LR Solutions For Long Product Rolling Mill (En)

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The key takeaways are that Siemens provides technology, mechanics, automation and electrical engineering solutions for long product rolling mills to ensure quality, productivity and flexibility. They have pioneered technologies like Morgan Vee No-Twist Mills and thermo-mechanical rolling.

Customers face challenges like needing greater production and higher quality with lower costs. A solutions partner should address factors like reliability, process consistency, production flexibility, waste minimization and cost optimization.

Factors that should be considered in designing solutions include process optimization to maximize productivity, flexibility to meet short delivery times and fast changeovers, achieving high quality and precision, and cost reduction through standardization and efficiency.

Solutions for long product rolling mills

Technology, mechanics, automation and electrical engineering

for bar mills, rod mills and section mills

Metals Technologies
The most reliable and innovative technology from a single source

For a large range of applications, steel must first be processed in a rolling mill before it can be used.

Our job is to perfectly coordinate and match a number of factors to ensure not just the quality of the

steel, but an exceptional level of mill productivity. As the pioneers of key technologies in long rolling,

such as the Morgan Vee No-Twist Mill, Red Ring Stands, multi-slitting rolling, Morgan Reducing/Sizing

Mills, Morgan Stelmor controlled cooling systems and thermo-mechanical rolling, we have the know­

ledge and experience to provide the best solution for your mill.

You expect …
K Consistent reliability of all units
within the mill
K Increased productivity through
intelligent process design
K Maximum plant flexibility, minimum
set up times
K Optimum cost efficiency through
integration of automatic equipment
K E xcellent product quality with precise
K Responsible handling of emissions
and recycling.

Your challenges:
Greater production.
Higher quality. Lower costs.

Factors to consider Quality throughout

You should expect a great deal from your You can achieve very high precision
solutions partner. Reliable equipment, with rolling stands designed to with­s tand
process consistency, production flexibili- high loads and changing temperature
ty and waste minimization. All in one ­requirements. That same capability,
package, managed from start to finish. ­coupled with sophisticated control
All of these factors have to be taken into ­technology, allow a wide range of process
account in designing the optimal solu- conditions for desired product qualities.
tions for your mill.

Cost reduction
Maximizing productivity
Cost optimization has many facets,
through process optimization
including process-controlled yield
How much time is needed for each maximization, downtime reduction and
process step? What temperature profiles maintenance cost controls. When the
are required? How can transfer areas be entire system is managed through one
made more efficient? For the best an- source, you benefit from a high degree
swers to these questions, your rolling of standardization.
mill partner should have expertise with
equipment technology and know-how
to optimize complex plant layouts. Environmental influences
There are sound legal and cost reasons
for conservation of resources within your
Flexibility comes first
plant, such as water application for tem-
Short delivery times and fast production perature control. You should also evalu-
changeover are key criteria for you to ate your solutions provider by how well
meet your customers’ demands. That’s they support you in this area.
why you need to be ready to convert
your rolling stands to the next order
while still processing the current one,
and change your line from one product
to another with virtually no downtime.

The right starting point:
Siemens VAI long product rolling mills

Top quality of all individual standardized mill automation utilizing Guaranteed performance throughout
rolling components … technological know-how the entire life cycle
All components from Siemens VAI are continually developed and partially Knowledge transfer by our training
designed for high durability and maxi- self-learning process models for the experts, combined with a dependable
mum uptime. reproducible manufacture of steel supply of spare parts, ensures reliable
products of defined quality operation. A full range of services from
The high quality of the components, and
Siemens VAI helps maintain high mill
a reliable supply of spare parts thanks an MES (Manufacturing Execution
availability over the entire life cycle.
to extensive standardization, ensure we System) solution for optimized produc-
This is backed by carefully planned mod-
meet or exceed our customers’ expecta- tion planning and for minimizing
ernizations for cost-effective technical
tions. Siemens VAI rolling stands are suit- rejects
able for use in a wide range of situations.
a Level 2 and mill management system
Our convertible stands, for example, can
for maximizing everyday performance
be switched over from horizontal to ver-
and reliable product tracking through Where’s the proof?
tical operation at the press of a button.
the mill.
In the past, set up times were measured The numbers demonstrate the success
in minutes, whereas now production can of our concept. More than 1,000 rod,
be changed in a matter of seconds. bar and billet mills all around the world
Resource management included
are Morgan, Pomini, Ashlow and VAI
We take care to ensure that your most mills, now all joined within Siemens VAI.
… and in the complete system design important resources are available with These mills have set world­wide bench-
absolute certainty, such as efficient marks for technological leadership, reli-
A state-of-the-art rolling mill needs more
power quality solutions for a dependable ability and performance, and have cap-
than just first-class components. It takes
and stable power supply, or with a tailor- tured the greatest market share in long
analysis and mapping of all processes,
made concept for closed-circuit water rolling equipment.
and possibly their redesign, as part of
treatment to match the process
an integral system layout, to create a
solution that’s not simply a rolling mill.
Naturally, we also take all current emis-
In concrete terms, that translates into
sion levels into account in the design of a
considerably higher productivity through
rolling mill – and if necessary, anticipate
minimized downtime and seamless inter-
tomorrow’s standards as well.
linking of production stages.

Success from a single source

Automation from
the global market leader Our turnkey solutions ensure that all as-
pects of the mill’s design, manufacture,
All processes of our rolling mills are moni-
installation and start-up are managed with
tored and controlled by an integrated
close coordination and expertise. This
automation solution from Siemens VAI.
comprehensive approach is unique. As
Beyond the actual process control, we also
prime contractor, we handle the complex
details, and monitor all required rules and
regulations, so you can concentrate on
your core business of manufacturing long
products and marketing them profitably.

Our experience in the field of rolling mills dates back to 1886, with the founding of Pomini in

Castellanza, Italy, and 1888, when Morgan Construction began U. S. operations in Worcester,

Massachusetts. Siemens VAI continues to innovate for competitive advantage, with the

­expertise required for all elements of plant construction: process, engineering, manufacturing,

installation and commissioning, plus life-cycle management. No other rolling mill manufac-

turer today can offer a comparable range of products, ­solutions or ­experience.

Good reasons to choose

our rolling mill solutions
Maximum reliability, thanks to 250
years of combined experience
Thousands of roll stands commissioned
Over 1,000 rolling mills installed or
upgraded on six continents
Verifiable expertise for all elements
of plant design and construction
Global presence and economicm
strength as a part of Siemens
Solution providers to cover all
aspects of long rolling
– Mechanical
– Electrical
– Automation
– Fluids
– Process and plant services
– Metallurgical services
– Services
In-house manufacturing and testing
of proprietary technology equipment
One contact for all questions.

Every rolling mill is different, varying

in design according to the desired products,

qualities and volume. Siemens VAI offers you

the right solution for every requirement –

for high-speed production, for precise micro-

structure qualities, for the shortest possible

changeover time from one long product to

another – and much more.

Our rolling mill products –
a well-coordinated ensemble

Coil handling Morgan Stelmor Laying head Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill
Cooling conveyor

Coil compactor

Cooling bed High speed entry to cooling bed Bar bundling

Morgan No-Twist mill Pouring reel Billet welding

Red Ring stands

Bar sizing Crop and cobble shear Water cooling system

Across all processes:
Expertise, automation, services

Automation SIROLL LR
From mill management, supervisory and control
systems, all the way to motors, drives and individual
component and sensor controls, Siemens offers a
complete solution to your rolling mill automation
needs from Level 1 to Level 3. With a full array of
mechatronic packages for equipment units through­
out the process, a totally integrated automation
solution is available from the factory floor to upper

Total engineering
Accurate planning that addresses everything from
energy supply and raw materials logistics to through­
put targets is a prerequisite for a successful start of
your plant. We provide all the up-front necessities
to make sure your project gets off to a safe start,
including technical consulting as well as simulation
of all processes.

