Splunk 7.0.2 SearchReference

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Splunk® Enterprise Search Reference 7.0.

Generated: 3/16/2018 9:41 pm

Copyright (c) 2018 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
Welcome to the Search Reference.............................................................1
Understanding SPL syntax..........................................................................2
How to use this manual...............................................................................7

Quick Reference...................................................................................................9
Splunk Quick Reference Guide...................................................................9
Command quick reference..........................................................................9
Commands by category............................................................................19
Command types........................................................................................30
Splunk SPL for SQL users........................................................................34
SPL data types and clauses......................................................................41

Evaluation Functions.........................................................................................48
Evaluation functions..................................................................................48
Comparison and Conditional functions.....................................................57
Conversion functions.................................................................................66
Cryptographic functions............................................................................75
Date and Time functions...........................................................................77
Informational functions..............................................................................80
Mathematical functions.............................................................................84
Multivalue eval functions...........................................................................90
Statistical eval functions............................................................................98
Text functions............................................................................................99
Trig and Hyperbolic functions..................................................................105

Statistical and Charting Functions.................................................................112

Statistical and charting functions.............................................................112
Aggregate functions................................................................................115
Event order functions..............................................................................133
Multivalue stats and chart functions........................................................136
Time functions.........................................................................................138

Time Format Variables and Modifiers............................................................142

Date and time format variables...............................................................142
Time modifiers.........................................................................................145

Table of Contents
Search Commands..........................................................................................152

Table of Contents
Search Commands

Table of Contents
Search Commands

Table of Contents
Search Commands

Internal Commands.........................................................................................609
About internal commands.......................................................................609

Table of Contents
Internal Commands

Search in the CLI..............................................................................................623

About searches in the CLI.......................................................................623
Syntax for searches in the CLI................................................................624


Welcome to the Search Reference

This manual is a reference guide for the Search Processing Language (SPL). In
this manual you will find a catalog of the search commands with complete syntax,
descriptions, and examples. Additionally, this manual includes quick reference
information about the categories of commands, the functions you can use with
commands, and how SPL relates to SQL.

Getting Started

If you are new to Splunk software and searching, start with the Search Tutorial.
This tutorial introduces you to the Search & Reporting application. The tutorial
guides you through uploading data to your Splunk deployment, searching your
data, and building simple charts, reports, and dashboards.

After you complete the Search Tutorial, and before you start using Splunk
software on your own data you should:

• Add data to your Splunk instance. See Getting Data In.

• Understand how indexing works and how data is processed. See
Managing Indexers and Clusters of Indexers.
• Learn about fields and knowledge objects, such as hosts, source
types, and event types. See the Knowledge Manager Manual.

Search Manual

The Search Manual is a companion manual to the Search Reference. The

Search Manual contains detailed information about creating and optimizing

• Types of searches
• Retrieving events
• Specifying time ranges
• Optimizing searches
• Using subsearches
• Creating statistical tables and charts
• Grouping and correlating events
• Predicting future events

• Managing jobs

Quick Reference Information

The Quick Reference Guide contains:

• Explanations about Splunk features

• Common search commands
• Tips on optimizing searches
• Functions for the eval and stats commands
• Search examples
• Regular expressions
• Formats for converting strings into timestamps

Command categories

The search commands by category topic organizes the commands by the type of
action that the command performs.

For example, commands in the reporting category, are used to build

transforming searches. Reporting commands return statistical data tables that
are required for charts and other kinds of data visualizations.

This topic contains a brief description of each command along with a link to the
details about the command in the Search Commands section of this manual.

Command syntax

Before you continue, see Understanding SPL syntax for the conventions and
rules used in this manual.

Understanding SPL syntax

The following sections describe the syntax used for the Splunk SPL commands.
For additional information about using keywords, phrases, wildcards, and regular
expressions, see Search command primer.

Required and optional arguments

SPL commands consist of required and optional arguments. Required arguments

are shown in angle brackets < >. Optional arguments are enclosed in square

brackets [ ].

Consider this command syntax:

bin [<bins-options>...] <field> [AS <newfield>]

The required argument is <field>. To use this command, at a minimum you must
specify bin <field>.

The optional arguments are [<bins-options>...] and [AS <newfield>].

User input arguments

Consider this command syntax:

replace (<wc-string> WITH <wc-string>)... [IN <field-list>]

The user input arguments are: <wc-string> and <field-list>.

Repeating arguments

Some arguments can be specified multiple times. The syntax displays ellipsis ...
to specify which part of an argument can be repeated. The ellipsis always appear
immediately after the part of the syntax that you can repeat.

Consider this command:

convert [timeformat=string] (<convert-function> [AS

<field>] )...

The required argument is <convert-function>, with an option to specify a field

with the [AS <field>] clause.

Notice the ellipsis at the end of the syntax, just after the close parenthesis. In this
example, the syntax that is inside the parenthesis can be repeated
<convert-function> [AS <field>].

In the following syntax, you can repeat the <bins-options>....

bin [<bins-options>...] <field> [AS <newfield>]

Grouped arguments

Sometimes the syntax must display arguments as a group to show that the set of
arguments are used together. Parenthesis ( ) are used to group arguments.

For example in this syntax:

replace (<wc-string> WITH <wc-string>)... [IN <field-list>]

The grouped argument is (<wc-string> WITH <wc-string>)... . This is a

required set of arguments that you can repeat multiple times.


Many commands use keywords with some of the arguments or options.

Examples of keywords include:

• AS
• BY

You can specify these keywords in uppercase or lowercase in your search.

However, for readability, the syntax in the Splunk documentation uses uppercase
on all keywords.

Argument order

In the command syntax, the command arguments are presented in the order in
which the arguments are meant to be used.

In the descriptions of the arguments, the Required arguments and Optional

argument sections, the arguments are listed alphabetically. For each argument,
there is a Syntax and Description. Additionally, for Optional arguments, there
might be a Default.

Data types

The nomenclature used for the data types in SPL syntax are described in the
following table.

Syntax Data type Notes
Use "true" or "false". Other
variations are accepted. For
<bool> boolean example, for "true" you can also
use "t", "T", "TRUE", or the number
A field name. You cannot
<field> specify a wild card for the See <wc-field>.
field name.
Sometimes referred to as a
<int> or An integer that can be a
"signed" integer. See <unsigned
<integer> positive or negative value.
<string> string See <wc-string>.
An unsigned integer must be
<unsigned positive value. Unsigned integers
unsigned integer
int> can be larger numbers than signed
A field name or a partial
name with a wildcard
Use the asterisk ( * ) character as
<wc-field> character to specify
the wildcard character.
multiple, similarly named
A string value or partial
Use the asterisk ( * ) character as
<wc-string> string value with a wildcard
the wildcard character.

Boolean operators

When a boolean operator is included in the syntax of a command, you must

always specify the operator in uppercase. Boolean operators include:

• OR

To learn more about the order in which boolean expressions are evaluated, along
with some examples, see Boolean expressions in the Search Manual.

To learn more about the the NOT operator, see Difference between NOT and !=
in the Search Manual.

BY clauses

A <by-clause> and a <split-by-clause> are not the same argument.

When you use a <by-clause>, one row is returned for each distinct value
specified in the by clause. A <by-clause> displays each unique item in a separate
row. Think of the <by-clause> as a grouping.

The <split-by-clause> displays each unique item in a separate column. Think of

the <split-by-clause> as a splitting or dividing.

Wildcard characters ( * ) are not accepted in BY clauses.

Fields and wildcard fields

When the syntax contains <field> you specify a field name from your events.

Consider this syntax:

bin [<bins-options>...] <field> [AS <newfield>]

The <field> argument is required. You can specify that the field displays a
different name in the search results by using the [AS <newfield>] argument.
This argument is optional.

For example, if the field is categoryId and you want the field to be named
CategoryID in the output, you would specify:

categoryId AS CategoryID

The <wc-field> argument indicates that you can use wild card characters when
specifying field names. For example, if you have a set of fields that end with "log"
you can specify *log to return all of those fields.

If you use a wild card character in the middle of a value, especially as a wild card
for punctuation, the results might be unpredictable.

See also

In the Search Manual:

• Anatomy of a search
• Wildcards
• Field expressions
• Quotes and escaping characters

How to use this manual

This manual serves as a reference guide for the Splunk user who is looking for a
catalog of the search commands with complete syntax, descriptions, and
examples for usage.

Quick Reference Information


Command topics

Each search command topic contains the following sections: Description, Syntax,
Examples, and See also. Many of the command topics also have a Usage

Describes what the command is used for. This section might include
details about how to use the command. For more complex commands,
there might be a separate Usage section.

The syntax includes the complete syntax for each search command, and a
description for each argument. Some commands have arguments that
have a set of options that you can specify. Each of these sets of options
follow the argument descriptions.

Required arguments
Displays the syntax and describes the required arguments.

Optional arguments

Displays the syntax and describes the optional arguments. Default
values, if applicable, are also listed.

Contains additional information about using the command.

This section includes examples of how to use the command.

See also
This section contains links to all related or similar commands.

Command syntax conventions

The command arguments are presented in the syntax in the order in which the
arguments are meant to be used.

Arguments are either Required or Optional and are listed alphabetically under
their respective subheadings. For each argument, there are Syntax and
Description sections. Additionally, there might be other sections, such as
Default that provide information about the argument.

See Understanding SPL syntax.

Formatting conventions


When referring to another manual in the set of Splunk documentation, the name
of the manual appears in italic.

Quick Reference

Splunk Quick Reference Guide

The Splunk Quick Reference Guide is a six-page reference card that provides
fundamental search concepts, commands, functions, and examples. This guide
is available online as a PDF file.

Note: The examples in this quick reference use a leading ellipsis (...) to indicate
that there is a search before the pipe operator. A leading pipe indicates that the
search command is a generating command and prevents the command-line
interface and Splunk Web from prepending the search command to your search.

See also

• Search commands by category

Splunk Answers

If you cannot find what you are looking for in this search language reference,
check out Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers other Splunk
users have about the search language.

Command quick reference

Search command quick reference table

The table below lists all of the search commands in alphabetical order. There is a
short description of the command and links to related commands. For the
complete syntax, usage, and detailed examples, click the command name to
display the specific topic for that command.

Some of these commands share functions. For a list of the functions with
descriptions and examples, see Evaluation functions and Statistical and charting

Command Description Related commands

abstract highlight

Produces a summary of each
search result.
autoregress, delta,
Keeps a running total of the
accum trendline,
specified numeric field. streamstats
Computes an event that contains
addcoltotals sum of all numeric fields for addtotals, stats
previous events.
Add fields that contain common
addinfo information about the current search
Computes the sum of all numeric
addtotals addcoltotals, stats
fields for each result.
Analyze numerical fields for their
analyzefields ability to predict another discrete anomalousvalue
Computes an "unexpectedness"
anomalies cluster, kmeans,
score for an event.

Finds and summarizes irregular, or
anomalousvalue anomalies, cluster,
uncommon, search results.
kmeans, outlier

Identifies anomalous events by
computing a probability for each
anomalydetection anomalousvalue,
event and then detecting unusually
cluster, kmeans,
small probabilities.

Appends subsearch results to appendcols, appendcsv,

current results. appendlookup, join, set

Appends the fields of the

subsearch results to current append, appendcsv,
results, first results to first result, join, set
second to second, etc.
Appends the result of the
append, appendcols,
appendpipe subpipeline applied to the current
join, set
result set to results.
Finds association rules between
arules associate, correlate
field values.

Identifies correlations between
associate correlate, contingency
Returns audit trail information that
is stored in the local audit index.
accum, autoregress,
Sets up data for calculating the
autoregress delta, trendline,
moving average.

Puts continuous numerical values

bin (bucket) chart, timechart
into discrete sets.
Replaces a field value with
higher-level grouping, such as
bucketdir cluster, dedup
replacing filenames with
Returns results in a tabular output
chart for charting. See also, Statistical bin,sichart, timechart
and charting functions.
cluster Clusters similar events together.
cluster, kmeans,

Finds how many times field1 and

cofilter associate, correlate
field2 values occurred together.
Puts search results into a summary
collect overlap
Uses a duration field to find the
concurrency number of "concurrent" events for timechart
each event.
Builds a contingency table for two
contingency associate, correlate
Converts field values into
convert eval
numerical values.
Calculates the correlation between
correlate associate, contingency
different fields.
Examine data model or data model
datamodel dataset and search a data model pivot

Returns information about the
specified index.
Removes subsequent results that
dedup uniq
match a specified criteria.
Delete specific events or search
Computes the difference in field accum, autoregress,
value between nearby results. trendline, streamstats

Returns the difference between two

search results.
Allows you to specify example or
extract, kvform,
counter example values to
erex multikv, regex, rex,
automatically extract fields that
have similar values.
Calculates an expression and puts
eval the value into a field. See also, where
Evaluation functions.
Returns the number of events in an
eventcount dbinspect
Adds summary statistics to all
eventstats stats
search results.
Extracts field-value pairs from kvform, multikv, xmlkv,
extract (kv)
search results. rex

Expresses how to render a field at

fieldformat output time without changing the eval, where
underlying value.
Removes fields from search
Generates summary information for
fieldsummary anomalies,
all or a subset of the fields.
anomalousvalue, stats

Replaces NULL values with the last

filldown fillnull
non-NULL value.
Replaces null values with a
specified value.
findtypes Generates a list of suggested event typer

Creates a higher-level grouping,
folderize such as replacing filenames with
Run a templatized streaming
foreach subsearch for each field in a eval
wildcarded field list.
Takes the results of a subsearch
format and formats them into a single
Retrieves data from a dataset,
such as a data model dataset, a
CSV lookup, a KV Store lookup, a
saved search, or a table dataset.
Transforms results into a format
gauge suitable for display by the Gauge
chart types.
gentimes Generates time-range results.
Adds a field, named "geom", to
each event. This field contains
geographic data structures for
geom geomfilter
polygon geometry in JSON and is
used for the choropleth map
Accepts two points that specify a
bounding box for clipping a
geomfilter choropleth map. Points that fall geom
outside of the bounding box are
filtered out.
Generate statistics which are
geostats clustered into geographical bins to stats, xyseries
be rendered on a world map.
Returns the first number n of
head reverse, tail
specified results.
highlight Highlights the specified terms. iconify

Returns a history of searches

history formatted as an events list or as a search

Displays a unique icon for each
iconify different value in the list of fields highlight
that you specify.
input Add or disable sources.
Loads search results from the
inputcsv loadjob, outputcsv
specified CSV file.
Loads search results from a inputcsv, join, lookup,
specified static lookup table. outputlookup

Extracts location information from

IP addresses.
Combine the results of a subsearch appendcols, lookup,
with the results of a main search. selfjoin

Performs k-means clustering on
kmeans anomalousvalue,
selected fields. cluster, outlier
Extracts values from search extract, kvform,
results, using a form template. multikv, xmlkv, rex

Loads events or results of a

loadjob inputcsv
previously completed search job.
Returns a list of the time ranges in
localize which the search results were map, transaction
Run subsequent commands, that is
localop all commands following this, locally
and not on remote peers.
Explicitly invokes field value
Makes a field that is supposed to
makecontinuous be the x-axis continuous (invoked chart, timechart
by chart/timechart)
Change a specified field into a mvcombine, mvexpand,
multivalued field during a search. nomv

Creates a specified number of

empty search results.
A looping operator, performs a
search over each search result.

Returns a list of source,
sourcetypes, or hosts from a
metadata dbinspect
specified index or distributed
search peer.
Retrieves event metadata from
metasearch indexes based on terms in the metadata, search
logical expression.
Calculates statistics for the
mstats measurement, metric_name, and stats, tstats
dimension fields in metric indexes.
Extracts field-values from
table-formatted events.
Run multiple streaming searches
multisearch append, join
at the same time.
Combines events in search results
that have a single differing field mvexpand, makemv,
value into one result with a nomv
multivalue field of the differing field.
Expands the values of a multivalue
mvcombine, makemv,
mvexpand field into separate events for each nomv
value of the multivalue field.
Changes a specified multivalued
makemv, mvcombine,
nomv field into a single-value field at mvexpand
search time.
Removes outlying numerical
outlier anomalousvalue,
cluster, kmeans

Outputs search results to a

outputcsv inputcsv, outputtext
specified CSV file.
inputlookup, lookup,
Writes search results to the
outputlookup outputcsv,
specified static lookup table.

Outputs the raw text field (_raw) of

outputtext outputtext
results into the _xml field.
Finds events in a summary index
overlap that overlap in time or have missed collect

Run pivot searches against a
pivot datamodel
particular data model dataset.
Enables you to use time series
predict algorithms to predict future values x11
of fields.
Sets RANGE field to the name of
the ranges that match.
Displays the least common values
rare sirare, stats, top
of a field.
Removes results that do not match
regex rex, search
the specified regular expression.
Calculates how well the event
matches the query.
Converts the difference between
'now' and '_time' to a
reltime human-readable value and adds convert
adds this value to the field,
'reltime', in your search results.
Renames a specified field;
rename wildcards can be used to specify
multiple fields.
Replaces values of specified fields
with a specified new value.
Access a REST endpoint and
rest display the returned entities as
search results.
Specify the values to return from a
return format, search
reverse Reverses the order of the results. head, sort, tail

Specify a Perl regular expression

extract, kvform,
rex named groups to extract fields multikv, xmlkv, regex
while you search.
Buffers events from real-time
rtorder search to emit them in ascending
time order when possible.
Returns the search results of a
saved search.

Runs an external Perl or Python
script (run)
script as part of your search.
scrub Anonymizes the search results.
Searches indexes for matching
Finds transaction events within
searchtxn transaction
specified search constraints.
selfjoin Joins results with itself. join

Emails search results to a specified

email address.
Performs set operations (union, append, appendcols,
diff, intersect) on subsearches. join, diff

Sets the field values for all results

setfields eval, fillnull, rename
to a common value.
chart, sitimechart,
sichart Summary indexing version of chart. timechart

sirare Summary indexing version of rare. rare

sistats Summary indexing version of stats. stats

Summary indexing version of chart, sichart,
timechart. timechart

sitop Summary indexing version of top. top

Sorts search results by the

sort reverse
specified fields.
Provides a straightforward means
spath for extracting fields from structured xpath
data formats, XML and JSON.
Provides statistics, grouped
stats optionally by fields. See also, eventstats, top, rare
Statistical and charting functions.
strcat Concatenates string values.
Adds summary statistics to all
streamstats search results in a streaming eventstats, stats
Creates a table using the specified
table fields

Annotates specified fields in your
tags eval
search results with tags.
Returns the last number n of
tail head, reverse
specified results.
Create a time series chart and
corresponding table of statistics.
timechart chart, bucket
See also, Statistical and charting
Displays, or wraps, the output of
the timechart command so that
timewrap timechart
every timewrap-span range of time
is a different series.
Displays the most common values
top rare, stats
of a field.
Groups search results into
Reformats rows of search results
as columns.
Computes moving averages of
trendline timechart
Writes results into tsidx file(s) for collect, stats,
later use by tstats command. tstats

Calculates statistics over tsidx files

tstats created with the tscollect stats, tscollect
Returns typeahead information on
a specified prefix.
typelearner Generates suggested eventtypes. typer

Calculates the eventtypes for the

typer typelearner
search results.
Merges the results from two or
more datasets into one dataset.
Removes any search that is an
uniq exact duplicate with a previous dedup
untable Converts results from a tabular

format to a format similar to stats
output. Inverse of xyseries and

Performs arbitrary filtering on your

where data. See also, Evaluations eval
Enables you to determine the trend
x11 in your data by removing the predict
seasonal pattern.
extract, kvform,
xmlkv Extracts XML key-value pairs. multikv, rex
xmlunescape Unescapes XML.
xpath Redefines the XML path.
Converts results into a format
suitable for graphing.

Commands by category
The following tables list all the search commands, categorized by their usage.
Some commands fit into more than one category based on the options that you


These commands can be used to build correlation searches.

Command Description
append Appends subsearch results to current results.
Appends the fields of the subsearch results to current
results, first results to first result, second to second, etc.
Appends the result of the subpipeline applied to the current
result set to results.
arules Finds association rules between field values.
associate Identifies correlations between fields.
counttable, Builds a contingency table for two fields.

correlate Calculates the correlation between different fields.
diff Returns the difference between two search results.
Combines the results from the main results pipeline with the
results from a subsearch.
lookup Explicitly invokes field value lookups.
selfjoin Joins results with itself.
Performs set operations (union, diff, intersect) on
Provides statistics, grouped optionally by fields. See
Statistical and charting functions.
transaction Groups search results into transactions.
Data and indexes

These commands can be used to learn more about your data, add and delete
data sources, or manage the data in your summary indexes.

View data

These commands return information about the data you have in your indexes.
They do not modify your data or indexes in any way.

Command Description
Returns audit trail information that is stored in the local
audit index.
Return information about a data model or data model
dbinspect Returns information about the specified index.
eventcount Returns the number of events in an index.
Returns a list of source, sourcetypes, or hosts from a
specified index or distributed search peer.
typeahead Returns typeahead information on a specified prefix.
Manage data

These are some commands you can use to add data sources to or delete
specific data from your indexes.

Command Description
delete Delete specific events or search results.
input Add or disable sources.
Manage summary indexes

These commands are used to create and manage your summary indexes.

Command Description
collect, stash Puts search results into a summary index.
Finds events in a summary index that overlap in time or
have missed events.
Summary indexing version of chart. Computes the
sichart necessary information for you to later run a chart search on
the summary index.
Summary indexing version of rare. Computes the
sirare necessary information for you to later run a rare search on
the summary index.
Summary indexing version of stats. Computes the
sistats necessary information for you to later run a stats search on
the summary index.
Summary indexing version of timechart. Computes the
sitimechart necessary information for you to later run a timechart
search on the summary index.
Summary indexing version of top. Computes the necessary
sitop information for you to later run a top search on the
summary index.

These are commands you can use to add, extract, and modify fields or field
values. The most useful command for manipulating fields is eval and its
statistical and charting functions.

Add fields

Use these commands to add new fields.

Command Description

accum Keeps a running total of the specified numeric field.
Add fields that contain common information about the
current search.
addtotals Computes the sum of all numeric fields for each result.
Computes the difference in field value between nearby
Calculates an expression and puts the value into a field.
See also, evaluation functions.
Adds location information, such as city, country, latitude,
longitude, and so on, based on IP addresses.
For configured lookup tables, explicitly invokes the field
lookup value lookup and adds fields from the lookup table to the
multikv Extracts field-values from table-formatted events.
rangemap Sets RANGE field to the name of the ranges that match.
Adds a relevancy field, which indicates how well the event
matches the query.
Concatenates string values and saves the result to a
specified field.
Extract fields

These commands provide different ways to extract new fields from search

Command Description
Allows you to specify example or counter example values to
automatically extract fields that have similar values.
Extracts field-value pairs from search results.

kvform Extracts values from search results, using a form template.

Specify a Perl regular expression named groups to extract fields
while you search.
Provides a straightforward means for extracting fields from
structured data formats, XML and JSON.
xmlkv Extracts XML key-value pairs.

Modify fields and field values

Use these commands to modify fields or their values.

Command Description
convert Converts field values into numerical values.
filldown Replaces NULL values with the last non-NULL value.
fillnull Replaces null values with a specified value.
Change a specified field into a multivalue field during a
Changes a specified multivalue field into a single-value field
at search time.
Converts the difference between 'now' and '_time' to a
reltime human-readable value and adds adds this value to the field,
'reltime', in your search results.
Renames a specified field. Use wildcards to specify multiple
Replaces values of specified fields with a specified new
Find anomalies

These commands are used to find anomalies in your data. Either search for
uncommon or outlying events and fields or cluster similar events together.

Command Description
Analyze numerical fields for their ability to predict another
analyzefields, af
discrete field.
anomalies Computes an "unexpectedness" score for an event.
Finds and summarizes irregular, or uncommon, search
Identifies anomalous events by computing a probability for
each event and then detecting unusually small probabilities.
cluster Clusters similar events together.
kmeans Performs k-means clustering on selected fields.
outlier Removes outlying numerical values.

rare Displays the least common values of a field.
Geographic and location

These commands add geographical information to your search results.

Command Description
Returns location information, such as city, country, latitude,
longitude, and so on, based on IP addresses.
Adds a field, named "geom", to each event. This field
contains geographic data structures for polygon geometry
geom in JSON and is used for choropleth map visualization. This
command requires an external lookup with
external_type=geo to be installed.

Accepts two points that specify a bounding box for clipping

geomfilter choropleth maps. Points that fall outside of the bounding
box are filtered out.
Generate statistics which are clustered into geographical
bins to be rendered on a world map.
Prediction and trending

These commands predict future values and calculate trendlines that can be used
to create visualizations.

Command Description
Enables you to use time series algorithms to predict future
values of fields.
trendline Computes moving averages of fields.
Enables you to determine the trend in your data by
removing the seasonal pattern.


These commands are used to build transforming searches. These commands

return statistical data tables that are required for charts and other kinds of data

Command Description

addtotals Computes the sum of all numeric fields for each result.
Prepares your events for calculating the autoregression, or
moving average, based on a field that you specify.
bin, discretize Puts continuous numerical values into discrete sets.
Returns results in a tabular output for charting. See also,
Statistical and charting functions.
counttable, Builds a contingency table for two fields.
correlate Calculates the correlation between different fields.
eventcount Returns the number of events in an index.
eventstats Adds summary statistics to all search results.
Transforms results into a format suitable for display by the
Gauge chart types.
Makes a field that is supposed to be the x-axis continuous
(invoked by chart/timechart)
Calculates statistics for the measurement, metric_name,
and dimension fields in metric indexes.
outlier Removes outlying numerical values.
rare Displays the least common values of a field.
Provides statistics, grouped optionally by fields. See also,
Statistical and charting functions.
Adds summary statistics to all search results in a streaming
Create a time series chart and corresponding table of
statistics. See also, Statistical and charting functions.
top Displays the most common values of a field.
trendline Computes moving averages of fields.
tstats Performs statistical queries on indexed fields in tsidx files.
Converts results from a tabular format to a format similar to
stats output. Inverse of xyseries and maketable.
xyseries Converts results into a format suitable for graphing.


These commands can be used to manage search results. For example, you can
append one set of results with another, filter more events from the results,
reformat the results, and so on.


Use this command to email the results of a search.

Command Description
Emails search results, either inline or as an attachment, to
one or more specified email addresses.


Use these commands to append one set of results with another set or to itself.

Command Description
append Appends subsearch results to current results.
Appends the fields of the subsearch results to current
appendcols results, first results to first result, second to second, and so
SQL-like joining of results from the main results pipeline
with the results from the subpipeline.
selfjoin Joins results with itself.

Use these commands to remove more events or fields from your current results.

Command Description
dedup Removes subsequent results that match a specified criteria.
fields Removes fields from search results.
Retrieves data from a dataset, such as a data model dataset, a
CSV lookup, a KV Store lookup, a saved search, or a table dataset.
Combines events in search results that have a single differing field
value into one result with a multivalue field of the differing field.

Removes results that do not match the specified regular
searchtxn Finds transaction events within specified search constraints.
table Creates a table using the specified fields.
Removes any search that is an exact duplicate with a previous
Performs arbitrary filtering on your data. See also, Evaluation

Use these commands to reformat your current results.

Command Description
Converts results from a tabular format to a format similar to
stats output. Inverse of xyseries and maketable.
xyseries Converts results into a format suitable for graphing.

Use these commands to generate or return events.

Command Description
gentimes Returns results that match a time-range.
Loads events or results of a previously completed search
makeresults Creates a specified number of empty search results.
Expands the values of a multivalue field into separate
events for each value of the multivalue field.
savedsearch Returns the search results of a saved search.
Searches indexes for matching events. This command is
search implicit at the start of every search pipeline that does not
begin with another generating command.

Use these commands to group or classify the current results.

Command Description

cluster Clusters similar events together.
kmeans Performs k-means clustering on selected fields.
Expands the values of a multivalue field into separate
events for each value of the multivalue field.
transaction Groups search results into transactions.
typelearner Generates suggested eventtypes.
typer Calculates the eventtypes for the search results.

Use these commands to change the order of the current search results.

Command Description
head Returns the first number n of specified results.
reverse Reverses the order of the results.
sort Sorts search results by the specified fields.
tail Returns the last number N of specified results

Use these commands to read in results from external files or previous searches.

Command Description
inputcsv Loads search results from the specified CSV file.
inputlookup Loads search results from a specified static lookup table.
Loads events or results of a previously completed search

Use these commands to define how to output current search results.

Command Description
outputcsv Outputs search results to a specified CSV file.
outputlookup Writes search results to the specified static lookup table.
outputtext Ouputs the raw text field (_raw) of results into the _xml field.
Emails search results, either inline or as an attachment, to
one or more specified email addresses.


Command Description
A looping operator, performs a search over each search
Searches indexes for matching events. This command is
search implicit at the start of every search pipeline that does not
begin with another generating command.
Emails search results, either inline or as an attachment, to
one or more specified email addresses.
Run subsequent commands, that is all commands following
this, locally and not on a remote peer.

These are commands that you can use with subsearches.

Command Description
append Appends subsearch results to current results.
Appends the fields of the subsearch results to current
appendcols results, first results to first result, second to second, and so
Appends the result of the subpipeline applied to the current
result set to results.
Runs a templated streaming subsearch for each field in a
wildcarded field list.
Takes the results of a subsearch and formats them into a
single result.
Combine the results of a subsearch with the results of a
main search.
return Specify the values to return from a subsearch.
Performs set operations (union, diff, intersect) on

Use these commands to search based on time ranges or add time information to
your events.

Command Description
gentimes Returns results that match a time-range.
Returns a list of the time ranges in which the search results
were found.
Converts the difference between 'now' and '_time' to a
reltime human-readable value and adds adds this value to the field,
'reltime', in your search results.

Command types
There are four broad types for all of the search commands: distributable
streaming, centralized streaming, transforming, generating. These types are not
mutually exclusive. A command might be streaming or transforming, and also a
generating command.

The following tables list the commands that fit into each of these types. For
detailed explanations about each of the types, see Types of commands in the
Search Manual.

Streaming commands

A streaming command operates on each event as the event is returned by a


• A distributable streaming command runs on the indexer or the search

head, depending on where in the search the command is invoked.
Distributable streaming commands can be applied to subsets of indexed
data in a parallel manner.
• A centralized streaming command applies a transformation to each event
returned by a search. Unlike distributable streaming commands, a
centralized streaming command only works on the search head.

Command Notes
addinfo Distributable streaming

autoregress Centralized streaming.
bin Streaming if specified with the span argument.
cluster Streaming in some modes.
convert Distributable streaming.
dedup Streaming in some modes.
eval Distributable streaming.
extract Distributable streaming.
fieldformat Distributable streaming.
fields Distributable streaming.
Distributable streaming when no field-list is specified.
fillnull When field-list is specified, the fillnull command fits
into the Other type.
head Centralized streaming.
highlight Distributable streaming.
iconify Distributable streaming.
iplocation Distributable streaming.
Centralized streaming, as long as there is a defined set of
fields to join to.
lookup Distributable streaming when specified with local=false
makemv Distributable streaming.
multikv Distributable streaming.
mvexpand Distributable streaming.
nomv Distributable streaming.
rangemap Distributable streaming.
regex Distributable streaming.
reltime Distributable streaming.
rename Distributable streaming.
replace Distributed streaming.
rex Distributable streaming.
search Distributable streaming if used further down the search

pipeline. Generating when the first command in the search.
spath Distributable streaming.
strcat Distributable streaming.
streamstats Centralized streaming.
tags Distributable streaming.
transaction Centralized streaming.
typer Distributable streaming.
where Distributable streaming.
untable Distributable streaming.
xmlkv Distributable streaming.
xpath Distributable streaming.
Distributable streaming if the argument grouped=false in
specified. Otherwise Transforming.
Generating commands

A generating command generates events or reports from one or more indexes

without transforming the events.

Command Notes
datamodel Report-generating
dbinspect Report-generating.
eventcount Report-generating.
Can be either report-generating or event-generating depending
from on the search or knowledge object that is referenced by the
inputcsv Event-generating (centralized).
Event-generating (centralized) when append=false, which is the
loadjob Event-generating (centralized).
makeresults Report-generating.

Report-generating. Although metadata fetches data from all
peers, any command run after it runs only on the search head.
mstats Report-generating.
multisearch Event-generating.
pivot Report-generating.
Event-generating (distributable) when the first command in the
search search, which is the default. Distributable streaming if used as a
searchtxn Event-generating.
set Event-generating.
Report-generating (distributable) when prestats=true. When
prestats=false, tstats is event-generating.
Transforming commands

A transforming command orders the results into a data table. The command
"transforms" the specified cell values for each event into numerical values for
statistical purposes.

In earlier versions of Splunk software, transforming commands were referred to

as reporting commands.

Command Notes
Transforming when used to calculate column totals (not row

Transforming if grouped=true, otherwise distributable
Other commands

There are a handful of commands that do not fit into these types. Some
commands fit into the types only in specific situations.

The following commands are not transforming, not distributable, and not
streaming: sort, eventstats, and some modes of cluster, dedup, and fillnull.

Splunk SPL for SQL users

This is not a perfect mapping between SQL and Splunk Search Processing
Language (SPL), but if you are familiar with SQL, this quick comparison might be
helpful as a jump-start into using the search commands.


The Splunk platform does not store data in a conventional database. Rather, it
stores data in a distributed, non-relational, semi-structured database with an
implicit time dimension. Relational databases require that all table columns be
defined up-front and they do not automatically scale by just plugging in new
hardware. However, there are analogues to many of the concepts in the
database world.

Database Splunk
Concept Concept
A Splunk search retrieves indexed data and
can perform transforming and reporting
Splunk operations. Results from one search can be
SQL query
search "piped", or transferred, from command to
command, to filter, modify, reorder, and group
your results.
table/view search Search results can be thought of as a
results database view, a dynamically generated table

of rows, with columns.
All values and fields are indexed by Splunk
software, so there is no need to manually add,
index index update, drop, or even think about indexing
columns. Everything can be quickly retrieved
A result in a Splunk search is a list of fields
(i.e., column) values, corresponding to a table
row. An event is a result that has a timestamp
and raw text. Typically an event is a record
row result/event from a log file, such as: - - [01/Jul/2009:12:05:27
-0700] "GET /trade/app?action=logout
HTTP/1.1" 200 2953
Fields are returned dynamically from a search,
meaning that one search might return a set of
fields, while another search might return
another set. After teaching Splunk software
column field
how to extract more fields from the raw
underlying data, the same search will return
more fields than it previously did. Fields are
not tied to a datatype.
A Splunk index is a collection of data,
somewhat like a database has a collection of
database/schema index/app tables. Domain knowledge of that data, how to
extract it, what reports to run, etc, are stored in
a Splunk application.
From SQL to Splunk SPL

The examples below use the value of the Splunk field "source" as a proxy for
"table". In Splunk software, "source" is the name of the file, stream, or other input
from which a particular piece of data originates, for example /var/log/messages
or UDP:514.

When translating from any language to another, often the translation is longer
because of idioms in the original language. Some of the Splunk search examples
shown below could be more concise, but for parallelism and clarity, the table and
field names are kept the same from the sql. Also, searches rarely need the
FIELDS command to filter out columns as the user interface provides a more
convenient method; and you never have to use "AND" in boolean searches, as

they are implied between terms.

SQL example Splunk SPL example
SELECT * source=mytable
FROM mytable

WHERE FROM mytable mycolumn=5

WHERE mycolumn=5

SELECT mycolumn1, mycolumn2 source=mytable

| FIELDS mycolumn1,
FROM mytable mycolumn2
SELECT * source=mytable

FROM mytable AND

AND/OR (mycolumn1="true" OR
WHERE (mycolumn1="true" OR mycolumn2="red")
mycolumn2="red") AND
mycolumn3="blue" AND mycolumn3="blue"

SELECT mycolumn AS column_alias | RENAME mycolumn as

AS (alias) column_alias
FROM mytable

FROM mytable source=mytable

BETWEEN mycolumn>=1
WHERE mycolumn mycolumn<=5

GROUP BY SELECT mycolumn, avg(mycolumn) source=mytable
FROM mytable

WHERE mycolumn=value | STATS
avg(mycolumn) BY
GROUP BY mycolumn mycolumn

| FIELDS mycolumn,

Several commands
use a by-clause to
group information,
including chart, rare,
sort, stats, and
SELECT mycolumn, avg(mycolumn) mycolumn=value

FROM mytable
avg(mycolumn) BY
HAVING WHERE mycolumn=value
GROUP BY mycolumn avg(mycolumn)=value

HAVING avg(mycolumn)=value | FIELDS mycolumn,


Note: The most

common search in
SELECT * Splunk SPL is nearly
impossible in SQL: to
LIKE FROM mytable search all fields for a
substring. The
WHERE mycolumn LIKE "%some text%" following search
returns all rows that
contain "some text"

source=mytable "some
ORDER BY SELECT * source=mytable

FROM mytable | SORT -mycolumn

ORDER BY mycolumn desc
SELECT DISTINCT mycolumn1, mycolumn2
SELECT | DEDUP mycolumn1
| FIELDS mycolumn1,

SELECT TOP 5 mycolumn1, mycolumn2 source=mytable

| TOP mycolumn1,
FROM mytable mycolumn2
INNER JOIN SELECT * source=mytable1

FROM mytable1 | JOIN type=inner

mycolumn [ SEARCH
INNER JOIN mytable2 source=mytable2 ]

ON mytable1.mycolumn = Note: There are two

other methods to join

• Use the lookup

command to
add fields from
an external

... | LOOKUP

• Use a


If the columns that you

want to join on have

different names, use
the rename command
to rename one of the
columns. For
example, to rename
the column in

source=mytable1 |
JOIN type=inner
mycolumn [ SEARCH
source=mytable2 |
RENAME mycolumn2 AS

To rename the column

in mytable1:

source=mytable1 |
RENAME mycolumn1 AS
mycolumn | JOIN
type=inner mycolumn
source=mytable2 ]

You can rename a

column regardless of
whether you use the
JOIN command, a
lookup, or a

LEFT FROM mytable1
(OUTER) | JOIN type=left
LEFT JOIN mytable2
JOIN mycolumn [ SEARCH
source=mytable2 ]
SELECT SELECT * source=old_mytable
INTO new_mytable IN mydb2 | EVAL
FROM old_mytable


Note: COLLECT is
typically used to store
expensively calculated
fields back into your
Splunk deployment so
that future access is
much faster. This
current example is
atypical but shown for
comparison to the
SQL command. The
source will be
renamed orig_source
Note: see SELECT
INTO. Individual
INSERT INTO mytable records are not added
INSERT INTO via the search
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,....) language, but can be
added via the API if
need be.
SELECT mycolumn

FROM mytable1
UNION source=mytable2]
| DEDUP mycolumn
SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable2

FROM mytable1
SELECT * FROM mytable2

WHERE mycolumn=5 source=mytable1

Note: There are a few
things to think about
when updating
records in Splunk
Enterprise. First, you
can just add the new
values to your Splunk
deployment (see
not worry about
deleting the old
UPDATE mytable
values, because
Splunk software
UPDATE SET column1=value, column2=value,...
always returns the
most recent results
WHERE some_column=some_value
first. Second, on
retrieval, you can
always de-duplicate
the results to ensure
only the latest values
are used (see
Finally, you can
actually delete the old
records (see
See also

• Understanding SPL syntax

SPL data types and clauses

Data types


The <bool> argument value represents the Boolean data type. The
documentation specifies 'true' or 'false'. Other variations of Boolean values are
accepted in commands. For example, for 'true' you can also use 't', 'T', 'TRUE', or
the number one '1'. For 'false', you can use 'f', 'F', 'FALSE', or the number zero


The <int> argument value represents the integer data type.


The <num> argument value represents the number data type.


The <float> argument value represents the float data type.

Common syntax clauses


Syntax: span=(<span-length> | <log-span>)

Description: Sets the size of each bin.
Example: span=2d
Example: span=5m
Example: span=10


Syntax: by <field-list>
Description: Fields to group by.
Example: BY addr, port
Example: BY host


Syntax: abs | case | cidrmatch | coalesce | exact | exp | floor | if | ifnull |

isbool | isint | isnotnull | isnull | isnum | isstr | len|like | ln|log | lower | match

| max | md5 | min | mvcount | mvindex | mvfilter | now | null | nullif | pi | pow
| random | replace | round | searchmatch | sqrt | substr | tostring | trim |
ltrim | rtrim | typeof | upper | urldecode | validate
Description: Function used by eval.
Example: md5(field)
Example: typeof(12) + typeof("string") + typeof(1==2) + typeof(badfield)
Example: searchmatch("foo AND bar")
Example: sqrt(9)
Example: round(3.5)
Example: replace(date, "^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/", "\2/\1/")
Example: pi()
Example: nullif(fielda, fieldb)
Example: random()
Example: pow(x, y)
Example: mvfilter(match(email, "\.net$") OR match(email, "\.org$"))
Example: mvindex(multifield, 2)
Example: null()
Example: now()
Example: isbool(field)
Example: exp(3)
Example: floor(1.9)
Example: coalesce(null(), "Returned value", null())
Example: exact(3.14 * num)
Example: case(error == 404, "Not found", error == 500, "Internal Server
Error", error == 200, "OK")
Example: cidrmatch("", ip)
Example: abs(number)
Example: isnotnull(field)
Example: substr("string", 1, 3) + substr("string", -3)
Example: if(error == 200, "OK", "Error")
Example: len(field)
Example: log(number, 2)
Example: lower(username)
Example: match(field, "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
Example: max(1, 3, 6, 7, "f"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")oo", field)
Example: like(field, "foo%")
Example: ln(bytes)
Example: mvcount(multifield)
Example: validate(isint(port), "ERROR: Port is not an integer", port >= 1
AND port <= 65535, "ERROR: Port is out of range")

Example: tostring(1==1) + " " + tostring(15, "hex") + " " +
tostring(12345.6789, "commas")
Example: trim(" ZZZZabcZZ ", " Z")


Syntax: eval(<eval-expression>)
Description: A dynamically evaled field




Syntax: (\")?<string>(\")?
Description: A Perl Compatible Regular Expression supported by the
PCRE library.
Example: ... | regex _raw="(?<!\d)10.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?!\d)"


Syntax: count | stats-func (<field>)

Description: A single aggregation applied to a single field (can be evaled
field). No wildcards are allowed. The field must be specified, except when
using the special 'count' aggregator that applies to events as a whole.
Example: avg(delay)
Example: sum({date_hour * date_minute})
Example: count


Syntax: ("-"|"+")<sort-field> ","

Description: List of fields to sort by and their sort order (ascending or
Example: - time, host
Example: -size, +source
Example: _time, -host


Syntax: <int:span>(<timescale>)?

Description: Span of each bin. If using a timescale, this is used as a time
range. If not, this is an absolute bucket "length."
Example: 2d
Example: 5m
Example: 10


Syntax: <field> (<tc-option> )* (<where-clause>)?

Description: Specifies a field to split by. If field is numerical, default
discretization is applied.


Syntax: <stats-func>( "(" ( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> )? ")" )?

Description: A specifier formed by a aggregation function applied to a
field or set of fields. As of 4.0, it can also be an aggregation function
applied to a arbitrary eval expression. The eval expression must be
wrapped by "{" and "}". If no field is specified in the parenthesis, the
aggregation is applied independently to all fields, and is equivalent to
calling a field value of * When a numeric aggregator is applied to a
not-completely-numeric field no column is generated for that aggregation.
Example: count({sourcetype="splunkd"})
Example: max(size)
Example: stdev(*delay)
Example: avg(kbps)


Syntax: <stats-agg> (as <wc-field>)?

Description: A statistical specifier optionally renamed to a new field
Example: count(device) AS numdevices
Example: avg(kbps)


Syntax: [<string>]
Description: Specifies a subsearch.
Example: [search 404 | select url]


Syntax: <bins-options> | (usenull=<bool>) | (useother=<bool>) |

(nullstr=<string>) |(otherstr=<string>)
Description: Options for controlling the behavior of splitting by a field. In
addition to the bins-options: usenull controls whether or not a series is
created for events that do not contain the split-by field. This series is
labeled by the value of the nullstr option, and defaults to NULL. useother
specifies if a series should be added for data series not included in the
graph because they did not meet the criteria of the <where-clause>. This
series is labeled by the value of the otherstr option, and defaults to
Example: otherstr=OTHERFIELDS
Example: usenull=f
Example: bins=10


Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Set the time format for starttime and endtime terms.
Example: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S


Syntax: (MM/DD/YY)?:(HH:MM:SS)?|<int>
Description: None
Example: 10/1/07:12:34:56
Example: -5


Syntax: where <single-agg> <where-comp>

Description: Specifies the criteria for including particular data series
when a field is given in the tc-by-clause. This optional clause, if omitted,
default to "where sum in top10". The aggregation term is applied to each
data series and the result of these aggregations is compared to the
criteria. The most common use of this option is to select for spikes rather
than overall mass of distribution in series selection. The default value finds
the top ten series by area under the curve. Alternately one could replace

sum with max to find the series with the ten highest spikes.
Example: where max < 10
Example: where count notin bottom10
Example: where avg > 100
Example: where sum in top5


Evaluation Functions

Evaluation functions
Use the evaluation functions to evaluate an expression, based on your events,
and return a result. See the Quick reference section for the supported functions
and their syntax.


You can use evaluation functions with the eval, fieldformat, and where
commands, and as part of evaluation expressions.


• All functions that accept strings can accept literal strings or any field.
• All functions that accept numbers can accept literal numbers or any
numeric field.

String arguments

For most evaluation functions, when a string argument is expected, you can
specify either an explicit string or a field name. The explicit string is denoted by
double quotation marks. In other words, when the function syntax specifies a
string you can specify any expression that results in a string. For example, name
+ "server".?

Nested functions

You can specify a function as an argument to another function.

In the following example, the cidrmatch function is used as the first argument in
the if function.

... | eval isLocal=if(cidrmatch("",ip), "local", "not


The following example shows how to use the true() function to provide a default
to the case function.

... | eval error=case(status == 200, "OK", status == 404, "Not found",
true(), "Other")

Supported functions and syntax

The following table is a quick reference of the supported evaluation functions.

This table lists the syntax and provides a brief description for each of the
functions. Use the links in the table to learn more about each function examples,
and to see examples.

Type of
Supported functions and syntax Description
Accepts alternating
conditions and values.
Returns the first value
for which the
condition evaluates to
Returns TRUE or
FALSE based on
cidrmatch("X",Y) whether an IP
address matches a
CIDR notation.
This function takes an
arbitrary number of
coalesce(X,...) arguments and
returns the first value
that is not NULL.
false() Returns FALSE.
If the condition X
evaluates to TRUE,
returns Y, otherwise
returns Z.
The function returns
TRUE if one of the
in(VALUE-LIST) values in the list
Comparison matches a value in
and the field you specify.
Returns TRUE if
like(TEXT, PATTERN) TEXT matches
Returns TRUE or
FALSE based on
whether REGEX
matches SUBJECT
This function takes no
null() arguments and
returns NULL.
This function is used
to compare fields. The
function takes two
nullif(X,Y) arguments, X and Y,
and returns NULL if X
= Y. Otherwise it
returns X.
Use this function to
return TRUE if the
search string (X)
matches the event.
true() Returns TRUE.
Use this function to
return the string Y
corresponding to the
first expression X that
evaluates to FALSE.
This function is the
opposite of the case
Conversion Creates a formatted
functions string based on a
format description that
you provide.
Converts a string to a
tostring(X,Y) Converts the input,
such as a number or
a Boolean value, to a

Computes the md5
hash for the value X.
Computes the secure
hash of a string value
sha1(X) X based on the FIPS
compliant SHA-1
hash function.
Cryptographic Computes the secure
functions hash of a string value
sha256(X) X based on the FIPS
compliant SHA-256
hash function.
Computes the secure
hash of a string value
sha512(X) X based on the FIPS
compliant SHA-512
hash function.
Returns the time that
now() the search was
Adjusts the time by a
relative time specifier.
Takes a UNIX time
and renders it into a
human readable
Date and format.
Time functions Takes a human
readable time and
renders it into UNIX
The time that eval
function was
computed. The time
time() will be different for
each event, based on
when the event was

Returns TRUE if the
field value is Boolean.
Returns TRUE if the
isint(X) field value is an
Returns TRUE if the
isnotnull(X) field value is not
Informational Returns TRUE if the
functions isnull(X)
field value is NULL.
Returns TRUE if the
isnum(X) field value is a
Returns TRUE if the
field value is a string.
Returns a string that
indicates the field
typeof(X) type, such as
Number, String,
Boolean, and so forth
Returns the absolute
Rounds the value up
ceiling(X) to the next highest
Returns the result of a
numeric eval
calculation with a
larger amount of
precision in the
formatted output.
Returns the
exp(X) exponential function
e .

Rounds the value

floor(X) down to the next
Mathematical lowest integer.

Returns the natural
Returns the logarithm
of X using Y as the
base. If Y is omitted,
base 10 is used.
Returns the constant
pi() pi to 11 digits of
Returns X to the
power of Y, XY.
Returns X rounded to
the amount of decimal
round(X,Y) places specified by Y.
The default is to
round to an integer.
Rounds X to the
sigfig(X) appropriate number of
significant figures.
Returns the square
root of the value.
Returns a multivalued
field that contains a
list of the commands
used in X.
Returns a multivalue
mvappend(X,...) result based on all of
values specified.
Returns the count of
mvcount(MVFIELD) the number of values
in the specified field.
Removes all of the
mvdedup(X) duplicate values from
a multivalue field.
Filters a multivalue
field based on an
arbitrary Boolean
expression X.

Finds the index of a
value in a multivalue
field that matches the
Returns a set of
values from a
multivalue field
described by
Takes all of the
values in a multivalue
mvjoin(MVFIELD,STR) field and appends
them together
delimited by STR.
Creates a multivalue
field with a range of
mvrange(X,Y,Z) numbers between X
and Y, incrementing
by Z.
Returns the values of
a multivalue field
Takes two multivalue
fields, X and Y, and
combines them by
stitching together the
mvzip(X,Y,"Z") first value of X with
the first value of field
Y, then the second
with the second, and
so on.
Returns a mv field
split(X,"Y") spitting X by the
delimited character Y.
Returns the maximum
max(X,...) of the string or
numeric values.

Statistical eval
functions 54
Returns the minimum
min(X,...) of the string or
numeric values.
Returns a
integer ranging from
zero to 231-1.
Returns the count of
the number of
characters (not bytes)
in the string.
Converts the string to
Trims the characters
represented in Y from
the left side of the
Returns a string
formed by substituting
replace(X,Y,Z) string Z for every
occurrence of regex
string Y in string X.
Returns X with the
characters in Y
Text functions rtrim(X,Y) trimmed from the right
Extracts a value from
a structured data type
spath(X,Y) (XML or JSON) in X
based on a location
path in Y.
Returns a substring
from X based on the
starting position Y and
the length Z.
Trims the characters
represented in Y from
both sides of the
string X.

Returns the string in
Replaces URL
escaped characters
with the original
Computes the arc
cosine of X.
Computes the arc
acosh(X) hyperbolic cosine of
Computes the arc
sine of X.
Computes the arc
hyperbolic sine of X.
Computes the arc
tangent of X.
Computes the arc
tangent of X,Y.
Computes the arc
and atanh(X) hyperbolic tangent of
Computes the cosine
cos(X) of an angle of X
Computes the
cosh(X) hyperbolic cosine of X
Computes the
hypot(X,Y) hypotenuse of a
Computes the sine of
Computes the
hyperbolic sine of X.
Computes the tangent
of X.

Computes the
tanh(X) hyperbolic tangent of
See also

Statistical and charting functions


Splunk Answers

Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and search for a specific function or

Comparison and Conditional functions

The following list contains the functions that you can use to compare values or
specify conditional statements.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



Accepts alternating conditions and values. Returns the first value for which the
condition evaluates to TRUE.

This function takes pairs of arguments X and Y. The X arguments are Boolean
expressions that are evaluated from first to last. When the first X expression is
encountered that evaluates to TRUE, the corresponding Y argument is returned.
The function defaults to NULL if none are true.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns descriptions for the corresponding http status

... | eval description=case(error ==404, "Not found", error == 500,

"Internal Server Error", error == 200, "OK")



Returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether an IP address matches a CIDR


Use this function to determine if an IP address belongs to a particular subnet.

This function returns TRUE, when IP address Y belongs to a particular subnet X.
Both X and Y are string arguments. X is the CIDR subnet. Y is the IP address to
match with the subnet. This function is compatible with IPv6.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the cidrmatch and if functions to set a field,
isLocal, to "local" if the field ip matches the subnet. If the ip field does not
match the subnet, the isLocal field is set to "not local".

... | eval isLocal=if(cidrmatch("",ip), "local", "not


The following example uses the cidrmatch function as a filter to remove events

that do not match the ip address:

... | where cidrmatch("", ip)



This function takes an arbitrary number of arguments and returns the first value
that is not NULL.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

You have a set of events where the IP address is extracted to either clientip or
ipaddress. This example defines a new field called ip, that takes the value of
either the clientip field or ipaddress field, depending on which field is not NULL
(does not exists in that event). If both the clientip and ipaddress field exist in
the event, this function returns the first argument, the clientip field.

... | eval ip=coalesce(clientip,ipaddress)



Use this function to return FALSE.

This function enables you to specify a conditional that is obviously false, for
example 1==0. You do not specify a field with this function.


This function is often used as an argument with other functions.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples



If the condition X evaluates to TRUE, returns Y, otherwise returns Z.

This function takes three arguments. The first argument X must be a Boolean
expression. If X evaluates to TRUE, the result is the second argument Y. If X
evaluates to FALSE, the result evaluates to the third argument Z.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

The if function is frequently used with other functions. See Basic examples.

Basic examples

The following example looks at the values of the field error. If error=200, the
function returns err=OK. Otherwise the function returns err=Error.

... | eval err=if(error == 200, "OK", "Error")

The following example uses the cidrmatch and if functions to set a field,
isLocal, to "local" if the field ip matches the subnet. If the ip field does not
match the subnet, the isLocal field is set to "not local".

... | eval isLocal=if(cidrmatch("",ip), "local", "not




The function returns TRUE if one of the values in the list matches a value in the
field you specify.

This function takes a list of comma-separated values.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions with other commands.

There is also an IN operator that is similar to the in(VALUE-LIST) function that

you can use with the search and tstats commands.

The following syntax is supported:

...| where in(field,"value1","value2", ...)

...| where field in("value1","value2", ...)
...| eval new_field=in(field,"value1","value2", ...)

The values must be enclosed in quotation marks. You cannot specify wildcard
characters with the values.

There is also an IN operator that is similar to the in(VALUE-LIST) function that

you can use with the search and tstats commands. You can use wildcard
characters in the VALUE-LIST with the IN operator using these commands.

Basic examples

The following example uses the where command to return in=TRUE if one of the
values in the status field matches one of the values in the list.

... | where status in("400", "401", "403", "404")

The following example uses the in function as the first parameter for the if
function. The evaluation expression returns TRUE if the value in the status field
matches one of the values in the list.

... | eval error=if(in(status, "error", "failure",


Extended example

The following example combines the in function with the if function to evaluate
the status field. The value of true is placed in the new field error if the status
field contains one of the values 404, 500, or 503. Then a count is performed of
the values in the error field.

... | eval error=if(in(status, "404","500","503"),"true","false") |
stats count by error



This function returns TRUE if TEXT matches PATTERN.

This function takes two arguments, a string to match TEXT and a string
expression to match PATTERN. It returns TRUE if, and only if, TEXT matches
PATTERN. The pattern language supports an exact text match, as well as
percent ( % ) characters for wildcards and underscore ( _ ) characters for a single
character match.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns like=TRUE if the field value starts with foo:

... | eval is_a_foo=if(like(field, "foo%"), "yes a foo", "not a foo")

The following example uses the where command to return like=TRUE if the field
value starts with foo:

... | where like(field, "foo%")



This function returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether REGEX matches


This function compares the regex string REGEX to the value of SUBJECT and
returns a Boolean value. It returns TRUE if the REGEX can find a match against
any substring of SUBJECT.


The match function is regex based. For example use the backslash ( \ ) character
to escape a special character, such as a quotation mark. Use the pipe ( | )
character to specify an OR condition.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns TRUE if, and only if, field matches the basic
pattern of an IP address. This examples uses the caret ( ^ ) character and the
dollar ( $ ) symbol to perform a full match.

... | eval n=if(match(field, "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$"),

1, 0)

The following example uses the match function in an <eval-expression>. The

SUBJECT is a calculated field called test. The "REGEX" is the string yes.

This example uses the match function in an <eval-expression>. The SUBJECT is

a calculated field called test. The "REGEX" is the string yes.

... | eval matches = if(match(test,"yes"), 1, 0)

If the value is stored with quotation marks, you must use the backslash ( \ )
character to escape the embedded quotation marks. For example:

| makeresults | eval test="\"yes\"" | eval matches = if(match(test,

"\"yes\""), 1, 0)



This function takes no arguments and returns NULL. The evaluation engine uses
NULL to represent "no value". Setting a field value to NULL clears the field value.


NULL values are field values that are missing in a some results but present in
another results.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

Suppose you want to calculate the average of the values in a field, but several of
the values are zero. If the zeros are placeholders for no value, the zeros will
interfere with creating an accurate average. You can use the null function to
remove the zeros.

See also

• You can use the fillnull command to replace NULL values with a
specified value.
• You can use the nullif(X,Y) function to compare two fields and return
NULL if X = Y.



This function is used to compare fields. The function takes two arguments, X and
Y, and returns NULL if X = Y. Otherwise it returns X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns NULL if fieldA=fieldB. Otherwise the function

returns fieldA.

... | eval n=nullif(fieldA,fieldB)



Use this function to return TRUE if the search string (X) matches the event.

This function takes one argument X, which is a search string. The function
returns TRUE if, and only if, the event matches the search string.


The searchmatch function is regex based. For example use the backslash ( \ )
character to escape a special character, such as a quotation mark. Use the pipe (
| ) character to specify an OR condition.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses a pipe ( | ) character to specify an OR condition in

the searchmatch function.

... searchmatch("Authentication failure|Failed User")



Use this function to return TRUE.

This function enables you to specify a condition that is obviously true, for
example 1==1. You do not specify a field with this function.


This function is often used as an argument with other functions.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example shows how to use the true() function to provide a default
to the case function.

... | eval error=case(status == 200, "OK", status == 404, "Not found",

true(), "Other")



Use this function to return the string Y corresponding to the first expression X
that evaluates to FALSE. This function is the opposite of the case function.

This function takes pairs of arguments, Boolean expressions X and strings Y.

The function returns the string Y corresponding to the first expression X that
evaluates to FALSE. This function defaults to NULL if all evaluate to TRUE.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example runs a simple check for valid ports.

... | eval n=validate(isint(port), "ERROR: Port is not an integer",

port >= 1 AND port <= 65535, "ERROR: Port is out of range")

Conversion functions
The following list contains the functions that you can use to convert numbers to
strings and strings to numbers.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



The printf function builds a string value, based on the a string format and the
arguments that you specify.

• You can specify zero or more arguments. The arguments can be string
values, numbers, computations, or fields.

The SPL printf function is similar to the C sprintf() function and similar
functions in other languages such as Python, Perl, and Ruby.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Description: The format is a character string that can include one or
more format conversion specifiers. Each conversion specifier can include
optional components such as flag characters, width specifications, and
precision specifications. The format must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Syntax: "(%[flags][width][.precision]<conversion_specifier>)..."

Description: The arguments are optional and can include the width,
precision, and the value to format. The value can be a string, number, or
field name.
Syntax: [width][.precision][value]

Supported conversion specifiers

The following table describes the supported conversion specifiers.

Alias Description Examples
%a or %A

Floating point This example returns the value of pi
number in to 3 decimal points, in hexadecimal
hexadecimal format.

printf("%.3A",pi()) which returns


This example returns the unicode

code point for 65 and the first letter of
Single Unicode the string "Foo".
code point
printf("%c,%c",65,"Foo") which
returns A,F
This example returns the positive or
negative integer values, including any
Signed decimal signs specified with those values.
%d %i
printf("%d,%i,%d",-2,+4,30) which
returns -2,4,30
This example returns the number
5139 in exponential format with 2
Floating point
decimal points.
%e or %E number,
exponential format
printf("%.2e",5139) which returns

This example returns the value of pi

to 2 decimal points.
Floating point
%f or %F
printf("%.2f",pi()) which returns

This example returns the value of pi

Floating point
to 2 decimal points (using the %f
number. This
specifier) and the number 123 in
specifier uses
exponential format with 2 decimal
either %e or %f
%g or %G points (using %e specifier).
depending on the
range of the
numbers being
printf("%.2g,%.2g",pi(),123) which
returns 3.1,1.2e+02

This example returns the base-8
number for 255.
Unsigned octal
printf("%o",255) which returns 377
This example returns the
concatenated string values of "foo"
and "bar".
%s %z String

printf("%s%z", "foo", "bar") which

returns foobar
Unsigned, or This example returns the integer
%u non-negative, value of the number in the argument.
decimal integer printf("%u,",99) which returns 99

This example returns the

hexadecimal values that are
equivalent to the numbers in the
arguments. This example shows both
upper and lowercase results when
%x or %X %p number
using this specifier.
(lowercase or
printf("%x,%X,%p",10,10,10) which
returns a,A,A
This example returns the string value
with a percent sign.
%% Percent sign

printf("100%%") which returns 100%

Flag characters

The following table describes the supported flag characters.

Description Examples
single quote
or printf("%'d",12345)
Adds commas as the thousands separator. which returns 12,345

dash or Left justify. If this flag is not specified, the printf("%-4d",1)
minus ( - ) is right-justified. which returns 1
This example returns
the value in the
argument with leading
zeros such that the
zero ( 0 ) Zero pad number has 4 digits.

which returns 0001
Always include the sign ( + or - ). If this flag
plus ( + ) is not specified, the conversion displays a which returns +1
sign only for negative values.
Reserve space for the sign. If the first
character of a signed conversion is not a
sign or if a signed conversion results in no
printf("% -4d",1)
<space> characters, a <space> is added as a which returns 1
prefixed to the result. If both the <space>
and + flags are specified, the <space> flag
is ignored.
Use an alternate form. For the %o
conversion specifier, the # flag increases
the precision to force the first digit of the
result to be zero. For %x or %X conversion
specifiers, a non-zero result has 0x (or 0X)
prefixed to it.
For %a, %A, %e, %E, %f, %F, %%g , and
hash, G conversion specifiers, the result always
printf("%#x", 1)
number, or contains a radix character, even if no digits which returns 0x1
pound ( # ) follow the radix character. Without this flag,
a radix character appears in the result of
these conversions only if a digit follows it.
For %g and %G conversion specifiers,
trailing zeros are not removed from the
result as they normally are. For other
conversion specifiers, the behavior is

Specifying field width

You can use an asterisk ( * ) with the printf function to return the field width or
precision from an argument.

The following example returns the positive or negative integer values, including
any signs specified with those values.

printf("%*d", 5, 123) which returns 123

The following example returns the floating point number with 1 decimal point.

printf("%.*f", 1, 1.23) which returns 1.2

The following example returns the value of pi() in exponential format with 2
decimal points.

printf("%*.*e", 9, 2, pi()) which returns 3.14e+00

The field width can be expressed using a number or an argument denoted with
an asterisk ( * ) character.

Field width
Description Examples
The minimum number of characters to print. If the
value to print is shorter than this number, the result is
padded with blank spaces. The value is not truncated
even if the result is larger.
The width is not specified in the format string, but as
* (asterisk) an additional integer value argument preceding the
argument that has to be formatted.
Specifying precision

Precision Description
%d, %i, %o, %u, %x Precision specifies the minimum number of digits to
or %X be return. If the value to be return is shorter than

this number, the result is padded with leading
zeros. The value is not truncated even if the result
is longer. A precision of 0 means that no character
is returned for the value 0.
%a or %A, %e or %E, %f This is the number of digits to be returned after the
or %F decimal point. The default is 6 .
This is the maximum number of significant digits to
%g or %G
be returned.
This is the maximum number of characters to be
%s returned. By default all characters are printed until
the ending null character is encountered.
Specifying the period If the period is specified without an explicit value for
without a precision value precision, 0 is assumed.
Specifying an asterisk for The precision is not specified in the format string,
the precision value, for but as an additional integer value argument
example .* preceding the argument that has to be formatted.
Unsupported conversion specifiers

There are a few conversion specifiers from the C sprintf() function that are not
supported, including:

• %C, however %c is supported

• %n
• %S, however %s is supported
• %<num>$ specifier for picking which argument to use

Basic examples

This example creates a new field called new_field and creates string values
based on the values in field_one and field_two. The values are formatted with
4 digits before the decimal and 4 digits after the decimal. The - specifies to left
justify the string values. The 30 specifies the width of the field.

...| eval new_field=printf("%04.4f %-30s",field_one,field_two)



This function converts the input string NUMSTR to a number. NUMSTR can be a
field name or a value.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

BASE is optional and used to define the base of the number to convert to. BASE
can be 2 to 36. The default is 10 to correspond to the decimal system.

If the tonumber function cannot parse a field value to a number, for example if the
value contains a leading and trailing space, the function returns NULL. Use the
trim function to remove leading or trailing spaces.

If the tonumber function cannot parse a literal string to a number, it returns an


Basic examples

The following example converts the string values for the store_sales field to

... | eval n=tonumber(store_sales)

The following example takes the hexadecimal number and uses a BASE of 16 to
return the number "164".

... | eval n=tonumber("0A4",16)

The following example trims any leading or trailing spaces from the values in the
celsius field before converting it to a number.

... | eval temperature=tonumber(trim(celsius))



This function converts the input value to a string. If the input value is a number, it
reformats it as a string. If the input value is a Boolean value, it returns the
corresponding string value, "True" or "False".


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

This function requires at least one argument X.

When used with the eval command, the values might not sort as expected
because the values are converted to ASCII. Use the fieldformat command with
the tostring function to format the displayed values. The underlying values are
not changed with the fieldformat command.

If X is a number, the second argument Y is optional and can be "hex", "commas",

or "duration".

Examples Description
tostring(X,"hex") Converts X to hexadecimal.
Formats X with commas. If the number includes
tostring(X,"commas") decimals, the function rounds to nearest two decimal
Converts seconds X to the readable time format
Basic examples

The following example returns "True 0xF 12,345.68".

... | eval n=tostring(1==1) + " " + tostring(15, "hex") + " " +

tostring(12345.6789, "commas")

The following example returns foo=615 and foo2=00:10:15. The 615 seconds is
converted into minutes and seconds.

... | eval foo=615 | eval foo2 = tostring(foo, "duration")

The following example formats the column totalSales to display values with a
currency symbol and commas. You must use a period between the currency
value and the tostring function.

... | fieldformat totalSales="$".tostring(totalSales,"commas")

Cryptographic functions
The following list contains the functions that you can use to compute the secure
hash of string values.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function computes and returns the MD5 hash of a string value X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=md5(field)



This function computes and returns the secure hash of a string value X based on
the FIPS compliant SHA-1 hash function.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=sha1(field)



This function computes and returns the secure hash of a string value X based on
the FIPS compliant SHA-256 hash function.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=sha256(field)



This function computes and returns the secure hash of a string value X based on
the FIPS compliant SHA-512 hash function.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=sha512(field)

Date and Time functions

The following list contains the functions that you can use to calculate dates and

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.

In addition to the functions listed in this topic, there are also variables and
modifiers that you can use in searches.

• Date and time format variables

• Time modifiers



This function takes no arguments and returns the time that the search was


The now() function is often used with other data and time functions.

The time returned by the now() function is represented in UNIX time, or in

seconds since Epoch time.

When used in a search, this function returns the UNIX time when the search is
run. If you want to return the UNIX time when each result is returned, use the
time() function instead.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example combines determines the UNIX time value of the start of
yesterday, based on the value of now().

... | eval n=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")

Extended example

If you are looking for events that occurred within the last 30 minutes you need to
calculate the event hour, event minute, the current hour, and the current minute.
You use the now() function to calculate the current hour (curHour) and current
minute (curMin). The event timestamp, in the _time field, is used to calculate the
event hour (eventHour) and event minute (eventMin). For example:

... earliest=-30d | eval eventHour=strftime(_time,"%H") | eval

eventMin=strftime(_time,"%M") | eval curHour==strftime(now(),"%H") |
eval curMin=strftime(now(),"%M") | where (eventHour=curHour and
eventMin > curMin - 30) or (curMin < 30 and eventHour=curHour-1 and
eventMin>curMin+30) | bucket _time span=1d | chart count by _time



This function takes an UNIX time, X, as the first argument and a relative time
specifier, Y, as the second argument and returns the UNIX time value of Y
applied to X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example determines the UNIX time value of the start of yesterday,
based on the value of now().

