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The structural design of road tunnels should take into consideration the
requirements for tunnel operation, inspection and maintenance. The needs
for the provision of maintenance access, lighting, communication, utility
troughs, electrical and mechanical installations, drainage, provision of fire
service installations, ventilation and traffic surveillance equipment etc.
should be well addressed in advance of the structural design stage so as to
assess their loading effects on road tunnels. Adequate maintenance access
and opening should be provided for the delivery of plant and materials for
maintenance. Designers should seek comments and advice from relevant
authorities and parties.
In practice, length of road tunnels in Hong Kong is usually longer than 230m.
There are however exceptional cases that shorter road tunnels of length less
than 230m exist in Hong Kong.
Unless otherwise agreed, the design working life of road tunnels and
associated structures structurally integrated with tunnels should be taken as 120
years. For the avoidance of doubt, any tunnel buildings which are structurally
integrated with a tunnel or essential for tunnel operations, such as ventilation
buildings, ventilation shafts, etc., should be designed as tunnel structures with
120 years of design working life.
Various loadings typical to road tunnel structures are listed below. The list
of loadings shown below is not exhaustive. Designers should carefully
assess types, magnitudes and directions of loadings that would occur in road
tunnel and combine them in such a way with due consideration to produce
critical structural effect:
For other effects arising from extreme weather, including the rise in sea level,
abnormal rainfall intensities, temperature changes etc., precautionary
measures such as raised road profile at entrances, tunnel sumps, entrance
barriers and floodgates etc. should be considered in the design. Comments
from relevant authorities including HKO, DSD and CEDD should be sought
where appropriate.
(2) Designers should assess fire risks of road tunnels and their consequences and
adopt risk mitigation measures for various elements of road tunnels
according to relevant fire design codes. The fire curves to be used, elements
to be protected, forms and extents of protection required should be assessed
with due considerations of fire exposure by the designers. Time for
repairing and re-opening the tunnel to traffic due to various fire conditions
and the associated long-term performance, inspection and maintenance
requirements after respective fire conditions should also be addressed in the
(3) To reduce the risk of concrete spalling under fire for all structural concrete,
monofilament propylene fibres not less than 1.5kg/m3 shall be included in
the concrete mix regardless of any thermal barrier to be installed. The fibres
shall be 6 – 12mm long and 18 – 32 μm in diameter, and shall have a melting
point less than 180℃. Wire mesh should not be adopted in the prevention of
concrete spalling under fire.
Reference should be made to the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service
Installations and Equipment and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of
Installations and Equipment [3] by FSD when carrying out fire resistance
design and risk assessment for road tunnels. According to Clause 4.41 of the
subject Code of Practice, systems for fire service installations and ventilation
shall be provided according to the Code when tunnel exceeds 230 m in
length. Comments from FSD and EMSD and appropriate maintenance
authorities should be sought.
The system of thermal barriers should be a board type and pass the jet fire
test in accordance with ISO 22899-1:2007 [5]. It should not be made of
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) or materials affecting the durability of any tunnel
The anchor used for fixing the thermal barrier on the tunnel lining should be
made of High Corrosion Resistance (HCR) steel capable to withstand the
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) time/temperature fire curve for 120 minutes. The
anchor should also be designed to hold the thermal barrier in case of
earthquake. Non-destructive test should be carried out on at least 5% of total
number of anchors to verify the anchor strength after installation. At least
2% of the thermal barriers should be fixed by anchors which allow removal
and reinstatement of barrier panels without replacement of anchors.
(1) Road tunnels should be provided with drainage systems designed to cope
with water from all sources such as underground seepage, surface runoff,
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water leakage from broken pipes, tunnel cleansing water, etc. Entrances of
approach ramps, all openings into road tunnels and associated elements such
as adits, ventilation shafts etc. should be located above the 1 in 200-year
return period flood level of the adjacent area with adequate provision for
storm surge and freeboard wherever possible. Prior approval from
authorities, including Drainage Services Department and the tunnel
maintenance authorities, should be sought on any non-compliance with the
aforementioned requirements with full justification provided and
documented. The impact of burst water mains and blocked surface water
drains causing the change of the design flood level should be assessed. The
design of waterproofing system for road tunnels should follow BS 8102:
2009 – Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures against
water from the ground [6].