In supervising installation and start-up of electrical
and automation, the task is to reach full production
and consistent operation in the shortest possible
time. That requires experienced automation and
electrical engineers knowledgeable in long products
to support the customer. For easier and quicker
trouble-shooting, the automation system is pre-
pared for remote access.

Services and life-cycle management

Ongoing availability calls for a well-designed service
concept, up to and including around-the-clock moni­
toring of the plant by Siemens. Clearly defined pro-
cesses, uniform manuals, assured parts availability
and a globally available team of specialists ensure
minimized shutdown times and high performance
throughout the life cycle of the plant.

Mastering the processes – SIROLL LR


Basic Auto­-
mation System

Main & Aux Drives

A precise understanding of all aspects of production is our basis for developing practical,

integrated, standardized solutions for your rolling needs, developed by systems engi-

neers who understand the mechanical equipment and process. To insure that individual

im­provements do not negatively affect other part of the process, all steps must be

understood within their own context as well as in their role in the process chain. That’s

why we give top priority at Siemens VAI to developing process-oriented solutions for

everything from the mechanical equipment to the process control. The solution SIROLL LR

is part of our commitment to deliver comprehensive, totally integrated solutions from

a single source. Our process knowledge, combined with Siemens’ state-of-the-art auto-

mation components and software that run on user-friendly Human Machine Interfaces,

provide operators with simple and efficient tools to master the processes.

Mill automation and process control


Typical two strand WRM overview screen Typical diagnostic screen

Providing a total solution Commissioning … supervising installation Some of the systems available:
and start-up of electrical and automation
The combination of process technology, Basic automation functions
systems to ensure the shortest possible
electrotechnology, and automation is a
time to reach full production and consis- Mill setup and control
crucial aspect of Siemens VAI solutions.
tent operation, by experienced automation
From initial mill design to maintaining Tension and loop control
and electrical engineers knowledgeable in
your systems for years to come,
long products; remote access via cRSP. Sequencing and tracking.
Siemens VAI offers:
Revamps … Our solution SIROLL LR
Electrical … defining project scope and Technological functions for
can also be used for revamps including
requirements from Level 0 to Level 2, in- optimization
upgrades of DC-Drives.
cluding AC and/or DC drives, full voltage
Cut length optimization
devices and various controls; providing
full technical documentation and inte- Self adaption.
grated system testing.
For new plants, using only two types of Mechatronical packages
Automation … Leading basic automation
drives – SINAMICS as auxiliary drives and
SIMATIC S7 process control engineering Non-contact speed measurement
low-power main drives, and SINAMICS
and process optimization created within and control
SM 150 as larger block drives – results in
our company play a key role in stable
significant savings on spare parts, train- Mechatronics systems for all key
processes and greater system reliability,
ing, maintenance, and upgrades. equipment components
as we design the system to meet your
specific requirements right from the Features Bar counting.
design phase. Therefore we offer engi-
Latest semiconductor technology:
neering of well-proven equipment, fully Higher level automation
integrated mill control systems SIROLL LR
XpertManager, Level 2 setup and
and stand-alone systems, including Fast processors and optimized drive
super­visory control, maintenance sched- algorithms
uling, process monitoring, product han- Mill management
Design according to required power,
dling and alarming systems.
speed and field weakening, also consid- Interfaces with production planning
ering the total power supply network and ERP.
Defined interface systems
to automation system.
XpertManager mill management system interface SINAMICS SM150 IGBT

XpertManager – a Manufacturing RollMaster Mechatronic solutions

Execution System and much more
For Compact Cassette Rolling (CCR) Mechatronics merges mechanical, elec-
From the initial Manufacturing Resource stands and Flat Rolling Blocks, this trical, control systems and software as an
Planning stages to the actual production system determines – according to the intelligent approach to the design of
process, our customized design provides finished product – the rolling rolls, the electromechanical systems. At Siemens
seamless integration of process data in grooves and the guides to be utilized VAI, we use this technology to integrate
real time. By applying proprietary algo- and all the essential rolling parameters our process know-how along with our
rithms to the collected data, XpertMan- such as speed, torques, and other advanced equipment to give you en-
ager generates comprehensive reports of requirements. hanced products that provide functional-
current production performance, trends ity, flexibility and ease of use.
This well-proven software has already
and history. With Level 2 capabilities,
been applied in more than 15 mills. From a single-source supplier, you can
the production plan, the process and the
get these robust and proven systems
finished product are all integrated in a Features
to help your operation run smoothly.
seamless system of mill automation.
KEasy computer-aided creation of pass
When supplying a full rolling mill solu-
Features schedules
tion, these systems are integrated into
KAutomates and unifies mill setup KCalculation of material spread, mill the mill control SIROLL LR. For modern-
and control load and bar temperature on the basis ization solutions, they can be supplied as
of a database containing the properties stand-alone systems and interfaced with
KProvides operators with comprehen-
of more than 200 steel grades and the existing mill control.
sive information
special alloys
KFacilitates use of best operating
KAccurate setting of the mill guides for
practices Standard mechatronic packages:
product-dimension changes, including
KEnables optimization of mill print out of the set-up protocol Can be easily integrated in new or exist-
performance ing systems. When supplied as part of a
KCreation of the mill setup considering
full mill control system, the mechatroni-
KEliminates obsolete, stand-alone the actual condition of all components
cal packages are embedded into the
KEasy management of all important SIROLL LR.
KInterfaces well with SAP data related to mill grooves, guides
and rolls.
KGenerates QA certificates.

Mechatronic solutions in long rolling mill

Water box control system (mill floor) Water box control system (HMI)

Shear control Morgan Bar Reducing/Sizing Mill Lubrication systems

Temperature control Fully automated control of stand Monitors temperature control and
change and roll parting oil cleanliness
High speed finishing blocks
Fully automated control of drive Operates under a wide range of
Morgan Reducing/Sizing Mills
system clutches ambient conditions
Pinch rolls
Automated setup, with mechanical Incorporates vacuum dehydration.
Laying heads expertise incorporated in gear change
strategy Water systems/
Morgan Stelmor conveyor
product temperature control
 Direct interface to the SIROLL LR
Reform area
mill control system Designed specifically for in-line water
Coil handling boxes for product controlled cooling
Integrated tension control
Compactors Incorporates specially designed water
Easy-to-navigate HMI interface
valves for high speed operation
Cooling bed entry systems for the pulpit operators
Balanced design avoids water hammer
Bar counting Full local and remote control options.
Valve stands designed to be compact
High speed shear and maintenance-friendly
Tyers and bundlers
Eliminates oversized front and tail Closed loop control
Fluid systems ends, reducing wear and impact
stress on downstream equipment Direct interface to the SIROLL LR
Inline measuring systems
mill control system.
 Automatic trimming of uncooled product
Non-contact measurement systems.
Synchronized with laying head
Further stand-alone packages: front end orientation
Flat Rolling Block Minimum deflection of rod from
cutting position
Compact multi-rougher
Increases product yield by eliminating
Rail pre-cambering.
manual cutting errors
Direct interface to the SIROLL LR
mill control system.
Rolling stands

