloading surface and it is a measure of
the densification in the case of sands or the overconsolidation in the case of clays (see
Figure 1). The introduction of this variable to a conventional elastoplastic model,
improves the capacity of the model in reproduce the cyclic behavior [15].
The SubCam model proposed by [6] introduce the subloading surface to the
well-known MCC. This model considers the influence of density and confining
pressure on the deformation and strength of soils [18]. The SubCam model has been
used in finite elements codes with success [19].

Figure 1. Subloading surface and definition of variable ρ [20].

3.1. Brief Description of Modified Cam Clay model

The MCC model was developed for triaxial conditions. This model was introduced by
[14]. The yield surface of the model is defined in the mean effective stress ( p´ ) -
deviatoric stress (q) plane as forming an ellipse.
f = M 2 ( p′2 − p0′ p´) + q 2 (1)
Where M is the slope of the critical state line and p0 is the pre-consolidation stress.
Hardening is defined as a function of the plastic volume deformation ( ε vp ) in the
following form:
d ε vp =
( λ − κ ) dp0 (2)
(1 + e ) p0
964 R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression

Where λ is the slope of the normal compression line in the space of ln p´ versus
the void ratio ( e ) and κ is the slope of the unloading-reloading line in the same
space. It is assumed an associated flow rule, i.e. f (σ , p0′ ) = g (σ , p0′ ) , where
g (σ , p0 ) is the plastic flow function and the Cauchy stress tensor. The flow rule and
the plastic multiplier are represented as:
dε p = λp (3)

: De : dε
λp =  (4)
∂f ⎛ ∂f ⎞
∂f ∂g
: De : − p tr ⎜ ⎟
∂σ  ∂σ ∂ε v ⎜⎝ ∂σ ⎟

Where tr ( ) represent the trace of the entity and De the elastic constitutive tensor.
In this model, as in the models based in the general elastoplastic theory, after the
integration of the constitutive equation, it is necessary to verified if the predicted
stresses satisfy the consistency condition. Even using small steps, in the post yield
range, it is found in practice that the predicted state of stress at the end of a loading
increment may not lead to the correct yield surface. Given such feature it is necessary
to introduce a method for projecting back the state of stress to the yield surface [20].

3.2. SubCam math definitions

The SubCam model defines the new variable ρ . This variable is a measure of the
density or the overconsolidation of the soil and becomes null when the stress path
reaches the normal compression line (NCL). It is related to the overconsolidation ratio
⎛ p′ ⎞
ρ = ( λ − κ ) ln ⎜ 0 ⎟ (5)
⎝ z0 ⎠
where z 0 is the interception of the subloading surface with the isotropic
compression axis. The same flow rule defined for the yield surface in the MCC is used
in the SubCam. For the subloading surface, another flow rule is defined wish considers
p( SL)
a strain variable known as subloading plastic strain ( εv ).
z0 (1 + e0 )
dz0 =
(λ − κ )
( dε v
+ dε v (
p SL )
) (6)

p ( SL )
According to [21], ε v can be obtained as:
−ρ G(ρ )
ε vp ( SL ) = =λ (7)
(1 + e0 ) p p′
Where G ( ρ ) is a function that controls the degradation of ρ . This function was
proposed by [21] as G ( ρ ) = aρ 2 . The parameter ( a ) is the only new parameter added
by this model to the MCC model and would be obtained by calibration of the model
with oedometric tests.
R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression 965

p( SL)
Considering the consistency condition and εv the plastic multiplier can be
obtained as:
: De : dε
∂ σ  
λ pSL =  (8)
∂f z0 (1 + e0 ) ⎛ ⎛ ∂f ⎞ ⎞
∂f ∂g
: De : − ⎜ tr ⎜ ⎟ + L⎟
∂σ  ∂σ ∂z0 ( λ − κ ) ⎜ ⎝⎜ ∂σ ⎟