(2) Drains located underneath the carriageway would be blocked after years of
accumulation of debris and mineral precipitation from tunnel seepage in
view of high mineral content of groundwater in rock tunnel. Cleansing of
these blocked drains is extremely difficult and their in-situ replacement is in
general not feasible due to the operation of the road tunnel. As such, the
sub-soil drain should be specifically designed with due consideration on the
adequacy of drainage capacity especially due to blockage. Specific drainage
product of sufficient strength, adequate size and durability should be adopted
to minimize the chance of blockage. Adequate space should be allowed for
personnel to carry out inspection and cleansing of the drainage components
subject to the requirements of the maintenance parties. Covered U-channel
instead of drains located underneath the carriageway should be adopted
along the carriageway to facilitate inspection and maintenance work
whenever possible. U-channels should be properly designed and they should
be robust, durable and free from rocking.
To avoid stormwater and other surface runoff flowing into the tunnel, road
levels at tunnel entrances, both longitudinal and transverse, should be
properly designed and associated drainage system including cut off drain etc.
with adequate discharge capacity should be provided.
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(1) The structural design of road tunnels, including the lining, OHVD slab,
suspended ceiling and hanging system for E&M equipment etc., should take
into account the loading and vibration effects arising from the operations of
the ventilation systems.
(2) The internal dimension and layout of the road tunnel should be designed to
accommodate ventilation ducts and other E&M equipment. Either natural
ventilation, longitudinal ventilation, transverse ventilation or any variations
or combinations of them are commonly adopted to suit the actual operational
circumstances. The primary objectives of a tunnel ventilation system are (a)
to monitor the air quality inside the tunnel continuously and take necessary
action to limit the concentration of air pollutants from vehicles emissions to
allowable levels and (b) to control the spread of smoke in case of a tunnel
(2) During the design stage, comments from relevant maintenance parties should
be sought and reference should be made to HyD Guidelines No. HQ/GN/26
Guidelines on Maintenance of Road Tunnels [9].
(1) Both flexible and rigid pavements are commonly adopted in road tunnels. If
rigid road pavement is to be adopted, the design should be such that it could
facilitate efficient reconstruction of the pavement using precast rigid
pavement panel. In that connection, the sizes of the pavement panel should
be standardized as far as practicable and precise as-built construction record
should be provided.
(2) Structural slabs inside the road tunnels should not be used as the running
surface. Concrete wearing slab or bituminous surfacing should be provided
on top of the structural slabs of the tunnel.
(3) When designing the approach carriageway to road tunnel including the toll
plaza, the heavy traffic load due to frequent acceleration and deceleration of
vehicles should be properly addressed in the pavement design of the
(5) The ceiling of carriageways should be painted in black with inorganic paint.
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(2) Undrained tunnel design with complete waterproofing layer is the preferable
tunnel design option for drill-and-blast rock tunnels. If drained tunnel design
is to be adopted for drill-and-blast rock tunnels, waterproofing layer should
be provided at tunnel crown and behind tunnel walls of tunnel lining.
(3) Waterproofing details of the joints between tunnel units and segments should
be duly designed in ensuring the water tightness. Provision should be
allowed for any monitoring and collection of seepage in the joints in the
(1) Adequate and safe maintenance access to all locations and components of the
tunnel for inspection and maintenance should be provided. Side access
(designated shaft or incorporated in cross-passage) to overhead ventilation
duct should be provided wherever possible, instead of opening at ceiling
slab. Similar side access should also be provided to the tunnel chamber and
ventilation duct below carriageway wherever possible, instead of a manhole
at road slab. The access should be provided at intervals of not exceeding
200m. Provision of safe and effective inspection and maintenance access
should be considered in the design stage with reference to Guidelines on
Inspection of Road Tunnels, HyD Guidelines No. HQ/GN/04 [8]. Provisions
should be made for future installation of access facilities inside ventilation
shafts without affecting their operation so as to allow close inspection of
shaft faces.