... | eval n=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")



This function takes a UNIX time value, X, as the first argument and renders the
time as a string using the format specified by Y.


For a list and descriptions of format options, see Common time format variables.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns the hour and minute from the _time field.

... | eval n=strftime(_time, "%H:%M")



This function takes a time represented by a string, X, and parses it into a

timestamp using the format specified by Y.


For a list and descriptions of format options, see Common time format variables.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

If the values in the timeStr field are hours and minutes, such as 11:59, the
following example returns the time as a timestamp:

... | eval n=strptime(timeStr, "%H:%M")



This function returns the wall-clock time with microsecond resolution.


The value of the time() function will be different for each event, based on when
that event was processed by the eval command.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

Informational functions
The following list contains the functions that you can use to return information
about a value.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function takes one argument X and evaluates whether X is a Boolean data
type. The function returns TRUE if X is Boolean.


Use this function with other functions that return Boolean data types, such as
cidrmatch and mvfind.

This function cannot be used to determine if field values are "true" or "false"
because field values are either string or number data types. Instead, use syntax
such as <fieldname>=true OR <fieldname>=false to determine field values.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.



This function takes one argument X and returns TRUE if X is an integer.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the isint function with the if function. A field, "n", is
added to each result with a value of "int" or "not int", depending on the result of
the isint function. If the value of "field" is a number, the isint function returns
TRUE and the value adds the value "int" to the "n" field.

... | eval n=if(isint(field),"int", "not int")

The following example shows how to use the isint function with the where

... | where isint(field)



This function takes one argument X and returns TRUE if X is not NULL.


This function is useful for checking for whether or not a field (X) contains a value.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the isnotnull function with the if function. A field,
"n", is added to each result with a value of "yes" or "no", depending on the result
of the isnotnull function. If the value of "field" is a number, the isnotnull
function returns TRUE and the value adds the value "yes" to the "n" field.

... | eval n=if(isnotnull(field),"yes","no")

The following example shows how to use the isnotnull function with the where

... | where isnotnull(field)



This function takes one argument X and returns TRUE if X is NULL.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the isnull function with the if function. A field, "n",
is added to each result with a value of "yes" or "no", depending on the result of
the isnull function. If there is no value for "field" in a result, the isnull function
returns TRUE and adds the value "yes" to the "n" field.

... | eval n=if(isnull(field),"yes","no")

The following example shows how to use the isnull function with the where

... | where isnull(field)



This function takes one argument X and returns TRUE if X is a number.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the isnum function with the if function. A field, "n", is
added to each result with a value of "yes" or "no", depending on the result of the
isnum function. If the value of "field" is a number, the isnum function returns
TRUE and the value adds the value "yes" to the "n" field.

... | eval n=if(isnum(field),"yes","no")

The following example shows how to use the isnum function with the where

... | where isnum(field)



This function takes one argument X and returns TRUE if X is a string.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example uses the isstrr function with the if function. A field, "n",
is added to each result with a value of "yes" or "no", depending on the result of
the isstr function. If the value of "field" is a string, the isstr function returns
TRUE and the value adds the value "yes" to the "n" field.

... | eval n=if(isstr(field),"yes","no")

The following example shows how to use the isstr function with the where

... | where isstr(field)



This function takes one argument and returns a string representation of its type.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example takes one argument and returns a string representation of
its type. This example returns "NumberStringBoolInvalid"

... | eval n=typeof(12) + typeof("string") + typeof(1==2) +


Mathematical functions
The following list contains the functions that you can use to perform
mathematical calculations.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function takes a number X and returns its absolute value.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example creates a field called absnum, whose values are the
absolute values of the numeric field number.

... | eval absnum=abs(number)



This function rounds a number X up to the next highest integer.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns n=2.

... | eval n=ceil(1.9)



This function renders the result of a numeric eval calculation with a larger amount
of precision in the formatted output.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=exact(3.14 * num)



This function takes a number X and returns the exponential function eX.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns y=e3.

... | eval y=exp(3)



This function rounds a number X down to the nearest whole integer.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns 1.

... | eval n=floor(1.9)



This function takes a number X and returns its natural logarithm.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns the natural logarithm of the values of bytes.

... | eval lnBytes=ln(bytes)



This function takes either one or two numeric arguments and returns the
logarithm of the first argument X using the second argument Y as the base. If the
second argument Y is omitted, this function evaluates the logarithm of number X
with base 10.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval num=log(number,2)



This function takes no arguments and returns the constant pi to 11 digits of



You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example calculates the area of a circle, which is pi() multiplied by
the radius to the power of 2.

... | eval area_circle=pi()*pow(radius,2)



This function takes two numeric arguments X and Y and returns XY, X to the
power of Y.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example calculates the area of a circle, which is pi() multiplied by
the radius to the power of 2.

... | eval area_circle=pi()*pow(radius,2)



This function takes one or two numeric arguments X and Y, returning X rounded
to the amount of decimal places specified by Y. The default is to round to an


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns n=4.

... | eval n=round(3.5)

The following example returns n=2.56.

... | eval n=round(2.555, 2)



This function takes one argument X, a number, and rounds that number to the
appropriate number of significant figures.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The calculation 1.00*1111 returns 1111, but the following search using the sigfig
function returns n=1110.

... | eval n=sigfig(1.00*1111)



This function takes one numeric argument X and returns its square root.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns 3:

... | eval n=sqrt(9)

Multivalue eval functions

The following list contains the functions that you can use on multivalue fields or
to return multivalue fields.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function takes a search string, or field that contains a search string, X and
returns a multivalued field containing a list of the commands used in X.


This function is generally not recommended for use except for analysis of
audit.log events.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns a multivalued field X, that contains 'search', 'stats',
and 'sort'.

... | eval x=commands("search foo | stats count | sort count")



This function takes an arbitrary number of arguments and returns a multivalue

result of all the values. The arguments can be strings, multivalue fields or single
value fields.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval fullName=mvappend(initial_values, "middle value",




This function takes a field and returns a count of the values in that field for each
result. If the field is a multivalue field, returns the number of values in that field. If
the field contains a single value, this function returns 1 . If the field has no values,
this function returns NULL.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=mvcount(multifield)

Extended example

In the following example, the mvcount() function returns the number of email
addresses in the To, From, and Cc fields and saves the addresses in the specified
"_count" fields.

eventtype="sendmail" | eval To_count=mvcount(split(To,"@"))-1 | eval

From_count=mvcount(From) | eval Cc_count= mvcount(split(Cc,"@"))-1

This search takes the values in the To field and uses the split function to separate
the email address on the @ symbol. The split function is also used on the Cc field
for the same purpose.

If only a single email address exists in the From field, as you would expect,
mvcount(From) returns 1. If there is no Cc address, the Cc field might not exist for
the event. In that situation mvcount(cc) returns NULL.



This function takes a multivalue field X and returns a multivalue field with its
duplicate values removed.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval s=mvdedup(mvfield)



This function filters a multivalue field based on an arbitrary Boolean expression

X. The Boolean expression X can reference ONLY ONE field at a time.


This function will return NULL values of the field x as well. If you do not want the
NULL values, use one of the following expressions:

• mvfilter(!=isnull(x))
• mvfilter(isnotnull(x))

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns all of the values in field email that end in .net or

... | eval n=mvfilter(match(email, "\.net$") OR match(email, "\.org$"))



This function tries to find a value in the multivalue field MVFIELD that matches
the regular expression in "REGEX". If a match exists, the index of the first
matching value is returned (beginning with zero). If no values match, NULL is


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=mvfind(mymvfield, "err\d+")



This function takes two or three arguments and returns a subset of the multivalue
field using the indexes provided. The field MVFIELD and the number
STARTINDEX are required. The number ENDINDEX is inclusive and optional.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Both the STARTINDEX and ENDINDEX arguments can be negative, where -1 is

the last element.

If ENDINDEX is not specified, the function returns only the value at


If the indexes are out of range or invalid, the result is NULL.

Basic examples

Because indexes start at zero, the following example returns the third value in
"multifield", if the value exists.

... | eval n=mvindex(multifield, 2)



This function takes two arguments, a multivalue field (MVFIELD) and a string
delimiter (STR). The function concatenates the individual values within MVFIELD
using the value of STR as a separator.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

You have a multivalue field called "base" that contains the values "1" "2" "3" "4"
"5". The values are separated by a space. You want to create a single value field
instead, with OR as the delimiter. For example "1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5".

The following search creates the base field with the values. The search then
creates the joined field by using the result of the mvjoin function.

... | eval base=mvrange(1,6), joined=mvjoin('base'," OR ")

The following example joins together the individual values of "foo" using a
semicolon as the delimiter:

... | eval n=mvjoin(foo, ";")



This function creates a multivalue field for a range of numbers. This function can
contain up to three arguments: a starting number X, an ending number Y (which
is excluded from the field), and an optional step increment Z. If the increment is a
timespan such as '7'd, the starting and ending numbers are treated as UNIX


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example returns a multivalue field with the values 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

... | eval mv=mvrange(1,11,2)



This function uses a multivalue field X and returns a multivalue field with the
values sorted lexicographically.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.

Basic example

... | eval s=mvsort(mvfield)



This function takes two multivalue fields, X and Y, and combines them by
stitching together the first value of X with the first value of field Y, then the
second with the second, and so on. The third argument, Z, is optional and is
used to specify a delimiting character to join the two values. The default delimiter
is a comma.


This is similar to the Python zip command.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval nserver=mvzip(hosts,ports)



This function takes two arguments, field X and delimiting character Y. It splits the
values of X on the delimiter Y and returns X as a multivalue field.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

The Splunk software includes a set of multivalue functions. See Multivalue eval
functions and Multivalue stats and chart functions.

Basic example

... | eval n=split(foo, ";")

See also

See the following multivalue commands:

makemv, mvcombine, mvexpand, nomv

Statistical eval functions

The following list contains the evaluation functions that you can use to calculate

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.

In addition to these functions, there is a comprehensive set of statistical functions

that you can use with the stats, chart, and related commands.



This function takes an arbitrary number of numeric or string arguments, and

returns the maximum. Strings are greater than numbers.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns either "foo" or field, depending on the value of

... | eval n=max(1, 3, 6, 7, "foo", field)



This function takes an arbitrary number of numeric or string arguments, and

returns the minimum. Strings are greater than numbers.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns either 1 or field, depending on the value of field.

... | eval n=min(1, 3, 6, 7, "foo", field)



This function takes no arguments and returns a pseudo-random integer ranging

from zero to 231-1.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns a random integer, such as 0...2147483647.

... | eval n=random()

Text functions
The following list contains the functions that you can use with string values.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function returns the character length of a string X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=len(field)



This function takes one string argument and returns the string in lowercase.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns the value provided by the field username in

... | eval username=lower(username)



This function takes one or two arguments X and Y, and returns X with the
characters in Y trimmed from the left side. If Y is not specified, spaces and tabs
are removed.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example trims the leading spaces and all of the occurrences of the
letter Z from the left side of the string. The value that is returned is x="abcZZ ".

... | eval x=ltrim(" ZZZZabcZZ ", " Z")



This function returns a string formed by substituting string Z for every occurrence
of regex string Y in string X. The third argument Z can also reference groups that
are matched in the regex.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns date, with the month and day numbers switched. If
the input is 1/14/2017 the return value would be 14/1/2017.

... | eval n=replace(date, "^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/", "\2/\1/")



This function takes one or two arguments X and Y, and returns X with the
characters in Y trimmed from the right side. If Y is not specified, spaces and tabs
are removed.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns n="ZZZZabc".

... | eval n=rtrim(" ZZZZabcZZ ", " Z")



This function takes two arguments, an input source field X and an spath
expression Y, that is the XML or JSON formatted location path to the value that
you want to extract from X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

If Y is a literal string, it needs quotes, spath(X,"Y"). If Y is a field name (with

values that are the location paths), it doesn't need quotes. This might result in a
multivalued field. Read more about the spath command.

Basic example

The following example returns the values of locDesc elements.

... | eval locDesc=spath(_raw, "vendorProductSet.product.desc.locDesc")

The following example returns the hashtags from a twitter event.

index=twitter | eval output=spath(_raw, "entities.hashtags")



This function takes either two or three arguments. The required arguments are X,
a string, and Y, a numeric. Z is optional and a numeric. This function returns a
substring of X, starting at the index specified by Y with the number of characters
specified by Z. If Z is not provided, the function returns the rest of the string.


The indexes follow SQLite semantics; they start at 1. Negative indexes can be
used to indicate a start from the end of the string.

You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example concatenates "str" and "ing" together, returning "string":

... | eval n=substr("string", 1, 3) + substr("string", -3)



This function takes one or two arguments X and Y and returns X with the
characters in Y trimmed from both sides. If Y is not specified, spaces and tabs
are removed.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns "abc".

... | eval n=trim(" ZZZZabcZZ ", " Z")



This function takes one string argument and returns the string in uppercase.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns the value provided by the field username in

... | eval n=upper(username)



This function takes one URL string argument X and returns the unescaped or
decoded URL string.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example returns "http://www.splunk.com/download?r=header".

... | eval

Trig and Hyperbolic functions

The following list contains the functions that you can use to calculate
trigonometry and hyperbolic values.

For information about using string and numeric fields in functions, and nesting
functions, see Evaluation functions.



This function computes the arc cosine of X, in the interval [0,pi] radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example calculates the arc cosine of 0.

... | eval n=acos(0)

The following example calculates 180 divided by pi and multiplies the result by
the arc cosine of 0.

... | eval degrees=acos(0)*180/pi()



This function computes the arc hyperbolic cosine of X, in radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=acosh(2)



This function computes the arc sine of X, in the interval [-pi/2,+pi/2] radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example calculates the arc sine of 1.

... | eval n=asin(1)

The following example calculates 180 divided by pi and multiplies that by the arc
sine of 1.

... | eval degrees=asin(1)*180/pi()



This function computes the arc hyperbolic sine of X, in radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=asinh(1)



This function computes the arc tangent of X, in the interval [-pi/2,+pi/2] radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=atan(0.50)

atan2(Y, X)


This function computes the arc tangent of Y, X in the interval [-pi,+pi] radians.

Y is a value that represents the proportion of the y-coordinate. X is the value that
represents the proportion of the x-coordinate.

To compute the value, the function takes into account the sign of both arguments
to determine the quadrant.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=atan2(0.50, 0.75)



This function computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of X, in radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=atanh(0.500)



This function computes the cosine of an angle of X radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

The following example calculates the cosine of -1.

... | eval n=cos(-1)

The following example calculates the cosine of pi.

... | eval n=cos(pi())



This function computes the hyperbolic cosine of X radians.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=cosh(1)



This function computes the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose legs are
X and Y.

The function returns the square root of the sum of the squares of X and Y, as
described in the Pythagorean theorem.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=hypot(3,4)



This function computes the sine of X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic examples

The following example calculates the sine of 1.

... | eval n=sin(1)

The following search calculates the sine of pi divided by 180 and then multiplied
by 90.

... | eval n=sin(90 * pi()/180)



This function computes the hyperbolic sine of X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=sinh(1)



This function computes the tangent of X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=tan(1)



This function computes the hyperbolic tangent of X.


You can use this function with the eval, fieldformat, and where commands, and
as part of eval expressions.

Basic example

... | eval n=tanh(1)

Statistical and Charting Functions

Statistical and charting functions

You can use the statistical and charting functions with the following commands:

• chart and sichart

• stats, eventstats, geostats, mstats, sistats, streamstats, and tstats
• timechart and sitimechart

The mstats and the tstats commands support a subset of the statistical and
charting functions. Refer to the documentation for those commands for the exact
list of supported functions.

Sparkline charts

The functions that you can use to create sparkline charts are noted in the
documentation for each function. Sparkline is a function that applies to only the
chart and stats commands, and allows you to call other functions. For more
information, see Add sparklines to search results in the Search Manual.

How field values are processed

Most of the statistical and charting functions expect the field values to be
numbers. All of the values are processed as numbers, and any non-numeric
values are ignored.

Functions that process values as strings

The following functions process the field values as literal string values, even
though the values are numbers.

• latest •• min
• count • estdc
• distinct_count • estdc_error • last • mode
• earliest • first • list • values
For example, you use the distinct_count function and the field contains values
such as "1", "1.0", and "01". Each value is considered a distinct string value.

The only exceptions are the max and min functions. These functions process
values as numbers if possible. For example, the values "1", "1.0", and "01" are
processed as the same numeric value.

Supported functions and syntax

The following table is a quick reference of the supported statistical and charting
functions. This table lists the syntax and provides a brief description for each of
the functions. Use the links in the table to learn more about each function
examples, and to see examples.

Type of
functions and Description
Returns the average of the values in the field
Returns the number of occurrences where the
field that you specify contains any value (is not
empty. You can also count the occurrences of
a specific value in the field by using the eval
command with the count function. For
example: count eval(field_name="value").
Returns the count of distinct values in the field
Returns the estimated count of the distinct
values in the field X.
Returns the theoretical error of the estimated
count of the distinct values in the field X. The
estdc_error(X) error represents a ratio of the
absolute_value(estimate_distinct_count -

Returns the maximum value of the field X. If

the values of X are non-numeric, the maximum
value is found using lexicographical ordering.
This function processes field values as
Aggregate numbers if possible, otherwise processes field
functions values as strings.
mean(X) Returns the arithmetic mean of the field X.
median(X) Returns the middle-most value of the field X.

Returns the minimum value of the field X. If the
min(X) values of X are non-numeric, the minimum
value is found using lexicographical ordering.
mode(X) Returns the most frequent value of the field X.
Returns the X-th percentile value of the
numeric field Y. Valid values of X are integers
from 1 to 99.

Additional percentile functions are

upperperc<X>(Y) and exactperc<X>(Y).

Returns the difference between the maximum

range(X) and minimum values of the field X ONLY IF the
values of X are numeric.
Returns the sample standard deviation of the
field X.
Returns the population standard deviation of
the field X.
sum(X) Returns the sum of the values of the field X.
Returns the sum of the squares of the values
of the field X.
var(X) Returns the sample variance of the field X.
varp(X) Returns the population variance of the field X.
Returns the chronologically earliest (oldest)
seen occurrence of a value of a field X.
Returns the first seen value of the field X. In
general, the first seen value of the field is the
Event most recent instance of this field, relative to the
order input order of events into the stats command.
functions Returns the last seen value of the field X. In
general, the last seen value of the field is the
oldest instance of this field relative to the input
order of events into the stats command.
Returns the chronologically latest (most recent)
seen occurrence of a value of a field X.
Multivalue list(X) Returns a list of up to 100 values of the field X
stats and as a multivalue entry. The order of the values

chart reflects the order of input events.
values(X) Returns the list of all distinct values of the field
X as a multivalue entry. The order of the
values is lexicographical.
Returns the values of field X, or eval
expression X, for each day.
Returns the values of field X, or eval
Time per_hour(X)
expression X, for each hour.
Returns the values of field X, or eval
expression X, for each minute.
Returns the values of field X, or eval
expression X, for each second.
See also

Evaluation functions

stats, chart, timechart, eventstats, streamstats, geostats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and search for a specific function or

Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions summarize the values from each event to create a single,
meaningful value. Common aggregate functions include Average, Count,
Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation, Sum, and Variance.

Most aggregate functions are used with numeric fields. However, there are some
functions that you can use with either alphabetic string fields or numeric fields.
The function descriptions indicate which functions you can use with alphabetic

See Statistical and charting functions.



Returns the average of the values of field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

For a list of the related statistical and charting commands that you can use with
this function, see Statistical and charting functions.

Basic examples

The following example returns the average (mean) "size" for each distinct "host".

... | stats avg(size) BY host

The following example returns the average "thruput" of each "host" for each 5
minute time span.

... | bin _time span=5m | stats avg(thruput) BY _time host

The following example charts the ratio of the average (mean) "size" to the
maximum "delay" for each distinct "host" and "user" pair.

... | chart eval(avg(size)/max(delay)) AS ratio BY host user

The following example displays a timechart of the average of cpu_seconds by

processor, rounded to 2 decimal points.

... | timechart eval(round(avg(cpu_seconds),2)) BY processor

Extended example

Chart the average number of events in a transaction, based on transaction


This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to
upload it to your Splunk deployment Then, run this search using the time range,
All time.
Create a chart to show the average number of events in a transaction based on
the duration of the transaction.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | transaction clientip

maxspan=30m | chart avg(eventcount) by duration span=log2

The transaction command also creates a new field called eventcount, which is
the number of events in a single transaction.

The transactions are then piped into the chart command and the avg() function
is used to calculate the average number of events for each duration. Because the
duration is in seconds and you expect there to be many values, the search uses
the span argument to bucket the duration into bins of log2 (span=log2). This
produces the following table:

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a pie chart:

Each wedge of the pie chart represents the average number of events in the
transactions of the corresponding duration. After you create the pie chart, you
can hover over each of the sections to see these values.

count(X) or c(X)


Returns the number of occurrences of the field X. To indicate a specific field

value to match, format X as eval(field="value"). Processes field values as strings.
To use this function, you can specify count(X), or the abbreviation c(X).


You can use the count(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart
commands, and also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

The following example returns the count of events where status has the value
"404". This example uses an eval expression with the count function.

...count(eval(status="404")) AS count_status BY sourcetype

The following example separates search results into 10 bins and returns the
count of raw events for each bin.

... | bin size bins=10 | stats count(_raw) BY size

The following example generates a sparkline chart to count the events that use
the _raw field.

... sparkline(count)

The following example generates a sparkline chart to count the events that have
the user field.

... sparkline(count(user))

Extended examples

These examples use the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should
work with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from
this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment.
The following example uses the timechart command to count the events where

sourcetype=access_* | timechart count(eval(action="purchase")) by

productName usenull=f useother=f

The following example uses the chart command to determine the number of
different page requests, GET and POST, that occurred for each Web server.

sourcetype=access_* | chart count(eval(method="GET")) AS GET,

count(eval(method="POST")) AS POST BY host

This example uses eval expressions to specify the different field values for the
stats command to count. The first clause uses the count() function to count the
Web access events that contain the method field value GET. Then, it renames the
field that represents these results to "GET" (this is what the "AS" is doing). The
second clause does the same for POST events. The counts of both types of
events are then separated by the Web server, indicated by the host field, from
which they appeared.

This returns the following table.

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a column chart. This chart
displays the total count of events for each event type, GET or POST, based on
the host value.

distinct_count(X) or dc(X)


Returns the count of distinct values of the field X. This function processes field
values as strings. To use this function, you can specify distinct_count(X), or
the abbreviation dc(X).


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

The following example removes duplicate results with the same "host" value and
return the total count of the remaining results.

... | stats dc(host)

The following example generates sparklines for the distinct count of devices and
renames the field, "numdevices".

...sparkline(dc(device)) AS numdevices

The following example counts the distinct sources for each sourcetype, and
buckets the count for each five minute spans.

...sparkline(dc(source),5m) BY sourcetype

Extended example

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it
into the Splunk platform. Then, run this search using the time range, Yesterday.
This example uses the dc(), or distinct_count(), function to count the number
of different customers who purchased something from the Buttercup Games
online store yesterday. You want to organize the count by the type of product
(accessories, t-shirts, and type of games) that customers purchased.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | stats dc(clientip) BY categoryId

This example first searches for purchase events (action=purchase). These

results are piped into the stats command and the dc() function counts the
number of different users who make purchases. The BY clause is used to break
up this number based on the different category of products, the categoryId.



Returns the estimated count of the distinct values of the field X. This function
processes field values as strings. The string values 1.0 and 1 are considered
distinct values and counted separately.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

Basic examples

The following example removes duplicate results with the same "host" value and
returns the estimated total count of the remaining results.

... | stats estdc(host)

The following example generates sparklines for the estimated distinct count of
devices and renames the field, "numdevices".

...sparkline(dc(device)) AS numdevices

The following example estimates the distinct count for the sources for each
sourcetype. The results are displayed for each five minute span in sparkline

...sparkline(dc(source),5m) BY sourcetype



Returns the theoretical error of the estimated count of the distinct values of the
field X. The error represents a ratio of the
absolute_value(estimate_distinct_count -
real_distinct_count)/real_distinct_count. This function processes field
values as strings.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

Basic examples

The following example determines the error ratio for the estimated distinct count
of the "host" values.

... | stats estdc_error(host)



Returns a percentile value of the numeric field Y. See the perc<X>(Y) function.



Returns the maximum value of the field X. If the values of X are non-numeric, the
maximum value is found using lexicographical ordering.

Processes field values as numbers if possible, otherwise processes field values

as strings.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.

Basic examples

This example returns the maximum value of "size".


Extended example

These searches use recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that

contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
upload the file to your Splunk instance. This example uses the All Earthquakes
in the past 30 days.
Count the number of earthquakes that occurred for each magnitude range

Just to take a look at the data, calculate the number of earthquakes that occurred
in each magnitude range. This data set was comprised of events over a 30-day

source=all_month.csv | chart count AS "Number of Earthquakes" BY mag

span=1 | rename mag AS "Magnitude Range"

This search uses span=1 to define each of the ranges for the magnitude field,
mag. The rename command is then used to rename the field to "Magnitude

Calculate aggregate statistics for the magnitudes of earthquakes in an area

Search for earthquakes in and around California. Calculate the number of

earthquakes that were recorded. Then calculate the minimum, maximum, the
range (difference between the min and max), and average magnitudes of those
recent earthquakes and list them by magnitude type.

source=all_month.csv place=*California* | stats count, max(mag),

min(mag), range(mag), avg(mag) BY magType

Use stats functions for each of these calculations: count(), max(), min(),
range(), and avg(). This returns the following table:



Returns the arithmetic mean of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

The following example returns the mean of "kbps" values:


Extended example

This search uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input to your Splunk instance.
The following example finds the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the
magnitudes of recent quakes by magnitude type.

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count mean(mag), stdev(mag),

var(mag) BY magType

The mean values should be exactly the same as the values calculated using



Returns the middle-most value of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

If you have an even number of events, by default the median calculation is

approximated to the higher of the two values. To receive a more accurate median
value with an even number of events, change the perc_method in the
limits.conf file.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file in the Admin manual.

In the [stats | sistats] stanza, change the perc_method setting to


If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to edit the configuration file, file a
Support ticket.

Basic examples



Returns the minimum value of the field X. If the values of X are non-numeric, the
minimum value is found using lexicographical ordering.

This function processes field values as numbers if possible, otherwise processes

field values as strings.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.

Basic examples

The following example returns the minimum size and maximum size of the
HotBucketRoller component in the _internal index.

index=_internal component=HotBucketRoller | stats min(size), max(size)

The following example returns a list of processors and calculates the minimum
cpu_seconds and the maximum cpu_seconds.

index=_internal | chart min(cpu_seconds), max(cpu_seconds) BY processor



Returns the most frequent value of the field X.

Processes field values as strings.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

Basic examples



There are three different percentile functions:

• perc<X>(Y) (or the abbreviation p<X>(Y))

• upperperc<X>(Y)
• exactperc<X>(Y)

Returns the X-th percentile value of the numeric field Y. Valid values of X are
integers from 1 to 99.

Use the perc<X>(Y) function to calculate an approximate threshold, such that of

the values in field Y, X percent fall below the threshold.

The perc and upperperc functions give approximate values for the integer
percentile requested. The approximation algorithm that is used, which is based
on dynamic compression of a radix tree, provides a strict bound of the actual
value for any percentile. The perc function returns a single number that
represents the lower end of that range. The upperperc function gives the
approximate upper bound. The exactperc function provides the exact value, but
will be very expensive for high cardinality fields. The exactperc function could
consume a large amount of memory in the search head.

Processes field values as strings.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands.

Basic examples

For the list of values Y = {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}:





Returns the difference between the max and min values of the field X ONLY IF
the values of X are numeric.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples



Returns the sample standard deviation of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

This example returns the standard deviation of wildcarded fields "*delay" which
can apply to both, "delay" and "xdelay".


Extended example

These searches use recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input.
The following example finds the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the
magnitudes of recent quakes by magnitude type.

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count mean(mag), stdev(mag),

var(mag) BY magType



Returns the population standard deviation of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

Extended example

These searches use recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,

for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input.
Count the number of earthquakes that occurred for each magnitude range

This data set was comprised of events over a 30-day period.

source=usgs | chart count AS "Number of Earthquakes" BY mag span=1 |

rename mag AS "Magnitude Range"

This search uses span=1 to define each of the ranges for the magnitude field,
mag. The rename command is then used to rename the field to "Magnitude

Find the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the magnitudes of

recent earthquakes in California

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count mean(mag), stdev(mag),

var(mag) BY magType

Use stats functions for each of these calculations: mean(), stdev(), and var().
This returns the following table.



Returns the sum of the values of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

sum(eval(date_hour * date_minute))



Returns the sum of the squares of the values of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples



Returns a percentile value of the numeric field Y. See the perc<X>(Y) function.



Returns the sample variance of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples



Returns the population variance of the field X.


You can use this function with the chart, stats, and timechart commands, and
also with sparkline() charts.

Basic examples

Event order functions

Use the event order functions to return events in chronological or timestamp

See Overview of statistical and charting functions.



Returns the chronologically earliest seen occurrence of a value of a field X.


• This function processes field values as strings.

• You can use the earliest(X) function with the chart, stats, and
timechart commands.

Basic examples

The following example returns the earliest "log_level" value for each distinct

index=_internal |stats earliest(log_level) by sourcetype



Returns the first seen value of the field X. In general, the first seen value of the
field is the most recent instance of this field, relative to the input order of events
into the stats command.


• To locate the first value based on time order, use the earliest function
• Works best when the search includes the sort command immediately
before the statistics or charting command.
• This function processes field values as strings.
• You can use the first(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart

Basic examples

The following example returns the first "log_level" value for each distinct

index=_internal |stats first(log_level) by sourcetype



Returns the last seen value of the field X. In general, the last seen value of the
field is the oldest instance of this field relative to the input order of events into the
stats command.


• To locate the last value based on time order, use the latest function
• Works best when the search includes the sort command immediately
before the statistics or charting command.
• This function processes field values as strings.

You can use the last(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart

Basic examples

The following example returns the last "log_level" value for each distinct

index=_internal |stats last(log_level) by sourcetype



Returns the chronologically latest seen occurrence of a value of a field X.


This function processes field values as strings.

You can use the latest(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart

Basic examples

The following example returns the latest "log_level" value for each distinct

index=_internal |stats latest(log_level) by sourcetype

Multivalue stats and chart functions


Returns a list of up to 100 values of the field X as a multivalue entry. The order of
the values reflects the order of input events.


• If more than 100 values are in field X, only the first 100 are returned.
• This function processes field values as strings.
• You can use the list(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart

Basic examples

To illustrate what the list function does, let's start by generating a few simple
results. Use the makeresults and streamstats commands to generate a set of
results that are simply timestamps and a count of the results which are used as
row numbers. For example:

| makeresults count=1000 | streamstats count AS rowNumber

Add the stats command with the list function to return the numbers in
ascending order.

| makeresults count=1000 | streamstats count AS rowNumber | stats

list(rowNumber) AS numbers

The following image shows the results.

Compare these results with the results returned when the values function is



Returns the list of all distinct values of the field X as a multivalue entry. The order
of the values is lexicographical.


• By default there is no limit to the number of values returned. Users with

the appropriate permissions can specify a limit in the limits.conf file. You
specify the limit in the [stats | sistats] stanza using the maxvalues setting.
• This function processes field values as strings.
• You can use the values(X) function with the chart, stats, and timechart

Basic examples

To illustrate what the values function does, let's start by generating a few simple
results. Use the makeresults and streamstats commands to generate a set of
results that are simply timestamps and a count of the results which are used as
row numbers. For example:

| makeresults count=1000 | streamstats count AS rowNumber

Add the stats command with thevalues function to return the numbers in
lexicographical order.

| makeresults count=1000 | streamstats count AS rowNumber | stats

values(rowNumber) AS numbers

Compare these results with the results returned when the list function is used.

Time functions


Returns the values of field X, or eval expression X, for each day.


• You can use the per_day(X) function with the timechart command.

Basic examples

The following example returns the values for the field total for each day.

... | timechart per_day(total)

The following example returns the results of the eval expression

eval(method="GET")) AS Views .

... | timechart per_day(eval(method="GET")) AS Views

Extended example

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from this
topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment.
This search uses the per_day() function and eval expressions to determine how
many times the web pages were viewed and how many times items were
purchased. The results appear on the Statistics tab.

sourcetype=access_* | timechart per_day(eval(method="GET")) AS

Views_day, per_day(eval(action="purchase")) AS Purchases

To determine the number of Views and Purchases for each hour, minute, or
second you can add the other time functions to the search. For example:

sourcetype=access_* | timechart per_day(eval(method="GET")) AS

Views_day, per_hour(eval(method="GET")) AS Views_hour,
per_minute(eval(method="GET")) AS Views_minute,
per_day(eval(action="purchase")) AS Purchases



Returns the values of field X, or eval expression X, for each hour.


• You can use the per_hour(X) function with the timechart command.

Basic examples

The following example returns the values for the field total for each hour.

... | timechart per_hour(total)

The following example returns the the results of the eval expression
eval(method="POST")) AS Views .

... | timechart per_hour(eval(method="POST")) AS Views



Returns the values of field X, or eval expression X, for each minute.


• You can use the per_minute(X) function with the timechart command.

Basic examples

The following example returns the values for the field total for each minute.

... | timechart per_minute(total)

The following example returns the the results of the eval expression
eval(method="GET")) AS Views .

... | timechart per_minute(eval(method="GET")) AS Views



Returns the values of field X, or eval expression X, for each second.


• You can use the per_second(X) function with the timechart command.

Basic examples

The following example returns the values for the field kb for each second.

... | timechart per_second(kb)

Time Format Variables and Modifiers

Date and time format variables

This topic lists the variables that you can use to define time formats in the
evaluation functions, strftime() and strptime(). You can also use these variables
to describe timestamps in event data.

Additionally, you can use the relative_time() and now() time functions as

For more information about working with dates and time, see Time modifiers for
search and About searching with time in the Search Manual.

Refer to the list of tz database time zones for all permissible time zone values.
For more information about how the Splunk software determines a time zone and
the tz database, see Specify time zones for timestamps in Getting Data In.

Date and time variables

Variable Description
The date and time in the current locale's format as defined by
%c the server's operating system. For example, Mon Jul 13
09:30:00 2017 for US English on Linux.

The date and time with time zone in the current locale's format
%+ as defined by the server's operating system. For example, Mon
Jul 13 09:30:00 PDT 2017 for US English on Linux.
Time variables

Variable Description
%Ez Splunk-specific, timezone in minutes.
Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. Hours are
%H represented by the values 00 to 23. Leading zeros are accepted
but not required.
Hour (12-hour clock) with the hours represented by the values
01 to 12. Leading zeros are accepted but not required.

Like %H, the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number.
Leading zeros are replaced by a space, for example 0 to 23.
Minute as a decimal number. Minutes are represented by the
values 00 to 59. Leading zeros are accepted but not required.
Subseconds with width. (%3N = milliseconds, %6N =
microseconds, %9N = nanoseconds)
%p AM or PM.
The subsecond component of 2017-11-30 23:59:59.999 UTC.

%Q %3Q = milliseconds, with values of 000-999. %6Q =

microseconds, with values of 000000-999999. %9Q =
nanoseconds, with values of 000000000-999999999.
%S Second as a decimal number, for example 00 to 59.
The Unix Epoch Time timestamp, or the number of seconds
%s since the Epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
(1484993700 is Sat Jan 21 10:15:00 2017)
The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S). For example
The time in the format for the current locale. For US English the
format for 9:30 AM is 9:30:00.
The timezone abbreviation. For example EST for US Eastern
Standard Time.
The timezone offset from UTC, in hour and minute: +hhmm or
-hhmm. For example, for 5 hours before UTC the values is
-0500 which is US Eastern Standard Time.

• Use %z to specify hour and minute, for example -0500
• Use %:z to specify hour and minute separated by a
colon, for example -5:00
• Use %::z to specify hour minute and second separated
with colons, for example -05:00:00
• Use %:::z to specify hour only, for example -05
%% A literal "%" character.

Date variables

Variable Description
%F Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format).
The date in the format of the current locale. For example,
7/13/2017 for US English.
Specifying days

Variable Description
%A Full weekday name. (Sunday, ..., Saturday)
%a Abbreviated weekday name. (Sun, ... ,Sat)
Day of the month as a decimal number, includes a leading zero.
(01 to 31)
Like %d, the day of the month as a decimal number, but a
leading zero is replaced by a space. (1 to 31)
Day of year as a decimal number, includes a leading zero. (001
to 366)
%w Weekday as a decimal number. (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday)
Specifying months

Variable Description
%b Abbreviated month name. (Jan, Feb, etc.)
%B Full month name. (January, February, etc.)
Month as a decimal number. (01 to 12). Leading zeros are
accepted but not required.
Specifying year

Variable Description
Year as a decimal number, without the century. (00 to 99).
Leading zeros are accepted but not required.
%Y Year as a decimal number with century. For example, 2017.

Time format string Result

%Y-%m-%d 2017-12-31

%y-%m-%d 17-12-31
%b %d, %Y Feb 11, 2017
q|%d%b '%y = %Y-%m-%d| q|23 Apr '17 = 2017-04-23|

Time modifiers
Use time modifiers to customize the time range of a search or change the format
of the timestamps in the search results.

_time and _indextime fields

When an event is processed by Splunk software, its timestamp is saved as the

default field _time. This timestamp, which is the time when the event occurred, is
saved in UNIX time notation. Searching with relative time modifiers, earliest or
latest, finds every event with a timestamp beginning, ending, or between the
specified timestamps.

For example, when you search for earliest=@d, the search finds every event
with a _time value since midnight. This example uses @d, which is a date format
variable. See Date and time format variables.

You also have the option of searching for events based on when they were
indexed. The UNIX time is saved in the _indextime field. Similar to earliest and
latest for the _time field, you can use the relative time modifiers
_index_earliest and _index_latest to search for events based on _indextime.
For example, if you wanted to search for events indexed in the previous hour,
use: _index_earliest=-h@h _index_latest=@h.

Note: When using index-time based modifiers such as index_earliest and

index_latest, your search must also have an event-time window which will
retrieve the events. In other words, chunks of events might be ruled out based on
the non index-time window as well as the index-time window. To be certain of
retrieving every event based on index-time, you must run your search using All

List of time modifiers

Use the earliest and latest modifiers to specify custom and relative time
ranges. You can specify an exact time such as earliest="10/5/2016:20:00:00",
or a relative time such as earliest=-h or latest=@w6.

When specifying relative time, you can use the now modifier to refer to the current

Modifier Syntax Description

Specify the
earliest earliest=[+|-]<time_integer><time_unit>@<time_unit> _time for the
time range of
your search.
Specify the
_index_earliest _index_earliest=[+|-]<time_integer><time_unit>@<time_unit>
for the time
range of
your search.
Specify the
_index_latest _index_latest=[+|-]<time_integer><time_unit>@<time_unit>
for the time
range of
your search.
Specify the
latest time
latest latest=[+|-]<time_integer><time_unit>@<time_unit> for the _time
range of
your search.
Refers to the
current time.
If set to
now now() earliest,
now() is the
start of the
In real-time
time() is the
time time()

For more information about customizing your search window, see Specify
real-time time range windows in your search in the Search Manual.

How to specify relative time modifiers

You can define the relative time in your search with a string of characters that
indicate time amount (integer and unit). You can also specify a "snap to" time
unit, which is specified with the @ symbol followed by a time unit.

The syntax for using time modifiers is


The steps to specify a relative time modifier are:

1. Indicate the time offset from the current time.

2. Define the time amount, which is a number and a unit.
3. Specify a "snap to" time unit. The time unit indicates the nearest or latest
time to which your time amount rounds down.

Indicate the time offset

Begin your string with a plus (+) or minus (-) to indicate the offset from the current

Define the time amount

Define your time amount with a number and a unit. The supported time units are
listed in the following table.

Time unit Valid unit abbreviations

second s, sec, secs, second, seconds
minute m, min, minute, minutes
hour h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
day d, day, days
week w, week, weeks
month mon, month, months
quarter q, qtr, qtrs, quarter, quarters
year y, yr, yrs, year, years

For example, to start your search an hour ago, use either of the following time




When specifying single time amounts, the number one is implied. An 's' is the
same as '1s', 'm' is the same as '1m', 'h' is the same as '1h', and so forth.

Specify a snap to time unit

You can specify a snap to time unit. The time unit indicates the nearest or latest
time to which your time amount rounds down. Separate the time amount from the
"snap to" time unit with an "@" character.

• You can use any of time units listed previously. For example:
♦ @w, @week, and @w0 for Sunday
♦ @month for the beginning of the month
♦ @q, @qtr, or @quarter for the beginning of the most recent quarter
(Jan 1, Apr 1, Jul 1, or Oct 1).
• You can specify a day of the week: w0 (Sunday), w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 and
w6 (Saturday). For Sunday, you can specify w0 or w7.
• You can also specify offsets from the snap-to-time or "chain" together
the time modifiers for more specific relative time definitions. For example,
@d-2h snaps to the beginning of today (12:00 A.M.) and subtracts 2 hours
from that time.
• When snapping to the nearest or latest time, Splunk software always
snaps backwards or rounds down to the latest time not after the specified
time. For example, if it is 11:59:00 and you "snap to" hours, you will snap
to 11:00 not 12:00.
• If you do not specify a time offset before the "snap to" amount, Splunk
software interprets the time as "current time snapped to" the specified
amount. For example, if it is currently 11:59 PM on Friday and you use @w6
to "snap to Saturday", the resulting time is the previous Saturday at 12:01


1. Search the events from the beginning of the current week


2. Search the events from the last full business week

earliest=-5d@w1 latest=@w6

3. Search with an exact date as a boundary

With a boundary such as from November 5 at 8 PM to November 12 at 8 PM,

use the timeformat %m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S.

earliest="11/5/2017:20:00:00" latest="11/12/2017:20:00:00"

4. Specify multiple time windows

You can specify multiple time windows using the timeformat %m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S.
For example to find events from 5-6 PM or 7-8 PM on specific dates, use the
following syntax.

(earliest=?1/22/2018:17:00:00" latest="1/22/2018:18:00:00") OR
(earliest="1/22/2018:19:00:00" latest="1/22/2018:20:00:00")

Other time modifiers

These search time modifiers are still valid, but might be removed and their
function no longer supported in a future release.

Modifier Syntax Description

Search events within the last
daysago daysago=<int>
integer number of days.
Set an end time for an integer
enddaysago enddaysago=<int>
number of days before Now.
Set an end time for an integer
endhoursago endhoursago=<int>
number of hours before Now.
Set an end time for an integer
endminutesago endminutesago=<int>
number of minutes before Now.

Set an end time for an integer
endmonthsago endmonthsago=<int>
number of months before Now.
Search for events before the
specified time (exclusive of the
endtime endtime=<string> specified time). Use timeformat
to specify how the timestamp is
Search for events before the
endtimeu endtimeu=<int>
specific UNIX time.
Search events within the last
hoursago hoursago=<int>
integer number of hours.
Search events within the last
minutesago minutesago=<int>
integer number of minutes.
Search events within the last
monthsago monthsago=<int>
integer number of months.
Search within a specified range
searchtimespandays searchtimespandays=<int> of days, expressed as an
Search within a specified range
searchtimespanhours searchtimespanhours=<int> of hours, expressed as an
Search within a specified range
searchtimespanminutes searchtimespanminutes=<int> of minutes, expressed as an
Search within a specified range
searchtimespanmonths searchtimespanmonths=<int> of months, expressed as an
Search the specified number of
startdaysago startdaysago=<int>
days before the present time.
Search the specified number of
starthoursago starthoursago=<int>
hours before the present time.
Search the specified number of
startminutesago startminutesago=<int>
minutes before the present time.
Search the specified number of
startmonthsago startmonthsago=<int>
months before the present time.
starttime starttime=<timestamp> Search from the specified date
and time to the present,

inclusive of the specified time.
Search for events starting from
starttimeu starttimeu=<int>
the specific UNIX time.
Set the timeformat for the
starttime and endtime
timeformat timeformat=<string>
modifiers. By default:

Search Commands


Produces an abstract, a summary or brief representation, of the text of the

search results. The original text is replaced by the summary.

The abstract is produced by a scoring mechanism. Events that are larger than
the selected maxlines, those with more textual terms and more terms on
adjacent lines, are preferred over events with fewer terms. If a line has a search
term, its neighboring lines also partially match, and might be returned to provide
context. When there are gaps between the selected lines, lines are prefixed with
an ellipsis (...).

If the text of an event has fewer lines or an equal number of lines as maxlines, no
change occurs.


abstract [maxterms=<int>] [maxlines=<int>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxterms=<int>
Description: The maximum number of terms to match. Accepted values
are 1 to 1000.

Syntax: maxlines=<int>
Description: The maximum number of lines to match. Accepted values
are 1 to 500.


Example 1: Show a summary of up to 5 lines for each search result.

... |abstract maxlines=5

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the abstract command.


For each event where field is a number, the accum command calculates a
running total or sum of the numbers. The accumulated sum can be returned to
either the same field, or a newfield that you specify.


accum <field> [AS <newfield>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the field that you want to calculate the
accumulated sum for. The field must contain numeric values.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a new field where you want the results placed.


Example 1:

Save the running total of the quantity field into a new field called "total_quantity".

... | accum quantity AS total_quantity

See also

autoregress, delta, streamstats, trendline


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the accum command.


The addcoltotals command appends a new result to the end of the search result
set. The result contains the sum of each numeric field or you can specify which
fields to summarize. Results are displayed on the Statistics tab. If the labelfield
argument is specified, a column is added to the statistical results table with the
name specified.


addcoltotals [labelfield=<field>] [label=<string>] [<fieldlist>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: A space delimited list of valid field names. The addcoltotals
command calculates the sum only for the fields in the list you specify. You
can use the asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard in the field names.
Default: Calculates the sum for all of the fields.

Syntax: labelfield=<fieldname>
Description: Specify a field name to add to the result set.
Default: none

Syntax: label=<string>
Description: Used with the labelfield argument to add a label in the
summary event. If the labelfield argument is absent, the label argument

has no effect.
Default: Total


Example 1:

Compute the sums of all the fields, and put the sums in a summary event called

... | addcoltotals labelfield=change_name label=ALL

Example 2:

Add a column total for two specific fields in a table.

sourcetype=access_* | table userId bytes avgTime duration |

addcoltotals bytes duration

Example 3:

Filter fields for two name-patterns, and get totals for one of them.

... | fields user*, *size | addcoltotals *size

Example 4:

Augment a chart with a total of the values present.

index=_internal source=*metrics.log" group=pipeline |stats

avg(cpu_seconds) by processor |addcoltotals labelfield=processor

See also

addtotals, stats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the addcoltotals command.


Adds fields to each event that contain global, common information about the
search. This command is primarily an internally-used component of Summary



The following fields are added to each event when you use the addinfo

Field Description
info_min_time The earliest time boundary for the search.
info_max_time The latest time boundary for the search.
info_sid The ID of the search that generated the event.
info_search_time The time when the search was run.

1. Add information to each event

Add information about the search to each event.

... | addinfo

2. Determine which heartbeats are later than expected

You can use this example to track heartbeats from hosts, forwarders,
tcpin_connections on indexers, or any number of system components. This
example uses hosts.

You have a list of host names in a lookup file called expected_hosts. You want to
search for heartbeats from your hosts that are after an expected time range. You
use the addinfo command to add information to each event that will help you
evaluate the time range.

... | stats latest(_time) AS latest_time BY host | addinfo | eval
latest_age = info_max_time - latest_time | fields - info_* | inputlookup
append=t expected_hosts | fillnull value=9999 latest_age | dedup host |
where latest_age > 42

Use the stats command to calculate the latest heartbeat by host. The addinfo
command adds information to each result. This search uses info_max_time,
which is the latest time boundary for the search. The eval command is used to
create a field called latest_age and calculate the age of the heartbeats relative
to end of the time range. This allows for a time range of -11m@m to -m@m. This is
the previous 11 minutes, starting at the beginning of the minute, to the previous 1
minute, starting at the beginning of the minute. The search does not work if you
specify latest=null / all time because info_max_time would be set to +infinity.

Using the lookup file, expected_hosts, append the list of hosts to the results.
Using this list you can determine which hosts are not sending a heartbeat in the
expected time range. For any hosts that have a null value in the latest_age field,
fill the field with the value 9999. Remove any duplicated host events with the
dedup command. Use the where command to filter the results and return any
heartbeats older than 42 seconds.

In this example, you could use the tstats command, instead of the stats
command, to improve the performance of the search.

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the adinfo command.


The addtotals command computes the arithmetic sum of all numeric fields for
each search result. The results appear in the Statistics tab in the Search &
Reporting App.

You can specify a list of fields that you want the sum for, instead of calculating
every numeric field. The sum is placed in a new field.

If col=true, the addtotals command computes the column totals, which adds a
new result at the end that represents the sum of each field. labelfield, if
specified, is a field that will be added to this summary event with the value set by
the 'label' option. Alternately, instead of using the addtotals col=true
command, you can use the addcoltotals command to calculate a summary event.


addtotals [row=<bool>] [col=<bool>] [labelfield=<field>] [label=<string>]

[fieldname=<field>] [<field-list>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: One or more numeric fields, delimited with a space. Only the
fields specified in the <field-list> are summed. If a <field-list> is not
specified, all numeric fields are included in the sum.
Usage: You can use wildcards in the field names. For example, if the field
names are count1, count2, and count3 you can specify count* to indicate
all fields that begin with 'count'.
Default: All numeric fields are included in the sum.

Syntax: row=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to calculate the sum of the <field-list> for
each event. This is similar to calculating a total for each row in a table.
The sum is placed in a new field. The default name of the field is Total. If
you want to specify a different name for the field, use the fieldname
Usage: Because the default is row=true, specify the row argument only
when you do not want the event totals to appear row=false.
Default: true

Syntax: col=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to add a new event, referred to as a
summary event, at the bottom of the list of events. The summary event

displays the sum of each field in the events, similar to calculating column
totals in a table.
Default: false

Syntax: fieldname=<field>
Description: Used to specify the name of the field that contains the
calculated sum of the field-list for each event. The fieldname argument is
valid only when row=true.
Default: Total

Syntax: labelfield=<field>
Description: Used to specify a field for the summary event label. The
labelfield argument is valid only when col=true.
* To use an existing field in your result set, specify the field name for the
labelfield argument. For example if the field name is IP, specify
* If there is no field in your result set that matches the lablefield, a new
field is added using the labelfield value.
Default: none

Syntax: label=<string>
Description: Used to specify a row label for the summary event.
* If the labelfield argument is an existing field in your result set, the
label value appears in that row in the display.
* If the labelfield argument creates a new field, the label appears in the
new field in the summary event row.
Default: Total


1: Calculate the sum of the numeric fields of each event

... | addtotals

A new column is added to the results, using the default fieldname Total.

2. Specify a name for the field that contains the sums for each event

... | addtotals fieldname=sum

3. Use wildcards to specify the names of the fields to sum

Calculate the sums for the fields that begin with amount or that contain the text
size in the field name. Save the sums in the field called TotalAmount.

... | addtotals fieldname=TotalAmount amount* *size*

4. Calculate the sum for a specific field

In this example, the row calculations are turned off. The total for only a single
field is calculated.

....| table Product QTR1 |addtotals row=f col=t labelfield=Product QTR1

5. Calculate the sums of all the fields and add a label to the summary event

Calculate the sums of all the fields. Put the sums in a summary event and add a
label called Quarterly Totals.

... | table Product QTR* | addtotals col=t labelfield=Product

label="Quarterly Totals" fieldname="Product Totals"

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the addtotals command.


Using field as a discrete random variable, this command analyzes all numerical
fields to determine the ability for each of those fields to predict the value of the
classfield. It determines the stability of the relationship between values in the
target classfield and numeric values in other fields.

As a reporting command, analyzefields consumes all input results and

generates one row for each numeric field in the output results. The values in that
row indicate the performance of the analyzefields command at predicting the
value of a classfield. For each event, if the conditional distribution of the
numeric field with the highest z-probability based on matches the actual class,
the event is counted as accurate. The highest z-probablility is based on the


analyzefields classfield=<field>

You can use the abbreviation af for the analyzefields command.

The analyzefields command returns a table with five columns.

Field Description
field The name of a numeric field from the input search results.
count The number of occurrences of the field in the search results.
The co-occurrence of the field. In the results where classfield is
cocur present, this is the ratio of results in which field is also present. The
cocur is 1 if the field exists in every event that has a classfield.

The accuracy in predicting the value of the classfield, using the value
of the field. This the ratio of the number of accurate predictions to the
total number of events with that field. This argument is valid only for
numerical fields.
The balanced accuracy is the non-weighted average of the accuracies
balacc in predicted each value of the classfield. This is only valid for
numerical fields.

Required arguments

Syntax: classfield=<field>
Description: For best results, classfield should have two distinct values,
although multiclass analysis is possible.


Example 1:

Analyze the numerical fields to predict the value of "is_activated".

... | analyzefields classfield=is_activated

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the analyzefields command.


Use the anomalies command to look for events or field values that are unusual or

The anomalies command assigns an unexpectedness score to each event and

places that score in a new field named unexpectedness. Whether the event is
considered anomalous or not depends on a threshold value. The threshold
value is compared to the unexpectedness score. The event is considered
unexpected or anomalous if the unexpectedness score is greater than the
threshold value.

After you use the anomalies command in a search, look at the Interesting Fields
list in the Search & Reporting window. Select the unexpectedness field to see
information about the values in your events.

The unexpectedness score of an event is calculated based on the similarity of
that event (X) to a set of previous events (P).

The formula for unexpectedness is:

unexpectedness = [s(P and X) - s(P)] / [s(P) + s(X)]

In this formula, s( ) is a metric of how similar or uniform the data is. This formula
provides a measure of how much adding X affects the similarity of the set of
events. The formula also normalizes the results for the differing event sizes.


anomalies [threshold=num] [labelonly=bool] [normalize=bool] [maxvalues=int]

[field=field] [blacklist=filename] [blacklistthreshold=num] [by-clause]

Optional arguments

Datatype: threshold=<num>
Description: A number to represent the upper limit of expected or normal
events. If unexpectedness calculated for an event is greater than this
threshold limit, the event is considered unexpected or anomalous.
Default: 0.01

Datatype: labelonly=<bool>
Description: Specifies if you want the output result set to include all
events or only the events that are above the threshold value. The
unexpectedness field is appended to all events. If labelonly=true, no
events are removed. If labelonly=false, events that have a
unexpectedness score less than the threshold are removed from the
output result set.
Default: false

Datatype: normalize=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether or not to normalize numeric text in the
fields. All characters in the field from 0 to 9 are considered identical for
purposes of the algorithm. The placement and quantity of the numbers
remains significant. When a field contains numeric data that should not be
normalized but treated as categories, set normalize=false.

Default: true

Datatype: maxvalues=<int>
Description: Specifies the size of the sliding set of previous events to
include when determining the unexpectedness of a field value. By default
the calculation uses the previous 100 events for the comparison. If the
current event number is 1000, the calculation uses the values in events
900 to 999 in the calculation. If the current event number is 1500, the
calculation uses the values in events 1400 to 1499 in the calculation. You
can specify a number between 10 and 10000. Increasing the value of
maxvalues increases the total CPU cost per event linearly. Large values
have very long search runtimes.
Default: 100

Datatype: field=<field>
Description: The field to analyze when determining the unexpectedness
of an event.
Default: _raw

Datatype: blacklist=<filename>
Description: The name of a CSV file that contains a list of events that are
expected and should be ignored. Any incoming event that is similar to an
event in the blacklist is treated as not anomalous, or expected, and given
an unexpectedness score of 0.0. The CSV file must be located in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/ directory on the search head. If you have
Splunk Cloud and want to configure a blacklist file, file a Support ticket.

Datatype: blacklistthreshold=<num>
Description: Specifies a similarity score threshold for matching incoming
events to blacklisted events. If the incoming event has a similarity score
above the blacklistthreshold, the event is marked as unexpected.
Default: 0.05

Syntax: by <fieldlist>
Description: Use to specify a list of fields to segregate the results for
anomaly detection. For each combination of values for the specified fields,
the events with those values are treated entirely separately.


Example 1:

Show the interesting events, ignoring any events in the blacklist 'boring events'.
Sort the event list in descending order, with highest value in the unexpectedness
field listed first.

... | anomalies blacklist=boringevents | sort -unexpectedness

Example 2:

Use with transactions to find regions of time that look unusual.

... | transaction maxpause=2s | anomalies

Example 3:

Look for anomalies in each source separately -- a pattern in one source will not
affect that it is anomalous in another source.

... | anomalies by source

Example 4:

This example shows how to tune a search for anomalies using the threshold
value. Start with a search that uses the default threshold value.

index=_internal | anomalies by group | search group=*

This search looks at events in the _internal index and calculates the
unexpectedness score for sets of events that have the same group value. This
means that the sliding set of events used to calculate the unexpectedness for
each unique group value included only events that have the same group value.
The search command is then used to show events that only include the group
field. Here's a snapshot of the results:

With the default threshold=0.01, you can see that some of these events might
be very similar. This next search increases the threshold a little:

index=_internal | anomalies threshold=0.03 by group | search group=*

With the higher threshold value, you can see at-a-glance that there is more
distinction between each of the events. Note the timestamps and key-value pairs.

Also, you might not want to hide the events that are not anomalous. Instead, you
can add another field to your events that tells you whether or not the event is
interesting to you. One way to do this is with the eval command:

index=_internal | anomalies threshold=0.03 labelonly=true by group |

search group=* | eval threshold=0.03 | eval
score=if(unexpectedness>=threshold, "anomalous", "boring")

This search uses labelonly=true so that the boring events are still retained in
the results list. The eval command is used to define a field named threshold and
set it to the value. This has to be done explicitly because the threshold attribute
of the anomalies command is not a field. The eval command is then used to
define another new field, score, that is either "anomalous" or "boring" based on
how the unexpectedness compares to the threshold value. Here's a snapshot of
these results:

See also

anomalousvalue, cluster, kmeans, outlier


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the anomalies command.


The anomalousvalue command computes an anomaly score for each field of

each event, relative to the values of this field across other events. For numerical
fields, it identifies or summarizes the values in the data that are anomalous either
by frequency of occurrence or number of standard deviations from the mean.

For fields that are determined to be anomalous, a new field is added with the
following scheme. If the field is numeric, such as size, the new field will be
Anomaly_Score_Num(size). If the field is non-numeric, such as name, the new field
will be Anomaly_Score_Cat(name).


anomalousvalue <av-options>... [action] [pthresh] [field-list]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: minsupcount=<int> | maxanofreq=<float> | minsupfreq=<float> |
Description: Specify one or more option to control which fields are
considered for discriminating anomalies.

Descriptions for the av-option arguments

Syntax: maxanofreq=<float>
Description: Maximum anomalous frequency is expressed as a
floating point number between 0 and 1. Omits a field from

consideration if the field is too frequently anomalous. If the ratio of
anomalous occurrences of the field to the total number of
occurrences of the field is greater than the maxanofreq value, then
the field is removed from consideration.
Default 0.05

Syntax: minnormfreq=<float>
Description: Minimum normal frequency is expressed as a floating
point number between 0 and 1. Omits a field from consideration if
the field is not anomalous frequently enough. If the ratio of
anomalous occurrences of the field to the total number of
occurrences of the field is smaller than p, then the field is removed
from consideration.
Default: 0.01

Syntax: minsupcount=<int>
Description: Minimum supported count must be a positive integer.
Drops a field that has a small number of occurrences in the input
result set. If the field appears fewer than N times in the input
events, the field is removed from consideration.
Default: 100

Syntax: minsupfreq=<float>
Description: Minimum supported frequency is expressed as a
floating point number between 0 and 1. Drops a field that has a low
frequency of occurrence. The minsupfreq argument checks the
ratio of occurrences of the field to the total number of events. If this
ratio is smaller than p the field is removed from consideration.
Default: 0.05

Syntax: action=annotate | filter | summary
Description: Specify whether to return the anomaly score (annotate), filter
out events that are not anomalous values (filter), or return a summary of
anomaly statistics (summary).
Default: filter

Descriptions for the action arguments


Syntax: action=annotate
Description: The annotate action adds new fields to the events
containing anomalous values. The fields that are added are
Anomaly_Score_Cat(field), Anomaly_Score_Num(field), or both.

Syntax: action=filter
Description: The filter action returns events with anomalous
values. Events without anomalous values are removed. The events
that are returned are annotated, as described for action=annotate.

Syntax: action=summary
Description: The summary action returns a table summarizing the
anomaly statistics for each field generated. The table includes how
many events contained this field, the fraction of events that were
anomalous, what type of test (categorical or numerical) were
performed, and so on.

Output field Description

fieldname The name of the field.
count The number of times the field appears.
distinct_count The number of unique values of the field.
mean The calculated mean of the field values.
The anomalous frequency of the categorical
catNormFreq% The normal frequency of the categorical field.
numAnoFreq% The anomalous frequency of the numerical field.
stdev The standard deviation of the field value.
supportFreq% The support frequency of the field.
Use categorical anomaly detection. Categorical
anomaly detection looks for rare values.
Use numerical anomaly detection. Numerical
anomaly detection looks for values that are far
from the mean value. This anomaly detection is
Gaussian distribution based.
isNum Whether or not the field is numerical.

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: The List of fields to consider.
Default: If no field list is provided, all fields are considered.

Syntax: pthresh=<num>
Description: Probability threshold (as a decimal) that has to be met for a
value to be considered anomalous.
Default: 0.01.


By default, a maximum of 50,000 results are returned. This maximum is

controlled by the maxresultrows setting in the [anomalousvalue] stanza in the
limits.conf file. Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file.


Example 1: Return only uncommon values from the search results

... | anomalousvalue

This is the same as running the following search:

...| anomalousvalue action=filter pthresh=0.01

Example 2: Return uncommon values from the host "reports"

host="reports" | anomalousvalue action=filter pthresh=0.02

Example 3: Return a summary of the anomaly statistics for each numeric

source=/var/log* | anomalousvalue action=summary pthresh=0.02 | search


See also

analyzefields, anomalies, cluster, kmeans, outlier


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the anomalousvalue command.


A streaming and reporting command that identifies anomalous events by

computing a probability for each event and then detecting unusually small
probabilities. The probability is defined as the product of the frequencies of each
individual field value in the event.

• For categorical fields, the frequency of a value X is the number of times X

occurs divided by the total number of events.
• For numerical fields, we first build a histogram for all the values, then
compute the frequency of a value X as the size of the bin that contains X
divided by the number of events.

The anomalydetection command includes the capabilities of the existing

anomalousvalue and outlier commands and offers a histogram-based approach

for detecting anomalies.


anomalydetection [<method-option>] [<action-option>] [<pthresh-option>]

[<cutoff-option>] [<field-list>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: method = histogram | zscore | iqr
Description: Select the method of anomaly detection. When
method=zscore, performs like the anomalousvalue command. When
method=iqr, performs like the outlier command. See Usage.
Default: method=histogram

Syntax for method=histogram or method=zscore: action = filter |
annotate | summary
Syntax for method=iqr: action = remove | transform
Description: The actions and defaults depend on the method that you
specify. See the detailed descriptions for the actions for each method

Syntax: pthresh=<num>
Description: Used with method=histogram or method=zscore. Sets the
probability threshold, as a decimal number, that has to be met for an event
to be deemed anomalous.
Default: For method=histogram, the command calculates pthresh for each
data set during analysis. For method=zscore, the default is 0.01. If you try
to use this when method=iqr, it returns an invalid argument error.

Syntax: cutoff=<bool>
Description: Sets the upper bound threshold on the number of
anomalies. This option applies to only the histogram method. If
cutoff=false, the algorithm uses the formula threshold = 1st-quartile
- 1.5 * IRQ without modification. If cutoff=true, the algorithm modifies
the formula in order to come up with a smaller number of anomalies.
Default: true


Syntax: <string> <string> ...
Description: A list of field names.

Histogram actions

Syntax: action=annotate | filter | summary
Description: Specifies whether to return all events with additional fields
(annotate), to filter out events with anomalous values (filter), or to return a
summary of anomaly statistics (summary).
Default: filter

When action=filter, the command returns anomalous events and filters out
other events. Each returned event contains four new fields. When
action=annotate, the command returns all the original events with the same four
new fields added when action=filter.

Field Description
log_event_prob The natural logarithm of the event probability.
The name of the field that best explains why the event is
anomalous. No one field causes anomaly by itself, but
often some field value occurs too rarely to make the
event probability small.
probable_cause_freq The frequency of the value in the probable_cause field.
max_freq Maximum frequency for all field values in the event.
When action=summary, the command returns a single event containing six fields.

Output field Description

num_anomalies The number of anomalous events.
The event probability threshold that separates anomalous
max_logprob The maximum of all log(event_prob).
min_logprob The minimum of all log(event_prob).
1st_quartile The first quartile of all log(event_prob).
3rd_quartile The third quartile of all log(event_prob).

Zscore actions

Syntax: action=annotate | filter | summary
Description: Specifies whether to return the anomaly score (annotate),
filter out events with anomalous values (filter), or a summary of anomaly
statistics (summary).
Default: filter

When action=filter, the command returns events with anomalous values while
other events are dropped. The kept events are annotated, like the annotate

When action=annotate, the command adds new fields,

Anomaly_Score_Cat(field) and Anomaly_Score_Num(field), to the events that
contain anomalous values.

When action=summary, the command returns a table that summarizes the

anomaly statistics for each field is generated. The table includes how many
events contained this field, the fraction of events that were anomalous, what type
of test (categorical or numerical) were performed, and so on.

IQR actions

Syntax: action=remove | transform
Description: Specifies what to do with outliers. The remove action
removes the event containing the outlying numerical value. The transform
action transforms the event by truncating the outlying value to the
threshold for outliers. If mark=true, the transform action prefixes the value
with "000".
Abbreviations: The abbreviation for remove is rm. The abbreviation for
transform is tf.
Default: action=transform


The zscore method

When you specify method=zscore, the anomalydetection command performs like

the anomalousvalue command. You can specify the syntax components of the
anomalousvalue command when you use the anomalydetection command with
method=zscore. See the anomalousvalue command.

The iqr method

When you specify method=iqr, the anomalydetection command performs like the
outlier command. You can specify the syntax components of the outlier
command when you specify method=iqr with the anomalydetection command.
For example, you can specify the outlier options <action>, <mark>, <param>,
and <uselower>. See the outlier command.


Example 1: Return only anomalous events

These two searches return the same results. The arguments specified in the
second search are the default values.

... | anomalydetection

... | anomalydetection method=histogram action=filter

Example 2: Return a short summary of how many anomalous events are


Return a short summary of how many anomalous events are there and some
other statistics such as the threshold value used to detect them.

... | anomalydetection action=summary

Example 3: Return events with anomalous values

This example specifies method=zscore to return anomalous values. The search

uses the filter action to filter out events that do not have anomalous values.
Events must meet the probability threshold pthresh before being considered an
anomalous value.

... | anomalydetection method=zscore action=filter pthresh=0.05

Example 4: Return outliers

This example uses the outlier options from the outlier command. The
abbreviation tf is used for the transform action in this example.

... | anomalydetection method=iqr action=tf param=4 uselower=true


See also

analyzefields, anomalies, anomalousvalue, cluster, kmeans, outlier


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the anomalydetection command.


Appends the results of a subsearch to the current results. The append command
runs only over historical data and does not produce correct results if used in a
real-time search.

For more information about when to use the append command, see the flowchart
in the topic About event grouping and correlation in the Search Manual.

If you are familiar with SQL but new to SPL, see Splunk SPL for SQL users.


append [<subsearch-options>...] <subsearch>

Required arguments

Description: A secondary search where you specify the source of the
events that you want to append. See About subsearches in the Search

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxtime=<int> | maxout=<int> | timeout=<int>
Description: Controls how the subsearch is executed.

Subsearch options

Syntax: maxtime=<int>
Description: The maximum time, in seconds, to spend on the subsearch
before automatically finalizing.
Default: 60

Syntax: maxout=<int>
Description: The maximum number of result rows to output from the
Default: 50000

Syntax: timeout=<int>
Description: The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for subsearch to fully
Default: 60


1: Use the append command to add column totals.