Red Ring stand Red Ring stands

Red Ring stands Self-balancing spindle support for Reversing 2-high stands
minimum and positive engagement
The Red Ring stand design has been a Cast or forged billets can be rolled by a
popular solution for many roughing and Long-life bearings group of two Red Ring stands in horizon-
intermediate mill applications. tal and vertical (H-V) arrangement. Every
Automatic utility connections.
two passes, the roll gap is adjusted and
Red Ring stands are renowned worldwide
rolling direction changes. At the end of
for their rigidity, ease of maintenance
the rolling process, a large-dimension
and load capacity. Compact roughers
cylindrical bar is obtained for use as a
Different versions of these stands are Compact roughers can be used where final product to be re-rolled.
available, including vertical, horizontal space is limited or if higher reductions
and convertible, which allow for rapid are required. These roughers are
adaptation to a variety of rolled products equipped with special shoe plates and Sliding stands
needed to fulfill stringent market clamps to allow for minimized centers.
Modern 2-high sliding stands are revers-
demands. Greater reductions are possible by using
ible and fully automated. They represent
the billet’s own beam strength to help
With the quick disconnect capability of an innovative solution for roughing and
it enter successive passes. When the cen-
the spindles and fluid utilities, the stands intermediate trains.
ters are close, the stands can be shifted
can be interchanged very quickly.
in and out of the pass line to adjust Features
Features or change the guides.
A fixed rolling line with sliding stands
High rigidity Features to match the exact groove in the pass
Reduced stress path Small space requirement
Reduced roller table width
Fully automatic operation High reductions possible
Advanced billet manipulation system
Axial roll adjustment Easy guide change.
Automatic roll gap adjustment
Automatic screw-down system
Simple foundations
Adjustment under load available
Compact multi-rougher arrangement.
Roll balance system to eliminate

Convertible stand Sliding rougher Compact Cassette Rolling stands

Convertible stands Red Ring universal stands Compact Cassette Rolling (CCR) stands
Today’s mills can be used in a wide range This new generation of universal stands The compact and rigid cassette design
of configurations in order to provide an uses the Red Ring design for the rolling is suited to many special bar mill rolling
unlimited selection of products from a of structural shapes. In addition to the requirements. The extremely rapid cas-
single mill layout. It is possible to change horizontal rolls, the stands are fitted sette change facility, in conjunction with
from one product to an unrelated one with a set of idle rolls to work the flanges. a high degree of automation, allows for
by simply pushing buttons, without the Red Ring universal stands can easily be flexible and efficient production, even
lengthy procedures needed for an old- converted to conventional horizontal for orders with a small number of billets.
style mill changeover. Convertible stands rolling, accord­ing to production require-
allow either horizontal or vertical posi- ments, thus avoiding the need for addi-
tioning and are mainly used in the inter- tional horizontal stands. Three possible arrangements for twist-
mediate and finishing trains, in accor- free rolling: horizontal, vertical and
dance with production requirements. 45° (X)
Fast stand and roll change
Features Most compact stand design available
Hydraulic vertical and horizontal on the market
Less than two minutes to change
roll adjustment
position Automated groove changing
Modular design to reduce crane
Reduced foundation depth Reduced bay height requirements
Excellent stand rigidity Open access to top of cassette
Highest stiffness with a housingless
Quick stand change system without design. Possibility for automatic cassette
crane requirements. change robot system
Fast roll change, with no need for
special equipment
Interchangeable H-V-X cassettes within
the same stand size
Available with monogrooved or multi-
grooved stands and also as a reversing

Bar sizing technology

4-stand Morgan Bar Reducing/Sizing Mill 3-stand Morgan Bar Reducing/Sizing Mill

High precision rolling coupled with pro- Features Sizing for bar-in-coil products
cess flexibility and equipment durability
Single family rolling capability The Morgan Bar Reducing/ Sizing Mill
describes the Siemens VAI bar sizing
(BRSM) is the preferred solution for roll-
technology. Based on the two-roll ar- Free size rolling capability
ing small- to medium-diameter product
rangement, various solutions are avail-
3-stand or 4-stand configuration typical of bar-in-coil production.
able, which meet every need for size,
load capacity and productivity. Pre-loaded stands with under-load Features
remote adjustment of roll gap
Compact arrangement to minimize
Automatic couplings of service utilities space
The two-roll design
Inline quick change of stands Single or double groove to reduce
The two-roll design offers user-friendly
roll cost and downtimes
operation as well as simplified mainte- Off-line quick change of rolls
nance. It produces superior surface quality, Guideless rolling
Easy preparation of rolls and
high dimensional precision and ultimate
guides with off-line presetting for High speed capability
processing flexibility. The two-roll design
“plug & play” rolling campaign
can use multi-groove rolls, which signifi- Symmetrical mechanical preload
cantly lowers the investment and conver- Single or multi-groove rolls
Split roll housing design for fast
sion costs as well as reduces operation
Possibility to use both cast iron rolls, roll changes.
tool steel and tungsten carbide rings
Pass schedules provide reduction rolling
Unique and patented pass designs
in the first stands followed by high pre­
cision sizing in the final stands. Possibility of automatic gap control
The rigidity and load capacity of the Over-driven stand arrangement
equipment permit the processing of a provides minimal impact on founda-
wide range of steel grades, with both tion works.
conventional and low temperature, such
as thermomechanical, rolling practices.
Under-load remote adjustment of roll
gap is also possible.

3-stand Pre-stressed Sizing Group 4-stand Pre-stressed Sizing Group

Sizing for straight bar products Other solutions Mechatronic solution

The Pre-stressed Sizing Group (PSG) is The Cantilever Sizing Stand is the simple Fully featured mechatronic packages
the preferred solution for rolling medium- solution for a quick and economical proj- provide complete and effective control
to large-diameter product typical for ect, to improve the size tolerance at 90° of Siemens VAI’s bar sizing technologies
straight bar mills. The available stand to the last finishing stand. to ensure guaranteed performance.
sizes cover a range of finished bar diam­
Features Features
eters up to 150 mm.
Easy and economical installation Full local and remote control options
in existing mills
Fully automated control of stand
Higher mill utilization with multi-
Small dimension and weight change and roll gap
groove rolls
Easy positioning close to finishing Fully automated impact compensation
Hydraulic preload systems for both
stand and stand speed referencing
radial and axial directions guarantee
very high rigidity Stand, gearbox, motor and hydraulic Automatic setup
unit are contained in a single trans­
Automatic gap control Automatic under-load gap control
ferable block
Motorized adjustment of guides and Direct interface to mill control system
Can use cast iron rolls, tool steel and
axial roll movement.
tungsten carbide rings. Integrated tension control
Straightforward, easy-to-navigate
HMI interface for the pulpit operator
Electro-mechanical systems fully
tested prior to shipment for shorter
site commissioning times
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL

Technologies for rails and sections

Red Ring universal stand Continuous finishing mill for rails and sections

Red Ring universal stands Increased life span and cleaner Pre-cambering systems
As with the 2-high Red Ring stand, the Rails may require an additional pre-
Red Ring universal stand has no require- Main bearings and labyrinth seals have straight­ening operation that’s applied
ment for a standby stock of chocks. In- extended life with oil/air lubrication in- at the cooling bed’s entrance. In fact,
stead, roll changes are performed using stead of automatic grease non-uniform mass distribution in the
a robot system, which mechanizes the cross section of the rail tends to bend it
Flume water contamination reduced.
assembly/disassembly of roll chocks. inwards on its head side. If not corrected,
The process of disengaging a Red Ring this would make post-cooling straighten-
universal stand from the rolling line, ing very difficult.
Counterbalanced spindle support
such as for stand clamping or spindle
holding, is exactly the same as for a Wrapped bearing design eliminates
normal 2-high Red Ring stand. hub wobble, reduces wear Rails pre-cambered before cooling bed
Features Generous tapers on hub entry and roll Rails hydraulically clamped and lifted
ends allow stand changing without
Easy conversion to conventional Individually programmable travel
moving spindles.
horizontal stands strokes allow application of different
pre-camber patterns.
Four-row cylindrical bearings with
separate thrust bearings allow maxi- Automated roll change operation
mum load carrying capability
Significantly reduces roll assemblies’ Stacking systems
Fast roll and stand change changeover time
The layers of sections arriving from the
Vertical frame separates from tie rods Roll change robot with hydraulic unit straightening and cold-cutting area are
for quick assembly furnished for change operation. properly braked and buffered onto the
first transfer table of the stacking area.
Hydraulically adjusted horizontal and
vertical rolls. Aligning rolls and stoppers give bars
an orderly disposition.