(2) Heat resistant lighting luminance with minimum 6500 lumen output shall be
installed along the centre of the ceiling of OHVD at 25mm interval, such that
no additional lighting would be required during inspection and maintenance
works. Lighting switches and electricity sockets shall be provided near the
access openings and power supply socket-outlets should be provided at
ventilation ducts and underground chambers. Sufficient clearance between
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tunnel elements and E&M equipment should be provided for maintenance
works subject to manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of
tunnel maintenance authorities.
(3) Where access is provided for carrying out inspection and maintenance to any
tunnel components including but not limited to ventilation ducts, ventilation
buildings, ventilation shafts and E&M equipment, minimum headroom of
not less than 1.9m and clear width of not less than 1m should be provided for
the passage of personnel and equipment. If any maintenance access (whole
or part) cannot achieve the required dimensions, the designer should
consider using very durable materials, such as stainless steel reinforcement,
for those components of the tunnel in lack of proper maintenance access. In
case of doubt, advice on adequacy of accessibility from maintenance
authorities should be sought.
(4) Inspection and maintenance of tunnel elements will normally be carried out
under restricted working hours. Due considerations and sufficient clearance,
including the provision of adequate openings and cross passages, should be
given during the design stage to facilitate maintenance and repair in the tight
schedule. Wall panels should be designed with built-in inspection doors at 30m
intervals to facilitate future inspection of the tunnel lining covered by wall
panels. Comments from maintenance authorities should be sought.
(5) Apart from the provision of chainage markers at carriageway level, the
chainage markers should be provided along ventilation ducts and
underground chambers for reference of inspection and record of defects.
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(1) The hanging system, including holding down bolts, anchorage, connecting
dowel bars etc. should be designed to be permanently fixed or cast in the
structural elements of the tunnel without inducing crack or opening in the
structural element concerned. Subsequent drilling into the permanent
concrete lining to create holes for inserting and fixing the anchorage bolts
(by expansion bolts or chemical grouting etc.) should be avoided as far as
The proposed hanging, and anchorage system, with all material testing
certificates, design calculations, check certificates, maintenance/inspection and
repairing manual should be submitted to the responsible maintenance parties for
(2) If subsequent drilling into any reinforced concrete elements is necessary for
the installation of anchor bolts, proprietary hollow drill bit with vacuum
cleaning function should be used. Anchor bolts should be made of A4 grade
stainless steel or equivalent. All gaps inside a bolt hole should be sealed
with proprietary grout or alternatively treated to maintain the original
durability of the concrete elements. Designers should substantiate that the
anchor bolts are suitable for structural fixing taking into consideration the
stress conditions of the concrete elements.
The potential risk of post-drilled anchor bolt fallen off of overhead slabs,
especially due to fatigue, vibration and in the case of fire, should also be duly
considered and mitigated. In this regards, undercut bolts should be considered.
(3) For tunnels in oval or horseshoes shape, ceiling slabs for overhead
ventilation ducts should be in arch form or other form without using hangers.
For tunnels in rectangular shape, the use of hanging system or hangers for
tunnel suspended ceiling should be avoided.
(4) The hanging system should be designed to be anchored and cast permanently
into the structural element with sufficient anchorage length and strength so
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that no part of the system will become loosened by mechanical
vibration/movement due to the operation of the E&M equipment or cracks
that might appear in the concrete element supporting the hanging system
during the service life.
(5) Designers should adopt very durable materials to construct metal frames for
supporting heavy elements. Tunnel claddings should be supported by Grade
316 stainless steel frames. Other heavy parts including lighting fittings
should be supported by galvanized mild steel frames with painting suitable
for long-term protection of structural steel works in aggressive environment.