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), and
so on, for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input to the search.
Count the number of earthquakes that occurred in and around California
yesterday and then calculate the total number of earthquakes.

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count by magType | append

[search index=usgs_* source=usgs place=*California* | stats count]

This example searches for all the earthquakes in the California regions
(Region="*California"), then counts the number of earthquakes based on the
magnitude type of the search.

You cannot use the stats command to simultaneously count the total number of
events and the number of events for a specified field. The subsearch is used to

count the total number of earthquakes that occurred. This count is added to the
results of the previous search with the append command.

Because both searches share the count field, the results of the subsearch are
listed as the last row in the column.

This search demonstrates how to use the append command in a way that is
similar to using the addcoltotals command to add the column totals.

2. Count the number of different customers who purchased items. Append

the top purchaser for each type of product.

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it
into the Splunk platform. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Count the number of different customers who purchased something from the
Buttercup Games online store yesterday, and break this count down by the type
of product (accessories, t-shirts, and type of games) they purchased. Also, list
the top purchaser for each type of product and how much that person bought of
that product.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | stats dc(clientip) BY categoryId

| append [search sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | top 1 clientip
BY categoryId] | table categoryId, dc(clientip), clientip, count

This example first searches for purchase events (action=purchase). These

results are piped into the stats command and the dc(), or distinct_count()
function is used to count the number of different users who make purchases. The
BY clause is used to break up this number based on the different category of
products (categoryId).

This example contains a subsearch as an argument for the append command.

...[search sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | top 1 clientip BY


The subsearch is used to search for purchase events and count the top
purchaser (based on clientip) for each category of products. These results are
added to the results of the previous search using the append command.

Here, the table command is used to display only the category of products
(categoryId), the distinct count of users who bought each type of product
(dc(clientip)), the actual user who bought the most of a product type
(clientip), and the number of each product that user bought (count).

You can see that the append command just tacks on the results of the subsearch
to the end of the previous search, even though the results share the same field
values. It does not let you manipulate or reformat the output.

3. Use the append command to determine the number of unique IP

addresses that accessed the Web server.

Use the append command, along with the stats, count, and top commands to
determine the number of unique IP addresses that accessed the Web server.
Find the user who accessed the Web server the most for each type of page

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set and follow
the instructions to upload it to the search.
Count the number of different IP addresses that accessed the Web server and
also find the user who accessed the Web server the most for each type of page
request (method).

sourcetype=access_* | stats dc(clientip), count by method | append

[search sourcetype=access_* | top 1 clientip by method]

The Web access events are piped into the stats command and the dc() or
distinct_count() function is used to count the number of different users who

accessed the site. The count() function is used to count the total number of
times the site was accessed. These numbers are separated by the page request

The subsearch is used to find the top user for each type of page request
(method). The append command is used to add the result of the subsearch to the
bottom of the table:

The first two rows are the results of the first search. The last two rows are the
results of the subsearch. Both result sets share the method and count fields.

See also

appendcols, appendpipe, join, set


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the append command.


Appends the fields of the subsearch results with the input search results.
External fields of the subsearch that do not start with an underscore character ( _
) are not combined into the current results. The first subsearch result is merged
with the first main result, the second subsearch result is merged with the second
main result, and so on.


appendcols [override= <bool> | <subsearch-options>...] <subsearch>

Required arguments

Description: A secondary search added to the main search. See how
subsearches work in the Search Manual.

Optional arguments

Syntax: override=<bool>
Description: If the override argument is false, and if a field is present in
both a subsearch result and the main result, the main result is used. If
override=true, the subsearch result value is used.
Default: override=false

Syntax: maxtime=<int> | maxout=<int> | timeout=<int>
Description: These options control how the subsearch is executed.

Subsearch options

Syntax: maxtime=<int>
Description: The maximum time, in units of seconds, to spend on the
subsearch before automatically finalizing.
Default: 60

Syntax: maxout=<int>
Description: The maximum number of result rows to output from the
Default: 50000

Syntax: timeout=<int>
Description: The maximum time, in units of seconds, to wait for
subsearch to fully finish.
Default: 60


Example 1:

Search for "404" events and append the fields in each event to the previous
search results.

... | appendcols [search 404]

Example 2:

This search uses appendcols to count the number of times a certain field occurs
on a specific server and uses that value to calculate other fields.

specific.server | stats dc(userID) as totalUsers | appendcols [ search

specific.server AND "text" | addinfo | where _time >= info_min_time AND
_time <=info_max_time | stats count(field) as variableA ] | eval
variableB = exact(variableA/totalUsers)

• First, this search uses stats to count the number of individual users on a
specific server and names that variable "totalUsers".
• Then, this search uses appendcols to search the server and count how
many times a certain field occurs on that specific server. This count is
renamed "VariableA". The addinfo command is used to constrain this
subsearch within the range of info_min_time and info_max_time.
• The eval command is used to define a "variableB".

The result is a table with the fields totalUsers, variableA, and variableB.

See also

append, appendpipe, join, set


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the appendcols command.



Appends the result of the subpipeline to the search results. Unlike a subsearch,
the subpipeline is not run first. The subpipeline is run when the search reaches
the appendpipe command. The appendpipe command is used to append the
output of transforming commands, such as chart, timechart, stats, and top.


appendpipe [run_in_preview=<bool>] [<subpipeline>]

Optional Arguments

Syntax: run_in_preview=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether or not display the impact of the
appendpipe command in the preview. When set to FALSE, the search runs
and the preview shows the results as if the appendpipe command is not
part of the search. However, when the search finishes, the results include
the impact of the appendpipe command.
Default: True

Syntax: <subpipline>
Description: A list of commands that are applied to the search results
from the commands that occur in the search before the appendpipe


The appendpipe command can be useful because it provides a summary, total, or

otherwise descriptive row of the entire dataset when you are constructing a table
or chart. This command is also useful when you need the original results for
additional calculations.


Example 1:

Append subtotals for each action across all users.

index=_audit | stats count by action user | appendpipe [stats sum(count)
as count by action | eval user = "ALL USERS"] | sort action

The following image shows the results of the search.

See also

append, appendcols, join, set


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the appendpipe command.


The arules command looks for associative relationships between field values.
The command returns a table with the following columns: Given fields, Implied
fields, Strength, Given fields support, and Implied fields support. The given and
implied field values are the values of the fields you supply. The Strength value
indicates the relationship between (among) the given and implied field values.

Implements arules agorithm as discussed in Michael Hahsler, Bettina Gruen and

Kurt Hornik (2012). arules: Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets. R
package version 1.0-12. This algorithm is similar to the algorithms used for online
shopping websites which suggest related items based on what items other

customers have viewed or purchased.


arules [<arules-option>... ] <field-list>...

Required arguments

Syntax: <field> <field> ...
Description: The list of field names. At least two fields must be specified.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <support> | <confidence>
Description: Options for arules command.

arules options

Syntax: sup=<int>
Description: Specify a support limit. Associations with computed support
levels smaller than this value are not included in the output results. The
support option must be a positive integer.
Default: 3

Syntax: conf=<float>
Description: Specify a confidence limit. Associations with a confidence
(expressed as Strength field) are not included in the output results. Must
be between 0 and 1.
Default: .5


Example 1: Search for the likelihood that the fields are related.

... | arules field1 field2 field3

Example 2:

... | arules sup=3 conf=.6 field1 field2 field3

See also

associate, correlate


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the arules command.


The associate command identifies correlations between fields. The command

tries to find a relationship between pairs of fields by calculating a change in
entropy based on their values. This entropy represents whether knowing the
value of one field helps to predict the value of another field.

In Information Theory, entropy is defined as a measure of the uncertainty

associated with a random variable. In this case if a field has only one unique
value, the field has an entropy of zero. If the field has multiple values, the more
evenly those values are distributed, the higher the entropy.

The associate command uses Shannon entropy (log base 2). The unit is in bits.


associate [<associate-options>...] [field-list]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: supcnt | supfreq | improv
Description: Options for the associate command. See the
Associate-options section.

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: A list of one or more fields. You cannot use wildcard
characters in the field list. If you specify a list of fields, the analysis is
restricted to only those fields.
Default: All fields are analyzed.


Syntax: supcnt=<num>
Description: Specifies the minimum number of times that the "reference
key=reference value" combination must appear. Must be a non-negative
Default: 100

Syntax: supfreq=<num>
Description: Specifies the minimum frequency of "reference
key=reference value" combination as a fraction of the number of total
Default: 0.1

Syntax: improv=<num>
Description: Specifies a limit, or minimum entropy improvement, for the
"target key". The calculated entropy improvement must be greater than or
equal to this limit.
Default: 0.5

Columns in the output table

The associate command outputs a table with columns containing the following

Field Description
Reference_Key The name of the first field in a pair of fields.
Reference_Value The value in the first field in a pair of fields.
Target_Key The name of the second field in a pair of fields.
Unconditional_Entropy The entropy of the target key.

The entropy of the target key when the reference key
is the reference value.
The difference between the unconditional entropy and
the conditional entropy.
A message that summarizes the relationship between
the field values that is based on the entropy
calculations. The Description is a textual
representation of the result. It is written in the format:
"When the 'Reference_Key' has the value
'Reference_Value', the entropy of 'Target_Key'
decreases from Unconditional_Entropy to

Specifies how often the reference field is the

reference value, relative to the total number of events.
For example, how often field A is equal to value X, in
the total number of events.

1. Analyze the relationship between fields in web access log files

This example demonstrates one way to analyze the relationship of fields in your
web access logs.

sourcetype=access_* status!=200 | fields method, status | associate |

table Reference_Key, Reference_Value, Target_Key,
Top_Conditional_Value, Description

The first part of this search retrieves web access events that returned a status
that is not 200. Web access data contains many fields. You can use the
associate command to see a relationship between all pairs of fields and values
in your data. To simplify this example, restrict the search to two fields: method
and status.

Also, to simplify the output, use the table command to display only select

For this particular result set, (you can see in the Fields area, to the left of the
results area) there are:

• Two method values: POST and GET

• Five status values: 301, 302, 304, 404, and 503

From the first row of results, you can see that when method=POST, the status field
is 302 for all of those events. The associate command concludes that, if
method=POST, the status is likely to be 302. You can see this same conclusion in
the third row, which references status=302 to predict the value of method.

The Reference_Key and Reference_Value are being correlated to the


The Top_Conditional_Value field states three things:

• The most common value for the given Reference_Value

• The frequency of the Reference_Value for that field in the dataset
• The frequency of the most common associated value in the Target_Key
for the events that have the specific Reference_Value in that Reference

It is formatted to read "CV (FRV% -> FCV%)" where CV is the conditional Value,
FRV is is the percentage occurrence of the reference value, and FCV is the
percentage of occurrence for that conditional value, in the case of the reference

Note: This example uses sample data from the Splunk Tutorial. which you can
download and add to run this search and see these results. For more
information, refer to "Upload the tutorial data" in the Search Tutorial.

2. Return results that have at least 3 references to each other

Return results associated with each other (that have at least 3 references to each

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd | associate supcnt=3

3. Analyze events from a host

Analyze all events from host "reports" and return results associated with each

host="reports" | associate supcnt=50 supfreq=0.2 improv=0.5

See also

arules, correlate, contingency


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the associate command.


Returns audit trail information that is stored in the local audit index. This
command also validates signed audit events while checking for gaps and




Example 1: View information in the "audit" index.

index="_audit" | audit


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the audit command.



Prepares your events for calculating the autoregression, or the moving average,
by copying one or more of the previous values for field into each event.

The first few events will lack the augmentation of prior values, since the prior
values do not exist.


autoregress <field> [AS <newfield>] [ p=<int> | p=<int>-<int> ]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field. Most usefully a field with numeric

Optional arguments

Syntax: p=<int> | p=<int>-<int>
Description: Specifies which prior events to copy values from. You can
specify a single integer or a numeric range. For a single value, such as 3,
the autoregress command copies field values from the third prior event
into a new field. For a range, the autoregress command copies field
values from the range of prior events. For example, if you specify a range
such as p=2-4, then the field values from the second, third, and fourth prior
events are copied into new fields.
Default: 1

Syntax: <field>
Description: If p is set to a single integer, the newfield argument
specifies a field name to copy the single field value into. Invalid if p is set
to a range.

If the newfield argument is not specified, the single or multiple values are copied
into fields with the names <field>_p<num>. For example, if p=2-4 and
field=count, the field names are count_p2, count_p3, count_p4.


Example 1:

For each event, copy the 3rd previous value of the 'ip' field into the field 'old_ip'.

... | autoregress ip AS old_ip p=3

Example 2:

For each event, copy the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th previous values of the 'count'

... | autoregress count p=2-5

Since the new field argument is not specified, the values are copied into the
fields 'count_p2', 'count_p3', 'count_p4', and 'count_p5'.

Example 3:

Calculate a moving average of event size over the current event and the four
prior events. This search omits the moving_average for the initial events, where
the field would be wrong, because summing null fields is considered null.

... | eval rawlen=len(_raw) | autoregress rawlen p=1-4 | eval

moving_average=(rawlen + rawlen_p1 + rawlen_p2 + rawlen_p3 +rawlen_p4 )

See also

accum, delta, streamstats, trendline


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the autoregress command.

The bucket command is an alias for the bin command.


Puts continuous numerical values into discrete sets, or bins, by adjusting the
value of field so that all of the items in a particular set have the same value.

The bin command is automatically called by the chart and the timechart
commands. Use the bin command for only statistical operations that the chart
and the timechart commands cannot process.


bin [<bin-options>...] <field> [AS <newfield>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Specify a field name.

Optional arguments

Syntax: bins | minspan | span | start-end
Description: Discretization options. See the Bins options section in this
topic for the syntax and description for each of these options.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A new name for the field.

Bin options

Syntax: bins=<int>
Description: Sets the maximum number of bins to discretize into.

Syntax: minspan=<span-length>
Description: Specifies the smallest span granularity to use automatically
inferring span from the data time range.

Syntax: span = <log-span> | <span-length>

Description: Sets the size of each bin, using a span length based on time
or log-based span.

Syntax: start=<num> | end=<num>
Description: Sets the minimum and maximum extents for numerical bins.
The data in the field is analyzed and the beginning and ending values are
determined. The start and end arguments are used when a span value is
not specified.

You can use the start or end arguments only to expand the range, not to
shorten the range. For example, if the field represents seconds the values
are from 0-59. If you specify a span of 10, then the bins are calculated in
increments of 10. The bins are 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, and so forth. If you do
not specify a span, but specify end=1000, the bins are calculated based
on the actual beginning value and 1000 as the end value.

If you set end=10 and the values are >10, the end argument has no effect.

Span options

Syntax: [<num>]log[<num>]
Description: Sets to log-based span. The first number is a coefficient.
The second number is the base. If the first number is supplied, it must be
a real number >= 1.0 and < base. Base, if supplied, must be real number
> 1.0 (strictly greater than 1).
Example: span=2log10

Syntax: <int>[<timescale>]
Description: A span of each bin. If discretizing based on the _time field or
used with a timescale, this is treated as a time range. If not, this is an
absolute bin length.

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month> | <subseconds>
Description: Time scale units. If discretizing based on the _time
Default: sec

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs |
<sec> second | Time scale in seconds.
m | min | mins |
<min> minute | Time scale in minutes.
h | hr | hrs |
<hr> Time scale in hours.
hour | hours
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
mon | month |
<month> Time scale in months.
Time scale in microseconds (us),
us | ms | cs |
<subseconds> milliseconds (ms), centiseconds
(cs), or deciseconds (ds)


Example 1:

Return the average "thruput" of each "host" for each 5 minute time span.

... | bin _time span=5m | stats avg(thruput) by _time host

Example 2:

Bin search results into 10 bins, and return the count of raw events for each bin.

... | bin size bins=10 | stats count(_raw) by size

Example 3:

Create bins with an end value larger than you need, ensure that all possible
values are included.

... | bin amount end=1000

See also

chart, timechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the bin command.

The bucket command is an alias for the bin command. See the bin command for
the syntax and examples.

See also

bin, chart, timechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the bin command.


Replaces a field value with higher-level grouping, such as replacing filenames

with directories.

Returns the maxcount events, by taking the incoming events and rolling up
multiple sources into directories, by preferring directories that have many files but
few events. The field with the path is PATHFIELD (e.g., source), and strings are
broken up by a separator character. The default pathfield=source;
sizefield=totalCount; maxcount=20; countfield=totalCount; sep="/" or "\\",
depending on the operation system.


bucketdir pathfield=<field> sizefield=<field> [maxcount=<int>] [countfield=<field>]


Required arguments

Syntax: pathfield=<field>
Description: Specify a field name that has a path value.

Syntax: sizefield=<field>
Description: Specify a numeric field that defines the size of bucket.

Optional arguments

Syntax: countfield=<field>
Description: Specify a numeric field that describes the count of events.

Syntax: maxcount=<int>
Description: Specify the total number of events to bucket.

Syntax: <char>
Description: The separating character. Specify either a forward slash "/"
or double back slashes "\\", depending on the operating system.


Example 1:

Return 10 best sources and directories.

... | top source | bucketdir pathfield=source sizefield=count


See also

cluster, dedup


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the bucketdir command.


The chart command is a transforming command that returns your results in a

table format. The results can then be used to display the data as a chart, such as
a column, line, area, or pie chart. See the Visualization Reference in the
Dashboards and Visualizations manual.

You must specify a statistical function when you use the chart command. See
Statistical and charting functions.


chart [<chart-options>] [agg=<stats-agg-term>]

( <stats-agg-term> | <sparkline-agg-term> | "("<eval-expression>")" )...
[ BY <row-split> <column-split> ] | [ OVER <row-split> ] [BY
<column-split>] ]

Required arguments

You must include one of the following arguments when you use the chart

Syntax: <stats-func> ( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> ) [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names.

Syntax: <sparkline-agg> [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A sparkline aggregation function. Use the AS clause to place
the result into a new field with a name that you specify. You can use wild
card characters in field names. See Sparkline options.

Syntax: <eval-math-exp> | <eval-concat-exp> | <eval-compare-exp> |
<eval-bool-exp> | <eval-function-call>
Description: A combination of literals, fields, operators, and functions that
represent the value of your destination field. For more information, see the

Evaluation functions. See Usage.

For these evaluations to work, your values need to be valid for the type of
operation. For example, with the exception of addition, arithmetic operations
might not produce valid results if the values are not numerical. If both operands
are strings, they can be concatenated. When concatenating values with a period,
the search treats both values as strings regardless of their actual type.

Optional arguments

Syntax: agg=<stats-agg-term>
Description: Specify an aggregator or function. For a list of stats
functions with descriptions and examples, see Statistical and charting

Syntax: cont | format | limit | sep
Description: Options that you can specify to refine the result. See the
Chart options section in this topic.

Syntax: <field> [<tc-options>]... [<where-clause>]
Description: Specifies a field to use as the columns in the result table. By
default, when the result are visualized, the columns become the data
series in the chart. If the field is numerical, default discretization is applied
as defined with the tc-options argument. See the tc options and the
where clause sections in this topic.
Default: The number of columns included is limited to 10 by default. You
can change the number of columns by including a <where-clause>.

Note: When a column-split field is included, the output is a table where

each column represents a distinct value of the split-by field. This is in
contrast with the by-clause, where each row represents a single unique
combination of values of the group-by fields. For additional information
see the Usage section in this topic.

Syntax: <field> [<bin-options>]...
Description: The field that you specify becomes the first column in the
results table. The field values become the row labels in the results table.
In a chart, the field name is used to label the X-axis. The field values

become the X-axis values. See the Bin options section in this topic.
Default: None.

Chart options

Syntax: cont=<bool>
Description: Specifies if the bins are continuous. If cont=false, replots the
x-axis so that a noncontinuous sequence of x-value bins show up
adjacently in the output. If cont=true, bins that have no values will display
with a count of 0 or null values.
Default: true

Syntax: format=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjunction with a split-by-field. format takes
precedence over sep and allows you to specify a parameterized
expression with the stats aggregator and function ($AGG$) and the value
of the split-by-field ($VAL$).

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Only valid when a column-split is specified. Use the limit
option to specify the number of results that should appear in the output.
When you set limit=N the top N values are retained, based on the sum of
each series. If limit=0, all results are returned.

Syntax: sep=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjunctions with a split-by field. This is equivalent to
setting format to $AGG$<sep>$VAL$.

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function you use. Refer to the table
Description: Statistical and charting functions that you can use with the
chart command. Each time you invoke the chart command, you can use
one or more functions. However, you can only use one BY clause. See

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() sumsq()

functions distinct_count() median() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)

Sparkline options

Sparklines are inline charts that appear within table cells in search results and
display time-based trends associated with the primary key of each row.

Syntax: sparkline (count(<wc-field>), <span-length>) | sparkline
(<sparkline-func>(<wc-field>), <span-length>)
Description: A sparkline specifier, which takes the first argument of an
aggregation function on a field and an optional timespan specifier. If no
timespan specifier is used, an appropriate timespan is chosen based on
the time range of the search. If the sparkline is not scoped to a field, only
the count aggregate function is permitted. You can use wild card
characters in field names.

See the Span options section in this topic.


Syntax: c() | count() | dc() | mean() | avg() | stdev() | stdevp() | var()
| varp() | sum() | sumsq() | min() | max() | range()
Description: Aggregation function to use to generate sparkline
values. Each sparkline value is produced by applying this
aggregation to the events that fall into each particular time bin.

For more information see Add sparklines to your search results in the Search

Bin options

Syntax: bins | span | <start-end>

Description: Discretization options.
Default: bins=300

Syntax: bins=<int>
Description: Sets the maximum number of bins to discretize into. For
example, if bin=300, the search finds the smallest bin size that results in
no more than 300 distinct bins.
Default: 300

Syntax: span=<log-span> | span=<span-length>
Description: Sets the size of each bin, using a span length based on time
or log-based span. See the Span options section in this topic.

Syntax: end=<num> | start=<num>
Description: Sets the minimum and maximum extents for numerical bins.
Data outside of the [start, end] range is discarded.

Span options

Syntax: [<num>]log[<num>]
Description: Sets to a logarithm-based span. The first number is a
coefficient. The second number is the base. If the first number is supplied,
it must be a real number >= 1.0 and < base. Base, if supplied, must be
real number > 1.0 (strictly greater than 1).

Syntax: <span>[<timescale>]

Description: A span length based on time.

Syntax: <int>
Description: The span of each bin. If using a timescale, this is
used as a time range. If not, this is an absolute bucket "length."

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month> | <subseconds>
Description: Time scale units.

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs |
<sec> Time scale in seconds.
second | seconds
m | min | mins |
<min> Time scale in minutes.
minute | minutes
h | hr | hrs | hour |
<hr> Time scale in hours.
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
mon | month |
<month> Time scale in months.
Time scale in microseconds (us),
<subseconds> us | ms | cs | ds milliseconds (ms), centiseconds (cs), or
deciseconds (ds)
tc options

The tc-options is part of the <column-split> argument.

Syntax: <bin-options> | usenull=<bool> | useother=<bool> |
nullstr=<string> | otherstr=<string>
Description: Options for controlling the behavior of splitting by a

See the Bin options section in this topic.

Syntax: nullstr=<string>

Description: If usenull is true, this series is labeled by the value of
the nullstr option, and defaults to NULL.

String: otherstr=<string>
Description: If useother is true, this series is labeled by the value
of the otherstr option, and defaults to OTHER.

Syntax: usenull=<bool>
Description: Controls whether or not a series is created for events
that do not contain the split-by field.
Syntax: useother=<bool>
Description: Specifies if a series should be added for data series
not included in the graph because they did not meet the criteria of
the <where-clause>.

where clause

The <where-clause> is part of the <column-split> argument.

where clause
Syntax: <single-agg> <where-comp>
Description: Specifies the criteria for including particular data series
when a field is given in the tc-by-clause. The most common use of this
option is to select for spikes rather than overall mass of distribution in
series selection. The default value finds the top ten series by area under
the curve. Alternately one could replace sum with max to find the series
with the ten highest spikes. This has no relation to the where command.

Syntax: count | <stats-func>(<field>)
Description: A single aggregation applied to a single field, including an
evaluated field. No wildcards are allowed. The field must be specified,
except when using the count aggregate function, which applies to events
as a whole.

See the Statistical functions section in this topic.

Syntax: <wherein-comp> | <wherethresh-comp>

Description: The criteria for the <where-clause>.

Syntax: (in | notin) (top | bottom)<int>
Description: A grouping criteria for the <where-clause>. The
aggregated series value be in or not in some top or bottom

Syntax: ( < | > ) <num>
Description: A threshold for the <where-clause>. The aggregated
series value must be greater than or less than the specified
numeric threshold.


Evaluation expressions

You can use the chart command with an eval expression. Unless you specify a
split-by clause, the eval expression must be renamed.

Functions and memory usage

Some functions are inherently more expensive, from a memory standpoint, than
other functions. For example, the distinct_count function requires far more
memory than the count function. The values and list functions also can
consume a lot of memory.

If you are using the distinct_count function without a split-by field or with a
low-cardinality split-by by field, consider replacing the distinct_count function
with the the estdc function (estimated distinct count). The estdc function might
result in significantly lower memory usage and run times.


You can specify which field is tracked on the x-axis of the chart. The x-axis
variable is specified with a by field and is discretized if necessary. Charted fields
are converted to numerical quantities if necessary.

Unlike the timechart command which generates a chart with the _time field as
the x-axis, the chart command produces a table with an arbitrary field as the

You can also specify the x-axis field after the over keyword, before any by and
subsequent split-by clause. The limit and agg options allow easier
specification of series filtering. The limit and agg options are ignored if an
explicit where-clause is provided.

Using row-split and column-split fields

When a column-split field is included, the output is a table where each column
represents a distinct value of the column-split field. This is in contrast with the
stats command, where each row represents a single unique combination of
values of the group-by fields. The number of columns included is limited to 10 by
default. You can change the number of columns by including a where-clause.

With the chart and timechart commands, you cannot specify the same field in a
function and as the row-split field.

For example, you cannot run this search. The field A is specified in the sum
function and the row-split argument.

... | chart sum(A) by A span=log2

You must specify a different field as in the row-split argument.

Alternatively, you can work around this problem by using an eval expression. For

... | eval A1=A | chart sum(A) by A1 span=log2

Basic Examples

1: Chart the max(delay) for each value of foo

Return max(delay) for each value of foo.

... | chart max(delay) OVER foo

2: Chart the max(delay) for each value of foo, split by the value of bar

Return max( delay) for each value of foo split by the value of bar.

... | chart max(delay) OVER foo BY bar

3: Chart the ratio of the average to the maximum "delay" for each distinct
"host" and "user" pair

Return the ratio of the average (mean) "size" to the maximum "delay" for each
distinct "host" and "user" pair.

... | chart eval(avg(size)/max(delay)) AS ratio BY host user

4: Chart the maximum "delay" by "size" and separate "size" into bins

Return the maximum "delay" by "size", where "size" is broken down into a
maximum of 10 equal sized bins.

... | chart max(delay) BY size bins=10

5: Chart the average size for each distinct host

Return the average (mean) "size" for each distinct "host".

... | chart avg(size) BY host

6: Chart the number of events, grouped by date and hour

Return the number of events, grouped by date and hour of the day, using span to
group per 7 days and 24 hours per half days. The span applies to the field
immediately prior to the command.

... | chart count BY date_mday span=3 date_hour span=12

Extended Examples

7: Chart the number of different page requests for each Web server

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from this
topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment.
Chart the number of different page requests, GET and POST, that occurred for
each Web server.

sourcetype=access_* | chart count(eval(method="GET")) AS GET,

count(eval(method="POST")) AS POST by host

This example uses eval expressions to specify the different field values for the
chart command to count. The first clause uses the count() function to count the
Web access events that contain the method field value GET. Then, it renames the
field that represents these results to "GET" (this is what the "AS" is doing). The
second clause does the same for POST events. The counts of both types of
events are then separated by the Web server, indicated by the host field, from
which they appeared.

This returns the following table.

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a column chart. This chart
displays the total count of events for each event type, GET or POST, based on
the host value.

8: Chart the number of transactions by duration

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to
upload it your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range,
All time.
Create a chart to show the number of transactions based on their duration (in

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | transaction clientip

maxspan=10m | chart count BY duration span=log2

This search uses the transaction command to define a transaction as events
that share the clientip field and fit within a ten minute time span. The
transaction command creates a new field called duration, which is the
difference between the timestamps for the first and last events in the transaction.
(Because maxspan=10s, the duration value should not be greater than this.)

The transactions are then piped into the chart command. The count() function is
used to count the number of transactions and separate the count by the duration
of each transaction. Because the duration is in seconds and you expect there to
be many values, the search uses the span argument to bucket the duration into
bins of log2 (span=log2). This produces the following table:

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a column chart:

As you would expect, most transactions take between 0 and 2 seconds to

complete. Here, it looks like the next greater number of transactions spanned
between 256 and 512 seconds (approximately, 4-8 minutes). (In this case
however, the numbers may be a bit extreme because of the way that the data
was generated.)

9: Chart the average number of events in a transaction, based on

transaction duration

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to
upload it to your Splunk deployment Then, run this search using the time range,
All time.
Create a chart to show the average number of events in a transaction based on
the duration of the transaction.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | transaction clientip

maxspan=30m | chart avg(eventcount) by duration span=log2

This example uses the same transaction defined in Example 2. The transaction
command also creates a new field called eventcount, which is the number of
events in a single transaction.

The transactions are then piped into the chart command and the avg() function
is used to calculate the average number of events for each duration. Because the
duration is in seconds and you expect there to be many values, the search uses
the span argument to bucket the duration into bins of log2 (span=log2). This
produces the following table:

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a pie chart:

Each wedge of the pie chart represents the average number of events in the

transactions of the corresponding duration. After you create the pie chart, you
can mouseover each of the sections to see these values (in Splunk Web).

10: Chart customer purchases

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to
upload it to your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range,
Other > Yesterday.
Chart how many different people bought something and what they bought at the
Buttercup Games online store Yesterday.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | chart dc(clientip)

OVER date_hour BY categoryId usenull=f

This search takes the purchase events and pipes it into the chart command. The
dc() or distinct_count() function is used to count the number of unique visitors
(characterized by the clientip field). This number is then charted over each hour
of the day and broken out based on the category_id of the purchase. Also,
because these are numeric values, the search uses the usenull=f argument to
exclude fields that don't have a value.

This produces the following table:

Click the Visualizations tab to format the report as a line chart:

Each line represents a different type of product that is sold at the Buttercup
Games online store. The height of each line shows the number of different
people who bought the product during that hour. In general, it looks like the most
popular items at the online shop were Strategy games.

You can format the report as a stacked column chart, which will show you the
total purchases at each hour of day:

11: Chart the number of earthquakes and the magnitude of each


This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input.
Create a chart that shows the number of earthquakes and the magnitude of each
one that occurred in and around California.

source=usgs place=*California* | chart count OVER mag BY place


This search counts the number of earthquakes that occurred in the California
regions. The count is then broken down for each place based on the magnitude
of the quake. Because the place value is non-numeric, the search uses the
useother=f argument to exclude events that don't match.

This produces the following table:

Click on the Visualizations tab to view the report as a chart:

See also

timechart, bin, sichart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the chart command.


The cluster command groups events together based on how similar they are to
each other. Unless you specify a different field, cluster groups events based on
the contents of the _raw field. The default grouping method is to break down the
events into terms (match=termlist) and compute the vector between events. Set
a higher threshold value for t, if you want the command to be more
discriminating about which events are grouped together.

The result of the cluster command appends two new fields to each event. You
can specify what to name these fields with the countfield and labelfield
parameters, which default to cluster_count and cluster_label. The
cluster_count value is the number of events that are part of the cluster, or the
cluster size. Each event in the cluster is assigned the cluster_label value of the
cluster it belongs to. For example, if the search returns 10 clusters, then the
clusters are labeled from 1 to 10.


cluster [slc-options]...

Optional arguments

Syntax: t=<num> | delims=<string> | showcount=<bool> |
countfield=<field> | labelfield=<field> | field=<field> | labelonly=<bool> |
match=(termlist | termset | ngramset)
Description: Options for configuring simple log clusters (slc).

SLC options

Syntax: t=<num>
Description: Sets the cluster threshold, which controls the sensitivity of
the clustering. This value needs to be a number greater than 0.0 and less
than 1.0. The closer the threshold is to 1, the more similar events have to
be for them to be considered in the same cluster.
Default: 0.8

Syntax: delims=<string>
Description: Configures the set of delimiters used to tokenize the raw
string. By default, everything except 0-9, A-Z, a-z, and '_' are delimiters.

Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: If showcount=false, indexers cluster its own events before
clustering on the search head. When showcount=false the event count is
not added to the event. When showcount=true, the event count for each
cluster is recorded and each event is annotated with the count.
Default: showcount=false

Syntax: countfield=<field>
Description: Name of the field to which the cluster size is to be written if
showcount=true is true. The cluster size is the count of events in the
Default: cluster_count.

Syntax: labelfield=<field>
Description: Name of the field to write the cluster number to. As the
events are grouped into clusters, each cluster is counted and labelled with
a number.
Default: cluster_label

Syntax: field=<field>
Description: Name of the field to analyze in each event.
Default: _raw

Description: labelonly=<bool>
Syntax: Select whether to preserve incoming events and annotate them
with the cluster they belong to (labelonly=true) or output only the cluster
fields as new events (labelonly=false). When labelonly=false, outputs the
list of clusters with the event that describes it and the count of events that
combined with it.
Default: false

Syntax: match=(termlist | termset | ngramset)
Description: Select the method used to determine the similarity between
events. termlist breaks down the field into words and requires the exact
same ordering of terms. termset allows for an unordered set of terms.
ngramset compares sets of trigram (3-character substrings). ngramset is
significantly slower on large field values and is most useful for short
non-textual fields, like punct.
Default: termlist


Use the cluster command to find common or rare events in your data. For
example, if you are investigating an IT problem, use the cluster command to find
anomalies. In this case, anomalous events are those that are not grouped into

big clusters or clusters that contain few events. Or, if you are searching for
errors, use the cluster command to see approximately how many different types
of errors there are and what types of errors are common in your data.


Example 1

Quickly return a glimpse of anything that is going wrong in your Splunk


index=_internal source=*splunkd.log* log_level!=info | cluster

showcount=t | table cluster_count _raw | sort -cluster_count

This search takes advantage of what Splunk software logs about its operation in
the _internal index. It returns all logs where the log_level is DEBUG, WARN,
ERROR, FATAL and clusters them together. Then it sorts the clusters by the
count of events in each cluster.

Example 2

Search for events that don't cluster into large groups.

... | cluster showcount=t | sort cluster_count

This returns clusters of events and uses the sort command to display them in
ascending order based on the cluster size, which are the values of
cluster_count. Because they don't cluster into large groups, you can consider
these rare or uncommon events.

Example 3

Cluster similar error events together and search for the most frequent type of

error | cluster t=0.9 showcount=t | sort - cluster_count | head 20

This searches your index for events that include the term "error" and clusters
them together if they are similar. The sort command is used to display the events
in descending order based on the cluster size, cluster_count, so that largest
clusters are shown first. The head command is then used to show the twenty
largest clusters. Now that you've found the most common types of errors in your
data, you can dig deeper to find the root causes of these errors.

Example 4

Use the cluster command to see an overview of your data. If you have a large
volume of data, run the following search over a small time range, such as 15
minutes or 1 hour, or restrict it to a source type or index.

... | cluster labelonly=t showcount=t | sort - cluster_count,

cluster_label, _time | dedup 5 cluster_label

This search helps you to learn more about your data by grouping events together
based on their similarity and showing you a few of events from each cluster. It
uses labelonly=t to keep each event in the cluster and append them with a
cluster_label. The sort command is used to show the results in descending
order by its size (cluster_count), then its cluster_label, then the indexed
timestamp of the event (_time). The dedup command is then used to show the
first five events in each cluster, using the cluster_label to differentiate between
each cluster.

See also

anomalies, anomalousvalue, kmeans, outlier


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the cluster command.


Use this command to determine how many times field1 and field2 values occur

This command implements one step in a collaborative filtering analysis for
making recommendations. Given a user field (field1) and an item field (field2),
it finds how common each pair of items is. That is, it computes sum(A has X and
A has Y) where X and Y are distinct items and A is each distinct user.


cofilter <field1> <field2>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of field.

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of a field.


Example 1:

Find the cofilter for user and item. The user field must be specified first and
followed by the item field. The output is event for each pair of items with: the first
item and its popularity, the second item and its popularity, and the popularity of
that pair of items.

... | cofilter user item

See also

associate, correlate


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the cofilter command.


Adds the results of a search to a summary index that you specify. You must
create the summary index before you invoke the collect command.


collect index=<string> [<arg-options>...]

Required arguments

Syntax: index=<string>
Description: Name of the summary index where the events are added.
The index must exist before the events are added. The index is not
created automatically.

Optional arguments

Syntax: addtime=<bool> | file=<string> | spool=<bool> | marker=<string> |
testmode=<bool> | run_in_preview=<bool> | host=<string> |
source=<string> | sourcetype=<string>
Description: Optional arguments for the collect command. See the
arg-options section for the descriptions for each option.


Syntax: addtime=<bool>
Description: Use this option to specify whether to prefix a time field on to
each event. Some commands return results that do not have a _raw field,
such as the stats, chart, timechart commands. If you specify
addtime=false, the Splunk software uses its generic date detection
against fields in whatever order they happen to be in the summary rows. If
you specify addtime=true, the Splunk software uses the search time range
info_min_time. This time range is added by the sistats) command or
_time. Splunk software adds the time field based on the first field that it
finds: info_min_time, _time, or now().
Default: true

Syntax: file=<string>
Description: The file name where you want the events to be written. You
can use a timestamp or a random number for the file name by specifying
either file=$timestamp$ or file=$random$.
Usage: ".stash" needs to be added at the end of the file name when used
with "index=". Otherwise, the data is added to the main index.
Default: <random-number>_events.stash

Syntax: host=<string>
Description: The name of the host that you want to specify for the events.

Syntax: marker=<string>
Description: A string, usually of key-value pairs, to append to each event
written out. Each key-value pair must be separated by a comma and a

If the value contains spaces or commas, it must be escape quoted. For

example if the key-value pair is search_name=vpn starts and stops, you
must change it to search_name=\"vpn starts and stops\".

Syntax: run_in_preview=<bool>
Description: Controls whether the collect command is enabled during
preview generation. Generally, you do not want to insert preview results
into the summary index, run-in-preview=false. In some cases, such as
when a custom search command is used as part of the search, you might
want to turn this on to ensure correct summary indexable previews are
Default: false

Syntax: spool=<bool>
Description: If set to true, the summary indexing file is written to the
Splunk spool directory, where it is indexed automatically. If set to false, the
file is written to the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk directory. The file
remains in this directory unless some form of further automation or
administration is done. If you have Splunk Enterprise, you can use this
command to troubleshoot summary indexing by dumping the output file to
a location on disk where it will not be ingested as data.
Default: true

Syntax: source=<string>
Description: The name of the source that you want to specify for the

Syntax: sourcetype=<string>
Description: The name of the source type that you want to specify for the
events. By specifying a sourcetype outside of stash, you will incur
license usage.
Default: stash

Syntax: testmode=<bool>
Description: Toggle between testing and real mode. In testing mode the
results are not written into the new index but the search results are
modified to appear as they would if sent to the index.
Default: false


The events are written to a file whose name format is:

random-num_events.stash, unless overwritten, in a directory that your
Splunk deployment is monitoring. If the events contain a _raw field, then this field
is saved. If the events do not have a _raw field, one is created by concatenating
all the fields into a comma-separated list of key=value pairs.

The collect command also works with real-time searches that have a time range
of All time.

Events without timestamps

If you apply the collect command to events that do not have timestamps, the
command designates a time for all of the events using the earliest (or minimum)
time of the search range. For example, if you use the collect command over the
past four hours (range: -4h to +0h), the command assigns a timestamp that is
four hours prior to the time that the search was launched. The timestamp is
applied to all of the events without a timestamp.

If you use the collect command with a time range of All time and the events do
not have timestamps, the current system time is used for the timestamps.

For more information on summary indexing of data without timestamps, see "Use
summary indexing for increased reporting efficiency" in the Knowledge Manager

Moving events to a different index

You can use the collect command to move selected file content from one index
to another index. Construct a search that returns the data you want to port, and
pipe the results to the collect command. For example:

index=whatever host=whatever source=whatever whatever | collect


This search ports the data into the foo index. The sourcetype is changed to

You can specify a sourcetype with the collect command. However, specifying a
sourcetype counts against your license, as if you indexed the data again.


1. Put "download" events into an index named "download count"

eventtypetag="download" | collect index=downloadcount

2. Collect statistics on VPN connects and disconnects

You want to collect hourly statistics on VPN connects and disconnects by


index=mysummary | geoip REMOTE_IP | eval

country_source=if(REMOTE_IP_country_code="US","domestic","foreign") |
bin _time span=1h | stats count by _time,vpn_action,country_source |
addinfo | collect index=mysummary marker="summary_type=vpn,
summary_span=3600, summary_method=bin, search_name=\"vpn starts and

The addinfo command ensures that the search results contain fields that specify
when the search was run to populate these particular index values.

See also

overlap, sichart, sirare, sistats, sitop, sitimechart, tscollect


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the collect command.


Concurrency measures the number of events which have spans that overlap with
the start of each event. Alternatively, this measurement represents the total
number of events in progress at the time that each particular event started,
including the event itself. This command does not measure the total number of
events that a particular event overlapped with during its total span.


concurrency duration=<field> [start=<field>] [output=<field>]

Required arguments

Syntax: duration=<field>
Description: A field that represents a span of time. This field must be a
numeric with the same units as the start field. For example, the duration
field generated by the transaction command is in seconds (see Example
1), which can be used with the default of _time which is also in units of

Optional arguments

Syntax: start=<field>
Description: A field that represents the start time.
Default: _time

Syntax: output=<field>
Description: A field to write the resulting number of concurrent events.
Default: "concurrency"


An event X is concurrent with event Y if X.start is between Y.start and (Y.start +


If your events have a time that represents event completion and a span that
represents the time before the completion, you need to subtract duration from the
start time before the concurrency command:

... |eval new_start = start - duration | concurrency start=new_start



There is a limitation on quantity of overlapping items. If the maximum tracked

concurrency exceeds max_count, from the [concurrency] stanza in limits.conf, a
warning will be produced in the UI / search output, and the values will be
clamped, making them potentially inaccurate. This limit defaults to 10000000 or
ten million.


Example 1

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial. Download the data set
from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, All time.
Use the duration or span of a transaction to count the number of other
transactions that occurred at the same time.

sourcetype=access_* | transaction JSESSIONID clientip startswith="view"

endswith="purchase" | concurrency duration=duration | eval

This example groups events into transactions if they have the same values of
JSESSIONID and clientip, defines an event as the beginning of the transaction if
it contains the string "view" and the last event of the transaction if it contains the
string "purchase".

The transactions are then piped into the concurrency command, which counts
the number of events that occurred at the same time based on the timestamp
and duration of the transaction.

The search also uses the eval command and the tostring() function to reformat
the values of the duration field to a more readable format, HH:MM:SS.

Example 2

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial. Download the data set
from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Use the time between each purchase to count the number of different purchases
that occurred at the same time.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | delta _time AS timeDelta p=1 |

eval timeDelta=abs(timeDelta) | concurrency duration=timeDelta

This example uses the delta command and the _time field to calculate the time
between one purchase event (action=purchase) and the purchase event
immediately preceding it. The search renames this change in time as timeDelta.

Some of the values of timeDelta are negative. Because the concurrency

command does not work with negative values, the eval command is used to
redefine timeDelta as its absolute value (abs(timeDelta)). This timeDelta is
then used as the duration for calculating concurrent events.

Example 3

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial. Download the data set
from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to Splunk.
Then, run this search using the time range, Other > Yesterday.
Use the time between each consecutive transaction to calculate the number of
transactions that occurred at the same time.

sourcetype=access_* | transaction JSESSIONID clientip startswith="view"

endswith="purchase" | delta _time AS timeDelta p=1 | eval
timeDelta=abs(timeDelta) | concurrency duration=timeDelta | eval

This example groups events into transactions if they have the same values of
JSESSIONID and clientip, defines an event as the beginning of the transaction if
it contains the string "view" and the last event of the transaction if it contains the
string "purchase".

The transactions are then piped into the delta command, which uses the _time
field to calculate the time between one transaction and the transaction
immediately preceding it. The search renames this change in time as timeDelta.

Some of the values of timeDelta are negative. Because the concurrency

command does not work with negative values, the eval command is used to
redefine timeDelta as its absolute value (abs(timeDelta)). This timeDelta is
then used as the duration for calculating concurrent transactions.

Example 4

Determine the number of overlapping HTTP requests outstanding from browsers

accessing splunkd at the time that each http request begins.

This relies on the fact that the timestamp of the logged message is the time that
the request came in, and the 'spent' field is the number of milliseconds spent
handling the request. As always, you must be an 'admin' user, or have altered
your roles scheme in order to access the _internal index.

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access | eval spent_in_seconds =

spent / 1000 | concurrency duration=spent_in_seconds

More examples

Example 1: Calculate the number of concurrent events for each event and emit
as field 'foo':

... | concurrency duration=total_time output=foo

Example 2: Calculate the number of concurrent events using the 'et' field as the
start time and 'length' as the duration:

... | concurrency duration=length start=et

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the concurrency command.


In statistics, contingency tables are used to record and analyze the relationship
between two or more (usually categorical) variables. Many metrics of association
or independence, such as the phi coefficient or the Cramer's V, can be calculated
based on contingency tables.

You can use the contingency command to build a contingency table, which in
this case is a co-occurrence matrix for the values of two fields in your data. Each
cell in the matrix displays the count of events in which both of the cross-tabulated
field values exist. This means that the first row and column of this table is made

up of values of the two fields. Each cell in the table contains a number that
represents the count of events that contain the two values of the field in that row
and column combination.

If a relationship or pattern exists between the two fields, you can spot it easily
just by analyzing the information in the table. For example, if the column values
vary significantly between rows (or vice versa), there is a contingency between
the two fields (they are not independent). If there is no contingency, then the two
fields are independent.


contingency [<contingency-options>...] <field1> <field2>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Any field. You cannot specify wildcard characters in the field

Syntax: <field>
Description: Any field. You cannot specify wildcard characters in the field

Optional arguments

Syntax: <maxopts> | <mincover> | <usetotal> | <totalstr>
Description: Options for the contingency table.

Contingency options

Syntax: maxrows=<int> | maxcols=<int>
Description: Specify the maximum number of rows or columns to display.
If the number of distinct values of the field exceeds this maximum, the
least common values are ignored. A value of 0 means a maximum limit on
rows or columns. This limit comes from limits.conf [ctable] maxvalues.
maxrows=maxvals and maxcols=maxvals.

Syntax: mincolcover=<num> | minrowcover=<num>
Description: Specify a percentage of values per column or row that you
would like represented in the output table. As the table is constructed,
enough rows or columns are included to reach this ratio of displayed
values to total values for each row or column. The maximum rows or
columns take precedence if those values are reached.
'Default:' mincolcover=1.0 and minrowcover=1.0

Syntax: usetotal=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to add row, column, and complete
Default: true

Syntax: totalstr=<field>
Description: Field name for the totals row and column.
Default: TOTAL


This command builds a contingency table for two fields. If you have fields with
many values, you can restrict the number of rows and columns using the maxrows
and maxcols parameters. By default, the contingency table displays the row
totals, column totals, and a grand total for the counts of events that are
represented in the table.

Values which are empty strings ("") will be represented in the table as


There is a limit on the value of maxrows or maxcols, which is also the default,
which means more than 1000 values for either field will not be used.


Example 1

Build a contingency table to see if there is a relationship between the values of

log_level and component.

index=_internal | contingency log_level component maxcols=5

These results show you any components that might be causing issues in your
Splunk deployment. The component field has many values (>50), so this example,
uses maxcols to show only five of the values.

Example 2

Build a contingency table to see the installer download patterns from users based
on the platform they are running.

host="download"| contingency name platform

This is pretty straightforward because you don't expect users running one
platform to download an installer file for another platform. Here, the contingency
command just confirms that these particular fields are not independent. If this
chart showed otherwise, for example if a great number of Windows users
downloaded the OSX installer, you might want to take a look at your web site to
make sure the download resource is correct.

Example 3

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input.

Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 km are classified as
shallow-focus earthquakes, while those with a focal-depth between 70 and 300
km are commonly termed mid-focus earthquakes. In subduction zones,
deep-focus earthquakes may occur at much greater depths (ranging from 300
up to 700 kilometers).
Build a contingency table to look at the relationship between the magnitudes and
depths of recent earthquakes.

index=recentquakes | contingency mag depth | sort mag

This search is very simple. But because there are quite a range of values for the
Magnitude and Depth fields, the results is a very large matrix. Before building the
table, we want to reformat the values of the field:

source=usgs | eval Magnitude=case(mag<=1, "0.0 - 1.0", mag>1 AND

mag<=2, "1.1 - 2.0", mag>2 AND mag<=3, "2.1 - 3.0", mag>3 AND mag<=4,
"3.1 - 4.0", mag>4 AND mag<=5, "4.1 - 5.0", mag>5 AND mag<=6, "5.1 -
6.0", mag>6 AND mag<=7, "6.1 - 7.0", mag>7,"7.0+") | eval
Depth=case(depth<=70, "Shallow", depth>70 AND depth<=300, "Mid",
depth>300 AND depth<=700, "Deep") | contingency Magnitude Depth | sort

Now, the search uses the eval command with the case() function to redefine the
values of Magnitude and Depth, bucketing them into a range of values. For
example, the Depth values are redefined as "Shallow", "Mid", or "Deep". This
creates a more readable table:

There were a lot of quakes in this 2 week period. Do higher magnitude

earthquakes have a greater depth than lower magnitude earthquakes? Not really.
The table shows that the majority of the recent earthquakes in all magnitude
ranges were shallow. And, there are significantly fewer earthquakes in the
mid-to-high range. In this data set, the deep-focused quakes were all in the
mid-range of magnitudes.

See also

associate, correlate


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the contingency command.


The convert command converts field values into numerical values. Unless you
use the AS clause, the original values are replaced by the new values.

Alternatively, you can use evaluation functions such as strftime(), strptime(),

or tostring().


convert [timeformat=string] (<convert-function> [AS <field>] )...

Required arguments

Syntax: auto() | ctime() | dur2sec() | memk() | mktime() | mstime() | none()
| num() | rmcomma() | rmunit()
Description: Functions to use for the conversion.

Optional arguments

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Specify the output format for the converted time field. The
timeformat option is used by ctime and mktime functions. For a list and
descriptions of format options, see Common time format variables in the
Search Reference.
Default: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S. Note that this default does not conform to
the locale settings.

Syntax: <string>
Description: Creates a new field with the name you specify to place the
converted values into. The original field and values remain intact.

Convert functions

Syntax: auto(<wc-field>)
Description: Automatically convert the fields to a number using the best
conversion. Note that if not all values of a particular field can be converted
using a known conversion type, the field is left untouched and no
conversion at all is done for that field. You can use wild card characters in
the field name.

Syntax: ctime(<wc-field>)
Description: Convert an epoch time to an ascii human readable time. Use
the timeformat option to specify exact format to convert to. You can use
wild card characters in the field name.

Syntax: dur2sec(<wc-field>)
Description: Convert a duration format "[D+]HH:MM:SS" to seconds. You
can use wild card characters in the field name.

Syntax: memk(<wc-field>)
Description: Accepts a positive number (integer or float) followed by an
optional "k", "m", or "g". The letter k indicates kilobytes, m indicates
megabytes, and g indicates gigabytes. If no letter is specified, kilobytes is
assumed. The output field is a number expressing quantity of kilobytes.
Negative values cause data incoherency. You can use wild card
characters in the field name.

Syntax: mktime(<wc-field>)
Description: Convert a human readable time string to an epoch time. Use
timeformat option to specify exact format to convert from. You can use
wild card characters in the field name.

Syntax: mstime(<wc-field>)

Description: Convert a [MM:]SS.SSS format to seconds. You can use
wild card characters in the field name.

Syntax: none(<wc-field>)
Description: In the presence of other wildcards, indicates that the
matching fields should not be converted. You can use wild card characters
in the field name.

Syntax: num(<wc-field>)
Description: Like auto(), except non-convertible values are removed. You
can use wild card characters in the field name.

Syntax: rmcomma(<wc-field>)
Description: Removes all commas from value, for example
rmcomma(1,000,000.00) returns 1000000.00. You can use wild card
characters in the field name.

Syntax: rmunit(<wc-field>)
Description: Looks for numbers at the beginning of the value and
removes trailing text. You can use wild card characters in the field name.


1. Convert sendmail duration fields to seconds

This example uses sendmail email server logs and refers to the logs with
sourcetype=sendmail. The sendmail logs have two duration fields, delay and

The delay is the total amount of time a message took to deliver or bounce. The
delay is expressed as "D+HH:MM:SS", which indicates the time it took in hours
(HH), minutes (MM), and seconds (SS) to handle delivery or rejection of the
message. If the delay exceeds 24 hours, the time expression is prefixed with the
number of days and a plus character (D+).

The xdelay is the total amount of time the message took to be transmitted
during final delivery, and its time is expressed as "HH:MM:SS".
Change the sendmail duration format of delay and xdelay to seconds.

sourcetype=sendmail | convert dur2sec(delay) dur2sec(xdelay)

This search pipes all the sendmail events into the convert command and uses
the dur2sec() function to convert the duration times of the fields, delay and
xdelay, into seconds.

Here is how your search results look after you use the fields sidebar to add the
fields to your events:

You can compare the converted field values to the original field values in the
events list.

2. Convert a UNIX epoch time to a more readable time format

This example uses syslog data.

Convert a UNIX epoch time to a more readable time formatted to show hours,
minutes, and seconds.

sourcetype=syslog | convert timeformat="%H:%M:%S" ctime(_time) AS

c_time | table _time, c_time

The ctime() function converts the _time value of syslog (sourcetype=syslog)

events to the format specified by the timeformat argument. The
timeformat="%H:%M:%S" arguments tells the search to format the _time value as

Here, the table command is used to show the original _time value and the
converted time, which is renamed c_time:

The ctime() function changes the timestamp to a non-numerical value. This is
useful for display in a report or for readability in your events list.

3. Convert a time in MM:SS.SSS to a number in seconds

This example uses syslog data.

Convert a time in MM:SS.SSS (minutes, seconds, and subseconds) to a number
in seconds.

sourcetype=syslog | convert mstime(_time) AS ms_time | table _time,


The mstime() function converts the _time value of syslog (sourcetype=syslog)

events from a minutes and seconds to just seconds.

Here, the table command is used to show the original _time value and the
converted time, which is renamed ms_time:

The mstime() function changes the timestamp to a numerical value. This is

useful if you want to use it for more calculations.

4. Convert a string time in HH:MM:SS into a number

Convert a string field time_elapsed that contains times in the format HH:MM:SS
into a number. Sum the time_elapsed by the user_id field. This example uses
the eval command to convert the converted results from seconds into minutes.

...| convert num(time_elapsed) | stats sum(eval(time_elapsed/60)) AS

Minutes BY user_id

More examples

Example 1: Convert values of the "duration" field into number value by removing
string values in the field value. For example, if "duration="212 sec"", the resulting
value is "duration="212"".

... | convert rmunit(duration)

Example 2: Change the sendmail syslog duration format (D+HH:MM:SS) to

seconds. For example, if "delay="00:10:15"", the resulting value is "delay="615"".

... | convert dur2sec(delay)

Example 3: Change all memory values in the "virt" field to Kilobytes.

... | convert memk(virt)

Example 4: Convert every field value to a number value except for values in the
field "foo" Use the "none" argument to specify fields to ignore.

... | convert auto(*) none(foo)

Example 5: Example usage

... | convert dur2sec(xdelay) dur2sec(delay)

Example 6: Example usage

... | convert auto(*)

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the convert command.


Calculates the correlation between different fields.

You can use the correlate command to see an overview of the co-occurrence
between fields in your data. The results are presented in a matrix format, where
the cross tabulation of two fields is a cell value. The cell value represents the
percentage of times that the two fields exist in the same events.

The field the result is specific to is named in the value of the RowField field, while
the fields it is compared against are the names of the other fields.

Note: This command looks at the relationship among all the fields in a set of
search results. If you want to analyze the relationship between the values of
fields, refer to the contingency command, which counts the co-ocurrence of pairs
of field values in events.




There is a limit on the number of fields that correlate considers in a search.

From limits.conf, stanza [correlate], the maxfields sets this ceiling. The default is

If more than this many fields are encountered, the correlate command
continues to process data for the first N (eg thousand) field names encountered,
but ignores data for additional fields. If this occurs, the notification from the
search or alert contains a message "correlate: input fields limit (N) reached.
Some fields may have been ignored."

As with all designed-in limits, adjusting this might have significant memory or cpu


Example 1:

Look at the co-occurrence between all fields in the _internal index.

index=_internal | correlate

Here is a snapshot of the results.

Because there are different types of logs in the _internal, you can expect to see
that many of the fields do not co-occur.

Example 2:

Calculate the co-occurrences between all fields in Web access events.

sourcetype=access_* | correlate

You expect all Web access events to share the same fields: clientip, referer,
method, and so on. But, because the sourcetype=access_* includes both
access_common and access_combined Apache log formats, you should see that
the percentages of some of the fields are less than 1.0.

Example 3:

Calculate the co-occurrences between all the fields in download events.

eventtype=download | correlate

The more narrow your search is before you pass the results into correlate, the
more likely it is that all the field value pairs have a correlation of 1.0. A correlation
of 1.0 means the values co-occur in 100% of the search results. For these
download events, you might be able to spot an issue depending on which pairs

have less than 1.0 co-occurrence.

See also

associate, contingency


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the correlate command.

The ctable, or counttable, command is an alias for the contingency command.
See the contingency command for the syntax and examples.

See also

associate, correlate


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the ctable command.


Examine data model or data model dataset and search a data model dataset.

Use the datamodel command to return the JSON for all or a specified data model
and its datasets. You can also search against the specified data model dataset.

A data model is a hierarchically-structured search-time mapping of semantic

knowledge about one or more datasets. A data model encodes the domain
knowledge necessary to build a variety of specialized searches of those

datasets. These specialized searches are in turn used by the search to generate
reports for Pivot users. For more information, see About data models and Design
data models in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

The datamodel search command lets you search existing data models and their
datasets from the search interface.

The datamodel command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


| datamodel [<data model name>] [<dataset name>] [<search>]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

data model name

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the data model to search. When only the data
model is specified, the search returns the JSON for the single data model.

dataset name
Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a data model dataset to search. Must be
specified after the data model name. The search returns the JSON for the
single dataset.

Syntax: <search>
Description: Indicates to run the search associated with the specified
data model and object. For more information, see the search command.


The datamodel command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


The following examples are created using data from the "Data Model and Pivot

Example 1:

Return JSON for all data models available in the current app context.

| datamodel

Example 2:

Return JSON for the "Buttercup Games" data model, which has the model ID

| datamodel Tutorial

Example 3:

Return JSON for Buttercup Games's Client_errors dataset.

| datamodel Tutorial Client_errors

Example 4:

Run the search for Buttercup Games's Client_errors.

| datamodel Tutorial Client_errors search

Example 5:

Search Buttercup Games's Client_errors dataset for 404 errors and count the
number of events.

| datamodel Tutorial Client_errors search | search status=404 | stats


See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the datamodel command.


Returns information about the buckets in the specified index. If you are using
Splunk Enterprise, this command helps you understand where your data resides
so you can optimize disk usage as required.

The Splunk index is the repository for data ingested by Splunk software. As
incoming data is indexed and transformed into events, Splunk software creates
files of rawdata and metadata (index files). The files reside in sets of directories
organized by age. These directories are called buckets.

For more information, see Indexes, indexers, and clusters and How the indexer
stores indexes in Managing Indexers and Clusters of Indexers.


| dbinspect [index=<wc-string>]... [<span> | <timeformat>] [corruptonly=<bool>]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: index=<wc-string>...
Description: Specifies the name of an index to inspect. You can specify
more than one index. For all non-internal indexes, you can specify an
asterisk ( * ) in the index name.
Default: The default index, which is typically main.

Syntax: span=<int> | span=<int><timescale>
Description: Specifies the span length of the bucket. If using a timescale
unit (second, minute, hour, day, month, or subseconds), this is used as a
time range. If not, this is an absolute bucket "length".

When you invoke the dbinspect command with a bucket span, a table of
the spans of each bucket is returned. When span is not specified,
information about the buckets in the index is returned. See Information
returned when no bucket span is specified.

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Sets the time format for the modTime field.
Default: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S

Syntax: corruptonly=<bool>

Description: Specifies that each bucket is checked to determine if any
buckets are corrupted and displays only the corrupted buckets. A bucket is
corrupt when some of the files in the bucket are incorrect or missing such
as Hosts.data or tsidx. Corrupt bucket might return incorrect data or
render the bucket unsearchable. In most cases the software will
auto-repair corrupt buckets.
When corruptonly=true, each bucket is checked and the following
informational message appears.
INFO: The "corruptonly" option will check each of the
specified buckets. This search might be slow and will take
Default: false

Time scale units

These are options for specifying a timescale as the bucket span.

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month> | <subseconds>
Description: Time scale units.

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs |
<sec> second | Time scale in seconds.
m | min | mins |
<min> Time scale in minutes.
minute | minutes
h | hr | hrs | hour
<hr> Time scale in hours.
| hours
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
mon | month |
<month> Time scale in months.
Time scale in microseconds (us),
<subseconds> us | ms | cs | ds milliseconds (ms), centiseconds (cs),
or deciseconds (ds)

Information returned when no span is specified

When you invoke the dbinspect command without the span argument, the
following information about the buckets in the index is returned.

Field name Description
A string comprised of <index>~<id>~<guId>, where the
bucketId delimiters are tilde characters. For example,

The timestamp for the last event in the bucket, which is the
time-edge of the bucket furthest towards the future. Specify
the timestamp in the number of seconds from the UNIX
eventCount The number of events in the bucket.
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the server that hosts
the index. This is relevant for index replication.
hostCount The number of unique hosts in the bucket.
The local ID number of the bucket, generated on the indexer
on which the bucket originated.
The name of the index specified in your search. You can
index specify index=* to inspect all of the indexes, and the index
field will vary accordingly.
The timestamp for the last time the bucket was modified or
updated, in a format specified by the timeformat flag.
The location to the bucket. The naming convention for the
bucket path varies slightly, depending on whether the bucket
rolled to warm while its indexer was functioning as a cluster

• For non-clustered buckets:

path • For clustered original bucket copies:
• For clustered replicated bucket copies:

For more information, read "How Splunk stores indexes" and

"Basic cluster architecture" in Managing Indexers and
Clusters of Indexers.
The volume in bytes of the raw data files in each bucket. This
rawSize value represents the volume before compression and the
addition of index files.

The size in MB of disk space that the bucket takes up
expressed as a floating point number. This value represents
the volume of the compressed raw data files and the index
sourceCount The number of unique sources in the bucket.
sourceTypeCount The number of unique sourcetypes in the bucket.
The name of the Splunk server that hosts the index in a
distributed environment.
The timestamp for the first event in the bucket (the time-edge
startEpoch of the bucket furthest towards the past), in number of
seconds from the UNIX epoch.
state Whether the bucket is warm, hot, cold.
Specifies the reason why the bucket is corrupt. The
corruptReason field appears only when corruptonly=true.

The dbinspect command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

Accessing data and security

If no data is returned from the index that you specify with the dbinspect
command, it is possible that you do not have the authorization to access that
index. The ability to access data in the Splunk indexes is controlled by the
authorizations given to each role. See Use access control to secure Splunk data
in Securing Splunk Enterprise.


1. CLI use of the dbinspect command

Display a chart with the span size of 1 day, using the command line interface

myLaptop $ splunk search "| dbinspect index=_internal span=1d"

_time hot-3 warm-1 warm-2

--------------------------- ----- ------ ------
2015-01-17 00:00:00.000 PST 0
2015-01-17 14:56:39.000 PST 0

2015-02-19 00:00:00.000 PST 0 1
2015-02-20 00:00:00.000 PST 2 1

2. Default dbinspect output

Default dbinspect output for a local _internal index.

| dbinspect index=_internal

This screen shot does not display all of the columns in the output table. On your
computer, scroll to the right to see the other columns.

3. Check for corrupt buckets

Use the corruptonly argument to display information about corrupted buckets,

instead of information about all buckets. The output fields that display are the
same with or without the corruptonly argument.

| dbinspect index=_internal corruptonly=true

4. Count the number of buckets for each Splunk server

Use this command to verify that the Splunk servers in your distributed
environment are included in the dbinspect command. Counts the number of
buckets for each server.

| dbinspect index=_internal | stats count by splunk_server

5. Find the index size of buckets in GB

Use dbinspect to find the index size of buckets in GB. For current numbers, run
this search over a recent time range.

| dbinspect index=_internal | eval GB=sizeOnDiskMB/1024| stats sum(GB)


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the dbinspect command.


Removes the events that contain an identical combination of values for the fields
that you specify.

With the dedup command, you can specify the number of duplicate events to
keep for each value of a single field, or for each combination of values among
several fields. Events returned by dedup are based on search order. For
historical searches, the most recent events are searched first. For real-time
searches, the first events that are received are search, which are not necessarily
the most recent events.

You can specify the number of events with duplicate values, or value
combinations, to keep. You can sort the fields, which determines which event is
retained. Other options enable you to retain events with the duplicate fields
removed, or to keep events where the fields specified do not exist in the events.


dedup [<int>] <field-list> [keepevents=<bool>] [keepempty=<bool>]

[consecutive=<bool>] [sortby <sort-by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string> <string> ...
Description: A list of field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: consecutive=<bool>
Description: If true, only remove events with duplicate combinations of
values that are consecutive.

Default: false

Syntax: keepempty=<bool>
Description: If set to true, keeps every events where one or more of the
specified fields is not present (null).
Default: false. All events where any of the selected fields are null are

The keepempty=true argument keeps every event that does not have one
or more of the fields in the field list. To keep N representative events for
combinations of field values including null values, use the fillnull command
to provide a non-null value for these fields. For example:

...| fillnull value="MISSING" field1 field2 | dedup field1 field2

Syntax: keepevents=<bool>
Description: If true, keep all events, but will remove the selected fields
from events after the first event containing a particular combination of
Default: false. Events are dropped after the first event of each particular

Syntax: <int>
Description: The dedup command retains multiple events for each
combination when you specify N. The number for N must be greater than 0.
If you do not specify a number, only the first occurring event is kept. All
other duplicates are removed from the results.

Syntax: sortby ( - | + ) <sort-field> [(- | +) <sort_field> ...]
Description: List of the fields to sort by and the sort order. Use the dash
symbol ( - ) for descending order and the plus symbol ( + ) for ascending
order. You must specify the sort order for each field specified in the
<sort-by-clause>. The <sort-by-clause> determines which of the duplicate
events to keep. When the list of events is sorted, the top-most event in the
sorted list is retained.

Descriptions for the sort_field options

Syntax: <field> | auto(<field>) | str(<field>) | ip(<field>) |
Description: The options that you can specify to sort the events.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the field to sort.

Syntax: auto(<field>)
Description: Determine automatically how to sort the field values.

Syntax: ip(<field>)
Description: Interpret the field values as IP addresses.

Syntax: num(<field>)
Description: Interpret the field values as numbers.

Syntax: str(<field>)
Description: Order the field values by using the lexicographic


Avoid using the dedup command on the _raw field if you are searching over a
large volume of data. If you search the _raw field, the text of every event in
memory is retained which impacts your search performance. This is expected
behavior. This behavior applies to any field with high cardinality and large size.

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically

as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.


Example 1:

Remove duplicates of results with the same 'host' value.

... | dedup host

Example 2:

Remove duplicates of results with the same 'source' value and sort the events by
the '_time' field in ascending order.

... | dedup source sortby +_time

Example 3:

Remove duplicates of results with the same 'source' value and sort the events by
the '_size' field in descending order.

... | dedup source sortby -_size

Example 4:

For events that have the same 'source' value, keep the first 3 that occur and
remove all subsequent events.

... | dedup 3 source

Example 5:

For events that have the same 'source' AND 'host' values, keep the first 3 that
occur and remove all subsequent events.

... | dedup 3 source host

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the dedup command.


Using the delete command marks all of the events returned by the search as
deleted. Subsequent searches do not return the marked events. No user, not
even a user with admin permissions, is able to view this data after deletion. The
delete command does not reclaim disk space.