Medium section straightening system Rail pre-cambering system

Features Straightening systems Features

Special system directs out-of-tolerance When sections are cool enough, below Rigid frame contains two sets of
bars to separate cradles approximately 100 –120 °C, they must double-supported horizontal rollers
be individually straightened before being
Disappearing stoppers and variable- Top rollers’ position is vertically
cut to their final length. This is necessary
speed devices form and separate adjusted according to bar size
to remove the deformations caused by
individual layers
the asymmetrical cooling effects. The Hydraulic counterbalance eliminates
Synchronized operation of suitable sections have to be subjected to a me- vertical movement backlashes
devices ensures correct sequence of chanical deformation to reach the yield
Axial adjustments for rollers
straight and 180-degree rotated layers tensile strength (YTS) value.
Rollers mounted in removable cassette
Electromagnets equip devices for firm Other types of straightening systems are
for quick changing operation
grip on bar designed for rail and special sections
processing. Special combing devices or pinch rolls
Adjustable width roller table transfers
ensure bar separation for effective
stacks to binding area
straightening process
Horizontal and vertical rollers maintain
Magnetic rollers at straightener’s exit
good stack alignment in transit
prevent bars slipping
Operations all fully automatic and
Suction system removes scale during
Divisible design provides flexibility
needed to process different stacks
of different lengths for greater
Combined mechanical-magnetic type
processes small to medium sections
Working sequences of stacking and
binding fully automated and interfaced
with the other areas of the rolling mill.

Slitting and high speed cooling
bed entry systems

Rotary Entry System 4-slit rolling Multichannel Braking System

Slitting systems Rotary Entry System (RES) Applicable with all sizes of both cold
(low carbon quenched) and hot material
Siemens VAI’s powered slitters provide Each strand has a pair of rotating drums,
(microalloyed steel rebar)
highly accurate and consistent dividing. where bars are indexed after being
They allow rebars to be rolled in multiple braked by the high speed pinch rolls. A hydraulic system allows an easy
strands, significantly improving the pro- off-line removal for maintenance
ductivity of small size rebars, without in- and when larger sizes are processed
creasing their finishing speeds. Slitting rolls Bar maximum delivery speed: 40 m/s via conventional brake slides.
have ten times the life of slitting guides,
Accommodates 2-way slitting
while offering higher speeds and better-
accuracy. Divided strands may be finished Allows the discharge of one bar per Mechatronic solutions
in the same rolling stands or individually, notch, which gives a better alignment
An integral part of the bar mill’s high
for better product quality and tolerance. and separation of bars
speed capability is the specialized
Benefits Can be installed along with conven- mechatronics package developed by
tional run-in roller table and brake Siemens VAI for this application. This
Reheating furnace and rolling mill can
slides for large size rebars includes:
be operated to full design capacity also
for small size rebars, which become Modular design. Coordinated speed control for
less costly to produce powered slitter and rolling stands
or Morgan No-Twist mill
Easily applicable to most bar mill
Multichannel Braking System (MBS)
configurations. Divide shear control
The system can be used to discharge
Bar cut length optimization
single strand, multistrand, and up to
High speed cooling bed entry systems 4-slit rebars. The bars are braked by Braking pinch rolls control
pinch rolls into channels which open
High speed finishing maximizes rolling Bar positioning system on cooling bed
over the cooling bed.
operation over the entire product mix.
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL
Beside consistent rolling at high speeds Benefits
in the mill, this calls for high speed deliv-
Bar maximum delivery speed: 40m/s
ery to the cooling bed. To meet these
requirements Siemens VAI provides the Smooth discharge of one bar per
Rotary Entry System (RES) as well as the notch, for easier and flexible bar
Multichannel Braking System (MBS). counting and handling
Cooling beds

Cooling bed for large rounds Cooling bed for rebars

Cooling beds Features

Siemens VAI cooling beds are designed Perfect repeatibility of braking cycle,
using standard elements that can be at any speed
combined in accordance with plant prod-
Bar separation during braking,
uct mix requirements and production ca-
if required by layout and speed
pacity. Full mechanical component stan-
dardization assures constant equipment Pack annealing device available
quality, as well as high performance for spring steel flats
Bar alignment by rollers
The design features cover a variety of
Bar layer prepared by chains and
applications: rounds from Ø 8 to 300 mm,
transferred by cars.
light, medium and heavy sections up to
1,000 mm and rails.
For special applications, the cooling beds
offer slow cooling with insulated covers
and forced cooling through water spray
systems or water tanks.
At the end of the cooling bed, bars are
aligned by rollers, separated into orderly
layers and transferred onto exit roller

Aligning rollers, chains and transfer cars 21

High speed finishing blocks:
Morgan Vee No-Twist mills

10-stand Morgan No-Twist mill Morgan No-Twist mill rolling stands

High speed, high production capacity mills can be built with four, six, eight, or Designed for thermomechanical
and reliability are critically important on ten roll stands. The mills can be config- rolling, with capacity for low rolling
the finishing end of your mill. The rolling ured with any combination of 250 mm, temperatures
equipment must have flexibility to pro- 230 mm or 160 mm ultra heavy-duty
Capable of rolling to tight tolerances
duce a wide range of sizes and steel qual­ (UHD) housings, depending on your mill’s
ities, while providing the best possible requirements. All housings have provi- Tungsten carbide rolls give better
product dimensional accuracy. sions for remote adjustments under load. rod quality and longer roll life.
Moreover, they can be equipped with
Siemens VAI finishing blocks have
monitoring facilities for bearing condition.
been installed in scores of rolling mills
Modular No-Twist mill
through­out the world, having set the Features
standard for successful mill operations. This patented new design enables the
All major drive components are below
These blocks are available in a variety of changing of pairs of roll stands in a few
floor level, thus reducing noise, im-
stand combinations and can satisfy virtu- minutes, so that size changes can occur
proving visibility and providing conve-
ally any need on the finishing end. Roll- very quickly.
nience for mill crews
ing load capacity and pass design are tai-
The drive system is designed so that
lored to the product requirements. New entry end drive arrangement
stands not used on larger sizes are dis-
allows easier access to the motor
Morgan Vee No-Twist mills are capable of connected, thereby extending the overall
and no restriction on motor size
sustained, reliable operation at speeds of life of the equipment and reducing main-
up to 120 m/s. This results in production Entry end drive enables disconnection tenance costs. This design also minimizes
in excess of 150 tons/hr – achieved of finishing line shafts when not in use power consumption and thereby reduces
under everyday operating conditions at to minimize wear on high-speed operating costs.
mill installations worldwide. components
Used in conjunction with a Morgan
When it comes to versatility, the Morgan High-quality sealed roll housings Reducing/Sizing Mill and single family
Vee No-Twist mill can roll grades ranging provides reduced maintenance rolling, the Modular No-Twist mill maxi-
from carbon steels to tough to roll, heat- and long life mizes utilization in the rolling mill.
resistant alloys. Mills can be supplied with
Roll housings are easily lifted out
pass reduction of anywhere from 10 %
for quick change times
to 25 % per stand. Morgan Vee No-Twist


