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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 5553-3 (1990): Reactors, Part 3: Current limiting

reactors and neutral earthing reactors [ETD 16:

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 5553 ( Part 3 ):1990

( Reaffirmed 2003 )

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

First Reprint JANUARY 1994

UDC 621’316’935

0 BIS 1990


NEW DELHI 110002

September 1990 Price Cramp 3

Transformers Sectional Committee, ETD 16

ThisIndian Standard ( Part 3 ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards
on 18 January 1990, after the draft finalized by the Transformers Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1970. This revision has been undertaken with a view to
bringing it in line with the revision of IEC Pub. 289 - 1988 ‘Reactors’, issued by the International
Electrotechnicai Commission ( IEC ).

In this revision, the requirements for reactors have been covered in eight parts as follows:
Part 1 : General
Part2: Shunt reactors
Part3: Current limiting and neutral earthing reactors
Part 4 : Damping reactors
Part 5 : Tuning reactors
Part 6 : Earthing transformers (neutral couples )
Part7: Arc suppression reactors
Part 8 : Smoothing reactors
This standard ( Part 3 ) has been based on IEC Pub 289 ( 1988 ) ‘Reactors ( Second Edition,
1988 ), Section Three, ‘Current-limiting reactors and neutral-earthing reactors’, issued by the
International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ).
This part shall be read in conjunction with Part 1 of this standard. A list of referred standards
is also given in Part 1 of this standard.

In this standard, references has been made to IS 2026 ( Parts 1 to 4 ) specification for ‘power
transformers* which is, therefore, a necessary adjunct to this specification.
The reactors meant for continuous duty may be overloaded under certain conditions. In the
absence of any Indian Standard guide on the subject at present, this aspect may be checked with
the manufacturer.
IS 5553 ( Part 3 ) : 1990

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A
1.1 This standard ( Part 3 ) applies to reactors
intended for limiting the current under-system of Part 1 of this standard are necessary adjuncts
fault condition, such as: to the standard.

a) Current Limiting Reactors 3 TERMINOLOGY

Reactors intended for limit:ng the short 3.0 For the purpose of this standard ( Part 3 ),
time current and during normal opera- the following definitions shall apply.
tion, a continuous current flows through
the current limiting reactor. 3.1 Rated Continuous Current, IN
The current at rated frequency flowing through
b) Neutral-Earthing Reactors the terminals of the winding which the reactor
Single-phase reactors for three-phase is designed to carry continuously. Unless other-
system, connected between the neutral wise specified, no rated continuous current ia
of a system and earth, for limiting the specified for neutral-earthing reactors.
line-to-earth current under system fault
conditions_. Neutral earthing reactors 3.2 Rated Short-Time Current, IKN
generally carry no, or only a small The rms value of the steady-state symmetrical
continuous current. component of the short-time current at rated
1.1.1 Depending on their application, reactors frequency to be carried for a specified duration
for other purposes may also be covered in this for which the reactor is designed and which the
section. reactor may withstand without undue heating or
excessive mechanical stresses.
These reactors are, for example:
NOTE - The rated short-time current is derived
a) Load sharing reactors for balancing the from system fault conditions.
current in parallel circuits, and
3.3 Rated Short-Time Current Doration, tKN
b) Starter reactors connected in series to an
ac motor for limiting the starting current. Duration of the rated short-time current for
which the reactor is designed.
1.1.2 Design
3.4 Rated Impedance, ZXN
With regard to design and installation, current-
limiting reactors may be classified as: The specified impedance in ohms per phase at
a) Single-phase or three-phase, rated frequency and rated short-time current.
b) Dry-type or oil-immersed type, 3.4.1 For a three-phase current-limiting reactor
or three-phase bank of single-phase reactor, the
c) With air core or without gapped iron rated impedance is the average of the three
core, and single-phase impedances.
d) With or without shield: NOTE - In a three-phase current-limiting reactor,
1) With or without taps, and: or a bank of single-phase reactors, the magnetic
coupling between phases causes the virtual imped-
2) For indoor or outdoor installation. ance per phase to be different from the rated
impedance as defined above. This is of minor
NOTE practical importance if the coupling factors are
1 The magnetic shield of current-limiting reactor below 5 percent.
is generally designed to be saturated when the 4 INSULATION LEVEL
reactor carries a high short-time current.
2 Since an unshielded dry type current-limiting 4.1 The provisions of IS 2026 ( Part 3 ) : 1981
reactor generates a high magnetic stray field when shall apply.
it carries a high short-time current, the location of
the phase windings and their location-relative to
other apparatus and to metallic structures shall be 4.2 Insulation Requirements for Corrent-Limiting
considered with a view to minimizing possible Reactors
effects, such as, undue heating of adjacent metallic The insulation requirements between phases and
parts or dangerous forces on them during short-
time current. to earth shall generally correspond to the highest