Removing data is irreversible. If you want to get your data back after the data is
deleted, you must re-index the applicable data sources.

You cannot run the delete command in a real-time search to delete events as
they arrive.




The delete command can be accessed only by a user with the

"delete_by_keyword" capability. By default, only the "can_delete" role has the
ability to delete events. No other role, including the admin role, has this ability.
You should create a special userid that you log on with when you intend to delete
indexed data.

To use the delete command, run a search that returns the events you want
deleted. Make sure that the search returns ONLY the events that you want to
delete, and no other events. After you confirm that the results contain the data
that you want to delete, pipe the search to the delete command.

The delete operator triggers a roll of hot buckets to warm in the affected indexes.

The output of the delete command is a table of the quantity of events removed
by the fields splunk_server (the name of the indexer or search head), and index,
as well as a rollup record for each server by index "__ALL__". The quantity of
deleted events is in the deleted field. An errors field is also emitted, which will
normally be 0.

Note: The delete command does not work if your events contain a field named
index aside from the default index field that is applied to all events. If your events
do contain an additional index field, you can use eval before invoking delete, as
in this example:

index=fbus_summary latest=1417356000 earliest=1417273200 | eval index =

"fbus_summary" | delete

Permanently removing data from an index

The delete command does not remove the data from your disk space. You must
use the clean command from the CLI to permanently remove the data. The clean
command removes all of the data in an index. You cannot select the specific
data that you want to remove. See Remove indexes and indexed data in
Managing Indexers and Clusters of Indexers.


Delete events with Social Security numbers

Delete the events from the insecure index that contain strings that look like
Social Security numbers. Use the regex command to identify events that contain
the strings that you want to match.

1. Run the following search to ensure that you are retrieving the correct data
from the insecure index.

index=insecure | regex _raw = "\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}"

2. If necessary, adjust the search to retrieve the correct data. Then add the
delete command to the end of the search to delete the events.

index=insecure | regex _raw = "\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}" | delete

Delete events that contain a specific word

Delete events from the imap index that contain the word invalid.

index=imap invalid | delete

Remove the Search Tutorial events

Remove all of the Splunk Search Tutorial events from your index.

1. Login as a user with the admin role.

2. Click Settings, Access controls and create a new user with the
can_delete role.
3. Log out as admin and log back in as the user with the can_delete role.
4. Set the time range picker to All time.
5. Run the following search to retrieve all of the Search Tutorial events.

6. Confirm that the search is retrieving the correct data.
7. Add the delete command to the end of the search criteria and run the
search again.

source=tutorialdata.zip:* | delete

The events are removed from the index.

8. Log out as the user with the can_delete role.


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the delete command.


Computes the difference between nearby results using the value of a specific
numeric field. For each event where field is a number, the delta command
computes the difference, in search order, between the field value for the event
and the field value for the previous event. The delta command writes this
difference into newfield.

If the newfield argument is not specified, then the delta command uses

If field is not a number in either of the two values, no output field is generated.

Note: The delta command works on the events in the order they are returned by
search. By default, the events for historical searches are in reverse time order
from new events to old events. Values ascending over time show negative
deltas. For real-time search, the events are compared in the order they are
received. In the general case, the delta could be applied after any sequence of
commands, so there is no input order guaranteed. For example, if you sort your
results by an independent field and then use the delta command, the produced
values are the deltas in that specific order.


delta (<field> [AS <newfield>]) [p=int]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field-name>
Description: The name of a field to analyze.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Write output to this field.
Default: delta(field-name)

Syntax: p=<int>
Description: Specifies how many results prior to the current result to use
for the comparison to the value in field in the current result. The prior
results are determined by the search order, which is not necessarily
chronological order. If p=1, compares the current result value against the
value in the first result prior to the current result. If p=2, compares the
current result value against the value in the result that is two results prior
to the current result, and so on.
Default: 1


Example 1

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial. Download the data set
from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Find the top ten people who bought something yesterday, count how many
purchases they made and the difference in the number of purchases between
each buyer.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | top clientip | delta

count p=1

Here, the purchase events (action=purchase) are piped into the top command to
find the top ten users (clientip) who bought something. These results, which
include a count for each clientip are then piped into the delta command to
calculate the difference between the count value of one event and the count
value of the event preceding it. By default, this difference is saved in a field called

These results are formatted as a table because of the top command. Note that
the first event does not have a delta(count) value.

Example 2

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), and
so on, for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input to the search.

Calculate the difference in time between each of the recent earthquakes in
Northern California.

source=usgs place=*California* | delta _time AS timeDeltaS p=1 | eval

timeDeltaS=abs(timeDeltaS) | eval

This example searches for earthquakes in California and uses the delta
command to calculate the difference in the timestamps (_time) between each
earthquake and the one immediately before it. This change in time is renamed

This example also uses the eval command and tostring() function to reformat
timeDeltaS as HH:MM:SS, so that it is more readable.

Example 3

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial. Download the data set
from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to the
search. Then, run this search using the time range, Other > Yesterday.
Calculate the difference in time between consecutive transactions.

sourcetype=access_* | transaction JSESSIONID clientip startswith="view"

endswith="purchase" | delta _time AS timeDelta p=1 | eval
timeDelta=abs(timeDelta) | eval

This example groups events into transactions if they have the same values of
JSESSIONID and clientip. An event is defined as the beginning of the transaction
if it contains the string "view," and the last event of the transaction if it contains
the string "purchase". The keywords "view" and "purchase" correspond to the
values of the action field. You might also notice other values such as "addtocart"
and "remove."

The transactions are then piped into the delta command, which uses the _time
field to calculate the time between one transaction and the transaction
immediately preceding it. The search renames this change, in time, as

This example also uses the eval command to redefine timeDelta as its absolute
value (abs(timeDelta)) and convert this value to a more readable string format
with the tostring() function.

More examples

Example 1: Consider logs from a TV set top box (sourcetype=tv) that you can
use to analyze broadcasting ratings, customer preferences, and so on. Which
channels do subscribers watch (activity=view) most and how long do they stay
on those channels?

sourcetype=tv activity="View" | sort - _time | delta _time AS

timeDeltaS | eval timeDeltaS=abs(timeDeltaS) | stats sum(timeDeltaS) by

Example 2: Compute the difference between current value of count and the 3rd
previous value of count and store the result in 'delta(count)'

... | delta count p=3

Example 3: For each event where 'count' exists, compute the difference between
count and its previous value and store the result in 'countdiff'.

... | delta count AS countdiff

See also

accum, autoregress, streamstats, trendline


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the delta command.


Compares two search results and returns the line-by-line difference, or

comparison, of the two. The two search results compared are specified by the
two position values position1 and position2. These values default to 1 and 2 to
compare the first two results.

By default, the text (_raw field) of the two search results is compared. Other fields
can be compared by selecting another field using attribute.


diff [position1=int] [position2=int] [attribute=string] [diffheader=bool]

[context=bool] [maxlen=int]

Optional arguments

Datatype: <int>
Description: Of the table of input search results, selects a specific search
result to compare to position2.
Default: position1=1 and refers to the first search result.

Datatype: <int>
Description: Of the table of input search results, selects a specific search
result to compare to position2. This value must be greater than position1.
Default: position2=2 and refers to the second search result.

Datatype: <field>
Description: The field name to be compared between the two search
results. By default,
Default: attribute=_raw, which refers to the text of the event or result.

Datatype: <bool>
Description: If true, show the traditional diff header, naming the "files"
compared. The diff header makes the output a valid diff as would be
expected by the programmer command-line patch command.
Default: diffheader=false.

Datatype: <bool>
Description: If true, selects context-mode diff output as opposed to the
default unified diff output.
Default: context=false, or unified.

Datatype: <int>
Description: Controls the maximum content in bytes diffed from the two
events. If maxlen=0, there is no limit.
Default: maxlen=100000, which is 100KB.


Example 1:

Compare the "ip" values of the first and third search results.

... | diff pos1=1 pos2=3 attribute=ip

Example 2:

Compare the 9th search results to the 10th.

... | diff position1=9 position2=10

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the diff command.


Use the erex command to extract data from a field when you do not know the
regular expression to use. The command automatically extracts field values that
are similar to the example values you specify.

If you specify a field argument, the values extracted from the fromfield
argument are saved to the field. Otherwise, the search returns a regular
expression that you can then use with the rex command to extract the field.


erex [<field>] examples=<string> [counterexamples=<string>] [fromfield=<field>]


Required arguments

Syntax: examples=<string>,<string>...
Description: A comma separated list of example values for the
information to extract and save into a new field. Use quotation marks
around the list if the list contains spaces. For example: "port 3351, port

Optional arguments

Syntax: counterexamples=<string>,<string>,...
Description: A comma-separated list of example values that represent
information not to be extracted.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A name for a new field that will take the values extracted
from fromfield. If field is not specified, values are not extracted, but the
resulting regular expression is generated and placed as a message under
the Jobs menu in Splunk Web. That regular expression can then be used
with the rex command for more efficient extraction.


Syntax: fromfield=<field>
Description: The name of the existing field to extract the information from
and save into a new field.
Default: _raw

Syntax: maxtrainers=<int>
Description: The maximum number values to learn from. Must be
between 1 and 1000.
Default: 100


The values specified in the examples and counterexample arguments must exist
in the events that are piped into the erex command. If the values do not exist, the
command fails.

To make sure that the erex command works against your events, first run the
search that returns the events you want without the erex command. Then copy
the field values that you want to extract and use those for the example values with
the erex command.


Example 1:

Extracts out values like "7/01" and "7/02", but not patterns like "99/2", putting
extractions into the "monthday" attribute.

... | erex monthday examples="7/01, 07/02" counterexamples="99/2"

Example 2:

Extracts out values like "7/01", putting them into the "monthday" attribute.

... | erex monthday examples="7/01"

Example 3: Display ports for potential attackers. First, run the search for these
potential attackers to find example port values. Then, use erex to extract the port

sourcetype=secure* port "failed password" | erex port examples="port

3351, port 3768" | top port

This search returns a table with the count of top ports that match the search.
Also, find the regular expression generated under the Jobs menu.

See also

extract, kvform, multikv, regex, rex, xmlkv


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the erex command.


The eval command calculates an expression and puts the resulting value into a
destination field. If this destination field matches a field name that already exists,
it overwrites the existing field value with the results of the eval expression. The
eval command evaluates mathematical, string, and boolean expressions.

You can chain multiple eval expressions in one search using a comma to
separate subsequent expressions. The search processes multiple eval
expressions left-to-right and lets you reference previously evaluated fields in
subsequent expressions.

Difference between eval and stats commands

The stats command calculates statistics based on fields in your events. The
eval command creates new fields in your events by using existing fields and an

arbitrary expression.


eval <field>=<expression>["," <field>=<expression>]...

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: A destination field name for the resulting calculated value. If
the field name already exists in your events, eval overwrites the value.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A combination of values, variables, operators, and functions
that will be executed to determine the value to place in your destination

The syntax of the eval expression is checked before running the search,
and an exception is thrown for an invalid expression.

• The result of an eval statement is not allowed to be boolean. If, at search

time, the expression cannot be evaluated successfully for a given event,
eval erases the resulting field.
• If the expression references a field name that contains non-alphanumeric
characters, it needs to be surrounded by single quotation marks. For
example, if the field name is server-1 you specify the field name like this
• If the expression references literal strings it needs to be surrounded by
double quotation marks. For example, if the string you want to use is
server- you specify the string like this new="server-".host.



The eval command requires that you specify a field name that takes the results of
the expression you want to evaluate.

If the field name that you specify matches a field name that already exists, the
values in the existing field are replaced by the results of the eval expression.

Numbers and strings can be assigned to fields, while booleans cannot be

assigned. However you can convert booleans and nulls to strings using tostring(),
which can be assigned to fields.

During calculations, numbers are double precision floating point numbers subject
to all the usual behaviors of floating point numbers. Operations resulting in NaN
assigned to a field will result in "nan". Positive and negative overflow will result in
"inf" and "-inf". Division by zero will result in a null field.

If you are using a search as an argument to the eval command and functions,
you cannot use a saved search name; you must pass a literal search string or a
field that contains a literal search string (like the 'search' field extracted from
index=_audit events).


You can use a wide range of functions with the eval command. For general
information about using functions, see Evaluation functions.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use the links
in the table to learn more about each function, and to see examples.

Type of Supported functions and

function syntax
in(VALUE-LIST) nullif(X,
and cidrmatch("X",Y)
like(TEXT, PATTERN) searchmat
Conditional coalesce(X,...)
match(SUBJECT, "REGEX") true()
functions false()
null() validate(

printf("format",arguments) tonumber(NUMSTR,BASE) tostring(
md5(X) sha256(X) sha512(X)

Cryptographic sha1(X)
Date and now() strftime(X,Y)
Time time()
functions relative_time(X,Y) strptime(X,Y)

isnull(X) isstr(X)
functions isint(X)
isnum(X) typeof(X)

abs(X) floor(X) pow(X,Y)

ceiling(X) ln(X) round(X,Y
exact(X) log(X,Y) sigfig(X)
exp(X) pi() sqrt(X)

commands(X) mvfilter(X) mvrange(X

mvappend(X,...) mvfind(MVFIELD,"REGEX") mvsort(X)
eval functions
mvdedup(X) mvjoin(MVFIELD,STR) split(X,"

max(X,...) min(X,...) random()
eval functions
len(X) rtrim(X,Y)
lower(X) spath(X,Y)
ltrim(X,Y) substr(X,Y,Z) urldecode
replace(X,Y,Z) trim(X,Y)

acos(X) atan2(X,Y)
and acosh(X) atanh(X)
Hyperbolic asin(X) cos(X)
functions asinh(X) cosh(X)
atan(X) hypot(X,Y)

The following table lists the basic operations you can perform with the eval
command. For these evaluations to work, the values need to be valid for the type
of operation. For example, with the exception of addition, arithmetic operations
might not produce valid results if the values are not numerical. When
concatenating values, Splunk software reads the values as strings, regardless of
the value.

Type Operators
Arithmetic + - * / %

Concatenation .
Boolean AND OR NOT XOR < > <= >= != = == LIKE
Operators that produce numbers

• The plus ( + ) operator accepts two numbers for addition, or two strings for
• The subtraction ( - ), multiplication ( * ), division ( / ), and modulus ( % )
operators accept two numbers.

Operators that produce strings

• The period ( . ) operator concatenates both strings and number. Numbers

are concatenated in their string represented form.

Operators that produce booleans

• The AND, OR, NOT, and XOR operators accept two Boolean values.
• The <>, <=, !=, and == operators accept two numbers or two strings. The
!= and == operators accept two numbers or two strings. The single equal
sign ( = ) is a synonym for the double equal sign ( == ).
• The LIKE operator accepts two strings. This is a pattern match similar to
what is used in SQL. For example string LIKE pattern. The pattern
operator supports literal text, a percent ( % ) character for a wildcard, and
an underscore ( _ ) character for a single character match. For example,
field LIKE "a%b_" matches any string starting with a, followed by anything,
followed by b, followed by one character.

Field names

To specify a field name with multiple words, you can either concatenate the
words, or use single quotation marks when you specify the name. For example,
to specify the field name Account ID you can specify AccountID or 'Account

To specify a field name with special characters, such as a period, use single
quotation marks. For example, to specify the field name Last.Name use

You can use the value of another field as the name of the destination field by
using curly brackets, { }. For example, if you have an event with the following

fields, aName=counter and aValue=1234. Use | eval {aName}=aValue to return

Calculated fields

You can use eval statements to define calculated fields by defining the eval
statement in props.conf. If you are using Splunk Cloud, you can define
calculated fields using Splunk Web, by choosing Settings > Fields > Calculated
Fields. When you run a search, Splunk software evaluates the statements and
creates fields in a manner similar to that of search time field extraction. Setting
up calculated fields means that you no longer need to define the eval statement
in a search string. Instead, you can search on the resulting calculated field

You can use calculated fields to move your commonly used eval statements out
of your search string and into props.conf, where they will be processed behind
the scenes at search time. With calculated fields, you can change the search

sourcetype="cisco_esa" mailfrom=* | eval

accountname=split(mailfrom,"@"), from_user=mvindex(accountname,0),
from_domain=mvindex(accountname,-1) | table mailfrom, from_user,

to this search:

sourcetype="cisco_esa" mailfrom=* | table mailfrom, from_user,


In this example, the three eval statements that were in the search--that defined
the accountname, from_user, and from_domain fields--are now computed behind
the scenes when the search is run for any event that contains the extracted field
mailfrom field. You can also search on those fields independently once they're
set up as calculated fields in props.conf. You could search on
from_domain=email.com, for example.

For more information about calculated fields, see About calculated fields in the
Knowledge Manager Manual.

Search event tokens

If you are using the eval command in search event tokens, some of the
evaluation functions might be unavailable or have a different behavior. See
Custom logic for search tokens in Dashboards and Visualizations for information

about the evaluation functions that you can use with search event tokens.

Basic Examples

1. Create a new field that contains the result of a calculation

Create a new field called velocity in each event. Calculate the velocity by
dividing the values in the distance field by the values in the time field.

... | eval velocity=distance/time

2. Use the if function to determine the values placed in the status field

Create a field called status in each event. Using the if function, set the value in
the status field to OK if the error value is 200. Otherwise set the status value to

... | eval status = if(error == 200, "OK", "Error")

3. Convert values to lowercase

Create a new field in each event called lowuser. Using the lower unction,
populate the field with the lowercase version of the values in the username field.

... | eval lowuser = lower(username)

4. Use the value of one field as the name for a new field

In this example, use each value of the field counter to make a new field name.
Assign to the new field the value of the Value field. See Field names under the
Usage section.

index=perfmon sourcetype=Perfmon* counter=* Value=* | eval {counter} =


5. Set sum_of_areas to be the sum of the areas of two circles

... | eval sum_of_areas = pi() * pow(radius_a, 2) + pi() * pow(radius_b,


6. Set status to some simple http error codes

... | eval error_msg = case(error == 404, "Not found", error == 500,

"Internal Server Error", error == 200, "OK")

7. Concatenate values from two fields

Use the period ( . ) character to concatenate the values in first_name field with
the values in the last_name field. Quotation marks are used to insert a space
character between the two names. When concatenating, the values are read as
strings, regardless of the actual value.

... | eval full_name = first_name." ".last_name

8. Separate multiple eval operations with a comma

You can specify multiple eval operations by using a comma to separate the
operations. In the following search the full_name evaluation uses the period ( . )
character to concatenate the values in the first_name field with the values in the
last_name field. The low_name evaluation uses the lower function to convert the
full_name evaluation into lowercase.

... | eval full_name = first_name." ".last_name, low_name =


9. Display timechart of the avg of cpu_seconds by processor, rounded to 2


... | timechart eval(round(avg(cpu_seconds),2)) by processor

10. Convert a numeric field value to a string with commas and 2 decimals

If the original value of x is 1000000, this returns x as 1,000,000.

... | eval x=tostring(x,"commas")

To include a currency symbol at the beginning of the string:

... | eval x="$".tostring(x,"commas")

This returns x as $1,000,000.

Extended Examples

11. Coalesce a field from two different source types, create a transaction of

This example shows how you might coalesce a field from two different source
types and use that to create a transaction of events. sourcetype=A has a field

called number, and sourcetype=B has the same information in a field called

sourcetype=A OR sourcetype=B | eval

phone=coalesce(number,subscriberNumber) | transaction phone maxspan=2m

The eval command is used to add a common field, called phone, to each of the
events whether they are from sourcetype=A or sourcetype=B. The value of phone
is defined, using the coalesce() function, as the values of number and
subscriberNumber. The coalesce() function takes the value of the first non-NULL
field (that means, it exists in the event).

Now, you're able to group events from either source type A or B if they share the
same phone value.

12. Separate events into categories, count and display minimum and
maximum values

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), and
so forth, for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
upload the file to your Splunk instance if you want follow along with this
Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 km are classified as
shallow-focus earthquakes, while those with a focal-depth between 70 and 300
km are commonly termed mid-focus earthquakes. In subduction zones,
deep-focus earthquakes may occur at much greater depths (ranging from 300
up to 700 kilometers).

To classify recent earthquakes based on their depth, you use the following

source=usgs | eval Description=case(depth<=70, "Shallow", depth>70 AND

depth<=300, "Mid", depth>300, "Deep") | stats count min(mag) max(mag) by

The eval command is used to create a field called Description, which takes the
value of "Shallow", "Mid", or "Deep" based on the Depth of the earthquake. The
case() function is used to specify which ranges of the depth fits each description.
For example, if the depth is less than 70 km, the earthquake is characterized as

a shallow-focus quake; and the resulting Description is Shallow.

The search also pipes the results of the eval command into the stats command
to count the number of earthquakes and display the minimum and maximum
magnitudes for each Description. The search results appear in the Statistics tab.

The following table shows an example of the search results.

Description count min(Mag) max(Mag)

Deep 35 4.1 6.7
Mid 635 0.8 6.3
Shallow 6236 -0.60 7.70

13. Find IP addresses and categorize by network using eval functions

cidrmatch and if

This example is designed to use the sample dataset from Get the tutorial data
into Splunk topic of the Search Tutorial, but it should work with any format of
Apache Web access log. Download the data set and follow the instructions in
that topic to upload it to your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using
the time range Other > Yesterday.
In this search, you're finding IP addresses and classifying the network they
belong to.

sourcetype=access_* | eval network=if(cidrmatch("",

clientip), "local", "other")

This example uses the cidrmatch() function to compare the IP addresses in the
clientip field to a subnet range. The search also uses the if() function, which
says that if the value of clientip falls in the subnet range, then network is given
the value local. Otherwise, network=other.

The eval command does not do any special formatting to your results -- it just
creates a new field which takes the value based on the eval expression. After
you run this search, use the fields sidebar to add the network field to your results.
Now you can see, inline with your search results, which IP addresses are part of
your local network and which are not. Your events list should look something
like this:

Another option for formatting your results is to pipe the results of eval to the
table command to display only the fields of interest to you. (See Example 13)

Note: This example just illustrates how to use the cidrmatch function. If you want
to classify your events and quickly search for those events, the better approach
is to use event types. Read more about event types in the Knowledge manager

14. Extract information from an event into a separate field, create a

multivalue field

This example uses generated email data (sourcetype=cisco_esa). You should

be able to run this example on any email data by replacing the
sourcetype=cisco_esa with your data's sourcetype value and the mailfrom field
with your data's email address field name (for example, it might be To, From,
or Cc).
Use the email address field to extract the user's name and domain. The eval
command in this search contains multiple expressions, separated by commas.

sourcetype="cisco_esa" mailfrom=* | eval

accountname=split(mailfrom,"@"), from_user=mvindex(accountname,0),
from_domain=mvindex(accountname,-1) | table mailfrom, from_user,

This example uses the split() function to break the mailfrom field into a
multivalue field called accountname. The first value of accountname is everything
before the "@" symbol, and the second value is everything after.

The example then uses mvindex() function to set from_user and from_domain to
the first and second values of accountname, respectively.

The results of the eval expressions are then piped into the table command. You
can see the the original mailfrom values and the new from_user and

from_domain values in the following results table:

Note: This example is really not that practical. It was written to demonstrate how
to use an eval function to identify the individual values of a multivalue fields.
Because this particular set of email data did not have any multivalue fields, the
example creates one (accountname) from a single value field (mailfrom).

15. Categorize events using the match function

This example uses generated email data (sourcetype=cisco_esa). You should

be able to run this example on any email data by replacing the
sourcetype=cisco_esa with your data's sourcetype value and the mailfrom field
with your data's email address field name (for example, it might be To, From,
or Cc).
This example classifies where an email came from based on the email address's
domain: .com, .net, and .org addresses are considered local, while anything else
is considered abroad. (Of course, domains that are not .com/.net/.org are not
necessarily from abroad.)

The eval command in this search contains multiple expressions, separated by


sourcetype="cisco_esa" mailfrom=*| eval

accountname=split(mailfrom,"@"), from_domain=mvindex(accountname,-1),
location=if(match(from_domain, "[^\n\r\s]+\.(com|net|org)"), "local",
"abroad") | stats count by location

The first half of this search is similar to Example 12. The split() function is used
to break up the email address in the mailfrom field. The mvindex function defines
the from_domain as the portion of the mailfrom field after the @ symbol.

Then, the if() and match() functions are used: if the from_domain value ends
with a .com, .net., or .org, the location field is assigned local. If

from_domain does not match, location is assigned abroad.

The eval results are then piped into the stats command to count the number of
results for each location value and produce the following results table:

After you run the search, you can add the mailfrom and location fields to your
events to see the classification inline with your events. If your search results
contain these fields, they will look something like this:

Note: This example merely illustrates using the match() function. If you want to
classify your events and quickly search for those events, the better approach is
to use event types. Read more about event types in the Knowledge manager

16. Convert the duration of transactions into more readable string formats

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from this
topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your
Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Reformat a numeric field measuring time in seconds into a more readable string

sourcetype=access_* | transaction clientip maxspan=10m | eval


This example uses the tostring() function and the duration option to convert the
duration of the transaction into a more readable string formatted as HH:MM:SS.
The duration is the time between the first and last events in the transaction and

is given in seconds.

The search defines a new field, durationstr, for the reformatted duration value.
After you run the search, you can use the Field picker to show the two fields
inline with your events. If your search results contain these fields, they will look
something like this:


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the eval command.


Returns the number of events in the specified indexes.


| eventcount [index=<string>]... [summarize=<bool>] [report_size=<bool>]


Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: index=<string>
Description: A name of the index report on, or a wildcard matching many
indexes to report on. You can specify this argument multiple times, for
example index=* index=_*.

Default: If no index is specified, the command returns information about
the default index.

Syntax: list_vix=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to list virtual indexes. If
list_vix=false, the command does not list virtual indexes.
Default: true

Syntax: report_size=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to report the index size. If
report_size=true, the command returns the index size in bytes.
Default: false

Syntax: summarize=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether or not to summarize events across all
peers and indexes. If summarize=false, the command splits the event
counts by index and search peer.
Default: true


The eventcount command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

Specifying a time range has no effect on the results returned by the eventcount
command. All of the events on the indexes you specify are counted.

You cannot specify indexes to exclude from the results. For example, index!=foo
is not valid syntax.

You can specify the index argument multiple times. For example:

|eventcount summarize=false index=_audit index=main


Example 1:

Display a count of the events in the default indexes from all of the search peers.
A single count is returned.

| eventcount

Example 2:

Return the number of events in only the internal default indexes. Include the
index size, in bytes, in the results.

| eventcount summarize=false index=_* report_size=true

When you specify summarize=false, the command returns three fields: count,
index, and server. When you specify report_size=true, the command returns
the size_bytes field. The values in the size_bytes field are not the same as the
index size on disk.

Example 3:

Return the event count for each index and server pair. Only the external indexes
are returned.

| eventcount summarize=false index=*

To return the count all of the indexes including the internal indexes, you must
specify the internal indexes separately from the external indexes:

| eventcount summarize=false index=* index=_*

See also

metadata, fieldsummary


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the eventcount command.


Adds summary statistics to all search results.

Generate summary statistics of all existing fields in your search results and saves
those statistics in to new fields. The eventstats command is similar to the stats
command. The difference is that with the eventstats command aggregation
results are added inline to each event and added only if the aggregation is
pertinent to that event.


eventstats [allnum=<bool>] <stats-agg-term>... [<by clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <stats-func>( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> ) [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: allnum=<bool>
Description: If true, computes numerical statistics on each field if and
only if all of the values of that field are numerical.
Default: false

<by clause>
Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function that you use. Refer to the
table below.
Description: Statistical and charting functions that you can use with the
eventstats command. Each time you invoke the eventstats command,
you can use one or more functions. However, you can only use one BY
clause. See Usage.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() sumsq()

functions distinct_count() median() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)


In the limits.conf file, the max_mem_usage_mb setting in the [default] stanza is

used to limit how much memory the stats and eventstats commands use to
keep track of information. If the eventstats command reaches this limit, the
command stops adding the requested fields to the search results. You can
increase the limit, contingent on the available system memory.

Additionally, the maxresultrows setting in the [searchresults] stanza specifies
the maximum number of results to return. The default value is 50,000. Increasing
this limit can result in more memory usage.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to change either of these settings, file a
Support ticket.

Functions and memory usage

Some functions are inherently more expensive, from a memory standpoint, than
other functions. For example, the distinct_count function requires far more
memory than the count function. The values and list functions also can
consume a lot of memory.

If you are using the distinct_count function without a split-by field or with a
low-cardinality split-by by field, consider replacing the distinct_count function
with the the estdc function (estimated distinct count). The estdc function might
result in significantly lower memory usage and run times.

Event order functions

Using the first and last functions when searching based on time does not
produce accurate results.

• To locate the first value based on time order, use the earliest function,
instead of the first function.
• To locate the last value based on time order, use the latest function,
instead of the last function.

For example, consider the following search.

index=test sourcetype=testDb | eventstats first(LastPass) as LastPass,

last(_time) as mostRecentTestTime BY testCaseId | where
startTime==LastPass OR _time==mostRecentTestTime | stats
first(startTime) AS startTime, first(status) AS status, first(histID)
AS currentHistId, last(histID) AS lastPassHistId BY testCaseId

When you use the stats and eventstats commands for ordering events based
on time, use the earliest and latest functions.

The following search is the same as the previous search except the first and
last functions are replaced with the earliest and latest functions.

index=test sourcetype=testDb | eventstats latest(LastPass) AS LastPass,

earliest(_time) AS mostRecentTestTime BY testCaseId | where
startTime==LastPass OR _time==mostRecentTestTime | stats
latest(startTime) AS startTime, latest(status) AS status,
latest(histID) AS currentHistId, earliest(histID) AS lastPassHistId BY


Example 1: Compute the overall average duration and add 'avgdur' as a new
field to each event where the 'duration' field exists

... | eventstats avg(duration) AS avgdur

Example 2: Same as Example 1 except that averages are calculated for each
distinct value of date_hour and then each event gets the average for its particular
value of date_hour.

... | eventstats avg(duration) AS avgdur BY date_hour

Example 3: This searches for spikes in error volume. You can use this search to
trigger an alert if the count of errors is higher than average, for example.

eventtype="error" | eventstats avg(foo) AS avg | where foo>avg

See also

stats, streamstats

Getting started with stats, eventstats and streamstats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the eventstats command.


Extracts field-value pairs from the search results.


extract [<extract-options>... ] [<extractor-name>...]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: clean_keys=<bool> | kvdelim=<string> | limit=<int> |
maxchars=<int> | mv_add=<bool> | pairdelim=<string> | reload=<bool> |
Description: Options for defining the extraction. See the
""Extract_options" section in this topic.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A stanza in the transforms.conf file. This is used when the
props.conf file does not explicitly cause an extraction for this source,
sourcetype, or host.

Extract options

Syntax: clean_keys=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to clean keys. Overrides
CLEAN_KEYS in the transforms.conf file.
Default: The value specified in the CLEAN_KEYS in the
transforms.conf file.

Syntax: kvdelim=<string>
Description: A list of character delimiters that separate the key
from the value.

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many automatic key-value pairs to
Default: 50

Syntax: maxchars=<int>
Description: Specifies how many characters to look into the event.
Default: 10240

Syntax: mv_add=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to create multivalued fields.
Overrides the value for the MV_ADD parameter in the
transforms.conf file.
Default: false

Syntax: pair=<string>
Description: A list of character delimiters that separate the
key-value pairs from each other.

Syntax: reload=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to force reloading of the
props.conf and transforms.conf files.
Default: false

Syntax: segment=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to note the locations of the
key-value pairs with the results.
Default: false



The alias for the extract command is kv.


Example 1:

Extract field-value pairs that are delimited by the pipe or semicolon characters ( |;
). Extract values of the fields that are delimited by the equal or colon characters (
=: ). The delimiters are individual characters. In this example the "=" or ":"
character is used to delimit the key value. Similarly, a "|" or ";" is used to delimit
the field-value pair itself.

... | extract pairdelim="|;", kvdelim="=:"

Example 2:

Extract field-value pairs and reload field extraction settings from disk.

... | extract reload=true

Example 3:

Extract field-value pairs that are defined in the stanza 'access-extractions' in the
transforms.conf file.

... | extract access-extractions

See also

kvform, multikv, rex, xmlkv,


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the extract command.


With the fieldformat command you can use eval expressions to change the
format of a field value when the results render. You can change the format
without changing the underlying value of the field. Commands later in the search

pipeline cannot modify the formatted value.

The fieldformat command does not apply to commands that export data, such
as the outputcsv and outputlookup commands. The export retains the original
data format and not the rendered format. If you want the format to apply to
exported data, use the eval command instead of the fieldformat command.


fieldformat <field>=<eval-expression>

Required arguments

Description: The name of a new or existing field, non-wildcarded, for the
output of the eval expression.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A combination of values, variables, operators, and functions
that represent the value of your destination field. For more information,
see the eval command. For information about supported functions, see


Time format variables are frequently used with the fieldformat command. See
Date and time format variables.


You can use a wide range of functions with the fieldformat command. For
general information about using functions, see Evaluation functions.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use the links
in the table to learn more about each function, and to see examples.

Type of Supported functions and

function syntax
Comparison case(X,"Y",...) in(VALUE-LIST) nullif(X,

functions cidrmatch("X",Y) like(TEXT, PATTERN) searchmat
coalesce(X,...) match(SUBJECT, "REGEX") true()
false() null() validate(

printf("format",arguments) tonumber(NUMSTR,BASE) tostring(
sha256(X) sha512(X)

Date and now() strftime(X,Y)

Time time()
functions relative_time(X,Y) strptime(X,Y)

isnull(X) isstr(X)
functions isint(X)
isnum(X) typeof(X)

abs(X) floor(X) pow(X,Y)

ceiling(X) ln(X) round(X,Y
exact(X) log(X,Y) sigfig(X)
exp(X) pi() sqrt(X)

commands(X) mvfilter(X)
mvappend(X,...) mvfind(MVFIELD,"REGEX")
eval functions mvsort(X)
mvdedup(X) mvjoin(MVFIELD,STR)

max(X,...) min(X,...) random()
eval functions
len(X) rtrim(X,Y)
lower(X) spath(X,Y)
functions upper(X)
ltrim(X,Y) split(X,"Y")
replace(X,Y,Z) substr(X,Y,Z)

acos(X) atan2(X,Y)
and acosh(X) atanh(X)
Hyperbolic asin(X) cos(X)
functions asinh(X) cosh(X)
atan(X) hypot(X,Y)


Example 1:

Return metadata results for the sourcetypes in the main index.

| metadata type=sourcetypes | rename totalCount as Count firstTime as

"First Event" lastTime as "Last Event" recentTime as "Last Update" |
table sourcetype Count "First Event" "Last Event" "Last Update"

The fields are also renamed, but without the fieldformat command the time
fields display in Unix time:

Now use the fieldformat command to reformat the time fields firstTime,
lastTime, and recentTime:

| metadata type=sourcetypes | rename totalCount as Count firstTime as

"First Event" lastTime as "Last Event" recentTime as "Last Update" |
table sourcetype Count "First Event" "Last Event" "Last Update" |
fieldformat Count=tostring(Count, "commas") | fieldformat "First
Event"=strftime('First Event', "%c") | fieldformat "Last
Event"=strftime('Last Event', "%c") | fieldformat "Last
Update"=strftime('Last Update', "%c")

Note that the fieldformat command is also used to reformat the Count field to
display the values with commas. The results are more readable:

Example 2:

Assume that the start_time field contains epoch numbers, format the
start_time field to display only the hours, minutes, and seconds corresponding
to the epoch time.

... | fieldformat start_time = strftime(start_time, "%H:%M:%S")

Example 3:

To format numerical values in a field with a currency symbol, you must specify
the symbol as a literal and enclose it in quotation marks. Use a period character
as a binary concatenation operator, followed by the tostring function, which
enables you to display commas in the currency values.

...| fieldformat totalSales="$".tostring(totalSales,"commas")

See also

eval, where

Date and time format variables


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the fieldformat command.


Keeps or removes fields from search results based on the field list criteria.

By default, the internal fields _raw and _time are included in output in Splunk
Web. Additional internal fields are included in the output with the outputcsv
command. See Usage.


fields [+|-] <wc-field-list>

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>, <string>, ...
Description: Comma-delimited list of fields to keep or remove. You can
use wild card characters in the field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: + | -
Description: If the plus ( + ) symbol is specified, only the fields in the
wc-field-list are kept in the results. If the negative ( - ) symbol is
specified, the fields in the wc-field-list are removed from the results.
Default: +


Internal fields and Splunk Web

The leading underscore is reserved for names of internal fields such as _raw and
_time. By default, the internal fields _raw and _time are included in the search
results in Splunk Web. The fields command does not remove these internal
fields unless you explicitly specify that the fields should not appear in the output
in Splunk Web. For example:

... | fields - _*

To exclude a specific field, such as _raw, you specify:

... | fields - _raw

Be cautious removing the _time field. Statistical commands, such as timechart

and chart, cannot display date or time information without the _time field.

Displaying internal fields in Splunk Web

Other than the _raw and _time fields, internal fields do not display in Splunk Web,
even if you explicitly specify the fields in the search. For example, the following
search does not show the _bkt field in the results.

index=_internal | head 5 | fields + _bkt | table _bkt

To display an internal field in the results, the field must be copied or renamed to
a field name that does not include the leading underscore character. For

index=_internal | head 5 | fields + _bkt | eval bkt=_bkt | table bkt

Internal fields and the outputcsv command

When the outputcsv command is used in the search, there are additional internal
fields that are automatically added to the CSV file. The most common internal
fields that are added are:

• _raw
• _time
• _indextime

To exclude internal fields from the output, specify each field that you want to
exclude. For example:

... | fields - _raw _indextime _sourcetype _serial | outputcsv



Example 1:

Remove the host and ip fields from the results

... | fields - host, ip

Example 2:

Keep only the host and ip fields. Remove all of the internal fields. The internal
fields begin with an underscore character, for example _time.

... | fields host, ip | fields - _*

Example 3:

Remove unwanted internal fields from the output CSV file. The fields to exclude
are _raw_indextime, _sourcetype, _subsecond, and _serial.

index=_internal sourcetype="splunkd" | head 5 | fields - _raw

_indextime _sourcetype _subsecond _serial | outputcsv MyTestCsvfile

Example 4:

Keep only the fields source, sourcetype, host, and all fields beginning with error.

... | fields source, sourcetype, host, error*

See also

rename, table


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the fields command.


The fieldsummary command calculates summary statistics for all fields or a

subset of the fields in your events. The summary information is displayed as a
results table.


fieldsummary [maxvals=<num>] [<wc-field-list>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxvals=<num>
Description: Specifies the maximum distinct values to return for each
Default: 100

Description: A field or list of fields that can include wildcarded fields.


The fieldsummary command displays the summary information in a results table.

The following information appears in the results table:

Field name Description

field The field name in the event.
count The number of events/results with that field.
distinct_count The number of unique values in the field.
Whether or not the field is exact. This is related to the distinct
count of the field values. If the number of values of the field
is_exact exceeds maxvals, then fieldsummary will stop retaining all the
values and compute an approximate distinct count instead of
an exact one. 1 means it is exact, 0 means it is not.
max If the field is numeric, the maximum of its value.
mean If the field is numeric, the mean of its values.
min If the field is numeric, the minimum of its values.
The count of numeric values in the field. This would not
include NULL values.
stdev If the field is numeric, the standard deviation of its values.
values The distinct values of the field and count of each value.

Example 1:

Return summaries for all fields from the _internal index for the last 15 minutes.

index=_internal earliest=-15m latest=now | fieldsummary

Example 2:

Returns summaries for fields in the _internal index with names that contain
"size" and "count". The search returns only the top 10 values for each field from
the last 15 minutes.

index=_internal earliest=-15m latest=now | fieldsummary maxvals=10
*size* *count*

See also

analyzefields, anomalies, anomalousvalue, stats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the fieldsummary command.


Replaces null values with the last non-null value for a field or set of fields. If no
list of fields is given, the filldown command will be applied to all fields. If there
are not any previous values for a field, it is left blank (NULL).


filldown <wc-field-list>

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>, <string>, ...
Description: Comma-delimited list of fields to keep (+) or remove (-). You

can use wild card characters in the field names.


Example 1:

Filldown null values values for all fields.

... | filldown

Example 2:

Filldown null values for the count field only.

... | filldown count

Example 3:

Filldown null values for the count field and any field that starts with 'score'.

... | filldown count score*

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the filldown command.


Replaces null values with a specified value. Null values are field values that are
missing in a particular result but present in another result. Use fillnull to
replace null field values with a string. If you do not specify a field list, fillnull
replaces all null values with 0 (the default) or a user-supplied string.


fillnull [value=string] [<field-list>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field>...
Description: One or more fields, delimited with a space. If not specified,
fillnull is applied to all fields.

Datatype: value=<string>
Description: Specify a string value to replace null values.
Default: 0


Example 1:

For the current search results, fill all empty fields with NULL.

... | fillnull value=NULL

Example 2:

For the current search results, fill all empty field values of "foo" and "bar" with

... | fillnull value=NULL foo bar

Example 3:

For the current search results, fill all empty fields with zero.

... | fillnull

Example 4:

Build a time series chart of web events by host and fill all empty fields with NULL.

sourcetype="web" | timechart count by host | fillnull value=NULL

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the fillnull command.


Generates suggested event types by taking the results of a search and producing
a list of potential event types. At most, 5000 events are analyzed for discovering
event types.


findtypes max=<int> [notcovered] [useraw]

Required arguments

Datatype: <int>
Description: The maximum number of events to return.
Default: 10

Optional arguments

Description: If this keyword is used, the findtypes command returns only
event types that are not already covered.

Description: If this keyword is used, the findtypes command uses
phrases in the _raw text of events to generate event types.


Example 1:

Discover 10 common event types.

... | findtypes

Example 2:

Discover 50 common event types and add support for looking at text phrases.

... | findtypes max=50 useraw

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the findtypes command.


Creates a higher-level grouping, such as replacing filenames with directories.

Replaces the attr attribute value with a more generic value, which is the result
of grouping the attr value with other values from other results, where grouping
occurs by tokenizing the attr value on the sep separator value.

For example, the folderize command can group search results, such as those
used on the Splunk Web home page, to list hierarchical buckets (e.g. directories
or categories). Rather than listing 200 sources, the folderize command breaks
the source strings by a separator (e.g. /) and determines if looking only at
directories results in the number of results requested.


folderize attr=<string> [sep=<string>] [size=<string>] [minfolders=<int>]



Syntax: attr=<string>
Description: Replaces the attr attribute value with a more generic
value, which is the result of grouping it with other values from other
results, where grouping occurs by tokenizing the attribute (attr) value on
the separator (sep) value.

Syntax: sep=<string>
Description: Specify a separator character used to construct output field
names when multiple data series are used in conjunction with a split-by
Default: ::

Syntax: size=<string>
Description: Supply a name to be used for the size of the folder.
Default: totalCount

Syntax: minfolders=<int>
Description: Set the minimum number of folders to group.
Default: 2

Syntax: maxfolders=<int>
Description: Set the maximum number of folders to group.
Default: 20


1. Group results into folders based on URI

Consider the following search.

index=_internal | stats count(uri) by uri

The following image shows the results of the search run using "All Time" for the
time range. Many of the results start with /en-US/account. Because of the length
of some of the URIs, the image does not show the second column on the far
right. That column is the count(uri) column created by the stats command.

Using the folderize command you can summarize the URI values into more
manageable groupings.

index=_internal | stats count(uri) by uri | folderize size=count(uri)

attr=uri sep="/"

The following image shows the URIs grouped into 9 results.

In this example, the count(uri) column is the count of the unique URIs that were
returned from the stats command. The memberCount column shows the count of
the URIs in each group. For example, the /en-US/ URI was found 62 times in the
events, as shown in the count(uri) column. When the folderize command
arranges the URI into groups, there is only 1 member in the /en-US/ group.
Whereas the URIs that start with /services/ occurred 5365 times in the events,

but there are only 775 unique members in the /services/* group.


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the folderize command.


Runs a templated streaming subsearch for each field in a wildcarded field list.


foreach <wc-field>... [fieldstr=<string>] [matchstr=<string>] [matchseg1=<string>]

[matchseg2=<string>] [matchseg3=<string>] <subsearch>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: A list of field names. You can use wild card characters in the
field names.

Syntax: [ subsearch ]
Description: A subsearch that includes a template for replacing the
values of the wildcarded fields.

Optional arguments

Syntax: fieldstr=<string>
Description: Replaces the <<FIELD>> token with the whole field name.

Syntax: matchstr=<string>
Description: Replaces <<MATCHSTR>> with part of the field name that
matches wildcard(s) in the specifier.

Syntax: matchseg1=<string>
Description: Replaces <<MATCHSEG1>> with part of the field name that
matches the first wildcard.

Syntax: matchseg2=<string>
Description: Replaces <<MATCHSEG2>> with part of the field name that
matches the second wildcard.

Syntax: matchseg3=<string>
Description: Replaces <<MATCHSEG3>> with part of the field name that
matches the third wildcard.


If the field names contain characters other than alphanumeric characters, such
as dashes, underscores, or periods, you need to enclose the <<FIELD>> token
in single quotation marks in the eval command portion of the search.

For example, the following search adds the values from all of the fields that start
with similar names.

... | eval total=0 | eval test_1=1 | eval test_2=2 | eval test_3=3 |

foreach test* [eval total=total + '<<FIELD>>']

The <<FIELD>> token in the foreach subsearch is just a string replacement of

the field names test*. The eval expression does not recognize field names with
non-alphanumeric characters unless the field names are surrounded by single
quotation marks. For the eval expression to work, the <<FIELD>> token needs to
be surrounded by single quotation marks.


1. Add the values from all of the fields that start with similar names

The following search adds the values from all of the fields that start with similar
names. You can run this search on your own Splunk instance.

|makeresults 1| eval total=0 | eval test1=1 | eval test2=2 | eval

test3=3 | foreach test* [eval total=total + <<FIELD>>]]

• This search creates 1 result using the makeresults command.
• The search then uses the eval command to create the fields total, test1,
test2, and test3 with corresponding values.
• The foreach command is used to perform the subsearch for every field
that starts with "test". Each time the subsearch is run, the previous total is
added to the value of the test field to calculate the new total. The final total
after all of the "test" fields are processed is 6.

The following table shows how the subsearch iterates over each "test" field. The
table shows the beginning value of the "total" field each time the subsearch is run
and the calculated total based on the value for the "test" field.

Subsearch Test Total field start Test field Calculation of

iteration field value value "total" field
1 test1 0 1 0+1=1
2 test2 1 2 1+2=3
3 test3 3 3 3+3=6

2. Monitor license usage

Use the foreach command to monitor license usage.

First run the following search on the license master to return the daily license
usage per sourcetype in bytes:

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type!="*Summary"

earliest=-30d | timechart span=1d sum(b) AS daily_bytes by st

Use the foreach command to calculate the daily license usage in gigabytes for
each field:

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type!="*Summary"

earliest=-30d | timechart span=1d sum(b) AS daily_bytes by st | foreach
* [eval <<FIELD>>='<<FIELD>>'/1024/1024/1024]

3. Use the <<MATCHSTR>>

Add each field that matches foo* to the corresponding bar* and write the result
to a new_* field. For example, new_X = fooX + barX.

... | foreach foo* [eval new_<<MATCHSTR>> = <<FIELD>> +


Equivalent to ... | eval foo="foo" | eval bar="bar" | eval baz="baz"

... | foreach foo bar baz [eval <<FIELD>> = "<<FIELD>>"]


For the field, fooXbarY, this is equivalent to: ... | eval fooXbarY = "Y"

... | foreach foo*bar* fieldstr="#field#" matchseg2="#matchseg2#" [eval

#field# = "#matchseg2#"]

See also

eval, map


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the foreach command.


This command is used implicitly by subsearches. This command takes the

results of a subsearch, formats the results into a single result and places that
result into a new field called search.


format [mvsep="<mv separator>"] [maxresults=<int>] ["<row prefix>" "<column

prefix>" "<column separator>" "<column end>" "<row separator>" "<row end>"]

If you want to specify a row or column options, you must specify all of the row
and column options.

Optional arguments

Syntax: mvsep="<string>"
Description: The separator to use for multivalue fields.
Default: OR

Syntax: maxresults=<int>
Description: The maximum results to return.
Default: 0, which means no limitation on the number of results

<row prefix>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the row prefix.
Default: The open parenthesis character "("

<column prefix>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the column prefix.
Default: The open parenthesis character "("

<column separator>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the column separator.
Default: AND

<column end>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the column end.
Default: The close parenthesis character ")"

<row separator>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the row separator.
Default: OR

<row end>
Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The value to use for the column end.
Default: The close parenthesis character ")"


By default, when you do not specify any of the optional row and column
arguments, the output of the format command defaults to: "(" "(" "AND" ")"
"OR" ")".

The only reason to specify the row and column arguments is to export the query
to another system that requires different formatting.


1. Example with no optional parameters

Get the top 2 results. Create a search from the host, source and sourcetype
fields. Use the default format values.

... | head 2 | fields source, sourcetype, host | format

The result is a single result in a new field called "search":

( ( host="mylaptop" AND source="syslog.log" AND sourcetype="syslog" )

OR ( host="bobslaptop" AND source="bob-syslog.log" AND
sourcetype="syslog" ) )

2. Example using the optional parameters

You want to produce outoput that is formatted to use on an external system.

... | format "[" "[" "&&" "]" "||" "]"

Using the data in Example 1, the result is:

[ [ host="mylaptop" && source="syslog.log" && sourcetype="syslog" ] ||

[ host="bobslaptop" && source="bob-syslog.log" && sourcetype="syslog" ]

3. Multivalue separator example

The following search uses the eval command to create a field called "foo" that
contains one value "eventtype,log_level". The makemv command is used to make
the foo field a mulitvalue field and specifies the comma as the delimiter between
the values. The search then outputs only the foo field and formats that field.

index=_internal |head 1 |eval foo="eventtype,log_level" | makemv
delim="," foo | fields foo | format mvsep="mvseparator" "{" "[" "AND"
"]" "AND" "}"

This results in the following output:

{ [ ( foo="eventtype" mvseparator foo="log_level" ) ] }

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the format command.


The from command retrieves data from a dataset, such as a data model dataset,
a CSV lookup, a KV Store lookup, a saved search, or a table dataset.

Design a search that uses the from command to reference a dataset. Optionally
add additional SPL such as lookups, eval expressions, and transforming
commands to the search Save the result as a report, alert, or dashboard panel. If
you use Splunk Cloud, or use Splunk Enterprise and have installed the Splunk
Datasets Add-on, you can also save the search as a table dataset.

See the Usage section.


| from <dataset_type>:<dataset_name>

Required arguments

Syntax: <dataset_type>
Description: The type of dataset. Valid values are: datamodel,

inputlookup, and savedsearch.
The datamodel dataset type can be either a data model dataset or a table
dataset. You create data model datasets with the Data Model Editor. You
can create table datasets with the Table Editor if you use Splunk Cloud or
use Splunk Enterprise and have installed the Splunk Datasets Add-on.
The inputlookup dataset type can be either a CSV lookup or a KV Store
The savedsearch dataset type is a saved search. You can use from to
reference any saved search as a dataset.
See About datasets in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

Syntax: <dataset_name>
Description: The name of the dataset that you want to retrieve data from.
If the dataset_type is a data model, the syntax is
<datamodel_name>.<dataset_name>. If the name of the dataset contains
spaces, enclose the dataset name in quotation marks.
Example: If the data model name is internal_server, and the dataset
name is splunkdaccess, specify internal_server.splunkdaccess for the

In older versions of the Splunk software, the term "data model object" was used.
That term has been replaced with "data model dataset".

Optional arguments



When you use the from command, you must reference an existing dataset. You
can reference any dataset listed in the Datasets listing page (data model
datasets, CSV lookup files, CSV lookup definitions, and table datasets). You can
also reference saved searches and KV Store lookup definitions. See View and
manage datasets in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

When you create a report, alert, dashboard panel, or table dataset that is based
on a from search that references a dataset, that knowledge object has a
dependency on the referenced dataset. This is dataset extension. When you
make a change to the original dataset, such as removing or adding fields, that
change propagates down to the reports, alerts, dashboard panels, and tables
that have been extended from that original dataset. See Dataset extension in the
Knowledge Manager Manual.

The from command is a generating command, and should be the first command
in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

However, you can use the from command inside the append command.


1. Search a data model

Search a data model that contains internal server log events for REST API calls.
In this example, internal_server is the data model name and splunkdaccess is
the dataset inside the internal_server data model.

| from datamodel:internal_server.splunkdaccess

2. Search a lookup file

Search a lookup file that contains geographic attributes for each country, such as
continent, two-letter ISO code, and subregion.

| from inputlookup:geo_attr_countries.csv

3. Retrieve data by using a lookup file

Search the contents of the KV store collection kvstorecoll that have a CustID
value greater than 500 and a CustName value that begins with the letter P. The
collection is referenced in a lookup table called kvstorecoll_lookup. Using the
stats command, provide a count of the events received from the table.

| from inputlookup:kvstorecoll_lookup | where (CustID>500) AND

(CustName="P*") | stats count

4. Retrieve data using a saved search

Retrieve the timestamp and client IP from the saved search called

| from savedsearch:mysecurityquery | fields _time clientip ...

5. Specify a dataset name that contains spaces

When the name of a dataset includes spaces, enclose the dataset name in
quotation marks.

| from savedsearch:"Top five sourcetypes"

See also

inputlookup, datamodel


The gauge command transforms results into a format suitable for display by the
gauge chart types.

Each argument must be either a real number or the name of a numeric field.

If range values are provided there must be two or more. The gauge will begin at
the first value provided and end at the final value provided. Intermediate range
values will be used to split the total range into sub-ranges. These sub-ranges will
be visually distinct.

If no range values are provided, the range will default to a low value of 0 and a
high value of 100.

A single range value is meaningless and will be ignored.

The output of the gauge command is a single result, where the value is in a field
called x and the ranges are expressed as a series of fields called y1, y2, and so

The gauge chart types enable you to see a single numerical value mapped
against a range of colors. These colors could have particular business meaning
or business logic. As the value changes over time, the gauge marker changes
position within this range.

The gauge command enables you to indicate the field. The field value will be
tracked by the gauge chart. You can define the overall numerical range
represented by the gauge and you can define the size of the colored bands
within that range. If you want to use the color bands, you can add four "range
values" to the search string. These range values indicate the beginning and end
of the range. These range values also indicate the relative sizes of the color
bands within this range.

For more information about using the gauge command with the gauge chart type,
see the Visualization Reference's subsection about Charts in the Data
Visualization Manual.


gauge <value> [<range_val1> <range_val2>...]


Description: A numeric field or literal number to use as the current value
of the gauge. A named field will retrieve the value from the first input

range_val1 range_val2...
Description: A space-separated list of two or more numeric fields or
numbers to use as the displayed range of the gauge. Each parameter can
independently be a field name or a literal number. Field names are
retrieved from the first input result. The total range of the gauge will be
from the first range_val to the last range_val. If there are more than three
range_val parameters, the ranges between each set of values will be
visually distinguished in the output.
Default range: 0 to 100.


Example 1:

Count the number of events and display the count on a gauge with 4 regions,
where the regions are 0-750, 750-1000, 1000-1250,1250-1500.

index=_internal | stats count as myCount | gauge myCount 750 1000 1250


There are three types of gauges that you can choose from: radial, filler, and
marker. For more information about using the gauge command with the gauge
chart type, see the Gauges section in Dashboard and Visualizations.

See also

eval, stats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the gauge command.


The gentimes command is useful in conjunction with the map command.

Generates timestamp results starting with the exact time specified as start time.
Each result describes an adjacent, non-overlapping time range as indicated by
the increment value. This terminates when enough results are generated to pass
the endtime value.

For example, the following search generates four intervals covering one day
periods aligning with the calendar days October 1, 2, 3, and 4, during 2017.

| gentimes start=10/1/17 end=10/5/17

This command does not work for future dates.


| gentimes start=<timestamp> [end=<timestamp>] [increment=<increment>]

Required arguments

Syntax: start=<timestamp>
Description: Specify as start time.

Syntax: MM/DD/YYYY[:HH:MM:SS] | <int>
Description: Indicate the timeframe, for example: 10/1/2017 for
October 1, 2017, 4/1/2017:12:34:56 for April 1, 2017 at 12:34:56, or
-5 for five days ago.

Optional arguments

Syntax: end=<timestamp>
Description: Specify an end time.
Default: midnight, prior to the current time in local time

Syntax: increment=<int>(s | m | h | d)
Description: Specify a time period to increment from the start time to the
end time.
Default: 1d


The gentimes command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


Example 1:

All hourly time ranges from December 1 to December 5 in 2017.

| gentimes start=12/1/17 end=12/5/17 increment=1h

Example 2:

All daily time ranges from 30 days ago until 27 days ago.

| gentimes start=-30 end=-27

Example 3:

All daily time ranges from April 1 to April 5 in 2017.

| gentimes start=4/1/17 end=4/5/17

Example 4:

All daily time ranges from September 25 to today.

| gentimes start=9/25/17

See also

makeresults, map


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the gentimes command.


The geom command adds a field, named geom, to each result. This field contains
geographic data structures for polygon geometry in JSON. These geographic
data structures are used to create choropleth map visualizations.

For more information about choropleth maps, see Mapping data in the
Dashboards and Visualizations manual.


geom [<featureCollection>] [allFeatures=<boolean>] [featureIdField=<string>]

[gen=<double>] [min_x=<double>] [min_y=<double>] [max_x=<double>]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: <geo_lookup>
Description: Specifies the geographic lookup file that you want to use.
Two geographic lookup files are included by default with Splunk software:
geo_us_states and geo_countries. You can install your own geographic
lookups from KMZ or KLM files. See Usage for more information.

Syntax: allFeatures=<bool>
Description: Specifies that the output include every geometric feature in
the feature collection. When a shape has no values, any aggregate fields,
such as average or count, display zero when this argument is used.
Additional rows are appended for each feature that is not already present
in the search results when this argument is used. See Examples.
Default: false

Syntax: featureIdField=<field>
Description: If the event contains the featureId in a field named
something other than "featureId", use this option to specify the field name.

Syntax: gen=<double>
Description: Specifies generalization, in the units of the data. For
example, gen=0.1 generalizes, or reduces the size of, the geometry by
running the Douglass Puiker Ramer algorithm on the polygons with a
parameter of 0.1 degrees.
Default: 0.1

Syntax: min_x=<double>
Description: The X coordinate for the bottom-left corner of the bounding
box for the geometric shape. The range for the coordinate is -180 to 180.
See Usage for more information.
Default: -180

Syntax: min_y=<double>
Description: The Y coordinate for the bottom-left corner of the bounding
box for the geometric shape. The range for the coordinate is -90 to 90.
Default: -90

Syntax: max_x=<double>
Description: The X coordinate for the upper-right corner of the bounding
box for the geometric shape. The range for the coordinate -180 to 180.
Default: 180

Syntax: max_y=<double>
Description: The Y coordinate for the upper-right corner of the bounding
box for the geometric shape. The range is -90 to 90.
Default: 90


Specifying a lookup

To use your own lookup file, you can define the lookup in Splunk Web or edit the
transforms.conf file.

If you use a managed Splunk Cloud deployment you must use Splunk Web to
define a lookup.

Define a geospatial lookup in Splunk Web

1. To create a geospatial lookup in Splunk Web, you use the Lookups

option in the Settings menu. You must add the lookup file, create a
lookup definition, and can set the lookup to work automatically. See Define
a geospatial lookup in Splunk Web in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

Configure a geospatial lookup in transforms.conf

1. Edit the %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\system\local\transforms.conf file, or create
a new file named transforms.conf in the
%SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\system\local directory, if the file does not already
exist. See How to edit a configuration file in the Admin Manual.
2. Specify the name of the lookup stanza in the transforms.conf file for the
featureCollection argument.
3. Set external_type=geo in the stanza. See

Configure geospatial lookups in the Knowledge Manager Manual.

Specifying no optional arguments

When no arguments are specified, the geom command looks for a field named
featureCollection and a field named featureIdField in the event. These fields
are present in the default output from a geoindex lookup.

Clipping the geometry

The min_x, min_y, max_x, and max_y arguments are used to clip the geometry.
Use these arguments to define a bounding box for the geometric shape. You can
specify the minimum rectangle corner (min_x, min_y) and the maximum rectangle
corner (max_x, max_y). By specifying the coordinates, you are returning only the
data within those coordinates.

Testing lookup files

You can use the inputlookup command to verify that the geometric features on
the map are correct. The syntax is | inputlookup <your_lookup>.

For example, to verify that the geometric features in built-in geo_us_states

lookup appear correctly on the choropleth map:

1. Run the following search:

| inputlookup geo_us_states
2. On the Visualizations tab, zoom in to see the geometric features. In this
example, the states in the United States.

Testing geometric features

You can create an arbitrary result to test the geometric features.

To show how the output appears with the allFeatures argument, the following
search creates a simple set of fields and values.

| stats count | eval featureId="California" | eval count=10000 | geom

geo_us_states allFeatures=true

• The search uses the stats command, specifying the count field. A single
result is created that has a value of zero ( 0 ) in the count field.
• The eval command is used to add the featureId field with value of
California to the result.
• Another eval command is used to specify the value 10000 for the count
field. You now have a single result with two fields, count and featureId.

• When the geom command is added, two additional fields are added,
featureCollection and geom.

The following image shows the results of the search on the Statistics tab.

The following image shows the results of the search on the Visualization tab.
The image is zoomed in to show more detail.


1. Use the default settings

When no arguments are provided, the geom command looks for a field named
featureCollection and a field named featureId in the event. These fields are
present in the default output from a geospatial lookup.

...| geom

2. Use the built-in geospatial lookup geo_us_states

This example uses the built-in geo_us_states lookup file for the

...| geom geo_us_states

3. Specify a field that contains the featureId

This example uses the built-in geo_us_states lookup and specifies state as the
featureIdField. In most geospatial lookup files, the feature IDs are stored in a
field called featureId. Use the featureIdField argument when the event contains
the feature IDs in a field named something other than "featureId".

...| geom geo_us_states featureIdField="state"

4. Show all geometric features in the output

The following example specifies that the output include every geometric feature
in the feature collection. If no value is present for a geometric feature, zero is the
default value. Using the allFeatures argument causes the choropleth map
visualization to render all of the shapes.

...| geom geo_us_states allFeatures=true

5. Use the built-in geo_countries lookup

The following example uses the built-in geo_countries lookup. This search uses
the lookup command to specify shorter field names for the latitude and longitude
fields. The stats command is used to count the feature IDs and renames the
featureIdField field as country. The geom command generates the information
for the chloropleth map using the renamed field country.

... | lookup geo_countries latitude AS lat, longitude AS long | stats

count BY featureIdField AS country | geom geo_countries

6. Specify the bounding box for the geometric shape

This example uses the geom command attributes that enable you to clip the
geometry by specifying a bounding box.

... | geom geo_us_states featureIdField="state" gen=0.1 min_x=-130.5

min_y=37.6 max_x=-130.1 max_y=37.7

See also

Mapping data in the Dashboards and Visualizations manual.


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the geom command.



Use the geomfilter command to specify points of a bounding box for clipping
choropleth maps.

For more information about choropleth maps, see "Mapping data" in the
Dashboards and Visualizations Manual.


geomfilter [min_x=<float>] [min_y=<float>] [max_x=<float>] [max_y=<float>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: min_x=<float>
Description: The x coordinate of the bounding box's bottom-left corner, in
the range [-180, 180].
Default: -180

Syntax: min_y=<float>
Description: The y coordinate of the bounding box's bottom-left corner, in
the range [-90, 90].
Default: -90

Syntax: max_x=<float>
Description: The x coordinate of the bounding box's up-right corner, in
the range [-180, 180].
Default: 180

Syntax: max_y=<float>
Description: The y coordinate of the bounding box's up-right corner, in
the range [-90, 90].
Default: max_y=90


The geomfilter command accepts two points that specify a bounding box for
clipping choropleth maps. Points that fall outside of the bounding box will be
filtered out.


Example 1: This example uses the default bounding box, which will clip the
entire map.

...| geomfilter

Example 2: This example clips half of the whole map.

...| geomfilter min_x=-90 min_y=-90 max_x=90 max_y=90

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the geomfilter command.


Use the geostats command to generate statistics to display geographic data and
summarize the data on maps.

The command generates statistics which are clustered into geographical bins to
be rendered on a world map. The events are clustered based on latitude and
longitude fields in the events. Statistics are then evaluated on the generated
clusters. The statistics can be grouped or split by fields using a BY clause.

For map rendering and zooming efficiency, the geostats command generates
clustered statistics at a variety of zoom levels in one search, the visualization
selecting among them. The quantity of zoom levels is controlled by the
binspanlat, binspanlong, and maxzoomlevel options. The initial granularity is
selected by the binspanlat and the binspanlong. At each level of zoom, the
number of bins is doubled in both dimensions for a total of 4 times as many bins
for each zoom in.


geostats [translatetoxy=<bool>] [latfield=<string>] [longfield=<string>]

[globallimit=<int>] [locallimit=<int>] [outputlatfield=<string>]
[outputlongfield=<string>] [ binspanlat=<float> binspanlong=<float> ]
[maxzoomlevel=<int>] <stats-agg-term>... [<by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <stats-func> ( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> ) [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names. For
more information on eval expressions, see Types of eval expressions in
the Search Manual.

Optional arguments

Syntax: binspanlat=<float>
Description: The size of the bins in latitude degrees at the lowest zoom
Default: 22.5. If the default values for binspanlat and binspanlong are
used, a grid size of 8x8 is generated.

Syntax: binspanlong=<float>
Description: The size of the bins in longitude degrees at the lowest zoom
Default: 45.0. If the default values for binspanlat and binspanlong are
used, a grid size of 8x8 is generated.


Syntax: BY <field>
Description: The name of the field to group by.

Syntax: globallimit=<int>
Description: Controls the number of named categories to add to each
pie-chart. There is one additional category called "OTHER" under which
all other split-by values are grouped. Setting globallimit=0 removes all
limits and all categories are rendered. Currently the grouping into
"OTHER" only works intuitively for count and additive statistics.
Default: 10

Syntax: locallimit=<int>
Description: Specifies the limit for series filtering. When you set
locallimit=N, the top N values are filtered based on the sum of each
series. If locallimit=0, no filtering occurs.

Syntax: latfield=<field>
Description: Specify a field from the pre-search that represents the
latitude coordinates to use in your analysis.
Defaults: lat

Syntax: longfield=<field>
Description: Specify a field from the pre-search that represents the
longitude coordinates to use in your analysis.
Default: lon

Syntax: maxzoomlevel=<int>
Description: The maximum level to be created in the quad tree.
Default: 9. Specifies that 10 zoom levels are created, 0-9.

Syntax: outputlatfield=<string>
Description: Specify a name for the latitude field in your geostats output
Default: latitude

Syntax: outputlongfield=<string>

Description: Specify a name for the longitude field in your geostats output
Default: longitude

Syntax: translatetoxy=<bool>
Description: If true, geostats produces one result per each locationally
binned location. This mode is appropriate for rendering on a map. If false,
geostats produces one result per category (or tuple of a multiply split
dataset) per locationally binned location. Essentially this causes the data
to be broken down by category. This mode cannot be rendered on a map.
Default: true

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function that you use. Refer to the
table below.
Description: Statistical and charting functions that you can use with the
geostats command. Each time you invoke the geostats command, you
can use one or more functions.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() sumsq()

functions distinct_count() median() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
Multivalue list(X) values(X)
stats and



To display the information on a map, you must run a reporting search with the
geostats command.

If you are using a lookup command before the geostats command, see
Optimizing your lookup search.

Memory and maximum results

In the limits.conf file, the maxresultrows setting in the [searchresults] stanza

specifies the maximum number of results to return. The default value is 50,000.
Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

The max_mem_usage_mb setting in the [default] stanza is used to limit how much
memory the geostats command uses to keep track of information. If the
geostats command reaches this limit, the command stops adding the requested
fields to the search results. You can increase the limit, contingent on the
available system memory.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to change either of these limits, file a
Support ticket.

Basic examples

1. Use the default settings and calculate the count

Cluster events by default latitude and longitude fields "lat" and "lon" respectively.
Calculate the count of the events.

... | geostats count

2. Specify the latfield and longfield and calculate the average of a field

Compute the average rating for each gender after clustering/grouping the events
by "eventlat" and "eventlong" values.