Mini finishing block Morgan Vee mini-blocks as pre-finishing mills

The Morgan Vee mini-block is an innova- Features Mechatronic solutions

tive 2- or 4-stand mill expandable up to
Small footprint makes it ideal The performance and reliability
an 8-stand unit, with a host of benefits
for retrofit situations of the Morgan No-Twist Mill and
for rod and bar producers. In numerous
Morgan Mini-Blocks can be enhanced
existing installations around the world, Can be used as a pre-finishing mill,
with the application of specialized
mini-block mills have increased produc- usually in 2-stand or 4-stand
mechatronics packages, including:
tivity by as much as 50 %, permitted the configurations
rolling of various diameter rod and bars,
Can be used as a mini-finishing mill Bearing temperature monitoring
and achieved thermomechanical rolling
after an existing finishing block to
properties. Provides temperature status for bear-
increase speed and productivity
ings in the block
Capable of improving tolerance of feed
Issues warnings of high temperatures
sections to an existing block
that can be caused by bearing wear or
Increases finishing speed when used lubrication problems
after an existing finishing block
Constant monitoring improves perfor-
Can be used to roll finished sizes from mance and prevents system downtime
4.0 mm up to as large as 35 mm
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL
Able to roll at low temperatures solution.
Perfect for retrofit applications in both
Lube oil water content
bar mills and rod mills
Continuously monitors for any water
Can be used upstream or downstream
of existing finishing blocks.
Specifically monitors water content
in the lubrication system
Real time trending of water content
and lube oil temperature
Historical logging
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL
Rod sizing technology

Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill with off-line units

Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mills Product dimension features Productivity features

With over a decade of operational know- Produces all sizes to ultra-precision Single family rolling dramatically
how on more than 60 installed strands, tolerances ­increases utilization
our engineers have advanced the Morgan
Tolerances as low as +/–0.1 mm Productivity on small sizes increases
Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill into the most
by as much as 60%
versatile, sought-after rolling technology Ovality at 0.12 mm about the nominal
available. There is no other rod sizing size and within 2 sigma statistical Quick change transfer car ensures
system on the market today that can limits rapid and error-free setup
compare with this technology.
Flexibility to produce a size range Roll parting adjustment under load
The advantages of the Rod Reducing/ from 4.2 mm to 26 mm ­directly from the operator station with
Sizing Mill are nearly unlimited. It can be roll gap feedback
Free size rolling capability.
integrated after a conventional finishing
Patented built-in bypass troughs pro-
block, boosting the mill productivity on
vide immediate setup for dummying
small sizes by up to 60 %. Its extreme
Improves the operation roll units
precision has been proven in many prac-
tical applications. The patented pass design enables true Guideless rolling in sizing stands allows
single family rolling from the first stand for fast parting adjustments and free
after the reheat furnace to the last stand size rolling.
of the block ahead of the Morgan Reduc-
ing/Sizing Mill. Added after a convention-
al rod finishing block, the patented unit
can significantly increase finishing
speeds on smaller sizes.

Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill in single strand high speed rod outlet Rolling stands

Increases product quality Mechatronic solution

The combination of advanced technolo- The Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill
gies allows very low-temperature rolling. mechatronics package is a proven system
This results in a more refined microstruc- on dozens of mills around the world.
ture that can eliminate additional
Full local and remote control options
Direct interface to mill control system
Degree of grain refinement possible
with thermomechanical rolling results Straightforward, easy-to-navigate HMI
in improved properties interface for the pulpit operator
Unique oval-round-round-round pass Automated product change increases
sequence delivers high-reduction rolling productivity
for internal quality while enhancing
Incorporates Siemens VAI’s mechanical
surface quality and extending roll life.
­expertise in gear change strategy
Electro-mechanical system fully tested
prior to shipment and commissioned
on site
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL

High speed laying heads
and intelligent pinch rolls

High speed intelligent pinch roll and laying head High speed laying head with patented tail end control

The laying head and intelligent pinch roll Improving the ring pattern Rapid roll closing times,
system plays a crucial role in the success 0.1 to 0.15 seconds
The laying head design with patented tail
of a high speed rod mill. It must be capable
end control helps improve the ring pattern Repeatable roll close times, within
of high speeds with smooth operation,
on the conveyor for both small products +/-5 milliseconds.
while providing well-shaped rings cor-
at speeds up to 150 m/s and large prod-
rectly positioned on the conveyor. This
ucts at lower speeds. It allows increased A good coil package delivered from the
calls for a precise mechanical system,
production, improved yields and consis- laying head to the Morgan Stelmor con-
accurate control and continuous
tent product quality. veyor is important for achieving uniform
metallurgical properties during the con-
Our patented intelligent pinch rolls and trolled cooling process as well as for get-
laying heads are proven for sustained Mechatronic solution ting a well-formed coil for shipping.
operation at high speeds and for flexibility
A key element to the success of our lay-
across a large range of product sizes.
ing heads and intelligent pinch rolls is the
Laying head capabilities
Features mechatronics system, which provides for:
 High speed capability proven over 120 m/s
Durable drive for reliable high speed Repeatable front end positioning
operation of each coil Ability to lay plain rounds, rebar plus
quenched and temperature rebar
Universal design fits all installations Speeds coordinated with pinch rolls
for error-free operation on tail ends  Handles rod sizes from 4.0 mm to 26.2 mm
Closer calibration of pinch force
Fine adjustment to allow control of Pipe change times of 15 minutes or less.
Faster set up after roll change
coil diameter
More compact installation
Wobble adjustment for varying ring
Other capabilities
Pipe path designed to optimize wear diameter on large sizes
Interchangeable vertebrae and roller-
Easy-change pipe support  Servo control of pinch force and position
ized pipe features available for surface-
High quality bearings for reliability Closed loop control of pinch force and sensitive grades
pinch roll drive motor
Front end orientation to eliminate Twin pipe design available for produc-
snags on the conveyor Self-regulated system to avoid roll slip ing different coil dimensions for differ-
and remove user input from the pulpit ent product sizes
Tail end control for good coil package.
Fully integrated into standard SIROLL Pipe bending services available to pro-
26 solution vide your mill with ready-to-use pipes.
Morgan Stelmor controlled cooling conveyor
and reform ring distributor

Morgan Stelmor controlled cooling conveyor High capacity fans on Morgan Stelmor conveyor Morgan Stelmor conveyor exit end

The Morgan Stelmor controlled cooling The more than 350 Morgan Stelmor lines The Ring Distributor
conveyor system enables processing in a installed at mills throughout the world
The patented Ring Distributor collects
wide range of conditions, including both have established this system’s reputa­tion
rings high in the reform tub using a ro-
fast and slow cooling modes within a sin- as the best for product quality, processing
tating blade for optimal placement. This
gle system. This capability enables mills versatility and equipment performance.
system shortens the coil package, easing
to produce a broad spectrum of plain car-
The robust design includes durable shipping and storage space concerns,
bon and alloy steels, as well as stainless
drives for reliable high speed operation which in turn reduces costs. Improved
steels and other specialty grades. The
and high quality components for reduced collection also results in better-shaped
results are improved as-rolled rod prop-
maintenance downtime and cost. coils for fewer tangles and snags at
erties. This enables the production of
more grades in a directly usable condi-
tion, thus reducing or eliminating down- Features
Other system possibilities
stream processes, such as spheroidize
Simple, low maintenance coil forming
annealing. Optional capabilities that can be incorpo-
rated into the Morgan Stelmor system
include: Allows for increased coil weight capacity
Controlled cooling capabilities
Slow cool pots Works with new or existing horizontal
Forced air cooling with high capacity hook and vertical pallet coil handling
In-line heat treatment
fans gives fast cooling rates systems
Water quench baths.
Excellent cooling uniformity in fast Permits removal or change of blade in
cooling mode, accomplished with 5 minutes or less.
either the traditional Optiflex system
Mechatronic solution
or the new patented Optimesh system
To ensure the greatest benefits from pro-
Slow cooling with insulated covers
cessing and production, a mechatronic
Hybrid cooling with combined fast, system provides for:
natural and slow cooling for custom-
Automated product cooling setup
ized cooling of special grades.
Conveyor speed control
Automated fan cooling control
Fully integration into standard SIROLL
solution. 27
Coil handling and compactors

Vertical stem pallet coil handling system Horizontal hook system for coil handling Horizontal coil compactor