IS 5553( Part 3 ) : 1990

voltage of equipment U, of the system in which facturer shall, on request, supply information
the reactor is to be installed. The insulation on the coupling factors or mutual reactances
requirements across the winding may be specified between phases under short-time current con-
lower, particularly if surge arresters are connect- ditions.
ed in parallel -with the winding. It is recom-
mended that the rated voltage of the surge NOTE - For certain types of reactors, direct
measurement of this quantity is difficult ( see 9.11 ).
arrester is selected not less than 1.2 times the
voltage developed across the reactor by the 7 TEMPERATURE-RISE
rated short-time current.
7.1 Temperatore-Rise ‘at Rated Continuous
4.3 Insulation Requirements for Neutral Eartbing Current
The insulation requirements of a neutral earthing The temperature-rise limits given in 3 of IS 2026
reactor shall correspond to insulation of the ( Part 2 ) : 1977 and IS 11171 : 1985, shall apply.
neutral of the system in which the reactor is to
be installed. For the-earth terminal, the selec- 7.2 Temperature after Shbrt-Time Current
tion of a reduced insulation level may be appro- Loading
priate ( non-uniform insulation ).
The temperature of the winding after short-time
;;;;y;Ty TO WITHSTAND SHORT-TIME current loading shall not exceed the values pres-
cribed for transformer windings under short-
circuit conditions in 9.1.4of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) :
5.1 The current limiting reactors and neutral- 1977.
earthing reactors shall be designed to withstand
the thermal and dynamic effect of the rated 8 RATING PLATES
short-time current and for the rated short-time
current duration. 8.1Each reactor shall be~provided with a rating
plate of weather-proof material, fitted in a
6 RATINGS visible position, showing the appropriate items
. below.
6.1 Rated Continuous Current
The sentries on the plate shall be indelibly
Unley otherwise specified, the rated continuous marked ( for example, by etching, engraving or
current is a symmetrical three-phase current. stamping ).
6.2 Rated Short-Time Current 8.1.1Information to be given in all cases:
a) Type of reactors,
The rated short-time current shall be specified
not less than the highest value of current under b) Number of this specification*
recognized system fault conditions.
4 Indication of the source of manufacture
6.3 Rated Short-Time CurrentDnration d) Manufacturer’s serial number,
Unless otherwise specified, the short-time current 4 Year of manufacture,
duration shall be for: f) Highest voltage of equipment,
a) Current limiting reactors : 2 seconds, and g) Insulation level,
b) Neutral-earthing reactors: 10 seconds.
h) Rated frequency,
3 Number of ~phases,
NOTE -If several successive faults may occur k) Impedance ( measured value ) ( at rated
within a short period of time, the duration, the continuous current ),
interval 6f time between applications, and the
number of applications
shall he spectfled by the
The rated short-time duration shall be
m> Rated continuous current,
selected accordingly. 4 Rated short-time current and specified
6.4 Rated Impedance p) Type of cooling,
q) Total mass,
The value of rated impedance shall be specified r) Mass of insulating oil,
together with the rated short-time current in
accordance with the system parameters and the s) Mass of core atid winding assembly, and
recognized cases of system faults. This quantity t) Temperature-rise in oil for which the
has the character of a necessary minimum value. reactor is designed.
For a reactor with magnetic shield, the impe- 8.1.2 Additional information to be given in
dance for continuous current shall also be stated
certain cases:
by the manufacturer, be measured, and shall be
given on the nameplate. a) Temperature class of insulation ( for dry-
For a three-phase reactor, or a bank of separate type reactors );
reactors with defined installation, the manu- b) Temperature rise ( if not a normal value );
IS 5553 ( Part 3 ) : 1990