... | geostats latfield=eventlat longfield=eventlong avg(rating) by


Extended examples

3. Count each product sold by a vendor and display the information on a


Note: This example uses the Buttercup Games data (tutorialdata.zip) and lookup
files (prices.csv and vendors.csv) from the Search Tutorial. To use this example
with your Splunk deployment, you must complete the steps in the Use field
lookups section of the tutorial for both the prices.csv and the vendors.csv files.
You can skip the step in the tutorial that makes the lookups automatic.

This search uses the stats command to narrow down the number of events that
the lookup and geostats commands have to process.

Use the following search to compute the count of each product sold by a vendor
and display the information on a map.

sourcetype=vendor_* | stats count by Code VendorID | lookup

prices_lookup Code OUTPUTNEW product_name | table product_name VendorID
| lookup vendors_lookup VendorID | geostats latfield=VendorLatitude
longfield=VendorLongitude count by product_name

In this case, the sourcetype=vendor_sales and each of the events looks like this:

[05/Apr/2017:18:24:02] VendorID=5036 Code=B AcctID=6024298300471575

The prices_lookup is used to match the Code field in each event to a

product_name in the table. The vendors_lookup is used to output all the fields in
vendors.csv: Vendor, VendorCity, VendorID, VendorLatitude, VendorLongitude,
VendorStateProvince, VendorCountry that match the VendorID in each event.

Note: In this search, the .csv files are uploaded and the lookups are defined but
are not automatic.

This search produces a table displayed on the Statistics tab:

On the Visualizations tab, you should see the information on a world map. In the
screen shot below, the mouse pointer is over the pie chart for a region in the
northeastern part of the United States.

Zoom in and out to see more details on the map.

See also

iplocation, stats, xyseries


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the geostats command.



Returns the first N number of specified results in search order. This means the
most recent N events for a historical search, or the first N captured events for a
realtime search. The search results are limited to the first results in search order.

There are two types of limits that can be applied: a quantity of results in absolute
numbers, or an expression where all results are returned until the expression
becomes false.

If no options or limits are explicitly stated, the head command will return the first
10 results.

If a numeric limit such as a numeric literal or the flag limit=int is used, the head
command will return the first N results where N is the selected number. Using
both numeric limit syntaxes will result in an error.

If an eval expression is used, all initial results are returned until the first result
where the expression evaluates as false. In this case, no results will be returned.
The result where the expression evaluates as false will be kept or dropped in
accordance with the keeplast option.

If both a numeric limit and an eval expression are used, the smaller of the two
constraints will apply. For example

... |head limit=10 (1==1)

will return up to the first 10 results, since the expression is always true. However,

... |head limit=10 (0==1)

will return no results, since the expression is always false.


head [<N> | (<eval-expression>)] [limit=<int>] [null=<bool>] [keeplast=<bool>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: The number of results to return.

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Another way to specify the number of results to return.

Syntax: <eval-math-exp> | <eval-concat-exp> | <eval-compare-exp> |
<eval-bool-exp> | <eval-function-call>
Description: A valid eval expression that evaluates to a Boolean. The
search returns results until this expression evaluates to false. keeplast
specifies whether to keep this terminal result. For more information, see
the evaluation functions in the Search Reference.

Syntax: keeplast=<bool>
Description: Controls whether or not to keep the last result, which caused
the eval expression to evaluate to false (or NULL).

Syntax: null=<bool>
Description: When using a boolean eval expression, this specifies how a
null result should be treated. For example, if the eval expression is (x >
10) and the field x does not exist, the expression evaluates to NULL
instead of true or false. Null=true means that the head command
continues if it gets a null result, and null=false means the command
stops if this occurs.
Default: false


Example 1:

Return the first 20 results.

... | head 20

Example 2:

Return events until the time span of the data is >= 100 seconds

... | streamstats range(_time) as timerange | head (timerange<100)

See also

reverse, tail


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the head command.


Highlights specified terms in the events list. Matches a string or list of strings and
highlights them in the display in Splunk Web. The matching is not case


highlight <string>...

Required arguments

Syntax: <string> ...
Description: A space-separated list of strings to highlight in the results.
The list you specify is not case-sensitive. Any combination of uppercase
and lowercase letters that match the string are highlighted.


The string that you specify must be a field value. The string cannot be a field

You must use the highlight command in a search that keeps the raw events
and displays output on the Events tab. You cannot use the highlight command
with commands, such as stats which produce calculated or generated results.


Example 1:

Highlight the terms "login" and "logout".

... | highlight login,logout

Example 2:

Highlight the phrase "Access Denied".

... | highlight "access denied"

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the highlight command.


Use this command to view the search history of the current user. This search
history is presented as a set of events or as a table.


| history [events=<bool>]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: events=<bool>
Description: When you specify events=true, the search history is
returned as events. This invokes the event-oriented UI which allows for
convenient highlighting, or field-inspection. When you specify
events=false, the search history is returned in a table format for more
convenient aggregate viewing.
Default: false

Fields returned when events=false.

Output field Description

_time The time that the search was started.
The earliest time of the API call, which is the
earliest time for which events were requested.
The latest time of the API call, which is the latest
time for which events were requested.
If the search retrieved or generated events, the
count of events returned with the search.
The execution time of the search in integer
quantity of seconds into the Unix epoch.
Indicates whether the search was real-time (1)
or historical (0).
If the search is a transforming search, the count
of results for the search.
The number of events retrieved from a Splunk
index at a low level.
search The search string.
search_et The earliest time set for the search to run.
search_lt The latest time set for the search to run.
sid The search job ID.
The host name of the machine where the search
was run.
status The status of the search.

The total time it took to run the search in


The history command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


Return search history in a table

Return a table of the search history. You do not have to specify events=false,
since that this the default setting.

| history

Return search history as events

Return the search history as a set of events.

| history events=true

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the history command.


Causes Splunk Web to display an icon for each different value in the list of fields
that you specify.

The iconify command adds a field named _icon to each event. This field is the
hash value for the event. Within Splunk Web, a different icon for each unique
value in the field is displayed in the events list. If multiple fields are listed, the UI
displays a different icon for each unique combination of the field values.


iconify <field-list>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>...
Description: Comma or space-delimited list of fields. You cannot specify
a wildcard character in the field list.


1. Display an different icon for each eventtype

... | iconify eventtype

2. Displays an different icon for unique pairs of clientip and method values

... | iconify clientip method

Here is how Splunk Web displays the results in your Events List:

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the iconify command.


Adds or disables sources from being processed by the search. Enables or

disables inputs in inputs.conf with optional sourcetype and index settings. Any

additional attribute=values are added to inputs.conf. The input command is
generally to be used in conjunction with the crawl command. If you have Splunk
Enterprise, you can view the log of changes to inputs in the following file:


input (add | remove) [sourcetype=string] [index=string] [string=string]...

Optional arguments

Datatype: <string>
Description: When adding a new input, label the input so the data it
acquires uses this sourcetype.

Datatype: <string>
Description: When adding a new input, label the input so the data it
acquires is sent to this index. Make sure this index exists.

Datatype: <string>
Description: Used to specify custom user fields.


Example 1:

Remove all csv files that are currently being processed

| crawl | search source=*csv | input remove

Example 2:

Add all sources found in Bob's home directory to the 'preview' index with
sourcetype=text, setting custom user fields 'owner' and 'name'

| crawl root=/home/bob/txt | input add index=preview sourcetype=text

owner=bob name="my nightly crawl"

Example 3:

Add each source found by crawl in the default index with automatic source
classification (sourcetyping)

| crawl | input add

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the input command.


For Splunk Enterprise deployments, loads search results from the specified .csv
file, which is not modified. The filename must refer to a relative path in
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/csv (or
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<job id>/ if dispatch = true). If the
specified file does not exist and the filename does not have an extension, then
the Splunk software assumes it has a filename with a .csv extension.

Note: If you run into an issue with the inputcsv command resulting in an error,
ensure that your .csv file ends with a BLANK LINE.


| inputcsv [dispatch=<bool>] [append=<bool>] [start=<int>] [max=<int>]

[events=<bool>] <filename> [WHERE <search-query>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <filename>
Description: Specify the name of the .csv file, located in

Optional arguments

Syntax: dispatch=<bool>
Description: When set to true, this argument indicates that the filename is
a .csv file in the dispatch directory. The relative path is
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<job id>/.
Default: false

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether the data from the .csv file is appended to
the current set of results (true) or replaces the current set of results (false).
Default: false

Syntax: events=<bool>
Description: Allows the imported results to be treated as events so that a
proper timeline and fields picker are displayed.

Syntax: max=<int>
Description: Controls the maximum number of events to be read from the
file. If max is not specified, there is no limit to the number of events that can
be read.
Default: 1000000000 (1 billion)

Syntax: start=<int>
Description: Controls the 0-based offset of the first event to be read.
Default: 0

Syntax: WHERE <search-query>
Description: Use this clause to improve search performance by
prefiltering data returned from the lookup table. Supports a limited set of
search query operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, AND, OR, NOT. Any
combination of these operators is permitted. Also supports wildcard string


The inputcsv command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

If the append argument is set to true, the Splunk software appends the data from
the .csv file to the current set of results. The append argument is set to false by
default, which means that it replaces the current result set with the results from
the lookup search.

The WHERE clause allows you to narrow the scope of the query that inputlookup
makes against the lookup table. It restricts inputlookup to a smaller number of
lookup table rows, which can improve search efficiency when you are working
with significantly large CSV lookup tables.

Distributed deployments

The inputcsv command is not compatible with search head pooling and search
head clustering.

The command saves the *.csv file on the local search head in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/ directory. The *.csv files are not replicated on
the other search heads.


Example 1: Read in results from the .csv file:

"$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/csv/all.csv", keep any that contain the string
"error", and save the results to the file:

| inputcsv all.csv | search error | outputcsv errors.csv

Example 2: Read in events 101 to 600 from either file 'bar' (if exists) or 'bar.csv'.

| inputcsv start=100 max=500 bar

Example 3: Read in events from the .csv file:

"$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/csv/students.csv" where the age is greater
than 13, less than 19, but not 16. Provide a count of the events received.

| inputcsv students.csv WHERE (age>=13 age<=19) AND NOT age=16 | stats


See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the inputcsv command.


Use the inputlookup command to search the contents of a lookup table. The
lookup table can be a CSV lookup or a KV store lookup.


| inputlookup [append=<bool>] [start=<int>] [max=<int>] [<filename> |

<tablename>] [WHERE <search-query>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the lookup file must end with .csv or .csv.gz. If
the lookup does not exist, a warning message is displayed (but no syntax
error is generated).

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the lookup table as specified by a stanza name
in the transforms.conf file. The lookup table can be configured for any
lookup type (CSV, external, or KV store).

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: If set to true, the data returned from the lookup file is
appended to the current set of results rather than replacing it. Defaults to


Syntax max=<int>
Description: Specify the maximum number of events to be read from the
file. Defaults to 1000000000.

Syntax: start=<int>
Description: Specify the 0-based offset of the first event to read. If
start=0, it begins with the first event. If start=4, it begins with the fifth
event. Defaults to 0.

WHERE clause
Syntax: WHERE <search-query>
Description: Use this clause to improve search performance by
prefiltering data returned from the lookup table. Supports a limited set of
search query operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, AND, OR, NOT. Any
combination of these operators is permitted. Also supports wildcard string


The inputlookup command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

The lookup can be a file name that ends with .csv or .csv.gz, or a lookup table
configuration in the transforms.conf file.

If append=true, data from the lookup file or KV store collection is appended to the
current set of results. By default, append=false which means that the current
result set is replaced with the results from the lookup search.

The WHERE clause allows you to narrow the scope of the query that
inputlookup makes against the lookup table. It restricts inputlookup to a smaller
number of lookup table rows, which can improve search efficiency when you are
working with significantly large lookup tables.

For more information about creating lookups, see About lookups in the
Knowledge Manager Manual.

For more information about the App Key Value store, see About KV store in the
Admin Manual.

Testing geometric lookup files

You can use the inputlookup command to verify that the geometric features on
the map are correct. The syntax is | inputlookup <your_lookup>.

1. For example, to verify that the geometric features in built-in geo_us_states

lookup appear correctly on the choropleth map, run the following search:

| inputlookup geo_us_states
2. On the Visualizations tab, zoom in to see the geometric features. In this
example, the states in the United States.


Example 1: Read in a usertogroup lookup table that is defined in


| inputlookup usertogroup

Example 2: Read in a usertogroup table that is defined by a stanza in

transforms.conf. Append the fields to any current results.

| inputlookup append=t usertogroup

Example 3: Search the users.csv lookup file (under

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/lookups or

| inputlookup users.csv

Example 4: Search the contents of the KV store collection kvstorecoll that have
a CustID value greater than 500 and a CustName value that begins with the letter
P. The collection is referenced in a lookup table called kvstorecoll_lookup.
Provide a count of the events received from the table.

| inputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup where (CustID>500) AND (CustName="P*")

| stats count

Example 5: View internal key ID values for the KV store collection kvstorecoll,
using the lookup table kvstorecoll_lookup. The internal key ID is a unique
identifier for each record in the collection. This requires usage of the eval and
table commands.

| inputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup | eval CustKey = _key | table CustKey,
CustName, CustStreet, CustCity, CustState, CustZip

Example 6: Update field values for a single KV store collection record. This
requires usage of inputlookup, outputlookup, and eval. The record is indicated
by the its internal key ID (the _key field) and this search updates the record with a
new customer name and customer city. The record belongs to the KV store
collection kvstorecoll, which is accessed through the lookup table

| inputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup | search _key=544948df3ec32d7a4c1d9755

| eval CustName="Marge Simpson" | eval CustCity="Springfield" |
outputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup append=True key_field=_key

Example 7: Write the contents of a CSV file to the KV store collection

kvstorecoll using the lookup table kvstorecoll_lookup. This requires usage of
both inputlookup and outputlookup.

| inputlookup customers.csv | outputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup

See also

inputcsv, join, lookup, outputlookup


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the inputlookup command.


Extracts location information from IP addresses by using 3rd-party databases.

This command supports IPv4 and IPv6.

The IP address that you specify in the ip-address-fieldname argument, is

looked up in the database. Fields from that database that contain location
information are added to each event. The setting used for the allfields
argument determines which fields are added to the events.

Because all the information might not be available for each IP address, an event
can have empty field values.

For IP addresses which do not have a location, such as internal addresses, no

fields are added.


iplocation [prefix=<string>] [allfields=<bool>] [lang=<string>]


Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Specify an IP address field, such as clientip.

Optional arguments

Syntax: allfields=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to add all of the fields from the database
to the events. If set to true, adds the fields City, Continent, Country, lat
(latitude), lon (longitude), MetroCode, Region, and Timezone.
Default: false. Only the City, Country, lat, lon, and Region fields are
added to the events.

Syntax: lang=<string>
Description: Render the resulting strings in different languages. For
example, use "lang=es" for Spanish. The set of languages depends on the
geoip database that is used. To specify more than one language, separate
them with a comma. This also indicates the priority in descending order.
Specify "lang=code" to return the fields as two letter ISO abbreviations.

Syntax: prefix=<string>
Description: Specify a string to prefix the field name. With this argument
you can add a prefix to the added field names to avoid name collisions
with existing fields. For example, if you specify prefix=iploc_ the field
names that are added to the events become iploc_City, iploc_County,
iploc_lat, and so forth.
Default: NULL/empty string


The Splunk software ships with a copy of the GeoLite2-City.mmdb database file.
This file is located in the $SPLUNK_HOME/share/ directory.

Updating the MMDB file

You can replace the version of the .mmdb file that ships with the Splunk software
with a copy of the paid version of the file or with a monthly update of the free
version of the file.

1. From http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/, download the binary

gzipped version of the GeoLite2 City database file.
2. Copy the file to the search head on your Splunk Enterprise instance.
3. Expand the GZ file.
4. Copy the GeoLite2-City.mmdb file to the $SPLUNK_HOME/share/ directory to
overwrite the file there.

Impact of upgrading Splunk software

When you upgrade your Splunk platform, the GeoLite2-City.mmdb file in the
share directory is replaced by the version of the file that ships with the Splunk
software. One option is to store the MMDB file in a different path.

Storing the MMDB file in a different path

If you prefer to update the GeoLite2-City.mmdb file yourself, for example if you
use a paid version of the file, you can store the MMDB file in a different path. The
path that is used by the Splunk software to access the file must be updated.


• Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can
specify a different path to the MMDB file in the limits.conf file.
• Review the steps in How to edit a configuration file in the Admin Manual.
• You can have configuration files with the same name in your default, local,
and app directories. Read Where you can place (or find) your modified
configuration files in the Admin Manual.

Never change or copy the configuration files in the default directory. The files
in the default directory must remain intact and in their original location. Make
the changes in the local directory.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to edit the configuration file, file a
Support ticket.


1. Open the local limits.conf file for the Search app. For example,
2. Add the [iplocation] stanza.
3. Add the db_path setting and specify the absolute path to the
GeoLite2-City.mmdb file. The db_path setting does not support standard
Splunk environment variables such as $SPLUNK_HOME.
For example: db_path =
/Applications/Splunk/mmdb/GeoLite2-City.mmdb specifies a new
directory called mmdb.
4. Ensure a copy of the MMDB file is stored in the
../Applications/Splunk/mmdb/ directory.

Storing the MMDB file with a different name

Alternatively, you can add the updated MMDB to the share directory using a
different name and then specify that name in the db_path setting. For example:
db_path = /Applications/Splunk/share/GeoLite2-City_paid.mmdb.

The MMDB file and distributed deployments

The iplocation command is a distributable streaming command, which means

that it can be processed on the indexers. The share directory is not part of the
knowledge bundle. If you update the MMDB file in the share directory, the
updated file is not automatically sent to the indexers in a distributed deployment.
To add the MMDB file to the indexers, use the tools that you typically use to push
files to the indexers.


Example 1:

Add location information to web access events. By default, the iplocation

command adds the City, Country, lat, lon, and Region fields to the results.

sourcetype=access_* | iplocation clientip

Example 2:

Search for client errors in web access events, returning only the first 20 results.
Add location information and return a table with the IP address, City, and Country
for each client error.

sourcetype=access_* status>=400 | head 20 | iplocation clientip | table

clientip, status, City, Country

Example 3:

Prefix the fields added by the iplocation command with "iploc_". Add all of the
fields in the GeoLite2-City.mmdb database file to the results.

sourcetype = access_* | iplocation prefix=iploc_ allfields=true clientip

| fields iploc_*


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the iplocation command.


Use the join command to combine the results of a subsearch with the results of
a main search. One or more of the fields must be common to each result set.
You can also combine a search result set to itself using the selfjoin command.

If you are familiar with SQL but new to SPL, see Splunk SPL for SQL users.

Alternative commands

For flexibility and performance, consider using one of the following commands if
you do not require join semantics. These commands provide event grouping and
correlations using time and geographic location, transactions, subsearches, field
lookups, and joins.

Command Use
To append the results of a subsearch to the results of your
current search. The events from both result sets are

• Use only with historical data. The append command

append does not produce correct results if used in a real-time
• If you use append to combine the events, use a stats
command to group the events in a meaningful way.
You cannot use a transaction command after you
use an append command.
Appends the fields of the subsearch results with the input
search result fields. The first subsearch result is merged
with the first main result, the second subsearch result is
merged with the second main result, and so on.
Use when one of the result sets or source files remains
static or rarely changes. For example, a file from an external
lookup system such as a CSV file.

The look up cannot be a subsearch.

search In the most simple scenarios, you might need to search only
for sources using the OR operator and then use a stats or

transaction command to perform the grouping operation
on the events.
To group events by a field and perform a statistical function
on the events. For example to determine the average
duration of events by host name.
• To use stats, the field must have a unique identifier.
• To view the raw event data, use the transaction
command instead.
Use transaction in the following situations.

• To group events by using the eval command with a

conditional expression, such as if, case, or match.
• To group events by using a recycled field value, such
as an ID or IP address.
• To group events by using a pattern, such as a start
or end time for the event.
• To break up groups larger than a certain duration.
For example, when a transaction does not explicitly
end with a message and you want to specify a
maximum span of time after the start of the
• To display the raw event data for the grouped events.

For information about when to use a join, see the flowchart in About event
grouping and correlation in the Search Manual.


join [join-options...] [field-list] subsearch

Required arguments

Syntax: "[" subsearch "]"
Description: A secondary search where you specify the source of the
events that you want to join to. The subsearch must be enclosed in square
brackets. The results of the subsearch should not exceed available

Limitations on the subsearch for the join command are specified in the
limits.conf.spec file. The limitations include the maximum subsearch to

join against, the maximum search time for the subsearch, and the
maximum time to wait for subsearch to fully finish. See Subsearches in the
Search Manual.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field>, <field>, ...
Description: Specify the fields to use for the join. If no fields are specified,
all of the fields that are common to both result sets are used.

Field names must match, not just in name but also in case. You cannot
join product_id with product_ID. You must first change the case of the
field in the subsearch to match the field in the main search.

Syntax: type=(inner | outer | left) | usetime=<bool> | earlier=<bool> |
overwrite=<bool> | max=<int>
Description: Options to the join command. Use either outer or left to
specify a left outer join.

Descriptions for the join-options argument

Syntax: type=inner | outer | left
Description: Indicates the type of join to perform. The difference between
an inner and a left (or outer) join is how the events are treated in the
main search that do not match any of the events in the subsearch. In both
inner and left joins, events that match are joined. The results of an inner
join do not include events from the main search that have no matches in
the subsearch. The results of a left (or outer) join includes all of the
events in the main search and only those values in the subsearch have
matching field values.
Default: inner

Syntax: usetime=<bool>
Description: A Boolean value that Indicates whether to use time to limit
the matches in the subsearch results. Used with the earlier option to limit
the subsearch results to matches that are earlier or later than the main
search results.
Default: true

Syntax: earlier=<bool>
Description: If usetime=true and earlier=true, the main search results
are matched only against earlier results from the subsearch. If
earlier=false, the main search results are matched only against later
results from the subsearch. Results that occur at the same time (second)
are not eliminated by either value.
Default: true

Syntax: overwrite=<bool>
Description: Indicates whether fields from the subresults overwrite the
fields from the main results, if the fields have the same field name.
Default: true

Syntax: max=<int>
Description: Specifies the maximum number of subsearch results that
each main search result can join with. If set to max=0, there is no limit.
Default: 1


Use the join command when the results of the subsearch are relatively small, for
example 50,000 rows or less. To minimize the impact of this command on
performance and resource consumption, Splunk software imposes some default
limitations on the subsearch. See the subsearch section in the syntax for more
information about these limitations.

One-to-many and many-to-many relationships

To return matches for one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many relationships,

include the max argument in your join syntax and set the value to 0. By default
max=1, which means that the subsearch returns only the first result from the
subsearch. Setting the value to a higher number or to 0, which is unlimited,
returns multiple results from the subsearch.


Example 1

Combine the results from a main search with the results from a subsearch search
vendors. The result sets are joined on the product_id field, which is common to

both sources.

... | join product_id [search vendors]

Example 2

If the field names in the sources do not match, you can rename the field in the
subsearch result set. The field in the main search is product_id. The field in the
subsearch is pid.

Note: The field names must match in name and in case. You cannot join
product_id with product_ID.

... | join product_id [search vendors | rename pid AS product_id]

Example 3

By default, only the first row of the subsearch that matches a row of the main
search is returned. To return all of the matching subsearch rows, include the
max=<int> argument and set the value to 0. This argument joins each matching
subsearch row with the corresponding main search row.

... | join product_id max=0 [search vendors]

Example 4

The dashboards and alerts in the distributed management console shows you
performance information about your Splunk deployment. The Resource Usage:
Instance dashboard contains a table that shows the machine, number of cores,
physical memory capacity, operating system, and CPU architecture.

To display the information in the table, use the following search. This search
includes a join command. The search uses the information in the dmc_assets
table to look up the instance name and machine name. The search then uses the
serverName field to join the information with information from the
/services/server/info REST endpoint. The /services/server/info is the URI
path to the Splunk REST API endpoint that provides hardware and operating
system information for the machine. The $splunk_server$ part of the search is a
token variable.

| inputlookup dmc_assets
| search serverName = $splunk_server$
| stats first(serverName) AS serverName, first(host) AS host,

first(machine) AS machine
| join type=left serverName
[ | rest splunk_server=$splunk_server$ /services/server/info
| fields serverName, numberOfCores, physicalMemoryMB, os_name,
| fields machine numberOfCores physicalMemoryMB os_name cpu_arch
| rename machine AS Machine, numberOfCores AS "Number of Cores",
physicalMemoryMB AS "Physical Memory Capacity (MB)", os_name AS
"Operating System",
cpu_arch AS "CPU Architecture"
See also

selfjoin, append, set, appendcols


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the join command.


Partitions the events into k clusters, with each cluster defined by its mean value.
Each event belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean value. Performs
k-means clustering on the list of fields that you specify. If no fields are specified,
performs the clustering on all numeric fields. Events in the same cluster are
moved next to each other. You have the option to display the cluster number for
each event.


kmeans [kmeans-options...] [field-list]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: <field> ...

Description: Specify a space separated list of the exact fields to use for
the join.
Default: If no fields are specified, uses all numerical fields that are
common to both result sets. Skips events with non-numerical fields.

Syntax: <reps> | <iters> | <t> | <k> | <cnumfield> | <distype> |
Description: Options for the kmeans command.

kmeans options

Syntax: reps=<int>
Description: Specify the number of times to repeat kmeans using random
starting clusters.
Default: 10

Syntax: maxiters=<int>
Description: Specify the maximum number of iterations allowed before
failing to converge.
Default: 10000

Syntax: t=<num>
Description: Specify the algorithm convergence tolerance.
Default: 0

Syntax: k=<int> | <int>-<int>
Description: Specify as a scalar integer value or a range of integers.
When provided as single number, selects the number of clusters to use.
This produces events annotated by the cluster label. When expressed as
a range, clustering is done for each of the cluster counts in the range and
a summary of the results is produced. These results express the size of
the clusters, and a 'distortion' field which represents how well the data fits
those selected clusters. Values must be greater than 1 and less than
maxkvalue (see Limits section).
Default: k=2

Syntax: cfield=<field>

Description: Names the field to annotate the results with the cluster
number for each event.

Syntax: dt= ( l1 | l1norm | cityblock | cb ) | ( l2 | l2norm | sq | sqeuclidean )
| ( cos | cosine )
Description: Specify the distance metric to use. The l1, l1norm, and cb
distance metrics are synonyms for cityblock. The l2, l2norm, and sq
distance metrics are synonyms for sqeuclidean or sqEuclidean. The cos
distance metric is a synonym for cosine.
Default: sqeucildean

Syntax: showcentroid= true | false
Description: Specify whether to expose the centroid centers in the search
results (showcentroid=true) or not.
Default: true



The number of clusters to collect the values into -- k -- is not permitted to exceed
maxkvalue. The maxkvalue is specified in the limits.conf file, in the [kmeans]
stanza. The maxkvalue default is 1000.

When a range is given for the k option, the total distance between the beginning
and ending cluster counts is not permitted to exceed maxkrange. The maxkrange
is specified in the limits.conf file, in the [kmeans] stanza. The maxkrange
default is 100.

The above limits are designed to avoid the computation work becoming
unreasonably expensive.

The total number of values which are clustered by the algorithm (typically the
number of input results) is limited by the maxdatapoints parameter in the
[kmeans] stanza of limits.conf. If this limit is exceeded at runtime, a warning
message displays in Splunk Web. This defaults to 100000000 or 100 million. This
maxdatapoints limit is designed to avoid exhausting memory.


Example 1: Group search results into 4 clusters based on the values of the
"date_hour" and "date_minute" fields.

... | kmeans k=4 date_hour date_minute

Example 2: Group results into 2 clusters based on the values of all numerical

... | kmeans

See also

anomalies, anomalousvalue, cluster, outlier,


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the kmeans command.


Extracts key/value pairs from events based on a form template that describes
how to extract the values.


kvform [form=<string>] [field=<field>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: form=<string>
Description: Specify a .form file located in a
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/*/forms/ directory.

Syntax: field=<field_name>

Description: Uses the field name to look for .form files that correspond to
the field values for that field name. For example, your Splunk deployment
uses the splunkd and mongod sourcetypes. If you specify
field=sourcetype, the kvform command looks for the splunkd.form and
mongod.form in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/*/forms/ directory.
Default: sourcetype


Before you can use the kvform command, you must:

• Create the forms directory in the appropriate application path. For

example $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app_name>/forms.
• Create the .form files and add the files to the forms directory.

If you have Splunk Cloud and want to install form files, file a Support ticket.

Format for the .form files

A .form file is essentially a text file of all static parts of a form. It might be
interspersed with named references to regular expressions of the type found in
the transforms.conf file.

An example .form file might look like this:

Students Name: [[string:student_name]]

Age: [[int:age]] Zip: [[int:zip]]

Specifying a form

If the form argument is specified, the kvform command uses the

<form_name>.form file found in the Splunk configuration forms directory. For
example, if form=sales_order, the kvform command looks for a
sales_order.form file in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app_name>/forms directory
for all apps. All the events processed are matched against the form, trying to
extract values.

Specifying a field

If you specify the field argument, the the kvform command looks for forms in the
forms directory that correspond to the values for that field. For example, if you
specify field=error_code, and an event has the field value error_code=404, the

command looks for a form called 404.form in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app_name>/forms directory.

Default value

If no form or field argument is specified, the kvform command uses the default
value for the field argument, which is sourcetype. The kvform command looks
for <sourcetype_value>.form files to extract values.


1. Extract values using a specific form

Use a specific form to extract values from.

... | kvform form=sales_order

2. Extract values using a field name

Specify field=sourcetype to extract values from forms such as splunkd.form

and mongod.form. If there is a form for a source type, values are extracted from
that form. If one of the source types is access_combined but there is no
access_combined.form file, that source type is ignored.

... | kvform field=sourcetype

3. Extract values using the eventtype field

... | kvform field=eventtype

See also

extract, multikv, rex, xmlkv


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the kvform command.


Loads events or results of a previously completed search job. The artifacts to

load are identified either by the search job id or a scheduled search name and
the time range of the current search. If a savedsearch name is provided and
multiple artifacts are found within that range the latest artifacts are loaded.

A search head cluster can run the loadjob command only on scheduled saved
searches. A search head cluster runs searches on results or artifacts that the
search head cluster replicates. You cannot run the loadjob command on ad hoc
or real-time searches. For more information on artifact replication, see "Search
head clustering architecture" in the Distributed Search manual.


| loadjob (<sid> | <savedsearch>) [<result-event>] [<delegate>] [<artifact_offset>]


Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The search ID of the job whose artifacts need to be loaded,
for example: 1233886270.2

Syntax: savedsearch="<user-string>:<app-string>:<search-name-string>"
Description: The unique identifier of a saved search whose artifacts need
to be loaded. A saved search is uniquely identified by the triplet {user,
app, savedsearch name}, for example: savedsearch="admin:search:my
Saved Search" There is no method to specify a wildcard or match-all
behavior. All portions of the triplet must be provided.

Optional arguments

Syntax: events=<bool>
Description: events=true loads events, while events=false loads results.
Defaults: false

Syntax: job_delegate=<string>
Description: When specifying a savedsearch, this option selects jobs that
were started by the given user. Scheduled jobs will be run by the delegate
"scheduler". Dashboard-embedded searches will be run in accordance
with the savedsearch's dispatchAs parameter (typically the owner of the
Defaults: scheduler

Syntax: artifact_offset=<int>
Description: Selects a search artifact other than the most recent
matching one. For example, if artifact_offset=1, the second most recent
artifact will be used. If artifact_offset=2, the third most recent artifact
will be used. If artifact_offset=0, selects the most recent. A value that
selects past all available artifacts will result in an error.
Default: 0

Syntax: ignore_running=<bool>
Description: Skip over artifacts whose search is still running.
Default: true


The loadjob command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

The loadjob command can be used for a variety of purposes, but one of the
most useful is to run a fairly expensive search that calculates statistics. You can
use loadjob searches to display those statistics for further aggregation,
categorization, field selection and other manipulations for charting and display.

After a search job has completed and the results are cached, you can use this
command to access or load the results.


Example 1: Loads the results of the latest scheduled execution of savedsearch

MySavedSearch in the 'search' application owned by admin

| loadjob savedsearch="admin:search:MySavedSearch"

Example 2: Loads the events that were generated by the search job with

| loadjob 1233886270.2 events=true

See also

inputcsv, savedsearch


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the loadjob command.


Returns a list of time ranges in which the search results are found.

Generates result representing a list of time contiguous event regions. This is

defined as a period of time in which consecutive events are separated by, at
most, 'maxpause' time. The regions found can be expanded using the 'timeafter'
and 'timebefore' modifiers to expand the range after/before the last/first event in
the region, respectively. These expansions are done arbitrarily, possibly causing
overlaps in the regions if the values are larger than 'maxpause'. The regions are
returned in search order, or descending time for historical searches and
data-arrival order for realtime search. The time of each region is the initial
pre-expanded start-time. The regions discovered by the localize command are
meant to be fed into the map command, which will use a different region for each
iteration. The localize command also reports: (a) number of events in the range,
(b) range duration in seconds and (c) region density defined as (#of events in
range) divided by (range duration) - events per second.


localize [<maxpause>] [<timeafter>] [<timebefore>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxpause=<int>(s|m|h|d)
Description: Specify the maximum (inclusive) time between two
consecutive events in a contiguous time region.
Default: 1m

Syntax: timeafter=<int>(s|m|h|d)
Description: Specify the amount of time to add to the output endtime field
(expand the time region forward in time).
Default: 30s

Syntax: timebefore=<int>(s|m|h|d)
Description: Specify the amount of time to subtract from the output
starttime field (expand the time region backwards in time).
Default: 30s


Descending time order required

The transaction command requires that the incoming events be in descending

time order. Some commands, such as eval, do not output search results in time
order. If one of these commands precedes the transaction command, your
search returns an error.

To ensure that the search results are in descending order, you must include the
sort command immediately before the transaction command in your search.


1. Search the time range of each previous result for the term "failure"

... | localize maxpause=5m | map search="search failure

starttimeu=$starttime$ endtimeu=$endtime$"

2: Finds suitable regions around where "error" occurs

Searching for "error" and calling the localize command finds suitable regions
around where error occurs and passes each on to the search inside of the map

command. Each iteration works with a specific time range to find potential

error | localize | map search="search starttimeu::$starttime$

endtimeu::$endtime$ | transaction uid,qid maxspan=1h"

See also

map, transaction


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the localize command.


Prevents subsequent commands from being executed on remote peers. Tells the
search to run subsequent commands locally, instead.

The localop command forces subsequent commands to be part of the reduce

step of the mapreduce process.




Example 1:

The iplocation command in this case will never be run on remote peers. All
events from remote peers that originate from the initial search, which was for the
terms FOO and BAR, are forwarded to the search head. The search head is
where the iplocation command is run.

FOO BAR | localop | iplocation clientip


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the localop command.


Use the lookup command to invoke field value lookups.

For information about the types of lookups you can define, see About lookups in
the Knowledge Manager Manual.


lookup [local=<bool>] [update=<bool>] <lookup-table-name> ( <lookup-field> [AS

<event-field>] )... [ OUTPUT | OUTPUTNEW (<lookup-destfield> [AS
<event-destfield>] )... ]

Note: The lookup command can accept multiple lookup and event fields and
destfields. For example:

...| lookup <lookup-table-name> <lookup-field1> AS <event-field1>,

<lookup-field2> AS <event-field2> OUTPUTNEW <lookup-destfield1> AS
<event-destfield1>, <lookup-destfield2> AS <event-destfield2>

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Refers to a stanza name in in the transforms.conf file. This
stanza specifies the location of the lookup table file.

Optional arguments

Syntax: local=<bool>
Description: If local=true, forces the lookup to run on the search head
and not on any remote peers.
Default: false

Syntax: update=<bool>
Description: If the lookup table is modified on disk while the search is
running, real-time searches do not automatically reflect the update. To do
this, specify update=true. This does not apply to searches that are not
real-time searches. This implies that local=true.
Default: false

Syntax: <string>
Description: Refers to a field in the lookup table to match against the
events. You can specify multiple <lookup-field> values.

Syntax: <string>
Description: Refers to a field the events from which to acquire the value
to match in the lookup table. You can specify multiple <event-field>
Default: The value of the <lookup-field>.

Syntax: <string>
Description: Refers to a field in the lookup table to be copied into the
events. You can specify multiple <lookup-destfield> values.

Syntax: <string>
Description: A field in the events. You can specify multiple
<event-destfield> values.
Default: The value of the <lookup-destfield> argument.


When using the lookup command, if an OUTPUT or OUTPUTNEW clause is not

specified, all of the fields in the lookup table that are not the match field are used
as output fields. If the OUTPUT clause is specified, the output lookup fields
overwrite existing fields. If the OUTPUTNEW clause is specified, the lookup is
not performed for events in which the output fields already exist.

Optimizing your lookup search

If you are using the lookup command in the same pipeline as a transforming
command, and it is possible to retain the field you will lookup on after the

transforming command, do the lookup after the transforming command. For
example, run:

sourcetype=access_* | stats count by status | lookup status_desc status

OUTPUT description

and not:

sourcetype=access_* | lookup status_desc status OUTPUT description |

stats count by description

The lookup in the first search is faster because it only needs to match the results
of the stats command and not all the Web access events.

Basic example

1. Lookup users and return the corresponding group the user belongs to

There is a lookup table specified in a stanza named usertogroup in the

transforms.conf file. This lookup table contains (at least) two fields, user and
group. For each event, the following search looks up the value of the field
local_user in the table. For any entries that match, the value of the group field in
the lookup table is written to the field user_group in the event.

... | lookup usertogroup user as local_user OUTPUT group as user_group

Extended example

2. Lookup price and vendor information and return the count for each
product sold by a vendor

Note: This example uses the Buttercup Games data (tutorialdata.zip) and lookup
file (prices.csv) from the Search Tutorial. In addition, this example uses the
vendors.csv file. To follow along with this example with your Splunk deployment,
download these files and complete the steps in the Use field lookups section of
the tutorial for both the prices.csv and the vendors.csv files. When you create
the lookup definition for the vendors.csv file, name the lookup vendors_lookup.
You can skip the step in the tutorial that makes the lookups automatic.

This example calculates the count of each product sold by each vendor.

The prices.csv files contains the product names, price, and code. For example:

productId product_name price sale_price Code
DB-SG-G01 Mediocre Kingdoms 24.99 19.99 A
DC-SG-G02 Dream Crusher 39.99 24.99 B
FS-SG-G03 Final Sequel 24.99 16.99 C
WC-SH-G04 World of Cheese 24.99 19.99 D
The vendors.csv file contains vendor information, such as vendor name, city,
and ID. For example:

Vendor Vend
Vendor VendorCity VendorID VendorLatitude VendorLongitude
StateProvince Coun
Anchorage United
Anchorage 1001 61.17440033 -149.9960022 Alaska
Gaming States
Games of Salt Lake United
1002 40.78839874 -111.9779968 Utah
Salt Lake City States
New Jack United
New York 1003 40.63980103 -73.77890015 New York
Games States
Seals San United
1004 37.61899948 -122.375 California
Gaming Francisco States
Use the time range All time.

The following search queries the vendor_sales.log file, which is part of the
tutorialdata.zip file. The vendor_sales.log file contains the VendorID, Code, and
AcctID fields. For example:

[05/Apr/2017:18:24:02] VendorID=5036 Code=B AcctID=6024298300471575

sourcetype=vendor_* | stats count by Code VendorID | lookup

prices_lookup Code OUTPUTNEW product_name

The stats command is used to calculate the count by Code and VendorID. The
prices_lookup is used to match the Code field in each event and return the
product names.

Extend the search. Use the table command to return only the fields that you
need. In this case you want the product_name, VendorID, and count fields. Use
the vendors_lookup file to output all the fields in the vendors.csv file that match
the VendorID in each event.

sourcetype=vendor_* | stats count by Code VendorID | lookup

prices_lookup Code OUTPUTNEW product_name | table product_name VendorID
count | lookup vendors_lookup VendorID

This search produces a table displayed on the Statistics tab.

To expand the search to display the results on a map, see the geostats

See also


• appendcols
• inputlookup

• outputlookup

Related topics:
About lookups in the Knowledge Manager Manual


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the lookup command.


Makes a field on the x-axis numerically continuous by adding empty buckets for
periods where there is no data and quantifying the periods where there is data.
This x-axis field can then be invoked by the chart and timechart commands.


makecontinuous [<field>] <bins-options>...

Required arguments

Datatype: bins | span | start-end
Description: Discretization options. See "Bins options" for details.

Optional arguments

Datatype: <field>
Description: Specify a field name.

Bins options

Syntax: bins=<int>
Description: Sets the maximum number of bins to discretize into.


Syntax: <log-span> | <span-length>
Description: Sets the size of each bin, using a span length based on time
or log-based span.

Syntax: end=<num> | start=<num>
Description: Sets the minimum and maximum extents for numerical bins.
Data outside of the [start, end] range is discarded.

Span options

Syntax: [<num>]log[<num>]
Description: Sets to log-based span. The first number is a coefficient.
The second number is the base. If the first number is supplied, it must be
a real number >= 1.0 and < base. Base, if supplied, must be real number
> 1.0, meaning it must be strictly greater than 1.

Syntax: <span>[<timescale>]
Description: A span length based on time.

Syntax: <int>
Description: The span of each bin. If using a timescale, this is used as a
time range. If not, this is an absolute bin "length."

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month> | <subseconds>
Description: Time scale units.

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs |
<sec> second | Time scale in seconds.
m | min | mins |
<min> Time scale in minutes.
minute | minutes
h | hr | hrs | hour
<hr> Time scale in hours.
| hours
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
<month> Time scale in months.

mon | month |
Time scale in microseconds (us),
<subseconds> us | ms | cs | ds milliseconds (ms), centiseconds (cs),
or deciseconds (ds)


Example 1:

Make "_time" continuous with a span of 10 minutes.

... | makecontinuous _time span=10m

See also

chart, timechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the makecontinuous command.


Converts a single valued field into a multivalue field by splitting it on a simple

string delimiter, which can be a multicharacter. Alternatively, splits field by using
a regex.


makemv [delim=<string> | tokenizer=<string>] [allowempty=<bool>]

[setsv=<bool>] <field>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>

Description: Specify the name of a field.

Optional arguments

Syntax: delim=<string>
Description: A string value used as a delimiter. Splits the values in field
on every occurrence of this string.
Default: A single space (" ").

Syntax: tokenizer=<string>
Description: A regex, with a capturing group, that is repeat-matched
against the text of field. For each match, the first capturing group is used
as a value of the newly created multivalue field.

Syntax: allowempty=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether to permit empty string values in the
multivalue field. When using delim=true, repeats of the delimiter string
produce empty string values in the multivalue field. For example if
delim="," and field="a,,b", by default does not produce any value for
the empty string. When using the tokenizer argument, zero length
matches produce empty string values. By default they produce no values.
Default: false

Syntax: setsv=<bool>
Description: If true, the makemv command combines the decided values of
the field into a single value, which is set on the same field. (The
simultaneous existence of a multivalue and a single value for the same
field is a problematic aspect of this flag.)
Default: false


You can use evaluation functions and statistical functions on multivalue fields or
to return multivalue fields.


Example 1:

For sendmail search results, separate the values of "senders" into multiple
values. Display the top values.

eventtype="sendmail" | makemv delim="," senders | top senders

Example 2:

Separate the value of "foo" into multiple values.

... | makemv delim=":" allowempty=true foo

See also


Multivalue eval functions
Multivalue stats and chart functions


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the makemv command.


Generates the specified number of search results.

If you do not specify any of the optional arguments, this command runs on the
local machine and generates one result with only the _time field.


| makeresults [<count>] [<annotate>] [<splunk-server>]


Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: count=<num>
Description: The number of results to generate. If you do not specify the
annotate argument, the results have only the _time field.
Default: 1

Syntax: annotate=<bool>
Description: If annotate=true, generates results with the fields shown in
the table below.
If annotate=false, generates results with only the _time field.
Default: false

Fields generated with annotate=true

Field Value
_raw None.
Date and time that you run the makeresults
host None.
source None.
sourcetype None.
The name of the server that the makeresults
command is run on.
splunk_server_group None.

You can use these fields to compute aggregate statistics.

Syntax: splunk_server=<string>
Description: Use to generate results on one specific server. Use 'local' to
refer to the search head.
Default: local. See the Usage section.

Syntax: (splunk_server_group=<string>)...
Description: Use to generate results on a specific server group or groups.
You can specify more than one <splunk_server_group>.
Default: none. See the Usage section.


The makeresults command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

You can use this command with the eval command to generate an empty result
for the eval command to operate on. See the Examples section.

Order-sensitive processors might fail if the internal _time field is absent.

Specifying server and server groups

If you use Splunk Cloud, omit any server or server group argument.

If you are using Splunk Enterprise, by default results are generated only on the
originating search head, which is equivalent to specifying splunk_server=local.
If you provide a specific splunk_server or splunk_server_group, then the
number of results you specify with the count argument are generated on the all
servers or server groups that you specify.

If you specify a server, the results are generated for that server, regardless of the
server group that the server is associated with.

If you specify a count of 5 and you target 3 servers, then you will generate 15
total results. If annotate=true, the names for each server appear in the
splunk_server column. This column will show that each server produced 5


1. Create a result as an input into the eval command

Sometimes you want to use the eval command as the first command in a search.
However, the eval command expects events as inputs. You can create a dummy
event at the beginning of a search by using the makeresults command. You can
then use the eval command in your search.

| makeresults | eval newfield="avalue"

2. Determine if the modified time of an event is greater than the relative


For events with the field scheduled_time that is in Unix Epoch time, determine if
the scheduled time is greater than the relative time. The relative time is 1 minute
before now. This search uses a subsearch that starts with the makeresults

index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler ( scheduled_time > [ makeresults |

eval it=relative_time(now(), "-m") | return $it ] )

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the makeresults command.


The map command is a looping operator that runs a search repeatedly for each
input event or result. You can run the map command on a saved search or an ad
hoc search.


map (<searchoption> | <savedsplunkoption>) [maxsearches=int]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Name of a saved search to run for each input result.
Default: No default.

Syntax: search="<string>"
Description: An ad hoc search to run for each input result. For example:
...| map search="search index=_internal earliest=$myearliest$
Default: No default.

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxsearches=<int>
Description: The maximum number of searches to run. A message is
generated if there are more search results than the maximum number that
you specify.
Default: 10


Variable for field names

When using a saved search or a literal search, the map command supports the
substitution of $variable$ strings that match field names in the input results. A
search with a string like $count$, for example, will replace the variable with the
value of the count field in the input search result.

When using the map command in a dashboard <form>, use double dollar signs
($$) to specify a variable string. For example, $$count$$. See Dashboards and

Search ID field

The map command also supports a search ID field, provided as $_serial_id$. The
search ID field will have a number that increases incrementally each time that the
search is run. In other words, the first run search will have the ID value 1, and the
second 2, and so on.

Basic examples

1. Invoke the map command with a saved search

error | localize | map mytimebased_savedsearch

2. Map the start and end time values

... | map search="search starttimeu::$start$ endtimeu::$end$"


Extended examples

1. Use a Sudo event to locate the user logins

This example illustrates how to find a Sudo event and then use the map command
to trace back to the computer and the time that users logged on before the Sudo
event. Start with the following search for the Sudo event.

sourcetype=syslog sudo | stats count by user host

This search returns a table of results.

User Host Count

userA serverA 1
userB serverA 3
userA serverB 2
Pipe these results into the map command, substituting the username.

sourcetype=syslog sudo | stats count by user host | map search="search

index=ad_summary username=$user$ type_logon=ad_last_logon"

It takes each of the three results from the previous search and searches in the
ad_summary index for the logon event for the user. The results are returned as a

_time computername computertime username usertime
10/12/16 10/12/2016 10/12/2016
Workstation$ userA
8:31:35.00 AM 08:25:42 08:31:35 AM
(Thanks to Splunk user Alacercogitatus for this example.)

See also

gentimes, search


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the map command.


The metadata command returns a list of sources, sourcetypes, or hosts from a

specified index or distributed search peer. The metadata command returns
information accumulated over time. You can view a snapshot of an index over a
specific timeframe, such as the last 7 days, by using the time range picker.

See Usage.


| metadata type=<metadata-type> [<index-specifier>]...

[splunk_server=<wc-string>] [splunk_server_group=<wc-string>]...

Required arguments

Syntax: type= hosts | sources | sourcetypes
Description: The type of metadata to return. This must be one of the
three literal strings: hosts, sources, or sourcetypes.

Optional arguments

Syntax: index=<index_name>
Description: Specifies the index from which to return results. You can
specify more than one index. Wildcard characters (*) can be used. To
match non-internal indexes, use index=*. To match internal indexes, use
Example: | metadata type=hosts index=cs* index=na* index=ap*
Default: The default index, which is usually the main index.

Syntax: splunk_server=<wc-string>
Description: Specifies the distributed search peer from which to return
results. If you are using Splunk Cloud, omit this parameter. If you are
using Splunk Enterprise, you can specify only one splunk_server
argument. However, you can use a wildcard when you specify the server
name to indicate multiple servers. For example, you can specify
splunk_server=peer01 or splunk_server=peer*. Use local to refer to the
search head.
Default: All configured search peers return information

Syntax: splunk_server_group=<wc-string>...
Description: Limits the results to one or more server groups. If you are
using Splunk Cloud, omit this parameter. You can specify a wildcard
character in the string to indicate multiple server groups.


The metadata command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

The command shows the first, last, and most recent events that were seen for
each value of the specified metadata type. For example, if you search for:

| metadata type=hosts

Your results should look something like this:

• The firstTime field is the timestamp for the first time that the indexer saw
an event from this host.
• The lastTime field is the timestamp for the last time that the indexer saw
an event from this host.
• The recentTime field is the indextime for the most recent time that the
index saw an event from this host. In other words, this is the time of the
last update.
• The totalcount field is the total number of events seen from this host.
• The type field is the specified type of metadata to display. Because this
search specifies type=hosts, there is also a host column.

In most cases, when the data is streaming live, the lastTime and recentTime
field values are equal. If the data is historical, however, the values might be

In small testing environments, the data is complete. However, in environments

with large numbers of values for each category, the data might not be complete.
This is intentional and allows the metadata command to operate within
reasonable time and memory usage.

Time ranges

If you specify a time range other than All Time for your search, the search
results might not be precise. The metadata is stored as aggregate numbers for
each bucket on the index. A bucket is either included or not included based on
the time range you specify.

For example, you run the following search specifying a time range of Last 7
days. The time range corresponds to January 1st to January 7th.

| metadata type=sourcetypes index=ap

There is a bucket on the index that contains events from both December 31st
and January 1st. The metadata from that bucket is included in the information
returned from search.

Maximum results

By default, a maximum of 10,000 results are returned. This maximum is

controlled by the maxresultrows setting in the [metadata] stanza In the
limits.conf file.


1. Search multiple indexes

Return the metadata for indexes that represent different regions.

| metadata type=hosts index=cs* index=na* index=ap* index=eu*

2. Search for sourcetypes

Return the values of sourcetypes for events in the _internal index.

| metadata type=sourcetypes index=_internal

This returns the following report.

3. Format the results from the metadata command

You can also use the fieldformat command to format the results of the firstTime,
lastTime, and recentTime columns to be more readable.

| metadata type=sourcetypes index=_internal | rename totalCount as

Count firstTime as "First Event" lastTime as "Last Event" recentTime as
"Last Update" | fieldformat Count=tostring(Count, "commas") |
fieldformat "First Event"=strftime('First Event', "%c") | fieldformat
"Last Event"=strftime('Last Event', "%c") | fieldformat "Last
Update"=strftime('Last Update', "%c")

Click on the Count field label to sort the results and show the highest count first.
Now, the results are more readable:

4. Return values of "sourcetype" for events in a specific index on a specific


Return values of "sourcetype" for events in the "_audit" index on server foo.

| metadata type=sourcetypes index=_audit splunk_server=foo

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the metadata command.


Retrieves event metadata from indexes based on terms in the

<logical-expression>. Metadata fields include source, sourcetype, host, _time,
index, and splunk_server.


metasearch [<logical-expression>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <time-opts>|<search-modifier>|((NOT)?
(OR)? <logical-expression>)
Description: Includes time and search modifiers, comparison and index

Logical expression

Syntax: <field><cmp><value>
Description: Compare a field to a literal value or values of another field.

Syntax: "<string>"|<term>|<search-modifier>

Syntax: (<timeformat>)? (<time-modifier>)*

Comparison expression

Syntax: = | != | < | <= | > | >=
Description: Comparison operators.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field. In metasearch, only the fields source,
sourcetype, host, _time, index, and splunk_server can be used.

Syntax: <string> | <num>
Description: An exact, or literal, value of a field that is used in a
comparison expression.

Syntax: <lit-value> | <field>
Description: In comparison-expressions, the literal value of a field or
another field name where "literal" means number or string.

Index expression

Syntax: <field-specifier>|<savedsplunk-specifier>|<tag-specifier>

Time options

The search allows many flexible options for searching based on time. For a list of
time modifiers, see the topic "Time modifiers for search" in the Search Manual.

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Set the time format for starttime and endtime terms. By
default, timestamp is formatted: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S .

Syntax: earliest=<time_modifier> | latest=<time_modifier>
Description: Specify start and end times using relative or absolute time.
For more about the time modifier index, see "Specify time modifiers in
your search" in the Search Manual.


Example 1:

Return metadata for events with "404" and from host "webserver1".

... | metasearch 404 host="webserver1"

See also

metadata, search


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the metasearch command.



Use the mstats command to analyze metrics. This command performs statistics
on the measurement, metric_name, and dimension fields in metric indexes. The
mstats command is optimized for searches over a single or small number of
metric names, rather than searching across all metric names. Both historical
searches and real-time searches are supported. For a real-time search with a
time window, a historical search is run first to backfill the data.


| mstats [prestats=<bool>] [append=<bool>] [backfill=<bool>]

[update_period=<integer>] <stats-func>...
WHERE [<logical-expression>]... <metric_name=<string>>... [ (BY|GROUPBY)
<field-list> ] [<span-length>]

Required arguments

Syntax: metric_name=<string>...
Description: The metric_name fields that you want to perform statistics
on. You can specify multiple fields by either specifying each metric_name
field individually or using a wildcard character to specify metric_name fields
with similar names.

Syntax: count(_value) | <function>(_value) [AS <string>]
Description: Specify a basic count of the _value field or a function on the
_value field. The _value field uses a specific format to store the numeric
value of the metric. See Usage. You can specify one or more functions.
You can rename the result of the function using AS, unless

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of Supported functions

function and syntax
Aggregate avg() perc<int> sum()

count() range() sumsq()
max() stdev() upperperc<int>
median() stdevp() var()
min() varp()

Event order
earliest() latest()

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: Valid only when prestats=true. This argument runs the
mstats command and adds the results to an existing set of results instead
of generating new results.
Default: false

Syntax: backfill=<bool>
Description: Valid only with windowed real-time searches. When
backfill=true, the mstats command runs a search on historical data to
backfill events before searching the in-memory real-time data.
Default: true

Syntax: <field>, ...
Description: Specifies one or more fields to group the results by.
Required if using the BY or GROUPBY clause.

Syntax: <time-opts>|<search-modifier>|((NOT)?
(OR)? <logical-expression>)
Description: Includes time and search modifiers, comparison
expressions, and index expressions. See the sections below for
descriptions of each of these logical expression components.
Does not support CASE or TERM directives. You also cannot use the
WHERE clause to search for terms or phrases.

Syntax: prestats=true | false
Description: Specifies whether to use the prestats format. The prestats
format is a Splunk internal format that is designed to be consumed by

commands that generate aggregate calculations. When using the prestats
format you can pipe the data into the chart, stats, or timechart commands,
which are designed to accept the prestats format. When prestats=true,
AS instructions are not relevant. The field names for the aggregates are
determined by the command that consumes the prestats format and
produces the aggregate output.
Default: false

Syntax: span=<int><timescale>
Description: The span of each time bin. If discretizing based on the _time
field or if used with a <timescale>, the span-length is treated as a time
range. If not, this is an absolute bucket length. If you do not specify a
<span-length>, the default is auto, which means that the number of time
buckets adjusts to produce a reasonable number of results. For example if
initially seconds are used for the <timespan> and too many results are
being returned, the <timespan> is changed to a longer value, such as
minutes, to return fewer time buckets.

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month>
Description: Time scale units. For the mstats command, the
<timescale> does not support subseconds.
Default: sec

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs | second | Time scale in
seconds seconds.
m | min | mins | minute | Time scale in
minutes minutes.
<hr> h | hr | hrs | hour | hours Time scale in hours.
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
<month> mon | month | months Time scale in months.

Syntax: update_period=<integer>
Description: Valid only with real-time searches. Specifies how frequently,
in milliseconds, the real-time summary for the mstats command is
updated. A larger number means less frequent updates to the summary
and less impact on index processing.
Default: 1000 (1 second)

Logical expression options

Syntax: <field><comparison-operator><value> | <field> IN (<value-list>)
Description: Compare a field to a literal value or provide a list of values
that can appear in the field.

Syntax: "<string>" | <term> | <search-modifier>
Description: Describe the events you want to retrieve from the index
using literal strings and search modifiers.

Syntax: [<timeformat>] (<time-modifier>)*
Description: Describe the format of the starttime and endtime terms of
the search

Comparison expression options

Syntax: = | != | < | <= | > | >=
Description: You can use comparison operators when searching
field/value pairs. Comparison expressions with the equal ( = ) or not
equal ( != ) operator compare string values. For example, "1" does not
match "1.0". Comparison expressions with greater than or less than
operators < > <= >= numerically compare two numbers and
lexicographically compare other values. See Usage.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field.

Syntax: <literal-value>
Description: In comparison-expressions, the literal number or string value
of a field.

Syntax: (<literal-value>, <literal-value>, ...)
Description: Used with the IN operator to specify two or more values. For
example use error IN (400, 402, 404, 406) instead of error=400 OR
error=402 OR error=404 OR error=406

Index expression options

Syntax: "<string>"
Description: Specify keywords or quoted phrases to match. When
searching for strings and quoted strings (anything that's not a search
modifier), Splunk software searches the _raw field for the matching events
or results.

Syntax: <sourcetype-specifier> | <host-specifier> | <source-specifier> |
Description: Search for events from specified fields. For example, search
for one or a combination of hosts, sources, and source types. See
searching with default fields in the Knowledge Manager manual.

Syntax: sourcetype=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified sourcetype field.

Syntax: host=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified host field.

Syntax: source=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified source field.

Syntax: splunk_server=<string>
Description: Search for events from a specific server. Use "local"
to refer to the search head.

Time options

For a list of time modifiers, see Time modifiers for search.

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Set the time format for starttime and endtime terms.
Default: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S.


Syntax: starttime=<string> | endtime=<string> | earliest=<time_modifier> |
Description: Specify start and end times using relative or absolute time.

Note: You can also use the earliest and latest attributes to specify absolute and
relative time ranges for your search. For more about this time modifier syntax,
see About search time ranges in the Search Manual.

Syntax: starttime=<string>
Description: Events must be later or equal to this time. Must match

Syntax: endtime=<string>
Description: All events must be earlier or equal to this time.


You use the mstats command to search metrics data. The metrics data uses a
specific format for the metrics fields. See Metrics data format in Metrics.

The mstats command is a generating command. Generating commands use a

leading pipe character. The mstats command must be the first command in a
search pipeline, except when append=true.

Wildcard characters

The mstats command supports wildcard characters in any search filter. However,
you cannot use wildcard characters in the GROUP BY clause or in the _value


Numeric aggregations are only allowed on the _value field. Aggregations are not
allowed for any other field, including the _time field.


Filtering on the _value field is not allowed.

Group by

To group by time, you must specify a timespan using the <span-length>

argument for grouping time buckets. For example, span=1hr or span=auto.
Grouping by the _time field is not allowed.

You can also group by the dimension and metric_name fields.

You cannot group by the _value field.

The <span-length> argument is separate from the BY clause, and can be placed
at any point in the search between clauses.


Use the WHERE clause to filter by any dimensions or by metric name. For
performance reasons, the mstats command requires the WHERE clause to
specify a metric name.

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.


1. Calculate a single metric grouped by time

Return the average value of the aws.ec2.CPUUtilization metric in the

mymetricdata metric index. Bucket the results into 30 second time spans.

| mstats avg(_value) WHERE index=mymetricdata AND

metric_name=aws.ec2.CPUUtilization span=30s

2. Combine metrics with different metric names

Return the average value of both the aws.ec2.CPUUtilization metric and the
os.cpu.utilization metric. Group the results by host and bucket the results into
1 minute time spans. Both metrics are combined and considered a single metric

| mstats avg(_value) WHERE index=mymetricdata AND

(metric_name=aws.ec2.CPUUtilization OR metric_name=os.cpu.utilization)
span=1m BY host

3: Use prestats=t mode with the timechart command

Return a timechart of the number of aws.ec2.CPUUtilization metric data points

for each day.

| mstats prestats=t count WHERE index=mymetricdata AND

metric_name=aws.ec2.CPUUtilization span=1d | timechart span=1d count

4. Specify multiple aggregations on multiple metrics

Return the average and maximum of the resident set size and virtual memory
size. Group the results by metric_name.

| mstats avg(_value) AS "Average" max(_value) AS "Maximum" WHERE

index=mymetricdata AND (metric_name=os.mem.rss OR
metric_name=os.mem.vsz) span=1m BY metric_name

See also

Overview of metrics in Metrics


Extracts field-values from table-formatted events, such as the results of top,

netstat, ps, and so on. The multikv command creates a new event for each table
row and assigns field names from the title row of the table.

An example of the type of data multikv is designed to handle:

Name Age Occupation
Josh 42 SoftwareEngineer
Francine 35 CEO
Samantha 22 ProjectManager

The key properties here are:

• Each line of text represents a conceptual record.

• The columns are aligned.
• The first line of text provides the names for the data in the columns.

multikv can transform this table from one event into three events with the relevant
fields. It works more easily with the fixed-alignment though can sometimes
handle merely ordered fields.

The general strategy is to identify a header, offsets, and field counts, and then
determine which components of subsequent lines should be included into those
field names. Multiple tables in a single event can be handled (if multitable=true),
but may require ensuring that the secondary tables have capitalized or ALLCAPS
names in a header row.

Auto-detection of header rows favors rows that are text, and are ALLCAPS or

If you have Splunk Cloud and want to use this feature, file a Support ticket
specifying the multi-key-value extractions you want to define.


multikv [conf=<stanza_name>] [<multikv-option>...]

Optional arguments

Syntax: conf=<stanza_name>
Description: If you have a field extraction defined in multikv.conf, use
this argument to reference the stanza in your search. For more
information, refer to the configuration file reference for multikv.conf in the
Admin Manual.

Syntax: copyattrs=<bool> | fields <field-list> | filter <field-list> |
forceheader=<int> | multitable=<bool> | noheader=<bool> | rmorig=<bool>

Description: Options for extracting fields from tabular events.

Descriptions for multikv options

Syntax: copyattrs=<bool>
Description: When true, multikv copies all fields from the original event
to the events generated from that event. When false, no fields are copied
from the original event. This means that the events will have no _time field
and the UI will not know how to display them.
Default: true

Syntax: fields <field-list>
Description: Limit the fields set by the multikv extraction to this list.
Ignores any fields in the table which are not on this list.

Syntax: filter <term-list>
Description: If specified, multikv skips over table rows that do not
contain at least one of the strings in the filter list. Quoted expressions are
permitted, such as "multiple words" or "trailing_space ".

Syntax: forceheader=<int>
Description: Forces the use of the given line number (1 based) as the
table's header. Does not include empty lines in the count.
Default: The multikv command attempts to determine the header line

Syntax: multitable=<bool>
Description: Controls whether or not there can be multiple tables in a
single _raw in the original events.
Default: true

Syntax: noheader=<bool>
Description: Handle a table without header row identification. The size of
the table will be inferred from the first row, and fields will be named
Column_1, Column_2, ... noheader=true implies multitable=false.
Default: false

Syntax: rmorig=<bool>
Description: When true, the original events will not be included in the
output results. When false, the original events are retained in the output
results, with each original emitted after the batch of generated results from
that original.
Default: true


Example 1: Extract the "COMMAND" field when it occurs in rows that contain

... | multikv fields COMMAND filter splunkd

Example 2: Extract the "pid" and "command" fields.

... | multikv fields pid command

See also

extract, kvform, rex, xmlkv


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the multikv command.


Run multiple searches at the same time.

The multisearch command is a generating command that executes multiple

streaming searches at the same time. It requires at least two subsearches and
allows only streaming operations in each subsearch. Examples of streaming
searches include searches with the following commands: search, eval, where,
fields, and rex. For more information, see Types of commands in the Search


| multisearch <subsearch1> <subsearch2> <subsearch3> ...

Required arguments

Syntax: "["search <logical-expression>"]"
Description: At least two streaming searches. See the search command
for detailed information about the valid arguments for the

To learn more, see About subsearches in the Search Manual.


The multisearch command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

Subsearch processing and limitations

With the multisearch command, the events from each subsearch are
interleaved. Therefore the multisearch command is not restricted by the
subsearch limitations.

Unlike the append command, the multisearch command does not run the
subsearch to completion first. The following subsearch example with the append
command is not the same as using the multisearch command.

index=a | eval type = "foo" | append [search index=b | eval mytype =



Example 1:

Search for events from both index a and b. Use the eval command to add
different fields to each set of results.

| multisearch [search index=a | eval type = "foo"] [search index=b |

eval mytype = "bar"]

See also

append, join


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the multisearch command.


Takes a group of events that are identical except for the specified field, which
contains a single value, and combines those events into a single event. The
specified field becomes a multivalue field that contains all of the single values
from the combined events.

There are situations where the mvjoin eval function is a better option than the
mvcombine command. See Usage.


mvcombine [delim=<string>] <field>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of a field to merge on, generating a multivalue

Optional arguments

Syntax: delim=<string>
Description: Defines the string to use as the delimeter for the values that
get combined into the multivalue field. For example, if the values of your
field are "1", "2", and "3", and delim is "; " then the combined multivalue
field is "1";"2";"3". See Usage.
Default: a single space, (" ")


You can use evaluation functions and statistical functions on multivalue fields or
to return multivalue fields.

The mvcombine command accepts a set of input results and finds groups of
results where all field values are identical, except the specified field. All of these
results are merged into a single result, where the specified field is now a
multivalue field.

Because raw events have many fields that vary, this command is most typically
useful after paring down the set of available fields with the fields command. The
command is also useful for manipulating the results of certain reporting

Specifying delimiters

The mvcombine command creates a multivalue version of the field you specify, as
well as a single value version of the field. The multivalue version is displayed be

The single value version of the field is a flat string that is separated by a space or
by the delimiter that you specify with the delim argument.

By default the multvalue version of the field is displayed in the results. To display
the single value version with the delimiters add the |nomv command to the end of
your search. For example ...| mvcombine delim "," host | nomv host.

Some forms modes of investigating the search results prefer this single value
representation, such as exporting to CSV in the UI, or running a command line
search with splunk search "..." -output csv. Some commands that are not
multivalue aware might use this single value as well.

Most ways of accessing the search results prefer the multivalue representation,
such as viewing the results in the UI, or exporting to JSON, requesting JSON
from the command line search with splunk search "..." -output json or
requesting JSON or XML from the REST API. For these forms of, the selected
delim has no effect.

Using mvjoin instead of mvcombine

If the field is a multivalue field and you want a single valued field with a different
delimiter, use the mvjoin evaluation function. For example, a multivalue field

contains the values "1","2","3","4","5". You want a single valued field with OR as
the delimiter, such as "1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5". Use the mvjoin function and
not the mvcombine command. See Multivalue Eval Functions.


1. Creating a multivalue field

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. To try this
example yourself, download the data set from Get the tutorial data into Splunk
and follow the instructions in the Search Tutorial to upload the data.
To understand how mvcombine works, let's explore the data.

1. Set the time range to All time.

2. Run the following search.

index=* | stats max(bytes) AS max, min(bytes) AS min BY host

The results show that the max and min fields have duplicate entries for
the hosts that start with www. The other hosts show no results for the max
and min fields.

3. To remove the other hosts from your results, modify the search to add
host=www* to the search criteria.

index=* host=www* | stats max(bytes) AS max, min(bytes) AS min BY


Because the values in the max and min columns contain the exact same
values, you can use the mvcombine to combine the host values into a
multivalue result.
4. Add | mvcombine host to your search and run the search again.

index=* host=www* | stats max(bytes) AS max, min(bytes) AS min BY

host | mvcombine host

Instead of three rows, one row is returned. The host field is now a
multvalue field.