Vertical or horizontal Mechatronic solution Compactors

From complete handling systems to sys- For maximum benefits in the coil hand­ Both the horizontal compactor and the
tem upgrades, Siemens VAI has many ling system, a mechatronic system vertical compactor systems provide a
solutions to every coil handling need. provides for: wide range of capabilities for all coiled
Both the vertical stem pallet and horizon- products, with either wire binding or
Fully-automated coil transport system
tal hook carrier systems are of modular strapping.
design, providing for unique configura- Minimized installation and start up
tions with standard components. times
Standard compactor design allows for
Features Individual AC drive motors
easy retrofit from wire to strap, or vice
Standard modules can be arranged Customized coil distribution versa
in highly customized installations and storage
Unique wire binding unit design with
Individually driven and controlled Automatic “pushing” and “pulling” quick-replace wear cassettes
modularized conveyor system offers strategies to maximize cooling time
Low operating and maintenance costs.
high productivity and ease of and product throughput
Recipe driven system
System movements provide scratch- Mechatronic solution
Coil tracking.
free handling of the coils
The automation of the compactor system
Blowing stations available for acceler- includes:
ated cooling of selected grades
Automated compression of coils into
Patented heat retention tunnels compact bundles for efficient transport
available for slow cooling of sensitive and storage
Automatic wire feeding and monitor-
ing of coil compression
Different press force settings.

Bar in coil

Pouring reel Garrett coil

Pouring reels Coil removal and transfer Process capabilities

The Siemens VAI pouring reels, or Garrett A pivoting mast supports a boom assem- In addition to forming a well-shaped
coilers, enable the production of bar bly for transporting the coil from the coil with excellent surface quality, the
products in coiled form, typically for elevated coil plate to a pallet or coil con- bar-in-coil system is designed for optimal
bar sizes of approximately 10 mm to veyor. Depending on the configuration metallurgical and scale characteristics.
60 mm. when using a pallet system, elevators
may transfer the pallets between levels
in the mill. Coiling temperature can be controlled
Interchangeable entry spouts accom- with upstream water boxes
modate a wide product size range
Blowing stations available for
Interface with coil handling
Multiple pinch rolls assist the bar into accelerated cooling
the tub and control tail ends The coiling line can be provided with a
Insulated tunnels available for slow
new coil handling system or interfaced
Traversable pinch rolls allow for quick cooling of critical grades
with an existing vertical pallet or hori-
groove change between sizes
zontal hook system. System length and operational practice
Elevating coil plate for easy coil designed to give optimal final coil
removal ­temperature.
Interface components
Collapsing inner fingers minimize
damage to rings on coil inner diameter Downenders
Wear strips prevent damage to rings Transfer cars
on outside diameter of coil
Trimming stations
No direct water cooling required,
Inspection stations.
reducing maintenance
Designed for minimum foundation
depth. The coil handling system can be shared
with a rod mill or rod outlet on a combi-
nation mill.

Bar spooling system

Spooling system layout 3D rendering Spooling system mandrel 3D rendering

The spooling system is the latest innova- As the spooled coil is twist-free, the de- Features
tion in bar-in-coil production. coiling operation is smoother and faster.
KHigher efficiency, speeds and
It creates a twist-free winding of round, The innovative spooling system is a productivity
flat and square bars. considerable technological step forward
KFixed height and inner diameter
in bar-in-coil production, offering bar
Unlike with the Garrett coiler, the wire
producers the opportunity to be more KVariable outer diameter (depending
is distributed in sequential, regular,
competitive by offering final users a re- on coil weight)
homogeneous and compact layers,
duction of post-rolling costs, as well as
producing high weight coils with small KGreater compactness with very high
a better product appearance with easier
overall dimensions, which can be easily filling factor
transportation and storage.
transported and stored.
KEasy uncoiling capability
KSubstantial cost reduction in coil
transportation and storage
KHigher material yield
KFinal product properties are uniform
and consistent
KNo residual internal stresses (torsion).

Flat Rolling Block

Flat Rolling Block

Flat Rolling Block

The Flat Rolling Block is the perfect
instru­ment for the economic production
of flat bars in any lot size. Flat bars can
be rolled in a wide range of sizes with
tight tolerances and sharp corners. Prod-
uct size can be changed automatically
within seconds.
Grooveless rolling of an infinitely
variable product size range
Product size changes within seconds
Sharp product edges
Fulfillment of highest product
tolerances, reducing downstream
machining requirements.

Mechatronic Solution
To ensure the greatest benefits from pro-
cessing and production, a mechatronic
system provides for:
Roll gap control with servo motors
Mill load control using load cells
Flat Rolling Block detail
Fully automated system integrating
the roll pass set up (RollMaster) with
the Level 1 control system.

Mill shears and saws

Sawing unit Crop and cobble shear

Hot shears Features Flat or profiled blades according to use

Siemens VAI offers a full line of hot shears Synchronized with laying head control Fully automated cutting procedures
necessary in a bar or rod mill for a wide for front end positioning
Quick-change device for blade
variety of requirements, such as head/tail
Trimmable sizes from 5.0 mm replacement.
cropping, dividing, sampling or scrapping.
to 26.0 mm
Maximum operating speeds of 120 m/s
Sawing units
Available shear types
Minimal disturbance of the rod path
For rails, medium-large sections, large
Pendulum, toggle or snap shears pre-
High speed motion controller to mini- bars, and special steel grades, where
vent the flow of material through the
mize delays between tracking system sawing is preferred over shearing. Better
rolling line
and servomotor control cut quality and precision are provided,
Up & down shears for billets, blooms and bar end deformation is eliminated.
Dynamic positioning of shear blades
and larger sections, for cropping and
to ensure cut length accuracy. Features
Metallic or abrasive disc technologies
Rotary, crank and convertible shears
along the rolling mill, for flexible oper- Cold shears
ation according to bar size and speed Pendulum or linear disc movement
Siemens VAI designs flying and static
Bar cut length optimization available at type cold shears, with clutch and brake Automatic removal of nose
dividing shear, so that only multiples of or direct drive, to produce the ultimate and tail crops
saleable length are sent to cooling bed. end product.
Collection of sawing swarf
Dust removal and filtering system
High speed trimming shear and shear Cutting table width up to 1,800 mm
Fully automated sawing procedures.
control systems
Cutting speed up to 2.5 m/s
Enables inline rod trimming of out-of tol-
Direct start-stop drive for reduced
erance head and tail ends in the finishing
maintenance and shorter cycle time
train. Used either ahead of a post-finish-
ing block such as a Morgan Reducing/ Very precise cutting
Sizing Mill or immediately before the
Compatible with high strength steels,
pinch roll and laying head, this results
as quenched rebar and high-alloy grades
in substantial operational cost savings.
Bar finishing components

Bar counting area Bar counting system Bar bundling system

In addition to the wide array of rolling Bar counting Bundling system

stands, finishing blocks and cutting-to-
Fully-automated counting of bars moving Bundlers for round and flat bars are avail-
length systems for every bar product,
from the cooling bed to the bundling able together with bar counting for rounds
Siemens VAI has an extensive portfolio
station assures that customer orders are and small bundle processing systems.
of equipment to cover the complete
filled accurately and completely. The sys- The packaging form can be round, square,
range of final processing needs. From
tem is capable of high production rates rectangular and hexagonal shapes.
counting to bundling and stacking, and
and is accurate for all types and sizes
then unloading bundles – everything
of bars. Current count and end-of-batch
can be arranged for a smooth final pro-
signals can be output to downstream Binding systems
duction process.
equipment and to the mill tracking sys-
Automatic binding of the packages and
tem for full control and information on
bundles are available with strap or wire.
the process.

Weighing, labeling & unloading

All bundles can be automatically weighed
and further labeled for quality-assured
delivery of the finished products at the
bundle unloading station. With accurate
product tracking such as that provided
by the Siemens VAI XpertManager sys-
tem, tagging accuracy and reliability of
the final shipment are assured.