Insulation requirements for the earth of impedance at short-time current ( see

terminal of winding with non-uniform 9.11 >; and
insulation; b) Measurement of acoustic sound level
4 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage ( see 9.12 ).
across the winding when surge arresters
are connected in parallel with the wind- 9.5 Measurement of the Impedance at Contiau-
ing ( for current-limiting reactors ); ous Current
4 Transportation mass ( for reactors exceed- 9.5.1 The impedance shall be measured at rated
ing 5 t total mass ); frequency. For single-phase reactors and three-
f) Untaking mass ( for reactors exceeding phase banks of single-phase reactors, the impe-
5 t total mass >; dance shall be measured at single-phase excita-
tion and the impedance is the average of three
Ii9 Insulating liquid, if not mineral oil; and single-phase impedances.
h) Details regarding tappings, if any. 9.5.2 The impedance of a three-phase reactor
where the magnetic coupling factors are higher
than 5 percent shall be measured by applying a
9.1For general requirements for type, routine system of symmetrical voltages to the star-con-
and special tests, the provision of 16.1 of IS 2026 nected phase windings.
( Part 1 > : 1977, shall apply. 9.5.3 The impedance shall then be taken as:
9.2 Type Tests Line-to-line applied voltage
The following shall constitute the type tests: Average measured current -7
a) Measurement of winding resistance [ see NOTE -For reactors without magnetic shield, this
16.2 of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) : 1977 1; test shall also verify the rated impedance.

b) Measurement of insulation resistance [ see 9.6 Measurement of Loss

16.6 of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) : 1977 1;
9.6.1 This measurement applies only on reac-
c) Measurement of impedance of continuous
tors where a continuous current is specified.
current if applicable ( see 9.5 );
The measurement shall be done -at rated fre-
d) (&;,,rrent of loss, if applicable quency.
. . ;
voltage withstand test 9.6.2 The method for determination of loss is
e) Separate-source
subject to agreement, satisfactory documenta-
( see 9.7 );
tion regarding accuracy and reliability of the
f) Induced overvoltage withstand test proposed method shall be provided.
( see 9.8 );
9.6.3 As the power factor of a current-limiting
g) Measurement of insulation resistance [ see
16.6 of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) ; 1977 1; reactor is normally very low, loss measurement
using conventional wattmeter methods may be
h) Temperature-rise test at rated continuous subject to considerable errors.
current ( see 9.9 ); and
9.6.4 A bridge method may be used to advant-
j) Lightning impulse test ( see9.10 ). age.
9.3 Routine Tests For reactors without magnetic shield,
the measurement may be made at any current
The following shall constitute routine tests:
and corrected to rated continuous current. For
4 Measurement of winding resistance [ see temperature correction, refer to 16.4 of IS 2026
16.2 of IS 2026 ( Part 1 ) : 1977 1; ( Part 1 ) : 1977.
b) Measurement of insulation resistance [ see For reactors with magnetic shield, the
16.6 of IS 2026 (Part 1 ) : 1977 1; lossin the various parts of the reactor ( laR loss,
4 Measurement of the impedance of conti- iron loss and additional loss ) may not be sepa-
nuous current, if applicable ( see 9.5 ); rated by measurement. It is thus preferable, in
4 Measurement of loss, if applicable order to avoid corrections to reference tempe-
( see 9.6 ); and rature, to perform the measurement when the
e) Separate-source voltage withstand test average temperature of windings is practically
( see 9.7 ); equal to the reference temperature.
f) 19n$ced overvoltage withstand test ( see This measurement may be made during the
. . temperature-rise test, fo;J example.
9.4 Special Tests If several units are to be tested, it is recom-
mended that the unit which receives loss
The following shall constitute the special tests:
measurement as a type test at nearly reference
a) Short-time current test and measurement temperature shall be measured at ambient
IS S553( Part 3 ) : 1990