2. Returning the delimited values

As mentioned in the Usage section, by default the delimited version of the results
are not returned in the output. To return the results with the delimiters, you must
return the single value string version of the field.

Add the nomv command to your search. For example:

index=* host=www* | stats max(bytes) AS max, min(bytes) AS min BY host |

mvcombine delim="," host | nomv host

The search results that are returned are shown in the following table.

host max min

www1,www2,www3 4000 200
To return the results with a space after each comma, specify delim=", ".

Example 3:

In multivalue events:

sourcetype="WMI:WinEventLog:Security" | fields EventCode,

Category,RecordNumber | mvcombine delim="," RecordNumber | nomv

Example 4:

Combine the values of "foo" with a colon delimiter.

... | mvcombine delim=":" foo

See also


Multivalue eval functions
Multivalue stats and chart functions


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the mvcombine command.


Expands the values of a multivalue field into separate events, one event for each
value in the multivalue field. For each result, the mvexpand command creates a
new result for every multivalue field.


mvexpand <field> [limit=<int>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of a multivalue field.

Optional arguments

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specify the number of values of <field> to use for each input

Default: 0, or no limit


You can use evaluation functions and statistical functions on multivalue fields or
to return multivalue fields.


A limit exists on the amount of RAM that the mvexpand command is permitted to
use while expanding a batch of results. By default the limit is 500MB. The input
chunk of results is typically maxresults or smaller in size, and the expansion of
all these results resides in memory at one time. The total necessary memory is
the average result size multiplied by the number of results in the chunk multiplied
by the average size of the multivalue field being expanded.

If this attempt exceeds the configured maximum on any chunk, the chunk is
truncated and a warning message is emitted. If you have Splunk Enterprise, you
can adjust the limit by editing the max_mem_usage_mb setting in the limits.conf
file. If you have Splunk Cloud and encounter problems because of this limit, file a
Support ticket.


Example 1:

Create new events for each value of multivalue field, "foo".

... | mvexpand foo

Example 2:

Create new events for the first 100 values of multivalue field, "foo".

... | mvexpand foo limit=100

Example 3:

The mvexpand command only works on one multivalue field. This example walks
through how to expand an event with more than one multivalue field into
individual events for each field value. For example, given these events, with

2012-10-01 00:11:23 a=22 b=21 a=23 b=32 a=51 b=24
2012-10-01 00:11:22 a=1 b=2 a=2 b=3 a=5 b=2

First, use the rex command to extract the field values for a and b. Then use the
eval command and mvzip function to create a new field from the values of a and

sourcetype=data | rex field=_raw "a=(?<a>\d+)" max_match=5 | rex

field=_raw "b=(?<b>\d+)" max_match=5 | eval fields = mvzip(a,b) | table
_time fields

Use the mvexpand command and the rex command on the new field, fields, to
create new events and extract the fields alpha and beta:

sourcetype=data | rex field=_raw "a=(?<a>\d+)" max_match=5 | rex

field=_raw "b=(?<b>\d+)" max_match=5 | eval fields = mvzip(a,b) |
mvexpand fields | rex field=fields "(?<alpha>\d+),(?<beta>\d+)" | table
_time alpha beta

Use the table command to display only the _time, alpha, and beta fields in a

results table:

(Thanks to Splunk user Duncan for this example. You can see another version of
this with JSON data and the spath command.)

See also



Multivalue eval functions
Multivalue stats and chart functions


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the mvexpand command.


Converts values of the specified multivalue field into one single value. Overrides
the configurations for the multivalue field that are set in the fields.conf file.


nomv <field>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of a multivalue field.


You can use evaluation functions and statistical functions on multivalue fields or
to return multivalue fields.


Example 1:

For sendmail events, combine the values of the senders field into a single value.
Display the top 10 values.

eventtype="sendmail" | nomv senders | top senders

See also


Multivalue eval functions
Multivalue stats and chart functions


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the nomv command.


This command is used to remove outliers, not detect them. It removes or

truncates outlying numeric values in selected fields. If no fields are specified,
then the outlier command attempts to process all fields.

Filtering is based on the inter-quartile range (IQR), which is computed from the
difference between the 25th percentile and 75th percentile values of the numeric
fields. If the value of a field in an event is less than (25th percentile) -
param*IQR or greater than (75th percentile) + param*IQR , that field is
transformed or that event is removed based on the action parameter.

To identify outliers and create alerts for outliers, see finding and removing
outliers in the Search Manual.


outlier <outlier-options>... [<field-list>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <action> | <mark> | <param> | <uselower>
Description: Outlier options.

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: A space-delimited list of field names.

Outlier options

Syntax: action=remove | transform
Description: Specifies what to do with the outliers. The remove option
removes events that containing the outlying numerical values. The
transform option truncates the outlying values to the threshold for outliers.
If action=transform and mark=true, prefixes the values with "000".
Abbreviations: The remove action can be shorted to rm. The transform
action can be shorted to tf.
Default: transform

Syntax: mark=<bool>
Description: If action=transform and mark=true, prefixes the outlying
values with "000". If action=remove, the mark argument has no effect.
Default: false

Syntax: param=<num>
Description: Parameter controlling the threshold of outlier detection. An
outlier is defined as a numerical value that is outside of param multiplied by
the inter-quartile range (IQR).
Default: 2.5

Syntax: uselower=<bool>
Description: Controls whether to look for outliers for values below the
median in addition to above.
Default: false


Example 1: For a timechart of webserver events, transform the outlying average

CPU values.

404 host="webserver" | timechart avg(cpu_seconds) by host | outlier


Example 2: Remove all outlying numerical values.

... | outlier

See also

anomalies, anomalousvalue, cluster, kmeans

Finding and removing outliers


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the outlier command.


If you have Splunk Enterprise, this command saves search results to the
specified CSV file on the local search head in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/csv directory. Updates to
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/*.csv using the outputcsv command are not replicated
across the cluster.


outputcsv [append=<bool>] [create_empty=<bool>] [dispatch=<bool>]

[usexml=<bool>] [singlefile=<bool>] [<filename>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: If append=true, the command attempts to append to an
existing CSV file, if the file exists. If the CSV file does not exist, a file is
created. If there is an existing file that has a CSV header already, the
command only emits the fields that are referenced by that header. The
command cannot append to .gz files.
Default: false

Syntax: create_empty=<bool>
Description: If create_empty=true and there are no results, creates a 0
length file. When create_empty=false, no file is created and if
append=false, the file is deleted if it previously existed.
Default: false

Syntax: dispatch=<bool>
Description: If set to true, refers to a file in the job directory in
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<job id>/.

Syntax: <filename>
Description: Specify the name of a CSV file to write the search results.
This file should be located in the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/csv
directory. Directory separators are not permitted in the filename.
Filenames cannot contain spaces. If no filename is specified, the
command rewrites the contents of each result as a CSV row into the _xml
field. Otherwise the command writes into a file. The .csv file extension is
appended to the filename if the filename has no file extension.

Syntax: singlefile=<bool>
Description: If singlefile=true and the output spans multiple files,
collapses the output into a single file.
Default: true

Syntax: usexml=<bool>
Description: If there is no filename, specifies whether or not to encode
the CSV output into XML. This option should not be used when invoking

the outputcsv from the UI.


There is no limit to the number of results that can be saved to the CSV file.

Internal fields added to the CSV file

When you run a search in Splunk Web, most internal fields are not included in
the results.

However, the outputcsv command does include many internal fields in the
results in the CSV file.

To remove the internal fields, use the fields command before the outputcsv
command in your search. The negative symbol ( - ) specifies to remove the
fields. The underscore and asterisk ( _* ) specifies all internal fields. For

... | fields - _* | outputcsv MyTestCsvFile

To exclude specific internal fields from the output, you must specify each field
separately. For example:

... | fields - _raw _indextime _sourcetype _subsecond _serial |

outputcsv MyTestCsvFile

Multivalued fields

The outputcsv command merges values in a multivalued field into single

space-delimited value.

Distributed deployments

The outputcsv command is not compatible with search head pooling and
search head clustering.

The command saves the *.csv file on the local search head in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/ directory. The *.csv files are not replicated on
the other search heads.


1. Output search results to a CSV file

Output the search results to the 'mysearch.csv' file. The .csv file extension is
automatically added to the file name if you don't specify the extension in the

... | outputcsv mysearch

2. Exclude internal fields from the output CSV file

You can exclude unwanted internal fields from the output CSV file. In this
example, the fields to exclude are _indextime, _sourcetype, _subsecond, and

index=_internal sourcetype="splunkd" | head 5 | fields - _indextime

_sourcetype _subsecond _serial | outputcsv MyTestCsvfile

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the outputcsv command.


Writes search results to a static lookup table, or KV store collection, that you


| outputlookup [append=<bool>] [create_empty=<bool>] [max=<int>]

[key_field=<field_name>] [createinapp=<bool>] (<filename> | <tablename>)

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the lookup file. The file must end with .csv or

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the lookup table as specified by a stanza name
in transforms.conf. The lookup table can be configured for any lookup
type (CSV, external, or KV store).

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: The default, append=false setting, writes the search results
to the .csv file or KV store collection. Columns that are not in the current
search results are removed from the file. If set to true, attempts to append
search results to an existing .csv file or KV store collection. Otherwise it
creates a file. If there is an existing .csv file, the outputlookup command
writes only the fields that are present in the previously existing .csv file.
An outputlookup search that is run with append=true might result in a
situation where the lookup table or collection is only partially updated. This
means that a subsequent lookup or inputlookup search on that lookup
table or collection might return stale data along with new data. The
outputlookup command cannot append to .gz files.
Default: false

Syntax: create_empty=<bool>
Description: If set to true and there are no results, a zero-length file is
created. When set to false and there are no results, no file is created. If
the file previously existed, the file is deleted.
Default: true

Syntax: createinapp=<bool>
Description: If set to false, or if there is no current application context,
the command creates the file in the system lookups directory.
Default: true

Syntax: key_field=<field_name>
Description: For KV store-based lookups, uses the specified field name
as the key to a value and replaces that value. An outputlookup search
using the key_field argument might result in a situation where the lookup
table or collection is only partially updated. A subsequent lookup or
inputlookup search on that collection might return stale data along with
new data. A partial update only occurs with concurrent searches, one with
the outputlookup command and a search with the inputlookup command.
It is possible that the inputlookup occurs when the outputlookup is still
updating some of the records.

Syntax: max=<int>
Description: The number of rows to output.
Default: no limit


The lookup table must be a CSV or GZ file, or a table name specified with a
lookup table configuration in transforms.conf. The lookup table can refer to a KV
store collection or a CSV lookup. The outputlookup command cannot be used
with external lookups.

For CSV lookups, if the lookup file does not exist, it is created in the lookups
directory of the current application. If the lookup file already exists, it is
overwritten with the results of the outputlookup command. If the createinapp
option is set to false or if there is no current application context, then the file is
created in the system lookups directory.

For permissions in CSV lookups, use the check_permission field in

transforms.conf and outputlookup_check_permission in limits.conf to restrict
write access to users with the appropriate permissions when using the
outputlookup command. Both check_permission and
outputlookup_check_permission default to false. Set to true for Splunk software
to verify permission settings for lookups for users. You can change lookup table
file permissions in the .meta file for each lookup file, or Settings > Lookups >
Lookup table files. By default, only users who have the admin or power role can
write to a shared CSV lookup file.

For more information about creating lookups, see About lookups in the
Knowledge Manager Manual.

For more information about App Key Value Store collections, see About KV store
in the Admin Manual.

Appending results

Suppose you have an existing CSV file which contains columns A, D, and J. The
results of your search are columns A, C, and J. If you run a search with
outputlookup append=false, then columns A, C, and J are written to the CSV
file. Column D is not retained.

If you run a search with outputlookup append=true, then only the columns that
are currently in the file are preserved. In this example columns A and J are
written to the CSV file. Column C is lost because it does not already exist in the
CSV file. Column D is retained.

You can work around this issue by using the eval command to add a column to
your CSV file before you run the search. For example, if your CSV file is named
foo you would do something like this:

| inputlookup foo | eval c=null | outputlookup foo append=false ....

Then run your search and pipe the results to the fields command for the
columns you want to preserve.

... | fields A C J | outputlookup append=true foo

Multivalued fields

When you output to a static lookup table, the outputlookup command merges
values in a multivalued field into single space-delimited value. This does not
apply to a KV store collection.


Example 1: Write to usertogroup lookup table as specified in transforms.conf.

| outputlookup usertogroup

Example 2: Write to users.csv lookup file under

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/lookups or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/*/lookups.

| outputlookup users.csv

Example 3: Write food inspection events for Shalimar Restaurant to a KV store
collection called kvstorecoll. This collection is referenced in a lookup table
called kvstorecoll_lookup.

index=sf_food_health sourcetype=sf_food_inspections name="SHALIMAR

RESTAURANT" | outputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup

Example 4: Write the contents of a CSV file to the KV store collection

kvstorecoll using the lookup table kvstorecoll_lookup. This requires usage of
both inputlookup and outputlookup.

| inputlookup customers.csv | outputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup

Example 5: Update field values for a single KV store collection record. This
requires usage of inputlookup, outputlookup, and eval. The record is indicated
by the value of its internal key ID (the _key field) and is updated with a new
customer name and customer city. The record belongs to the KV store collection
kvstorecoll, which is accessed through the lookup table kvstorecoll_lookup.

| inputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup | search _key=544948df3ec32d7a4c1d9755

| eval CustName="Marge Simpson" | eval CustCity="Springfield" |
outputlookup kvstorecoll_lookup append=True key_field=_key

To learn how to obtain the internal key ID values of the records in a KV store
collection, see Example 5 for the inputlookup command.

See also

inputlookup, lookup, inputcsv, outputcsv


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the outputlookup command.


Outputs the raw text (_raw) of results into the _xml field.

The outputtext command was created as an internal mechanism to render
event texts for output.

By default, the command xml-escapes the text of events and copies them to the
_xml field. If usexml=false, outputtext simply copies the text of events to the
_xml field.

Since outputtext is a reporting command, the command will pull all events to the
search head and cause the output to show in the statistics UI if used in the web


outputtext [usexml=<bool>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: usexml=<bool>
Description: If usexml is set to true (the default), the copy of the _raw
field in _xml is xml escaped. If usexml is set to false, the _xml field is an
exact copy of _raw.


Example 1:

Output the "_raw" field of your current search into "_xml".

... | outputtext

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the outputtext command.

Note: We do not recommend using the overlap command to fill or backfill
summary indexes. Splunk Enterprise provides a script called
fill_summary_index.py that backfills your indexes or fill summary index gaps. If
you have Splunk Cloud and need to backfill, open a Support ticket and specify
the time range, app, search name, user and any other details required to enable
Splunk Support to backfill the required data. For more information, see "Manage
summary index gaps" in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


Find events in a summary index that overlap in time, or find gaps in time during
which a scheduled saved search might have missed events.

• If you find a gap, run the search over the period of the gap and summary
index the results using "| collect".
• If you find overlapping events, manually delete the overlaps from the
summary index by using the search language.

The overlap command invokes an external python script

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/bin/sumindexoverlap.py. The script expects
input events from the summary index and finds any time overlaps and gaps
between events with the same 'info_search_name' but different 'info_search_id'.

Important: Input events are expected to have the following fields:

'info_min_time', 'info_max_time' (inclusive and exclusive, respectively) ,
'info_search_id' and 'info_search_name' fields. If the index contains raw events
(_raw), the overlap command does not work. Instead, the index should contain
events such as chart, stats, and timechart results.




Example 1:

Find overlapping events in the "summary" index.

index=summary | overlap

See also

collect, sistats, sitop, sirare, sichart, sitimechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the overlap command.


The pivot command makes simple pivot operations fairly simple, but can be
pretty complex for more sophisticated pivot operations. Fundamentally this
command is a wrapper around stats and xyseries. It does not add new behavior,
but it may be easier to use if you are already familiar with how Pivot works. Read
more in the Pivot Manual. Also, read how to open non-transforming searches in

Run pivot searches against a particular data model object. This command is a
generating command and must be first in a search pipeline. It requires a large
number of inputs: the data model, the data model object, and pivot elements.


| pivot <datamodel-name> <object-name> <pivot-element>

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the data model to search.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a data model object to search.

pivot element
Syntax: (<cellvalue>)* (SPLITROW <rowvalue>)* (SPLITCOL colvalue
[options])* (FILTER <filter expression>)* (LIMIT <limit expression>)*

(ROWSUMMARY <true | false>)* (COLSUMMARY <true | false>)*
(SHOWOTHER <true | false>)* (NUMCOLS <num>)* (rowsort [options])*
Description: Use pivot elements to define your pivot table or chart. Pivot
elements include cell values, split rows, split columns, filters, limits, row
and column formatting, and row sort options. Cell values always come
first. They are followed by split rows and split columns, which can be
interleaved, for example: avg(val), SPLITCOL foo, SPLITROW bar,

Cell value

Syntax: <function>(fieldname) [AS <label>]
Description: Define the values of a cell and optionally rename it. Here,
label is the name of the cell in the report.

The set of allowed functions depend on the data type of the fieldname:

• Strings: list, values, first, last, count, and distinct_count (dc)

• Numbers: sum, count, avg, max, min, stdev, list, and values
• Timestamps: duration, earliest, latest, list, and values
• Object or child counts: count

Descriptions for row split-by elements

SPLITROW <rowvalue>
Syntax: SPLITROW <field> [AS <label>] [RANGE start=<value>
end=<value> max=<value> size=<value>] [PERIOD (auto | year | month |
day | hour | minute | second)] [TRUELABEL <label>] [FALSELABEL
Description: You can specify one or more of these options on each
SPLITROW. The options can appear in any order. You can rename the
<field> using "AS <label>", where "label" is the name of the row in the

Other options depend on the data type of the <field> specified:

• RANGE applies only for numbers. You do not need to specify all of the
options (start, end, max, and size).
• PERIOD applies only for timestamps. Use it to specify the period to bucket
• TRUELABEL applies only for booleans. Use it to specify the label for true

• FALSELABEL applies only for booleans. Use it to specify the label for
false values.

Descriptions for column split-by elements

SPLITCOL colvalue <options>

Syntax: fieldname [ RANGE start=<value> end=<value> max=<value>
size=<value>] [PERIOD (auto | year | month| day | hour | minute | second)]
[TRUELABEL <label>] [FALSELABEL <label>]
Description: You can have none, some, or all of these options on each
SPLITCOL. They may appear in any order.

Other options depend on the data type of the field specified (fieldname):

• RANGE applies only for numbers. The options (start, end, max, and size)
do not all have to be specified.
• PERIOD applies only for timestamps. Use it to specify the period to bucket
• TRUELABEL applies only for booleans. Use it to specify the label for true
• FALSELABEL applies only for booleans. Use it to specify the label for
false values.

Descriptions for filter elements

Filter <filter expression>

Syntax: <fieldname> <comparison-operator> <value>
Description: The expression used to identify values in a field. The
comparison operator that you use depends on the type of field value.

• Strings: is, contains, in, isNot, doesNotContain, startsWith, endsWith,

isNull, isNotNull

For example: ... filter fieldname in (value1, value2, ...)

• ipv4: is, contains, isNot, doesNotContain, startsWith, isNull, isNotNull

• Numbers: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, isNull, isNotNull
• Booleans: is, isNull, isNotNull

Descriptions for limit elements

Limit <limit expression>

Syntax: LIMIT <fieldname> BY <limittype> <number>
Description: Use to limit the number of elements in the pivot. The
limittype argument specifies where to place the limit. The valid values
are top or bottom. The number argument must be a positive integer. You
can use any stats function, such as min, max, avg, and sum.
Example: LIMIT foo BY TOP 10 avg(bar)


The pivot command is a generating command and should be the first command
in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


Example 1: This command counts the number of events in the "HTTP Requests"
object in the "Tutorial" data model.

| pivot Tutorial HTTP_requests count(HTTP_requests) AS "Count of HTTP


This can be formatted as a single value report in the dashboard panel:

Example 2: Using the Tutorial data model, create a pivot table for the count of
"HTTP Requests" per host.

| pivot Tutorial HTTP_requests count(HTTP_requests) AS "Count" SPLITROW

host AS "Server" SORT 100 host

See also

datamodel, stats, xyseries


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the pivot command.


The predict command forecasts values for one or more sets of time-series data.
The command can also fill in missing data in a time-series and provide
predictions for the next several time steps.

The predict command provides confidence intervals for all of its estimates. The
command adds a predicted value and an upper and lower 95th percentile range
to each event in the time-series. See the Usage section in this topic.


predict <field-list> [AS <newfield>] [<predict_options>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>...
Description: The names of the fields for the variable that you want to
predict. You can specify one or more fields.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Renames the fields that are specified in the <field-list>.
You do not need to rename every field that you specify in the
<field-list>. However, for each field that you want to rename, you must
specify a separate AS <newfield> clause.

Syntax: algorithm=<algorithm_name> | correlate_field=<field> |
future_timespan=<number> | holdback=<number> | period=<number> |
suppress=<bool> | lowerXX=<field> | upperYY=<field>
Description: Options you can specify to control the predictions. You can
specify one or more options, in any order. Each of these options is
described in the Predict options section.

Predict options

Syntax: algorithm= LL | LLT | LLP | LLP5 | LLB | BiLL
Description: Specify the name of the forecasting algorithm to apply. LL,
LLT, LLP, and LLP5 are univariate algorithms. LLB and BiLL are bivariate
algorithms. All the algorithms are variations based on the Kalman filter.
Each algorithm expects a minimum number of data points. If not enough
effective data points are supplied, an error message is displayed. For
instance, the field itself might have more than enough data points, but the
number of effective data points might be small if the holdback value that
you specify is large.
Default: LLP5

Algorithm Algorithm
option type
A univariate model with no trends and no
seasonality. Requires a minimum of 2 data
points. The LL algorithm is the simplest
LL Local level
algorithm and computes the levels of the time
series. For example, each new state equals
the previous state, plus the Gaussian noise.
A univariate model with trend, but no
Local level
LLT seasonality. Requires a minimum of 3 data
LLP Seasonal A univariate model with seasonality. The
local level number of data points must be at least twice
the number of periods, using the period
attribute. The LLP algorithm takes into
account the cyclical regularity of the data, if it
exists. If you know the number of periods,
specify the period argument. If you do not set
the period, this algorithm tries to calculate it.

LLP returns an error message if the data is
not periodic.
If the time series is periodic, LLP5 computes
two predictions, one using LLT and the other
using LLP. The algorithm then takes a
LLP5 weighted average of the two values and
models for its
outputs that as the prediction. The confidence
interval is also based on a weighted average
of the variances of LLT and LLP.
A bivariate model with no trends and no
seasonality. Requires a minimum of 2 data
points. LLB uses one set of data to make
Bivariate local predictions for another. For example, assume
level it uses dataset Y to make predictions for
dataset X. If holdback=10, LLB takes the last
10 data points of Y to make predictions for
the last 10 data points of X.
A bivariate model that predicts both time
Bivariate local
BiLL series simultaneously. The covariance of the
two series is taken into account.

Syntax: correlate=<field>
Description: Specifies the time series that the LLB algorithm uses to
predict the other time series. Required when you specify the LLB
algorithm. Not used for any other algorithm.
Default: None

Syntax: future_timespan=<num>
Description: Specifies how many future predictions the predict
command will compute. This number must be a non-negative number.
You would not use the future_timespan option if algorithm=LLB.
Default: 5

Syntax: holdback=<num>
Description: Specifies the number of data points from the end that are
not to be used by the predict command. Use in conjunction with the
future_timespan argument. For example, 'holdback=10
future_timespan=10' computes the predicted values for the last 10 values

in the data set. You can then judge how accurate the predictions are by
checking whether the actual data point values fall into the predicted
confidence intervals.
Default: 0

Syntax: lower<int>=<field>
Description: Specifies a percentage for the confidence interval and a field
name to use for the lower confidence interval curve. The <int> value is a
percentage that specifies the confidence level. The integer must be a
number between 0 and 100. The <field> value is the field name.
Default: The default confidence interval is 95%. The default field name is
'lower95(prediction(X))' where X is the name of the field to be predicted.

Syntax: period=<num>
Description: Specifies the length of the time period, or recurring cycle, in
the time series data. The number must be at least 2. The LLP and LLP5
algorithms attempt to compute the length of time period if no value is
specified. If you specify the span argument with the timechart command,
the unit that you specify for span is the unit used for period. For example,
if your search is ...|timechart span=1d foo2| predict foo2 period=3.
The spans are 1 day and the period for the predict is 3 days. Otherwise,
the unit for the time period is a data point. For example, if there are a
thousand events, then each event is a unit. If you specify period=7, that
means the data recycles after every 7 data points, or events.
Default: None

Syntax: suppress=<field>
Description: Used with the multivariate algorithms. Specifies one of the
predicted fields to hide from the output. Use suppress when it is difficult to
see all of the predicted visualizations at the same time.
Default: None

Syntax: upper<int>=<field>
Description: Specifies a percentage for the confidence interval and a field
name to use for the upper confidence interval curve. The <int> value is a
percentage that specifies the confidence level. This must be a number
between 0 and 100. The <field> value is the field name.
Default: The default confidence interval is 95%. The default field name is
'upper95(prediction(X))' where X is the name of the field to be predicted.

Confidence intervals

The lower and upper confidence interval parameters default to lower95 and
upper95. These values specify a confidence interval where 95% of the
predictions are expected fall.

It is typical for some of the predictions to fall outside the confidence interval.

• The confidence interval does not cover 100% of the predictions.

• The confidence interval is about a probabilistic expectation and results do
not match the expectation exactly.


Command sequence requirement

The predict command must be preceded by the timechart command. The

predict command requires time series data. See the Examples section for more

How it works

The predict command models the data by stipulating that there is an

unobserved entity which progresses through time in different states.

To predict a value, the command calculates the best estimate of the state by
considering all of the data in the past. To compute estimates of the states, the
command hypothesizes that the states follow specific linear equations with
Gaussian noise components.

Under this hypothesis, the least-squares estimate of the states are calculated
efficiently. This calculation is called the Kalman filter, or Kalman-Bucy filter. For
each state estimate, a confidence interval is obtained. The estimate is not a point
estimate. The estimate is a range of values that contain the observed, or
predicted, values.

The measurements might capture only some aspect of the state, but not
necessarily the whole state.

Missing values

The predict command can work with data that has missing values. The
command calculates the best estimates of the missing values.

Do not remove events with missing values, Removing the events might distort
the periodicity of the data. Do not specify cont=false with the timechart
command. Specifying cont=false removes events with missing values.

Specifying span

The unit for the span specified with the timechart command must be seconds or
higher. The predict command cannot accept subseconds as an input when it
calculates the period.


Example: Predict future downloads

Predict future downloads based on the previous download numbers.

index=download | timechart span=1d count(file) as count | predict count

Example: Predict the values using the default algorithm

Predict the values of foo using the default LLP5 algorithm, an algorithm that
combines the LLP and LLT algorithms.

... | timechart span="1m" count AS foo | predict foo

Example: Predict multiple fields using the same algorithm

Predict multiple fields using the same algorithm. The default algorithm in this

... | timechart ... | predict foo1 foo2 foo3

Example: Specifying different upper and lower confidence intervals

When specifying confidence intervals, the upper and lower confidence interval
values do not need to match. This example predicts 10 values for a field using
the LL algorithm, holding back the last 20 values in the data set.

... | timechart span="1m" count AS foo | predict foo AS foobar
algorithm=LL upper90=high lower97=low future_timespan=10 holdback=20

Example: Predict the values using the LLB algorithm

This example illustrates the LLB algorithm. The foo3 field is predicted by
correlating it with the foo2 field.

... | timechart span="1m" count(x) AS foo2 count(y) AS foo3 | predict

foo3 AS foobar algorithm=LLB correlate=foo2 holdback=100

Example: Omit the last 5 data points and predict 5 future values

In this example, the search abstains from using the last 5 data points and makes
5 future predictions. The predictions correspond to the last 5 values in the data.
You can judge how accurate the predictions are by checking whether the
observed values fall into the predicted confidence intervals.

... | timechart ... | predict foo holdback=5 future_timespan=5

Example: Predict multiple fields using the same algorithm and the same
future_timespan and holdback

Predict multiple fields using the same algorithm and same future_timespan and

... | timechart ... | predict foo1 foo2 foo3 algorithm=LLT

future_timespan=15 holdback=5

Example: Specify aliases for fields

Use aliases for the fields by specifying the AS keyword for each field.

... | timechart ... | predict foo1 AS foobar1 foo2 AS foobar2 foo3 AS

foobar3 algorithm=LLT future_timespan=15 holdback=5

Example: Predict multiple fields using different algorithms and options

Predict multiple fields using different algorithms and different options for each

... | timechart ... | predict foo1 algorithm=LL future_timespan=15 foo2

algorithm=LLP period=7 future_timespan=7

Example: Predict multiple fields using the BiLL algorithm

Predict values for foo1 and foo2 together using the bivariate algorithm BiLL.

... | timechart ... | predict foo1 foo2 algorithm=BiLL


See also

trendline, x11


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the predict command.


Use the rangemap command to categorize the values in a numeric field. The
command adds in a new field called range to each event and displays the
category in the range field. The values in the range field are based on the
numeric ranges that you specify.

Set the range field to the names of any attribute_name that the value of the input
field is within. If no range is matched, the range value is set to the default

The ranges that you set can overlap. If you have overlapping values, the range
field is created as a multivalue field containing all the values that apply. For
example, if low=1-10, elevated=5-15, and the input field value is 10, range=low
and code=elevated.


rangemap field=<string> (<attribute_name>=<numeric_range>)...


Required arguments

Syntax: field=<string>
Description: The name of the input field. This field must contain numeric

Optional arguments

Syntax: <string>=<num>-<num>
Description: The <attribute_name> is a string value that is output when
the <numeric_range> matches the value in the <field>. The
<attribute_name> is a output to the range field. The <numeric_range> is
the starting and ending values for the range. The values can be integers
or floating point numbers. The first value must be lower than the second.
The <numeric_range> can include negative values.
Example: Dislike=-5--1 DontCare=0-0 Like=1-5

Syntax: default=<string>
Description: If the input field does not match a range, use this to define a
default value.
Default: "None"


Example 1:

Set range to "green" if the date_second is between 1-30; "blue", if between

31-39; "red", if between 40-59; and "gray", if no range matches (for example, if

... | rangemap field=date_second green=1-30 blue=31-39 red=40-59


Example 2:

Sets the value of each event's range field to "low" if its count field is 0 (zero);
"elevated", if between 1-100; "severe", otherwise.

... | rangemap field=count low=0-0 elevated=1-100 default=severe

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the rangemap command.


Displays the least common values of a field.

Finds the least frequent tuple of values of all fields in the field list. If the
<by-clause> is specified, this command returns rare tuples of values for each
distinct tuple of values of the group-by fields.

This command operates identically to the top command, except that the rare
command finds the least frequent instead of the most frequent.


rare [<top-options>...] <field-list> [<by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>,...
Description: Comma-delimited list of field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: countfield=<string> | limit=<int> | percentfield=<string> |
showcount=<bool> | showperc=<bool>
Description: Options that specify the type and number of values to
display. These are the same <top-options> used by the top command.


Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Top options

Syntax: countfield=<string>
Description: The name of a new field to write the value of count into.
Default: "count"

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many tuples to return. If you specify limit=0,
all values up to maxresultrows are returned. See Limits section.
Specifying a value larger than maxresultrows produces an error.
Default: 10

Syntax: percentfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of percentage.
Default: "percent"

Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "count" (see
"countfield" option) with the count of that tuple.
Default: true

Syntax: showperc=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "percent" (see
"percentfield" option) with the relative prevalence of that tuple.
Default: true


The number of results returned by the rare command is controlled by the limit
argument. The default value for the limit argument is 10. You can change this
limit up to the maximum value specified in the maxresultrows setting in the
[rare] stanza in the limits.conf file. The default maximum is 50,000, which
effectively keeps a ceiling on the memory that the rare command uses.


1. Return the least common values in a field

Return the least common values in the "url" field. Limits the number of values
returned to 5.

... | rare url limit=5

2. Return the least common values organized by host

Find the least common values in the "user" field for each "host" value. By default,
a maximum of 10 results are returned.

... | rare user by host

See also

top, stats, sirare


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the rare command.


The regex command removes results that do not match the specified regular


regex (<field>=<regex-expression> | <field>!=<regex-expression> |


Required arguments

Syntax: "<string>"

Description: An unanchored regular expression. The regular expression
must be a Perl Compatible Regular Expression supported by the PCRE
library. Quotation marks are required.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Specify the field name from which to match the values
against the regular expression.
You can specify that the regex command keeps results that match the
expression by using <field>=<regex-expression>. To keep results that do
not match, specify <field>!=<regex-expression>.
Default: _raw


Use the regex command to remove results that do not match the specified
regular expression.

Use the rex command to either extract fields using regular expression named
groups, or replace or substitute characters in a field using sed expressions.

When you use regular expressions in searches, you need to be aware of how
characters such as pipe ( | ) and backslash ( \ ) are handled. See SPL and
regular expressions in the Search Manual.

For general information about regular expressions, see About Splunk regular
expressions in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


Example 1: Keep only search results whose "_raw" field contains IP addresses
in the non-routable class A ( This example uses a negative
lookbehind assertion at the beginning of the expression.

... | regex _raw="(?<!\d)10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?!\d)"

Example 2: Keep only the results that match a valid email address. For example,

...| regex email="/^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/"

The following table explains each part of the expression.

Part of the
/^ Specifies to start at the beginning of the string.
This is the first group in the expression. Specifies to match
one or more lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, dots,
or hyphens. The backslash ( \ ) character is used to escape
the dot ( . ) character. The dot character is escaped, because
a non-escaped dot matches any character. The plus ( + )
sign specifies to match from 1 to unlimited characters in this
group. In this example this part of the expression matches
buttercup in the email address buttercup@example.com.
@ Matches the at symbol.
This is the second group in the expression. Specifies to
match the domain name, which can be one or more
lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, dots, or hyphens.
This is followed by another escaped dot character. The plus (
+ ) sign specifies to match from 1 to unlimited characters in
this group. In this example this part of the expression
matches example in the email address
This is the third group. Specifies to match the top-level
domain (TLD), which can be 2 to 6 letters or dots. This group
([a-z\.]{2,6}) matches all types of TLDs, such as .co.uk, .edu, or .asia. In
this example it matches .com in the email address
See also

rex, search


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the regex command.


Calculates how well the event matches the query based on how well the events
_raw field matches the keywords of the 'search'. Saves the result into a field
named "relevancy". Useful for retrieving the best matching events/documents,
rather than the default time-based ordering. Events score a higher relevancy if
they have more rare search keywords, more frequently, in fewer terms. For
example a search for disk error will favor a short event/document that has
'disk' (a rare term) several times and 'error' once, than a very large event that has
'disk' once and 'error' several times.

Note: The relevancy command does not currently work. See SPL-93039 on the
Known issues page here:




Example 1: Calculate the relevancy of the search and sort the results in
descending order.

disk error | relevancy | sort -relevancy

See also

abstract, highlight, sort


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the relevancy command.



Creates a relative time field, called 'reltime', and sets this field to a human
readable value of the difference between 'now' and '_time'. Human-readable
values look like "5 days ago", "1 minute ago", "2 years ago", and so on.




Example 1:

Adds a field called reltime to the events returned from the search.

... | reltime

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the reltime command.


Use the rename command to rename one or more fields. This command is useful
for giving fields more meaningful names, such as "Product ID" instead of "pid". If
you want to rename fields with similar names, you can use a wildcard character.
See the Usage section.


rename <wc-field> AS <wc-field>...

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field and the name to replace it. You can use
wild card characters in the field names. Names with spaces must be
enclosed in quotation marks.


Rename with a phrase

Use quotation marks when you rename a field with a phrase.

... | rename SESSIONID AS "The session ID"

Rename multiple, similarly named fields

Use wildcards to rename multiple fields.

... | rename *ip AS *IPaddress

If both the source and destination fields are wildcard expressions with the same
number of wildcards, the renaming will carry over the wildcarded portions to the
destination expression. See Examples.

You cannot rename one field with multiple names

You cannot rename one field with multiple names. For example if you have field
A, you cannot specify | rename A as B, A as C. This rule also applies to other
commands where you can rename fields, such as the stats command.

The following example is not valid.

... | stats first(host) AS site, first(host) AS report

You cannot merge multiple fields into one field

You cannot use the rename command to merge multiple fields into one field
because null, or non-present, fields are brought along with the values.

For example, if you have events with either product_id or pid fields, ... |
rename pid AS product_id would not merge the pid values into the product_id

field. It overwrites product_id with Null values where pid does not exist for the
event. See the eval command and coalesce() function.

Renaming a field that does not exist

Renaming a field can cause loss of data.

Suppose you rename fieldA to fieldB, but fieldA does not exist.

• If fieldB does not exist, nothing happens.

• If fieldB does exist, the result of the rename is that the data in fieldB is
removed. The data in fieldB will contain null values.


Example 1:

Rename the "_ip" field to "IPAddress".

... | rename _ip AS IPAddress

Example 2:

Rename fields beginning with "foo" to begin with "bar".

... | rename foo* AS bar*

Example 3:

Rename the "count" field. Names with spaces must be enclosed in quotation

... | rename count AS "Count of Events"

See also

fields, table


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the rename command.


Replaces field values with the values that you specify.

Replaces a single occurrence of the first string with another string in the specified
fields. If you do not specify a one or more fields, the value is replaced in all fields.


replace (<wc-string> WITH <wc-string>)... [IN <field-list>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Specify one or more field values and their replacements.
You can use wildcard characters to match one or multiple terms.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <string> ...
Description: Specify a space delimited list of one or more field names for
the field value replacements. Replacement values on _internal fields,
require you to specify the field name with the IN <fieldname> clause.


Non-wildcard replacement values specified later take precedence over those

replacements specified earlier. For a wildcard replacement, fuller matches take
precedence over lesser matches. To assure precedence relationships, you are
advised to split the replace into two separate invocations. When using wildcard
replacements, the result must have the same number of wildcards, or none at all.
Wildcards ( * ) can be used to specify many values to replace, or replace values


Example 1:

Change any host value that ends with "localhost" to simply "localhost".

... | replace *localhost WITH localhost IN host

Example 2:

Change the order of strings in host values so that "localhost" precedes the other

... | replace "* localhost" WITH "localhost *" IN host

Example 3:

Change the value of two fields.

... | replace aug WITH August IN start_month end_month

Example 4:

Replace an IP address with a more descriptive name.

... | replace WITH localhost IN host

Example 5:

Replace values of a field with more descriptive names.

... | replace 0 WITH Critical, 1 WITH Error IN msg_level

Example 6:

Search for an error message and replace empty strings with a whitespace. Note:
This example will not work unless you have values that are actually the empty
string, which is not the same as not having a value.

"Error exporting to XYZ :" | rex "Error exporting to XYZ:(?.*)" |

replace "" WITH " " IN errmsg

Example 7:

Replace values of an internal field, _time.

sourcetype=* | head 5 | eval _time="XYZ" | stats count BY _time |
replace *XYZ* WITH *ALL* IN _time

See also

fillnull, rename


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the replace command.


The rest command reads a Splunk REST API endpoint and returns the resource
data as a search result.


| rest <rest-uri> [count=<int>] [splunk_server=<wc-string>]

[splunk_server_group=<wc-string>]... [timeout=<int>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <uri>
Description: URI path to the Splunk REST API endpoint.

Syntax: <string>
Description: REST argument name.

Syntax: <string>
Description: REST argument value.

Optional arguments

Syntax: count=<int>
Description: Limits the number of results returned. When count=0, there
is no limit.
Default: 0

Syntax: splunk_server=<wc-string>
Description: Specifies the distributed search peer from which to return
results. You can specify only one splunk_server argument, However, you
can use a wildcard character when you specify the server name to
indicate multiple servers. For example, you can specify
splunk_server=peer01 or splunk_server=peer*. Use local to refer to the
search head.
Default: All configured search peers return information

Syntax: splunk_server_group=<wc-string>...
Description: Limits the results to one or more server groups. You can
specify a wildcard character in the string to indicate multiple server

Syntax: timeout=<int>
Description: Specify the timeout in seconds when waiting for the REST
endpoint to respond.
Default: 60


The rest command authenticates using the ID of the person that runs the

For more information, see the REST API User Manual.


Example 1: Access saved search jobs.

| rest /services/search/jobs count=0 splunk_server=local | search


Example 2: Add current search user to all events (useful for creating reports that
only show events associated with logged in user).

* | head 10 | join [ | rest splunk_server=local

/services/authentication/current-context | rename username as
auth_user_id | fields auth_user_id ]


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the rest command.


Returns values from a subsearch.

The return command is used to pass values up from a subsearch. The

command replaces the incoming events with one event, with one attribute:
"search". To improve performance, the return command automatically limits the
number of incoming results with the head command and the resulting fields with
the fields command.

By default, the return command uses only the first row of results. Use the count
argument to specify the number of results to use.


return [<count>] [<alias>=<field>...] [<field>...] [$<field>...]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: Specify the number of rows.
Default: 1, which is the first row of results passed into the command.

Syntax: <alias>=<field>...
Description: Specify the field alias and value to return. You can specify
multiple pairs of aliases and values, separated by spaces.

Syntax: <field>...
Description: Specify one or more fields to return, separated by spaces.

Syntax: <$field>
Description: Specify one or more field values to return, separated by


The command is convenient for outputting a field name, a alias-value pair, or just
a field value.

Output Example
Field name return source

Alias=value return ip=srcip

Value return $srcip
By default, the return command uses only the first row of results. You can
specify multiple rows, for example 'return 2 ip'. Each row is viewed as an OR
clause, that is, output might be '(ip= OR (ip='. Multiple
values can be specified and are placed within OR clauses. So, 'return 2 user
ip' might output '(user=bob ip= OR (user=fred ip='.

In most cases, using the return command at the end of a subsearch removes
the need for head, fields, rename, format, and dedup.

Duplicate values

Suppose you have the following search:

sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security | return 2 user

You might logically expect the command to return the first two distinct users.
Instead the command looks at the first two events, based on the ordering from
the implied head command. The return command returns the users within those

two events. The command does not determine if the user value is unique. If the
same user is listed in these events, the command returns only the one user.

To return unique values, you need to include the dedup command in your search.
For example:

sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security | dedup user | return 2 user

Quotations in returned fields

The return command does not escape quotation marks that are in the fields that
are returned. You must use an eval command to escape the quotation marks
before you use the return command. For example:

...[search eval field2=replace(field1,"\"","\\\"") | return field2]


Example 1:

Search for 'error ip=<someip>', where <someip> is the most recent ip used by
user 'boss'.

error [ search user=boss | return ip ]

Example 2:

Search for 'error (user=user1 ip=ip1) OR (user=user2 ip=ip2)', where the

users and IPs come from the two most-recent logins.

error [ search login | return 2 user ip ]

Example 3:

Return to eval the userid of the last user, and increment it by 1.

... | eval nextid = 1 + [ search user=* | return $id ] | ...

See also

format, search


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the return command.




Reverses the order of the results.

Note: the reverse command does not affect which events are returned by the
search, only the order in which they are displayed. For the CLI, this includes any
default or explicit maxout setting.

Note: Reverse on very large result sets, which means sets with millions of results
or more, requires large amounts of temporary storage, I/O, and time.


Example 1:

Reverse the order of a result set.

... | reverse

See also

head, sort, tail


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the reverse command.


Use this command to either extract fields using regular expression named
groups, or replace or substitute characters in a field using sed expressions.

The rex command matches the value of the specified field against the
unanchored regular expression and extracts the named groups into fields of the
corresponding names. If a field is not specified, the regular expression is applied
to the _raw field. Note: Running rex against the _raw field might have a
performance impact.

When mode=sed, the given sed expression used to replace or substitute

characters is applied to the value of the chosen field. If a field is not specified, the
sed expression is applied to _raw. This sed-syntax is also used to mask sensitive
data at index-time. Read about using sed to anonymize data in the Getting Data
In Manual.

Use the rex command for search-time field extraction or string replacement
and character substitution.


rex [field=<field>] ( <regex-expression> [max_match=<int>]

[offset_field=<string>] ) | (mode=sed <sed-expression>)

Required arguments

Syntax: "<string>"
Description: The PCRE regular expression that defines the information to
match and extract from the specified field. Quotation marks are required.

Syntax: mode=sed
Description: Specify to indicate that you are using a sed (UNIX stream
editor) expression.

Syntax: "<string>"

Description: When mode=sed, specify whether to replace strings (s) or
substitute characters (y) in the matching regular expression. No other sed
commands are implemented. Quotation marks are required. Sed mode
supports the following flags: global (g) and Nth occurrence (N), where N is
a number that is the character location in the string.

Optional arguments

Syntax: field=<field>
Description: The field that you want to extract information from.
Default: _raw

Syntax: max_match=<int>
Description: Controls the number of times the regex is matched. If
greater than 1, the resulting fields are multivalued fields.
Default: 1, use 0 to mean unlimited.

Syntax: offset_field=<string>
Description: If provided, a field is created with the name specified by
<string>. This value of the field has the endpoints of the match in terms of
zero-offset characters into the matched field. For example, if the rex
expression is "(?<tenchars>.{10})", this matches the first ten characters of
the field, and the offset_field contents is "0-9".
Default: unset

Sed expression

When using the rex command in sed mode, you have two options: replace (s) or
character substitution (y).

The syntax for using sed to replace (s) text in your data is:

• <regex> is a PCRE regular expression, which can include capturing

• <replacement> is a string to replace the regex match. Use \n for
backreferences, where "n" is a single digit.
• <flags> can be either: g to replace all matches, or a number to replace a
specified match.

The syntax for using sed to substitute characters is: "y/<string1>/<string2>/"

• This substitutes the characters that match <string1> with the characters in


Use the rex command to either extract fields using regular expression named
groups, or replace or substitute characters in a field using sed expressions. Use
the regex command to remove results that do not match the specified regular

Splunk SPL uses perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE).

When you use regular expressions in searches, you need to be aware of how
characters such as pipe ( | ) and backslash ( \ ) are handled. See SPL and
regular expressions in the Search Manual.

For general information about regular expressions, see Splunk Enterprise regular
expressions in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


Example 1:

Extract "from" and "to" fields using regular expressions. If a raw event contains
"From: Susan To: Bob", then from=Susan and to=Bob.

... | rex field=_raw "From: (?<from>.*) To: (?<to>.*)"

Example 2:

Extract "user", "app" and "SavedSearchName" from a field called

"savedsearch_id" in scheduler.log events. If
savedsearch_id=bob;search;my_saved_search then user=bob , app=search and

... | rex field=savedsearch_id


Example 3:

Use sed syntax to match the regex to a series of numbers and replace them with
an anonymized string.

... | rex field=ccnumber mode=sed "s/(\d{4}-){3}/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-/g"

Example 4:

Display IP address and ports of potential attackers.

sourcetype=linux_secure port "failed password" | rex "\s+(?<ports>port

\d+)" | top src_ip ports showperc=0

This search used rex to extract the port field and values. Then, it displays a table
of the top source IP addresses (src_ip) and ports the returned with the search for
potential attackers.

See also

extract, kvform, multikv, regex, spath, xmlkv,


Buffers events from real-time search to emit them in ascending time order when

The rtorder command creates a streaming event buffer that takes input events,
stores them in the buffer in ascending time order, and emits them in that order
from the buffer. This is only done after the current time reaches at least the span
of time given by buffer_span, after the timestamp of the event.

Events are also emitted from the buffer if the maximum size of the buffer is

If an event is received as input that is earlier than an event that has already been
emitted previously, the out of order event is emitted immediately unless the
discard option is set to true. When discard is set to true, out of order events are
always discarded to assure that the output is strictly in time ascending order.


rtorder [discard=<bool>] [buffer_span=<span-length>] [max_buffer_size=<int>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: buffer_span=<span-length>
Description: Specify the length of the buffer.
Default: 10 seconds

Syntax: discard=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether or not to always discard out-of-order
Default: false

Syntax: max_buffer_size=<int>
Description: Specifies the maximum size of the buffer.
Default: 50000, or the max_result_rows setting of the [search] stanza in


Example 1:

Keep a buffer of the last 5 minutes of events, emitting events in ascending time
order once they are more than 5 minutes old. Newly received events that are
older than 5 minutes are discarded if an event after that time has already been

... | rtorder discard=t buffer_span=5m

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the rtorder command.

The run command is an alias for the script command. See the script command
for the syntax and examples.


Runs a saved search, or report, and returns the search results of a saved search.
If the search contains replacement placeholder terms, such as $replace_me$,
the search processor replaces the placeholders with the strings you specify. For

|savedsearch mysearch replace_me="value"


| savedsearch <savedsearch_name> [<savedsearch-options>...]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Name of the saved search to run.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <substitution-control> | <replacement>
Description: Specify whether substitutions are allowed. If allowed, specify
the key-value pair to use in the string substitution replacement.

Syntax: nosubstitution=<bool>
Description: If true, no string substitution replacements are made.
Default: false

Syntax: <field>=<string>

Description: A key-value pair to use in string substitution


The savedsearch command is a generating command and must start with a

leading pipe character.

The savedsearch command always runs a new search. To reanimate the results
of a previously run search, use the loadjob command.

Time ranges

• If you specify All Time in the time range picker, the savedsearch
command uses the time range that was saved with the saved search.

• If you specify any other time in the time range picker, the time range that
you specify overrides the time range that was saved with the saved


Example 1

Run the saved search "mysecurityquery".

| savedsearch mysecurityquery


Run the saved search "mysearch". Where the replacement placeholder term
$replace_me$ appears in the saved search, use "value" instead.

|savedsearch mysearch replace_me="value"...

See also

search, loadjob


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the savedsearch command.


Calls an external python program that can modify or generate search results.
Scripts must be declared in the commands.conf file and be located in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app_name>/bin/ directory. The script is executed using

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to install a custom script, file a Support
ticket. Before being installed, your script is checked to ensure it complies with
Splunk requirements for security, data safety, and so on.


script <script-name> [<script-arg>...] [maxinputs=<int>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of the scripted search command to run, as
defined in the commands.conf file.

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxinputs=<int>
Description: Specifies how many of the input results are passed to the
Default: 100

Syntax: <string> ...
Description: One or more arguments to pass to the script. If you are
passing multiple arguments, delimit each argument with a space.


The script command is effectively an alternative way to invoke custom search

commands. See About writing custom search commands.

The following search

| script commandname

is largely synonymous with

| commandname

Note: Some functions of the script command have been removed over time. The
explicit choice of Perl or Python as an argument is no longer functional and such
an argument is ignored. If you need to write Perl search commands you need to
declare them as Perl in the commands.conf file. This is not recommended, as you
need to determine a number of underdocumented things about the input and
output formats. Additionally, support for explicit filename reference for scripts in
the etc/searchscripts directory has been removed. All search commands must
now be declared in the commands.conf file.


Example 1:

Run the Python script "myscript" with arguments, myarg1 and myarg2; then,
email the results.

... | script myscript myarg1 myarg2 | sendemail to=david@splunk.com


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the script command.


Anonymizes the search results by replacing identifying data - usernames, ip

addresses, domain names, and so forth - with fictional values that maintain the
same word length. For example, it might turn the string
user=carol@adalberto.com into user=aname@mycompany.com. This lets Splunk
users share log data without revealing confidential or personal information.

See the Usage section for more information.


scrub [public-terms=<filename>] [private-terms=<filename>]

[name-terms=<filename>] [dictionary=<filename>] [timeconfig=<filename>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: public-terms=<filename>
Description: Specify a filename that includes the public terms NOT to

Syntax: private-terms=<filename>
Description: Specify a filename that includes the private terms to

Syntax: name-terms=<filename>
Description: Specify a filename that includes the names to anonymize.

Syntax: dictionary=<filename>
Description: Specify a filename that includes a dictionary of terms NOT to
anonymize, unless those terms are in the private-terms file.

Syntax: timeconfig=<filename>
Description: Specify a filename that includes the time configurations to

Syntax: namespace=<string>
Description: Specify an application that contains the alternative files to
use for anonymizing, instead of using the built-in anonymizing files.


By default, the scrub command uses the dictionary and configuration files that
are located in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/anonymizer directory. These default files

can be overridden by specifying arguments to the scrub command. The
arguments exactly correspond to the settings in the splunk anonymize CLI
command. For details, issue the splunk help anonymize command.

You can add your own versions of the configuration files to the default location.

Alternatively, you can specify an application where you maintain your own copy
of the dictionary and configuration files. To specify the application, use the
namespace=<string> argument, where <string> is the name of the application that
corresponds to the name that appears in the path

If the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app>/anonymizer directory does not exist, the

Splunk software looks for the files in the
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave-apps/<app>/anonymizer directory.

The scrub command anonymizes all attributes, except those that start with _
(except _raw) or date_, or the following attributes: eventtype, linecount,
punct, sourcetype, timeendpos, timestartpos.


1. Anonymize the current search results using the default files.

... | scrub

2. Anonymize the current search results using the specified private-terms


This search uses the abc_private-terms file that is located in the

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/anonymizer directory.

... | scrub private-file=abc_private-terms


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the scrub command.


Use the search command to retrieve events from indexes or filter the results of a
previous search command in the pipeline. You can retrieve events from your
indexes, using keywords, quoted phrases, wildcards, and field-value
expressions. The search command is implied at the beginning of any search.
You do not need to specify the search command at the beginning of your search

When the search command is not the first command in the pipeline, the search
command is used to filter the results of the previous command and is referred to
as a subsearch. See about subsearches in the Search Manual.

After you retrieve events, you can apply commands to transform, filter, and report
on the events. Use the vertical bar "|" , or pipe character, to apply a command to
the retrieved events.


search <logical-expression>

Required arguments

Syntax: <logical-expression> | <time-opts> | <search-modifier> | NOT
<logical-expression> | <index-expression> | <comparison-expression> |
<logical-expression> [OR] <logical-expression>
Description: Includes all keywords or field-value pairs used to describe
the events to retrieve from the index. Include parenthesis as necessary.
Use Boolean expressions, comparison operators, time modifiers, search
modifiers, or combinations of expressions for this argument.

Logical expression options

Syntax: <field><comparison-operator><value> | <field> IN (<value-list>)
Description: Compare a field to a literal value or provide a list of values
that can appear in the field.


Syntax: "<string>" | <term> | <search-modifier>
Description: Describe the events you want to retrieve from the index
using literal strings and search modifiers.

Syntax: [<timeformat>] (<time-modifier>)*
Description: Describe the format of the starttime and endtime terms of
the search

Comparison expression options

Syntax: = | != | < | <= | > | >=
Description: You can use comparison operators when searching
field/value pairs. Comparison expressions with the equal ( = ) or not
equal ( != ) operator compare string values. For example, "1" does not
match "1.0". Comparison expressions with greater than or less than
operators < > <= >= numerically compare two numbers and
lexicographically compare other values. See Usage.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field.

Syntax: <literal-value>
Description: In comparison-expressions, the literal number or string value
of a field.

Syntax: (<literal-value>, <literal-value>, ...)
Description: Used with the IN operator to specify two or more values. For
example use error IN (400, 402, 404, 406) instead of error=400 OR
error=402 OR error=404 OR error=406

Index expression options

Syntax: "<string>"
Description: Specify keywords or quoted phrases to match. When
searching for strings and quoted strings (anything that's not a search
modifier), Splunk software searches the _raw field for the matching events
or results.

Syntax: <sourcetype-specifier> | <host-specifier> | <hosttag-specifier> |
<source-specifier> | <savedsplunk-specifier> | <eventtype-specifier> |
<eventtypetag-specifier> | <splunk_server-specifier>
Description: Search for events from specified fields or field tags. For
example, search for one or a combination of hosts, sources, source types,
saved searches, and event types. Also, search for the field tag, with the
format: tag::<field>=<string>.

• Read more about searching with default fields in the Knowledge Manager
• Read more about using tags and field aliases in the Knowledge Manager

Syntax: sourcetype=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified sourcetype field.

Syntax: host=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified host field.

Syntax: hosttag=<string>
Description: Search for events that have hosts that are tagged by
the string.

Syntax: eventtype=<string>
Description: Search for events that match the specified event type.

Syntax: eventtypetag=<string>
Description: Search for events that would match all eventtypes
tagged by the string.

Syntax: savedsearch=<string> | savedsplunk=<string>
Description: Search for events that would be found by the
specified saved search.

Syntax: source=<string>

Description: Search for events from the specified source field.

Syntax: splunk_server=<string>
Description: Search for events from a specific server. Use "local"
to refer to the search head.

Time options

For a list of time modifiers, see Time modifiers for search.

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Set the time format for starttime and endtime terms.
Default: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S.

Syntax: starttime=<string> | endtime=<string> | earliest=<time_modifier> |
Description: Specify start and end times using relative or absolute time.

Note: You can also use the earliest and latest attributes to specify absolute and
relative time ranges for your search. For more about this time modifier syntax,
see About search time ranges in the Search Manual.

Syntax: starttime=<string>
Description: Events must be later or equal to this time. Must match

Syntax: endtime=<string>
Description: All events must be earlier or equal to this time.


The search command is a generating command that enables you to use

keywords, phrases, fields, boolean expressions, and comparison expressions to
specify exactly which events you want to retrieve from Splunk indexes.

Some examples of search terms are:

• keywords: error login

• quoted phrases: "database error"
• boolean operators: login NOT (error OR fail)
• wildcards: fail*
• field values: status=404, status!=404, or status>200

See Use the search command in the Search Manual.

Comparing two fields

To compare two fields, do not specify index=myindex fieldA=fieldB or

index=myindex fieldA!=fieldB with the search command. When specifying a
comparison_expression, the search command expects a <field> compared with a
<value>. The search command interprets fieldB as the value, and not as the
name of a field.

Use the where command to compare two fields.

index=myindex | where fieldA=fieldB

For not equal comparisons, you can specify the criteria in several ways.

index=myindex | where fieldA!=fieldB


index=myindex | where NOT fieldA=fieldB

See Difference between NOT and != in the Search Manual.

Multiple field-value comparisons with the IN operator

Use the IN operator when you want to determine if a field contains one of several

For example, use this syntax:

... error_code IN (400, 402, 404, 406) | ...
Instead of this syntax:
... error_code=400 OR error_code=402 OR error_code=404 OR
error_code=406 | ...

When used with the search command, you can use a wildcard character in the
list of values for the IN operator. For example:

... error_code IN (40*) | ...

There is also an IN function that you can use with the eval and where commands.
Wild card characters are not allowed in the values list when the IN function is
used with the eval and where commands. See Comparison and Conditional

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.

Quotes and escaping characters

In general, you need quotation marks around phrases and field values that
include white spaces, commas, pipes, quotations, and brackets. Quotation marks
must be balanced. An opening quotation must be followed by an unescaped
closing quotation. For example:

• A search such as error | stats count will find the number of events
containing the string error.
• A search such as ... | search "error | stats count" would return the
raw events containing error, a pipe, stats, and count, in that order.

Additionally, you want to use quotation marks around keywords and phrases if
you do not want to search for their default meaning, such as Boolean operators
and field/value pairs. For example:

• A search for the keyword AND without meaning the Boolean operator:
error "AND"
• A search for this field/value phrase: error "startswith=foo"

The backslash character ( \ ) is used to escape quotes, pipes, and itself.
Backslash escape sequences are still expanded inside quotation marks. For

• The sequence \| as part of a search will send a pipe character to the

command, instead of having the pipe split between commands.
• The sequence \" will send a literal quotation mark to the command, for
example for searching for a literal quotation mark or inserting a literal
quotation mark into a field using rex.
• The \\ sequence will be available as a literal backslash in the command.

Unrecognized backslash sequences are not altered:

• For example \s in a search string will be available as \s to the command,

because \s is not a known escape sequence.
• However, in the search string \\s will be available as \s to the command,
because \\ is a known escape sequence that is converted to \.

Search with TERM()

You can use the TERM() directive to force Splunk software to match whatever is
inside the parentheses as a single term in the index. TERM is more useful when
the term contains minor segmenters, such as periods, and is bounded by major
segmenters, such as spaces or commas. In fact, TERM does not work for terms
that are not bounded by major breakers.

See Use CASE and TERM to match phrases in the Search Manual.

Search with CASE()

You can use the CASE() directive to search for terms and field values that are

See Use CASE and TERM to match phrases in the Search Manual.


These examples demonstrate how to use the search command. You can find
more examples in the Start Searching topic of the Search Tutorial.

1. Field-value pair matching

This example demonstrates field-value pair matching for specific values of

source IP (src) and destination IP (dst).

src="10.9.165.*" OR dst=""

2. Using boolean and comparison operators

This example demonstrates field-value pair matching with boolean and

comparison operators. Search for events with code values of either 10 or 29, and
any host that isn't "localhost", and an xqp value that is greater than 5.

(code=10 OR code=29) host!="localhost" xqp>5

In this example you could also use the IN operator since you are specifying two
field-value pairs on the same field. The revised search is:

code IN(10, 29) host!="localhost" xqp>5

3. Using wildcards

This example demonstrates field-value pair matching with wildcards. Search for
events from all the web servers that have an HTTP client or server error status.

host=webserver* (status=4* OR status=5*)

In this example you could also use the IN operator since you are specifying two
field-value pairs on the same field. The revised search is:

host=webserver* status IN(4*, 5*)

4. Using the IN operator

This example shows how to use the IN operator to specify a list of field-value pair
matchings. In the events from an access.log file, search the action field for the
values addtocart or purchase.

sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie action IN (addtocart, purchase)

5. Specifying a secondary search

This example uses the search command twice. The search command is implied
at the beginning of every search with the criteria eventtype=web-traffic. The

search command is used again later in the search pipeline to filter out the results.
This search defines a web session using the transaction command and
searches for the user sessions that contain more than three events.

eventtype=web-traffic | transaction clientip startswith="login"

endswith="logout" | search eventcount>3

6. Using the NOT or != comparisons

Searching with the boolean "NOT"comparison operator is not the same as using
the "!=" comparison.

The following search returns everything except fieldA="value2", including all

other fields.

NOT fieldA="value2"

The following search returns events where fieldA exists and does not have the
value "value2".


If you use a wildcard for the value, NOT fieldA=* returns events where fieldA is
null or undefined, and fieldA!=* never returns any events.

See Difference between NOT and != in the Search Manual.


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the search command.


Efficiently returns transaction events that match a transaction type and contain
specific text. If you have Splunk Cloud and want to define transaction types, file a
Support ticket.


| searchtxn <transaction-name> [max_terms=<int>] [use_disjunct=<bool>]

[eventsonly=<bool>] <search-string>

Required arguments

Syntax: <transactiontype>
Description: The name of the transaction type stanza that is defined in

Syntax: <string>
Description: Terms to search for within the transaction events.

Optional arguments

Syntax: eventsonly=<bool>
Description: If true, retrieves only the relevant events but does not run "|
transaction" command.
Default: false

Syntax: maxterms=<int>
Description: Integer between 1-1000 which determines how many unique
field values all fields can use. Using smaller values speeds up search,
favoring more recent values.
Default: 1000

Syntax: use_disjunct=<bool>
Description: Specifies if each term in <search-string> should be
processed as if separated by an OR operator on the initial search.
Default: true


The searchtxn command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.

The command works only for transactions bound together by particular field
values, not by ordering or time constraints.

Suppose you have a <transactiontype> stanza in the

transactiontypes.conf.in file called "email". The stanza contains the following

• fields=qid, pid
• search=sourcetype=sendmail_syslog to=root

The searchtxn command finds all of the events that match

sourcetype="sendmail_syslog" to=root.

From those results, all fields that contain a qid or pid located are used to further
search for relevant transaction events. When no additional qid or pid values are
found, the resulting search is run:

sourcetype="sendmail_syslog" ((qid=val1 pid=val1) OR (qid=valn

pid=valm) | transaction name=email | search to=root


Example 1:

Find all email transactions to root from David Smith.

| searchtxn email to=root from="David Smith"

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the searchtxn command.



Join search result rows with other search result rows in the same result set,
based on one or more fields that you specify.


selfjoin [<selfjoin-options>...] <field-list>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>...
Description: The field or list of fields to join on.

Optional arguments

Syntax: overwrite=<bool> | max=<int> | keepsingle=<bool>
Description: Options that control the search result set that is returned.
You can specify one or more of these options.

Selfjoin options

Syntax: keepsingle=<bool>
Description: Controls whether or not to retain results that have with a
unique value in the join fields. When keepsingle=true search results that
have no other results to join with are kept in the output.
Default: false

Syntax: max=<int>
Description: Indicates the maximum number of 'other' results to join with
each main result. If max=0, there is no limit. This argument sets the
maximum for the 'other' results. The maximum number of main results is
Default: 1

Sytnax: overwrite=<bool>
Description: When overwrite=true, causes fields from the 'other' results
to overwrite fields of the main results. The main results are used as the

basis for the join.
Default: true


Self joins are more commonly used with relational database tables. They are
used less commonly with event data.

An example of an events usecase is with events that contain information about

processes, where each process has a parent process ID. You can use the
selfjoin command to correlate information about a process with information
about the parent process.

See the Extended example.

Basic example

1: Use a single field to join results

Join the results with itself on the 'id' field.

... | selfjoin id

Extended example

The following example shows how the selfjoin command works against a
simple set of results. You can follow along with this example on your own Splunk

This example builds a search incrementally. With each addition to the search, the
search is rerun and the impact of the additions are shown in a results table. The
values in the _time field change each time you rerun the search. However, in this
example the values in the results table are not changed so that we can focus on
how the changes to the search impact the results.

1. Start by creating a simple set of 5 results by using the makeresults command.

| makeresults count=5

There are 5 results created, each with the same timestamp.


2018-01-18 14:38:59
2018-01-18 14:38:59
2018-01-18 14:38:59
2018-01-18 14:38:59
2018-01-18 14:38:59
2. To keep better track of each result use the streamstats command to add a
field that numbers each result.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a

The a field is added to the results.

_time a
2018-01-18 14:38:59 1
2018-01-18 14:38:59 2
2018-01-18 14:38:59 3
2018-01-18 14:38:59 4
2018-01-18 14:38:59 5
3. Additionally, use the eval command to change the timestamps to be 60
seconds apart. Different timestamps makes this example more realistic.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +


The minute portion of the timestamp is updated.

_time a
2018-01-18 14:38:59 1
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5
4. Next use the eval command to create a field to use as the field to join the
results on.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +

(60*a) | eval joiner="x"

The new field is added.

_time a joiner
2018-01-18 14:38:59 1 x
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2 x
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3 x
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4 x
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5 x
5. Use the eval command to create some fields with data.

An if function is used with a modulo (modulus) operation to add different data to

each of the new fields. A modulo operation finds the remainder after the division
of one number by another number:

• The eval b command processes each result and performs a modulo

operation. If the remainder of a/2 is 0, put ?something? into the field ?b?,
otherwise put "nada" into field ?b?.
• The eval c command processes each result and performs a modulo
operation. If the remainder a/2 is 1, put ?something else? into the field
?c?, otherwise put nothing (NULL) into field ?c?.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +

(60*a) | eval joiner="x" | eval b = if(a%2==0,"something","nada"), c =

The new fields are added and the fields are arranged in alphabetical order by
field name, except for the _time field.

_time a b c joiner
2018-01-18 14:38:59 1 nada somethingelse x
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2 something x
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3 nada somethingelse x
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4 something x
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5 nada somethingelse x
6. Use the selfjoin command to join the results on the joiner field.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +

(60*a) | eval joiner="x" | eval b = if(a%2==0,"something","nada"), c =
if(a%2==1,"somethingelse",null()) | selfjoin joiner

The results are joined.

_time a b c joiner
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2 something somethingelse x
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3 nada somethingelse x
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4 something somethingelse x
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5 nada somethingelse x
7. To understand how the selfjoin command joins the results together, remove
the | selfjoin joiner portion of the search. Then modify the search to append
the values from the a field to the values in the b and c fields.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +

(60*a) | eval joiner="x" | eval b = if(a%2==0,"something"+a,"nada"+a),
c = if(a%2==1,"somethingelse"+a,null())

The results now have the row number appended to the values in the b and c

_time a b c joiner
2018-01-18 14:38:59 1 nada1 somethingelse1 x
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2 something2 x
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3 nada3 somethingelse3 x
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4 something4 x
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5 nada5 somethingelse5 x
8. Now add the selfjoin command back into the search.

| makeresults count=5 | streamstats count as a | eval _time = _time +

(60*a) | eval joiner="x" | eval b = if(a%2==0,"something"+a,"nada"+a),
c = if(a%2==1,"somethingelse"+a,null()) | selfjoin joiner

The results of the self join.