Water boxes and in-line thermal processing

Water cooling system Rebar quenching system

The Siemens VAI proven water cooling Rebar quenching systems Mechatronic solution:
systems can make a significant differ- Temperature Control System
Water quenching systems with station-
ence in the operation of a bar or rod
ary, lift-out or traversable water boxes The Temperature Control System pro-
rolling mill, from improved utilization
provide efficient cooling of ribbed prod- vides monitoring and control of stock
to better product quality. Available cool-
ucts in straight lengths to a cooling bed temperature to insure that the correct
ing elements include conventional solid
or in coil form to meet virtually any mechanical and metallurgical properties
injector and cooling pipe to the more
worldwide specification for quenched are obtained accurately and consistently
advanced split nozzle design.
and tempered rebar. throughout the process. By monitoring
The high cooling efficiency in these product speed and temperature, along
water box systems results in reduced with cooling water pressures and tem-
water usage, increased lifespan of Martensitic self-tempered outer peratures, the system can provide real-
pumps, valves and other critical compo- surface, with ferrite-pearlite core time feedback for closed-loop control
nents and lower water consumption costs. of cooling zones, from the furnace exit
High yield strengths
to the laying head or cooling bed.
Controlled values of tensile strength/
Sturdy water box construction yield strength ratio and elongation
Replaceable wear parts within the Elimination of micro-alloying elements
cooling nozzles and extensions in melt shop (V, Nb) Consistency of properties
Less water in contact with the product Elimination of expensive post-rolling +/–10 °C accuracy
reduces the tendency for cobbles, treatment (e.g. cold drawing or
Standard operating practices
enabling higher rolling speeds ­s tretching)
Recipe systems for fast and consistent
Improved split-style nozzles are retro- Excellent weldability due to low carbon
fittable replacements for previous-gen- content
eration split nozzle design water boxes Minimizes uncooled rings
Up to 4-slit rolling.
Optional lift-out headers and travers- Reduces disturbances to water system
able water box designs for minimizing
Historical and real time logging
change times.
Improves detection of problems
Event sequence analysis.

Thermomechanical rolling

High speed rod rolling mill for thermomechanical rolling Effect of finishing temperature on rod microstructure

Thermomechanical Rolling (TMR) re- TMR in a rod mill Advantages of fine grain size
quires a combination of proper arrange-
Although high productivity and effi­ Low rolling temperatures reduce
ment of rolling and cooling equipment,
ciency remain the main attraction of hardenability, promote ferrite
adequate load capacity in the rolling
the Morgan Rod Reducing/Sizing Mill formation and retard the evolution
stands and intelligent rolling and cooling
to most plain-carbon unalloyed steel of bainite and martensite
practices. The result is a refined micro-
producers, metallurgical processing flexi-
structure in the product that has superior More uniform grain size from surface
bility is becoming an equally important
as-rolled mechanical and metallurgical to core
benefit to the specialty steel and cold
heading quality producers. Reduction in as-rolled tensile strength
By improving as-rolled properties and mi-
Through an engineered combination of Increased ductility
crostructures of rod and bar products,
high load design of the patented mill and
subsequent downstream processes, most Improved heat treat response including
proper mill layout, thermomechanical
of which are done in-house by the major a reduction in spheroidize annealing
rolling at low temperatures becomes a
steel producers, can be eliminated or sig- times
practical production process. A success-
nificantly reduced, therefore lowering
ful combination of equipment design and Increased work hardenability.
the conversion cost.
process design has been developed, evi-
dence of which is provided by more than
60 installed and operating post-finishing With respect to rod structure, the refined
mill blocks in a variety of mill configura- structure associated with reduced rolling
tions, from existing two-strand rod mills temperatures improves diffusion during
to new high speed, high production rate heat-treating and can result in reduced
single-strand rod mills. heat treatment times and temperatures.
For those rods which are not heat-treat-
ed, the refined and complex structures
resulting from low temperature rolling
increases tensile pickup during cold

Endless rolling technology

Welding machine Welding machine 3D rendering

In recent years, market demand is for Phase 2 – Burr removal High quality of the flash process weld,
bigger billets to increase material yield so that the joint area does not affect
The welding machine has an efficient
and produce higher weight coils. final rolling quality
burr cutting system at the exit to com-
Siemens VAI’s technology is based on pletely remove the burr from the welded Able to weld rough and oxidized
JP Steel Plantech Co.’s EBROS. zone and to avoid potential defects dur- surfaces
ing rolling operations.
The welding system is installed between Welded joint area free from inclusions,
the reheating furnace and the first roll- filler metal or other impurities, for ho-
ing stand to weld together consecutive mogeneous and consistent product
hot billets and therefore provide a con- quality
tinuous rolling process. No inter-billet time
Highly efficient operation, for reduced
The system operation consists of two Improved yield by reducing losses energy consumption.
main phases: at both head and tail ends
Lower risk of cobbling
Phase 1 – Billet welding Possibility of producing higher and
customized coil weights, without in-
Billets are clamped in the welding
creasing billet size, for better product
machine, which is moving at a speed to
follow the entry speed of the rolling mill.
Incoming billets are joined by flash weld- Reduced maintenance costs
ing, through rapid heating of billet ends,
followed by application of a counter
force to complete the joining.

Welded joint Before deburring After deburring

Turnkey solutions
Success from a single source

There are many requirements involved We work through all technical inter­ Your security: our financial
in building or modernizing a rolling mill, faces so that all components work strength and project expertise
including on-time and cost guarantees, efficiently together in the overall plan
In a turnkey project you profit from the
reliable start up and rapid achievement
We work in partnership with all sub- global strengths of Siemens: our sound
of expected production volumes and
contractors, and guarantee overall financial base as well as our ability to
product qualities.
quality plan projects with foresight and imple-
To ensure that these require­ments are ment them reliably. We bring to each
We ensure on-time completion and a
met, Siemens VAI offers a turnkey solu- project many years of experience in com-
smooth start-up, so you can pay down
tion. We take on complete responsibility plying with all rules and requirements,
debt on schedule
for project implementation and start up from customs regulations to approval
production, so you can concentrate on We construct your plant for a fixed conditions.
your core business of manufacturing long price.
Another benefit is the enthusiasm of our
products and market­ing them profitably.
engineers, fitters and start-up engineers,
all eager to work together with you to
Secondary processes
create a world-class system.
Our responsibility, not yours are no minor matter
If you’re planning to invest in a long
Most projects require the coordination We provide our own Siemens solutions
product rolling mill, we can provide the
of a large number of suppliers on timing, for nearly all processes associated with
comprehensive product, system, inte­
technology, and logistics. Given the production, from the power supply to
gration and service expertise you need
number of players involved, we offer water treatment, and from fire protec­­-
for success.
a solution as prime contractor. tion to railway siding. And everything
is backed by services from our local
partners. This comprehensive approach
is unique. Cross-functional concepts such
as Totally Integrated Automation and
Totally Integrated Power provide syner-
gies and a high degree of standardization.