   ⎝  ⎠
⎛ ( λ − κ ) ⎛ p0 ⎞ ⎞
⎜⎜ ln ⎟
(1 + e0 ) ⎜⎝ z0 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠
L = a⎝ (9)
Where L is an auxiliary function.
The consistency condition in this case is applied to the subloading surface and not
to the yield surface as in normal elasto-plastic models.
If the derivative related to the internal variables are replaced in Eq 4 and Eq. 8 the
plastic multiplier are expressed as:
: De : dε
λp =  (10)
⎛ p′ (1 + e0 ) ⎞ ⎛ ∂f ⎞
: De : + ⎜⎜ M 2 p′ 0 ⎟ tr ⎜ ⎟
∂σ  ∂σ ⎝ ( λ − κ ) ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ∂σ ⎟⎠
∂f e
: D : dε
λp =  (11)
⎛ z (1 + e0 ) ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ∂f ⎞ ⎞
: De : + ⎜⎜ M 2 p′ 0 ⎟⎟ ⎜ tr ⎜ ⎟ + L⎟
∂σ  ∂σ
 ⎝ ( λ − κ ) ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ∂σ ⎠ ⎠⎟
⎜ ⎜ ⎟
As can be seen in equations Eq. 10 and Eq. 11, the only difference between the
equations is the function L . When the subloading surface reaches the yield surface the
value of L becomes zero and the SubCam behaves as the MCC.
When the parameter a is very small then the plastic multiplier will be very large
and plastic strains will appear since the beginning of the loading.

4. Validation of the implemented Subcam model

As stated before, the SubCam model was implemented in a code of GIMP, called
NairnMPM code. This code was developed by Professor John Nairn at the University
of Oregon. The code is explicit and allows 2D and 3D numerical analyses and
incorporates distinct material models, especially those related to mechanical and wood
engineering. More details about the NairnMPM can be found in [4].
In a previous work the authors presented the results of the implementation of
the MCC in the NairnMPM. This implementation allows the incorporation of earth-like
materials in an easy way [5]. Herein the SubCam model is implemented and validated.
Simulations with known stress path were conducted to test the model.
Figure 2 shows simulated isotropic compression paths with the same
parameters but with different values of a .
966 R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression

Figure 2. Isotropic compression paths for different values of the subloading

parameter ( a ⎡⎣ N m2 ⎤⎦ )
It can be observed as with a value of a = 10000000 N m2 the result of the SubCam
model is almost the same of the MCC. The only difference is that the SubCam has a
smooth transition from elastic to elasto-plastic behavior. This smooth transition
improves the results obtained by this model when used in boundary conditions
problems. Furthermore, the adjustment of the type of curve obtained by the SubCam is
better when compared with real isotropic and oedometer compression tests.
Conventional triaxial compression tests (CTC) were simulated and good results
were obtained. Another CTC test was done to show the response of the model to
trajectories in the dry side (OCR>2). The softening response in these trajectories using
the MCC model is only achieved when used a return algorithm. As can be seen in
Figure 3, although the MCC model captures the softening feature of the soil, a peak
appears at the maximum value of the deviatoric stress. This peak does not appear in
real soil behavior.
As can be seen in Figure 3, the SubCam model improves these results. Therefore,
the introduction of the subloading concept and the variable ρ to the MCC model,
improves the response of the simulations in case of overconsolidated clays and dense

a) b)
Figure 3. Conventional tri-axial test in the dry side for the MCC (with and without
return algorithm) and the SubCam model.

4.1. Cyclic Oedometer test

Cyclic loading appears in various geotechnical engineering cases. The evaluations

R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression 967

of the serviceability limits in these cases are a key point. Some examples of cyclic
loading appear in offshore foundations, railways lines, wind turbines foundations and
The soil response to cyclic loading conditions is more difficult to be simulated. This
is partly because of the hysteresis behavior. The use of appropriated constitutive
models in the simulations of this type of loading is essential. Figure 4 shows the results
of a cyclic oedometer compression test obtained in an experimental laboratory test for
fine sand and the results of the simulations of this test using the MCC and SubCam
model in the NairnMPM code.

a) b)

Figure 4. Cyclic oedometer compression test simulation. a) MCC b) SubCam

As can be seen in the simulation with the MCC model, during the cyclic loading no
deformations occur. The response with the SubCam model shows a similar behavior to
the lab test. It is worst to note that with the SubCam model the deformations increase in
each cycle, tend to decrease. This phenomenon is also observed in real soils behavior
where with a large number of cycles the deformations tend to stabilize. The little
different between the real test and the response of the SubCam model is in the
unloading path. In the real test this path is non-linear unlike the simulation that is linear.

5. Conclusions

• The SubCam model can be implemented with a little effort once the MCC
model has already been implemented.
• The behavior of dense sands and overconsolidated clays is reproduced better
by the Subloading Cam Clay model than the Modified Cam Clay model.
968 R. Lorenzo et al. / Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Cyclic Oedometric Compression

• The cyclic oedometric compression test behavior of the soil was simulated
with the SubCam model and the results reproduced better the response of the
soil when compared to the real laboratory test.
• Large deformations problems will be done in future applications of the
implemented model and the MPM code.


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