_time a b c joiner
2018-01-18 14:39:59 2 something2 somethingelse1 x
2018-01-18 14:40:59 3 nada3 somethingelse3 x
2018-01-18 14:41:59 4 something4 somethingelse3 x
2018-01-18 14:42:59 5 nada5 somethingelse5 x

If there are values for a field in both rows, the last result row, based on the _time
value, takes precedence. The joins performed are shown in the following table.

Output Description
Row 1 is joined In field b, the value nada1 is discarded because the
with row 2 and value something2 in row 2 takes precedence. In
returned as row field c, there is no value in row 2. The value
2. somethingelse1 from row 1 is returned.

Row 2 is joined
Since row 3 contains values for both field b and field
with row 3 and
2 c, the values in row 3 take precedence and the
returned as row
values in row 2 are discarded.
Row 3 is joined In field b, the value nada3 is discarded because the
with row 4 and value something4 in row 4 takes precedence. In
returned as row field c, there is no value in row 4. The value
4. somethingelse3 from row 3 is returned.

Row 4 is joined
Since row 5 contains values for both field b and field
with row 5 and
4 c, the values in row 5 take precedence and the
returned as row
values in row 4 are discarded.
Row 5 has no
5 other row to join No additional results are returned.
(Thanks to Splunk user Alacercogitatus for helping with this example.)

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the selfjoin command.



Use the sendemail command to generate email notifications. You can email
search results to specified email addresses.


sendemail to=<email_list>

[format=csv | table | raw]
[inline= <bool>]
[priority=highest | high | normal | low | lowest]
[content_type=html | plain]
[papersize=letter | legal | ledger | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5]
[paperorientation=portrait | landscape]
[maxtime=<int> m | s | h | d]

Required arguments

Syntax: to=<email_list>
Description: List of email addresses to send search results to. Specify
email addresses in a comma-separated and quoted list. For example:
"alex@email.com, maria@email.com, wei@email.com"

Optional arguments

Syntax: bcc=<email_list>
Description: Blind courtesy copy line. Specify email addresses in a
comma-separated and quoted list.

Syntax: cc=<email_list>
Description: Courtesy copy line. Specify email addresses in a
comma-separated and quoted list.

Syntax: content_type=html | plain
Description: The format type of the email.
Default: The default value for the content_type argument is set in the
[email] stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new
or upgraded Splunk installation is html.

Syntax: format=csv | raw | table
Description: Specifies how to format inline results.
Default: The default value for the format argument is set in the [email]
stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new or
upgraded Splunk installation is table.

Syntax: footer=<string>
Description: Specify an alternate email footer.
Default: The default footer is:
If you believe you've received this email in error,
please see your Splunk administrator.
splunk > the engine for machine data.

To force a new line in the footer, use Shift+Enter.

Syntax: from=<email_list>
Description: Email address from line.
Default: "splunk@<hostname>"

Syntax: inline=<boolean>

Description: Specifies whether to send the results in the message body
or as an attachment. By default, an attachment is provided as a CSV file.
See the Usage section.
Default: The default value for the inline argument is set in the [email]
stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new or
upgraded Splunk installation is false.

Syntax: graceful=<boolean>
Description: If set to true, no error is returned if sending the email fails for
whatever reason. The remainder of the search continues as if the the
sendemail command was not part of the search. If graceful=false and
sending the email fails, the search returns an error.
Default: false

Syntax: maxinputs=<integer>
Description: Set the maximum number of search results sent via alerts.
Default: 50000

Syntax: maxtime=<integer>m | s | h | d
Description: The maximum amount of time that the execution of an action
is allowed to take before the action is aborted.
Example: 2m
Default: no limit

Syntax: message=<string>
Description: Specifies the message sent in the email.
Default: The default message depends on which other arguments are
specified with the sendemail command.
◊ If sendresults=false the message defaults to "Search complete."
◊ If sendresults=true, inline=true, and either sendpdf=false or
sendcsv=false, message defaults to "Search results."
◊ If sendpdf=true or sendcsv=true, message defaults to "Search
results attached."

Syntax: paperorientation=portrait | landscape
Description: The orientation of the paper.
Default: portrait

Syntax: papersize=letter | legal | ledger | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5
Description: Default paper size for PDFs. Acceptable values: letter, legal,
ledger, a2, a3, a4, a5.
Default: letter

Syntax: pdfview=<string>
Description: Name of view to send as a PDF.

Syntax: priority=highest | high | normal | low | lowest
Description: Set the priority of the email as it appears in the email client.
Lowest or 5, low or 4, high or 2, highest or 1.
Default: normal or 3

Syntax: sendcsv=<boolean>
Description: Specify whether to send the results with the email as an
attached CSV file or not.
Default: The default value for the sendcsv argument is set in the [email]
stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new or
upgraded Splunk installation is false.

Syntax: sendpdf=<boolean>
Description: Specify whether to send the results with the email as an
attached PDF or not. For more information about generating PDFs, see
"Generate PDFs of your reports and dashboards" in the Reporting
Default: The default value for the sendpdf argument is set in the [email]
stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new or
upgraded Splunk installation is false.

Syntax: sendresults=<boolean>
Description: Determines whether the results should be included with the
email. See the Usage section.
Default: The default value for the sendresults argument is set in the
[email] stanza of the alert_actions.conf file. The default value for a new
or upgraded Splunk installation is false.


Syntax: server=<string>
Description: If the SMTP server is not local, use this to specify it.
Default: localhost

Syntax: subject=<string>
Description: Specifies the subject line.
Default: "Splunk Results"

Syntax: use_ssl=<boolean>
Description: Whether to use SSL when communicating with the SMTP
server. When set to 1 (true), you must also specify both the server name
or IP address and the TCP port in the "mailserver" attribute.
Default: false

Syntax: use_tls=<boolean>
Description: Specify whether to use TLS (transport layer security) when
communicating with the SMTP server (starttls).
Default: false

Syntax: width_sort_columns=<boolean>
Description: This is only valid for plain text emails. Specifies whether the
columns should be sorted by their width.
Default: true


If you set sendresults=true and inline=false and do not specify format, a CSV
file is attached to the email.


1: Send search results to the specified email

Send search results to the specified email. By default, the results are formatted
as a table.

... | sendemail to="elvis@splunk.com" sendresults=true

2: Send search results in table format

Send search results in a raw format with the subject "myresults".

... | sendemail to="elvis@splunk.com,john@splunk.com" format=raw

subject=myresults server=mail.splunk.com sendresults=true

3. Include a PDF attachment, a message, and raw inline results

Send an email notification with a PDF attachment, a message, and raw inline

index=_internal | head 5 | sendemail to=example@splunk.com

server=mail.example.com subject="Here is an email from Splunk"
message="This is an example message" sendresults=true inline=true
format=raw sendpdf=true


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sendemail command.


Performs set operations on subsearches.


| set (union | diff | intersect) subsearch subsearch

Required arguments

union | diff | intersect

Syntax: union | diff | intersect
Description: Performs two subsearches, then executes the specified set
operation on the two sets of search results.
* Specify union to return results from either subsearch.
* Specify diff to return results from only one of the two subsearches.
There is no information provided as to which subsearch the results
originated from.

* Specify intersect to return results that are common to both

Syntax: "[" <string> "]"
Description: Specifies a subsearch. Subsearches must be enclosed in
square brackets. For more information about subsearch syntax, see
"About subsearches" in the Search Manual.


The set command is a generating command and should be the first command in
the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


The set command considers results to be the same if all of fields that the results
contain match. Some internal fields generated by the search, such as _serial,
vary from search to search. You need to filter out some of the fields if you are
using the set command with raw events, as opposed to transformed results such
as those from a stats command. Typically in these cases, all fields are the same
from search to search.

Output limitations

There is a limit on the quantity of results that come out of the invoked
subsearches that the set command receives to operate on. If this limit is
exceeded, the input result set to the diff command is silently truncated.

If you have Splunk Enterprise, you can adjust this limit by editing the limits.conf
file and changing the maxout value in the [subsearch] stanza. If this value is
altered, the default quantity of results coming from a variety of subsearch
scenarios are altered. Note that very large values might cause extensive stalls
during the 'parsing' phase of a search, which is when subsearches run. The
default value for this limit is 10000.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to edit a configuration file, file a Support

Result rows limitations

By default the set command attempts to traverse a maximum of 50000 items

from each subsearch. If the number of input results from either search exceeds
this limit, the set command silently ignores the remaining events. By default, the
maxout setting for subsearches prevents the number of results from exceeding
this limit.

This maximum is controlled by the maxresultrows setting in the [set] stanza in the
limits.conf file. Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to edit a configuration file, file a Support


Example 1:

Return values of "URL" that contain the string "404" or "303" but not both.

| set diff [search 404 | fields url] [search 303 | fields url]

Example 2:

Return all urls that have 404 errors and 303 errors.

| set intersect [search 404 | fields url] [search 303 | fields url]

Note: When you use the fields command in your subsearches, it does not filter
out internal fields by default. If you do not want the set command to compare
internal fields, such as the _raw or _time fields, you need to explicitly exclude
them from the subsearches:

| set intersect [search 404 | fields url | fields - _*] [search 303 |
fields url | fields - _*]

See also

append, appendcols, appendpipe, join, diff


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the set command.


Sets the field values for all results to a common value.

Sets the value of the given fields to the specified values for each event in the
result set. Delimit multiple definitions with commas. Missing fields are added,
present fields are overwritten.

Whenever you need to change or define field values, you can use the more
general purpose eval command. See usage of an eval expression to set the
value of a field in Example 1.


setfields <setfields-arg>, ...

Required arguments

Syntax: string="<string>", ...
Description: A key-value pair, with the value quoted. If you specify
multiple key-value pairs, separate each pair with a comma. Standard key
cleaning is performed. This means all non-alphanumeric characters are
replaced with '_' and leading '_' are removed.


Example 1:

Specify a value for the ip and foo fields.

... | setfields ip="", foo="foo bar"

To do this with the eval command:

... | eval ip="" | eval foo="foo bar"

See also

eval, fillnull, rename


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the setfields command.

Summary indexing is a method you can use to speed up long-running searches
that do not qualify for report acceleration, such as searches that use commands
that are not streamable before the reporting command. For more information,
see "About report accelleration and summary indexing" and "Use summary
indexing for increased reporting efficiency" in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


The summary indexing version of the chart command. The sichart command
populates a summary index with the statistics necessary to generate a chart
visualization. For example, it can create a column, line, area, or pie chart. After
you populate the summary index, you can use the chart command with the exact
same search that you used with the sichart command to search against the
summary index.


sichart [sep=<string>] [format=<string>] [cont=<bool>] [limit=<int>]

[agg=<stats-agg-term>] ( <stats-agg-term> | <sparkline-agg-term> |
"("<eval-expression>")" )... [ BY <field> [<bins-options>... ] [<split-by-clause>] ] | [
OVER <field> [<bins-options>...] [BY <split-by-clause>] ]

For syntax descriptions, refer to the chart command.

For information about functions that you can use with the sichart command, see
Statistical and charting functions.


Example 1:

Compute the necessary information to later do 'chart avg(foo) by bar' on

summary indexed results.

... | sichart avg(foo) by bar

See also

chart, collect, overlap, sirare, sistats, sitimechart, sitop


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sichart command.

Summary indexing is a method you can use to speed up long-running searches
that do not qualify for report acceleration, such as searches that use commands
that are not streamable before the reporting command. For more information,
see "About report accelleration and summary indexing" and "Use summary
indexing for increased reporting efficiency" in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


The sirare command is the summary indexing version of the rare command,
which returns the least common values of a field or combination of fields. The
sirare command populates a summary index with the statistics necessary to
generate a rare report. After you populate the summary index, use the regular
rare command with the exact same search string as the rare command search
to report against it.


rare [<top-options>...] <field-list> [<by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>,...
Description: Comma-delimited list of field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Syntax: countfield=<string> | limit=<int> | percentfield=<string> |
showcount=<bool> | showperc=<bool>
Description: Options that specify the type and number of values to
display. These are the same <top-options> used by the rare and top

Top options

Syntax: countfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of count.
Default: "count"

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many tuples to return, "0" returns all values.

Syntax: percentfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of percentage.
Default: "percent"

Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "count" (see
"countfield" option) with the count of that tuple.
Default: true

Syntax: showpercent=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "percent" (see
"percentfield" option) with the relative prevalence of that tuple.
Default: true


Example 1:

Compute the necessary information to later do 'rare foo bar' on summary indexed

... | sirare foo bar

See also

collect, overlap, sichart, sistats, sitimechart, sitop


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sirare command.


The sistats command is one of several commands that you can use to create
summary indexes. Summary indexing is one of the methods that you can use to

speed up searches that take a long time to run.

The sistats command is the summary indexing version of the stats command,
which calculates aggregate statistics over the dataset.

The sistats command populates a summary index. You must then create a
report to generate the summary statistics. See the Usage section.


sistats [allnum=<bool>] [delim=<string>] ( <stats-agg-term> |

<sparkline-agg-term> ) [<by clause>]

• For descriptions of each of the arguments in this syntax, refer to the stats
• For information about functions that you can use with the sistats
command, see Statistical and charting functions.


The summary indexes exist separately from your main indexes.

After you create the summary index, create a report by running a search against
the summary index. You use the exact same search string that you used to
populate the summary index, substituting the stats command for the sistats
command, to create your reports.

For more information, see About report accelleration and summary indexing and
Use summary indexing for increased reporting efficiency in the Knowledge
Manager Manual.

Memory and maximum results

In the limits.conf file, the maxresultrows setting in the [searchresults] stanza

specifies the maximum number of results to return. The default value is 50,000.
Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

The max_mem_usage_mb setting in the [default] stanza is used to limit how much
memory the sistats command uses to keep track of information. If the sistats
command reaches this limit, the command stops adding the requested fields to
the search results. You can increase the limit, contingent on the available system

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to change either of these limits, file a
Support ticket.


Example 1:

Create a summary index with the statistics about the average, for each hour, of
any unique field that ends with the string "lay". For example, delay, xdelay, relay,

... | sistats avg(*lay) BY date_hour

To create a report, run a search against the summary index using this search

index=summary | stats avg(*lay) BY date_hour

See also

collect, overlap, sichart, sirare, sitop, sitimechart

For a detailed explanation and examples of summary indexing, see Use

summary indexing for increased reporting efficiency in the Knowledge Manager


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sistats command.

Summary indexing is a method you can use to speed up long-running searches
that do not qualify for report acceleration, such as searches that use commands
that are not streamable before the reporting command. For more information,
see "About report accelleration and summary indexing" and "Use summary
indexing for increased reporting efficiency" in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


The sitimechart command is the summary indexing version of the timechart

command, which creates a time-series chart visualization with the corresponding
table of statistics. The sitimechart command populates a summary index with
the statistics necessary to generate a timechart report. After you populate the
summary index, use the regular timechart command with the exact same search
string as the sitimechart command search to report against it.


sitimechart [sep=<string>] [partial=<bool>] [cont=<t|f>] [limit=<int>]

[agg=<stats-agg-term>] [<bucketing-option>... ] (<single-agg> [BY <by-clause>] )
| ( (<eval-expression>) BY <by-clause> )

For syntax descriptions, refer to the timechart command.

For information about functions that you can use with the timechart command,
see Statistical and charting functions.


Example 1:

Compute the necessary information to later do 'timechart avg(foo) by bar' on

summary indexed results.

... | sitimechart avg(foo) by bar

See also

collect, overlap, sichart, sirare, sistats, sitop


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sitimechart command.

Summary indexing is a method you can use to speed up long-running searches
that do not qualify for report acceleration, such as searches that use commands
that are not streamable before the reporting command. For more information,
see "About report accelleration and summary indexing" and "Use summary
indexing for increased reporting efficiency" in the Knowledge Manager Manual.


The sitop command is the summary indexing version of the top command,
which returns the most frequent value of a field or combination of fields. The
sitop command populates a summary index with the statistics necessary to
generate a top report. After you populate the summary index, use the regular top
command with the exact same search string as the sitop command search to
report against it.


sitop [<N>] [<top-options>...] <field-list> [<by-clause>]

Note: This is the exact same syntax as that of the top command.

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>, ...
Description: Comma-delimited list of field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: The number of results to return.

Syntax: countfield=<string> | limit=<int> | otherstr=<string> |
percentfield=<string> | showcount=<bool> | showperc=<bool> |
Description: Options for the sitop command. See Top options.


Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Top options

Syntax: countfield=<string>
Description: The name of a new field that the value of count is written to.
Default: count

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many tuples to return, "0" returns all values.
Default: "10"

Syntax: otherstr=<string>
Description: If useother is true, specify the value that is written into the
row representing all other values.
Default: "OTHER"

Syntax: percentfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of percentage.
Default: "percent"

Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "count" (see
"countfield" option) with the count of that tuple.
Default: true

Syntax: showperc=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "percent" (see
"percentfield" option) with the relative prevalence of that tuple.
Default: true

Syntax: useother=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to add a row that represents all
values not included due to the limit cutoff.
Default: false


Example 1:

Compute the necessary information to later do 'top foo bar' on summary indexed

... | sitop foo bar

Example 2:

Populate a summary index with the top source IP addresses in a scheduled

search that runs daily:

eventtype=firewall | sitop src_ip

Save the search as, "Summary - firewall top src_ip".

Later, when you want to retrieve that information and report on it, run this search
over the past year:

index=summary search_name="summary - firewall top src_ip" |top src_ip

Additionally, because this search specifies the search name, it filters out other
data that have been placed in the summary index by other summary indexing

See also

collect, overlap, sichart, sirare, sistats, sitimechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sitop command.



The sort command sorts all of the results by the specified fields. Results missing
a given field are treated as having the smallest or largest possible value of that
field if the order is descending or ascending, respectively.

If the first argument to the sort command is a number, then at most that many
results are returned, in order. If no number is specified, the default limit of 10000
is used. If the number 0 is specified, all of the results are returned. See the count
argument for more information.


sort [<count>] <sort-by-clause>... [desc]

Required arguments

Syntax: ( - | + ) <sort-field>, ( - | + ) <sort-field> ...
Description: List of fields to sort by and the sort order. Use a minus sign
(-) for descending order and a plus sign (+) for ascending order. When
specifying more than one field, separate the field names with commas.
See Sort field options.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: Specify the number of results to return from the sorted
results. If no count is specified, the default limit of 10000 is used. If 0 is
specified, all results are returned.
Default: 10000

Syntax: d | desc
Description: A trailing string that reverses the results.

Sort field options

Syntax: <field> | auto(<field>) | str(<field>) | ip(<field>) | num(<field>)
Description: Options you can specify with <sort-field>.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of field to sort.

Syntax: auto(<field>)
Description: Determine automatically how to sort the values of the field.

Syntax: ip(<field>)
Description: Interpret the values of the field as IP addresses.

Syntax: num(<field>)
Description: Interpret the values of the field as numbers.

Syntax: str(<field>)
Description: Interpret the values of the field as strings and order the
values alphabetically.


By default, sort tries to automatically determine what it is sorting. If the field

takes on numeric values, the collating sequence is numeric. If the field takes on
IP address values, the collating sequence is for IPs. Otherwise, the collating
sequence is in lexicographical order. Some specific examples are:

• Alphabetic strings are sorted lexicographically.

• Punctuation strings are sorted lexicographically.
• Numeric data is sorted as you would expect for numbers and the sort
order is specified as ascending or descending.
• Alphanumeric strings are sorted based on the data type of the first
character. If the string starts with a number, the string is sorted
numerically based on that number alone. Otherwise, strings are sorted
• Strings that are a combination of alphanumeric and punctuation
characters are sorted the same way as alphanumeric strings.

In the default automatic mode for a field, the sort order is determined between
each pair of values that are compared at any one time. This means that for some
pairs of values, the order might be lexicographical, while for other pairs the order

might be numerical. For example, if sorting in descending order: 10.1 > 9.1, but
10.1.a < 9.1.a.

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.


Example 1:

Sort results by "ip" value in ascending order and then by "url" value in
descending order.

... | sort num(ip), -str(url)

Example 2:

Sort first 100 results in descending order of the "size" field and then by the
"source" value in ascending order. This example specifies the type of data in
each of the fields. The "size" field contains numbers and the "source" field
contains strings.

... | sort 100 -num(size), +str(source)

Example 3:

Sort results by the "_time" field in ascending order and then by the "host" value in
descending order.

... | sort _time, -host

Example 4:

Change the format of the event's time and sort the results in descending order by
the Time field that is created with the eval command.

... | bin _time span=60m | eval Time=strftime(_time, "%m/%d %H:%M %Z")

| stats avg(time_taken) AS AverageResponseTime BY Time | sort - Time

(Thanks to Splunk user Ayn for this example.)

Example 5.

Sort a table of results in a specific order, such as days of the week or months of
the year, that is not lexicographical or numeric. For example, you have a search
that produces the following table:

Day Total
Friday 120
Monday 93
Tuesday 124
Thursday 356
Weekend 1022
Wednesday 248
Sorting on the day field (Day) returns a table sorted alphabetically, which does
not make much sense. Instead, you want to sort the table by the day of the week,
Monday to Friday. To do this, you first need to create a field (sort_field) that
defines the order. Then you can sort on this field.

... | eval wd=lower(Day) | eval sort_field=case(wd=="monday",1,

wd=="tuesday",2, wd=="wednesday",3, wd=="thursday",4, wd=="friday",5,
wd=="weekend",6) | sort sort_field | fields - sort_field

This search uses the eval command to create the sort_field and the fields
command to remove sort_field from the final results table.

(Thanks to Splunk users Ant1D and Ziegfried for this example.)

Example 6.

Return the most recent event:

... | sort 1 -_time

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the sort command.


The spath command enables you to extract information from structured data
formats, XML and JSON. The command stores this information in one or more
fields. The command also highlights the syntax in the displayed events list.

You can also use the spath() function with the eval command. For more
information, see the evaluation functions.


spath [input=<field>] [output=<field>] [path=<datapath> | <datapath>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: input=<field>
Description: The field to read in and extract values.
Default: _raw

Syntax: output=<field>
Description: If specified, the value extracted from the path is written to
this field name.
Default: If you do not specify an output argument, the value for the path
argument becomes the field name for the extracted value.


Syntax: path=<datapath> | <datapath>
Description: The location path to the value that you want to extract. If you
do not use the path argument, the first unlabeled argument is used as a
path. A location path is composed of one or more location steps,
separated by periods. An example of this is 'foo.bar.baz'. A location step is
composed of a field name and an optional index surrounded by curly
brackets. The index can be an integer, to refer to the position of the data
in an array (this differs between JSON and XML), or a string, to refer to an
XML attribute. If the index refers to an XML attribute, specify the attribute
name with an @ symbol.


When used with no path argument, the spath command runs in "auto-extract"
mode. In the "auto-extract" mode, the spath command finds and extracts all the
fields from the first 5000 characters in the input field. These fields default to _raw
if another input source is not specified. If a path is provided, the value of this path
is extracted to a field named by the path or to a field specified by the output
argument, if the output argument is provided.

A location path contains one or more location steps

A location path contains one or more location steps, each of which has a context
that is specified by the location steps that precede it. The context for the top-level
location step is implicitly the top-level node of the entire XML or JSON document.

The location step is composed of a field name and an optional array index

The location step is composed of a field name and an optional array index
indicated by curly brackets around an integer or a string.

Array indices mean different things in XML and JSON. For example, JSON uses
zero-based indexing. In JSON, foo.bar{3} refers to the fourth element of the
bar child of the foo element. In XML, this same path refers to the third bar child
of foo.

Using wildcards in place of an array index

The spath command lets you use wildcards to take the place of an array index in
JSON. Now, you can use the location path entities.hashtags{}.text to get the
text for all of the hashtags, as opposed to specifying
entities.hashtags{0}.text, entities.hashtags{1}.text, and so on. The
referenced path, here entities.hashtags, has to refer to an array for this to

make sense. Otherwise, you get an error just like with regular array indices.

This also works with XML. For example, catalog.book and catalog.book{} are
equivalent. Both get you all the books in the catalog.

Alternatives to the spath command

If you are using autokv or index-time field extractions, the path extractions are
performed for you at index time.

You do not need to explicitly use the spath command to provide a path.

If using indexed_extractions=JSON or using KV_MODE=JSON in the props.conf

file, then the spath command is not necessary to explicitly use.

Basic examples

1. Specify output and path filename

... | spath output=myfield path=foo.bar

2. Specify an output and path based on an array

For example, you have this array.

"foo" : [1,2]

To specify the output and path, use this syntax.

... | spath output=myfield path=foo{1}

3. Specify an output and a path that uses a nested array

For example, you have this nested array.

"foo" : {
"bar" : [
{"zoo" : 1},
{"baz" : 2}


To specify the output and path from this nested array, use this syntax.

... | spath output=myfield path=foo.bar{}.baz

4. Specify the output and a path for an XML attribute

Use the @ symbol to specify an XML attribute. Consider the following XML list of
books and authors.

<?xml version="1.0">
<author>Martin, George R.R.</author>
<title yearPublished=1996>A Game of Thrones</title>
<title yearPublished=1998>A Clash of Kings</title>
<author>Clarke, Susanna</author>
<title yearPublished=2004>Jonathan Strange and Mr.
<author>Kay, Guy Gavriel</author>
<title yearPublished=1990>Tigana</title>
<author>Bujold, Lois McMasters</author>
<title yearPublished=1986>The Warrior's Apprentice</title>

Use this search to return the path for the book and the year it was published.

... | spath output=dates path=purchases.book.title{@yearPublished} |

table dates

In this example, the output is a single multivalue result that lists all of the years
the books were published.

Extended examples

5: GitHub

As an administrator of a number of large Git repositories, you want to:

• See who has committed the most changes and to which repository
• Produce a list of the commits submitted for each user

Suppose you are Indexing JSON data using the GitHub PushEvent webhook.
You can use the spath command to extract fields called repository,
commit_author, and commit_id:

... | spath output=repository path=repository.url

... | spath output=commit_author path=commits{}.author.name

... | spath output=commit_id path=commits{}.id

To see who has committed the most changes to a repository, run the search.

... | top commit_author by repository

To see the list of commits by each user, run this search.

... | stats values(commit_id) by commit_author

6: Extract a subset of a XML attribute

This example shows how to extract values from XML attributes and elements.

<vendorProductSet vendorID="2">
<product productID="17" units="mm" >
<prodName nameGroup="custom">
<locName locale="all">APLI 01209</locName>
<desc descGroup="custom">
<locDesc locale="es">Precios</locDesc>
<locDesc locale="fr">Prix</locDesc>
<locDesc locale="de">Preise</locDesc>
<locDesc locale="ca">Preus</locDesc>
<locDesc locale="pt">Preços</locDesc>

To extract the values of the locDesc elements (Precios, Prix, Preise, etc.), use:

... | spath output=locDesc path=vendorProductSet.product.desc.locDesc

To extract the value of the locale attribute (es, fr, de, etc.), use:

... | spath output=locDesc.locale


To extract the attribute of the 4th locDesc (ca), use:

... | spath path=vendorProductSet.product.desc.locDesc{4}{@locale}

7: Extract and expand JSON events with multi-valued fields

The mvexpand command only works on one multivalued field. This example walks
through how to expand a JSON event with more than one multivalued field into
individual events for each field's values. For example, given this event with

{"widget": {
"text": {
"data": "Click here",
"size": 36,
"data": "Learn more",
"size": 37,
"data": "Help",
"size": 38,

First, start with a search to extract the fields from the JSON and rename them in
a table:

sourcetype=json | spath | rename widget.text.size AS size,

widget.text.data AS data | table _time,size,data

_time size data

--------------------------- ---- -----------
2017-10-18 14:45:46.000 BST 36 Click here
37 Learn more
38 Help

Then, use the eval function, mvzip(), to create a new multivalued field named x,
with the values of the size and data:

sourcetype=json | spath | rename widget.text.size AS size,

widget.text.data AS data | eval x=mvzip(data,size) | table


_time data size x

--------------------------- ----------- ----- --------------
2017-10-18 14:45:46.000 BST Click here 36 Click here,36
Learn more 37 Learn more,37
Help 38 Help,38

Now, use the mvexpand command to create individual events based on x and
the eval function mvindex() to redefine the values for data and size.

sourcetype=json | spath | rename widget.text.size AS size,

widget.text.data AS data | eval x=mvzip(data,size)| mvexpand x | eval x
= split(x,",") | eval data=mvindex(x,0) | eval size=mvindex(x,1) |
table _time,data, size

_time data size

--------------------------- ---------- ----
2017-10-18 14:45:46.000 BST Click here 36
2017-10-18 14:45:46.000 BST Learn more 37
2017-10-18 14:45:46.000 BST Help 38

(Thanks to Splunk user G. Zaimi for this example.)

See also

extract, kvform, multikv, regex, rex, xmlkv, xpath


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the spath command.


Calculates aggregate statistics,such as average, count, and sum, over the results
set. This is similar to SQL aggregation. If the stats command is used without a
BY clause, only one row is returned, which is the aggregation over the entire
incoming result set. If a BY clause is used, one row is returned for each distinct

value specified in the BY clause.

The stats command can be used for several SQL-like operations. If you are
familiar with SQL but new to SPL, see Splunk SPL for SQL users.

Difference between stats and eval commands

The stats command calculates statistics based on fields in your events. The
eval command creates new fields in your events by using existing fields and an
arbitrary expression.


Simple: stats (stats-function(field) [AS field])... [BY field-list]

Complete: stats [partitions=<num>] [allnum=<bool>] [delim=<string>] (

<stats-agg-term>... | <sparkline-agg-term>... ) [<by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <stats-func>(<evaled-field> | <wc-field>) [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names. For
more information on eval expressions, see Types of eval expressions in
the Search Manual.

Syntax: <sparkline-agg> [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A sparkline aggregation function. Use the AS clause to place
the result into a new field with a name that you specify. You can use wild
card characters in the field name.

Optional arguments

syntax: allnum=<bool>
Description: If true, computes numerical statistics on each field if and
only if all of the values of that field are numerical.
Default: false

Syntax: delim=<string>
Description: Specifies how the values in the list() or values() aggregation
are delimited.
Default: a single space

Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by. You cannot use
a wildcard character to specify multiple fields with similar names. You
must specify each field separately.

Syntax: partitions=<num>
Description: If specified, partitions the input data based on the split-by
fields for multithreaded reduce.
Default: 1

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function that you use. Refer to the
table below.
Description: Statistical and charting functions that you can use with the
stats command. Each time you invoke the stats command, you can use
one or more functions. However, you can only use one BY clause. See

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() sumsq()

functions distinct_count() median() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)

Sparkline function options

Sparklines are inline charts that appear within table cells in search results to
display time-based trends associated with the primary key of each row. Read
more about how to "Add sparklines to your search results" in the Search Manual.

Syntax: sparkline (count(<wc-field>), <span-length>) | sparkline
(<sparkline-func>(<wc-field>), <span-length>)
Description: A sparkline specifier, which takes the first argument of a
aggregation function on a field and an optional timespan specifier. If no
timespan specifier is used, an appropriate timespan is chosen based on
the time range of the search. If the sparkline is not scoped to a field, only
the count aggregator is permitted. You can use wildcard characters in the
field name. See the Usage section.

Syntax: c() | count() | dc() | mean() | avg() | stdev() | stdevp() | var() |
varp() | sum() | sumsq() | min() | max() | range()

Description: Aggregation function to use to generate sparkline values.
Each sparkline value is produced by applying this aggregation to the
events that fall into each particular time bin.


Eval expressions with statistical functions

When you use the stats command, you must specify either a statistical function
or a sparkline function. When you use a statistical function, you can use an eval
expression as part of the statistical function. For example:

index=* | stats count(eval(status="404")) AS count_status BY sourcetype

Functions and memory usage

Some functions are inherently more expensive, from a memory standpoint, than
other functions. For example, the distinct_count function requires far more
memory than the count function. The values and list functions also can
consume a lot of memory.

If you are using the distinct_count function without a split-by field or with a
low-cardinality split-by by field, consider replacing the distinct_count function
with the the estdc function (estimated distinct count). The estdc function might
result in significantly lower memory usage and run times.

Memory and maximum results

In the limits.conf file, the maxresultrows setting in the [searchresults] stanza

specifies the maximum number of results to return. The default value is 50,000.
Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

The max_mem_usage_mb setting in the [default] stanza is used to limit how much
memory the stats command uses to keep track of information. If the stats
command reaches this limit, the command stops adding the requested fields to
the search results. You can increase the limit, contingent on the available system

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to change either of these limits, file a
Support ticket.

Event order functions

Using the first and last functions when searching based on time does not
produce accurate results.

• To locate the first value based on time order, use the earliest function,
instead of the first function.
• To locate the last value based on time order, use the latest function,
instead of the last function.

For example, consider the following search.

index=test sourcetype=testDb | eventstats first(LastPass) as LastPass,

last(_time) as mostRecentTestTime BY testCaseId | where
startTime==LastPass OR _time==mostRecentTestTime | stats
first(startTime) AS startTime, first(status) AS status, first(histID)
AS currentHistId, last(histID) AS lastPassHistId BY testCaseId

Replace the first and last functions when you use the stats and eventstats
commands for ordering events based on time. The following search shows the
function changes.

index=test sourcetype=testDb | eventstats latest(LastPass) AS LastPass,

earliest(_time) AS mostRecentTestTime BY testCaseId | where
startTime==LastPass OR _time==mostRecentTestTime | stats
latest(startTime) AS startTime, latest(status) AS status,
latest(histID) AS currentHistId, earliest(histID) AS lastPassHistId BY

Wildcards in BY clauses

The stats command does not support wildcard characters in field values in BY

For example, you cannot specify | stats count BY source*.

Renaming fields

You cannot rename one field with multiple names. For example if you have field
A, you cannot rename A as B, A as C. The following example is not valid.

... | stats first(host) AS site, first(host) AS report

Basic Examples

1. Return the average transfer rate for each host

sourcetype=access* | stats avg(kbps) BY host

2. Search the access logs, and return the total number of hits from the top
100 values of "referer_domain"

Search the access logs, and return the total number of hits from the top 100
values of "referer_domain". The "top" command returns a count and percent
value for each "referer_domain".

sourcetype=access_combined | top limit=100 referer_domain | stats

sum(count) AS total

3. Calculate the average time for each hour for similar fields using wildcard

Return the average, for each hour, of any unique field that ends with the string
"lay". For example, delay, xdelay, relay, etc.

... | stats avg(*lay) BY date_hour

4. Remove duplicates in the result set and return the total count for the
unique results

Remove duplicates of results with the same "host" value and return the total
count of the remaining results.

... | stats dc(host)

Extended Examples

1. Count the number of events by HTTP status and host

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from Get the
tutorial data into Splunk and follow the instructions. Then, run this search
using the time range, Other > Yesterday.
Count the number of events for a combination of HTTP status code values and

sourcetype=access_* | chart count BY status, host

This creates the following table:

2. Use eval expressions to count the different types of requests against

each Web server

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from Get the
tutorial data into Splunk and follow the instructions. Then, run this search
using the time range, Other > Yesterday.
Count the number of different types of requests made against each Web server.

sourcetype=access_* | stats count(eval(method="GET")) AS GET,

count(eval(method="POST")) AS POST BY host

This example uses eval expressions to specify field values for the stats
command to count. The search is only interested in two page request methods,
GET or POST. The first clause counts the Web access events that contain the
method=GET field value and call the result "GET". The second clause counts
method=POST events. Then the by clause, by host, separates the counts for each
request by the host value that they correspond to.

This returns the following table:

3. Calculate a wide range of statistics by a specific field

These searches use recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that

contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input.
3a. Count the number of earthquakes that occurred for each magnitude range.
(This data set was comprised of events over a 30-day period.)

source=usgs | chart count AS "Number of Earthquakes" BY mag span=1 |

rename mag AS "Magnitude Range"

This search used span=1 to define each of the ranges for the magnitude field,
mag. The rename command is then used to rename the field to "Magnitude

3b. Search for earthquakes in and around California and count the number of
quakes that were recorded. Then, calculate the minimum, maximum, the range
(difference between the min and max), and average magnitudes of those recent
quakes and list them by magnitude type.

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count, max(mag), min(mag),

range(mag), avg(mag) BY magType

Use stats functions for each of these calculations: count(), max(), min(),
range(), and avg(). This returns the following table:

3c. Additionally, you can find the mean, standard deviation, and variance of the
magnitudes of those recent quakes.

source=usgs place=*California* | stats count mean(mag), stdev(mag),
var(mag) BY magType

Use stats functions for each of these calculations: mean(), stdev(), and var().
This returns the following table:

The mean values should be exactly the same as the values calculated using

4. In a table display items sold by ID, type, and name and calculate the
revenue for each product

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial and a field
lookup to add more information to the event data.

• Download the data set from Add data tutorial and follow the instructions
to load the tutorial data.
• Download the CSV file from Use field lookups tutorial and follow the
instructions to set up the lookup definition to add price and productName
to the events.

After you configure the field lookup, you can run this search using the time
range, All time.
Create a table that displays the items sold at the Buttercup Games online store
by their ID, type, and name. Also, calculate the revenue for each product.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | stats

values(categoryId) AS Type, values(productName) AS "Product Name",
sum(price) AS "Revenue" by productId | rename productId AS "Product ID"
| eval Revenue="$ ".tostring(Revenue,"commas")

This example uses the values() function to display the corresponding

categoryId and productName values for each productId. Then, it uses the sum()
function to calculate a running total of the values of the price field.

Also, this example renames the various fields, for better display. For the stats
functions, the renames are done inline with an "AS" clause. The rename
command is used to change the name of the product_id field, since the syntax
does not let you rename a split-by field.

Finally, the results are piped into an eval expression to reformat the Revenue field
values so that they read as currency, with a dollar sign and commas.

This returns the following table:

5. Determine how much email comes from each domain

This example uses generated email data (sourcetype=cisco_esa). You should

be able to run this example on any email data by replacing the
sourcetype=cisco_esa with your data's sourcetype value and the mailfrom field
with your data's email address field name (for example, it might be To, From,
or Cc).
Find out how much of your organization's email comes from com/net/org or other
top level domains.

sourcetype="cisco_esa" mailfrom=* | eval

accountname=split(mailfrom,"@") | eval
from_domain=mvindex(accountname,-1) | stats
count(eval(match(from_domain, "[^\n\r\s]+\.com"))) AS ".com",
count(eval(match(from_domain, "[^\n\r\s]+\.net"))) AS ".net",
count(eval(match(from_domain, "[^\n\r\s]+\.org"))) AS ".org",
count(eval(NOT match(from_domain, "[^\n\r\s]+\.(com|net|org)"))) AS

The first half of this search uses eval to break up the email address in the
mailfrom field and define the from_domain as the portion of the mailfrom field
after the @ symbol.

The results are then piped into the stats command. The count() function is used
to count the results of the eval expression. Here, eval uses the match() function
to compare the from_domain to a regular expression that looks for the different
suffixes in the domain. If the value of from_domain matches the regular

expression, the count is updated for each suffix, .com, .net, and .org. Other
domain suffixes are counted as other.

This produces the following results table:

6. Search Web access logs for the total number of hits from the top 10
referring domains

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from this
topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to your Splunk
deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other > Yesterday.
Search Web access logs, and return the total number of hits from the top 10
referring domains. (The "top" command returns a count and percent value for
each referer.)

sourcetype=access_* | top limit=10 referer | stats sum(count) AS total

This search uses the top command to find the ten most common referer
domains, which are values of the referer field. (You might also see this as
referer_domain.) The results of top are then piped into the stats command. This
example uses the sum() function to add the number of times each referer
accesses the website. This summation is then saved into a field, total. This
produces the single numeric value.

See also

eventstats, rare, sistats, streamstats, top

Getting started with stats, eventstats and streamstats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the stats command.


Concatenates string values from 2 or more fields. Combines together string

values and literals into a new field. A destination field name is specified at the
end of the strcat command.


strcat [allrequired=<bool>] <source-fields> <dest-field>

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: A destination field to save the concatenated string values in,
as defined by the <source-fields> argument. The destination field is
always at the end of the series of source fields.

Syntax: (<field> | <quoted-str>)...
Description: Specify the field names and literal string values that you
want to concatenate. Literal values must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Syntax: "<string>"
Description: Quoted string literals.
Examples: "/" or ":"

Optional arguments

Syntax: allrequired=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether or not all source fields need to exist in
each event before values are written to the destination field. If

allrequired=f, the destination field is always written and source fields
that do not exist are treated as empty strings. If allrequired=t, the values
are written to destination field only if all source fields exist.
Default: false


Example 1:

Add a field called comboIP, which combines the source and destination IP
addresses. Separate the addresses with a forward slash character.

... | strcat sourceIP "/" destIP comboIP

Example 2:

Add a field called comboIP, which combines the source and destination IP
addresses. Separate the addresses with a forward slash character. Create a
chart of the number of occurrences of the field values.

host="mailserver" | strcat sourceIP "/" destIP comboIP | chart count by


Example 3:

Add a field called address, which combines the host and port values into the
format <host>::<port>.

... | strcat host "::" port address

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the strcat command.


Adds cumulative summary statistics to all search results in a streaming manner.

The streamstats command calculates statistics for each event at the time the
event is seen. For example, you can calculate the running total for a particular
field. The total is calculated by using the values in the specified field for every
event that has been processed, up to the current event.


streamstats [reset_on_change=<bool>] [reset_before="("<eval-expression>")"]

[reset_after="("<eval-expression>")"] [current=<bool>] [window=<int>]
[time_window=<span-length>] [global=<bool>] [allnum=<bool>]
<stats-agg-term>... [<by clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <stats-func>( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> ) [AS <wc-field>]
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names. For
more information on eval expressions, see Types of eval expressions in
the Search Manual.

Optional arguments

Syntax: allnum=<boolean>
Description: If true, computes numerical statistics on each field only if all
of the values in that field are numerical.
Default: false

by clause
Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Syntax: current=<boolean>

Description: If true, the search includes the given, or current, event in the
summary calculations. If false, the search uses the field value from the
previous event.
Default: true

Syntax: global=<boolean>
Description: Used only when the window argument is set. Defines
whether to use a single window, global=true, or to use separate windows
based on the by clause. If global=false and window is set to a non-zero
value, a separate window is used for each group of values of the field
specified in the by clause.
Default: true

Syntax: reset_after="("<eval-expression>")"
Description: After the streamstats calculations are produced for an event,
reset_after specifies that all of the accumulated statistics are reset if the
eval-expression returns true. The eval-expression must evaluate to true
or false. The eval-expression can reference fields that are returned by
the streamstats command. When the reset_after argument is combined
with the window argument, the window is also reset when the accumulated
statistics are reset.
Default: false

Syntax: reset_before="("<eval-expression>")"
Description: Before the streamstats calculations are produced for an
event, reset_before specifies that all of the accumulated statistics are
reset when the eval-expression returns true. The eval-expression must
evaluate to true or false. When the reset_before argument is combined
with the window argument, the window is also reset when the accumulated
statistics are reset.
Default: false

Syntax: reset_on_change=<bool>
Description: Specifies that all of the accumulated statistics are reset
when the group by fields change. The reset is as if no previous events
have been seen. Only events that have all of the group by fields can
trigger a reset. Events that have only some of the group by fields are
ignored. The eval-expression must evaluate to true or false. When the
reset_on_change argument is combined with the window argument, the

window is also reset when the accumulated statistics are reset. See the
Usage section.
Default: false

Syntax: time_window=<span-length>
Description: Specifies the window size for the streamstats calculations,
based on time. The time_window argument is limited by range of values in
the _time field in the events. To use the time_window argument, the events
must be sorted in either ascending or descending time order. You can use
the window argument with the time_window argument to specify the
maximum number of events in a window. For the <span-length>, to
specify five minutes, use time_window=5m. To specify 2 days, use
Default: None. However, the value of the max_stream_window attribute in
the limits.conf file applies. The default value is 10000 events.

Syntax: window=<integer>
Description: Specifies the number of events to use when computing the
Default: 0, which means that all previous and current events are used.

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function that you use. Refer to the
table below.
Description: Statistical and charting functions that you can use with the
streamstats command. Each time you invoke the streamstats command,
you can use one or more functions. However, you can only use one BY
clause. See Usage.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() perc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() range() sumsq()
functions distinct_count() median() stdev() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() stdevp() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)


The streamstats command is similar to the eventstats command except that it

uses events before the current event to compute the aggregate statistics that are
applied to each event. If you want to include the current event in the statistical
calculations, use current=true, which is the default.

The streamstats command is also similar to the stats command in that

streamstats calculates summary statistics on search results. Unlike stats, which
works on the group of results as a whole, streamstats calculates statistics for
each event at the time the event is seen.

Escaping string values

If your <eval-expression> contains a value instead of a field name, you must

escape the quotation marks around the value.

The following example is a simple way to see this. Start by using the makeresults
command to create 3 events. Use the streamstats command to produce a
cumulative count of the events. Then use the eval command to create a simple
test. If the value of the count field is equal to 2, display yes in the test field.
Otherwise display no in the test field.

| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count | eval


The results appear something like this:

_time count test

2017-01-11 11:32:43 1 no
2017-01-11 11:32:43 2 yes
2017-01-11 11:32:43 3 no
Use the streamstats command to reset the count when the match is true. You
must escape the quotation marks around the word yes. The following example
shows the complete search.

| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count | eval

test=if(count==2,"yes","no") | streamstats count as testCount

Here is another example. You want to look for the value session is closed in
the description field. Because the value is a string, you must enclose it in
quotation marks. You then need to escape those quotation marks.

... | streamstats reset_after="("description==\"session is closed\"")"

The reset_on_change argument

You have a dataset with the field "shift" that contains either the value DAY or the
value NIGHT. You run this search:

...| streamstats count BY shift reset_on_change=true

If the dataset is:


Running the command with reset_on_change=true produces the following

streamstats results:

shift, count
DAY, 1
DAY, 2

DAY, 1

Basic examples

1. Calculate a snapshot of summary statistics

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial but should work
with any format of Apache Web access log. If you want to try this example,
download the data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the
instructions to upload the data to your Splunk deployment.
You want to determine the sum of the bytes used over a set period of time. The
following search uses the first 5 events. Because search results typically display
the most recent event first, the events are sorted in ascending order to see the
oldest event first and the most recent event last. Ascending order enables the
streamstats command to calculate statistics over time.

sourcetype=access_combined* | head 5 | sort _time

Add the streamstats command to generate a running total of the bytes over the
5 events. Then display the information in the calculated ASimpleSumOfBytes
field. Organize the information by clientip.

sourcetype=access_combined* | head 5 |sort _time | streamstats
sum(bytes) as ASimpleSumOfBytes by clientip

The following image shows the results of the search.

The streamstats command aggregates the statistics to the original data, which
means that all of the original data is accessible for further calculations.

Add the table command to display the values in the _time, clientip, bytes, and
ASimpleSumOfBytes fields.

sourcetype=access_combined* | head 5 |sort _time | streamstats

sum(bytes) as ASimpleSumOfBytes by clientip | table _time, clientip,
bytes, ASimpleSumOfBytes

The results are organized by clientip. Each event shows the timestamp for the
event, the clientip, and the number of bytes used. The ASimpleSumOfBytes field
shows a cumulative summary of the bytes for each clientip.

2. Compute the average of a field over the last 5 events

For each event, compute the average of field foo over the last 5 events, including
the current event. Similar to doing trendline sma5(foo)

... | streamstats avg(foo) window=5

3. Compute the average of a field, with a by clause, over the last 5 events

For each event, compute the average value of foo for each value of bar including
only 5 events, specified by the window size, with that value of bar.

... | streamstats avg(foo) by bar window=5 global=f

4. For each event, add a count of the number of events processed

This example adds to each event a count field that represents the number of
events seen so far, including that event. For example, it adds 1 for the first event,
2 for the second event, and so on.

... | streamstats count

If you did not want to include the current event, you would specify:

... | streamstats count current=f

5. Apply a time-based window to streamstats

Assume that the max_stream_window argument in the limits.conf file is the

default value of 10000 events.

The following search counts the events, using a time window of five minutes.

... | streamstats count time_window=5m

This search adds a count field to each event.

• If the events are in descending time order (most recent to oldest), the
value in the count field represents the number of events in the next 5
• If the events are in ascending time order (oldest to most recent), the count
field represents the number of events in the previous 5 minutes.

If there are more events in the time-based window than the value for the
max_stream_window argument, the max_stream_window argument takes
precedence. The count will never be > 10000, even if there are actually more
than 10,000 events in any 5 minute period.

Extended examples

6. Calculate the running total of distinct users over time

Each day you track unique users, and you would like to track the cumulative
count of distinct users. This example calculates the running total of distinct users
over time.

eventtype="download" | bin _time span=1d as day | stats

values(clientip) as ips dc(clientip) by day | streamstats dc(ips) as
"Cumulative total"

The bin command breaks the time into days. The stats command calculates the
distinct users (clientip) and user count per day. The streamstats command finds
the running distinct count of users.

This search returns a table that includes: day, ips, dc(clientip), and Cumulative

7. Calculate hourly cumulative totals for category values

This example uses streamstats to produce hourly cumulative totals for category

... | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | streamstats

global=f sum(total) as accu_total

The timechart command buckets the events into spans of 1 hour and counts the
total values for each category. The timechart command also fills NULL values,
so that there are no missing values. Then, the streamstats command is used to
calculate the accumulated total.

8. Calculate when a DHCP IP lease address changed for a specific MAC


This example uses streamstats to figure out when a DHCP IP lease address
changed for a MAC address, 54:00:00:00:00:00.

source=dhcp MAC=54:00:00:00:00:00 | head 10 | streamstats current=f

last(DHCP_IP) as new_dhcp_ip last(_time) as time_of_change by MAC

You can also clean up the presentation to display a table of the DHCP IP
address changes and the times the occurred.

source=dhcp MAC=54:00:00:00:00:00 | head 10 | streamstats current=f
last(DHCP_IP) as new_dhcp_ip last(_time) as time_of_change by MAC |
where DHCP_IP!=new_dhcp_ip | convert ctime(time_of_change) as
time_of_change | rename DHCP_IP as old_dhcp_ip | table time_of_change,
MAC, old_dhcp_ip, new_dhcp_ip

For more details, refer to the Splunk Blogs post for this example.

See also

accum, autoregress, delta, fillnull, eventstats, trendline

Getting started with stats, eventstats and streamstats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the streamstats command.


The table command returns a table that is formed by only the fields that you
specify in the arguments. Columns are displayed in the same order that fields are
specified. Column headers are the field names. Rows are the field values. Each
row represents an event.

The table command is similar to the fields command in that it lets you specify
the fields you want to keep in your results. Use table command when you want
to retain data in tabular format.

With the exception of a scatter plot to show trends in the relationships between
discrete values of your data, you should not use the table command for charts.
See Usage.


table <wc-field-list>


Syntax: <wc-field> <wc-field> ...
Description: A list of field names. You can use wild card characters in the
field names.


Other than a scatter plot, you should not use the table command for charts (such
as chart or timechart). Splunk Web requires the internal fields, which are the
fields that begin with an underscore character, to render the charts. The table
command strips these fields out of the results by default. To build charts, you
should use the fields command instead. The fields command always retains
all the internal fields.

Command type

The table command is a non-streaming command. If you are looking for a

streaming command similar to the table command, use the fields command.

Field renaming

The table command doesn't let you rename fields, only specify the fields that
you want to show in your tabulated results. If you're going to rename a field, do it
before piping the results to table.

Truncated results

The table command truncates the number of results returned based on settings
in the limits.conf file. In the [search] stanza, if the value for the truncate_report
parameter is 1, the number of results returned is truncated.

The number of results is controlled by the max_count parameter in the [search]

stanza. If truncate_report is set to 0, the max_count parameter is not applied.


Example 1

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that

contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input to your Splunk deployment.
Search for recent earthquakes in and around California and display only the time
of the quake (Datetime), where it occurred (Region), and the quake's magnitude
(Magnitude) and depth (Depth).

index=usgs_* source=usgs place=*California | table time, place, mag,


This simply reformats your events into a table and displays only the fields that
you specified as arguments.

Example 2

This example uses recent earthquake data downloaded from the USGS
Earthquakes website. The data is a comma separated ASCII text file that
contains magnitude (mag), coordinates (latitude, longitude), region (place), etc.,
for each earthquake recorded.

You can download a current CSV file from the USGS Earthquake Feeds and
add it as an input to your Splunk deployment.
Show the date, time, coordinates, and magnitude of each recent earthquake in
Northern California.

index=usgs_* source=usgs place=*California | rename lat as latitude lon

as longitude | table time, place, lat*, lon*, mag

This example begins with a search for all recent earthquakes in Northern
California (Region="Northern California").

Then it pipes these events into the rename command to change the names of the
coordinate fields, from lat and lon to latitude and longitude. (The table

command doesn't let you rename or reformat fields, only specify the fields that
you want to show in your tabulated results.)

Finally, it pipes the results into the table command and specifies both coordinate
fields with lat*, lon*, the magnitude with mag, and the date and time with time.

This example just illustrates how the table command syntax allows you to
specify multiple fields using the asterisk wildcard.

Example 3

This example uses the sample dataset from the tutorial but should work with
any format of Apache Web access log. Download the data set from the Add
data tutorial and follow the instructions to get the sample data into your Splunk
deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, All time.
Search for IP addresses and classify the network they belong to.

sourcetype=access_* | dedup clientip | eval

network=if(cidrmatch("", clientip), "local", "other") |
table clientip, network

This example searches for Web access data and uses the dedup command to
remove duplicate values of the IP addresses (clientip) that access the server.
These results are piped into the eval command, which uses the cidrmatch()
function to compare the IP addresses to a subnet range ( This
search also uses the if() function, which says that if the value of clientip falls
in the subnet range, then network is given the value local. Otherwise,

The results are then piped into the table command to show only the distinct IP
addresses (clientip) and the network classification (network):

More examples

Example 1: Create a table for fields foo, bar, then all fields that start with 'baz'.

... | table foo bar baz*

See Also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the table command.


Annotates specified fields in your search results with tags. If there are fields
specified, only annotate tags for those fields. Otherwise, look for tags for all
fields. If outputfield is specified, the tags for all fields will be written to this field. If
outputfield is specified, inclname and inclvalue control whether or not the field
name and field values are added to the output field. By default only the tag itself
is written to the outputfield, that is (<field>::)?(<value>::)?tag .


tags [outputfield=<field>] [inclname=<bool>] [inclvalue=<bool>] <field-list>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field> <field> ...
Description: Specify the fields to annotate with tags.

Optional arguments

Syntax: outputfield=<field>
Description: If specified, the tags for all fields will be written to this field.
Otherwise, the tags for each field will be written to a field named

Syntax: inclname=T|F
Description: If outputfield is specified, controls whether or not the field
name is added to the output field.
Default: F

Syntax: inclvalue=T|F
Description: If outputfield is specified, controls whether or not the field
value is added to the output field.
Default: F


Example 1:

Write tags for host and eventtype fields into tag::host and tag::eventtype.

... | tags host eventtype

Example 2:

Write new field test that contains tags for all fields.

... | tags outputfield=test

Example 3:

Write tags for host and sourcetype into field test in the format host::<tag> or

... | tags outputfield=test inclname=t host sourcetype

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the tags command.


Returns the last N number of specified results. The events are returned in
reverse order, starting at the end of the result set. The last 10 events are
returned if no integer is specified


tail [<N>]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: The number of results to return.
Default: 10


Example 1:

Return the last 20 results in reverse order.

... | tail 20

See also

head, reverse


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the tail command.


Creates a time series chart with corresponding table of statistics.

A timechart is a statistical aggregation applied to a field to produce a chart, with

time used as the X-axis. You can specify a split-by field, where each distinct
value of the split-by field becomes a series in the chart. If you use an eval
expression, the split-by clause is required. With the limit and agg options, you
can specify series filtering. These options are ignored if you specify an explicit
where-clause. If you set limit=0, no series filtering occurs.


timechart [sep=<string>] [format=<string>] [partial=<bool>] [cont=<bool>]

[limit=<int>] [agg=<stats-agg-term>] [<bin-options>... ] ( (<single-agg> [BY
<split-by-clause>] ) | (<eval-expression>) BY <split-by-clause> )

Required arguments

When specifying timechart command arguments, either <single-agg> or

<eval-expression> BY <split-by-clause> is required.

Syntax: <math-exp> | <concat-exp> | <compare-exp> | <bool-exp> |
Description: A combination of literals, fields, operators, and functions that
represent the value of your destination field. For these evaluations to
work, your values need to be valid for the type of operation. For example,
with the exception of addition, arithmetic operations might not produce
valid results if the values are not numerical. Additionally, the search can
concatenate the two operands if they are both strings. When
concatenating values with a period '.' the search treats both values as
strings, regardless of their actual data type.

Syntax: count | <stats-func>(<field>)
Description: A single aggregation applied to a single field, including an
evaluated field. For <stats-func>, see Stats function options. No wildcards
are allowed. The field must be specified, except when using the count
function, which applies to events as a whole.

Syntax: <field> (<tc-options>)... [<where-clause>]
Description: Specifies a field to split the results by. If field is numerical,
default discretization is applied. Discretization is defined with the
tc-options. Use the <where-clause> to specify the number of columns to
include. See the tc options and the where clause sections in this topic.

Optional arguments

Syntax:agg=( <stats-func> ( <evaled-field> | <wc-field> ) [AS <wc-field>] )
Description: A statistical aggregation function. See Stats function options.
The function can be applied to an eval expression, or to a field or set of
fields. Use the AS clause to place the result into a new field with a name
that you specify. You can use wild card characters in field names.

Syntax: bins | minspan | span | <start-end>
Description: Options that you can use to specify discreet bins, or groups,
to organize the information. The bin-options set the maximum number of
bins, not the target number of bins. See the Bin options section in this
Default: bins=100

Syntax: cont=<bool>
Description: Specifies whether the chart is continuous or not. If set to
true, the Search application fills in the time gaps.
Default: true

Syntax: fixedrange=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to enforce the earliest and latest
times of the search. Setting fixedrange=false allows the timechart
command to constrict to just the time range with valid data.
Default: true

Syntax: format=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjunction with a split-by-field. format takes
precedence over sep and allows you to specify a parameterized
expression with the stats aggregator and function ($AGG$) and the value
of the split-by-field ($VAL$).

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies a limit for the number of distinct values of the
split-by field to return. If set to limit=0, all distinct values are used. Setting
limit=N keeps the N highest scoring distinct values of the split-by field.
All other values are grouped into 'OTHER', as long as useother is not set
to false. The scoring is determined as follows:
◊ If a single aggregation is specified, the score is based on the sum
of the values in the aggregation for that split-by value. For example,
for timechart avg(foo) BY <field> the avg(foo) values are added
up for each value of <field> to determine the scores.
◊ If multiple aggregations are specified, the score is based on the
frequency of each value of <field>. For example, for timechart
avg(foo) max(bar) BY <field>, the top scoring values for <field>
are the most common values of <field>.

Ties in scoring are broken lexicographically, based on the value of the

split-by field. For example, 'BAR' takes precedence over 'bar', which
takes precedence over 'foo'. See Usage.

Syntax: partial=<bool>

Description: Controls if partial time bins should be retained or not. Only
the first and last bin can be partial.
Default: True. Partial time bins are retained.

Syntax: sep=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjunctions with a split-by field. This is equivalent to
setting format to $AGG$<sep>$VALUE$.

Stats function options

Syntax: The syntax depends on the function that you use. Refer to the
table below.
Description: Statistical functions that you can use with the timechart
command. Each time you invoke the timechart command, you can use
one or more functions. However, you can only use one BY clause. See

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
avg() exactperc<int>() sum()

Aggregate count() max() sumsq()

functions distinct_count() median() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() var()
estdc_error() mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)

per_day() per_hour() per_minute() per_second()

Bin options

Syntax: bins=<int>
Description: Sets the maximum number of bins to discretize into. This
does not set the target number of bins. It finds the smallest bin size that
results in no more than N distinct bins. Even though you specify a number
such as 300, the resulting number of bins might be much lower.
Default: 100

Syntax: minspan=<span-length>
Description: Specifies the smallest span granularity to use automatically
inferring span from the data time range.

Syntax: span=<log-span> | span=<span-length>
Description: Sets the size of each bin, using a span length based on time
or log-based span.

Syntax: end=<num> | start=<num>
Description: Sets the minimum and maximum extents for numerical bins.
Data outside of the [start, end] range is discarded.

Span options

Syntax: [<num>]log[<num>]
Description: Sets to log-based span. The first number is a coefficient.
The second number is the base. If the first number is supplied, it must be
a real number >= 1.0 and < base. Base, if supplied, must be real number
> 1.0 (strictly greater than 1).

Syntax: <int>[<timescale>]
Description: A span of each bin, based on time. If the timescale is
provided, this is used as a time range. If not, this is an absolute bin length.


Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <week> | <month> |
Description: Time scale units.

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs |
<sec> second | Time scale in seconds.
m | min | mins |
<min> Time scale in minutes.
minute | minutes
h | hr | hrs | hour
<hr> Time scale in hours.
| hours
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
mon | month |
<month> Time scale in months.
Time scale in microseconds (us),
<subseconds> us | ms | cs | ds milliseconds (ms), centiseconds (cs),
or deciseconds (ds)

tc options

The <tc-option> is part of the <split-by-clause>.

Syntax: <bin-options> | usenull=<bool> | useother=<bool> |
nullstr=<string> | otherstr=<string>
Description: Options for controlling the behavior of splitting by a field.


See the Bin options section in this topic.

Syntax: nullstr=<string>
Description: If usenull=true, specifies the label for the series that is
created for events that do not contain the split-by field.
Default: NULL

Syntax: otherstr=<string>

Description: If useother=true, specifies the label for the series that is
created in the table and the graph.
Default: OTHER

Syntax: usenull=<bool>
Description: Controls whether or not a series is created for events that do
not contain the split-by field. The label for the series is controlled by the
nullstr option.
Default: true

Syntax: useother=<bool>
Description: You specify which series to include in the results table by
using the <agg>, <limit>, and <where-clause> options. The useother
option specifies whether to merge all of the series not included in the
results table into a single new series. If useother=true, the label for the
series is controlled by the otherstr option.
Default: true

where clause

The <where-clause> is part of the <split-by-clause>. See Where clause


where clause
Syntax: <single-agg> <where-comp>
Description: Specifies the criteria for including particular data series
when a field is given in the tc-by-clause. The most common use of this
option is to select for spikes rather than overall mass of distribution in
series selection. The default value finds the top ten series by area under
the curve. Alternately one could replace sum with max to find the series
with the ten highest spikes.This has no relation to the where command.

Syntax: <wherein-comp> | <wherethresh-comp>
Description: A criteria for the where clause.

Syntax: (in | notin) (top | bottom)<int>
Description: A where-clause criteria that requires the aggregated series
value be in or not in some top or bottom grouping.

Syntax: (< | >)( )?<num>
Description: A where-clause criteria that requires the aggregated series
value be greater than or less than some numeric threshold.


bins and span arguments

The timechart command accepts either the bins argument OR the span
argument. If you do not specify either bins or span, the timechart command uses
the default bins=100.

Default time spans

It you use the predefined time ranges in the time range picker, and do not specify
the span argument, the following table shows the default span that is used.

Time range Default span

Last 15 minutes 10 seconds
Last 60 minutes 1 minute
Last 4 hours 5 minutes
Last 24 hours 30 minutes
Last 7 days 1 day
Last 30 days 1 day
Previous year 1 month
(Thanks to Splunk users MuS and Martin Mueller for their help in compiling this
default time span information.)

Bin time spans versus per_* functions

The functions, per_day(), per_hour(), per_minute(), and per_second() are

aggregator functions and are not responsible for setting a time span for the
resultant chart. These functions are used to get a consistent scale for the data
when an explicit span is not provided. The resulting span can depend on the
search time range.

For example, per_hour() converts the field value so that it is a rate per hour, or
sum()/<hours in the span>. If your chart span ends up being 30m, it is sum()*2.

If you want the span to be 1h, you still have to specify the argument span=1h in
your search.

Note: You can do per_hour() on one field and per_minute() (or any combination
of the functions) on a different field in the same search.

Split-by fields

If you specify a split-by field, ensure that you specify the bins and span
arguments before the split-by field. If you specify these arguments after the
split-by field, Splunk software assumes that you want to control the bins on the
split-by field, not on the time axis.

If you use chart or timechart, you cannot use a field that you specify in a
function as your split-by field as well. For example, you will not be able to run:

... | chart sum(A) by A span=log2

However, you can work around this with an eval expression, for example:

... | eval A1=A | chart sum(A) by A1 span=log2

Functions and memory usage

Some functions are inherently more expensive, from a memory standpoint, than
other functions. For example, the distinct_count function requires far more
memory than the count function. The values and list functions also can
consume a lot of memory.

If you are using the distinct_count function without a split-by field or with a
low-cardinality split-by by field, consider replacing the distinct_count function
with the the estdc function (estimated distinct count). The estdc function might
result in significantly lower memory usage and run times.

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically
as 10, 100, 70, 9.

• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.

Basic Examples

1. Chart the product of the average "CPU" and average "MEM" for each

For each minute, compute the product of the average "CPU" and average "MEM"
for each "host".

... | timechart span=1m eval(avg(CPU) * avg(MEM)) BY host

2. Chart the average of cpu_seconds by processor

Create a timechart of the average of cpu_seconds by processor, rounded to 2

decimal places.

... | timechart eval(round(avg(cpu_seconds),2)) BY processor

3. Chart the average of "CPU" for each "host"

For each minute, calculate the average value of "CPU" for each "host".

... | timechart span=1m avg(CPU) BY host

4. Chart the average "cpu_seconds" by "host" and remove outlier values

Calculate the average "cpu_seconds" by "host". Remove outlying values that

might distort the timechart axis.

... | timechart avg(cpu_seconds) BY host | outlier action=tf

5. Chart the average "thruput" of hosts over time

... | timechart span=5m avg(thruput) BY host

6. Chart the eventypes by "source_ip" where the count is greater than 10

For each minute, count the eventypes by "source_ip", where the count is greater
than 10.

sshd failed OR failure | timechart span=1m count(eventtype) BY source_ip
usenull=f WHERE count>10

Extended Examples

1. Chart revenue for the different products that were purchased yesterday

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial and a field
lookup to add more information to the event data. To try this example for

• Download the tutorialdata.zip file from this topic in the Search

Tutorial and follow the instructions to upload the file to your Splunk
• Download the Prices.csv.zip file from this topic in the Search Tutorial
and follow the instructions to set up your field lookup.

The original data set includes a productId field that is the catalog number for
the items sold at the Buttercup Games online store. The field lookup adds two
new fields to your events: product_name, which is a descriptive name for the
item, and price, which is the cost of the item.
Chart revenue for the different products that were purchased yesterday.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | timechart per_hour(price) by

productName usenull=f useother=f

This example searches for all purchase events (defined by the action=purchase)
and pipes those results into the timechart command. The per_hour() function
sums up the values of the price field for each item (product_name) and bins the
total for each hour of the day.

This produces the following table of results in the Statistics tab.

View and format the report in the Visualizations tab. Here, it's formatted as a

stacked column chart over time.

After you create this chart, you can position your mouse pointer over each
section to view more metrics for the product purchased at that hour of the day.
Notice that the chart does not display the data in hourly spans. Because a span
is not provided (such as span=1hr), the per_hour() function converts the value so
that it is a sum per hours in the time range (which in this example is 24 hours).

2. Chart the number of purchases made daily for each type of product

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial and a field
lookup to add more information to the event data. Before you run this example,
download the data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the
instructions to upload it to your Splunk deployment.
Chart the number of purchases made daily for each type of product.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | timechart span=1d count by

categoryId usenull=f

This example searches for all purchases events (defined by the

action=purchase) and pipes those results into the timechart command. The
span=1day argument buckets the count of purchases over the week into daily
chunks. The usenull=f argument means "ignore any events that contain a NULL
value for categoryId."

This produces the following table of results in the Statistics tab.

View and format the report in the Visualizations tab. Here, it's formatted as a
column chart over time.

Compare the number of different items purchased each day and over the course
of the week. It looks like day-to-day, the number of purchases for each item does
not vary significantly.