Our services
For the best performance of your plant throughout its lifetime

Long rolling services from Siemens VAI “Peace of Mind” maintenance 24/7 Spare parts delivery
enables you to take advantage of the
This new program maximizes mill utiliza- By using our spare parts in your equip-
combined experience of our people and
tion by maintaining optimal running con- ment, you receive guaranteed perfor-
deliver comprehensive life-cycle support
ditions on your critical equipment. This mance quality for your needs. To help
for your mill. The rolling mill is a long-term
is particularly useful for high-speed maintain and service your operation, we
investment, and therefore you want a
equipment in rod mills. have parts warehouses in strategic loca-
long service life, along with productivity
tions around the world, providing deliv-
and high utilization, profitability, and
ery 24 hours per day, 7 days per week,
product quality.
Mechanical and lube system audits every day of the year.
The range of services we offer is compre-
With detailed studies by our mill experts,
hensive and covers every aspect of your
we can determine if the components are
operation. Guides
meeting current demands and look for
ways to improve their performance. Backed by our comprehensive process
knowledge in long rolling mills, Siemens
Services available
VAI expertise in guides provides solu-
Maintenance Predictive maintenance tions for all conceivable rolling applica-
tions. This expertise, together with a
Reconditioning Through vibration monitoring, we can
wide array of designs for mounting and
predict when individual pieces of equip-
Rebuilds ancillary guiding equipment, means that
ment in your mill will probably need
no problem is too difficult to solve.
Guides maintenance. Therefore, you can better
plan for downtimes.
Spare parts
Reconditioning and rebuilds A wide range of training programs are
Equipment and process audits
available for maintenance, operations
We can help you get more out of your
Training and processing. To handle special re-
existing equipment through this service,
quirements, we can develop customized
Metallurgical. and possibly introduce some new innova-
training for your people.
tions while minimizing the downtime in
your operation.

Life-cycle management
Partnership never ends

• I nvestigation/inspections & feasibility study • Service contracts

• Design • Spare parts and components
• Layout • Consulting and training
• Construction • Online and offline
• Installation maintenance
• C ommissioning • Maintenance contracting


Consulting | Planning | Financing

Recycling Mode

• Migration packages
• Upgrading and

Siemens VAI life-cycle services

As a plant operator, you have conflicting Thanks to our comprehensive expertise
needs. On the one hand, your perfor- and integrated approach to solutions,
mance is measured each quarter against you can benefit both short-term and
short-term profitability expectations. On long-term from our life-cycle services.
the other hand, you have to think on a
In the short term: Backed by our exten-
totally different timescale compared with
sive experience with many reference
the capital market. Depending on the
plants, we provide you with the certainty
lifetime of your plant, you have to con-
of fast, dependable production, start-up
sider the next 15 years or more – at the
and shorter amortization periods.
very least, that is 60 full quarters.
In the long tem: Our master plan guaran-
tees competitive performance for your
plant in every phase of its life cycle.
Whether we’re providing 24/7 technical
or spare parts service, optimizing main­
tenance, or making permanent plant
improvements, we’re always working
to ensure the cost-effective operation
of your plant.

Excellence through experience
Selected success stories with rolling mills

Profitable expansion for rapidly growing market

Customer: V izag Steel, Visakhapatnam (Andra Pradesh), India, part of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.
The task: One of the largest Indian steel producers, Vizag wanted to expand to 6.3 million tpy, improve productivity
and optimize costs of its Special Bar Quality production line.
Our solution: A new mill with 18 Red Ring rolling stands followed by a 3-stand Pre-stressed Sizing Group, with a double
finishing area with cooling bed and three Garrett reeling stations. Initial mill capacity of 750,000 tpy.
The result:  lexible and reliable operation in expanded modern facility that profitably positions Vizag in one of the
world’s most rapidly developing areas.

Achieving huge capacity, productivity gains

Customer: V illares Metals, Sumaré (São Paulo), Brazil, part of Voestalpine Group
The task:  ne of the most important South American producers of high-alloy steels and specialty alloys, Villares wanted
to expand its portfolio, increasing rolling capacity and productivity, and optimizing operation costs.
Our solution:  new multiline mill, including a straight bar line with 16 Compact Cassette Rolling stands, a rod line with
two finishing monoblocks and a line with a Flat Rolling Block.
The result: Rolling capacity increase of approximately 40 %, with optimized costs and an installation schedule that
eliminated potential impact on existing production.

Meeting speed and quality goals

Customer: Votorantim Metais, Resende (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil
The task: Add capacity for coiled rebar and other rod products to support growing South American market on green-
field site with the best technology for high production rates and quality.
Our solution: New single-strand rod mill with roughing and intermediate train, pre-finishing Morgan Mini-Blocks, finish-
ing Morgan No-Twist mill, in-line quenching, Morgan high speed pinch roll and laying head, Morgan Stelmor
conveyor, reform and coil handling system. Provisions for future second strand.
The result:  igh quality rod and coiled rebar produced at finishing speeds up to 110 m/s for at least 500,000 tpy on
single strand. Mill has rolled HYQST quenched and tempered rebar products at highest speeds in the world.
World-class slit rolling bar mill
Customer: Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Jamshedpur, India
The task:  s one of the largest steel producers in the world, Tata wanted to expand capacity in India to support
growing infrastructure with latest techniques for rolling rebar, and remain best-quality construction supplier.
Our solution:  ew single-strand bar mill with 16 stands for roughing and intermediate trains, two-way slitting unit, two
6-stand Morgan No-Twist mills, water boxes for HYQST processing, dividing shears, patented high speed
Rotary Entry System to the cooling bed, cold shear, plus bundling and strapping equipment.
The result:  esigned to produce 600,000 tpy, mill exceeded production targets several times at commissioning. One
of the fastest and most efficient mills in the world for slit rolling in straight lengths, with rolling line yields
above 95 %.

Modernization yields production growth

Customer: Global Steel Wire, S.A., Santander, Spain, part of the Celsa Group
The task: As a renowned supplier of high quality rod products, Global Steel Wire needed to expand product size
range, increase production and improve quality for changing markets, including new bar-in-coil market.
Our solution: Series of mill modernizations: equipment improvements and additions to 2-strand rod mill to increase pro-
duction rate and productivity, including Morgan Mini-Blocks, Morgan No-Twist mills, Morgan Rod Reducing/
Sizing Mills, rod outlet; bar-in-coil outlet with water cooling and Morgan Bar Reducing/Sizing Mill for high
quality bar products.
The result:  ver 10 years of mill modifications, Global Steel Wire has increased production from 570,000 tpy
to over 900,000 tpy, with increases in coil weight, product size range and quality.

Longer long products

Customer: Corus, Scunthorpe, UK, part of Tata Group
The task: As part of company’s overall investment program, mill revamp needed to improve Corus’ production
capability and cost-effectiveness.
Our solution: A new finishing mill with 7 in-line Red Ring universal stands, cooling area with rail precambering,
and handling equipment.
The result: The mill enables Corus to roll rail lengths up to 120 meters in an in-line continuous finishing mill.
It offers unsurpassed flexibility to process both rails and sections, with minimized change operations
and improved tolerances.

Highest productivity in the Middle East

Customer: Habas Sinai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Istihsal Endustrisi A.S., Aliaga, Turkey
The task: One of the leading players in the Middle East, Habas needed a greenfield rebar rolling mill,
with high productivity and equipment reliability.
Our solution: A state-of-the art fully automated multi-slitting rolling mill with 25 Red Ring stands, including a double
finishing train, with in-line bar quenching, Multichannel Braking System for high speed delivery to a 120 m
cooling bed and handling areas. Bars ranging from 8 to 42 mm diameter rolled in up to 4-slit process.
The result:  esigned for 1,185,000 tpy, one of the most productive rebar plants in the world. Production exceeds
4,500 tons per day, equivalent to an average rebar production of 180 t/h.
Siemens Industry Inc.
15 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA 01605-2665, USA
Phone: +1 508 755-6111
Fax: +1 508 832-0139

Siemens VAI
Metals Technologies S.r.l.
Via L. Pomini, n. 92
21050 Marnate (VA), Italy
Phone: +39 0331 741211
Fax: +39 0331 741386

Siemens VAI
Metals Technologies GmbH & Co.
P.O. Box 4, Turmstr. 44
A 4031 Linz, Austria

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Order No.: E10001-M3-A14-V1-7600
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© Siemens AG 2010.
All rights reserved.
No Twist is a registered trademark
of Siemens Industry Inc.
Stelmor is a registered trademark
of Siemens Industry Inc.
EBROS is a registered trademark
of JP Steel Plantech Company

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