M.Sc. (Physics) Semester III Phyc-301 Quantum Mechanics - 1 (4 Credits) Unit I (14 Lectures)
M.Sc. (Physics) Semester III Phyc-301 Quantum Mechanics - 1 (4 Credits) Unit I (14 Lectures)
M.Sc. (Physics) Semester III Phyc-301 Quantum Mechanics - 1 (4 Credits) Unit I (14 Lectures)
Matrix formulation of Quantum Mechanics - Bra, Ket and matrix representation, Ket-Bra and
matrix algebra, Linear vector spaces and transformations, Special Matrices (03 Lectures)
Rotational, angular momentum , and Unitary Groups: Proper rotation group, infinitesimal
rotations, spin of a vector particle, commutation relations for the generators, Choice of
representation, Unitary and special unitary groups in two dimensions and their generators
[U(n), SU(n) and SU(3)]Angular and spin momentum matrices (05 Lectures)
Space inversion and time Reversal. Dynamical Symmetry: QM hydrogen atom problem and
Classical isotropic oscillator (03 Lectures)
UNIT III (14 Lectures)
Variational Method, derivation of ground state energy of Hydrogen and Helium atoms;
Basic idea of evaluation of energy of excited states.(04 Lectures)
Time dependent perturbation theory, transition probability, Fermi’s Golden Rule No.2
(03 Lectures)
Semi-Classical theory of radiation, probabilities of stimulated emission and absorption;
probability of spontaneous emission using Einstein’s coefficients. (04 Lectures)
Identical particles with spin. Symmetry and Antisymmetry of wave functions, Slater’s
determinantal wave functions. Excited states of Helium atom. (03 Lectures)
Non-relativistic scattering theory, differential and total scattering cross section, Born
approximation method with examples of scattering by Coulomb, Gaussian, Square well and
Yukawa potentials.
(05 Lectures)
Partial wave analysis, optical theorem, phase shift, example of scattering by square well
potential. (06 Lectures)
Basic facts about nuclei, Mass and binding energy, Semi-empirical mass formula
(06 Lectures)
Nuclear size determination using mu-mesic X-rays and scattering of fast electrons
(04 Lectures)
Nuclear spin and magnetic moment of nuclei, Molecular beam resonance method, Nuclear
resonance absorption and induction method, Electric quadrupole moment (04 Lectures)
Alpha decay, Experimental results on alpha decay-Alpha spectra and Geiger- Nuttall relation,
Theory of alpha decay (05 Lectures)
Beta-spectra, Fermi’s theory of beta decay, Sergeant’s law, Kurie Plot, Allowed and forbidden
transitions, Fermi and Gamow Teller Transition, Extraction of Fermi constant, Parity violation
in beta-decay, Detection of neutrino (10 Lectures)
UNIT III (14 Lectures)
Nuclear reactions, Conservation laws, The Q-equation and deduction of nuclear energy levels
(03 Lectures)
Compound nucleus, Bohr hypothesis, Resonance phenomenon, Breit- Wigner one level
formula, Optical model, Simple discussion of direct reactions (06 Lectures)
Nuclear fission, Bohr-Wheeler theory of nuclear fission, Controlled chain reaction, Nuclear
reactors (04 Lectures)
Lattice Dynamics :Phonon dispersion spectra for three dimensional monatomic solids,
Density of states, Phonon branches in 3-d solid with a polyatomic basis (04 Lectures)
Phonon heat capacity, Debye model and Born cut-off procedure, Thermal conduction: lattice
thermal conduction and phonon free path, anharmonic effects (04 Lectures)
Normal and umklapp process, defect controlled phonon scattering, Heat capacity of
amorphous material (03 Lectures)
Plasma optics, Dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves, Transverse and longitudinal
modes (03 Lectures)
Transparency of alkali halide crystals in ultraviolet light, Screening effect, Mott metal-
insulator transistor (02 Lectures)
Fermi level and electron-hole distribution in energy bands, Models of an impurity semi-
conductor (03 Lectures)
Temperature dependence of Fermi level in an extrinsic semi-conductor, Conductivity and Hall
effect in semi-conductors, Constant energy surfaces and effective mass in Si and Ge, Effect
of temperature and impurities in semiconductors (04 Lecture)
Flux quantization in a ring, Electron tunneling, DC & AC Josephson Effect (02 Lectures)
Linear Wave Shaping: High Pass and Low Pass RC Networks: Detailed Analysis
(08 Lectures)
Response to Sinusoidal, Step, Pulse, Square wave, Exponential and Ramp Inputs. RC circuits
applications (02 Lectures)
High pass RC circuit as a differentiator, Low Pass RC circuit as an Integrator. Criterion for
good differentiation and integration. Laplace Transforms and their application to circuit
(05 Lectures)
High and Low Voltage Supplies, Application of SCR as Regulator (02 Lectures)
SMPS (02 Lectures)
Flip Flops: RS, RST, JK, T, D, JK M/S Flip flops, Race problem, Preset and Clear functions
(02 Lectures)
Number Systems: Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems. Binary Arithmetic
(02 Lectures)
Arithmetic Circuits. Binary Codes: Gray, 8421, 2421, 5211. Boolean Variables and Operators,
Simplification of Boolean Expressions. Karnaugh Maps (05 Lectures)
Counters and Registers : Binary Counters: Up, Down, Parallel. Modulus Counters: Counter
Reset Method, Logic Gating Method. Ring Counter, Shift Registers (04 Lectures)
D/A converter and A/D converter. Simultaneous and Counter method of A/D converter,
Successive Approximation method (02 Lectures)