3. Count the total revenue made for each item sold at the shop over the
course of the week

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial and a field
lookup to add more information to the event data. Before you run this example:

• Download the data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow
the instructions to upload it to your Splunk deployment.
• Download the CSV file from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow
the instructions to set up your field lookup.

The original data set includes a productId field that is the catalog number for
the items sold at the Buttercup Games online store. The field lookup adds two
new fields to your events: product_name, which is a descriptive name for the
item, and price, which is the cost of the item.
Count the total revenue made for each item sold at the shop over the course of
the week. This examples shows two ways to do this.

1. This first search uses the span argument to bucket the times of the search
results into 1 day increments. Then uses the sum() function to add the price for
each product_name.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | timechart span=1d sum(price) by

product_name usenull=f

2. This second search uses the per_day() function to calculate the total of the
price values for each day.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | timechart per_day(price) by

product_name usenull=f

Both searches produce the following results table in the Statistics tab.

View and format the report in the Visualizations tab. Here, it's formatted as a
column chart over time.

Now you can compare the total revenue made for items purchased each day and
over the course of the week.

4. Chart product views and purchases for a single day

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the Search Tutorial and follow the instructions to
upload it to your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the Preset
time range "Yesterday" or "Last 24 hours".
Chart a single day's views and purchases at the Buttercup Games online store.

sourcetype=access_* | timechart per_hour(eval(method="GET")) AS Views,

per_hour(eval(action="purchase")) AS Purchases

This search uses the per_hour() function and eval expressions to search for
page views (method=GET) and purchases (action=purchase). The results of the
eval expressions are renamed as Views and Purchases, respectively.

This produces the following results table in the Statistics tab.

View and format the report in the Visualizations tab. Here, it's formatted as an
area chart.

The difference between the two areas indicates that all the views did not lead to
purchases. If all views lead to purchases, you would expect the areas to overlay
atop each other completely so that there is no difference between the two areas.

Where clause Examples

These examples use the where clause to control the number of series values
returned in the time-series chart.

Example 1: Show the 5 most rare series based on the minimum count values. All
other series values will be labeled as "other".

index=_internal | timechart span=1h count by source WHERE min in bottom5

Example 2: Show the 5 most frequent series based on the maximum values. All
other series values will be labeled as "other".

index=_internal | timechart span=1h count by source WHERE max in top5

These two searches return six data series: the five top or bottom series specified
and the series labeled other. To hide the "other" series, specify the argument

Example 3: Show the source series count of INFO events, but only where the
total number of events is larger than 100. All other series values will be labeled
as "other".

index=_internal | timechart span=1h

sum(eval(if(log_level=="INFO",1,0))) by source WHERE sum > 100

Example 4: Using the where clause with the count function measures the total
number of events over the period. This yields results similar to using the sum

The following two searches returns the sources series with a total count of events
greater than 100. All other series values will be labeled as "other".

index=_internal | timechart span=1h count by source WHERE count > 100

index=_internal | timechart span=1h count by source WHERE sum > 100

See also

bin, chart, sitimechart


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the timechart command.


Displays, or wraps, the output of the timechart command so that every period of
time is a different series.

You can use the timewrap command to compare data over specific time period,
such as day-over-day or month-over-month. You can also use the timewrap
command to compare multiple time periods, such as a two week period over

another two week period. See Timescale options.


timewrap <timewrap-span> [align=now | end] [series=relative | exact | short]


Required arguments

Syntax: [<int>]<timescale>
Description: A span of each bin, based on time. The timescale is
required. The int is not required. If <int> is not specified, 1 is assumed.
For example if day is specified for the timescale, 1day is assumed. See
Timescale options.

Optional arguments

Syntax: align=now | end
Description: Specifies if the wrapping should be aligned to the current
time or the end time of the search.
Default: end

Syntax: series=relative | exact | short
Description: Specifies how the data series is named. If series=relative
and timewrap-span is set to week, the field names are latest_week,
1week_before, 2weeks_before, and so forth. If series=exact, use the
time_format argument to specify a custom format for the series names.
Default: relative

Syntax: time_format=<str>
Description: Use with series=exact to specify a custom name for the
series. The time_format is designed to be used with the time format
variables. For example, if you specify time_format="week of %d/%m/%y",
this format appears as week of 13/2/17 and week of 20/2/17. If you
specify time_format=week of %b %d, this format appears as week of Feb
13 and week of Feb 20. See the Usage section.
Default: None

Timescale options

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <week> | <month> | <quarter> |
Description: Time scale units.

Time scale Syntax Description

<sec> s | sec | secs | second | seconds Time scale in seconds.
<min> min | mins | minute | minutes Time scale in minutes.
<hr> h | hr | hrs | hour | hours Time scale in hours.
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
<week> w | week | weeks Time scale in weeks.
<month> m | mon | month | months Time scale in months.
<quarter> qtr | quarter | quarters Time scale in quarters
<year> y | yr | year | years Time scale in years.

The timewrap command uses the abbreviation m to refer to months. Other

commands , such as timechart and bin use the abbreviation m to refer to


The timewrap command is a reporting command.

You must use the timechart command in the search before you use the
timewrap command.

The wrapping is based on the end time of the search. If you specify the time
range of All time, the wrapping is based on today's date. You see this in the
timestamps for the _time field and in the data series names.

Using the time_format argument

If the format you specify does not contain any time specifiers, then all of the data
series display the same name and are compressed into each other.

Basic example

Display a timechart that has a span of 1 day for each count in a week over week
comparison table. Each table column, which is the series, is 1 week of time.

... | timechart count span=1d | timewrap 1week

Extended example

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the timewrap command.


Displays the most common values of a field.

Finds the most frequent tuple of values of all fields in the field list, along with a
count and percentage. If the optional by-clause is included, the command finds
the most frequent values for each distinct tuple of values of the group-by fields.


top [<N>] [<top-options>...] <field-list> [<by-clause>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>, <field>, ...
Description: Comma-delimited list of field names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <int>
Description: The number of results to return.

Syntax: countfield=<string> | limit=<int> | otherstr=<string> |
percentfield=<string> | showcount=<bool> | showperc=<bool> |
Description: Options for the top command. See Top options.

Syntax: BY <field-list>
Description: The name of one or more fields to group by.

Top options

Syntax: countfield=<string>
Description: The name of a new field that the value of count is written to.
Default: "count"

Syntax: limit=<int>
Description: Specifies how many tuples to return, "0" returns all values.
Default: "10"

Syntax: otherstr=<string>
Description: If useother is true, specify the value that is written into the
row representing all other values.
Default: "OTHER"

Syntax: percentfield=<string>
Description: Name of a new field to write the value of percentage.
Default: "percent"

Syntax: showcount=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "count" (see
"countfield" option) with the count of that tuple.

Default: true

Syntax: showperc=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to create a field called "percent" (see
"percentfield" option) with the relative prevalence of that tuple.
Default: true

Syntax: useother=<bool>
Description: Specify whether or not to add a row that represents all
values not included due to the limit cutoff.
Default: false


By default the top command returns a maximum of 50,000 results. This

maximum is controlled by the maxresultrows setting in the [top] stanza in the
limits.conf file. Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

Only users with file system access, such as system administrators, can edit the
configuration files. Never change or copy the configuration files in the default
directory. The files in the default directory must remain intact and in their
original location. Make the changes in the local directory.

See How to edit a configuration file.

If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to edit the configuration file, file a
Support ticket.


Example 1: Return the 20 most common values for a field

This search returns the 20 most common values of the "referer" field. The results
show the number of events (count) that have that a count of referer, and the
percent that each referer is of the total number of events.

sourcetype=access_* | top limit=20 referer

Example 2: Return top values for one field organized by another field

This search returns the top "action" values for each "referer_domain".

sourcetype=access_* | top action by referer_domain

Because a limit is not specified, this returns all the combinations of values for
"action" and "referer_domain" as well as the counts and percentages:

Example 3: Returns the top product purchased for each category

This search returns the top product purchased for each category. Do not show
the percent field. Rename the count field to "total".

sourcetype=access_* status=200 action=purchase | top 1 productName by

categoryId showperc=f countfield=total

See also

rare, sitop, stats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the top command.


The transaction command finds transactions based on events that meet various
constraints. Transactions are made up of the raw text (the _raw field) of each
member, the time and date fields of the earliest member, as well as the union of
all other fields of each member.

Additionally, the transaction command adds two fields to the raw events,
duration and eventcount. The values in the duration field show the difference
between the timestamps for the first and last events in the transaction. The
values in the eventcount field show the number of events in the transaction.

See About transactions in the Search Manual.


transaction [<field-list>] [name=<transaction-name>] [<txn_definition-options>...]

[<memcontrol-options>...] [<rendering-options>...]

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: One field or more field names. The events are grouped into
transactions based on the values of this field. If a quoted list of fields is
specified, events are grouped together if they have the same value for

each of the fields.

Syntax: <maxopentxn> | <maxopenevents> | <keepevicted>
Description: These options control the memory usage for your
transactions. They are not required, but you can use 0 or more of the
options to define your transaction.

Syntax: name=<transaction-name>
Description: Specify the stanza name of a transaction that is configured
in the transactiontypes.conf file. This runs the search using the settings
defined in this stanza of the configuration file. If you provide other
transaction definition options (such as maxspan) in this search, they
overrule the settings in the configuration file.

Syntax: <delim> | <mvlist> | <mvraw> | <nullstr>
Description: These options control the multivalue rendering for your
transactions. They are not required, but you can use 0 or more of the
options to define your transaction.

Syntax: <maxspan> | <maxpause> | <maxevents> | <startswith> |
<endswith> | <connected> | <unifyends> | <keeporphans>
Description: Specify the transaction definition options to define your
transactions. You can use multiple options to define your transaction.

Txn definition options

Syntax: connected=<bool>
Description: Only relevant if a field or fields list is specified. If an event
contains fields required by the transaction, but none of these fields have
been instantiated in the transaction (added with a previous event), this
opens a new transaction (connected=true) or adds the event to the
transaction (connected=false).
Default: true

Syntax: endswith=<filter-string>
Description: A search or eval expression which, if satisfied by an event,
marks the end of a transaction.

Syntax: keeporphans=true | false
Description: Specify whether the transaction command should output the
results that are not part of any transactions. The results that are passed
through as "orphans" are distinguished from transaction events with a
_txn_orphan field, which has a value of 1 for orphan results.
Default: false

Syntax: maxspan=<int>[s | m | h | d]
Description: Specifies the maximum length of time in seconds, minutes,
hours, or days that the events can span. The events in the transaction
must span less than integer specified for maxspan. If the value is
negative, the maxspan constraint is disabled and there is no limit.
Default: -1 (no limit)

Syntax: maxpause=<int>[s | m | h | d]
Description: Specifies the maximum length of time in seconds, minutes,
hours, or days for the pause between the events in a transaction. If value
is negative, the maxpause constraint is disabled and there is no limit.
Default: -1 (no limit)

Syntax: maxevents=<int>
Description: The maximum number of events in a transaction. If the value
is negative this constraint is disabled.
Default: 1000

Syntax: startswith=<filter-string>
Description: A search or eval filtering expression which if satisfied by an
event marks the beginning of a new transaction.

Syntax: unifyends= true | false
Description: Whether to force events that match startswith/endswith
constraint(s) to also match at least one of the fields used to unify events
into a transaction.
Default: false

Filter string options

Syntax: <search-expression> | (<quoted-search-expression>) |
Description: A search or eval filtering expression which if satisfied by an
event marks the end of a transaction.

Description: A valid search expression that does not contain quotes.

Description: A valid search expression that contains quotes.

Description: A valid eval expression that evaluates to a Boolean.

Memory constraint options

If you have Splunk Cloud, Splunk Support administers the settings in the
limits.conf file on your behalf.

Syntax: keepevicted=<bool>
Description: Whether to output evicted transactions. Evicted transactions
can be distinguished from non-evicted transactions by checking the value
of the 'closed_txn' field. The 'closed_txn' field is set to '0', or false, for
evicted transactions and '1', or true for non-evicted, or closed,
transactions. The 'closed_txn' field is set to '1' if one of the following
conditions is met: maxevents, maxpause, maxspan, startswith. For
startswith, because the transaction command sees events in reverse
time order, it closes a transaction when it satisfies the start condition. If
none of these conditions is specified, all transactions are output even
though all transactions will have 'closed_txn' set to '0'. A transaction can
also be evicted when the memory limitations are reached.
Default: false or 0

Syntax: maxopenevents=<int>
Description: Specifies the maximum number of events (which are) part of
open transactions before transaction eviction starts happening, using LRU

Default: The default value for this argument is read from the transactions
stanza in the limits.conf file.

Syntax: maxopentxn=<int>
Description: Specifies the maximum number of not yet closed
transactions to keep in the open pool before starting to evict transactions,
using LRU policy.
Default: The default value for this argument is read from the transactions
stanza in the limits.conf file.

Multivalue rendering options

Syntax: delim=<string>
Description: Specify a character to separate multiple values. When used
in conjunction with mvraw=t, represents a string used to delimit the values
of _raw.
Default: " " (whitespace)

Syntax: mvlist= true | false | <field-list>
Description: Flag that controls whether the multivalued fields of the
transaction are (mvlist=t) a list of the original events ordered in arrival
order or (mvlist=f) a set of unique field values ordered alphabetically. If a
comma or space delimited list of fields is provided, only those fields are
rendered as lists.
Default: false

Syntax: mvraw=<bool>
Description: Used to specify whether the _raw field of the transaction
search result should be a multivalued field.
Default: false

Syntax: nullstr=<string>
Description: A string value to use when rendering missing field values as
part of multivalued fields in a transaction. This option applies only to fields
that are rendered as lists.
Default: NULL


Specifying multiple fields

The Splunk software does not necessarily interpret the transaction defined by
multiple fields as a conjunction (field1 AND field2 AND field3) or a disjunction
(field1 OR field2 OR field3) of those fields. If there is a transitive relationship
between the fields in the fields list and if the related events appear in the correct
sequence, each with a different timestamp, transaction command will try to use
it. For example, if you searched for

... | transaction host cookie

You might see the following events grouped into a transaction:

event=1 host=a
event=2 host=a cookie=b
event=3 cookie=b

Descending time order required

The transaction command requires that the incoming events be in descending

time order. Some commands, such as eval, might change the order or time
labeling of events. If one of these commands precedes the transaction
command, your search returns an error unless you include a sort command in
your search. The sort command must occur immediately before the transaction
command to reorder the search results in descending time order.

Basic Examples

1. Transactions with the same host, time range, and pause

Group search results that that have the same host and cookie value, occur within
30 seconds, and do not have a pause of more than 5 seconds between the

... | transaction host cookie maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

2. Transactions with the same "from" value, time range, and pause

Group search results that have the same value of "from", with a maximum span
of 30 seconds, and a pause between events no greater than 5 seconds into a

... | transaction from maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

3. Transactions with the same field values

You have events that include an alert_level. You want to create transactions
where the level is equal. Using the streamstats command, you can remember
the value of the alert level for the current and previous event. Using the
transaction command, you can create a new transaction if the alert level is
different. Output specific fields to table.

... | streamstats window=2 current=t latest(alert_level) AS last

earliest(alert_level) AS first | transaction endswith=eval(first!=last)
| table _time duration first last alert_level eventcount

Extended Examples

1. Transactions of Web access events based on IP address

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to
your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Define a transaction based on Web access events that share the same IP
address. The first and last events in the transaction should be no more than thirty
seconds apart and each event should not be longer than five seconds apart.

sourcetype=access_* | transaction clientip maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

This produces the following events list:

This search groups events together based on the IP addresses accessing the

server and the time constraints. The search results may have multiple values for
some fields, such as host and source. For example, requests from a single IP
could come from multiple hosts if multiple people were shopping from the same
office. For more information, read the topic "About transactions" in the
Knowledge Manager manual.

2. Transaction of Web access events based on host and client IP

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to
your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >
Define a transaction based on Web access events that have a unique
combination of host and clientip values. The first and last events in the
transaction should be no more than thirty seconds apart and each event should
not be longer than five seconds apart.

sourcetype=access_* | transaction clientip host maxspan=30s maxpause=5s

This produces the following events list:

In contrast to the transaction in Example 1, each of these events have a distinct

combination of the IP address (clientip values) and host values within the limits
of the time constraints. Thus, you should not see different values of host or
clientip addresses among the events in a single transaction.

3. Purchase transactions based on IP address and time range

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to
your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, Other >

Define a purchase transaction as 3 events from one IP address which occur in a
ten minute span of time.

sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | transaction clientip maxspan=10m


This search defines a purchase event based on Web access events that have
the action=purchase value. These results are then piped into the transaction
command. This search identifies purchase transactions by events that share the
same clientip, where each session lasts no longer than 10 minutes, and
includes no more than three events.

This produces the following events list:

This above results show the same IP address appearing from different host

4. Email transactions based on maxevents and endswith

This example uses generated email data (sourcetype=cisco_esa). You should

be able to run this example on any email data by replacing the
sourcetype=cisco_esa with your data's sourcetype value.
Define an email transaction as a group of up to 10 events each containing the
same value for the mid (message ID), icid (incoming connection ID), and dcid
(delivery connection ID) and with the last event in the transaction containing a
"Message done" string.

sourcetype="cisco_esa" | transaction mid dcid icid maxevents=10

endswith="Message done"

This produces the following events list:

Here, you can see that each transaction has no more than ten events. Also, the
last event includes the string, "Message done" in the event line.

5. Email transactions based on maxevents, maxspan, and mvlist

This example uses generated email data (sourcetype=cisco_esa). You should

be able to run this example on any email data by replacing the
sourcetype=cisco_esa with your data's sourcetype value.
Define an email transaction as a group of up to 10 events each containing the
same value for the mid (message ID), icid (incoming connection ID), and dcid
(delivery connection ID). The first and last events in the transaction should be no
more than five seconds apart and each transaction should have no more than ten

sourcetype="cisco_esa" | transaction mid dcid icid maxevents=10

maxspan=5s mvlist=t

By default, the values of multivalue fields are suppressed in search results

(mvlist=f). Specifying mvlist=t in this search displays all the values of the
selected fields. This produces the following events list:

Here you can see that each transaction has a duration that is less than five
seconds. Also, if there is more than one value for a field, each of the values is

6. Transactions with the same session ID and IP address

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial. Download the
data set from this topic in the tutorial and follow the instructions to upload it to
your Splunk deployment. Then, run this search using the time range, All time.
Define a transaction as a group of events that have the same session ID
(JSESSIONID) and come from the same IP address (clientip) and where the first
event contains the string, "signon", and the last event contains the string,

sourcetype=access_* | transaction JSESSIONID clientip

startswith="*signon*" endswith="purchase" | where duration>0

The search defines the first event in the transaction as events that include the
string, "signon", using the startswith="*signon*" argument. The
endswith="purchase" argument does the same for the last event in the

This example then pipes the transactions into the where command and the
duration field to filter out all the transactions that took less than a second to

You might be curious about why the transactions took a long time, so viewing
these events may help you to troubleshoot. You won't see it in this data, but
some transactions may take a long time because the user is updating and
removing items from his shopping cart before he completes the purchase.

See also

stats, concurrency


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the transaction command.


Returns the specified number of rows (search results) as columns (list of field
values), such that each search row becomes a column.


transpose [int] [column_name=<string>] [header_field=<field>]


Required arguments


Optional arguments

Syntax: column_name=<string>
Description: The name of the first column that you want to use for the
transposed rows. This column contains the names of the fields.
Default: column

Syntax: header_field=<field>
Description: The field in your results to use for the names of the columns
(other than the first column) in the transposed data.
Default: row 1, row 2, row 3, and so on.

Syntax: include_empty=<bool>

Description: Specify whether to include (true) or not include (false) fields
that contain empty values.
Default: true

Syntax: <int>
Description: Limit the number of rows to transpose. To transpose all
rows, specify | transpose 0, which indicates that the number of rows to
transpose is unlimited.
Default: 5


When you use the transpose command the field names used in the output are
based on the arguments that you use with the command. By default the field
names are: column, row1, row2, and so forth.


1. Transpose the results of a chart command

Use the default settings for the transpose command to transpose the results of a
chart command.

... | chart count BY host error_code | transpose

2. Count the number of events by sourcetype and transpose the results to

display the 3 highest counts

Count the number of events by sourcetype and display the sourcetypes with the
highest count first.

index=_internal | stats count by sourcetype | sort -count

Use the transpose command to convert the rows to columns and show the
source types with the 3 highest counts.

index=_internal | stats count by sourcetype | sort -count | transpose 3

3. Transpose a set of data into a series to produce a chart

This example uses the sample dataset from the Search Tutorial.

• Download the data set from Add data tutorial and follow the instructions
to get the tutorial data into your Splunk deployment.
Search all successful events and count the number of views, the number of times
items were added to the cart, and the number of purchases.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count AS views

count(eval(action="addtocart")) AS addtocart
count(eval(action="purchase")) AS purchases

This search produces a single row of data.

When you switch to the Visualization tab, the data displays a chart with the
"34282 views" as the X axis label and two columns, one for "addtocart "and one
for "purchases". Because the information about the views is placed on the X axis,
this chart is confusing.

If you change to a pie chart, you see only the "views".

Use the transpose command to convert the columns of the single row into
multiple rows.

sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count AS views

count(eval(action="addtocart")) AS addtocart
count(eval(action="purchase")) AS purchases | transpose

Now these rows can be displayed in a column or pie chart where you can
compare the counts.

See also

fields, stats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the transpose command.


Computes the moving averages of fields: simple moving average (sma),

exponential moving average (ema), and weighted moving average (wma) The
output is written to a new field, which you can specify.

SMA and WMA both compute a sum over the period of most recent values.
WMA puts more weight on recent values rather than past values. EMA is
calculated using the following formula.

EMA(t) = alpha * EMA(t-1) + (1 - alpha) * field(t)

where alpha = 2/(period + 1) and field(t) is the current value of a field.


trendline ( <trendtype><period>"("<field>")" [AS <newfield>] )...

Required arguments

Syntax: syntax = sma | ema | wma
Description: The type of trend to compute. Current supported trend types
include simple moving average (sma), exponential moving average (ema),
and weighted moving average (wma).

Syntax: <num>
Description: The period over which to compute the trend, an integer
between 2 and 10000.

Syntax: "("<field>")"
Description: The name of the field on which to calculate the trend.

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Specify a new field name to write the output to.
Default: <trendtype><period>(<field>)


Example 1: Computes a five event simple moving average for field 'foo' and
writes the result to new field called 'smoothed_foo.' Also, in the same line,
computes ten event exponential moving average for field 'bar'. Because no AS
clause is specified, writes the result to the field 'ema10(bar)'.

... | trendline sma5(foo) AS smoothed_foo ema10(bar)

Example 2: Overlay a trendline over a chart of events by month.

index="bar" | stats count BY date_month | trendline sma2(count) AS trend

| fields * trend

See also

accum, autoregress, delta, streamstats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the trendline command.


The tscollect command uses indexed fields to create time series index (tsidx)
files in a namespace that you define. The result tables in these files are a subset
of the data that you have already indexed. This then enables you to use the
tstats command to search and report on these tsidx files instead of searching
raw data. Because you are searching on a subset of the full index, the search
should complete faster than it would otherwise.

The tscollect command creates multiple tsidx files in the same namespace.
The command will begin a new tsidx file when it determines that the tsidx file it is
currently creating has gotten big enough.

Only users with the indexes_edit capability can run this command. See Usage.


... | tscollect [namespace=<string>] [squashcase=<bool>] [keepresults=<bool>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: keepresults = true | false
Description: If true, tscollect outputs the same results it received as input.
If false, tscollect returns the count of results processed (this is more
efficient since it does not need to store as many results).
Default: false

Syntax: namespace=<string>

Description: Define a location for the tsidx file(s). If namespace is
provided, the tsidx files are written to a directory of that name under the
main tsidxstats directory (that is, within $SPLUNK_DB/tsidxstats). These
namespaces can be written to multiple times to add new data.
Default: If namespace is not provided, the files are written to a directory
within the job directory of that search, and will live as long as the job does.
If you have Splunk Enterprise, you can configure the namespace location
by editing indexes.conf and setting the attribute tsidxStatsHomePath.

Syntax: squashcase = true | false
Description: Specify whether or not the case for the entire field::value
tokens are case sensitive when it is put into the lexicon. To create indexed
field tsidx files that are similar to those created by Splunk Enterprise, set
squashcase=true for results to be converted to all lowercase.
Default: false


You must have the indexes_edit capability to run the tscollect command. By
default, the admin role has this capability and the user and power roles do not
have this capability.


Example 1: Write the results table to tsidx files in namespace foo.

... | tscollect namespace=foo

Example 2: Retrieve events from the main index and write the values of field foo
to tsidx files in the job directory.

index=main | fields foo | tscollect

See also

collect, stats, tstats


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the tscollect command.


Use the tstats command to perform statistical queries on indexed fields in tsidx
files. The indexed fields can be from normal index data, tscollect data, or
accelerated data models.


| tstats [prestats=<bool>] [local=<bool>] [append=<bool>]

[summariesonly=<bool>] [allow_old_summaries=<bool>] [chunk_size=<unsigned
int>] <stats-func>...
[FROM ( <namespace> | sid=<tscollect-job-id> | datamodel=<data_model-name>
[WHERE <search-query>]
[BY <field-list> [span=<timespan>] ]

Required arguments

Syntax: count(<field>) | <function>(<field>) [AS <string>]
Description: Either perform a basic count of a field or perform a function
on a field. For a list of the supported functions for the tstats command,
refer to the table below. You can specify one or more functions. You can
also rename the result using the AS keyword, unless you are in prestats
mode. You cannot use wildcards to specify field names. You cannot use
wildcards in the BY clause with the tstats command. See Usage. For a list
of the supported functions for the tstats command, refer to the table

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use
the links in the table to see descriptions and examples for each function.
For an overview about using functions with commands, see Statistical and
charting functions.

Type of
functions and
Aggregate avg() exactperc<int>() perc<int>() sum()

count() max() range() sumsq()
distinct_count() median() stdev() upperperc<int>()
estdc() min() stdevp() var()
mode() varp()

order earliest() first() last() latest()
stats and
list(X) values(X)

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: When in prestats mode (prestats=t), enables append=t
where the prestats results append to existing results, instead of generating
Default: false

Syntax: allow_old_summaries=true | false
Description: Only applies when selecting from an accelerated data
model. To return results from summary directories only when those
directories are up-to-date, set this parameter to false. If the data model
definition has changed, summary directories that are older than the new
definition are not used when producing output from tstats. This default
ensures that the output from tstats will always reflect your current
configuration. When set to true, tstats will use both current summary data
and summary data that was generated prior to the definition change.
Essentially this is an advanced performance feature for cases where you
know that the old summaries are "good enough".
Default: false

Syntax: chunk_size=<unsigned_int>
Description: Advanced option. This argument controls how many events
are retrieved at a time within a single TSIDX file when answering queries.
Only consider supplying a lower value for this if you find a particular query
is using too much memory. The case that could cause this would be an
excessively high cardinality split-by, such as grouping by several fields

that have a very large amount of distinct values. Setting this value too low
can negatively impact the overall run time of your query.
Default: 10000000 (10 million)

Syntax: datamodel=<data_model-name>
Description: The name of an accelerated data model.

Syntax: <field>, ...
Description: Specify one or more fields to group results.

Syntax: local=true | false
Description: If true, forces the processor to be run only on the search
Default: false

Syntax: <string>
Description: Define a location for the tsidx file with
$SPLUNK_DB/tsidxstats. If you have Splunk Enterprise, you can configure
this location by editing indexes.conf and setting the tsidxStatsHomePath

Syntax: prestats=true | false
Description: Specifies whether to use the prestats format. The prestats
format is a Splunk internal format that is designed to be consumed by
commands that generate aggregate calculations. When using the prestats
format you can pipe the data into the chart, stats, or timechart commands,
which are designed to accept the prestats format. When prestats=true,
AS instructions are not relevant. The field names for the aggregates are
determined by the command that consumes the prestats format and
produces the aggregate output.
Default: false

Syntax: sid=<tscollect-job-id>
Description: The job ID string of a tscollect search (that generated tsidx


Syntax: summariesonly=<bool>
Description: Only applies when selecting from an accelerated data
model. When false, generates results from both summarized data and
data that is not summarized. For data not summarized as TSIDX data, the
full search behavior will be used against the original index data. If set to
true, 'tstats' will only generate results from the TSIDX data that has been
automatically generated by the acceleration and non-summarized data will
not be provided.
Default: false

Syntax: span=<timespan>
Description: The span of each time bin. If you use the BY clause to group
by _time, use the span argument to group the time buckets. You can
specify timespans such as ...BY _time span=1h or BY _time span=5d. If
you do not specify a <timespan>, the default is auto, which means that the
number of time buckets adjusts to produce a reasonable number of
results. For example if initially seconds are used for the <timespan> and
too many results are being returned, the <timespan> is changed to a
longer value, such as minutes, to return fewer time buckets.
Default: auto

Syntax: auto | <int><timescale>

Syntax: <sec> | <min> | <hr> | <day> | <month>
Description: Time scale units. For the tstats command, the
<timescale> does not support subseconds.
Default: sec

Time scale Syntax Description

s | sec | secs | second | Time scale in
seconds seconds.
m | min | mins | minute | Time scale in
minutes minutes.
<hr> h | hr | hrs | hour | hours Time scale in hours.
<day> d | day | days Time scale in days.
Time scale in
<month> mon | month | months


The tstats command is a generating command. Generating commands use a

leading pipe character. The tstats command must be the first command in a
search pipeline, except when (append=true).

Wildcard characters

The tstats command does not support wildcard characters in field values in
aggregate functions or BY clauses.

For example, you cannot specify | tstats avg(foo*) or | tstats count WHERE
host=x BY source*.

Samples of aggregate functions include avg(), count(), max(), min(), and sum().

Any results returned where the aggregate function or BY clause includes a

wildcard character are only the most recent few minutes of data that has not
been summarized. Include the summariesonly=t argument with your tstats
command to return only summarized data.

Functions and memory usage

Some functions are inherently more expensive, from a memory standpoint, than
other functions. For example, the distinct_count function requires far more
memory than the count function. The values and list functions also can
consume a lot of memory.

If you are using the distinct_count function without a split-by field or with a
low-cardinality split-by by field, consider replacing the distinct_count function
with the the estdc function (estimated distinct count). The estdc function might
result in significantly lower memory usage and run times.

Memory and maximum results

In the limits.conf file, the maxresultrows setting in the [searchresults] stanza

specifies the maximum number of results to return. The default value is 50,000.
Increasing this limit can result in more memory usage.

The max_mem_usage_mb setting in the [default] stanza is used to limit how much
memory the tstats command uses to keep track of information. If the tstats
command reaches this limit, the command stops adding the requested fields to
the search results. You can increase the limit, contingent on the available system


If you are using Splunk Cloud and want to change either of these limits, file a
Support ticket.

Complex aggregate functions

The tstats command does not support complex aggregate functions such as

Consider the following query. This query will not return accurate results because
complex aggregate functions are not supported by the tstats command.

| tstats summariesonly=false values(Authentication.tag) as tag,

values(Authentication.app) as app,
count(eval('Authentication.action'=="failure")) as failure,
count(eval('Authentication.action'=="success")) as success from
datamodel=Authentication by Authentication.src | search success>0 |
where failure > 5 | `settags("access")` |

Instead, separate out the aggregate functions from the eval functions, as shown
in the following search.

| tstats `summariesonly` values(Authentication.app) as app, count from

datamodel=Authentication.Authentication by Authentication.action,
Authentication.src | `drop_dm_object_name("Authentication")` | eval
failure=if(action="failure",count,0) | stats values(app) as app,
sum(failure) as failure, sum(success) as success by src

Sparkline charts

You can generate sparkline charts with the tstats command only if you specify
the _time field in the BY clause and use the stats command to generate the
actual sparkline. For example:

| tstats count from datamodel=Authentication.Authentication BY _time,

Authentication.src span=1h | stats sparkline(sum(count),1h) AS
sparkline, sum(count) AS count BY Authentication.src

Selecting data

Use the tstats command to perform statistical queries on indexed fields in tsidx
files. You can select the data for the indexed fields in several ways.

Normal index data
Use a FROM clause to specify a namespace, search job ID, or data
model. If you do not specify a FROM clause, the Splunk software selects
from index data in the same way as the search command. You are
restricted to selecting data from your allowed indexes by user role. You
control exactly which indexes you select data from by using the WHERE
clause. If no indexes are mentioned in the WHERE clause, the Splunk
software uses the default indexes. By default, role-based search filters are
applied, but can be turned off in the limits.conf file.

Data manually collected with the tscollect command

You can select data from your namespace by specifying FROM
<namespace>. If you did not specify a namespace with the tscollect
command, the data is collected into the dispatch directory of that job. If the
data is in the dispatch directory, you select the data by specifying FROM

An accelerated data model

You can select data from a high-performance analytics store, which is a
collection of .tsidx data summaries, for an accelerated data model. You
can select data from this accelerated data model by using FROM

Search filters cannot be applied to accelerated data models. This includes

both role-based and user-based search filters.

An accelerated data model dataset

When you select data within an accelerated data model, you can further
constrain your search by indicating a dataset within that data model that
you want to select data from. You do this by using a WHERE clause to
indicate the nodename of the data model dataset. The nodename value
indicates where the dataset is in a data model hierarchy.

When you use nodename in a search, you always use the following
construction: FROM datamodel=<data_model_name> where

For example, suppose you want to search on a dataset named

scheduled_reports in your internal_server data model. In that data
model, the scheduled_reports dataset is a child of the scheduler dataset,
which in turn is a child of the server root event dataset. This means that
you should represent the scheduled_report dataset in your search as

If you run that search and decide you want to search on the contents of
the scheduler data model dataset instead, you would use
nodename=server.scheduler in your new search.

Search filters cannot be applied to accelerated data model datasets. This

includes both role-based and user-based search filters.

You might see a count mismatch in the events retrieved when searching tsidx
files. It is not possible to distinguish between indexed field tokens and raw tokens
in tsidx files. On the other hand, it is more explicit to run the tstats command
on accelerated data models or from a tscollect command, where only the fields
and values are stored and not the raw tokens.

Filtering with WHERE

You can provide any number of aggregates (aggregate-opt) to perform and also
have the option of providing a filtering query using the WHERE keyword. This
query looks like a normal query you would use in the search processor. This
supports all the same time arguments as search, such as earliest=-1y.

Grouping by _time

You can provide any number of GROUPBY fields. If you are grouping by _time,
supply a timespan with span for grouping the time buckets, for example ...BY
_time span=1h or ...BY _time span=3d.


Example 1: Gets the count of all events in the mydata namespace.

| tstats count FROM mydata

Example 2: Returns the average of the field foo in mydata, specifically where bar
is value2 and the value of baz is greater than 5.

| tstats avg(foo) FROM mydata WHERE bar=value2 baz>5

Example 3: Gives the count by source for events with host=x.

| tstats count WHERE host=x BY source

Example 4: Gives a timechart of all the data in your default indexes with a day

| tstats prestats=t count BY _time span=1d | timechart span=1d count

Example 5: Use prestats mode in conjunction with append to compute the

median values of foo and bar, which are in different namespaces.

| tstats prestats=t median(foo) FROM mydata | tstats prestats=t append=t

median(bar) FROM otherdata | stats median(foo) median(bar)

Example 6: Uses the summariesonly argument to get the time range of the
summary for an accelerated data model named mydm.

| tstats summariesonly=t min(_time) AS min, max(_time) AS max FROM

datamodel=mydm | eval prettymin=strftime(min, "%c") | eval
prettymax=strftime(max, "%c")

Example 7: Uses summariesonly in conjunction with timechart to reveal what

data has been summarized over the past hour for an accelerated data model
titled mydm.

| tstats summariesonly=t prestats=t count FROM datamodel=mydm BY _time

span=1h | timechart span=1h count

Example 8: Uses the values statistical function to provide lists of values for each
field returned by the "Splunk's Internal Server Logs" data model.

| tstats values FROM datamodel=internal_server.server

Example 9: Uses the values statistical function to provide lists of values for each
field returned by the Alerts dataset within the "Splunk's Internal Server Logs" data

| tstats values FROM datamodel=internal_server where


See also

stats, tscollect


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the tstats command.


Returns typeahead information for a specified prefix. The maximum number of

results returned is based on value you specify for the count argument. The
typeahead command can be targeted to an index and restricted by time.


| typeahead prefix=<string> count=<int> [max_time=<int>] [<index=<string>]

[<starttimeu=<int>] [<endtimeu=<int>] [collapse=<bool>]

Required arguments

Syntax: prefix=<string>
Description: The full search string to return typeahead information.

Syntax: count=<int>
Description: The maximum number of results to return.

Optional arguments

Syntax: index=<string>
Description: Search the specified index instead of the default index.

Syntax: max_time=<int>
Description: The maximum time in seconds that the typeahead can run. If
max_time=0, there is no limit.

Syntax: starttimeu=<int>
Description: Set the start time to N seconds, measured in UNIX time.
Default: 0

Syntax: endtimeu=<int>
Description: Set the end time to N seconds, measured in UNIX time.

Default: now

Syntax: collapse=<bool>
Description: Specify whether to collapse a term that is a prefix of another
term when the event count is the same.
Default: true

Typeahead and sourcetype renaming

After renaming the sourcetype in the props.conf file, it takes about 5 minutes
(the exact time might slightly depend on the performance of the server) to clear
up the cache data. A typeahead search that is run while the cache is being
cleared returns the cached source type data. This is expected behavior.

To remove the cached data, in a terminal window run the following command:

rm $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/typeahead/*, then re-run the typeahead

When you re-run the typeahead search, you should see the renamed source

For more information, see Rename source types in the Getting Data In manual.


The typeahead command is a generating command and should be the first

command in the search. Generating commands use a leading pipe character.


Example 1:

Return typeahead information for sources in the "_internal" index.

| typeahead prefix=source count=10 index=_internal


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the typeahead command.


Generates suggested event types by taking previous search results and

producing a list of potential searches that can be used as event types. By default,
the typelearner command initially groups events by the value of the
grouping-field. The search then unifies and merges these groups based on the
keywords they contain.


typelearner [<grouping-field>] [<grouping-maxlen>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The field with values for the typelearner comman to use
when initially grouping events.
Default: punct, the punctuation seen in _raw

Syntax: maxlen=<int>
Description: Determines how many characters in the grouping-field value
to look at. If set to negative, the entire value of the grouping-field value is
used to group events.
Default: 15


Example 1:

Have the search automatically discover and apply event types to search results.

... | typelearner

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the typelearner command.


Calculates the 'eventtype' field for search results that match a known event type.




Example 1:

Force the search to apply event types that you have configured (Splunk Web
automatically does this when you view the "eventtype" field).

... | typer

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the typer command.


Merges the results from two or more datasets into one dataset. One of the
datasets can be a result set that is then piped into the union command and

merged with a second dataset.

The union command appends or merges event from the specified datasets,
depending on whether the dataset is streaming or non-streaming and where the
command is run. The union command runs on indexers in parallel where
possible, and automatically interleaves results on the _time when processing
events. See Usage.

If you are familiar with SQL but new to SPL, see Splunk SPL for SQL users.


union [<subsearch-options>] <dataset> [<dataset>...]

Required arguments

Syntax: <dataset-type>:<dataset-name> | <subsearch>
Description: The dataset that you want to perform the union on. The
dataset can be either a named or unnamed dataset.

• A named dataset is comprised of <dataset-type>:<dataset-name>. For

<dataset-type> you can specify a data model, a saved search, or an
inputlookup. For example datamodel:"internal_server.splunkdaccess".
• A subsearch is an unnamed dataset.

When specifying more than one dataset, use a space or a comma

separator between the dataset names.

Optional arguments

Syntax: maxtime=<int> maxout=<int> timeout=<int>
Description: You can specify one set of subsearch-options that apply to
all of the subsearches. You can specify one or more of the
subsearch-options. These options apply only when the subsearch is
treated as a non-streaming search.

• The maxtime argument specifies the maximum number of seconds to run

the subsearch before finalizing. The default is 60 seconds.

• The maxout argument specifies the maximum number of results to return
from the subsearch. The default is 50000 results. This value is the
maxresultrows setting is in the [searchresults] stanza in the limits.conf
• The timeout argument specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
to cache the subsearch results. The default is 300 seconds.


The union command is a generating command.

Optimized syntax for streaming datasets

With streaming datasets, instead of this syntax:

<streaming_dataset1> | union <streaming_dataset2>

Your search is more efficient with this syntax:

... | union <streaming_dataset1>, <streaming_dataset2>

When the <streaming_dataset1> is placed before the union command, the

search is processed as an append.
When the <streaming_dataset1> is placed after the union command, the search
is processed as a multisearch, which is more efficient.

Where the command is run

Whether the datasets are streaming or non-streaming determines if the union

command is run on the indexers or the search head. The following table specifies
where the command is run.

Dataset 1 is Dataset 1 is
Dataset type
streaming non-streaming
Dataset 2 is streaming Indexers Search head
Dataset 2 is
Search head Search head

Interleaving results

When two datasets are retrieved from disk in time descending order, which is the
default sort order, the union command interleaves the results. The interleave is
based on the _time field. For example, you have the following datasets:


_time host bytes

4 mailsrv1 2412
1 dns15 231

_time host bytes

3 router1 23
2 dns12 22o

Both datasets are descending order by _time. When | union dataset_A,

dataset_B is run, the following dataset is the result.

_time host bytes

4 mailsrv1 2412
3 router1 23
2 dns12 22o
1 dns15 231

1. Union events from two subsearches

The following example merges events from index a and index b. New fields
type and mytype are added in each subsearch using the eval command.

| union [search index=a | eval type = "foo"] [search index=b | eval

mytype = "bar"]

2. Union the results of a subsearch to the results of the main search

The following example appends the current results of the main search with the
tabular results of errors from the subsearch.

... | chart count by category1 | union [search error | chart count by

3. Union events from a data model and events from an index

The following example unions a built-in data model that is an internal server log
for REST API calls and the events from index a.

... | union datamodel:"internal_server.splunkdaccess" [search index=a]

4. Specify the subsearch options

The following example sets a maximum of 20,000 results to return from the
subsearch. The example specifies to limit the duration of the subsearch to 120
seconds. The example also sets a maximum time of 600 seconds (5 minutes) to
cache the subsearch results.

... | chart count by category1 | union maxout=20000 maxtime=120

timeout=600 [search error | chart count by category2]

See also

• About subsearches in the Search Manual

• About data models in the Knowledge Manager Manual
• search, inputlookup


The uniq command works as a filter on the search results that you pass into it.
This command removes any search result if that result is an exact duplicate of
the previous result. This command does not take any arguments.

Note: We do not recommend running this command against a large dataset.




Example 1:

Keep only unique results from all web traffic in the past hour.

eventtype=webtraffic earliest=-1h@s | uniq

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the uniq command.


Converts results from a tabular format to a format similar to stats output. This
command is the inverse of xyseries.


untable <x-field> <y-name-field> <y-data-field>

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Field to be used as the x-axis.

Syntax: <field>
Description: Field that contains the values to be used as labels for the
data series.

Syntax: <field>

Description: Field that contains the data to be charted.



You have the following table results:

Name Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4

abc YES No Yes No
xyz No Yes Yes No
mno No Yes No No
def Yes No Yes Yes

2. Reformat the search results

The following search uses the untable command to reformat the search results
from the timechart command.

... | timechart avg(delay) AS avg_delay BY host | untable _time host


See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the untable command.


The where command uses eval expressions to filter search results. The search
keeps only the results for which the evaluation was successful (that is, the
Boolean result was true).


where <eval-expression>

Required arguments

Syntax: <eval-mathematical-expression> |
<eval-concatenate-expression> | <eval-comparison-expression> |
<eval-boolean-expression> | <eval-function-call>
Description: A combination of values, variables, operators, and functions
that represent the value of your destination field. See Usage.

The syntax of the eval expression is checked before running the search,
and an exception is thrown for an invalid expression.

The following table describes characteristics of eval expressions that

require special handling.

Description Example
The result of the eval
expression cannot be
boolean. If the expression
cannot be successfully
Boolean results
evaluated for a particular
event at search-time, eval
erases the value in the
result field.
If the expression
references a field name
Field names starting
that starts with a numeric
with numeric '5minutes'="late"
character, the field name
must be surrounded by
single quotation marks.
Field names with If the expression new=count+'server-1'
non-alphanumeric references a field name
characters that contains
characters, the field name
must be surrounded by

single quotation marks.
If the expression
references a literal string
Literal strings with that contains
non-alphanumeric non-alphanumeric new="server-"+count
characters characters, the string must
be surrounded by double
quotation marks.


The where command uses the same expression syntax as the eval command.
Also, both commands interpret quoted strings as literals. If the string is not
quoted, it is treated as a field name. Because of this, you can use the where
command to compare two different fields, which you cannot use the search
command to do.


You can use a wide range of functions with the where command. For general
information about using functions, see Evaluation functions.

The following table lists the supported functions by type of function. Use the links
in the table to learn more about each function, and to see examples.

Type of Supported functions and

function syntax
in(VALUE-LIST) nullif(X,
and cidrmatch("X",Y)
like(TEXT, PATTERN) searchmat
Conditional coalesce(X,...)
match(SUBJECT, "REGEX") true()
functions false()
null() validate(

printf("format",arguments) tonumber(NUMSTR,BASE) tostring(
sha256(X) sha512(X)

Date and now() strftime(X,Y) time()


functions relative_time(X,Y) strptime(X,Y)

isnull(X) isstr(X)
functions isint(X)
isnum(X) typeof(X)

abs(X) floor(X) pow(X,Y)

ceiling(X) ln(X) round(X,Y
exact(X) log(X,Y) sigfig(X)
exp(X) pi() sqrt(X)

commands(X) mvfilter(X)
mvappend(X,...) mvfind(MVFIELD,"REGEX")
eval functions mvsort(X)
mvdedup(X) mvjoin(MVFIELD,STR)

max(X,...) min(X,...) random()
eval functions
len(X) rtrim(X,Y)
lower(X) spath(X,Y)
functions upper(X)
ltrim(X,Y) split(X,"Y")
replace(X,Y,Z) substr(X,Y,Z)

acos(X) atan2(X,Y)
and acosh(X) atanh(X)
Hyperbolic asin(X) cos(X)
functions asinh(X) cosh(X)
atan(X) hypot(X,Y)

1. Use the where command to match IP addresses or a subnet

Return "CheckPoint" events that match the IP or is in the specified subnet.

host="CheckPoint" | where like(src, "10.9.165.%") OR

cidrmatch("", dst)

2. Use the where command to specify a calculation

Return "physicsjobs" events with a speed is greater than 100.

sourcetype=physicsjobs | where distance/time > 100

See also

eval, search, regex


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the where command.


The x11 command removes the seasonal pattern in your time-based data series
so that you can see the real trend in your data. This command has a similar
purpose to the trendline command, but it uses the more sophisticated and
industry popular X11 method.

The seasonal component of your time series data can be either additive or
multiplicative, defined as the two types of seasonality that you can calculate with
x11: add() for additive and mult() for multiplicative. See About time-series
forecasting in the Search Manual.


x11 [<type>] [<period>] (<fieldname>) [AS <newfield>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: The name of the field to calculate the seasonal trend.

Optional arguments

Syntax: add() | mult()
Description: Specify the type of x11 to compute, additive or multiplicative.
Default: mult()

Syntax: <int>
Description: The period of the data relative to the number of data points,
expressed as an integer between 5 and 1000. If the period is 7, the
command expects the data to be periodic every 7 data points. If you omit
this parameter, Splunk software calculates the period automatically. The
algorithm does not work if the period is less than 5 and will be too slow if
the period is greater than 1000.

Syntax: <string>
Description: Specify a field name for the output of the x11 command.
Default: None


Example 1: In this example, the type is the default mult and the period is 15. The
field name specified is count.

index=download | timechart span=1d count(file) as count | x11


Because span=1d, every data point accounts for 1 day. As a result, the period in
this example is 15 days. You can change the syntax in this example to ... | x11
15(count) because the mult type is the default type.

Example 2: In this example, the type is add and the period is 20. The field name
specified is count.

index=download | timechart span=1d count(file) as count | x11

See also

predict, trendline


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the x11 command.


The xmlkv command automatically extracts fields from XML-formatted data. For
example, if the XML contains the following in its _raw data: <foo>bar</foo>, foo
is the key and bar is the value.

For JSON-formatted data, use the spath command.


xmlkv maxinputs=<int>

Required arguments

Syntax: maxinputs=<int>
Description: The maximum number of inputs.


Example 1: Automatically extract fields from XML tags.

... | xmlkv

Example 2: Extract the key-value pairs from the first ten thousand events.

... | xmlkv maxinputs=10000

See also

extract, kvform, multikv, rex, spath, xpath


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the xmlkv command.


Un-escapes xml characters, including entity references such as &, <, and >, so
that they return to their corresponding characters. For example, &amp; becomes


xmlunescape maxinputs=<int>

Required arguments

Syntax: maxinputs=<int>
Description: The maximum number of inputs.


Example 1: Un-escape all XML characters.

... | xmlunescape


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the xmlunescape command.


Extracts the xpath value from field and sets the outfield attribute.


xpath [outfield=<field>] <xpath-string> [field=<field>] [default=<string>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: Specify the XPath reference.

Optional arguments

Syntax: field=<field>
Description: The field to find and extract the referenced xpath value.
Default: _raw

Syntax: outfield=<field>
Description: The field to write the xpath value.
Default: xpath

Syntax: default=<string>
Description: If the attribute referenced in xpath doesn't exist, this
specifies what to write to outfield. If this isn't defined, there is no default


Example 1: Extract the name value from _raw XML events, which might look like

<bar name="spock">

sourcetype="xml" | xpath outfield=name "//bar/@name"

Example 2: Extract the identity_id and instrument_id from the _raw XML

<DataSet xmlns="">

<DataSet xmlns="">

... | xpath outfield=identity_id "//DataSet/identity_id"

This search will return two results: identity_id=3017669 and


... | xpath outfield=instrument_id


Because you specify sname="BARC", this search will return one result:

See also

extract, kvform, multikv, rex, spath, xmlkv


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the xpath command.


Converts results into a format suitable for graphing.


xyseries [grouped=<bool>] <x-field> <y-name-field> <y-data-field>...

[sep=<string>] [format=<string>]

Required arguments

Syntax: <field>
Description: Field to be used as the x-axis.

Syntax: <field>
Description: Field that contains the values to be used as labels for the
data series.

Syntax: <field> | <field>, <field>, ...
Description: Field(s) that contains the data to be charted.

Optional arguments

Syntax: format=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjuction with a split-by-field. format takes precedence

over sep and lets you specify a parameterized expression with the stats
aggregator and function ($AGG$) and the value of the split-by-field

Syntax: grouped= true | false
Description: If true, indicates that the input is sorted by the value of the
<x-field> and multifile input is allowed.
Default: false

Syntax: sep=<string>
Description: Used to construct output field names when multiple data
series are used in conjunctions with a split-by field. This is equivalent to
setting format to $AGG$<sep>$VALUE$.


Example 1: Reformat the search results.

... | xyseries delay host_type host

Example 2: Refer to this walkthrough to see how you can combine stats and
eval with the xyseries command to create a report on multiple data series.

See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the xyseries command.

Internal Commands

About internal commands

Internal search commands refer to search commands that are experimental.
They may be removed or updated and reimplemented differently in future
versions. They are not supported commands.

• collapse
• dump
• findkeywords
• mcatalog
• noop
• runshellscript
• sendalert

The collapse command is an unsupported, experimental command.


The collapse command condenses multifile results into as few files as the
chunksize option allows. This command runs automatically when you use
outputlookup and outputcsv commands.


... | collapse [chunksize=<num>] [force=<bool>]

Optional arguments

Syntax: chunksize=<num>
Description: Limits the number of resulting files.
Default: 50000

Syntax: force=<bool>

Description: If force=true and the results are entirely in memory, re-divide
the results into appropriated chunked files.
Default: false


Example 1: Collapse results.

... | collapse


For Splunk Enterprise deployments, export search results to a set of chunk files
on local disk. For information about other export methods, see Export search
results in the Search Manual.


dump basefilename=<string> [rollsize=<number>] [compress=<number>]

[format=<string>] [fields=<comma-delimited-string>]

Required arguments

Syntax: basefilename=<string>
Description: The prefix of the export filename.

Optional arguments

Syntax: compress=<number>
Description: The gzip compression level. Specify a number from 0 to 9,
where 0 means no compression and a higher number means more
compression and slower writing speed.
Default: 2

Syntax: fields=<comma-delimited-string>

Description: A list of the fields to be exported. The entire list must be
enclosed in quotation marks. Invalid field names are ignored.

Syntax: format= raw | csv | tsv | json | xml
Description: The output data format.
Default: raw

Syntax: rollsize=<number>
Description: The minimum file size, in MB, at which point no more events
are written to the file and it becomes a candidate for HDFS transfer.
Default: 63 MB


This command runs a specified search query and oneshot export search result to
local disk at "$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<sid>/dump". It
recognizes a special field in the input events, _dstpath, which if set will be used
as a path to be appended to dst to compute final destination path.

The dump command preserves the order of events as the events are received by
the command.


Example 1: Export all events from index "bigdata" to the location

"YYYYmmdd/HH/host" at
"$SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<sid>/dump/" directory on local disk
with "MyExport" as the prefix of export filenames. Partitioning of the export data
is achieved by eval preceeding the dump command.

index=bigdata | eval _dstpath=strftime(_time, "%Y%m%d/%H") + "/" + host

| dump basefilename=MyExport

Example 2: Export all events from index "bigdata" to the local disk with
"MyExport" as the prefix of export filenames.

index=bigdata | dump basefilename=MyExport


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the dump command.


Given some integer labeling of events into groups, finds searches to generate
these groups.


findkeywords labelfield=<field>

Required arguments

Syntax: labelfield=<field>
Description: A field name.


Use the findkeywords command after the cluster command, or a similar

command that groups events. The findkeyword command takes a set of results
with a field (labelfield) that supplies a partition of the results into a set of groups.
The command derives a search to generate each of these groups. This search
can be saved as an event type.


Return logs for specific log_level values and group the results

Return all logs where the log_level is DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, FATAL and
group the results by cluster count.

index=_internal source=*splunkd.log* log_level!=info | cluster

showcount=t | findkeywords labelfield=cluster_count

The result is a statistics table:

The values of groupID are the values of cluster_count returned from the cluster

See also

cluster, findtypes


Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has about using the findkeywords command.


The mcatalog command performs aggregations on the values in the metric_name

and dimension fields in the metric indexes. This command returns the list of
values from all metric indexes, unless an index name is specified in the WHERE


| mcatalog [prestats=<bool>] [append=<bool>] ( <values"("<field> ")"> [AS

<field>] )
[WHERE <logical-expression>] [ (BY|GROUPBY) <field-list> ]

Required arguments

values (<field>)
Syntax: values(<field>) [AS <field>]
Description: Returns the list of all distinct values of the specified field as
a multivalue entry. The order of the values is lexicographical. See Usage.

Optional arguments

Syntax: append=<bool>
Description: Valid only when prestats=true. This argument runs the
mcatalog command and adds the results to an existing set of results
instead of generating new results.
Default: false

Syntax: <field>, ...
Description: Specify one or more fields to group results.

Syntax: <time-opts>|<search-modifier>|((NOT)?
(OR)? <logical-expression>)
Description: Includes time and search modifiers, comparison, and index
expressions. Does not support CASE or TERM directives. You also
cannot use the WHERE clause to search for terms or phrases.

Syntax: prestats=true | false
Description: Specifies whether to use the prestats format. The prestats
format is a Splunk internal format that is designed to be consumed by
commands that generate aggregate calculations. When using the prestats
format you can pipe the data into the chart, stats, or timechart commands,
which are designed to accept the prestats format. When prestats=true,
AS instructions are not relevant. The field names for the aggregates are
determined by the command that consumes the prestats format and
produces the aggregate output.
Default: false

Logical expression options

Syntax: <field><comparison-operator><value> | <field> IN (<value-list>)
Description: Compare a field to a literal value or provide a list of values
that can appear in the field.

Syntax: "<string>" | <term> | <search-modifier>
Description: Describe the events you want to retrieve from the index
using literal strings and search modifiers.

Syntax: [<timeformat>] (<time-modifier>)*
Description: Describe the format of the starttime and endtime terms of
the search

Comparison expression options

Syntax: = | != | < | <= | > | >=
Description: You can use comparison operators when searching
field/value pairs. Comparison expressions with the equal ( = ) or not
equal ( != ) operator compare string values. For example, "1" does not
match "1.0". Comparison expressions with greater than or less than
operators < > <= >= numerically compare two numbers and
lexicographically compare other values. See Usage.

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a field.

Syntax: <literal-value>
Description: In comparison-expressions, the literal number or string value
of a field.

Syntax: (<literal-value>, <literal-value>, ...)
Description: Used with the IN operator to specify two or more values. For
example use error IN (400, 402, 404, 406) instead of error=400 OR
error=402 OR error=404 OR error=406

Index expression options

Syntax: "<string>"
Description: Specify keywords or quoted phrases to match. When
searching for strings and quoted strings (anything that's not a search
modifier), Splunk software searches the _raw field for the matching events
or results.

Syntax: <sourcetype-specifier> | <host-specifier> | <source-specifier> |
Description: Search for events from specified fields. For example, search
for one or a combination of hosts, sources, and source types. See
searching with default fields in the Knowledge Manager manual.

Syntax: sourcetype=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified sourcetype field.

Syntax: host=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified host field.

Syntax: source=<string>
Description: Search for events from the specified source field.

Syntax: splunk_server=<string>
Description: Search for events from a specific server. Use "local"
to refer to the search head.

Time options

For a list of time modifiers, see Time modifiers for search.

Syntax: timeformat=<string>
Description: Set the time format for starttime and endtime terms.
Default: timeformat=%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S.


Syntax: starttime=<string> | endtime=<string> | earliest=<time_modifier> |
Description: Specify start and end times using relative or absolute time.

Note: You can also use the earliest and latest attributes to specify absolute and
relative time ranges for your search. For more about this time modifier syntax,
see About search time ranges in the Search Manual.

Syntax: starttime=<string>
Description: Events must be later or equal to this time. Must match

Syntax: endtime=<string>
Description: All events must be earlier or equal to this time.


You use the mcatalog command to search metrics data. The metrics data uses a
specific format for the metrics fields. See Metrics data format in Metrics. The
_values field is not allowed with this command.

The mcatalog command is a generating command for reports. Generating

commands use a leading pipe character. The mcatalog command must be the
first command in a search pipeline, except when append=true.


You cannot specify a timespan.

Group by

You can group by dimension and metric_name fields.

Lexicographical order

Lexicographical order sorts items based on the values used to encode the items
in computer memory. In Splunk software, this is almost always UTF-8 encoding,
which is a superset of ASCII.

• Numbers are sorted before letters. Numbers are sorted based on the first
digit. For example, the numbers 10, 9, 70, 100 are sorted lexicographically

as 10, 100, 70, 9.
• Uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters.
• Symbols are not standard. Some symbols are sorted before numeric
values. Other symbols are sorted before or after letters.


1. Return all of the metric names in a specific metric index

Return all of the metric names in the new-metric-idx.

| mcatalog values(metric_name) WHERE index=new-metric-idx

2. Return all metric names in all metric indexes

| mcatalog values(metric_name)

3. Return all IP addresses for a specific metric_name

Return of the IP addresses for the login.failure metric name.

| mcatalog values(ip) WHERE metric_name=login.failure

4. Returns a list of all available dimensions

| mcatalog values(_dims)


The noop command is an internal command that is used for debugging.

If you are looking for a way to add comments to your search, see Add comments
to searches in the Search Manual.



Optional arguments

Syntax: <string>
Description: The name of a new field where you want the results placed.

Syntax: true | false
Description: Specifies if search optimization is enabled for the search.
Default: true

Troubleshooting search optimization

In some very limited situations, the optimization that is built into the search
processor might not optimize a search correctly.

To turn off optimization for a specific search, the last command in your search
criteria should be
|noop search_optimization=false


For Splunk Enterprise deployments, executes scripted alerts. This command is

not supported as a search command.


runshellscript <script-filename> <result-count> <search-terms> <search-string>

<savedsearch-name> <description> <results-url> <deprecated-arg>


The script file needs to be located in either

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/bin/scripts OR
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app-name>/bin/scripts. The following table describes
the arguments passed to the script. These arguments are not validated.

Argument Description
$0 The filename of the script.
$1 The result count, or number of events returned.
$2 The search terms.
$3 The fully qualified query string.
$4 The name of the saved search in Splunk.
The description or trigger reason. For example, "The number of
events was greater than 1."
$6 The link to saved search results.
$7 DEPRECATED - empty string argument.
The path to the results file, results.csv. The results file contains
raw results.
See also



Have questions? Visit Splunk Answers and see what questions and answers the
Splunk community has using the runshellscript command.


Use the sendalert command to invoke a custom alert action. The command
gathers the configuration for the alert action from alert_actions.conf, the saved
search and custom parameters passed using the command arguments and
performs token replacement. Then, the command determines the alert action
script and arguments to run, creates the alert action payload and executes the
script, handing over the payload via STDIN to the script process.

When running the custom script, the sendalert command honors the maxtime
setting from alert_actions.conf and terminates the process if it runs longer than
the configured threshold (by default this is set to 5 minutes).

See "Advanced options for working with custom alert actions" in the Developing
Views and Apps for Splunk Web manual.


sendalert <alert_action_name> [results_link=<url>] [results_path=<path>]


Required arguments

Syntax: <alert_action_name>
Description: The name of the alert action configured in the
alert_actions.conf file

Optional arguments

Syntax: results_link=<url>
Description: Set the URL link to the search results.

Syntax: results_path=<path>
Description: Set the location to the file containing the search results.

Syntax: param.<name>=<"value">
Description: The parameter name and value. You can use this name and
value pair to specify a variety of things, such as a threshold value, a team
name, or the text of a message.


Example 1: Invoke an alert action without any arguments. The alert action script
handles checking whether there are necessary parameters that are missing and
report the error appropriately.

... | sendalert myaction

Example 2: Trigger the hipchat custom alert action and pass in room and
message as custom parameters.

... | sendalert hipchat param.room="SecOps" param.message="There is a
security problem!"

Example 3: Trigger the servicenow alert option.

... | sendalert servicenow param.severity="3"

param.assigned_to="DevOps" param.short_description="Splunk Alert: this
is a potential security issue"

Search in the CLI

About searches in the CLI

If you use Splunk Enterprise, you can issue search commands from the
command line using the Splunk CLI. This topic discusses how to search from the
CLI. If you're looking for how to access the CLI and find help for it, refer to "About
the CLI" in the Admin manual.

CLI help for search

You can run historical searches using the search command, and real-time
searches using the rtsearch command. The following is a table of useful
search-related CLI help objects. To see the full help information for each object,
type into the CLI:

./splunk help <object>

Object Description
rtsearch Returns the parameters and syntax for real-time searches.
search Returns the parameters and syntax for historical searches.
Returns a list of search commands that you can use from
the CLI.
search-fields Returns a list of default fields.
Returns a list of search and time-based modifiers that you
can use to narrow your search.
Search in the CLI

Historical and real-time searches in the CLI work the same way as searches in
Splunk Web, except that there is no timeline rendered with the search results and
there is no default time range. Instead, the results are displayed as a raw events
list or a table, depending on the type of search.

• For more information, read "Type of searches" in the Search Overview

chapter of the Search Manual.

The syntax for CLI searches is similar to the syntax for Splunk Web searches,
except that you can pass parameters outside of the query to specify the time limit
of the search, where to run the search, and how results are displayed.

• For more information about the CLI search options, see the next topic in
this chapter, "CLI search syntax".
• For more information about how to search remote Splunk servers from
your local server, see "Access and use the CLI on a remote server" in the
Admin manual.

Syntax for searches in the CLI

This is a quick discussion of the syntax and options available for using the search
and rtsearch commands in the CLI.

The syntax for CLI searches is similar to the syntax for searches you run from
Splunk Web except that you can pass parameters outside of the search object to
control the time limit of the search, specify the server where the search is to be
run, and specify how results are displayed.

search | rtsearch [object][-parameter <value>]

Search defaults

By default when you run a search from the CLI, the search is uses All Time as
the time range. You can specify time ranges using one of the search parameters
such as earliest_time, index_earliest, or latest_time.

The first 100 events are returned when you run a historical search using the CLI.
Use the maxout search parameter to specify the number of events to return.

Search objects

Search objects are enclosed in single quotes (' ') and can be keywords,
expressions, or a series of search commands. On Windows OS use double
quotes (" ") to enclose your search object.

• For more information about searching, see the "Start searching" topic in
the Search Tutorial.
• For a brief description of every search command, see the "Command
quick reference" in the Search Reference.

• For a quick reference for Splunk concepts, features, search commands,
and functions, see the "Quick Reference Guide" in the Search Reference.

Search objects can include not only keywords and search commands but also
fields and modifiers to specify the events you want to retrieve and the results you
want to generate.

• For more information about fields, see the "Use fields to search" topic in
the Search Tutorial.
• For more information about default fields and how to use them, see the
"Use default and internal fields" topic in the Knowledge Manager Manual.
• For more information about time modifiers, see the "Time modifiers for
search" topic in the Search Reference Manual.

Search parameters

Search parameters are options that control the way the search is run or the way
the search results are displayed. All of these parameters are optional.
Parameters that take Boolean values support {0, false, f, no} as negatives
and {1, true, t, yes} positives.

Parameter Values Defaults Descripti

Specify the
name of the
app <app_name> search app in whic
run your
Indicates ho
to handle
batch <bool> F
updates in
preview mo
Triggers an
search and
detach <bool> F
displays the
ID and TTL
the search.
earliest_time <time-modifier> − The relative
time modifie
for the start
time of the

search. This
optional for
search and
required for

whether to
display a
header <bool> T
header in th
table output
The start tim
of the searc
This can be
expressed a
an epoch or
relative time
modifier and
uses the sa
index_earliest <time-modifer> syntax as th
"earliest" an
"latest" time
modifiers fo
language. T
is optional f
both search
and rtsearc
index_latest <time-modifer> The end tim
the search.
This can be
expressed a
an epoch or
relative time
modifier and
uses the sa
syntax as th
"earliest" an
"latest" time
modifiers fo

language. T
is optional f
both search
and rtsearc
The relative
time modife
the end time
search. For
search, if th
not specifie
defaults to t
end of the t
(or the time
the last eve
in the data)
latest_time <time-modifer> −
that any
"future" eve
are also
included. Fo
rtsearch, th
is a require
the real-tim
search will n
run if it's no
The length
time in seco
that a searc
job runs bef
max_time <number> 0 it is finalized
value of 0
means that
there is no t
maxout <number> search, 100 The maximu
number of
rtsearch, 0 events to re
or send to
stdout whe

events. A va
of 0 means
it will output
number of
Use rawdata for
searches. Indicates ho
output rawdata, table, csv, auto to display th
Use table for job.
Indicates th
should be
preview <bool> T
(displayed a
results are
The length
time in seco
that a searc
job is allowe
to live after
timeout <number> 0 running. A
value of 0
means that
job is cance
after it is run
uri [http|https]://name_of_server:management_port Specify the
server nam
can be the
domain nam

or the IP
address of t
Splunk serv

The default
value is the
value that y
defined in th
Splunk serv

For more
see Access
and use the
CLI on a
remote Splu
Server in th
Admin man
whether to l
wrap for
wrap <bool> T individual lin
that are lon
than the
terminal wid

You can see more examples in the CLI help information.

Example 1: Retrieve events from yesterday that match root sessions.

./splunk search "session root daysago=1"

Example 2: Retrieve events that match web access errors and detach the

./splunk search 'eventtype=webaccess error' -detach true

Example 3: Run a windowed real-time search.

./splunk rtsearch 'index=_internal' -earliest_time 'rt-30s' -latest_time 'rt+30s'

See more examples of Real-time searches and reports in the CLI in the Admin

Example 4: Return a list of unique hostnames.

There are two recommended ways that you can do this. This first is with the stats

./splunk search 'index=* | stats count by host | fields - count' -preview true

Alternatively, since you are only interested in the host field, you can use the
metadata command:

./splunk search '| metadata type=hosts | fields host' -preview true

Here, the -preview flag is optional and used to view the results as it is returned.
In contrast, the table command, unlike the fields command, generally requires all
inputs before it can emit any non-preview output. In this case, you would need to
use the preview flag to be able to view the results of the search.

Example 5: Return yesterday's internal events.

./splunk search 'index=_internal' -index_earliest -1d@d -index_latest @d


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