temperature also. Remaining units shall then 9.10 Lightning Impulse Test
be measured at ambient temperature only and
their loss figure shall be corrected to reference 9.10.1 For general information, refer to I2 of
temperature by the same ratio as measured on IS 2026 (Part 3 ) : 1981 and IS 11171 : 1985.
the type-tested unit.
9.10.2 Current -Limiting Reactors
9.7 Separrte Source Voltage Withstand Test The test voltage is applied to each terminal of
9.7.1 The test shall be generally carried out in the tested winding in turn while the other ter-
accordance with 10 of IS 2026 ( Part 3 ) ; 1981. minal is earthed. The terminals of the other
windings shall also be earthed. If reduced
9.7.2 The test voltage shall be applied: insulation requirements .across the winding are
a) between each winding t and earth, and specified, the lightning impulse test procedure
shall be subject to agreement between purchaser
b) between different windings. and manufacturer.
9.8 InducedOvervoltage Withstand Test 9.10.3Neutral-Earthing Reactors
9.8.1 The test shall be performed in accordance For neutral-earthing reactors, the test voltage is
With 11.1of IS 2026 ( Part 3 ) : 1981. The test applied to the terminal which is to be connected
voltage shall be twice the voltage occurring to the transformer neutral whereas the other
across the winding at rated‘short-time current. terminal is earthed. The duration of the front
9.8.2 If the power and the voltage requirements time may be in?reased up $0 13 seconds.
for this test exceed those available at the test NOTE - The correct time to half value may not
station, the test shall be replaced by agreement be achievable. This should normally be accepted.
between the purchaser and the manufacturer by
a lightning impulse test. 9.11 Short-Time Current Test and Measurement
of Impedaoce of Short-Time Current
9.9 Temperatare-Rise Test at Rated Continuous
Current 9.11.1 For general information, IS 2026~( Part 1 ):
1977 applies. The short-time current test is
The test shall be generally carried out in accor- designed to prove the mechanical capability at
dance with IS 2026 ( Part 2 ) : 1977. rated short-time current and, in the case of a
reactor with magnetic shield, to permit measure-
9.9.1 Dry- Type Reactors ment of the rated impedances. test shall be carried out at a value
of test current as near as possible to the rated 9.11.2Unless otherwise specified, the first peak
current IN and not less than 90 percent of this of short-time current shall have a peak value
value and the run continued until the tempera- of 1’8 x flZ_ times the rms value (Certain
ture rise increment of any part of the reactor is service conditions may result in asymmetry factor
less than 2°C in 1 hour. different from 1’8 X ,f_Z ). The temperature-rise of the winding 9.11.3From the records of the symmetrical
above the temperature of the cooling air for values of test voltage and current, the impedance
rated current, A BN is calculated from the

at short-time current shall be determined. Its
formula: value shall be equal to the rated impedance
A~N = be, q
L- t1 within the appropriate tolerance.
9.11.4For a three-phase reactor, three single-
where phase impedance values shall be determined
IN = rated continuous current, from the single-phase current applications. Their
arithmetical average value shall apply.
II = test current, and
A& = temperature rise at test current. 9.11.5 For a three-phase reactor, three single-
phase impedance values shall be determined
The value of q shall be taken as: from the single-phase current applications. Their
AN cooled reactors = 1’6, and arithmetical average value shall apply.
AF cooled reactors = 1’8. 9.11.6 During the tests; the induced voltages in
non-tested phases shall be recorded, in order
The temperature 0, of the winding shall be to determine coupling factors or mutual impe-
calculated from its measured resistance accord- dances between phases.
ing to 4.6 of IS 2026 ( Part 2 ) : 1977.

9.9.2 Oil Immersed Type Reactors procedure

The determination of top oil temperature rise For single-phase reactors, the test shall consist
and of winding temperature rise shall be made of two applications of rated short-time current
in accordance with 4 of IS 2026 ( Part 2 ) : 1977. of duration 0’50 B 0’05 .seconds.

IS 5553(Part3):1990

Three-phase reactors, or a bank of separate the purchaser.

reactors with defined installation, shall be sub-
mitted to one single-phase test for each phase 10 TOLERANCES
with full asymmetry, and to one three-phase test
with approximately equal three-phase current. 10.1Tolerances of the impedance established
by test and/or calculation at rated short-time
NOTE - If the duration 05 seconds may not be current shall be:
obtained during test because of insufficient power a) +20 percent, and
capacity of the test equipment. shorter durations
are subject to agreement between the purchaser b) -0 percent of rated impedance.
and the manufacturer.
In case of three phase reactors, the current mea-
9.11.2 Thermal Behaviour at Short-Time Current sured in each phase winding under the condi-
tions~defined in 9.5, shall not deviate by more The thermal short-time withstand capa- than 5 percent from the average value but the
bility shall be demonstrated by calculation accor- impedance per phase shall al;v$s be within the
ding to 9.1of IS 2026 (Part 1 ) : 1977.
above mentioned range of _., percent.
NOTE - This calculation leads to conservative Tolerances for impedance at continuous current,
result for long rated short-time current duration.
if stated, shall be ‘r percent.
9.12 Measurement of Acoustic Sound Level
Tolerance on loss ( only with a continuous
The method of test and criteria for conformity current is assigned to the reactor ) shall be
shall be agreed between the manufacturerand f15 percent of the declared value.

-.. _~ --- .._.__ .-

Standard Mark

The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of hdiun
Standards Act, 1985 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements-of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for uonformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of hfiun Standards Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications mny be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade ~designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BJS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they arein possession
of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS
giving the following reference:

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