Reference should be made to Section 16.4 of SDMHR [1].
All connecting dowel bars, connectors, holding down, anchorages and fixing
arrangements, and all other fixtures should be fabricated from austenitic
stainless steel. Reference should be made to Section 16.6 of SDMHR [1].
The cable hangers should be galvanized and coated with epoxy powder to
improve resistance against abrasion and corrosion.
(3) As the utility trough covers are vulnerable to damage, the bottom
longitudinal edges of the covers and recess receiving the covers shall be
protected by GMS angle wherever appropriate.
(4) Proper design should be conducted for the use of the space behind wall
panels for utility installation, including the hangers installed behind the wall
panels for supporting cables. To facilitate the laying of new cables onto
hangers behind tunnel wall panels, “leading wire” should be provided for all
unused hooks of the hangers, such that removal of wall panels at close
intervals could be avoided.
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Since there are many post-drilling works to be carried out at the OHVD slab,
prestressed OHVD slab should not be used unless there are very strong
justifications on the durability of tendons being affected by the post-drilling
works. In case of using prestressed OHVD slab, the tendon should be
protected by High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheathing ducts with full
grouting. Specific structural features or installations such as rock bolts,
ground anchors, etc. may require special maintenance measures. Advice
from maintenance authorities should be sought to the adoption of any of
these specific structural features in the design stage. All specific
maintenance and inspection procedures for these specific structural features
should be detailed in the maintenance and inspection manual.
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(1) Designers should ensure the compliance of the structural design of the tunnel
buildings with the statutory requirements relevant to building construction
and associated works in Hong Kong and fulfillment of the corresponding
functional purposes and requirements in terms of structural layout, loadings,
access, emergency escape requirements, durability, fire resistance, etc.
(2) Designers should ensure that the buildings are designed in accordance with
the relevant Codes of Practice for Buildings in Hong Kong. Reference
should be made to the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete [11],
Code of Practice for Foundations [12], Code of Practice for Structural Use of
Steel [13] and Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 [2] issued by
Buildings Department. Reinforced concrete should be designed to meet the
minimum concrete cover requirement as stated in the Code of Practice for
Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 [2] issued by Buildings Department and the
relevant requirements by the FSD.
For building services, fire services installations and other building facilities,
designers should seek comments from ArchSD, EMSD, FSD, etc.
accordingly to ascertain the required information for the structural design.
For geotechnical information necessary for structural design of tunnel
buildings, comments from GEO should be sought.
Tunnel buildings designed for special use, such as fuel filling station,
dangerous goods store, garage etc., comments from relevant authorities
including FSD, EMSD, etc. should be sought with regard to the building
design requirements and regulations concerned.
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[1] Structures Design Manual for Highways and Railways 2013 Edition,
Highways Department
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[2] Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011, Buildings Department
[3] Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment and
Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Installations and Equipment, Fire
Services Department
[4] Technical Standards for the Provisions and Installations RWS curves, Dutch
Ministry of Transport and National Regulator
[5] ISO 22899-1:2007: Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire
protection materials -- Part 1: General requirements
[6] BS 8102:2009: Code of Practice for protection of below ground structures
against water from the ground
[7] Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 2 - Highway Structures
Design (Substructures and Special Structures) Materials - Section 2, Special
Structures - Part 9, BD78/99 - Design of Road Tunnels
[8] Guidelines on Inspection of Road Tunnels, HyD Guidelines No. HQ/GN/04,
Highways Department
[9] Guidelines on Maintenance of Road Tunnels, HyD Guidelines No.
HQ/GN/26, Highways Department
[10] District Administration Handbook, Highways Department
[11] Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete (2013), Buildings
[12] Code of Practice for Foundation 2017, Buildings Department
[13] Code of Practice for Structural Use of Steel (2011), Buildings Department
[14] Transport Planning & Design Manual, Transport Department
[15] Guidelines for Structural Fire Resistance for Road Tunnel, International
Tunneling Association
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